TAXI Boston Grill 25 Ambulance ltd Z - Large Upstair Dining Hall, Sorvlco with newly laid dancing Anywhere t Antlme floor, fur hire. Stand: Ktchange Ilulldlnr NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. MATT VIIIECK. Prop. PRINCE RUPERT The latest and best for the least I'hone 457. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper "4. -? S T82. PRINCE RUPERT. B.C , HUDAY. AUGUST 5, 1927 Pvi.-e Five Cents ET DEBT OF CANADA IS SMALLER 'NGLISHMAN SWIMS ENGLISH CHANNEL FOURTEEN HOURS UNSTABLE WAS SHOT IN HAND nt to Arrest Indian at iieiia Cools Who Fired at Him i inl unilm In Mm . OMMtKbt William of ... l-olirr. lUllOllld at BUa hi th baod ywMirdaf i ! yet to hand but it miiUMc WlUtsMaa w Milt. rtinn. who then ho i with rill. William !- hoapltal The Indian i ..tor A M' Neil of ) Prince Hu- .Viirtra i leaving to-D' is Coola to r : ir' U BE. bc ahh s. a Whrtewaah who it it tJ i tvrial Constable J. A K.nt Wednesday nJi' surrendered to Ui ILIC SAFETY BILL PASSE! ljr:vf;j Irish Measure Roe Sc lo Senate for Consideration ' PiT-iktot Coscr 3... fly Rftl CMwmt it Mif Dull teedy an' Senate. :.ui- the death peevall tully rarrylDf arm. I '"ly after the death o r and waa opened b; v jio walked out of the .ti! during drscussloi STEAMER WAS REFLOATED Admiral Watson Heine Towed tc cattle Says Delayed Wireless Message Vr-TOCTA, An t The Admiral v 1 ated Wednesday after - it.urf 'wd to Seattle, It following receipt or mrsiwige from the " owncra. FORD ENDORSES HERBERT HOOVER Dr-oiT A : , Henry Ford yc-' endorsement to tlie can- 9 t Henry H-ver lor preildent ? ' .c : iS'iT.c. on the KeDUhllcaii I .c of TrrMdent Coolldge. PRINCE PLAYS GOLF BROCKYILLE TODAY BROCKVILLE. Ont . Aug. 8. - The i f Wains and Prince Oeorge ar-- H l Brttckville at 10.45 thU morn- i hour ahead of Premier Bald- t:.u played a game of golf here. I :.iia fur his reception waa of 'mm nature. 50,000 PERSONS ARE GIVEN EMPLOYMENT -am A " The government M-im'"1 ""' 0rv'r" PUccd "orc than . - per tna m employment In 1020. ' " " rcport of ' upcrlntcndent it w t M'Voy Conditions were good wa.s a surplus of labor. CABINET OF MINERALS FOR PRINCE OF WALES '-TbT?,, auj- 5-a BC Minerals will be presented ... " Wale by the Chamber : '' '''t-ii.s here. - an .m;i.imi iai tsMIH (IIINNU, . 4 OOVRR. Aug. S. -E. H. Temma. f an Kngttan awlmmeT. swam the f Engl ah Chnnl today from Gape Orta Nam to Ouver In 1 1 hours, 4 n minutes. He la only 23 f yeJr of ae. 4 SMALL LANDINGS OF HALIBUT TODAY ARE SOLD AT EXCHANGE There waa but a small me at the Ex-'iacge this morning of lialbut as fol-' jwa: tnirrlrsn utf. asjoeo pouads. to oou mor- K at 10.70s M SC. Canadian ntngo, tM)0 pouada. to Atttn mier- at lOKOo and 8-aOe. LoakU. 4J60 pound, to Attrn rtsher-m at lie and 6e. Mab. 300 pound, to Royal Fish Oo. t 1060c and 60c. Mayflower. 1000 pound of black eod 1 Cold Storage at 6c. RESBYTERIAN CHOIR ANNUAL OUTING AT DIGBY YESTERDAY The Junior Oholr of the Prenliyterlan TBurcn hold thetr plentc to Dlgby I- 'and yesterday afternoon, la tfMUt of marry bcang awsy on Utdays s!i4 snme down with whooping High tbere were twwnty.etght children n hand when the bost left at 1 JO Boat wer loaned by Lance Styles id D. C. Stuart. All forma ot gwmea were enjoyed and wuiunlng waa popular. In the run-ing raoas tti following were the re-ulu Olris: Senior 1. Mwtel Vanco: 3, oan Arthur. Olrls: Junior 1. Jean Ritchie; 3. met Thomnnoa. Boy -I. Jack McRae; 3. Oordon Wll-scroft. The whol outing was under the care of the choir leader. John E. Davey. and a complete success from every otnt bf new. NO TOWN EXISTS BUT SALARIES ARE PAID TO ITS OFFICIALS CORDOBA, Argentina, August 5. Deputy Luis Oiwes. of the Provincial LegMature of Cordoba, In the Argentine Republic, has caused a sensation by declaring that the town of Los Oea-aguea. which la alleged to be situated tn the Department Of Ban Junto, does not exist. Nobody has teen It and It appears on no map. Yet It has a police force, a Tire department, a .school system, a post office, and everything Including a salary list to man thene municipal Institutions. Big nor Owes has denounced the official who supervises the distribution of salaries. He says he has been necking ih town for more than a year but without success. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE nid. Akel 1.70 I.B3 12.60 13.50 . .03',; .08 Vi 151 133. .09 .19 .21 .05 V .07 .07 .09 .07?' .00 2.22 225 -.ioft .21 li r ' : .70 B.C. Silver Cork Province . DunweU Olacier Gladstone Independence . Indian L. and L. Lucky I Jim ... Pirmlcr Porter Idaho eunloch I . . of ru.t fnt of Can " "- APproxun;ijr . . . . InstjUlatlonS Is In aaaa wmu iijui"". antral electric sUtlon and over B8 per .-..1 .jAtFiMkl nutnut of cent or tne i"" w j.,ii frnm water all sutions ui..- power. HM 41-iA. tnwna and cltfes riity eri & - . ' . '.j. -f.ined onlv 18 per cent. . Vniian rural ana of our population. .r,,,oi in numbers. uman are w' m RAILWAY PARTY 1 HERE TONIGHT Sir Henry Thornton Will Inspect Terminal Tomorrow; Tarty Iarge One McBRlDE. Aug. 5 Continuing his In- ; spec tlon trip of the UrtM of the com- pany In western Canada Sir Henry Thornton, president or the Canadian National Railway. left Jasper last nlgh-en nut for Prince Rupert. The preal-denf train will reaeh Prince Rupert late tonight and 8lr Henry will spend ! the greater psrt of Saturday Inspecting j me ctwumi ana pori lacuiue oeiore be leavo by steamship for Vancouver. In addition lo Sir Henry and Lady Thornton thane in the party Include: S. J. Hungertoed, operating vlce-preel-deaU. Mr. Hungerford and Mb Alice Ilungertord. A. T. Weldon. traffic vice-president. W. A. Klngadland. general manager western region. J. It. Cameron, assistant general manager. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dawson, Prince Rupert. H. H. Metanson. general paswuger tratfte manager. R. Oreelman, passenger traffle manager. II. A. Dixon, chief engineer. A. E. Crllly, chief of the wage bureau. Montreal. J. A. Horn, general freight agent. Vancouver. W. II. Tobey. superintendent Bmltbcr division. MORE SOCKEYE THAN IN 1926 One Cannery Docs Well so Far This Season it Is Stated At least one cannery tn the neighborhood will put up more aockeye salmon this year than last. It is under stood that the Prince Rupert cannery) has already packed a much aockeye as wai put up altogether last year but the pink and chums are very scarce so far. However, these may run well later. VANCOUVER GRAIN LOADINGS OF WEEK VANCOUVER. Aug 5. Loadings of the week at this port of grain are: Historian for London 44,800 bushels, lyo Maru for Yokohama 16.667 bushels. Wales Maru for Yokohama 34.219 bushels. Point Montara for Puerto Colombia 12.000 bushels. KILLED IN MINE AT CASSIDY FROM ROCK NANAIMO, Aug. 5. Nester Alton, a miner In the Cedar district, waa killed lust night by a fall of rock In the Oranby mine .at Oassldy, fifteen miles south of here. He Is the fifth memlber of his family to be fatally Injured In coar- mine. CANADIANS WlfmOM SUVA SELECTED TEAM SUVA, Pill, Aug. 5. The Canadian all-star football team defeated an aggregation selected from the navy and the Suva teams here this afternoon, the score being two goals to one. BANK MANAGER'S WIFE DIEDAT MONTREAL MONTREAL. Aug. 5. Mrs.' C. E. Nelll, wife of the general manager of the Royal Bank ot Canada, died here today. MRS. AITKEN DIES TORONTO. Aug. 5. Mrs. Altken, mother ot Lord Beaverbrook, died at Newcastle, England, according to a cable message received here. Advertise In The Dally New ENJOYING HAWAIIAN SURF: Lieut. Lester Maitland and Albert Iletfcnberger try surf-boat riding after their flight from San Frandsco RECENT ALTERATIONS IMPROVING CENTRAL Recent alterations tJ the Central Hotel will be found of much convenience to tba gtioau. to ladr' rucm haa been riirnlshrd anew anrf comfortable reading and writ rig room prepared. The lunch room has also been undergoing alteration and a lunch counter ha been put Jn. ThH will be In oper-, atlon In the very near future. Blasting operations on the rock pllej tn resr of Post Office building are ex- j pec ted to be completed within a weea i and the removal of the protecting wooden screens on the window wilt be proceeded with. YOUNG MEN CHARGED MURDER REMANDED NEW WESTMINSTER. Aug. 5.-4Jeorge Burgess and John Maekenale. charged with the murder of Otto Bosch on a freight train near Ruby Creek on July 20, were remanded one 'week In the county court today. FIRE AT ALBERNI lour 1 1 ii ml ml Men Out righting Blaze at Foothills of .Mountains PORT ALBERNI. Aug. 5 Four hundred men are fighting a fire In the foothills of the Beaufort Range three mile from here and seem to have it controlled. The treets here are covered with ashes and two square miles are burned. REPORT. Terrace. Clear, calm, temp. 62. Rosswcod. Clear, calm, temp. 63. Alyaiwh. Clear, calm. temp. 58. Alice Arm Clear, calni, temp. 59. Anyox. Clear, calm. temp. 68. 8tewart.--Clear, calm, temp. 57. Hazel ton. Clear, calm, temp. 66. Telegraph Creek.- -Clear, calm, temp. 60. Smltlhers.- -Clear, culm, temp. 79. Burns Lake. Clear, calm, temp. 58. Advertise In The Dally News Public Meeting J. P. RAHCOCK Chairman of the International Fisheries Commission Will Address a Public Meeting in the Council Chamber Friday, 9 p.m. All interested in fishery matters please attend. S. M. NEWTON, Mayor. GEORGE MERLE HANGED TODAY MONTREAL. Aug 5.--Oesrge Merle, a native of rTanee. was hanged here this morning for the murder of Andre Mar- relie. al a Frenchman, in December lait. following a quarrel over a woman. FISHING FOR BLACK COD IS BECOME MORE . FREQUENT OF LATE Since the halibut have become scarcer, some of the .boat have been going out after black cod recently. One cargo was sold today at the Fish Exchange, the Mayflower having 10,000 pounds, whtch went to the Cold Storage Company at six cents a pound. The .fishermen know where the black cod banks are and can get a cargo much more quickly than of halibut. TOLMIE REMANDED TO WEDNESDAY NEXT MANSLAUGHTER CHARGE VICTORIA, Aua 5. William Fmser Tolmle. charged with manslaughter In connection with the death of Miss Cod- jdington on Rockland- Avenue recently. was reutmiucu w-utrii lie apjcarcu ill Wls police court today until Wednesday next at the request of his counsel, OMar Bass. BOY IS CRUSHED BY AUTO TRUCK DRIVEN BY VICTORIA CHINESE VICTORIA, Aug. 5. While riding a bicycle John Watt. 15 years of age. was crushed beneath a truck driven by Mah Lee. Chinese, here last night and sustained Injuries which resulted In his death at the hospital. TWO NEW COMPANIES ARE INCORPORATED i VICTORIA, Aug. 5. This week's In-I corporations Include the Marlund j Mines capitalized at tt.300.000; also Stewart ft Bevan $19,000 ot Queen Charlotte City, BIG LEAGUE BASEBALL NATIONAL if. win; Brooklyn 4, St. Louis 2. New York 4, Cincinnati 1. Boston 4, Chicago 5. Philadelphia 5-4. .Pittsburg' 8-7. AMERICAN LEAOl'E Detroit 6. New York 2. Cleveland 3, PhUadelphta 0. Chicago 1.. Boston 2. st louts 1-2. Washington 5-11. ' I IIXV.tTOIt NOW v Hill VICTOKIt llYLAW PASSIM , VICTORIA. Aug. 5. The bond guarantee for the grain elevator to be erected at Ogden Point docks la asaured In toe paasage vest era ay of the Panama Pacific Grain Terminal Btevator bylaw. ' ! I FEW FOREST FIRES SO FAR THIS YEAR T or Three Reported Burning But Are t'ndrr Control Total forest tries reported to date number 45. of which 37 are In the In-frlor to the east of Prince Rupert, and '.gin on the coast. Twen y have had to be fought at an estimated cost to date of ( 1.000 At present two . small fire reported under control are being fought at Glentanna and Doughty in the vicinity ot Smllhers. and one at Tlel, Queen Charlotte Islands. A tire Is also reported to be burning in some 'time killed timber west o the smelter it Anyox. In view of the extremely hot weather tth low humidities prevailing, the actuation la on the whole good, but the department would like to make an ap-r-eal to the public fr increased caution until the prerent spell of dry weather breaks. One of the greatest hazard at present la from railroad travel, a owing to the Intense heft ln the ". lnlerW, windows In the train are raised, and iven toe normally careful may Inadvertently throw lighted smoking material to the track. Owing to the long spell of hot weather, vegetation H parched and Ignite very easily. A little care exer cised by smokers may save a conflagra tion. CRICKET GAMES ARE DRAWN AT VANCOUVER Large Scores Made and no Time to Finish in Kit her .Match In Tournament VANCOUVER Aug. 5. Two draws were played yesterday. British Columbia got 245 for 7 wickets and Manitoba 157 for eight. In the other game. Saskatchewan got 230 runs and Alberta made 171 for seven -wickets. In each r e there was not time to play out the game. PORPOiSEHCAUSE FISHERMEN'S TROUBLE lrtrnr I'lsli In Sagurnay Ilirrr: Cod Yield Fallen Eighty Per Cent QUEBEC. Aug-. 5. The tlshlng industry on the north shsre of the St. Lawrence River, fom Plgou, In the Saguenay region, 20 miles below the Malsle River, to Mlngan, about 70 miles further down the river, 1 faced with ruin this year on account of the waters being Infested with porpoises. Oscar Morln, Deputy Minister of Municipal Affairs, returned to Quebec today from the district, and he states that he finds the population there very alarmed. Quoting figures pro vlded by the Government Inspector of Fisheries In that district, he shows that this year the cod yield has fallen 80 per cent. In previous years the porpoise have come after the ccd season, which end about July 20. But this year they came at the beginning and stayed throughout the season, rendering fishing almost futile. Mr, Morln himself declare that, while on the river -he passed one school of porpoise two miles long and half a mile wide. The population I wholly dependent on the fishing Industry, and It Is -claimed that unless something Is done by next year the dlstrlqt, will have to be abandoned a a result ot the harm caused by the porpoises this year, starvation facing the fishermen. The government' 1 being asked to put the matter In the hands of experts. The Canadian Pacific railways and steamships form the largest transportation system In the world. O. B. .Bush, well-known in mining circles In the north was a through passenger on the Prince Rupert today en route to Stewart. NET DEBT OF CANADA LESS Decrease Larger This Year Than Last For First Four Months of Year OTTAWA. Aug. 5.- -The net debt of Canada ha decreaaad 42.4M,4t3 In the first four month of the fiscal year opening on April 1. On MurUh 31 the net debt was 12.-347334,370 and last month it had decreased to 2P305.33S49. In the corresponding month of Iat year the decrease waa more than eleven million leu. JOHN DILLON ENDS CAREER Famous Irish Leader Died Yesterday Following Operation on Abdomen LONDON. Aug. 8. John Dillon, tha famous Irlfch leader, died yesterday following an abdominal operation. Mr. Dillon was leader ot the Irish Parliamentary part In the British House of Commons succeeding John Redmond In 1818. He represented East Mayo from 1385 to 1919. He was born tn 1851 and at one time waa imprisoned In connection with what l known a th "plan of campaign." . . , ,. ., COAL mm AT SAANICH Oil and Gas Claims Staked on Peninsula Near Victoria Result of Discovery VICTORIA, Aug. . An eight foot seam of coal discovered fit Deep Cove district has started the staking of claims both oil and gas on the Saanlch peninsula. TWO CHARGED IRISH MURDER DUBLIN. Aug. 5. Owen Donelly and Thomas Merrlgan were arraigned yesterday on a charge of conspiring to murder Kevin O Hlgglns and were remanded for one week. GERMANS MAKE RECORD IN ENDURANCE TESTS DESSAU. Germany. Aug. 5. Cornelius Edward and Johann Rlstlcz finished the world's endurance flight of 52 hours 23 minute today beating the record of Chamberlain and Acesta of 51 hours It minutes. LITTLE BOY DROWNED DATHING IN SOUTH VANCOUVER. Aug. 5. Frederick Wnilam Stewart, nine years of age was drowned at Long Bay, Oamb'er Island, when bathing. He was a son of Frederick Stewart, rancher. VANCOUVER FLYER GOES ON HIS OWN SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 5 Major C. Ofborne of Vancouver will not enter the Honolulu flight, he advised, owing to lack of time to get his machine reariy. but will continue his own plana for a flight to Honolulu and Australia. D0UKH0B0R BURIED DIGGING DEEP SEWER TRAIL, Aug. 5. Sam Gretchln, member of the Orand Forks Doukhobor colony was burrted alive today' when digging a thirteen foot sewer. HU body was recovered.