PAUL TWO 1 V beauty.' f foeBreadaiidlletterBima . PURITy FLOUR W Srhiildint Qualities The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA. Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN - Managing Editor. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION. ' 'INRIRTRYFAIR ladies' music club. IMuami rrtm MEETING YESTERDAY Thursday, April 14, lD27.ntV GOVERNOR GENERAL IS COMING HERE. ' 'Before another issue of the Daily News appears, HisExcellency the Governor General, Lady Willingdon and suite will 'have arrived IrrPrince Rupert to pay an official call. K:w1li' bcMheir fir.4t visit here and it is the unanimous hope of all that Lord and Lady Willing- ! WAS SUCCKSS" CAVUIA '.MIT KEI'ltKKXTEII Al'tOl IN'TKUEKTEIl acted with the Dominions and Northern Europe. New accounts were opened with Poland. Australia, and New Zealand for banjos and jazz band lnstru- in me silver, electro-plate, cutlery and allied trades business developed to an exceptional degree. High-class fitted tables and cabinets sold well In Canada, the United States. Australia and New Zealand. One exfllbltcr of electro-plate and cutlery did more buslnss than at .'hree or four previous fairs, securing orders for hundreds of dozens of pocket (knives and similar lines from practlc don will obtain a favorable impression of this city. It will be one;aIiy eytTJ Dominion and coionr nd! of the newest communities they have seen in their travels which from many other parts of the world, have been extensive covering, as far as the Governor General at least1 satisfactory uf.sii.ts is concerned, 'almost all parts of the world. , fXTZ TZ talned In leather and leather goods. To Lord Willingdon, as well as his lady, Prince Rupert will )The orders and inquiries were world- extend 'a hearty welcome. Not only as the representative of the!'de. wlth th United states and can- King" and the factor that binds Canada to the beloved British Empire, jB1&' buying heavily. jThere was good but also as a scholar and statesman of long standing in his country's I business in expanding suit cases both at service, he will be honored at Prince Rupert as in every other place !hoi"e "nd orod- thU beln on oh his tour. We hope and know that such humble means as may!,ne b"tlIns ,lne mon trun nd be in our power to. receive him will be appreciated in his usual itgs' .,rnl,. mann Wfcon P,!no T?,t 1 rA u'lili u' ntUlUtly smaller but equally note- will be meeting the King's right hand man and it is fitting that their"!.:" T JT-f occasion should be duiy celeorated. LADY WILLINGDON IS NOTED WOMAN. As Lady 'Willingdon. will speak before a public gathering here, she will command no less a reception than that which will be extended her illustrious husband. She was born andtbred "in Sussex, the third and youngest living daughter of Lord Brassey, first earl of that name, and of Lady Brassey, whose adventures in the Sunbeam have been so eloquently recorded by herself. Lady Willingdon is Norman on her father's side and Saxon on her mother's. She wa married to Freeman Freeman-Thomas in .1892 when she was only 16. -. She was awarded the Order of Mercy and First Class of the iKaiser-i-IIind gold medal for war service in India. Her son, Gerard Frederick, was "missing" at the battle of Aisne in 1914 and his fate is unknown. Her Excellency, it is said, is extremely fond ot' gardening. "Gardening is in the blood of the English people," I objects of the Fair to encourage British makers to render the. country less dependent on Germany for these goods. states a writer, "and no class has escaped the spell of 'grubbing Birmingham section of the British weeds from gravel-paths with broken dinner-knives.' the charm has ; industries Fair, held at castle Brom-fallen on ministers and murderers, kings and prophets, philosophers v.lch r,s, in every respect the and poets, upon men of every creed and occupation"-4and it hasjmost successful of the series, in an fallen upon Lady Willingdon, who, like her predecessor, Lady Byng, j official statement the orders placed will continue to make of the gardens of Rideau Hall "things of during the Fair were estimated at 4.- "There's nothing prim and proper about Lady Willingdon," as-ccrue to exhibitors during the next serted one of the women who heard her speak for a few moments twelve months was placed in the region on a public occasion, "She's free and easy." And "free and easy"rf ti8, or although perfectly dignified is Her Excellency. Her vivacity and naturalness are already doing much to counteract the popular butIC T pP 1 A t rmil.T lilW erroneous impression in regifrd to aristocratic British aloofness. ! 0 1 LiiilLlZiXlL J i Ji She is delightfully informal, but always graceful. Another interest which Her Excellency admits is the very keen one which she has In things Chinese. It is not so long ago that she" returned from a six-months' visit in China where Lord Willingdon was sent aa advisor on the disposal of the Boxer Indemnities returned by Great Britain !to the Chinese government. Lrfdy Willingdon praises the efficiency and organizing ability of "Canadian Women, who, she states, with all the work they under-altejandicarry through, still have leisure in. whichUo-be hospitable. cillNESK ,K VER.Y ' ' . ( i ! UNCERTAIN OUANTITV4 V:; '"' l v At this distance, the situation in China seems so unstable that is is indeed a difficult matter to predict what may happen next. Two or even one week ago, none would have thought that the Cantonese would be preparing to fight the Russian Reds. Nor wouftl one have anticipated that trouble would have arisen betweentyhe Southern authorities and the labor unions. Nevertheless, both things have come about in a very short space of time. One .Would judge the Chinese mind to be very tractable and changeable: The world hopes that they may be as easily pursuaded into the way" of peace as they are from one one faction to the other. NESTLES SWIITIkl U BWCSTXITS tVAPORAItf MTT-K boiwitriMio K j onceiitmt&f richness and creaminess ouragrag business, 000.000. while the business likely to IS DISCUSSED MUX. IUKNK I'AHI.HY AXI IIOX. iu:oiciK iio.tni.KV si'kak ix KIMXTOX BDVtONTON, April 14 (Canadlar Press) Hon. Irene Partby. minister without portfolio, brought before the district- conference 6fftbe Women's In-itltute. some of the 'moat viul problems, acts and amendments being Introduced at this session of the legislature. An tmendment to the Domestic Relations Art is important, in that its defines cruelty aa follows: Cruelty shall not be confined In Its meaning to conduct which creates a danger to life, limb or health, but shall Include any course of conduct which In the oplnlsn of the court Is grossly Insulting and Intolerable, or Is of such a character that the person seeking the separation could not reasonably be expected to be willing to live with the other after he or she lus been guilty of the same. There is also a section dealing with the maintenance f neglected wives. There is considerable discussion at present over the desirability of making the1 father take an oath as to parenthood. The Judge wUl also be given power to inquire Into the means of the parents, and make arrangements for the support of the child. The minister spoke at length on tbe Act which Is to be Introduced dealing with the sterilization of mental defec tives. rk uf Si'hiimiinn Mini MrmlrNMiliii Cumparnl ut SnUierlng In J;imiir- j4f?llM.1n;lrlrtilJ.'r Aftrrnrton l,rvfriJ ----- PThe Ladies Music Ctl&.met yesterday afternoon at' the Japanese Mission, the LONDON. April 14 Canadian Pr0 '-prpgraci which had as lt subject a -The British Industries Fair. 1827. has i comparison cf the works of Robert no become a matter of history. While geaumann, and Felix Mendelssohn-Bar-, Canada was not officially represented, a ttholdy. 'twrf 'famous German composers, i considerable number of Canadian man-Lbetng under the arrangement-of Mrs. H. ufaeturlng firms were In evidence. Theje. Fraser and Mrs. . Darton. Beside an , fair Had a distinct educative value, and , interesting-' paper .on the, ttbjeet which those who were "privileged to visit u was read by jMr. A..T. Parkin, the pro-must have left with art Intensified com-1" follows: j nrehm.ian cf the Industrial Dosslbllltles ; Pl" sclo "Novelette" Op. 31 (Schu- of the Empire. The Empire Marketing Board had every reason to be satisfied with Its participation. There were Inquiries which promise extended business In BrltUh-mnde cider -and "trustless cheese: manm. Mrs. F.. P. Kenny. Vccal solo "O far The Wlugs of a i Dsvf i Mendelssohn l, Mrs. Jarvla Mc- Lesd. Vocal quartette "Hat of Oreen" (Schumann). Mr. Donald Rosa, Mrs. F. W. Allans Mrs. Robert Dlance and Mrs. : irun rgg, acvu mmwci, uunef uu q Fraser condensed milk: and West African gin- piano solo tal "Rondo Caprleetoso" ger. ground nuu. cocoa, and other. Mendelssohn i: b) "Srvgs Without products. 'wcrds Mendelssohn). Miss Josephln-s The feature of the musical lnstru- Charlebois. menu section was the business trans- Vocal solo "Dedication" (Schumann), Mrs. S. D. Johnstone. Violin solo "Traumerel" (Schumann). Miss Marjorle Lancaster. Vocal duet "On Wings of Song (Mendelssohn), Mrs. Donald Ross and Mrs. F. W. Allan. Ladles' Chorus "The May Bells and the Flowers" (Mendelssshn). Mrs. Robert glance, Mrs. S. Darton. Mrs. J. J. Mul-doon, Mrs. F. W. Allan and Mrs. Donald Riss. Various ladles accompanied during the afternoon. GYRO CLUB PLANS NEW PLAYGROUND .t-rNill Hill SrlMlnl at Mir for l ii-tlrrtaklnt Till Vrir at Mrellng .VeMerdiiy Arirrmxin The Oyro Club, at Its regular monthly business meeting yesterday afternoon, adapted the establishment of a fourth playground on Acropolis HU1 as Its objective for the coming year. The damming of Mane Creek far a skating rink 'may be undertaken next fall but nothing definite as to tola was decided upon. The establishment ef an athletic park.. 11 Ninth Avenue In GMtlMl Five was If dropped as the profeat was deemed too, large for the club's single Good business was done In a machine handed accomplishment. Further plans for coloring blue print paper. Hitherto this machine has been made only by arrmany. but, It Is now available at a price which Is below the Oernian one. Orders were received for barometers, also hitherto supplied by Germany, chile electrlce brushes were selling well for North and South America. The office applalnces business was ex eellent. The orders to the value of C250.000 which by the end of the first week had been placed for British typewriters were followed by further en- i I In connection with the Acropolis till! rlaygrounclj. wtl .be devised by the club's playground committee which con- , slsts of D. A. Balfour. Chairman. Dr. L. : W. Kergln and O A. MiMltlan. ! ' The club was notified by the Foret Branch that T. A. Kelley, well known : Queen Charlotte Island logging opera 'brig hte n to ur .h iom e Panama Rare Charm of simplicity It would be hard to think of a better rug pattern (or kitchen use than this neat tile effect in blue and soft buff tone with Its delightful border it l Conjjoteum Gotd Seal Art-Hit" pattern No. 568. Because the kitchen floor receives hard wear, is all tne for having a more reason your genuine Consoleum Gold Seal Art-llu" with the improved (iiureT'tmirin surface. Because that srme floor must U swept nml washed mnr.- ban anv other In the liomr. vou'll apprrclaee the freedom frn t!ie tlreme tasks which Coitgiv leum Ru afford '" With all iheir modern advantages, Coieolfum liold Seal Ariltugs are decidedly inenpen'' Made in Canada by Canadians for Canadians Cosooleom Canada Limitio Month tal tor, would be pleased to give an addreea on April 27 in connection with tin han half of this carries timber of mer- 1 "Save the Forest Week" campaign. The rhantiblt sire (6 tnehea in diameter) ciuo accepcea tne oirer and plans win t ue present tune, and only aboui be made ta hear Mr. Kelley. ; ne-quarUr carries saw material ( 10 Morris Blatt. the latest Oyro member, i.chas In diameten. was Initiated at the meeting and Norrls . Prtngle was appointed chairman of the NAVIGABLE WATERS l'ROTEC- cemmlttee ta-rharge of the hoe-down TION ACT. danca whlcti win b cU 011 May 6. A guest of th cluh was Oyro B. A. , u c- C"''TP . , William J. Crawford hereby glvei no- t... Utta of Edmonton, Charlie Mill, won ,lce ne has. under Bectlon 7 cf the tald a tie which tt raffled. Act. deposited with the Minister 01 v 1 uollc Works at Ottawa, ahd In the office ' f the District Uexlstrar of the Land Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert . IteKlstrv rv Dlatrlrt nf I'rlne BilnrrT ! UTtnee 1 mie ana in Itupert. pert. B.C B.C.. . description of the the plans of wharf proposed 1 1 1 to be built In the Portland Canal mi 1-ot 4C07. District It Catatar. And take notice that after the exolrn- v. t:on of one month from the date of oub-1 Win nr thll tirrilM William A hraneh of th Canadian ainhTia ' .in ,,. o., ihn n. -1 . ... ' I " - . ... I FT 4 , UHUII vi um ftl L Association waa formed In Prince Ru- ?PPlT to the Minuter of Publl- Works i , iat his office In Ihe cltr of Ottawa tor! .,, , ,i. , ,, , pert last evening and the following -uv,roval of the site and nlans. and for i sfflcers Jfitn elected for the year: Pre- leave to construct the said wharf sldenv1 I " " " H. Johnson; Vice-president. March tV"""1, Johri Dybhavn; Secretary-Treasurer, O. r" 7, 3. CltAWFOftD. H. Velsdn; Directors. C E. Balnter. A. Cartl. C H. fThorroa and fj. F. Mathe- Mlss Belle Doane of Swanaon Bay, and Byron Brock of the same pUce were united In marriage at the Prcsbt. trrlan Ma nee '.by Rev. DrilJIn. Orant ' ' ' l" ' last evening. St. Andrew's Society formally opened Its new club rooms on Second Avenue of of Murland Murland last evening. An excellent program wm rendered during the evening and complimentary remarks were passed by the numeious guests. Captain L. W. Kergln, has returned to Toronto to visit with his family. Upon the expiration of his leave of absence he will return to the front. T " Jimmy Kelly, Malcolm Lamb, Alex. Ory. Jack Kelly, Charlie Dennis, Oeo. Abbott, Oeorgc ' Sellars, Bob Robertson, and Jmmy Oray, all menvbers of the Rupert St. Andrew's Society, recently had a "ntcht" somewhere In Franc. Mrs. p. W. Morrlssey returned to the clly yesterday from Vancouver. Of the total area of Canada, 1,200.000 square miles (approximately one-quar- When the state provides for the Iter of the whole) Is forest land. Leas mentally unfit It should also reserve " the right to say that their number shall , not be too great. Mrs. Parlby referred 1 to the. report of B.C. Commission which ' concluded, after Intense study that iter- Ulzatlon was the only solution. ' The Hon. Oeorge Hoadley. minister of , health, took up the subject where Mri. Parlby dropped It. No woman, he felt, ' desired to bear a child that would be curse to herself and to the race. IIsv-Ing destroyed nature's system of surviving of the fittest, by our civilization, 1 1 we must find an artificial substitute. contended the speaker i Am31 Washes oX I i Eczema's Cone I TryDfD.D.toap,too M Al all (mJ intt Utsr OIIMKH I.I.MITi:il. NOTICE IN THE MATTER fit an application for the Issue of a Provisional Certificate of Title for Lota lwentJroni' i21l and twenty-two (22), Block seventeen H7i Bectlon one 111, City Of Prince Rupert. ' Map 023. , .Satisfactory proof of. the loss of the Certificate of - Title covering, the above land havtntr beeirTlrndiierd to' m; It t my intention to liaue, after the expiration of one month from the first publication hereof, a Provisional Certificate oi niie 10 "ine anove land in the name De Oraase Evans, the original Certificate of Title la dated the 19th October. 'W14," nd Is num- orrra o I ju l Land Registry Of tic.-Prince Rupert. ' n.C, 6th April. 1827. It. F. MseLEDIl "RejUtrar of Tlllea. LAND ACT Skeena Land District. District of Queen! TAKE NOTICE that, sixty days after dte. I Intend to apply to the chiel Commissioner of Lands for a licence to prospect for coal and petroleum over 040 acres of land bounded as follows- Commencing at a cost Dlantwi . southwest, corner of Section 38. Township 3, Graham Island, and marked "A.J.O.'s southweat corner"; thence east B0 chains; thence north 80 chains; thence west 80 chains: thence south 80 chains to point of commencement, -beine bcc. tlon 36, Township 3, Orsham Island BO I A, J. QOItnoN. I Locator Dsfn DK-.mher 17 102 IN I'ROBATi: is Tin: nrniKMi; murr of iiiiuimii 1 COUIMIIIA In the Matter ot the Administration Act; and h wit uiucr oi me Estate of Fred Nelson. Deceased. Intestate N TAKENOTICE that by order of His Honor. F. McB. Younir h nth March, A D. IB27. t was appointed Administrator of the estate of Jted Nelson decessed, and all parties having claims against the said Estate are hereby reauir-ed to furnish same, prouerly verified" to liar wti vi wcivib Ktiv 4111 IAV Of Anrll A p 1027, and all p.rtjea indebted to'ths estate are reciulred to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to tne forthwith WATT Official Administrator Prince itupert n.C D.tted the 3tit day ot March, AD. 1027 11 i.9 St. SttMI. HIHIL H u J ' Ij AaartM ! Lttff 1. ThuiauV. AT LITTLE EXPE Nsf P attern s s ! 4i '' ; KSSALI. i I'M I -4Btir U ii I 'j-- Satisfaction Quit -Mil rtTTJTM LC : 'JVs m&k y-m k V w LV fas -8 mMi Assn sr-k. a r II t fl Vt.W:r."fL. . .5 UIJLMllil J lVI I Urtll t BOOKLET- ' wr 1 mi ii re 1 jLf JL-4 1 1 JL JL bw? L L i n i Iff ur. jos. maguire Over Ormes CROWN, BRIDGE and PLATES EXTRACTION OF TEETH By nn Expert. Wwne .r2.". Ojwn Kirf Sunday Appointments PALKINS vbestJ l or nil LACQ ramun Children with n pound (In of LACO Bool "A Trip to Coffee Land" FREE! MALKIN'S BEST COFFEE BIr Coih I'rleM nn well BKB YOUR (JROCKK. Thf W. II. .Malliln Co. Llmllid, Vancouver, lit LACQ t.-lU ti rxmm ilinst A 1. I a a i a. fit ' ito in iiiiiii iiiiriv m n rn wn riirrv i colors especially adnptnblo for Furniture, Woodw Floors. II is not a paint, It In not n vnrniih Kay to Apply. Watch It dry. Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. AucntH for ttnsy Vnciium Kleclrlc WaslierH 20.'. Third Avenue Prince lW