&AGE SIX asaTasaaieW w i m m m w an Mil This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Uonlrol Hoard or by the Government of llrilish Columbia. IJHJ REDUCTIONS I All Woollen Goods Iteduccd STOCK MUST GO Ladies' Combinations, $3.2 Ladies' $2.00. Ladies' Sl.GO. Girls' Sale : Combinations, Sale Combinations, Sale Combinations, $1.50. Sale Girls' Combinations, $1.50. Sale Girls' Combinations, $1.50. Sale Just arrived new nent of Elasco Wool, shades, 2 balls Monarch Brush Wool, 2 rej;. $2.73 reg. $1.50 rej,'-$1.15 reg. $1.05 reg. $1.15 reg. $1.25 . 35e balls MUSSALLEM'S Have Your Eyes Examined Poor eyes and poor glasses urc a pitiful combination. Good glasses will make good eyes of poor eyes. If your present glasses do not suit your eyes for any reason, you are criminally negligent of your future if you do not secure the proper glasses at once. Lowest prices. Expert service. A. E. IRELAND Graduate Optometrist 311) Third Avenue. Opposite G.W.V.A. WOOD Dry Jack Pine, Cedar, Kirch and Spruce Per load $G..r0 Per half load $3.50 Per sack , 50c Firelighters, 48 for $1.00 delivered. HydeTransfer 13'J Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE BUY DOTTLES. Dr. Alexander Smith Hlock Phone 675 DENTIST TOLLS SOON PAY FOR NEW ROAD MTU. ONLY TAKK TWENTY XK.XKS TO v.w ran c.titmoo ito.ut, aito- MOlllLE CLIH Ol' U.C KINOS Vancouver: jMach w Estimating an average of 300 care per day lor the ftJUF mohtrK"when''toUH8t trafric is at Its height, the research bureau of the AutomobUe Club of British Columbia In a recent statement, places the dally value of the new Cariboo Highway to the Interior at 3,000. An average ex penditure of ten dollars a car per day was estimated from statistics gathered from many parts of the continent by the club bureau. Fcr the four month period approxl' mately (360,000 would therefore repre sent the value of the highway to the stretch between Vancouver and Kam loops alone, while allowing the average tourist a ten-day sojourn in British Columbia gTeatly enhances that .amount. according to the club figures. Contrasting this potential business with the annual cost in tolls to the motorists, the research bureau estimates the annual return to the government at 102,0OO. This Is computed on the basis of (2.50 per car. which the Automobile Club of British Columbia recommended the toll should not exceed, and which Hon. Dr. Sutherland, minister of pub-US works, last week announced would be the outside figure the government would ask. The latter also Indicated that the toll might be as low at (2.00 The total annual returns from tolls was arrived at bv the Automobile Club by allowing twenty cars per day for the eight-months slack season, In addition I to the 300 cars per day expected to use 1 TO EUROPE MAKB RESERVATIONS XOff c 5 UHlM SAINT JOHN To l.hrrHMil IMar. 18 Mintnairn Mar. 25 Montclare ApI. 2 Montrose Apl. 8 MrratMlm To ClirrlHitirg-Mtutliampluii-Antwerp Apl. 14 Montnatrn To ilacow Mar. 31 Melita Apl, 13 Meteguaa To Antwerp Mar. 24 . Marloch March 29 Montreal Apl. 7 Mirourn UtOM XKtV YOltK Ti Clirrliniirc-Siiitluniptiii-Aiilwrrp March 31 Montr jyal Via Belfast, t Via Oreencck. H Apply to Aitr.; evtrywhtre or M ;. J. FOKSTER. m S.S. Central Pais. Agent. W C.P.R. Station. Vancouver. Jm Telephone Seymour 2630 fHONESrvwiTH'oUR POLICY'S EVERV MAN BUILT ON TMEl iatll I 7ii TaTisa When you want fair and square coal service you will do the right thing by yourself in coming round to us. The quality of our coal and our conscientious service will give you a cheerful heat-full home this winter. NANAIMO WELLINGTON and ( McLEOI) HIVER SOOTLESS In Lump, Egg, Stove and Nut Albert & McCaffery Phones 110 und 117 MILK From Hulkley Valley FRESH MILK AND Willi'-PING CREAM Quality and Service Valentin Dairy Phone 657 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel. We Specialize in Piano and Furniture Moving. lariura ... Mac. ID Al-unU ... jr. t' Ta Chseboupa mA lAulKimntaii TIIE DAILY NEWS V AKER'S COCOA Jor$ncheon Here is a drink that has food value As well as a most delicious flavor and aroma For the business man's luncheon it is incomparable A DISTINGUISHED DIETITIAN ONCE SAID "It soothes both stomach and brain" MADE ONLY BY WALTER BAKER & CO. Limited Established 17&0 DORCHESTER, MASS. Canadian Mills at Montreal Dookjet of Choke Recipes tent free the route In the summer months. Automobile Club of British Columbia. As the road cost $2,000,000 to con- though opposed In principle to tolls on struct. It will take approximately twenty public highways. Is confident that the years to pay for tt by this method, the cost of the highway will bear lightly on statement points out, whUe during the the taxpayers, according to the research isame period tt will return at least three bureau. I times that amount In Increased buI- The club bureau made no allowance ness. Inasmuch as the largest returns for the greatly Increased traffic that 'from tolls will be made during the tour- would almost certainly develop annually lst season, when a large proportion of 'over a twenty year period the cars will be of foreign registry. th( ' LAND ACT NOTICE Or' INTENTION TO AI'N.Y TO LhASE lOKENIIOKt: In Graham Island, 3ueen Charlotte Island I .and Berordlng District of Prince i "uptrfc ana situate at rerguson Bay. l . Mauctt Inlet. Graham Island. IT RAINS AND BLOWS IN LOS ANGELES SAYS LOCAL MAN RETURNING When It comes to rain. Los Angeles I TAKE NOTICE that Powell River .v,,... t.i b,, . .k,. ...... Company Limited of Vancouver, B.C.. , , ..... . .. occupation Manufacturers. Intend to an- ,n Ptte of the ,BCt th1 tn wjthern I ply for a lease of the following de-' metropolis has the reputation of being KCon?mennclng the' theMt WW tUmX place in th. ' at a post pl.nted at northeast rornr of D I, 1571; thence "ria, says Sam J Hour who returned to , westerly, following northern boundary of ' the city aboard the Princess Beatrice u mncethVeViVrl,WMUnheerr.,0' Si3 thU ft" ""' easterly, following the high tide mark of . ' -eks. in California. Mr. Jabour. FergusonBay to the extreme easterly , who was in Los Angeles at the time of ! point of Echinus Point; thence south-' A..n,i. th hla ta bl ,tonn ren"T' Mn X easterly to the point of commencement. ; and containing 150 acres, more nr Ims. I that tt blows there and that the wind j POWELL RIVER COMPANY, j u very strong. To have their atreeU 1 Agent, J. DouglaVwilson. ! lurned ,uto ctn$ nd lhe l)ted 4th November. 1028 ' into swimming tanks Is something that - - " -1 the elements do In Los Angeles In con CANADIAN SERVICE I From Halifax I To Plymoulh-Hjure-London A:.-mip .. tlsi. i. k .tins . pr. IS To Londontftrry and Qlstgow WUiu Mar. f To Qucsnttown and Liverpool Aurinla . . . Apr. 1 1 From New York To tjuttnitown and Liverpool trast to the gentle rain that fall and , calm zephyrs in Prince Rupert. Mr. Jabour visited In Hollywood which was not ; as hard hit as Longbeach. being on ; higher ground. AiiiUnu .... Mar. 'l. Apr. sti. May it (dance which was held last night tn the n'mixan. pr. s. j7, jiiy 1 7 i lodge hall. ..,,-., 14, .-ijr f, jit 10 uonaonotrry ana Glasgow l.i-lltu . Mitr. ;ah iiiita . . Apr. To Plymoulh-Hairt-London TiiTiinla . Mar. Ill Aiimhiu . . Mar. ii From Boston To Qutsnstown snd Llvtrpool Camilla Msr o l.anmla . . . Apr. 3 .!!. at I'lyiiuMith. esMboiinil Mihii-v 'ii-ikr. ilnrit uii'l Trsnllfr-i;li-(iics st I..Tezit rsU-. lull Inrnrmallon fruiii IitsI axi-nt or ( iitiipan a orfices, 0t lUftlnir St.. W.. Vsmtiuver. ll.C. PEEK FREIN'S Chocolate Sandwich Bourbon Biscuit Per lb. 73c Friday and Saturday we will de monstrate these. bbcuitH with a cuo of delicious Tea. i Ah a Combination Sale we offer; 1 lb. Tea 1 lb. Coffee 1 lb. Dourbon Biscuits All 3 fur $2.00 Vou can select Tea and Coffee Brands as follows: Nabob, Empress, Malkin's Best, or Fuller's. See our windows W. C. Little of Woodcock ships us Fresh Milk every train. Let us deliver you a quart dally, 20c B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited Phones 43 and 574. ! SUCCESSFUL-WHIST DRIVE AND DANCE BYMOOSE LODGE Two hundred and fifty persons were prefent at a successful whist drive and At twenty-eight tables of whist, the winners were as follows: Ladles' first. Mrs. D. Schubert; ladle second. Mrs. E. Dickens; men's first. Ole 6tegavlg; men's second, J. Thome. Refreshments were served and dancing followed, music being) by Mrs. Pondcra orchestra. Olllls Beyer was master of ceremonies and L. It. Parry .was chairman of the committee In charge. HOUSE PARTY HELD BY ELKS LODGE ON THURSDAY EVENING a picaxant house party was held on Thursday evening by the Elfcs Lodge wiieu Driogc. whut and dancing was enjoyed. There were ten tables of cards and the prize winners were: Bridge, Mrs. S, J. Evans and Thor Johnson; whist, Mrs. Hobert Arthur Jr., and C. It. Blggatt. RefreshnVnts were served and dancing followed, music being by Arthur's BATTALION ORDERS By Ueut.-Coloncl 'j, VV. Nlcholls. Officer Commanding, Ut Battalion North British Columbia Regiment, 102nd Bn. C.E.P. Parade. BatUllon will parade In unl form, drill orderi with , side arms and rifles, In the Armoury Monday evening March 14, at 8 p.m,;, Signal section will 'parade for Instruc Hon In the Anribury, Tuesday, at 8 p.m. Musketry Miniature range open for practice, Friday at; 8 p'rn. Orderly otricer for the week ending Saturday March 19: Lieut. J. S. Wilson; orderly sergeant: Sergt. Squire. B. D. JOHNSTON, Major and Adjutant, Attd.' ltt Bn. N.B.C. Regt. t AdvertUe in thi Dally News Miitri.r.N kdi'out. K a.m. DI03Y ISLAND. Cloudy, calm; barometer. 29.43; temperature, 43; sea smooth; 8 pjn. spoko steamer Mogul. Anyox fo rSeattlc, 014 miles from Scat- i tie; 9 p.m. apoke Cardena at Mill Bay, northbound, due Prince Rupert 6.30 am.: 3:50 a.m. spoke steamer Princess I Beatrice, due Frlnce nupcrt. 8.30 a.m. BULL HAflBOIl. Showery, fresh louthwesl wind; barometer, 20.00; tem perature. 40: heavy swell; 8 p.m. spoke steamer Curacao, leaving Queen Charlotte Sound, northbound: 8 am. spoke tug Bt. Faith, abeam Adenbrooke Is land, southbound; 8:30 am. spoke steamer Curacao, leaving Queen Charlotte Sound, northbound; B am. spoke tug St. Faith, abeam Adenbrooke Island, southbound; 6.30 ant. spoke steamer Catala. abeam Chatham Point, northbound. DEAD TREE POINT. Barometer, 29.-10, temperature. 34. NOON DIOBY ISLAND.-Showery. light 8.W. wind: barometer, 20.50; temperature. 40, sea smooth. I BULL HARBOn. Showery, fresh S.W. wind: barometer, 29.01; terucraturc. 40. heavy swell. DEAD TRKS POINT. Barometer, 29.-14: temperature, 43. Members of the Prlnet tlupert Boys' Band were entertained at a luncheon this afternoon In the Boston Cafe by the bandmaster, Thomas WUson. It was a happy gathering over which Col. J W. Nlcholls presided. Contributing to the program were Stanley Dalby. with a trombone solo: Billy Puller, cornet solo, and Bandmaster Wilson. J. S. WUson. J. E. Davey and A. Clappertou with vocal solos. Among those present were Msyor Newton. J. Campbell and John Dore. IN TUB KUPUKMi: COUNT OF 'MUTISM COLUMBIA. llr l-KIM'K 111 I'UiT II VIHlO-IM t'l IJIf (OMI'WV I.I.MIri 11 s.u.i; iiv oitni.it in' Tin: cm ut TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to the order of Mr. Justice D. A, MetVuisId dated the 10th day of Pebrusry. 19.17. In a bondholders' atlon Intituled In the Supreme Court of Irrltish Columbia between The Royal Trust Company and Prince tlupert Hydro-Eleetrh: Company Untiled and other, being tUfiOI IBIS, brought to enforce the trusts of an In-deviturr dated the 30th dsy of June. 191 1, tender are invited by Oeorte Edward Winter the Receiver appointed by an order of thla Court dated the liUi day of September. 1J16. and the de-re In the aJd action date-! the 91st day of November. 1916. for the purchati im an ur runs i ii iug proprruea aiul aU oi me asua company. The said protr-ties are described aa fUlowa: 1. That certain parrel of land and premises situate In the Province of Brltlh Columbia more rmrtlcularlv de scribed as Cot 633. Ran 9, Cos t !)t-trtct. conuinlng I GO acre more or Im, 3. That certain parcel of land and premises situate in the Province of unwsn uoiumnia more particularly described as Lot 18C1. Ranse 5. coast Dl- 1 triet. centatalng 37 Rl loo acres more , or less, eaceptlng thereout a strip of: land one chain In width measured from I hlghwster mark. S. That certain parcel of land and premlsca situate in the Const Distrte; Province of British Columbia, and more particularly described as Lot 895. lunate 5. conuinlng 33 60,100 acres more or less. i 4. Maps deal Ins with survevs nf drainage area. In fall and runoff data ' dentins of dauns. power plants, trans mission lineal and receiving station for rmiw aim nnaiaaa tuvers development. . and plans of works. The Hsreiver Is Informed hi th. above lands parcels 1. 3 and 3 were selected bv the engineers of the Prince ' Rupert Hydro-Elect tie Comnany Limited as being suitable sits for the construe- i Won of watsr power plants ) aenom may oe maae for an tne said , parcels together or for one or mr re separately. j i-anicuiars ana conautons of ssle msv I he had upon application at the office of ! Mcurs. Klddell. Stesd. Itodtes A: i Winter. Hans; of Nova Scotia Dulldlna. i Vancouver, or at the office of the un. ; derslcprd. DATED the 2nd dsv of Msrch. 1927. WILSON. WHEAIXER At SYME8 1 Blleltnr for the Plsln'iff Of 0 Pender Htrest West. Vancouver It C 71 Universale Bankrupt Stock SALE CONTINUKS In Pull Swlnj; The whole stock has to cleared out and everything marked at WHEAT INDUCTIONS IN PKICKS The many barKalns offered1 nre too numerous to mention here. Uut be sure to et your Bhare of them while these sacrifice prices last. Universal Trading Co. CLOSING OUT SALE a ssei Lois Mo ran When Pav n !tr i am in Noah Beery THE 1 fim. clai.m You should mm on pay day U your saving,. time of sickness or unemplo? your money is your b (3 you have savcil it. n There comes a time lor adl 0f u, U ability to earn must cease. Your bted saving must then taVe the S your present earning nower. 01 Ail I, top, oMfotirt, t, Mv.rf Your scows." 1 ui ,m4 m The Royal Bank of Canada ' Piince Hupctt Ilranch WEsrao F. IL Hokrtst !!, M. LIE THEATRE TONIGHT ONLY at 7 and 9 I Ail...u.l mmi Ilex. Leach' )Kw iiu! dr. in that name. Tulc ntwl all alar cut LOIS .MOHAN. ALLAN SiSIIVON, NOAH IIKLUV HIAWXs LAKH. IMCHAHI) A HI. UN, LOUISL JIKESSMt, HIXLN JKKO.MK KDDY, PLOIUJNCK Tl'KNKIt and many othera. "OUH (JAM;- CO.Mi:i)Y-MASK (iltAM)MV' PATIIK ItKVIEW Admission ..... ,piOc ami c Dr. J. I. Maguin announces the Opening of his new ental Offices on Monday, - - March U in the Alder Block, over Ormes Phone 525 for appointment Phone 525