f AGS TWO ASTHMA Chronic Bronchitit, Head and Bronchial Coldt, Hay Fever )ou mtr. aifht after nlfhl, have bm robbed of aleep and r rdnfart by Aathms havt endured all the tfonittnf arnMtwni u iniw uiwiini nmnonna, U a SI bos OIKU MAH, I.km ictordint to dimtiocu. doe not brine positive rtlitf. toui ; druaiiit will mum your money. RAZ-MAH. contain, no Hihtnt trace of any danterous habit-forminc drug. No smokta, no iprayt jurt awallow two RAZ-MAH Cansulr. with a hot drink at mealtime. "To Sleeo To-nliht. Ute RAzTilAH T. d.y, for Aithma. Chronic Bronchitit, uui iij' ii aim see wnai nappens. SPECIAL For book Vt and irsrr. out trial of RAZ-MAH. end 5c to Templctona Ltd., Toronto 2. TEMPOS TON Transient Advertising on Front Page, per inch Local Headers, per insertion per line , Classified Advertising, per insertion per word . . . Legal Notices, each insertion per agate line .. Contract Rates, on Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone . Editor and Reporters Telephone - Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION. OBSTRUCTIONS IN PORTS HARBOR. 98 86 R4S Head and Bronchial Cold.. Hay Fever." A Wf "S ja- for Comfort use KAZtIAH The Daily News .$. t . . PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA. , . i'ubfjshed Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. . H. F. PULLEN - - Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery.. by-mail or carrier, per month $1.00 By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year $6.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.50 Transient Display Advertising, per inch per insertion ...... $1.40 $2.80 25c 2c 15c All advertising should be in The Daily News Office before 2 p.m. on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. Saturday, March 12, 1027 Such conventions as Is now being held in Vancouver by the! This adverlisement is not published or displnyed by the Liquor Control Board or by the doveriinenl of British Columbia. MORE DETAILS i SCANDIA LOSS KsCAPK OK SEVENTEEN MEN WAS NlltltOU U.I. HOT A WAV IN MMilK IIOKV From members of the party of who where aboard the American ! halibut schooner Scandla on February '24, when she struck a rock near Kadlak Mid sank a total lots, some details o" the disaster have Just been received (by N. L. Freeman, local representative of the International Fisheries Commission. There were seventeen men aboard the boat, the party of scientists being in chargt of Hewan Bel . welt known In Prince Rupert. j At the time of the accident at mid-jnlght Capt. Ole Hvatum was making for Kodiak harbor. One of the men was on the look-out but, owing to thick snow and heavy seas, he did not see the reef and did not know of It until the minute the boat struck. The bell, buoy was not In Its proper place, having drifted away from Us anchorage up on the beach nearly a mile away. The blow made the boat list clear over on her side. Paul Progner. the wireless operator, Immediately sent an S.OJS. cable to the wireless station, which called by telephone to the town of Kodiak. The men on the boat at once began to get the dories out and head for shore but the seas were so heavy that the first dory got away and broke up on the rocks. The next dory was torn away from the ship and went floating off to the shore. The crew managed, however, to hold the next and last dory but the seas came over and filled up so that they had to all lean over and empty the water out. Seven men then got In the one dory and. Just as the boat started away, attached by a line to the Scandla, the seine boat. Duncan II. of Kodiak. could be seen coining to the rescue. Five of the men from the dorj were taken aboard this boat and to of them went back to the Scandla for the rest of the party. This lhe crash at Vancouver yesterday when a liimW.l.i.lpn1.. .,. .h. .... freighter crashed into the Second Narrows bridge reflects the neces- trlP- sity for much consideration being given before any obstruction Is I. Th ScmU' " rocklng nd grtnd 11 ., . , , ... ilng to pieces on the rock when the placed in a ports harbor. The accident will probably be taken full urn load of men left and all those re-advantage of in the campaign being conducted In the southern cit.v;m,u,tn on board h4d to ho,d ,at 10 ' against the much-mooted First Narrows bridge. ;the rlggln ,nd continuously T , . . , ! they were washed by seas coming over. In both the First and Second Narrows at Vancouver there are The boom broke loose and began swing, strong tidal currents and, at the former poult, it is particularly !,n' roun 'h boat nd came within necessary that the limited space and visibility be preserved for all tInch" ' "feplng tw0 men ,rom thtlr ,1,. . . . ... . . holds on the rigging. The oil Unks the ports shipping has to go that way whereas the Second Narrows We and .prc.d the oil alt over th. is passed only by boats going up to the various industrial plants past ' the city. j ntmii with mu The only thing to justify the Second Narrows bridge is the more ' LTZS ZTZ speedy. access jt affords to the north shore. If many such accidents but were able to crawl down the sides as this last one, and this boat is hot the first boat that has got into 10 ,he Th'1 w,re tmm uktn ,nU 1 Ll ... . W : ---: "I". Ml.k -V,... ,h. ...1 .- ..1.. irouoie over mat image, occur, it would seem that the convenience Z " . 7. . .T. JX'lS.'SSS b"Ve wor,', ,he inco"v'nU"te and i;s - k-rniv....,TtMv ' U-orse for the experience except for tne TOUCH WITH PEOPLE. hock with the exception of Mr. Bell who had his hand hurt when the dory was being launched. All on board Liberals are a great thing in measuring a nartv' . tu thought it miraculous that no Uvea party that brings its people together and hears the views of its ad-i' ,Mt nd p"d 0141 lth ,e" ' herents from various parts of the country is the party that cements 'Z" CUr!u? n,hermen its followers and keeps them from backsliding. cemen,tiwy wuid .1 have been io.,. n ,l . . . , ... . , " fc All the equipment on board the boat ttt 'T tthe Conservative party in thea. lost tin. measuring m.chins S.T Dominion i .th! UJS,Ut.?f t0uCh With l,ie I,ePle- Th ""'J' thing cf Mr. Bell's was recovered later, washed that w mt u bring it back will be to let the people run the party and!"P on the beach and not damaged. The not a clique in Vancouver or.Toronto as the case may be provIncially P"01 use wished up on shore and or federally. ;some of the wireless apparatus was THE GREAT EXPERIMENT. Life is drab, or life is tangled, or life is hopeless perhaps, and you have tried almost every remedy you can think of. V... 1 11 salvaged and put far back on the beach, iuu nae gotten angry ana spoken your mind. IMTCDrCTIUr HCDATC You have stood upon your rights and shown neonU that vmi 1H 1 EntO 1 1IXU DlDAIL are not afraid. You have studied things out and know what you are doing. '-! You" have used cunning, force, perseverance, good temper and bad. ' ' - ' ' -' ' ' ' ' You have exhausted your spiritual drug store. 1 Here is a suggestion; ' ' . ; p suppose you try being friendly. Suppose you remember that what everybody In this wants is not to be improved nor enlightened nor Teiriilatpd. What every human . being wants is friendship. Give it to 'em T-.. f a- af 1 ay it ior one weeK. Of course, it Is perfectly absurd and imnractlr.il ami all tut " ,.. . n ... ...... . ... A later high tide, however, took part of trie salvaged goods away, SKIDEGATE HEARSAN Mrs. P. f. slr and A. 1. Cordon Were Trlmlpir Speakers 111 Knrnt Argu-. merit at Mancl Town 8KIDEQATE, March 13 The 8kldemit '.Literary and Debating Society held an linteresttng debate last Wednesdsv on world '"whSch u th Strongest Inttuenceln the nvrm Aian or woman7 Mrs. P. r. Size, In her speech, said Vit the hand that rocked the cradle was the hand that ruled the world. A. J. Gordon, who spoke for the men. Said that h milta affPMrf with n ... . ' t - - o , i m. jou can-ir anything once and the experiment may prove an 8lM hen oman rocked the amazing one. cradle, ahe always used her foot while i a man used his hand. AS" M-ia-ss-Mli IIS-HiM; THE WHISKY WITH THE UNIVERSAL REPUTATION: "lADIAtf(jJn Whisky MUSKRAT FARMING IS ! GOING ON AT MASSETT riflrrii Animal Arrhnl Thrrr lYom I ... i .nr asirni SKIDEOATE, March 13. Fifteen muskrats arrived at Maasett by the last I steamer from Alberta. The Islands are ssld to be Ideal for muakrat farming! (and It Is a matter of w6nder that more i ipeople are not engaged In the business i as the demand for skins la becoming; i greater every year. j ANOTHER TESTIMONIAL FOR' AUCTIONEER URINE I That Brln the Auctioneer pleases his ! clients is again borne out by a letter, received this week as followa: ', "I have received the returns from your auction of my household furniture ' and your sate his oorresnon1rl vr ' clonely to my valuation and everything naa oeen very satisfactory Indeed. Yours truly, (Slgned J, E. MILNE, AdvtrtUt In the Dally News. THE pAILt NciWS aaturd; In The Letter Box noit H.iNsv kixoi.i.kcts Editor, Dally News: YOUR CHILDREN NEED THIS PURIFYING TOILET SOAP It's all in the day's play to get hands and face innocently dirty. Yet in the dirt, there may be I u r k i n g dangerous germs of disease. There is no simpler, surer protection against this danger than Lifebuoy Soap. Its gentle lather removes germs as well as dirt. "frGFRM DIStASKS mar be .carried br lbs haadi," Lift Ltlmit lttitM LOTH LIFEBUOY HEALTH SOAP Purifies and Protects I T 13 i V Iiu.jt. I :: I was very glad to havs the opportu-. nlty of attending the pioneers' banquet) of Prince Rupert on March 10. The last banqviet'T ljappenedl 4, attend; was 1 In the old Premier Hotel In"abouVi9 10. j When you look back, time does; fly and j things change and pejpl. when w com. ; pare conditions then and today.-1 look back to the summer of 1806. I was then employed by jrY. Rochester and the late D. M. Hays making clearing at Seal Cove to build a sawmill. ( I recollect one day Mr. Rochester sent ( another man and I with axes to blaze a trail to walk through the woods from Seal Cove tdjtwbere they aUrted to build the wharf that vas auppowd to! be the town. It rained heavily and we lost our way and came out on the beach at Haya Creek to where th dry dock Is at present. I went out cn the beach to locate where we -were. There I spied the old pile driver ct Robert Cunningham, of Port Easing ton. Of course I knew the pile driver when I saw It. Dilapidated old thing, the hammer used to go up ln the morning and .come down In the evening. It was the best thing they could get at the time. Oreat credit Is due to Mr. Plllsbury for the determined efforts be made under the conditions that existed at that time. Of course, he and Mr. Bacon had their enemies becau-ie they would not allow , people to land on the Island unless they ' worked for the Orand Trunk. They had to do some things they did not like to do and for a great many things that were done they got the blame, although they did not know anything about It. 81nce I came to Prince Rupert tn IBM I have always been a booster. I hale to hear some or theae people knock this tawn. Of course, we all have our faults but among our business men there should be no Jealousies. Ir regard to this almighty dollar, my sincere wish la to see them til do welt. Everybody at the pioneer banquet looked healthy and bappy. as they should In a city llke prtnce Rupert. I have been all over the world more than once and. when I bring back to memory all those places I have been In, I cannot see any place to compare with Prince Rtipert.. Of course I have had some hard scratching to get along In the winter. I have never had a day's work from the city since I have been here although I have applied. I have never had any government Job either to get some of this easy money one heart about. I have always had my health, thank Ood. alnce I have been In Prince Rupert. Only once I have been tn the hospital eight ' days with the flu four years ago. At the time. I was mate of the O.TJ3. Lome. I am receiving 1 letters all the time from the protec- by the National Railways or by any de-trve agency afo. Angeles for the bill partment of the government of the k a-t-. . . S a. .a .. "-u women uniuru auronw y NAVIOAHLE WATER I'HOTEC-TION ACT, Hj.r. liti'Tiit us. XIASSETT CANNERS, UU1TED. hereby live notice that It has, under section Seven of said Act. deooslted with th. Minister of Public Works at Ottawa, and British ColumbU. AND take notice that after the captation of one mcnth from date of the t rst publication of thU notice. Massett Cannera Limited will, under v section Seven of asid Act, apply to the. Minuter of public Works at hu office, m the City of Ottawa, for approval otlslle and plana, and far leave to construct ssld wharf and pier. DATED at Prince Rupert th4s 20th d:iy of February, 1927. MASSETT CANNERS. LIMITED, ; By Its Solicitors. Williams. Uanaon.'si Oonrales. MINERAL ACT CKItTiriC tTE OF IMPROVEMENTS NOTIt'K Juanlta, Aryox. Oranby, Alamo. Rodeo, Pinto. Wann fractional No. 2. and Mont Fractional Mineral Claims, situate In the Atlin Mining Division of Casslar District. Where located: On Wann River. Taku Arm of Taglsh Lake. TAKE NOTICE that I, Charles V. Bob, rree Mlner'a Certificate No. 88768, Intend, alxty daya from the data hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder for a Certificate of Improvements, for the purpose of obtaining a Crown Grant of th i aoove ciaun. I And further take notice that action, 'under section 89, must be commenced before the Issue of such Certificate of i Improvements. I Dated this 1st da II. Mc lay of January, AD cn. rllARER. Aaent, LAND ACT : 8keena Land District. District of Queen Chsrlatte Islands. TAKE NOTICE that alxty daya after date, I Intend to apply to the Chief Commissioner of Lands for a licence to prospect for coal and petroleum over 040 i acres of land bounded as follows: I Commencing at post planted at ths southwest corner of Section 30, Town-ship 3. Oraham Island, and msrked rAJ,;i ?ulnMt comer"; thence east 80 chains: thence north 80 chains; thence west 80 chains: thence south 80 chains to point of commencement. bing See. tlon 3d, Township 3, Oraham Island, B 0. j A, J, OOROON, ,'ocu" Dated Dacembet 17, 1920. LAND ACT notick or ivmvTioN to Arn.v to TO X.s: LtM) In Prince Rupert Land Recording District, and situate at Huston inlet, Queen Charlotte Iiland. TAKE NOTICE that Robert it r-un. uf Vancouver, 11 0. occupation fish packer. Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands Jat the office of the District Res tatrar of ; commencing at a post Wanted at 'Rupen"B.t"pTnc7 h'SSSTbS. " d. renr. 1 the-Massetr rndlirTlmr Number tSScS eM!'2?. 21 acres, more or ten ROBERT M. CURniE, LAND ACT. Aobllr-ant. NOTICE OP INTENTION TO APPI.V Til I I III II IM; I. AMI TAKE NOTICE THAT 1. Arthur Robert. son, Masseu. nc, occupation Mtllman intend to apply for permission to pur- cnaae wie loiiowing ciracriDru land: Commencing at northeast corner of Lot 1. Q C.I. District: thence south liny cnalns: thence esst fort chslnsi thence north to shore; thence following iimiiwairr mara to point ot commencement, containing one hundred acres, more or Irs. Located this 30th day of December. 1920. AltTllUH ROBERTSON y taken xour NcrveFood mm LwLT w ' Is Vi 1 aai aaaw OrttUlW Jeverdida Cup of Coffee taste as goad as ttiis. . . Such a remark is a tribute to any hostess but it is deserved when coffee is served with Eagle Drand Condensed Milk instead of cream and sugar. Eagle Brand Improves the finest cup of coffee, gives it a richer "body," a delicious mellow flavour, a tempting golden color. Eagle Brand is pure craamy milk, thoroughly blended with granulated sugar. It is not only more satisfactory in coffee than ordinary cream, or top-milk, and sugar, but more economical, as well. Itkcens perfectly in the open tin until used. Your grocer can supply you. uw w..uu . vn.ua nas xne ngm machine workshop of Akerberg ami to pay. I was la their employ at the Thomson. Prln Runert leather with MITKT. OI' 1NTI.NTION TO .rri.Y TO TO I.Kt.E l,MI Xe80t " thtiT "Port f the officer and officer, who jrR.KK 7 . made the appraisal of the said plant and tht north shore of Crescent Inlet. Thanking you for your valuable space , ,u ao purchased. MoresPr Island, Queen Charlotte Itlsnds. ROBERT HANNA I 10 lh rolnce of British Columbia, and poor but thy pcpcnijAif y rnNhlirTPn S.nUduUf .Sw. h,u mMM tna QUESTIONS ASKED RE LOCAL MACHINE SHOP uiuvmuwi vuiivuvibu TAKE NOT1CK that James ri.ld. of rtinrtnP a M TAtlnP Prince Rupert. DC. occupation Marine EUROPEAN TOURS Pi,o.!nr - ,, - - Commencing at a post planted on tbt Personally Conducted Toura have been north shore of Crescent Inlet, about arranged this Summer, under the joint one and a half mites from the head of the rurrl,a of runt of .Urrlg.TI.n,M. Wrrtalon Of the Canadian NaMon.l snbjn t of uery In lloue of Common by . . Mrirni Hon. H. It. Stevens, member for Vancouver Centre, has asked In the House of Commons at Ottawa for a copy of all and return. All transportation, hotel and sight-seeing expenses Included In fares. Call at City Ticket Office. Third Avenue, or phone 300, for particulars and letters, telegrams, prooosed agreements descriptive literature and agreements affecting the purchase iuib, mriHf nunnwrairviy jj cnsins; uThStnrv thenrs aflutharaatarlv 5fl . h.ln.' ll.ti ue'S5 Hallways and tlie Cunard Steamship southeasterly 20 chains; thence north- Company to Oreat Britain and Europe easterly 30 chains, and containing forty 1! Aft EAGLE KRVYD Recti, -BSSSSSKBSU i T- ItBVJ JAMES PI ELD, Applicant. 1 Dated November 37. !34. Cocoanut Macaroons Melt 2 aquartaof' dnoulata and mil veil villi can ol ftunlcn'a T.il Arand Corw deruakl Milk. AJJ tlltnly over puund derfttat iwwnut, mis thuraufhij and add 1 ttawrtul h. Ills. Drop on S"aMf pan 1 ttMxawif ul at a tima, ahuut an Imh apart. IUk In a mulerat corn Until niim'. Urvwnmt. Thla makaa iMcwim, Omit UiuuuUia fue r4ain iruum, $cdforFrtt Recife Bock Sevres ol dainty, aprirtirin( (IUIm which call tut otlik and ausar CM bm tnmlt brttar If CaW iVanJ U uxd. Write Dtl. t The Ho r d n (s. Limilrd, Vancvuvar .for free caif uf rati hranj Hntm lUtuk. EAGtE BRAND CONDIN5EI) MILK. LAM) ACT "Denies Phone 2". PAfcsS aP nmn onflflS our $22.50 Georgette and Silk mm m . r- 1 ill r .1 in.' mm m t v NewSupA of lien's Clothiif arriving rcjrula For Trices nUlf Don't l'rr Montreal Importers II Mlll.r I'"f j, l. i nF.NTIST X-Rny Service. P,fl I'hnne . if .1 )) n i m