rday, March 12, 1927 THE DAILY NEW PJL3E THREE HE LABEL IS RED AND WHITE MR. LUNDSTROM Local and Personal NEVER FELT BETTER Church Notices Victor ArtuWs Taxt. Phone 078. HIS GOOD HEALTH DUE TO "FRUIT-A-TIVES" ST. AMlltEtV ('ATlir.llIt L BC. Undertakers. Phone 41. (Church of England! Rector. Archdeacon O. A. Rlx. 6hoc rebuilt like new at McArthur's Sunday services at 11 ajn. and at Shoe Store. tf 7.30 pjn. Sunday school at 2.30. Holy Records communion first Sunday of month at Oet the Big 4 habit! When thinking 11 ajn.. third Sunday of month at 8 Process of a Taxi, phone 4. tf ajn, ts Uniformity ! Makes it Good V For Baby! ONE of the great advantages of Carnation Milk as a baby food is that its goodness never varies. No matter where you buy it or when you use it, baby's delicate digestion is never upset Ijy a change in quality or purity. Another advantage Carnation offers the Carnation process of "homogenization" breaks up the fat globules and makes Carnation very easy to digest. All the food value of milk is in Carnation, for Carnation is just pure, fresh milk evaporated to double richness and kept safe by sterilization. Consult your physician regarding a feeding formula for your baby. Also write us for baby feeding chart. Order several tins or a case of 48 tins from your grocer. CARSAT10S CAR.il! EL TAPIOCA -One- third cup tapioca, 2 cupi Carnation Milk diluted with 2 cupi watrr, I small rggi, few icraint Mlt, 1 cup light brown lujir, 1 rup broken nut meats. Add tapioca, lt and sugar to hot diluted railk. Cook in double boiler for 25 mlnutrt or until tapioca It tnrnfurrnt. Brat tgg$ thoroughly and add lowly to tapioca, cooking for two minutti longer. Finally add nuU. Chill and serve with whipped cream. This serves eight Stnd Jot frte copy of ifary BUte'i Cwt Aiirtst Carnation lliilf Troductt Cmfjnj, Limited, Ayimtr, Onltrio. Carnation "From Contented Cows" Produced in Canada ryTWO SIZES TALL AND SMALL v it DEMAND Rupert Brand" ivippers - THE DAINTIEST UREAKi'AST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Qoi Storage Co., fi YADiANj pacific Prince Rupert, H.C. Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert ; Krti'lilkuil. Wrmirrll. Jiinrau. SkllHIM I ehruary l. Murth 7. 18. 88. I Yuiiromer, Victoria, Seattlr February S.t, .March 11, fi. I' PRINCESS IIEATKICE, K lor llutrdiile, Eat IWIIu Delia. Octm Falls. Naniu. Alert Day. ! rampbell River, and-Vancouver every sut in-gay., ii a.m. rncjr for all Httamshlu Linen. I'ull Information from C. 'OIlClltltD. General Agent. Corner of 4tb Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince It u pert, II.C UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED - Nalllngs from Prince It u pert. or VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, Swanson Day and Alert Hay, etc., Tuesday, r 3 n m ir VANCOUVEK, VICTOKIA, Alert Bay and Swausou lluy, etc, Saturday, 9 a.m. ir PORT SIMPSON, ANVOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART and Naas River . f?Ulllltrll. Mllll.taw u .. ... 3 Snd tv-nue. ' .' M. H.MIT1I. Artnt. I'rlnre Rupert. U.C. Our ahlnglei cost lens and last longer. Seal Cove Lumber Co. tf Three piece Tom Boy suits, $1050. Bent's Ladies-neadjr-to-Wear. CO Quadrilles and Lancers at, the Auld Time Dance tn LODE. Hall, Friday. March 18. Keep this date open. Native Sons of Canada will hold a whist drive and dance In the Metropolc Hall on March 14 at 830 pjn. 61 Oorclon Ede will return to the Queen Charlotte Inlands on the Prince Charles which sails tonight at 8 o'clock. Rebekah whist drive and dance In Boston Hall. March 23 at 8.30 prompt. Six prizes. Oood cats. Good music. W. H. Manuel, travelling auditor for the Canadian National Railways, left on this morning's, train for Print. Oeorgc. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Fetherstonhaugh and family left on this morning's train for Calgary alter spending a few days Milting In the city. The public are cordially Invited to be present at the Nurses' Graduation Exer cise on Wednesday neat at 8 pjn. in the Presbyterian Church. CPU. steamer Princess Mary. Capt C. C. Salntey, arrived at S o'clock this morning from Alaska and sailed an hour later for Vancouver. For driving a motor vehicle without a license. Row Denda was assessed 110 by Magistrate McClymont tn the city police court this morning. After tbe regular business meeting o St. Andrew's Society last night a pleas ast social hour was spent In the club rooms. It was decided to arrange for a carpet bowling tournament among th members of the society and the schedule will be drawn up tonight. Entering the Vancouver-Prince Rupert Anyox and Stewart serrlce permanently. Union steamer Catala. Capt. A. E Dickson, will arrive from the south tomorrow afternoon. The steamer Car-dena. which Is now on the cannery run, sailed from here for the aouth this morning. n. O. Johnston, who ts building new cannery at Klemtu. arrived in the city this morning from down the const and will proceed to Inverness where the cannery of which he Is manager. Is being prepared for operations. Mr Johnston reports good progress being made on the work at Klemtu. St. Patrick's Day entertainment the Westholme this year promises to eclipse those of previous years. Besides the Instruments) and vocal, e Sort to tn terpret Ireland in song and story, this year there will be a one act sketch whlrh should prove a pleasing addition. Reserve a seat at Ormes' without delay. pacific stevedorim; & CON- TKACTIXti CO. LTD. (IN VOLUNTARY 1.11(1 III Tltl) .NOTICE TO CREDITORS TAKE NOTICE that a MecUnc o: Creditors will be held at WW Union Building. Victoria, B.C.. on Moudiy. the jiii uay oi Marcn. iw.it. at iu a.m.. ana that all claims against this Company must do wea wun me Derore tnal dale. after which I shall dl&trlbute the assets of the Company having rettsrd only to sucn claims as nave ncen amy iud. VINCENT C. MARTIN, Liquidator. 57 60!) Union Bldg.. Victoria. DC Elnl)!ishod I'J23. Offke Honrs: a.m. to t i.m. Saturday: a.m. to 1 .m. Any evening by appointment MP-Kenny DENTIST Exchange Block. I'hone 109 Use SiMONDSl SAWS tsixl Machinp Kmwcse-. ' ' - v aaf m SIMONOS CN0 1AW CO. ITO. MONTftUl veil, st.ji TORONTO JOHN. N.S-. "I MR. E. LUNDSTROM. Mr. E. Lundsirom, Hoadlcy, Alta., says: "'Fruit-a-tivcs' is the finest laxative we have, ever used. It is certainly all that is claimed for it and we are never without a box in the house. Everyone should profit by our experience and keep in good health by takinz 'Fruit-a-tivesV The exceptional merit of "Fruit-a-tivcs'' lies i.i the fact that it is composed of nature's medicine for constipation the juices cf oranges, apples, prunes and figs these are combined with tonics so that vhile correcting constipation it also builds up a run-down system. There is no other rerwdy like "Fruit-a-tives''. It Is unique and wonderfully effective. It will put a fjp to constipation, which keeps you listless ami off-colour and will restore your energy and enjoyment of life. Purchase a box today as your start to freedom 25c and 50c everywhere, f UIIV Hi; I1EI.IKVK TDK ISIltl.C? The second address of a series on Foundations of the Faith by Rev. W. F. Price tn the ISAi'TIHll C HI Ki ll on Sunday KtenliiE. Mirth 13. Other addresses as follows: March 13. "The Bible Is It the Word of Ood?" March 20. "Is Jesus Christ divine?" March 27. "What Is meant by The Holy Trinity.' April 3. "Is Man Immortal!'' April 10. "Why did Jesut Christ die." April 17. "Did Jesus yeally rise . from .the ,deadf" These addresses will state In plain language the solid substantial reasons we have for believing the gTeat truths of the Christian religion. In these days of doubt and questioning, we all and Miss A. McKay arrived In the cltyj from Port Simpson this morning to caught spring salmon on their halibut I Mrs. A. Russ, who has been suffering with throat trouble, has left here for Vancouver where she will consult with a specialist. W. Strosiman came down from Port Clements on the last boat. He had been working at the Buckley sawmill which closed during the winter. , j Row Morrison of Lockeport, who Is In iterested In the Apex group of copper (Claims there, Is in Prlnci Rupert on ; business. A petition Is being generally aliened here asking that the government look Into' fisheries affairs In this vicinity and place practical men In charge. I Advutlt Id Tb DsJj Usi iiai'tist an ient - Minister. Rev. W. F. Price. Morning worship at 11 o'clock, Subject of sermon, "The Ood of the Amen." Bible school at 2.30. Music and song at 7.15. Evening service at 7 JO. - Special address subject: "Why Believe the Bible?" The second of the series on "Foundations of the Faith.! You an; cordially Invited. i'llltlHTIAV htli:X(K SOCIETY. Service every Sunday morning In the Hays' Block. 243 Second Avenue. Subject on Sunday "Substance." Testimony meeting on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. I :i 77 Pit KM! YT Kit I A N CI I ( It (II Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Subject: "The face of man upon the palm of Ood'a hand." Sunday school at 12.15. Evening service at 7.30. Subject: "The power of a Look." Special music by the choir. Soloist, Mrs. F. W. Allen. Preacher. Rev. J. R. FTizell. B-A, LL.B. SALVATION Alt.MV Sunday services. Morning at 11 o'clock. Holiness. Sunday school at 2.30. Evening service at 7.30. Salvation. Brigadier Plnchen of Montreal will conduct public meetings on Wednesday and Thursday nights. t mti:i f lit itt n. The Church of Service. Morning worship at 11 ajn. Sermon topic: "One Mediator Between Cod and Man." Speaker: T. J. Shenton. Sunday school at 2.30. Superintendent, W. J. Earl Barrle. Evening service at 7.30. Preacher. Rev. Geo. O. Hacker. You are cordially Invited to attend both morning and evening services. CAHII OF THANKS. Wm. Lclghton and family, cf Mctla kstla. desire, to convey their sincere thanks to their many friends for the kind expressions of sympathy and' floral tributes received In their recent Advertise In the Dall News . ANNOUNCEMENTS St. Andrew's Society Ladles Auxiliary Easter Sale, April. 6. Hospital Auxiliary Tea In St. Andrew's I Rooms. April 8. "(JOVKKN.MENT LIQUOR ACT.' want to know what foundation NOTK'K OF AI'I'LICATION loit IttKit there, is for faith Come and j Lltl.NCL. nerl NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Senliro 'ruiimirnrt- at p.m. the Bth day of April next the undersigned ' Intend to apply to the Llqucr Control . ................ Board for a licence In respect to premises TT"r',r"rTTTT Vjlii TUrt nf th hllllttno frnntt-n A. - - - Maasett Inlet Hotel, situate at Port n OJ.R. u t steamer Princess Beatrice. t .. wicuiruu, vuna vitriolic isuuios. ito Capt. . of Bml.h Columbia, unon the 8. K. Oray. arrived at 8 o'clock this lands described as Lot Five (Si. Block morning from Vancouver and wavports Forty-four (44), Subdivision of Lot Seven . j ..,, . . . hundred and forty-six (7481. Port and sailed II at on her return south. CiemenU Townsite. less Thlrty-three (33i icei irom iront to rear on west side or W. Hsynrr appeared In the police 'd Lot. as shown on a reglrtered map oourt ytcrd.y charged with driving a att'buy otrnXZ RuC In oar without a license and nleaded the Province of British Columbia, and guilty. Magistrate McClymont dlsmls- numbered 1079. for the sale of beer by . ' ' the glass or by the open bottle for con- BTO W1C Case. ,nmntlnn nn th nmliM , DhTED at Prince Rupert, B.C.. this Miss E. Nightingale. Mis. Belle Lord ,Un a ot "'."iZw Bfw " B. L. TINOLEY, Applicants. S". 17 "'IV. " I N A V I (J A II L E WATERS l'ROTEC- -u. , mc A!.? cvurviv .riuiu, SKIDEGATF TION ACT. n.s.v. tn n Kit ii.i Wl 1 1 1 a m t Pr-o aj f KarK rrlvna nn. Mr. and Mrs. R. Wllkle of Port Clc- tlce he has. under Section 7 of the said menu walked over the trail to South-'Act. deposited with the Minister ot Public Works at Ottawa, and In the orflce cast cast Harbor itaroor and and are are vi.uint- visiting with with Mr Mr. of tne Dlstrlct Regutrar of the Land and Mrs. O. Ross for a week. Mr. Wllkle j Registry District ot Prince Rupert at has been engaged In logging at port 'Prulce Rupert. B.C.. a description of the Clement. j1,te nd th Pln f wharf proposed A. R. Mallory of Port Clements was tW WW WU4I 114 Vlt I VI klAUU V4ftlll VU Lot 4607. District of Casslar. And take notice that after the cxplra- met bv lsree . i won oi one monin irom tne aate oi puo met oy a a large crowri crowd at at RkM,t Skldegate to llcatlon ot tnls noUce w,ulam j. cVaW- glve him Instructions for their repre-; ford will under Section 7 of the said Act. srntation at the Liberal caaventlon lnPP'T to tne Minister of Public Works ,h.'thl office In the of Ottawa for Vsnnnnvrr Kvf m t,i.i-u city Vancouver. Neter in history have the of the B11(J Bpprova, slte vltwtt and for Islands been so welt represented at such leave to construct the said wharf. . a convention. i Dated at Stewart. B.C., this 3rd day of The halibut boat Reveille called here on her way to Prince Rupert. The crew nported a big run of herring at the west end of Skldegate Inlet. They also aiarcn, mi. W. J. CRAWFORD. IN 1'ROIIATE. IN Till: SlTltLMK t'OI KT OF IlKlllMI t'OLL.MUlA gear-at Hippo Island. The Reveille was In the Matter of the Administration the first halibut boat to call at Skide- . Act: nd gate this season. In the Matter of the Estate of Jobeph F. ouwuiau. urce&sea, iniesiste. TAKE NOTICE that by order ot His Honor. P. McB. Young, the 24th day or February. AX). 1027. I was appointed Administrator ot the estate of Joseph F. Bowman, deceased, and .all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 24th day of March, A.D. 1927, and all parties Indebted to the estate are re- 3ulred to pay the amount of their In-ebtednesa to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator. Prince Rupert, B.C. Dated the 24th day of February, AX). 1027. Fox Trot Vocal Thinking of You George Olsen and His Music Gene Austin (Tenor) Blue Skies Fox Trot George Olsen and Ills Music Vocal Duet Johnny Marvin and Ed. Snv.lle 2"VM 20411 In a Little Spanish Town Walti " Paul Wlilteman and His Orchestra Vocal The Revelers Organ Solo Jesse Crawford 20264 20457 2045S Moonbeam, Kiss Her for Me Fox Trot Goodrich Silvertown 29419 Cord Orchestra Where Do You Work-a John ? vcith vocal anticn) Fox Trot Waring Pennsylvania. 20378 Idolizing " Fox Trot Jean Goldkette and His Orchestra 21271 'Also the latent Rett Seal Records by famous Victor artists At "His Master's Voice" Dealers Victor Talking Machine Co. aBBBBarvBiaWiW'aWltaVaaBKr r Canadian National c7hc Largcft Kailway Sylcm in America Steamship and Train Service -- ritlSCE Kl'I'CKT Mill leave PKINCE KITKKT lor VANCOUVER. VICTOKIA. SEATTLE, and Intermediate points each FRIDAY at 9 a.m. s.s. PRINCE Rt'PEKT for STEWART anil ANVOX. WEDNESDAY. 10 p.m. sju prince John for, Vancouver via oleev charlotte islands, fortnightly. PASSENGER TRAIN'S LEAVE PRINCE Rl l'EKT Each MONDAY. WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at I no a.m. for PRINCE UEORUE, EDMONTON, WINNIPEG, all points Eastern Canada, lulled States. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Uw Canadian National Express lor Money Orders, Foreign L'lieuues. etc., alto for your next shipment. CITY TICKET OFFICE. 528 Tllllll) AVE.. PRINCE RUPERT. I'hone 2G0 S A V AGE KI.ECTUIC WASIIKU AND DRYER. Washes, Ulues, Rinses and Dries without a wringer or having to put your hands In the water. Cash Price $100 Also Easy Terms KAIEN HARDWARE CO. "TRY A NIP TONIGHT BEST PROCURABLE V PSOOUCI Or SC0TLANO hltK 0 SLvti-llMlvtT Dww0 scena Tbe Original Label look for It at the Vendor's and insist on GRANT'S "BEST PROCURABLE" This advertisement is not published or displayed by. the Liquor Control Board or by the Government ; or LirUish Columbia.