a. F4GE FOUB FINAL BILLIARD LEAGUE FIXTURE filtAXT) TERMINALS DEFEATED ST. ANDREWS nV AC,fi!tKJATK hCOItK OF 9Wi TO K89 LAST NltillT Debating St. Andrew by a score of 906 to 889 In the final game of thr- season In the team billiard competition, the a rand Terminals last night became possessors without dispute of the Bruns wlckBalke shield, emblematic of city championship. The Individual scores were as follows Fred Pyle St. Andrew's) 165; Charles Balagno, 300. Percy Tinker, 168: Frank Zleman, 200. M. M. McLachlan. 156: R. Howe. 200. W. E. Wllllscroft. 200; 11. Corbet t, 188. S. D. Macdonsld, 300; W. Stuart, 118, The final league standing are as fol lows: Games Total Aver. Terminals 16 14.535 908 Grotto 16 14.449 903 Gyros 16 14,288 893 St. Andrew's ... 16 14135 883 loose 16 14.042 878 Individual averages to date are as follows: Games Ttl. Aver. Geo. Mcllmoyle (Moose) D. Howe (Terminals).. F. Zleman (Terminals) S. D. Macdonald (St. A.) J. Hamilton (Grotto) . . Hillman (Moose) ... W. J. Nelson tOyro) .. Frank Aldridge (Gyro) Waugh (Grotto) J. Brown (Moose) . J. Andrews (Grotto) W. II. Long (Gyro) S. Darton (St. Andrew's) M. MacLachlan (St. A.). Don Brown (Moose).... G. Krause (Gyros) J. May (Moose) H. Parr (Moose) J. McLean (Terminals).. J. Judge (Moose) . Macdonald tGyro) . . . W. Stuart (Terminals). O. P. Tinker (St. A.) . . . a. Anderson (Grotto) .. Bert Hosklns (Terminals) ' A. Harvey (Gyros) B 1761- 198 9 1735 193 11 3117 192 16 3011 188 15 2826 188 12 2240 187 14 2605 186 10 1858 186 16 2954 185 16 2955 185 15 2779 185 16 2945 184 J 14 2571 184 16 2919 1821 16 2914 183 ' 13 2350 181 16 2881 )80 16 2867 179 15 2680 179 16 2841 178 1 2 356 178! 12 2084 174 8 )378 172 4 C80 172 15 2513 168 3 605 1G 13 2168 67 3 502 16T 16 2643 165 14 2301 154 3 491 163 14 2197 157 7 1089, 155 2 306 153 I 131 18) DRAW IS MADE FOR BILLIARDS IMtlVIIIIAL CIIAMrlONMIir SEKIE UIIJ. STAKT NEXT WEEK WITH EKillT PL.4VEKS EVTEItEIt made last night for the Individual bil Hard championship series: Tuesday George Mcllmoyle vs. Fred Pyle. Wednesday Frank Zk-man vs. Dick Howe. SIMPSONTEAM PLAYED WELL MMTOItK WERE II ELY Ii:sEt)M I OF liOoll IIASKETIl.l, VJfTOUV OVElt LOCALS Tuxta, 17; Colts, 21. Ladles' A, 10: Ladles' B, 14. Port Simpson, 29; Prince Rupert, 16. Port Simpson players won the senior! basketball championship last night when they defeated a local team by a score oil 20 to 16. The game was fast throughout with I the visitors displaying wonderful combination and accurate shooting. The la-cult were handicapped somewhat as some ot their regular players were -unable tol take their positions oil the lineup. In termediate player were, however, used) to complete the team but were unable I to stop the fast travelling aggregation! from the northern village. It was a good game ln which the 8)m.pKon team fully deserved the honors! .fur which It had practised folthfullv. Cqiirtng to the city a few days ago the visitors ,iiave been using the exhibition building euch day for practises and be. I copie somewhat familiar to their new surrounding. The results ot their shooting last night showed that they I were quite at home. The two other games between tii Colts and Tuxls and the exhibition gome I uetween vwo jaaies teams provided a I nice prelude to the main contest. Individual scoring wq,i as follows: JUNIOR I.EAOl'E Tuxls JJ. Hunt, 5; E. Smith, C; M. BRINGING UP FATHER BUT COrtMliOMER-lF HAVE. TO TAKE AUQMG A SECRETARY- MVVVIFE HIM Ah4' IT VV1UL.QE WME HIGH BROW I -THAT WILL SORE. ME '"TV"! nc ATU Intermediate .league Grotto ,. IS ' 0 Terminals ..... 11 v . o Bankers...,...,.! .0. Elevator 0 0 Indies' league Thursday Col. . P. McMordie vs. J. uPl 15 I lUmllton. Adanaca 1 1 Frjday W. H. Long vs. W. J. Nelson. I Junior Irajur The second round, which mill be re-1 Colts 12 0 drawn, will start the Monday following. I Stars 9 0 The series Is under the auspices of the I Tuxls-Boys .... 5 0 Prince Rupert Billiard League and the games will be played ln the Grand Terminal Club. No admission will be charged and the 'presence of ladles Is. being especially requested. The first prize will be a championship cap and gold medal and the prize for the runner up. a gold medal. The winner and runner-up ln a contest, last -"winter were Fred Pyle and George Waugh, respectively. IMfTEL AIIKIVAI.S, Prince Knptrt Li 3 6 10 6 14 6 I 15 5 0 0 W. Laing. Victoria; George Prfnce Oeorge. Central Mr. and ' Mrs. E. Hamer. Terrace. 'Lf Cfor Kitchtni htlp Kou' Glark's TOMATO KETCHUP Clark's "Northern" Tomatoes, help to give a distinctive delicious flavor to CLARK'S TOMATO KETCHUP, it adds greatly to fish, chops, stews , etc Sold Evtryvhirw W. CLARK Limited, Alpniresi. p. 17 Pt. 20 ' 16 4 30 22 6 0 31 24 18 10 Keep. BOT "YOU M CbT HAVE A SECRETARY A,b THERE. ARE. SOME COUMTRlEj THAT , SRE SO DAMCEROOe IT WOUU) MOT BE SAFE FQR-fQUTQ FNJTELR- mvou DC T.A. OVI v. V i) fm. TTFTir O VYI If ll I Fiwr tnm Imt MORE EVIDENCE IN TAX APPEAL: UVMV-tY COMPANY'S PKOPKKTV 4IVF.N V-U-l ATIOXS I MTIIK.MK COt'ltT Further evidence was given yesterday afternoon by railway company witnesses in the appeal case which is being heard by Mr. Justice Gregory In the i Supreme Court against the civic as , set sment. i R. R. Nlchol, under cross examination I by E. P. Jones, again said that he hao : no personal knowledge of the sale ot the elivator site to the government by the company lor the rum of SI 65.000. i Comparing of the areas of the com- J who was told by Mr. Nlchol that the Sakamoto: P Morrison, 2; W Patmore. total acreage of the townslte above high 4 Total, 17. Co)ts R. Irvine. 1; J. Scott, 2; H. Macdonald, 9; E. Ratchford, 8; J. Currie. 1. Total, 21. !.tim:j' LKAfltT Ladies' A. D. Gosse: L. Lowe. 4; M. Graham. 4; W. Dyer: E. Dalby: M. Palmer. C. Irvine. 2. Total. 10. Ladies" B H. Orant; H. Sim; C. Harvey, 6; M. Harvey. 4: V. Smith, 4; A. Mlnzgohr. M. Thompson. Total, 14. INTTEUTOWN I.KWil E Port Simpson P. Alecee. 10; C. Rosa. 9: R. Mather. ' D- Musgrave; 6. Total. 29, Prince Rupert P. Howard. 8; M. Bu- denich; E. Smith: G. Mitchell, 2; J. R. Gosse. 2: J. McNulty. 4; H. Menzies. Total. 16. , 'I.KACI E TABLES , The league standings to date are as follows: Senior l.ea;cie W. D. Elks 10 0 I Terminals 8 0 With eight players entered for the NiUve Sons ... 2 0 competition, the following draw was water mark amounted to 2.610 acres and the company's acreage .under water line along the shore, exclusive of leases, to 413 acres. The company's righ-of-way through the city also amounted to 70.es acres. The total Increase ln the civic assessment of the acreage under the water between 1022 and 1027 wa 829.000. G. H. Arnold, under cross examination, said that he had been retained by: the company to make a valuation of the company's holdings In the city four G. White. !yetr B0' na un uaa Been returned by the company In a similar capacity today. Asked by E. F. Jones whether he had not been retained by the company to knock the civic assessment, Mr. Arnold refused to admit that be had been em ployed for any other purpose than of gjvlng a. fair valuation of the company's holdings. In regard to the valuation which he had placed on property of the Company adjacent to Water Street, the witness was asked If he would change his idea of the value of the property there If lt were proved that lots had sold In that vicinity for double the amount of the valuation which he had placed on adjacent property. Mr. Arnold replied that everything would have to be considered If such a sale were made. YALI E1I I'KOrL'KTY The next witness for the company us D. W. Reeve cl Vancouver, who bad been retained to value the company's holdings and had spent the ijast week In the city going over their property-He had lived in Vancouver for twenty-two years and had been an appraiser of real estate during that period. He had also been retained by such concerns as the Canadian Pacific Railway Co- the Mutual Life Co.. and other concerns to elve valuations on vsrious nrorjertles. He 'StO that's it- if t a U DANCCROO'b COUNTRY THE THE -.ECRPTARX .ECRPTARX GOES- GOES-AN' AM'lFHE. IF HE. COMtt COMtt BACK BACK ME TEUUS ME ABOUT IT Croup at Night Csa k chckr is IS mlsnltt r fls Ihroat m4 chest wtth Vicki. Uud i UtUait wrll allack. VICKS was vlce-nresldent of the Vancouver ,lmlu M ,tT also for the municipality of Point Grey. Continuing to give general evidence, witness said that one of bis first impress Ions was that the townxite had been dfvlded tnto too small lots and, from the map, it would appear that all the suitable land bad been subdivided. le had placed the greatest value on thf Taterfront where the company docks were situated' and. from that potot east- ward and westward, the value gradually ptny's holdings the city with theireteded. ln ..sltlnln- rw he had ar- jtctal area of the townslte formed the rlved lt hu vaiutlons witness said that. in every city waterfnfat property had a certain value ln relation to the value of the best retail property. Population was also another matter to be considered In arriving at a decision as to the value of -any city property. RAILWAY VAU E Starting then at the extreme westward of the city limits, witness describ ed In detail, as had the various wit nesses before him. the nature of the company's holdings and gave a valuation for each, parcel of land. The first parcel he valued at S3 per front foot and the acreage to the rear of the waterfront at S25 per acre. Following along the waterfront to where the sal mon Vied la situated, each portion was valued at S7P per front foot, the parcel adjoining, where the company's docks arc situated being valued at S80 per front foot. In considering the piece ot the, com panr property which Is facing on Third Avenue between Sixth Street and Third Street, the witness divided the property into Imaginary lota 24 x 100 feet and gave a valuation for each one. Starting at the Prince Rupert Hotel, the double corner opposite was valued at S5.000 per lot (810.000 for the corner t The next four lots were valued at S3 ,50c per lot and the next three lots at 12 500 each. The alt of the proposed hotel, which had been excavated years ago, would be very difficult to use and the witness considered S500 a lot to be lr It valuation for this portion. Mr. Reeve had just concluded vslua tng this section of the townslte when court adjourned, until 10 o'clock this morning. EYI-LUMII METIKMIS Mr. Reeves continued giving evident at the opening ot the court this morn ing. He described various parcels of land ownad by the railway company. between the station and the eastern As was done with Resl Estate Exchange and had acted tbe Portions already described, the wlt- . i ness segregated the various sections and Canadanffem. " ALL visitors ashore! The last hawser is cast adrift JTx. and hauled aboard I RaUi are lined with happy travellers waving a last farewell to friends on shore! The trie liner slowly Bathers way and moves down atream towards the open sea. The voyage has started I The watching crowds dltperte return to the narrow round of drab, daily tasks. But for the carefree voysgers on shipboard, an enchanted world unfolds days to follow stored with rainbow visions. The grandeur of the great 8t, Lawrence the At lantic's ROMANCE1 " th V"hl' contentmtnt new dclirMs. It costs no more to cross on one or these big oil-burning ships J Athenis, Alaunla, Ascania, Aurania, Antonis, Ausonis, Andania, Letitiai CANADIAN SERVICE trj" LI Ned C22 Uahllngn Street, V Vancouver, B.C, placed separata .valuations on various parcels According M nls! estimate. Coming to one portion of the right bt way. His lordship asked the wltnoM why he had plsciyj .a .value of T400.per acre on that section whereas the' assessment roll showed a valuation of S4.000 per acre. Tbe witness In detail explained his method of arriving at the valuation R. R. Nlchol was recalled for the purpose of being questioned by Mr Justice Gfegory concerning certain data which bad been submitted to the court, si-.d was then cross-examined by Mr Jones as to the portions of the water' front which were available for leases on the same basis as the Trotler lease The witness described various portions which were available but excluded the portion of the waterfront west qf the elevator sit- as being Impracticable at present owing to the cost of preparing the waterfront for use. This ares, in the opinion of the witness, lt would not pay to use until the population of the city had increased to bait a million. D. W. Reeve was then recalled and was cross-examined by Mr. Jones as to his qualifications for vuluatlng property. Referring to a case in Nprtti Vancouver m which the witness, It was alleged, had placed a valuation of 14 poo on a certain property, Mr. Jones stked whether he was aware that this property had been old within one month, from, flit ' tint tha witness bad given this valuation for 413.000. m re plyliMtvto the question the witness said that lie could hot rcmrniwr. wueauonea furthrr, witness said that lie had been an appraiser for Insurance companies with the Idea or the companies loaning money for mortgages and admitted that he was oonsldered to be rsther Conner' vatlve. He had. In valuatlng the pro petty of the railway company, also merged the value of It land under tli water with th' shore property which VsIFEo NMIFE5 TEA TEAJ pATrrie' V anted For Sale For Rent abutted It. FOR BALK. 67 AGENTS WANTED HOARD BOARD. THE INLANDER, 839 Second Avenue. Prions 1ST. HEMSTITCHING ASSESSOR IIUVU Al l I II At this point Mr. Jones asked the witness as to bis knowledge ot the Municipal Act and then proceeded to. read a certain section dealing with the duties of the assessor ln msklng up tbe assessment roll. Mr. Jones' con tentlon that the assessor had followed out this method of assessment, which differed from the witnesses method ot valuation, was left over st the sugges tlOA' .of His Lordship who wanted to hear the evidence of the assessor on that point'. The cross-examination , ot" Mr. Reeves was Interrupted for the lunch hour, and when court resumed this afternoon at 2 o'clock, Mr. Jones continued to examine the witness. When a reformer talks about sdoptt ing a new measure of values In life, hf means his own measure An opinionated man is ususlly an pplnlon rated man. and the rating is not often high HAD BAD SPELLS WITH HER HEART Mrs. It. 0. Hall, Bolton Centra, Qua-writes i" Bom time ago I Lad bad spells wltk my heart which I believe was eaused by ssrvousitsiM. I tried everything I ruuld think 0f, but eould I-i it- raw uniu line of my friends nrsukuHi mi 10 get a box of After I haq tskw a fw boxes I got wonderful relief. " I now weigh out hundred sod tMrty. Hvs pounds nbsrs, Ufora, ntvw wrot over ninety." Prire flOe. i l at all dn.gglirts or dealers, or mailed direct on tat ulpt of Wins by Tie T. UUluru Cu LWulUd. Black 728. FOR KENT 1X3 It RENT. STEAM HEATED APART-ments. Apply Bmlth U Mallrtt. Ltd. Telephone 174. TOR RENT PIANOS. PIIQKOORAPH3 and Singer Sewing Machines. Walker's, Music Store. FURNISHED SUITES FOR RENT. Apply Musssllem Grocery Phone IS. ROOMS TO RENTPHOE 67S. LOST AUCTIONEER tt LOST - LADY'S OOLD WRIST WATCH between Blggsr Place and Royal Hotel. Finder please return to Royal I foul. Reward. FOUND FOUND. TAKE NOTICE THAT I. I K. Dutton, Intend to bold one ram and colt strayed to tbe farm, for feed costs. L. K Dutton. Kllwsnga. DC. FOUND. P4.IR OF ETEOLASSE8. Phon NOTICE OF BALK ON MARCH 94 AT 3 pjn.. Lot, with two residences, rented continuously bringing tS2 monthly. These bouses are situated at &43 Eighth Avenue Weal and 701 Tallow street. The furnishings of the Tat-low street residence are oSered In one lot up Ull March 34. Palling disposal in one lot. Itemised list of furniture 111 be published on March 2 and will be sold according to tbe wishes ot th public. O. F. Brine, Auctioneer. Phone T74. DOIJsAK STORE We have discontinued the won:v i:(iitfii: Nothing Over a DoRar 8ee our new line of sruiMi M;r ki.tn. to.i.tn Tinr. ioiiio HKMTiiti: r.xnnr.r. teoiiriy (Ssgnnn. propf triors 144 Third Aveauf Phone lUaek 411 Furniture of all sorts bought, sold or Exchanged. UPHOLSTERING FURNITURE REPAIRING; UPHOL- sterlng of sll kinds. Chesterfields recovered snd made to order. All vwork guaranteed. Phone Qreen 001. a. M. JIUNT. WOOD a. ittr)of Nesl roe. Mixed Wood Blocks' per load 0 00. Kindling. ier load 40 fro Furnace Wood, per load Sfi0 Delivered. Sslt Herring Phone lllsrk 4111 RESTAURANTS OOOII r.ATS CAI-E Mrs. Unger. lroprtetrem Tltlrd Avenue, Next P. W. V- (1mmI llntne Conked Meals. Phone Black 700 TAXI A. I'hone f.7 Tail (Call George, PauJ or Gust) Sl and Seven Pa.isenuer Rtude bakers at your dlnponal any time. ROSS IIKOS. POOIs ROOM Met'ker Hlork. f A crown from Emprenn HotoU PRINCE RUPERT TIDES . : 'jl'UlAV. Milltll n rh 10 jo ajA. 33:97 pm. 4:31 ajn. , 17:04 pjn. MOMiw, M AIICII II "Hh i;i4 .m, Lnw 03 a4n. I7:fit pm. . ,Tn:Mitv, MAIITII Jli "'h tfirBn. 115a am,' 'w 0:14 ajn. 1B:!ii a m. 17.8 tt. 17.1 -10.3 M 8.0 " 18.3 ft. 8.3 - , 49 17.P ft. IB.D M 8.3 4.8 -a-. 'Uliiriltt By George McM DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word In advanccNo Advertisement taken for less than 50c WANTED STENOGRAPHERS' EXAMINATION FOR British Columbia Civil Service will be held on Saturday afternoon and evening. April 33. 1037. Applications to write will be received up to noon. April 12. 1S37. For application forms and other Information, apply to the nearest Government Agent or to A. II. Oox. Civil Service Commissioner. Victoria. DC. WANTED TO BUY GOOD ROW BOAT. Apply Box 26. Duly News Office. 61 FOR SAI.R FOR SALE. WILTON CARPET SQUARE. II s 13. Brought from Scotland and never been used. Original purchase price over 1100. Ring 774, cfultk. a. F. Brine, auctioneer. FOR SALE. TWENTY HORSEPOWER Kermath marine engine In first class running order. Price reasonable. Terms cash. Apply to Dr. Large. Port Simpson. 50 FOR QUICK SALE. LOTS 46 ti 47. block 12. section S: lot 13 and 14. block 44, section 5; lot 3. block 4S. section 6. Official Administrator. LAND FOR SALE. GRAHAU ISLAND. Forty acres." light Umber. lfc mile frcm Inlet. 1435 DO. F. Dicker. Lac Cardinal. Albert. 63 ORANDVIEW HOTEL Make an offer 1 MAN OR WOMAN TO TRAVEL AND appoint local representatives. 121 weekly average "and expenses, and commission besides. Experience un necessary. Write for particulars. Winston Co., Toronto. 60 HEMSTITCHING. PICOTINO. SCALLOP- ing. M. Macdonald. Exchange Block " " . '111 11 I B-V i- - I J. 1 S I f x MM - I II AT l ONE unc vjr- OF MYf n-v CO WITH TOU J V , ,r y y . l SflllTVi I lUUH t -,--rH MAIL SCHEDULE oi'T-iloiso lor tbe Lsi- s Article, Lost stwj Found,4c ' Moudsys. weunesdny, atJ jj Tucsdays Fridays Saturdays CPJL March 1) p-j jj ltll ftllitlW Qrshsm All in Am. 1st Ave 8th r to Ave. A Fui- : St th Ar. A Tb-f r a lltb At Jtherbr-.f A llth Ave A C-ii 'sd S! eth Aw A Hvs 6th A Hays Coxn . it 8th Ave. A Oo" 81 I Ave, A Mr Br U E' Prov. a art Bldi Ft. Oa. Wharf Q T.P. Wharf O.TJ". Station 2nd Ave ft 2nd 8! 3rd Ave. A Fulton SI 3rd Ave. A eth St Sunday colle 'i n t"' days only STEAMSHIP For Vancouver Tuesday s ("vnK ITIdsV Prmi-e Saturday s m Pi: March 11 P March 33 st pi I riMn t'siieonvee Sunday - Camo WtdMlsy as Pi Friday -as Csrdr: i Baturdy - P u.wh 1- ss Pr.nrr Marcn i " a. lilul lu First class mt i is also df:ig, Vancouver on Mondays, W3hs Saturday by CJtR trsti. Ta Aayai, Wirt Aim, lrtfttkj inkr Bundays Wednesdays ij. la ft. lmMRSs4 tm Bimssav Sundays . To Alaska roUls Mares 7. 11 an Ta t(urrn hartnttet-Mserh It tt a Is-rtiMlsll frx lh I Tuesdays. Thursdiij sr Sr-ir at In rroai Vaaevstrf Sundays . M Wedneadsys I ta Frldsys n CfJt.. Msrrh v : , I From Anjoi. Alre im nmtU rremlef Tudsys u Frtdsys Its I Tow Ft. Strap-on SS4 Tueadsys lnm AUka rlnt- Usnb tl and 33 ' i Frvni lDra C'bartqttr- March I snd 34 sit nl ta " i - u !lt II 0 9 1 t if 1 1 ill til til lor I'nrt Mmisin ana (i SUOdsy ss Carnos.::' pt. I rum furt HlmHiii sua tt Tuesdsy- as. Csmcaua For wmart. Anyas " if Bundsv Campus Wcdnesda: -at. ryZ.im' l n.ni Mrti". Anjet " Jit Tuftdsy- s. Csmmun prlday ss Prince Crc l or queen riiarlollea Msrch IJ rriMto3 March 36. W ?' ..mh I'harlnl"" March 10 Msrch 34. prinrr prince For Alaka , - March 7-s. WW9 W Msrrh 18-ss PrlPir- March 38 -st. Wnrf Irom Alaks . . ff : iii March ll ' Mr M,rf " March 33- ss Prlnrr- CN.R. TRAINS , rt Monday". 'Y7fdn'd,0: Ssturdsys . . Tt)Ur,dr '. From East-Tuesly. jjol Buridayt