PACE. 2 A t JLaSwaiusrDdiyM CAPTAIN KIDD KSALflM TP aflk- Iced 1 1 1 Try It The Daily News PWNCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Erery Afternoon, swept Saadav, bf Prince Rupert Daily Newt. limited. Third Avenue. II. F. PULLKN - - Managing Editor. SUHSCIUITIOX RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month By mail to all parts of the British Empire and States, In d ranee, per year To all other countries, in advance, per year Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - the Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. BAILY EDITION 76 United 9S 86 British Columbia may be a sea of mountains and an unimportant part of Canada put she can produce winning football and cricket players and that should be preliminary to the conquest of Canada commercially. $5.0W S7.S8. Friday. August 5, 1927 EITHER PAY OR KEEP QUIET The Manitoba Free Press is an estimable journal bat it some times feels itself very important. Jut now it is out to Settle international questions. It is scolding Britain and the United States, and particularly Britain, for not makinjr a treaty with Uncle Sam in regard to the Viavy and even mentions that Canada had no part in the negotiations. When it is considered that Canada contributes only the Patrician and'psssihly a little boat on the east coast to the work of the navy, (hfs country could hardly expect to be represented in s matter of naval disarmament. Here is what thf Free Pretu said: Perhaps when the naval "Disarmament" conference blows up, which seems to be its probable fate, we may look for an understandable statement from the government of each of the negotiating powers explaining to its own nationals and to the world just what there was in the program of the other powers that it would not ac cept, even though this involved the collapse of the gathering. We trust there will be, in each country, a public opinion that will scorn the appeals to national feeling that will be made and will demand to be "shown." The United States and Great Britain we use the word Great Britain as the more accurate because the Dominions have played no real part in the negotiations may haw to tell the world that while they were agreed upon equality in naval strength they could not agree upon what this parity in total tonnage should be. The public will want to know just what totals were suggested rand the reason:for them. It the United States put the level which it demanded below the existing British strength, the informed pub- lie judgment in both countries will be that it was an unreasonable and improper demand. If, oa the other hand, it appears that Great Britain insisted upon a much greater cruiser tonnage than she now has, the admiralty will have, we should say, some task in convincing civil opinion that this was a legitimate reason for a breakdown. WHAT ABOUT A NAVY? Butwhat about a navy in Canada? Either we should have one or leave it alone. It is useless to train boys for the service if there is no service to join. The only thing is, if we are going to stand back and let someone else pay we should refuse to take part in any discussions which would involve the use of the navy or in which the British navy, which today means the navy of England, Scotland and Wales, is concerned. Canadian commerce is increasing. Canadian ships are sailing the seven eas but they are absolutely without protection except such as is given them by one little section of the Empire known as Britain, or which the people there mostly call England. Either that is their protection or they turn to the United States and hide them- selvef. beneath the shadow of the Munro, doctrine. In any case, it is not anything of jwhlch to be proud. If we are to be a nation and not rely on:others for defence, we mast feave our own navy. If we are to be the small boy at our mother's knee, looking. to her for pro tection. or seeking the aid af.jur big brother, let us carry on as we Canadian newspapers usually carefully avoid this naval ques tion taking their cue from the Canadian people generally, who try not to think about it. But the problem is facing us. What shall we do? Now that the Island road is being pushed ahead to Galloway Rapids, the next thing to tallnabout will be a bridge across the narrows. Let's get to the other side. Chiciens may sometimes find themselves in the soup, but not often, judging by the ilavor. A straight flush is still heard of players but seldom among young ladies. among poker Don't dread the Kitchen ! Delfciousrevery summermeal Crispy tempting shreds health Served with fruit whole milk AGAIN LIVES Haunts Coast of Noca Scotia Where Treasure Supposed Is I be Hurled HAtirAX. KB.. Ag. i. fnu the hoary tetrad of burled somewhere saarjg Nora Sootla took aew lease oa III jsad the meanlna- i waa ra aabbertas maniac. Others' ho fehrtat to naVe ' braved the unknown horrors relate that, when tttey had dug a few feet below the eur-ce of the aaad. thefr llghte were ez- ttnftaabed and a thundrroua voice or dered them to be gone. ! They were i It la highly probable that the cup- lain, wbo la reputed to have been a thrifty man, did aalt away aome of hli 'earainge" against a rainy day . Hla knewn addiction to tala&ds and cave probably aroae from the fact that be waa not in good odor with the banks af hla day. So. there la (till a chance that one of the myriad coaatal legends' will turn out to be truth and that' COMMUNITY PICNIC AT PORT CLEMENTS i:njoyabl Time Kpent by reuple of lliin!s and tddrr- (liven PORT CLEMENTS. Aug. 5. On Sun day a community picnic waa held at tbe McQuaker Ranch two and a half milts up the Talou River. The. crewd left town at one o'clock pa The walk was made very pleasant by tbe Shady treet ahid the dight breeze coming from over the water gave everyone a good appetite, ac lunch wa served soon after reaching ' the ranch. After the clearing up. the Rev. C. O. Darby gave an open air church service to the largest congregation he has had since coming here. After the service bath young and old enjoyed the swimming In the river. Lunch was again served, after which the crowd of seventy walked back to town feeling none the worse for their long walk. STRUCK HIGH GRADE AT SILYER TIP MINE STEWART. Aug. 8. No. 1 vein of the Sliver Tip has been encountered In tbe tunnel, and samples brought down by the manager. J. V. Clegg, are rich In native silver and silver sulphides such as are characteristic of tbe. upper Sal-Dicn basin and have given It a reputation as a high-grade section. The vein wa struc 113 feet from the portal of the tunnel and will be crosscut to the hanging wall, then drifted upen until , Its contact, with, thctijig north and south vein Is reached. i KOI'KII AMI BRAni:i. I Suitor WeJL Tranmy. congratulate ' me: your sister has lust promised to .marry me. Tommy That's old news. She pro-itnieed mother she'd marry 'you ages ago. Passing show. m Advertise In Tbe DaUy Ns RAILWAY EARNINGS FOR JUNE ARE DOWN asrl Cam-aver ' ,-rH' "-paaUMe fur IciMihtMi thl eer WO.YTWKAL. Aim earntne sianuatlrc to SZ2 sai o :.d net earn-taM of HMM4W shown la tbe nMH) of Nm'.' "d penaes of -he CmmMm; Ni una! sVuMaays lor the. ta of Mm These Ugaaa fiait 'l CM. to a flood of worda. U4JN3j and r of Oapasln KMd, eutUas. -aralnas t sso ss liuatol ud all nred to haunt too- of June WUd harbors Many imlMr treaaarc Mac In Mkm furtrtaty resumed then- opera- eajaawalent Uooa with BMk and akovel. tat law wi a was. to Jar bo Essaaah gald'has been fcrout preetoua year. to HtM. 1 Captala TOMd. vho aecordlnc to aae OUST hllortes ni a aiaeh wsalhraed nan- mou at nna. SSMla and .few Braaswiek. It aB IB,W11J.S3 or IS par cant eaca af a aavy. mt .'NEW f'OM EKTH t! MrllMBt year1 a amaS croup af at- lands la Uaaoae Bay. near Caatter. waa , WMIe etroBSty farored ay the adharea4i f a the lasead Paw aim illy aaroe eatar howaaad dBOara ibaaa af Jaaa laat unearth a acrap af oM aalp-Jtias. t3t wMckase. a ratted ae. or ereo a ofl- quit f lad year. (or the aaonth Th: htdlratai f SM 1 46 pat cwot In JUS with June of h and also a savaaaaa at tor Jnl June of UM.- eorr pared tbe Mr. la supposed to have acattared hU Working aspe'.M loot la carefully seteetcd hiding placta U: tailed ttlJMSK 01 On tt anaata of New Koala nd. Nova WTJ1SS9 ta Aw IS in June, as afralnit . rUlVAKIl'ATION HE, walked afjroaa Third Avenue He tramped It near and far And not once In all that tunc Did ha dodsc a motor car. NOW that Itanauno 'has the 1927 Ol- of 1 tegaacU be trae. thea be aut A naeafeer of factors entar man wi have apaat tbe grreler part of kh m condition, ona bring gram oat a awaHlin rM tart ta baryatg It. trc to the amaller carry ow tats year for taf la acarrHr a feartoof from there vaa laa grln hsuiea in juof.i Vtffteat ta ke linimtiilil wBlea aa tac raaalt btlac a reduction of ap-j not -at oa me or aaqSaor eiatsied praxlauMr a Billion doi:n in eara-i to poucaa ame Of Ma &oarda. One ia tnga from that aoarce ia romparl.3n Xuma Hi ttii nnidmiwn tt thirtrnrt rth Jas. tM On toe other hand I ad lint r 11 trie tuuwoutftttr exta- fcaeral tMffic earnings taavritad to Uie imatelr nre hund-ri ahrn com pared ith to ol June laat showK earningt whe thr nU Utoae o! tke pact month oompare 1th tha tlzntla- tasy eeea. Tfeeae atede straslbefied aaoctha orar a period of atz year, while :te beHeawa ad bl taght sew eaavertt Jwae at atat year repreaacrted the hlh-td the calt of fanatwi tUdd. No actual V- aroaa for tna ataath amee the 1 1 laiui 1 was ever (UaBorerrd. bat Uer araalaajnatteo of the rartoua Unaa Into are aUU thoae beUeve that toe ine ptearot ayataaa. pot of boM la yaat around the eor?.rr( for them, Teara ago a paroeauny- avored lalaad waa chrlateaed Captain Kldd't Iftaad. Wtether or aot the treaaure myth la Ofctr wattoout SouadaUoa, H has Man in the Moon - . v 11 1 1 a gfTea bSntl a a "ailed Utter of minor,- leaenda. eaaa wttk Ha thdmdual twlat THESE Enth.-h mmjbr BMoeat Ir. and daea of local coSar. Bprrnturl dftoeanor but here la Premier SaMwla are eaOed ta to heighten tbeyta both Canada and tae cryoe are ot the ftk ttle. Thai a ,rtt of Ealad. aVd" tad aeafaded care hear SjOot Jortn. wMh the tpeata TE ladyaked KB. It ertdHed guar- lNblp of a titular demon ox the oMiHto V aertoualy U be thought ..j, 'Prtnee RaBert waa ahawtmr decline of ouocaneera. runa iw wui th juu - sad would the elerator ba ?tUatMsi more by tapllcaUoa than by direct admltta-S .m Kat th. am maVHiMedr harbora a fabutoua wealth of doiaV; Palblnt even that aUaht not be here at nu. nr mtit rtn nH nwi. -iiu hum hat that todeaat'SUtble dan- oeatagaa eera beaet the path of the wonlo-be H Tbay were auoh too who! tea la. treaaure hnaSara. j lll.l'AMK MANIAC . I 1 MUCH Prr1" n tMurMw aaaaantteiat aalHedi forth by atgtot. armed with tpade and lantrm. When he was found in the cup. is It a credit to British CMumoia. to Scotland or,, to WaJea? POS6IELY you would like to have re-' peated a few of the things I have heard ; ' in ther pat: The road across the anand wiu never be trull t. The roads in the city will never be graded. The elevator will never be bwlK here. The elevator wlll never be operated. The court house will never be bwUt. rain never be a ue titaimur UKjreiiu.u win unnu pyjjj Rupert WlU LILLIAN DAWSON Prince Bupert all next year. knocked ham ill ol I In The Dally News Nobody lb ever make any money. Thrre will never ne outlet to the Peace Rive. ACTRESS AND FLYER (ilrl of 11 Already Aviator. Movie (llrl and Arlt'a Model MONTREAL. Aug. 8. (Canadian Press ). To be a film actress, a famous! artist's modl. and an air pilot by the time one Is 14 yesrs old la quite beyond the wUdest dreams of the average girl, but little M!-w Lillian Dawson ha a record of achievement which many an 8 Appetites grow fitful and languid during hot August days x DEYILLF.I) SARDINES f DrtBTfsardiaes; lightly cover tawan with Coiamas Maataid aad ja-piff. sod brtal aratiy or fay at a attW batter, serve on hot toast. FIVE MINUTE .MAYONNAISE T1 yasW an egg. a pinch of ask. a Wi ..aVfS larar. 1 ttaatHjUBlttl Cofoaa 8 MttS- Urd. Boat wall with the egg Uaurr aad add asd-r coaauatly. viaeair wtat I 4 taMrapooaluai olive ou, waappug Be imcc oi a givr it a hae laTur. CELERY SALAD Take 3 bum-hes celery, wash sad cut them iato small iefe-t tlweo add 2 medluai aimed otuuoa, mnoat, noainm oil, i cupiai 2 2 doves, aoves, garlic, ganic, and sua chop .nu ine oughly, add a few droua i olive oave vinegar, J table-xionlul of 1 aeaaoa aeaaoa with with peiff peiper and and salt salt t ' ider member at her sex might envy. Passim tfamwati Montreal with the other laaratifSJ af tbe Pilgrimage to Lourdea. ah seamed Just an unaffected little aefcool girl with bobbed blonde hair, simply dressed aa befits her age. and quite at enthusiastic about flying and acting aa In a former generation ;lrt. Irare about their dolls. She la an honorary pilot attd member of tbe Pittsburgh, Aero Club, and has been frying atace she waa three yearn of age rnd at Roger Fund near Pittsburgh it almost aa everyday eight to behold her la a little Waco or "Jenny" plane 1 klmmlag the blue hetghta above. She cxpecta ta fly over Rome with Pinedo. lHaa Dawson baa already prayed In education film. She will take part In tbe "Story of the Lady of Lourdea" film aa Jeanne, tbe friend of Bernadette. i DawaoB won for herself the name of "America's Liberty Bond Baby." i.nd served aa model to Charles Dana Gilbson for his Liberty Bead Poster. the r.trE or it. She Why donit you propose to Miss Bullion? He I haven't the face to ask her. She True! I never thought of that - Times. Make your light food nourishing Put a spoonful of Bovril into your soups, stews and pies. It will give them a delicious new savouriness, and you will be able to get all the nourishment you require without making a heavy meaL BOVRIL gives Summer Cookery Bee Energy without Bulk ra Colmaa's Muatard, to taaic. HAM PIQU.VNT 1 pound thialy-aliced cooked ham; 4 tea apoonfula Co) man's Mustard ; dash cayenne; 2 Ubk-suoonfuta milk; cuufal grated Parawaaa dsn; H teaapoonfd pejairr: Mat the C olaaaa'a Maatard to a track paste with the walk aad seaiaaiag. Sfjecad that on the slices of ham: thru apinkie each wtth the grated cbeeae. Arrange the aficra one oa top uf the other in a brick form. Tie sccarHy wtth string and place in a baking-inn. Bake ia a medium oven of 00 r for twrnt-fie minalra or until thr ham lut is naltrd. Itai4c the "brk-k" now and then aitn the fat a it raaa into tlte u.n. Chift, removT tUe string, and cut in siWra down through the layers. 0l mans aids JTTIM.I (oltnaitfs Recipes Wm AUGUST trer. aw - i-v-i i Taa,- vi They must be tempted with dainty dishes that intrigue the appetite with the novelty of their flavours. . . Such are these recipes so eminently suited to August menus. Try them. Clip them for future reference. MOCK CRAIl i pound pkLbd ahriaspa; H pourj Chkar; 1 tibWaxaafal otive oil: 1 tr.;.. aalt; I teaafaaWul aagar ; 1 j ti-.iilul , ,. 1 teaspuuaful ColaiiB'a Mustard, 4 Ublr. .. fats vawtar; Miac the iMapi and grate the chrt into the rtweea, a httie at a tiim . the i-1 .;. aalt, tafsr aJ Cokaans Muuid. t!n vinegar. Let ataSaJ 10 minutr. lelon- ., the shrimps Stir for onr-jix! .. tiall v. aad serve Hi gkMB alia., garniUanl with l i.. . ITALIAN SALAD Take Trainanta of leftover nuat. asnui; 2 brancttes o-kry, 1 aaaall e t tw inal i twNled epas, a few radishes, chop ttic l hue, iiiixiiig tugcther well, ami spriuMi 1 traMajouTuU Cainsan's Mui-tanl. t plr aad aalt to tae. Srr ia a 1 . t aianed with a few lettuce leaves. PIMENTO SALAD U pound of dwe; 1 hard Isdatd euv 1 a pimentos; M traapoonfal of aalt; ij , of vinegars maul lunin of bstCrr: 1 tt-u-,.. of Culmaa's MuaUfd; 1 teasufeniul i hiteof 1 egg: lariod ia ful cssaarr the thrrv. pinseatot, aad add the aalt. Mix with .i tac atade by cuuking t'v;ittr thr . batter, Colman'a Vlsaurii .t"l augar 1 uittu this naiturc Uacheii, rmanr ii ..i fire and add tlte tratea bH ot an rapidly until siucxrth. AHow ilxeastn brf ore mixiuy with the aalad. Fur FREE Recipe Book, write COLMAX-KEEX CoWu UmittJ, Dtpt. 1000 Amhtrtt Strut, Muntrtut Mustard digestioiv DEMAND 1 i "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - -THE DAINTIEST IlllEAKFAST FOOD" Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., W Prinre Kuperf. B.C. Canadian National Qfo Largefl TKailway Syfttm in America ""STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICEf HAII.INOM from HICINTE KITKKT for VAXCOl VEK. VlfTOKU. M, each MONDAY and Till KMIAY. 1.00 p.m., HATI KIlAV P-"'; For ANYOX and 8TEWAKT MONDAY. HilllO J lor AI.AKKA WKIlNKMlAV J lor MAHKKTT INLET MONIIAT f'f. lor KKIIIMIATK INLET and SOUTH Ill lXN f'IMKUITTi: IM'-"'' 1 nlrhtly. PAHftKMSER TRAIN" LEAVE PRINCE RI'ITRT IIAILV EXCEPT SUNDAY at 11.30 lor I'KINCK JKOKGK tH" TON. WIN'Nirai, all points Eastern Canada, United suite'. IAKPKK I'AKK LODGE OPEN -MAY t TO SEPTEMIIEK 3"-SEE CANADA IN CANADA'S ll'IIILEE YEAH IKIi7 l-AGENCY ALL OCEAN HTEA.MHIIIP LINES. Use Canadian National Express, for Money Orders, lorrlf " ' " etc., also for your next shipment. CITY TICKET OITICE. 518 THIIID AVE.. PRINCE RUPERT. P"01" Prince Rupert Auto " Company Agents fcr Hudson and Essex Super-Six Cars Second Ayenue, opposite Prince Rupert Hotel. Phones 75 and 275