CLASSIFIED AD PHONE 748 FOR HELPFUL CLASSIFIED AD-TAKER DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS “PERE EO ae ae we « 1240) Kiloeycles RADIO DIAL Subject to Change) Paha aeRO on no SATURDAY PM Classified Rates per word per PHONE 18 you iinimum charge THE NEW 1953 Bendix Auto ENGAGEMENT NOTICE Age 307 iloguc garn live ry ing ville St.. MONTREA . ;| FOR SALE—One chest of draw “Reh aoaee fog like to a@stab-i ors) oveniess kerdsenc stove ol 1 RL PERT Battery Shop, 234 East) Daily News ane? Co. Lim- Foot Specialist Pedicure - Electrolux (Cc an ) aon Green 960 | a GALLEY CAFE, nard’s Third Ave., eat good food formerly Len-| BUSINESS PERSONALS BOATS FCR SALE MAGAZINES novelties Eddie's FOR SALE—14-foot boat News Stand (c) 1p Johnson Good 4 What offers? Phone F na Dairy, CBC Sports Paga Piano Playhouse CBC News Hockey Broadcast Organ Music « Whatcha Know, Joe” ( Prairie Schooner /0--NBC Symphony Orch, for dail except Sun- 10:00-—-CBC News day ifter your CARS FOR SALI 10:10-—-CBC News milk your r 1 look after i ‘ snadian Short Stories you Kee Pp All milk|FOR SALE—1940 Fordor Ford a0 30 enue nee guaranteed (tf) sedan. Apply anytime 1407 2th ; Club “1240" NEARLY everybody uses 99. (ce), — 8S" _ nc 264D) | 12:00—Second Portion—Club “1940 Dryer operates from 110 volts, needs no extra wir- ing. Drop in and this | - mazing appliance at Mc Rae FOR SALE Bulk! Bros (267 1950 Ford | Excell buy a Ma RECORD SALE continuing at be seen at Bob Pa 263 McRae Bros. Over 500 new records to choose from. (264) FOR SALE—1949 Ford ul Ac ul ii, > IU UU Vilit ia COUTTS Christmas Cards now Te aph Point 264p on display at McRae Bros (267) FOR SALI 7 Por li $1100.00 ly = TOBACCO ELIMINATOR If inder, 7 to 9 p.n 66p) suffering from loss of weight slee spiessness, nervous tension FOR SALI 1941 %-ton For general debility due to pick-up. Apply 1338 8th Ave “cessive use of cigarett East 265p) write today for and names of booklet : - - FOR SALE div testif results of Tobacco 5 p stoves, one kitchen non-hal nd wood one rise eye hagas C WwW twin» kitchen buffet and one bed nipadactelerl cate + = chesterfield. Blue 602 264) Pharmac: Ltd 5B London 1) FOR SALI PERSONAI on JOIN th in ut “ot Abed bee FOOTHILLS ess) coa ay. P.O. Box i 651 Ut, Evitt & rir Rupert ( Lt ( LOST AND FOUND FOR SALE—Almost néw small : : wooden crib ‘complete with LOST—In or near post office spring and mattress Phone } ring with five keys. Re- Black 269 (lt) turn to Daily New 3) | FOR SALE—600 x 16 6 ply tires FOUND—Dise sander. 516 Mu 4,000 miles, reasonable one t ) 5 pus! itton motorola car two months old. Indus Welding Co. 225 ist Ave I t 263) & | Sinmesctiel S a0 I . mited, Phone = | “Nordic” Electric Sew Ave 266 Machine HELP WANTED—FEMALI 29 WANTED — Ex; need book 2-pce. Davano Suite keeper-cl Construct wine Company office. Must have ee é mt shorthand. Good wags t was $179.50 to $161 50 right person. Phone Red 3; 1 Hostess Chair— blue polntment 26 9 was $1995 to $14.95 AGENTS WANTED | Colles tal 5 | WVOTrrée ranore LADIES: ¥ ne aere was $21.50 to $18.95 a ar BUyeU | g i Ww $15.25 Extra Special 3-pce. Bed Outfit complete b67 00 money le- Si St - impson s Store bonuse S, gift et re ; ; 2 a ) W Phone 460 y the on who give B5e nost to their Representa- ig tives and still offer the lowest : rice Join our 4,000 AtlS- | FOR SALE Wick burner oil ied Representative mmediatels fnmecdiatvel LINGERIE Ine sae condition. Can be seen at 23 200 th Street at rear (263) a business oF and chrome table and chair your own with a réal future? ° a ; | like new. Apply 218 8th l ¢ om 0 guaranteed ‘pI 0 Ave. West after 5°30 p.m to friends and neighbor (264p) You don’t need selling experi ; ence. Write for frees itologue WANTED 10 REN and details. FAMILEX, 1600d, orimier, Montreal (1t)| WANTED TO RENT--By gov- “ ernment employee, 6-room ACCOUNT! ANTS house, unfurnished Phone er me —— See “a tn @ * fk PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT, Income| 64, 9a.m. to 5 p.m {265p) Tax specialist 8. G@ Furk, Ww ANTED TO RENT House, Stone Buildin. Red 593. 20m) flat or apartment, furnished BATTERY SERVICE or unfurnished. Will buy fit- lings or furniture. Box, 544 (268) 3rd Ave. Phone Blue 126. Re- - pairs, recharging and rebuild FOR KENT ing. Work guaranted ‘c) | FOR RENT—Bedroom for work- BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY ing couple or two men. Board and laundry if desired. 536 5th $8000 WILL BUY long estab Ave. East (264p) lished, fully equipped restau ™ rant, a going concern, com-|FOR RENT — Housekeeping plete with all food and equip- room 1141 Beach Place, or ment. Two suites and two| Blue 433 (265) a Apply ae FOR RENT—Light housekeep- sasiaiedan _-—————-...| ing room. Phone Green 894 BOATS FOR SALE (263p) FOR SALE—Tenders will be re-| SING ER SEWING CENTRE rent ceived by the undersigned up to| portable machines, Phone noon of Thursday, November! 864 (c) for the purchase of the | hereunder described motor ves- RENT a sander or have your together with gear anq| {!0ors sanded and finished by FOR SALE-Chesterfield suite, : =e square Specials was $139.50 to $125.00 tove with carburetors, in good « SUNDAY Sign Off Ann'ct Sunday Morning Recita) BBC New and Commentary Meditation _ Harb ww marmonic Sympher Speaking Fiddle Joe's Yarns s Boat MONDAY AM 7 B ¢ Pishermen's Broade sat >—-Musieal Clock 30-—-CBC News; Weather Repor 35-—Musical Clock @ -3 2 00-—CBC News 8:10---Here Bill Good 8:15-—-Morning Song 8-30 or s 8°45 9:00 Commentary 3 Show +3 ) 59 OK { ‘ vO @ Al 0 11:33 11:4 & M it PM 2 OH Mid-Day Me es >—COBC New 2 Program Resur BC Parm Broadcast 12 :55-—Rec. Int 1:06-—The Concert Hour 2 0 B.¢ school B a Easy Listening on Records at Random 5 -30-—-Trans-Canada MAting 4:15—~Road Show 4 Valley of the Se Biste ; CBC N Weathe R i AND REGISTRY ACT EE DOCUMENTS FILED N. 10852 Certificate of Ti No 5661-1 ' 18, Block vi art Mag 8 BA Title | } I ! the tric date f the first publication hereot ¢ a Provisional Certi a fe eu of said t Certiticate r ! near id objection be ade to me in writing DATED at the Land Registry Of- fice, Prince Rupert, B.C. this 10th f October, 1982. A.D Andrew Thompson omMce of Deputy Registrar of Titles. 4 Rupert IN RE STATE OF ALEXANDER MacLEAN, DECREASED AKE NOTICE that as Admit ‘ppointed by the Court of rt 1e¢ 6esta { Alexander Maclean, who died at Alice Arm, British Coi- imbia nh the 30th day a July 1952 I require ali creditor ad "rs having claims against the aid Prince Rupert Daiiy N Saturday, November g IKE PILED UP VOTE p IN TOP NA TION. WIDE 1 WASHINGTON popular votes Tuesday than any were in United States seg ed in an e]} BLACKWOOD on ridge By EASLEY BLACKWOOD Mr. Dale Avoids Common Error in Making One-Bid Eisenhowe Pr drew The ipepabenaen president-elect latest count The previous high wa Dale did not make the rather common mis- 27,751,597 when al) retur ake of bidding one spade on his hand in today’s deal, His spade suit is biddable, but the point is, his hand is not strong enough for two bids. Therefore he right- ly decided to make his one bid count for as much as raised his partner's heart bid. D Roos sevelt in race with Alf ™M, Landon ; incomplete totaj vote enst ¢ Adial Stevenson adde me previous record of 49 820,31: Roosevelt defeated Wenc Teli L. Willkie MSusinats é> Dh FOR YOUR ROCK AND CONCRETE WORK EVERY JOB GUARANTEED We Pour Cement For Less Phone Biue 939 pared With the John F L . Hughes Phone Blue 442 [nas FRED E. Dowd PRECISION SAW FILING All Typs Of Saws ECIPES’ Shipping and General Moving, Packing, Crating Cartage and Storage then shifted to ; H. G. HELGERS : two diamonds ; Canadian Liquid Alr Co REAL ESTATE & INsUs CHICKEN NOODLE MIX up ripe olives Zt able SpOO Ns ¢ Saeed tomato LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Phones 60 and 68 LING THE TA Tailoring - Alterat distribution of the Clothes Made-to-m. Luxury Steamer * PRINCE RUPERT Vancouver and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday For KETCHIKAN WEDNESOAY MIDNIGHT Comfort and Service up cubed cooked cup diced pimier SCOTT McLA CHARTERED ACCOUN Miss Brash properly eA y James Block 608 permitted to win the dummy’s ten For Reservations Write or Call PRINCE RUPERT, LIVI reeset 7. GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEER Phone Black 846 and Red 127 Al K FE ARM and sm POR NORTH Quen c H ARL OTTS ISL A} tained Forests FoR SoU TH Quer CHARLOTTE ISLAN - PRINCE RUPERT DRYDOCK . AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS PRANK J. SKINM Priday Prince Rupert Agen (2466; cut comprising C i inese D Chop Suey - Chow DINING PLEASURE IN SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Tron and Brass Castings ‘oe ON SAWMILL ainea P< h Forester. MAC 'HINEBY (N8.15,22.29,D6,13,20,27« HOLLYWOOD C estate to send the same to me prop verified, at the address n- ioned below on or before the 27th day of December, 1982, after whict late I hail proceed to distribute the ate to those entitled by law, hav- regard only to such Claims of which I shall then have been noti- fiec AND further take notice that aii person indebted to said estate are quired to pay their indebtedness me forthwith DATED at Prince Rupert, B. 40th day of October, 1952 i GORDON FRASER PORERS Official Administrator Court House, Prince Rupert, B.C (O-31, N-1, 7, Be) Notice To Creditors JAMES BYERS GIBSON, Decea ed NOTICE is hereby given that r having claims against the state of James Byers Gibson, de- ceased, late of Prince Rupert, B¢ who died on or about the 24t) of July, 1962, are required, on or bet re the 15th day of December, A.D. 1952. | to deliver or send by prepaid letter | full particulars of their claims, q ily verified, to the undersigned adm n- | istratrix of the estate of the said alt pe a Cale, For Outside Orders Pho Relax and Enjoy... REVELSTOKE LAGER ENGLISH. DARK BEER “Cross of Honor of Canada, iastieoath, ielelaea, 1951, BE SURE TO... Ask for Them by Name Enterprise Brewery Limited, Revelstoke, B.C. Also—ENGLISH 3X STOUT “Ask for these popular BRANDS by name” ALWAYS THE BEST BUY This advertisement is not published or d! NEWS ADS get RESU For the MEAL that REFRESH ' the Dominion FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS PHONE 200 BROADWAY CAFE splayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia > 7 € : | equipment situated thereon Bid, “be a 7: nls - - a Name: “Bridge” es | And take notice that after the Type Troller WANTED last-mentioned date the said admin | Length: 32 | anion | tratrix will proceed to distribute Breadth: 8 . |W ANTED — TOP MARKET | the assets of the said deceased am, ng Depth 3° 2 PRICES PAID for scrap iron, the persons entiled thereto hay ing | Powered by Chien ler 110 HP| steel, brass, copper, lead, etc. ies ae ” oe Claims of which | Crown Engine | Honest grading. Prompt pay-|%® *h# Susie Wake” are Terms: Strietly cash | ment made, Atlas Iron & tite SON | Highest or any tender not| Metals Ltd., 250 Prior St., Van- | necessarily accepted. | couver, B.C. Phone PAcific Arrangements to inspect the| 6357. (tf) a place vo| motor vessel can be made with| ~~~ . enol (268) the B.C. Packers Ltd., Seal Cove, CASH for scrap brass, copper, UNWANTED HAIR--Permanent-| e. Sa with Saea-Pelo eer ns giscov’ | guaranteed to “iil and contains no or cheinicals. batteries and radiators, Phone G. F. FORBES, Official Administrator, | rr Eo 630 6th Avenue =. Adiministrator of the Estate | y- : a ; of Allan F. Bird, "REP Court House, —_ Prince Rupe rt, B.C. = (266c) | EXPERT WATC H AND JEWEL- a : LERY REPAIRS, Dave McNab, Vancou-|FOR SALE—12-ft. skiff. $25.00 Besner Block, phone Black Phone Green 411, (263p) 367, (268) Admin istratrix JOHN A. V. CADE Solicitor (N 7, 8, 14, 15e) REAL ESTATE -! FOR ‘SALE- “Wartime ‘four, | con- crete foundation. Full ase-| ment, garage. 1446 8th East. (264p) FOR § SALE — 1% lots. Harbor | view. Next to 953 Ambrose Ave. Phone Red 198, (263p) By CHIC = CI PROMISED THE BLONDIE I SIMPLY D B0 5S 110 CALL HIM HAVE TO USE THAT ) 6 PHONE Rie NOW !