Rupert Daily News rday, November 8, 1952 psecration Date Named , New Caledonia Bishop of the Caledonian Diocese, Dr, H. p . nto will be consecrated at a cere- Chureh Cathedral, Victoria, Jan. 25. BOOK SHELF “THE ri et The many thousands of read-| ers who delighted in Mrs well-Pletcher’s . ‘available at the Public} Library) ; will be equally enthusiastic her new book, based on the} TUNDRA WORLD” bheocaora © On the by Stanweii-Fletch- | Stan- Driftwood Val- TORONTO Private radio! stations took seven first awards and CBC seven for an even split of winnings in the fourth an- nual Canadian Radio Awards | announced in Toronto. In addi- | tion a private station, CKCW, Moncton, N.B, was given a spe- | cla] award for outstanding com- | munity service. The Ford Motor of French Canada Network, Light. | Brown & Co. Ltd., Toronto, pro-- and Night Wine, a Raiio Awards Split-hy Private Stations, GBe in Music-| Network, Light. Winners were Starlight Moods. CBC, Toronto Cockfisid produced by Byng Whitteker CBC Van- Savage, of ducer of Ford Theatre dn the couver production by Norman CBC Trans-Canada also received strong commenda- Toronto, Honorable mention went tion from the judges. In their|to Songs From Freneh Canada, opinion Savage’s production of | CBC, Toronto, Thom Benson, The Innocents, Whi¢h won the anc Musical Comedy Time, also Network, Campbell, tow with CBC-TV in Co, of Canada Lid. also took a! Drama-Network class, “came | CBC. Toronto. : today. + nimple — author S experiences in one of | special award, for its sponsor-| nearest to being the compiétely | Two Toronto stations cleaned * 8 us will be enthroned in st. an- ‘Be last frontiers of the world—| ship of the network Ford Theatre | satisfying drama on all gounts.” | in the Music-Non-network, ©") drew's Cathedral, Prince Rupert, “® °48¢ Of the arctic tundra. in English and French. Honorable mentions in Drama- Cidssical section. CKEY won first conduct within @ week of consecration ~» 2". here ain, as Lewis Gan-| y Private stations were awarded | Network went to The Witch, | witer Sir Ernest Plays Favorites, Dr. Watts was elected ax bish. ™ tt wrote of “Driftwood Val-| four honorable mentions and the |from Stage 52, CBC, Montreal, | 4 sunday night feature in which Dr. Watte| op here Oct. 23 at an election ley,” is far more than a “tale | ey i CBC 13. . | produced by Rupert Capian, and | symphony conductor Sir Ernest q synod at which were ‘repre of “uick wilderness adventure; | Hae y Fg ; 4 The awards were made public | Le Coureur de Marathan, d@irect-|jqacmillan turas dise jockey. ee wrted members of the Church “"** * deeply lived story of a ’ - on @ special program from the |ed by Guy Beauine, CBC, Mont- | ionorable mention went to Cha- CTORY of Engiand clergy and laity wilderness home.’ WHO-0-0-0-0 CARES?—This young horned owl seems indif- |arts and Letters Club in Tor-| real. let Concert, CKFH, Toronto, pro- IRE S I sam.) ftom all parts of the province : Here is a very real and beaut-| ferent to captivity when in the company of Claudette Carriere The other special award © school at Dr. iful account of the effect of a onto, broadcast over the CBC} Trans-Canada Network. | The Maurice Rosenfeld Mem- orial Award, a gold key given i duced by Len Rowcliffe. | There were two firsts in Light | Entertainment-Network: Carte Watts succeeas the late Bishop J. B. Gibson, killed in an automobile accident at the out of Cornwall, Ont., who caught the bird on her back porch. (CP PHOTO) winner, station CKCW, Mon- | eton, received high praise for “its imaginative and inspiring tundra world not only on plants . and animals, but also on human CATHEDRAL ' ewe § |Blanche (CBF, Montreal, Roger wag ir Bt skirts of the city July 24 - oe arene each year to “the most promis- | *couragement of musical €x- (Pijigng) and Stdpwatch and oie ae Pa z Mr Stanwell-Pletcher tells . 3 4 | ing meweomer to Canadian Pression over a wide area of Listen (CBC, Vancouver, Rol am - how, late one June, Rosamund Music Festival Promotes ualit | Radio,” was won by Don Gar- | the Maritime Provincesthrough | 7-1 an) The perennial, favor- RA. BD Reeve reached the west coast ; 24 old V the annual Moncton Music 700) f Huds ten ‘ ann aa | or Fame Se tee Festival amply demonstrat | tes, Wayne and Shuster (CBC, . of Hudso lay and e frontier * e ed bern bas« ne now studv- te ~ |foronto, Jackie Raei won an narTist French Writer ettiement of Churchill —the Without Rivalry, Competition ing at the Opera School of the | € What can be accomplisned | yon orabie mention, alone with se : last outpost of civilization be- Royal Conservatory of Music “nf 5 a a ae | Cleristmas Carnival (CBG, Van- ue fore the vast and little-know ' ‘ : ee : in Toronto ee » #12) W N b ’ ~~ os nown ‘ des sativala » object is ’ ‘ } ” couver, Norman Campbell); a Ins ode expanse of the Barrenjands.| In musical fe stiv als, the object is not to gain a) “Goaia won a number of | ‘iam talent. Sant’ foe Pox tamaen ger PKESBYT B k A e heltered New England) prize, nor defeat a rival, but to pace one another on| music festival competitions on| In the Children’s programs | Davis at CKNW, New Westmin- D OO War se Rosamund had come th oad t sxeellence.” says ; sport th first | the coast before turning to the class the winner over both net-/|ste,r B.C., won the Light Enter- een 982) ilone to join a fellow graduate € road to excevience, says a report on e SU theatre, radio and the concert work and private station entries! tainment-Non-network. Pete au van STOCKHOLM. -—. Royal Swed ue nt ind three professors ini annual conference of the Federation of Canadian | Stage for a career. He has starred Was The Magic Blue Box, CKFH, | Village (CBV, Quebec, Paul Le- a ish « Academy today awarded |® Study of the bird and plant Musical: Festivals. held at Banff i OF in a number oi shows on CJOR, | Toronto, produced by Joy Knowl- | gendre) and Kingston Peniten- = wi 1952 Nobel Prize for literatu fe of a sub-aretic tundra Musical Festivals, held at Dantf in 1950, Vancouver, and on the networks ; ton. The judges found it “exciting |tiary on the Air (CKWS, King- ; ') lito French novelist Francois am” first night she fell in love) phat expresses perfectly the oS * and’ sung in several operas. He | and interesting with ex- ston, Ont., Bill Luxton and Bert E p aM Mauriac, leading Roman Catho- ¥!th the arctic, listening to the attitude that is most desirable syllabus, The committee felt| Will appear in a major role in | tremely good use of local station Cullen and Prisoners No. 7638 wk | Ue author chorus of Churchill's 200 sled-|and most rewarding to those’ that the classes offered in pre-| The Consul, .0 be presented in | resources. : : _ | and 3684) were granted honors : Prise was among this year's on runs Nhe sunset taking part in @ festival and it’ vious festivals gave good scope| February at the Opera Fes:ival) oe bec ea > ene shi ee € - a t was the most r " aw Toronto rather nitaddicnippentiniaasslpiicistentnnrasereetineds se 209) ti list of honors bestowed under nig Bo gers ae ae awe-' sums up the general idea of for the musical and Grametie |" r nl > wit : g ome, thrilling music I've ever! the ‘ » yearly! re — of ams, entered from all | ere the will of Alfred Nobel, Swedish ng . ’ ; pd the promotion of the yearly resources of the city and dis-/| rosrams, ; ' S ibe inventor of dynamite, which <+ th ree a oe _ festival here, says the Prince trict | parts of perro ggg? > on in| FOUNDATION en tablished $6 vandan |i... eS Lungs One Creams 0!:) Rupert and District Music: and ; 1) Separate categories: Children’s, | ‘ x 610) on oh oder aide n he heartle beauty of arctic wei Seatival Association Pred Pee g. M.o 95.505 a caaal Music, Drama, Pultlic Affairs | KEEP YOUR HOME IN GOOD STANDING am ANGLICAN Se aides “a ice, the terror of polar winds! phe association has been busy} quanti ¢ ante d while 224 Light Entertainment. Spe-| | we' wil! check your foundation and give estimates on— i. Award for medicine, announc- and whirling snows, the short for the past few months making ! oes nd a oo a bee cial awards were also given on} a : ed Oct. 23, will go to US. Dr 1d radiant brightness aie Ort st few mo s mak standards as a rule ve n i ; - H Sees ee J 7 a nd rat ant b ighinen ot > me plans for the sixth annual festi-| g50q and reflect credit on the gpa ecg = judges in) mete a a oa ig ™ University, co-discoverer of of Lapl und nights.” se ae May i608 The syllaves, “\participants and their teachers, cele dae came a awards are ee as cee eae & e2r) 4 streptomyocin. A committee of A girl with less courage would po gos ne nagecont a the association, acting on the) viven in each class: first and | GENERAL CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Bi at the Norwegian parliament an- have quailed at the hardships ‘sen eae Gesies rave or a rigrenges will | honorable mention, There are| gc mie ' : nounced earlier that no peace and dangers, and utter lack of |) distributed to schools, mu- henceforth strive to €NCOUrage! no seconds or thirds. | reer ri en Lt m ¢1g18 | Prize would be given this year. conventions in that untrammel-| °° yee. and drama groups|' raat achievement. (Toronto was the top pro- | . on Two United States scientists led world. But Rosamund loved “° “8! mere ag agent rs For instance, in group work uction centre, with programs, J Phone 909 215 Ist Ave. West P.O. Box 721 " s Thorpe a » ‘ + locally, and’ mailed to points all , 1 Broup eis feesh and a $ s