IF Aaru? 9. 1927 The ? Prince Rupert Supply Co. 211 Fourth Street S'rorks kept of Helling, all sizes Electric ljimps Itabbit Metals Solder Rubber Hose Rubber Heels at wholesale prices 1'hone G8. P.O. Ho 772 Wood DRY UIRCH, CEDAR AND JACK l'INE Larie sack, ."0 IlC'NDLES DRY klND-l.INf.,$l,00 Phone 580 HydeTransfer AND COAL CO. 139 Second Avenue Dr. Alexander Smith lllock Phone 675 DENTIST MILK -:- PRICE Reduced to 12 pints for $1.00 7 quarts for $1.0(1 12 pints for lju.OO Cash price tickets. Mcllride Street store now closed Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy ilth St. Telephone 657. PRINCE GEORGE Accompanying Hon J. . Ring, fed- t uiihhwf 01 neaun. on hi trip into iomt eouhtjry ere .1C, A. fclalchford. UV for Edmonton F..-J P., ftw and Sidney E. Juuklne. Vancouver Miafaeei mm; R J Cromle. proprietor ( the Vancouver Sun: J. Ed-rd Nerefoaa of tbe editorial staff o( tlie Vancouver Star Lukin Jahnnn -if lie Vancouver Prnvin-. n.u-,, ,... ------ i i nin ,jf tne , Vancouver Sun; J. a. Turgeoft fkrm iiin.M - Aft. .1 . . r -r "" organiser n-i Taxi Driver n oaum If there is one thing that counts most in getting away fast to beat traffic and speed for fast runs it's spark plugs. I use Cham pions every time. Mil piui brM ml Ut rfail mmulyiit cl4&trftwt. foe forda 80 Cart Khf thjn Kurd 90 OU J? CHAMPION SparlCPugs WINDSOR, ONT. A CANADIAN-MADF T'HODUCT SIC i,2 ng, unable to get a hold tn health, write or call at t,u Iona-Otone Health Clinic t: thousands of others have dene. TAKE THE FREE TREATMENTS There in no obligation. .;erers of many years are ;:ding health and contentment in Iona-Otone, the Mag-v.l' i. Healer. THE IONA-OTONE HEALTH CO. 10-11 Smith Hlock, l'rince Itupert ll.C 1 rw wr w uoenu party H. a. Pent, .m v. iiewman. secretary to the i HilftUlu .ft ft... . "","""r'- won iMRf, a nephew fa: ', tbe minuter. The Prince Owf rail rlr wttl Wedneaday end a tare dianUr exhibits la assured. On ttw ft rat the city band, under the dt. tetftten of Dr. A. II. atyne. will give an ten-air concert. A midway will be fxrated By Pete Partel. and Oertl Jonas a. C. SlneUlr of the loeal employ-meirt bureau hu bwi placed In charge or the appeal which the Protestant As-aoelatlon ia making In Connection with the new home for children now under construction In New Westminster. The itoapltal board baa awarded A. P. Anderson the contract tor tbe erection of the new nurt.es' home. II In bid, 8.-m. iu the loweet of three tender. The borne wUI be a two-torey atnteture with cement bue)ent. meaauiing 30 by 4i afeet. It will be adequate to comfortably house tbe entire nursing aurt of the tMwpUal. It was announced In tbe city lat week that the Woodpecker fair baa been called olf. Thte decision. It H eipected, will tend to lncreae the number of exhibits at the local fair. The forest fire situation through this district was greatly Unproved last week. There are only one or two flrea burning now and they are not threatening at present. The recent scare had a timely ending and not much damage was done. Loeal farms will have excellent crops thia season aiatea A. E. Richards, supervlser of experimental atattons. Marked success has attended the production of clover seed In test blocks and the hap crop has given tbe largest acreage yield in the history of this section Mr Richards was accompanied TIMIIKR SALE X9173 There will be offered for sale at Public Auction, at noon on the 1st day of September, 1927, In the office of the Purest Rttnger, Durns Lake, the Licence X9173. to cut 53.000 Pine ties on an ; area situated In the vicinity of Tehealn- ! kut Creek, Range 6, Ooaat District. Three (3) years will be allowed for removal oi timDer. "Provided any one unable to attend the auction In person may submit Under to be opened at the hour of auction and treated as one bid. further particulars of the Chief Fore' ter. ,Vlctorla, B.C.. or District Forester. Prince Rupert B.C. TIMIIKR SALE X92C3 There will be offered for sale at Public Auction, at noon on the 1st dsy of September. 1037. In the office of the Forest Ranger, Burns Lake, tbe Licence X626S. to cut 40,000 Jackplne ties on an area situated about a l-i muea irom Palling Station, Canadian National Railway. Range S, Coast District. Three (3) years will be allowed for removal of timber. "Provided any one unable to attend the auction In person may submit tender to be opened at the hour of auction and treated as one bid." Further particulars of the Chief Forester. Victoria. B.C., or District Forester. Prince Rupert, B.C. TIMIIKR SALE X926G There will be offered for sale at Public Auction, at noon on the lat day of September, 1927. In the office of the Forfst Ranger, Burns Lake, the Licence XU2Q0, to cut 49,000-Jaekplne .ties op an .area WtOated about 4 1-2 mile' -tip Shovet Creek from the Canadian Na-' ttohal Ralla-ay.' Range 5, Coast District. ThreeTiS years wUrbe: a!owed tor removal of limber. ' ' i ' Provivy any ' fane unable fto attend the audtloii In person m7 aubmit tender to be opened at the hour of auction and treated 'as One bid." Further particular of the Chief Forester, Victoria, B.C., or District Forester, prince Rupert, BC. T1MRER SALE XI303 Sealed Tendera wlU be received by the Minister of Lands, at Victoria, B.C., not later than noon on the 13th day of October, 1827, for the purchase of Pulp Licence X4303, to cut 49,406,000 f.bJn. Spruce, Hemlock and Cedar on an area situated on Copper Bay, Moresby bland, Queen Charlotte Islands District. Thirty (301 yeera will be allowed for removal of timber. Further particulars of the Chief For-este, Victoria, B.C., or District Forester, prince Rupert, B.C. TIMHER SALE X4298 Sealed Tenders will be received by the Minister of Lands, at Victoria, DC, not later than noon on the 13th day of October. 1927. for the purchase of Pulp Licence X4298. to cut 12.082.000 f.bJn; snruce, Hemlock and Cedar on an area altuated on Grey Bay, Moresby Island, Charlotte island District. queen Thirty (30) years will be allowed fot removal of timber. -m . , Further particulars of the Chief, Jof-este" Victoria, B.C.. or District Forester, Prince Rupert. B.C. . . TlMRER SALE X4297 Sealed Tendera will be received by th Minister of Lands, at Victoria, B.C.. not the 13th day of laur than noon on October 19J7. for the purchase of hilp Licence X4297, to cut 38.37 5.000 f.bjn Hemlock and Cedar on an area Zf! Spruce ,.t i on Copper Bay. Moresby T.iind jsiana, Queen Charlotte . Islands District fnl Thirty (301 yeara win m iuni removal bf limner. . Further parv.cu.. 'vr-.r Plain MrYokk ofYork.Yorks, is corning on hu uw ,he ,mtrlc, bjr Johll' Xi f .ft ..ft n ft . . . . i' ...... I J.-... m uvuwj. amMiant atari auper viaor of Ulustratum farina tor tbe Dominion. (- John Asatoan. who made an auto "B to the Sfeel! Lake section, about M utiles distant from the "city recently, a it Is one of the targett and finest agricultural m within mile of Prince, Oeorge- The first requisite for a dHonet, w Irish would mean a feat deal t this alty. la tbe building at a gd highway MUch wUI be largely avet when the road now bulldliur la pushed through to Chief Lake. There art aireauy some settlers m the region who are producing heavily although hampered oy lack of access to markets. Aid. tieorge Kennedr will be the re presentative of Port Oeorge and Omlneca eosavtltuenelee at the National Conser vative convention to be field In Winnipeg in OcUMser. William kolllng of Woodpecker la coiiuuehclng divorce proceedings against bis wife. Delia Moore. Demands tor harvesters are still being received here. Some are wanted for the Peace River section. Mra. M. MaeDooald haa taken over the beauty parlor which haa been operated for aome tune on Quebec Street by Mrs. PMkerman. Harrrmltt Douglas, a young man of 20 years who recently came here from the Vtnderhoof dlatrtot. baa been taken to Eaaondale merttai hospital by Provincial Constable Hugh McOllnehy. Oeorge C. Hartley of laeome haa commenced eatenetve repairs to his business property on Third Avenue, occupied by the Wllmon Company. Mlaa Irene Hopwood. who taught at CI laeome last term, hai been engaged to fill the vacancy on the loeal public school teaching cauced by tlie resignation of Miss J. O. Wilson. Wesley Ooheen of this city lost bis foot aa a result of a recent accident ota a railway work train at Ltndup. Leo Lamour oi willow River was fined 150 In police court here last week for driving to the common danger. He wos mulcted an extra It for driving without a license. Robert Balrd, Inspector of municipalities, waa a visitor here last week. NEW HAZELTON Mrs. Shewan and family left by car on Monday night for Vancouver after having f petit several weeks here and at Lake Kathlyn. William Fldler and son arrived last week from Prince Rupert and spent a few daya here fUhlng. A new forest fire got under way on the Mud Creek watershed last week, apparently due to carelessness of Indians picking berries near Lost Lake: The fire soon went up tlie mountain and. In the evening, made a wonderful picture that could be plainly seen for. many miles. The forestry department; reported mat xne coniiagration was doing no serious damage. Miss Ralphena Wrtnch, daughter of br. It C. Wrlnch, haa left here to esume her. nurses' training course In sHe- Ka,i Jeeil home Jorajkiijxie in, Mis' MofTattTiMi been ' engaged teacher... in, 'JheJlaael ton .school -and Miss Richardson will again teach In New Hazelton. Mitchell Newman, who attended sum mer school In Victoria, returned to NeW Hazelton last week to spend a brief holiday before resuming his teaching duties at Queen "' Charlotte city. Mrs. William Grant entertained a nunmber dt ladles at tea recently afternoon In honor of Mrs. MacKay who left the next day on her return to her home in Calgary. A. B. Whlttaker's survey party, which la engaged In reconnaissance bf the main highway between New Hazelton and Cedarvale moved camp last Sunday to Cedarvale. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell entertained a number of young people at a dance Wednesday night In their home at Hazelton. Several people travelling In from pmltbert Tuesday evening reported tnei bctttinCe ' of .ft- meteor about 10 o clock. It seemed tb have come ou from behind Rochtr ae Boule mountain arid headed for Nine Mile but. before It sol there, it burst and spread It shower of sparks over b.dlte an area, NEW HAZELTON J. F. Tener of Vancouver, who has been hefe several vveeks examining the New Hazelton OaM-Cobslt brooertv on ette, Victoria. Bvi or uisinc iw j, d, M3tiatllai fca l rrtnc Rupert, B.C. THE DAILY NEWT PAGE FIVE The : Acme : Importers Cut Sale Price top Third Avenue. Genuine . . . . men's Underwear Cee-Tee Underwear. The very best that money can buy. In pure Wool and in all weights. Combinations only. Regular $9.50 value. QO Iff Cut Sale Price tDD.IO .MEN'S SWEATERS In Lumberjack and Pullover styles, in fancy color combinations and in pure Wool. Regular values to $c.5o. G9 qc; tJO.JD Cut Sale Price .MEN'S SHIRTS Hundreds of patterns to choose from, Checks and Stripes, Plain and Fancy, with collar attached or collar to match. Regular $3.50 value. Cut Sale Price S1.95 MEN'S GABARDINE COATS Made in England in all Wool material, with Silk lining, check backs. A very serviceable all year round coat. THIS GENUINE PRICE CUTTING SALE Offers Your Opportunity to have YOUR BOYS OUTFITTED WITH EVERYTHING a boy needs Ready for School Opening at the lowest possible cost LADIES HOSE Silk and Wool. The famous Monarch make. In all sizes ahd wanted shades of colors. Regular $1.25 Value. Cut Sale Price, 2 pairs for. for a two or three weeks' trip Into the annual picnic Saturday afternoon : north country, accompanied by Charles j To Mile Creek. Ek. Mr. Tener stated that he did not think any work would be done this year on the Oold-Cobalt. W. S. Harris la attempting to bring about the amalgamation of four claims on Nine Mile Mountain lying between the Sliver Cup ahd Sunrise properties. If he' Is successful, he effects to get snother camp started on Nine Mile Mountain In good ore. Mlas Orace Duff ell, recently graduated from the liazetton Hospital training school for nurses, left on Wednesday to assume' lief he 'dut'ies!'at ' -the' ' Burns Lake Ho&bltat. Her mother. Mrs. Bird of Armstrong, -who pent ten days here, accompanied her as far as Burns Lake and then continued her homeward Mugll tiarrli. accompanied by his mother, Mrs. D. llarrls, left last week for Vancouver. Mra. Harris had motored to New Hazelton some weeks ago and spent the summer vaith her sons. The tJnlted Church Sunday schools of Sailteh knd Mew Haailten had their at Mrs. Peter Smith spent a few days this week at Dorreen and Amsbury. A Arnold of New Hazelton la on a prospecting trip into the country north of Teraaee. Gardeners all along the Skeena River will lose heavily this year as a result of the long, dry, hot spell. Apples are small and few in number and spuds, cabbage and other vegetables have not had their normal growth. Nell walker,, who Is oil a globe hike, Wey hA6 Hazelton.. on 'Tuesday. She Was at Prince BUpert. last, iprlng. Dr. H. Ci Wrlnch MIA., attended the Smlthera Fair last week. Bill Larmer arrived in town last week after having spent several months tin the telegraph traU. The Sunrise property on Nine-Mile Mountain haa been closed down temporarily, all the work laid out for the sea-ion hating Men eompltttcL S1.25 BOYS' PANTS In Tweed Serge and Worsteds in all patterns ahd shades. A garment to stand boys' hard wear. Regular $3.50 value.. C-f Qe (Jut -Sale, Price' Frankly, wc did not want to have a sale at this time of the year, hut circumstances have hcen too mUcli for us. The very poor fishing season, coupled with slow business generally has left us largely overstocked ahd soon oUt Fall and Winter Goods will he arriving. We have to get room for our new goods and the only way to do it is to move out what is already here. The public know our stock. And every nrtlcle Is now offered at cut prices. Nothing has been brought in for this sale. And nothing is .reserved! Sale Starts Tuesday Morning at Nine o'clock men's yrrs In pure Wool Tweeds and Worsteds cut In the very latest styles. Ke'dutlfully tailored, with the finest linings, and either single or double breasted. Reg. up to $10 values. CO1 QC Cut Sale Price tp.G'i.JJeJ MEN'S UNDERWEAR Turnbull's pure Wool Underwear. The right weight for this weather. Natural color, in two piece suits and combinations. Regular $4.50. QQ QC HOYS' SUITS In good Wool Tweeds with Wool Linings. Cut in the latest English faihldrt. Very Well t&IIflf&dj A suit that any boy would be proud td wear ' at school opening. Regular up to $.3J0 values. q mm Cut Sale Price ; tJUalD BOYS' JERSEYS The famous St. Margaret's brand. In pure Wool and in all colors with Cashmere rib or Worsted finish. Re gular up tb $1.00 values. Cut Sale Price $1.95 and DEMAND 245 BOYS' UNDERWEAR The famous St. Margaret's brand. Made in England. Knee and ankle length, In Wool mixture. Cood hard wearing garments. (f Cut Sale Price plJD BOYS' STOCKINGS The famous St. Margaret' brand, with diamond knee. Made in England of pure Wool. The very best Stockings made. 04 A ? Cut Sale PrfCe 85 to . VXalU BOYS' G0KF HOSE The famous St. Margaret's brand, made in England of pure Wool. With fancy tops. Regular values to $1.15. 7Cp Cut Sale Price 1 -x' BOYS' BOOTS The famous Diamond Red Stitch Root for Roys. Built to stand hard Wear. Sizes from 1 to 5. Regular $4.75. Cut Sale Price $3.85 Sizes 11 to 13. Regular $4.00. Cut Sale Pri 2.95 The Acme Importers Mail Orders Filled at These Prices, Charges Prepaid. P.O. Box GG7 "Rupert BrancF - Kippers - ."TUB UAtiMTlEST imEAki'AST FOtfl)." . ' Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Dd. Prince Rupert. Il.C. 4J