m m m tAGZ F0U2 v- ifcfe: lira M MM AA:f I J jp m RAM PAIN and VAR Jsil Ed 1 .i-. - tK. f Jl For Sal by siiaeilsiuks imos. A Jacket Insemble A Costume Compose Ufa 97 Uemers Phone 27. P.O. 327. M I L K From Ilulklejr VaHey 'FKIISH J1ILK AHU WHIP- Qualtty and fiervfee Valentin Dairy Phones CSC aad 657 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, aod Dintributinj?. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and 0 ravel. We Specialize in Piano and Furnitun; Moving. DrJ.R.Gosse DENTIST HelKcrHon Mock X-Hay Service. Open Kven-ilIK9 Phone G8C. ANtfER, the TAILOR Suits made to order, in our whop $50 as low as 223 Sixi' ireet BRINGING UP -,' ' Wr r?K ' i . DFBCE ASPIRANTS ; L' ROTARY CLUB ARE HEARD AT MEETING' , A the B'jtaiy Club lunx V-ms Widaj , ' a pi sorted &e: Presides. : H. Qrme. dke ranou ca-ijxlj; Jfc'i x'tre r.rCT.ln.ed -at the 2: aseeiSae, all ' lite o in March for office of th1 ':... l:r :trf twu'Tjr yeif eath gate; ...::! Ut platfarais. Tix jtaktee rnu ipo? --r at fol-. a Jr.- Prfdefii C-,: J W. IHobiOU.; .Vjrw r:: V S. ahrr ? I- J &ffCI-. .A Li JuttaU. .:' H' I: C. itinon. For ntusn-r -Chtrve B.r.' iad E-i." Ptfroa F'.r DlrAor D-.r. WI3c C OrrHard iM . A Bruat. PRESEHStIGN MADE !' AtSEACAMS ! PARADE LAST NIGHT ' At the pan-de t f tbc oTkl eadet Kigbi. LjCui H P. Pouter of Um iSsjrsI CaoaAan Mart! Voui:w Br- 1re presented t- T. McCJrsjn!!. pns- iOetit of Use Cadet. US' officii wmrrwm: . hich bad been reoesAKl fmm hcaOqrur-' '.. Mr. McCJjncoat t .-; praMttte. to H Bluaee bis c vtnini.. t. m tle.-lenr;. ic ibe C4-l k Dibo h'-. "-jmriiinSor. w paymk- . r Ti CdF J will pwsd fcr unnclitp b V:cje jvrOtiuistfuri on SaMBTda? B:rn:u. NORTHERN STUDaiTS i at iwirasnnr OF ! B.C. MOW TOTAL 24 i TVen)-ov.r student from Centnl i Er.llifi Jc4umbla re DTtlled t the ! 'J:..v"ritj of Bnttsii Cohunljia today Pr'.iu E Bupert oontdinMi w Urnt! Tiumjer, nsmifij- eicht, Ocean i Fj : sMOtus ;ih four Pr..c? fieorfr r.a ett Ur a.eW tj. a.'ia Ai.;.- torK to(fc MM.s. Uuhu. i..-t naif '- EUdete kud Wrnndf rrif. t - out. MISSIONARY WISE SPOKE ,T0 MISSION BAND YESTERDAY S. Haddock, mnaloncry nurw recently Mil mil In tbe etty from Nor hf-rn CMtna, gave Her first ptibUr U'. DrcMi bere yeaterilay afternoon wnen she poke before tbr Mlanlori Band of tt-L'nlted Cburcls She tppetre-J In her CWbtaV tatinoe and vild of child life n the Orl tat. Tharr was an nnusuuriv 'ci:xr attendance- and much tnteraat wn taken : by the youag glfla an tbe dir. couraa. Maw Haddock apeaka beJore Vn W(iwn. M.iionary S'xi.ty c: trie Ptr sunsge tilK afteruoon TEA AND SALE TODAY PRESBYTERIAN L A. Minimi Mitring r.trnt i rtetne IMrl Hits MternAiiii In f'liiinli Parlnrx with Mm. II. li. Mni'l. (leneriil CSaairnrr Tbe lidle' Aid of th- Pln.t rTenby- terUut Church hiM)n Ui Hernial nprliiK tea and tnio tliln aftt-trj'.i: m Uie eluirch parlor. tin. . D O. Stetrart 1 ftenrral con Abundunt HWi tu 1 lr ' L FATHER SO SHORT OF BREATH SHE COULD HARDLY DO HER HOUSEWORK Un. Xtttm 14mm, MOHri, Out, write: I kad beart ihl trrr trucMe, aJ becaaw tHtt f brrkth , I tuuid haatlf do ay ! it, a&d M M jwriw ren BtUc aooiul I awni fdl r. a mr to bml j A hkmi of mime rwananifclfd : ' aifH I got a box t fir-a taJ ta7 d nt m bbkb jxxl I the aaeawl box, ai bow I am ftdu; Kka a fetwt l iaaia." Heart aad Kenc P9la ar SOe. a i bax at all aVaggiria or dealers, er . aaaM direct aa iwwipt f price bj ' Htm T. MiKaan Ctu, Umkti, Toroaao, i Out vener oS tbe aSatr altb Un Pnal Bbuk i. cbarce i plain t Ura. J. O Mri. t. McCirnaool eaaatjr: Uim. Alec Mrtimitf. tea tab! aa. aad Ura. WB-j ;iajn Aadarson. eaaMer Tbere la to be mtmcai prorraaQ LATE H. C. BLACK LAID TO REST IN FAIR? IEW CEMETERY Ua.'.r frttDds of tbe deeeaaed. Includ-a nootber from tbe Kootanay eon-ry. There tie aai located for aorae titae beiore ccmiAi to Prince Bapert. ri'hered tb:-' afternoon at tbe efiapH A tbe B I'ndertaken to pay tbatr i-isi respect i to tbe aattaory at tbe late B x:. Slack who paaaad away yea- itda marr-mg iu (be Prtao Hppert Oencral Hoapltal. Tbe aerrlor vaa read y, Ar hjcuii O. A. Ml aud bfmut '.ere "Abide With lie." aaw TTtoe -Strtfe r O'er. ' airs J. A.' Hinton preakna(.at the organ. - f.v.tt tb? aervlea. aaaamSaat aa rAde purview, many of tie aaoatrner lai-lovtr tbe cortefe to tBc watatrry. PaU-ware.-j were J. H. TboaKmoi J. A. Hta-U. P. Ueliaad. J. A. Ktrkpatrjck. U K Tinker and B. U Metatoab. Tuoae aendinf Oowrnj iaehMled Ur. and am Mattbew tittle (Vleterlal. ihe Terminal laVaataMBU Syadleau. Ur and atra. Bobert Mctaftaih. a. Percy linker and M. P. VANDERHOOF An engineering party, coco coned of Fre-I J Burden Harry OravBt. T II . Nicholson and , Dan Minor, aasodated with the jaaip aha-pager lata under-tak ! ng prpjactad far that aaatrktt have tyr-.n up north soaaiag water levels be- j.wcen use poaame oam ana on laiem I River and Tahja ISfca. Mr. Borden j rtvrt that conditions yere found moat ! f-vnratjle for the coaatruotlea of s i tontge (Urn at Taaohl IMver. It took Uiras waekii for the party to make tbe trip under rather tiytag weather con-rtitions. Oaaae VTswdan E. Forfar ac-coniprnled the party. Mr. and Mrs. J if. - Johnston enter-talued a n umber of fnanda at bridge on Thursday evening. tinder the British Family SetUenrivt Brheme. Mr and Mrs John Etherlnirton land tntir live sons. Taaglne In age from 7 f) 18. hsve been located on tbe J O. Quaker 0 TJuaqiaaa Una at Uasaa aew tec The faaotry aamr tram a inlay. Tort-fcbi. and hat tad acana lanaiag ttpmeact Mr Tabulation aervwl IK Cnra tbrouc&out it Oraat War h ti Br.iih mcaa O. t Rid baa taken a era a( a-rtacau- arparuneat of public orta aaan to Ftort S( Jaawa atttert a anraaaat ace ta a br' built for Tafcla lke. , It baa beco by The VacbafeO VmJarf Pair AaaoctaUon not to bold an T. P,, fanners aod Ouo are UM flTe aaiatnae' boat for taw tatter wbtob U rm on from Lbc PatatMB- Ftaan the aopport chat baa brcn already avaauaed tbe recto. It beguu to aaaaar aa Utoagb tbere be at leaat tlAOO be apest is atastas ta Oar crlaatatlon bare tbj pv. B4 Mr. J T. rKed aBaderbc-. Ur. eda Ref.-B. T UeParlaM In tbe local Pa.paeaa. EWrJnrPbe svamtb of March, rvetre tacaea t aooar fell here aad 29 of an Ufea Aadrot gave a dance party in Ike DeaaV of Trade Hall taat Ptldar The Lakaa Btatnct card crab has Ue Wf actlTltlea. Ula Martha Stewart won tbe Ladle' prteo hfic Edmoad Oaefcaon earned off bonora far the men W. F. fiohaWe la mi king arraageaarnu to eceore a boneb of good boraaa to arttetpate an the Hatain ill profran Vaaderboof an Doaatalcat Day. The public rka dapartaaeat la hav-!ag all ,u aaalpnieat paaaled a uniform ooaor of dark green: Tbe dtatrk-t e-Harer has been in Im rseaatiy to atake prepafaUhns for the kT work. A. A Hatahtaaoo. station agent, was aken terlpaaiy HI but he made a peedy recovery. Mrs l-awrruiaa R. Diekhaaon has re-.urneo to bar boaas at Fart St. Janes -'ter having spent about two motUlM la town j SPORT CHAT 1 As an eneoursgenient u the Junior tennis player of the city, Srastb add rviaesi: proprietor ' of tbe apto-dat farting jjooas store, have aanuunce that the) Hill offer a aup for competl-Uoa. Tin app. winah wui be a decided acu:tioilri thesporUn, uephies of tbe city Wftf be open for' competition to any junior player, under twenty-one rears ol age, who does not ooropete In nlor tnurnacnenu. It I not necessary lor any player who decides to contest to be affiliated with any club but any player meeting with tbe general pro visions outlined will be able to take part in tbe tournament which wiu be ptertd in the fan. In view of the fact that there are a Isige number of players in the city who . will prohubly care to etftnpete lor this cup there .should be grett interest tnKrn among th Junior in the branch 109 energy when your breakfast is ari(lnp)t'tizin:. Supplies te bofly with the busiest hours of the day. Scnled Cartons Only SaI IS 'DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED AL For For DOUT KMOwlji A.KB VOUCOHNA tj, 2c per vrord in advance. No Atlertl Uk f M tl t FOK SAI.C KM SaXIl MOT-MHUWT OH MAIN aatJaao. BC. a a cata oca-W VBI tak all aqun int. Prec ikaaa nndc: laaaa for artbrii IS paafB, at rM aa aa ar liavaa aaT. Wat caaai jBPpaatttosj or wMat' aav Tanaa arraaad. Aa-nty to Oaar sad Ufvaa. BsuUam BjC tl COatt OH. BOYS' IP TOO ABB MBPH-aaieaMT baattaad aad aaat a flaaap we artil arli yau a aaed or Mkiw PaMa ate very Overhaul It yoaraeif and yau wtu baee a H bi aaaaar at a FOR SALS. LOTS AND BLOCK 1. Barton S. an Orahaw Aeanue Taaea'aeid antll lane aa so by W feet cleared Oaaer tll aril (or eaata Phone Blue iaa FOR &-KIX -4 HP. BBOAL HOU ttb revarae. la good ntaaiag aaacr Apply Prlaer Bopert Yacht Ctub Oaw Bay OPTX8TOKITY! IS 00 A MONTH NOW boy voar tatare hoaaerlte Waller'' Moatc Btort FOR BAUC S HP BTKAU BOtLBB IN good sandman. Apply VaataU.-i Dairy. FOK HUNT FOB RIKT TWO BOOUXD botaw with kitchenette All wad era plumbing. ry claae In. aplendM teai. Ideal for two people Pboae Bed ti FOR HBNT - FURNISHED SIX BOOUXD baaae with batb. Blgbtb Avenue ea: Apply TKea Oollart Llailtaa. tsaond FOB RSNT. . . FOUR ROOM ZD PLAT with raoge. ljw Apply Un K. ( Btrala. Haritoa. BC FvBMlsHEO BEDROOM FOR aUBVT 11340 roosuhly. Phone Ml aad after o'clock Often flg. tl MODERN aajVBN ROOM HOOSB FOR Beat at IBS Fifth Avenue West ntoae Red 7m u FOR RBNT eWtNtSHED APAKTMKNT by the dag. week or month. Phone Red C7. tf FURNISHED SUITBB FOR ttBNT. - Apply Musaalletn Orocery. ITveae 18 J I 'O-fc U...-L-. ROOMS TO HINT. BO A SO deswed. pixspr Baw igp rr- PIANO FOR iW)Te,l,A rrfl Walters Muate Store. ROOMS TO TtE-fT.-Pl!ONE 818. tf HOAItl) HOARD. THE INLANDER ;8econd Arenue. Phon li7. of sport for the summer season jui lag by the number of beginner who ate taking Interest in tennis this vear It will soon tie necessary to make some additional pparaston for court. In i great IHimbrr f cltlm there are mum alpal courts hioh hai been frmnd to M Mpportlng when onre nut abape. and pay hep Prince Rupert might wen earned to oonslder ukinx some similar sotlon in the near r.,.,. Tne tflt of baskeloaU same, h.. twean lfin from the local llieh m land the Terrace High School brought to ciose a very successful season One of the noticeable feature of the wf in remarkable devejopment of Jun!" lf- W of then, pisyma in k large number of Senior Ueems to be good practice -which is enwurHa by the various sport as-laoclstlona In the eltv . . ... h rit in yuungalrni every chance i.., the juniors showed marked lmprove. " '""wan icsgui. um many of them this yenrmsy be fnunn playing In aime of the senior tr,,m 1'nns will recall ... that mnny lorm h,,.J:,:1 P,yrrg v,. ...j today g0t ,., mYifn l'lylnn In the boy,' gume whirl, took place on m.- rornrr ol Hm Av,.l(, and Seventh Street Ti. season pr. inlM- t-j Ik- a very activn n.,r r. ' . Idooi iport n prt0ce iMpc,, By George Mcr-lv WASTED tOUTOK OP PTOH BK.TEM V IXtl Departatent Of Mjhuw aud P: for Prtne Hupe.-'. ri-i. ; !M0 aanutu Knowletlae ul DC frrtWff Ital. Citui.'.r.: etoav':-. booJLkceptnc Apply ' ! : ot--i.ii'-ante at Poat om-t tTi-- aajw"- ' A. aiaeklr. IMairM t Ijlm-' - I eriea. Pr'.nrr Riiprit m. alii 'In- Aptu u tart s - OP' fspuvAtrr ji over thirty pfefrrred Ploi- Blue 3W after 7 o'clock AUCTI ONKEK I WILL SSLL BY PtTBUC AOCTKarl at 3 pm on Satura i tbe M Iw tore nest O W V A . Third Avenue laaaetru. laatrurtims and doaaoiiMr ttoaa free, the baa) lot of anisaahftM furnMure I have sold undx the ham-tner lnr I bare bn in tnasloew in Bupert Ateaaaadra mudr! eottair piano: eiwfanola. Ilk new: parSrr hasp with ataast. electric vacuum cleaner 1sapai in pert act order; eteetnc raaa. aaat ItOOD: Lodlan motor cydr. stew basket dinta Cham easy chaon. wngbt aad Dttt-on Auunpteo tennis racket; Sanger rotary sewtng machine risaranfafl' tw ha'jy bnttrl" ' "r' ih" r drapes. Kagliah prim l.o art . eevasaent at pMcber. la. ami china- ware ima and Ooueoletun carpet saaaraa. gentleman's . clothe i press PiankUn hratar ter. m. asau raca. mianam smii Blue Bird aaactne waaber. Wtaniper couch, bevelled mirror. sag table I centre tabs, madictne ratMnatc card table tronfnv hoard rooktit; ote.-i.. aad many at bar articles Oour rpr-.t 8a turds y asorntag at I a at OF Urine iieWmer IIBMSTITTIIIN'ri IsBMaTTTrOBIKO PICOTINO aCAIiOP- ing rllar Store phone Bed S?4 ISitl'TT PtftlM Marcellinz afan'.-unag Scalp Treatmeii! MK. I. MtRN j AST Ihlru Avenue Bv Appointmer.t Phone 7 DOMINION riHMTIKF liVnitVOF I Iteaoardt It flarnan. siraieBi s 14t Third Arenue PbOftr Klaet 111 Furniture of all anrt btMivht, aold e,!Vl Bach a need. .unioimitiNG PVRRITUBK MTPAIBIlia: tTFOOI.-terinr 1 of all kinds. Crtiarfleld recovered and mad to order All ork (uarantewt Phoae Orwn atn tl. M Ho NT I WOOD : A. lHtraoN Xral ('ate. ! Miaed Wood BloekA per load MOO Kindling, per load MAO i Furnace Wood, per load MOO Delivered. Salt Herring l-lmiie llUei 111" HKgTAIlKANTR 'fHIOtl IUTS V.Ut. Mm. Unawr. Proorletfiwa Third Avenue. Neil o W. V .A ImI Home (Wlml Mewls. Phftn mark 741 TAXI 0 pliohe 67 Tatl ' , ., (Calr (Jeorvc. Paul or flait) Six and Seven Paiwenirer Studr. halters at your dliprvtal any lime. K0SS ftltflsT POOL lt()()M Meeker lllotk. rArrnw from KmpreAN UoteM phinci: iiupiiirr TinvJs 1IH HSIIW. tlllll, 11 o on fl.tn is a n 17 p.rri in ft I 8 r. 1ft MAIL far ie fbaat- Moti.la - e!.--.s . ri i un est - bn..! Iw tf H: ' tifttey- A:.rl ' frvt. rla ' so-- ter '. irdwy b ' r tuvsM .iti i ' Kti-"tay r-dnaorts' T lern . . Mc?.aay H.UiaalaT. T P turn Thursdat To thaa.a Vxii Ar.r.! Si. t.. t I. Vr.r .) 9 T I . Tas (he Ka-i Tui-sy t at r Vsr-s" Wdrf.4 1 u.uadaj aatiatvlaf ' ' IV. "i ' ta rHBsi Irmiti t i T'eeataj Ki'.i.Jjya 'iraSM ft lmt" aattiadav 'smsi AUks f. II Ari u n jlVSMN Qwea I h' IIt. l A e At m n.-h ' ... . ! Illi. ,v :ii - IKr- At ft ' IT" Are A H Are ' Ave A M I'fw... Oo I' il'mv Oov V' 'lITP Wtaf 'OTP Xnd Ave '' .irti Ait V I-iSrdAW j Sunday STRAJSHI! w ft t atn usi" T.-.-MTisy Th!-rdj A -rM" A, l :u llVwii Vmiroinr' B'l i.lsy ? tVetfaaaaatiy Thursday Saturday April April III AjmiI 38 lor furl ItiurMlf 1 rum Pas .nt euanrtlri, lor Ani Hundsy i- WdcfneMlsv Irmn An.vnx-Tueaday Thursday ' I we MOwarl-Sunday Satnrdsy ' 1 1'ri.iii Nteaarl' -nttntfay ' '" 'lueMlav ' I or Queen In"1' 1 A-irll R ;ttjf 1 1 1 ma (juern l li '.pril 7 I l or Aliikt.i Anr 1 ) . A rll IM ill-inn Al.mkit