ir da: April 14, 191:7 THg DA1LT NEWS PAjE THREE ; 7i Wy ran an ft f 00 n asw rnj ma m attend you on Canada's fayourik ships You'll remark the ease and quiet dignity with which the steward staff meet your every want. Each attendant is skilled at his work. Many are the sons of earlier Cunard stewards Cunard service i3 their proud ideal it's inbred. CANADIAN SERVICE ra$fn!l and li.e ( muni Mrain.tilp l'u.. Mil.. IT-; llallns M hH. Vuii'-mitrr. oi nit'. K'CaniKl.lp a sen: I YOUR DOCTOR KNOWS BEST II. ; a deviled many yearn to the study of disease and le best i urative method. He ue every means at hi mmiind to restore you once more to the ruddy jtlow ilforoun health. He may prescribe diet exercise rrst. He rrmy prescribe medicin. ..., he doe prfHi rilif medicine he XKoU It to lie ..iimI with -'p- -rum the finest inxredjUst by u..-d phui'! . i.-: will take the extra care ; ; .! it in ti. i.i..- i-! method. . ,'i..' from lonjf experience that he tan depend on medicine he prescribe when his prencripiion I ji d by one of the lhre graduate pharmacittti at "titnca Limited. Prompt Deliveries by C yclist .MewM?trjter. ORMES LTD. Th I'm nr. Uruiriri-' ' ,( i'.iiu... ... rd Avenue ant' tit h !!( r.- IMPORTANT NOTICE All Trades, llulnesses and I'roftions mut be rcsMered before April SOIh. N.ii.r i, IiitcIiv Kivfti that. inifHUsnt to buIhwcUoii lH i i.t lite Taxation Art. every iwrnoii who emmiftHi praelier any Trade, IJumnct or rroieiwion . I n.viiKf h required to obtain from the Comrnis-i of Iteiristration before April In. oni.- Tux a Certificate !' r.C'i. Application dmuld Ih made to any Provincial A :c or. from whom full information may I obtained, Cer-ute - will la; isaued without the iynnt nf any fee thcreror. Default in complying with the proviion of this nectlon r nden the pcrnon liable. uon nummary conviction, to a lino $10 00 for each tlay durlnv which his default continues. Appll.-ati.ui forms may h. obtained from any Trovlncial , Government Airenl. I'rnvineial Police Officer, or -m of Income Tax. Victoria, 11.0. t the C sioner DEMAND "Rupert Brand - Kippers "TIIU DAINTH2ST lllll'JAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Dally by W I anadian Fish & Cold Storage (,o. Lid- Prince Rupert. H.C. Local and Personal Arthur' Tail, Phone 878. BO. Undertaker. Phone 41. or ladle or Mior rrbullt like iirw at Ml- Arthur's Miih; More. Union freighter Chllkool. tr 89 MiM K. MacKsy sail for Victoria tonight to spend the Earner holidays Easter mulc Sunday evening at Fit United Chureft, United choirs of thirl v voice. BO Marcelling. Manicuring, Sculp treatment. Mr I. Marr. 8S7 Third Avenue Phone 637 for appointment. 83 Dtatnbutkm of billiard prlres and banquet In Boston Hall tonight at 9 P-oi. BUllsrd player asked to attend. I The Retell Store of the city will be open tonight until 10 o'clock, according to the city Bylaw. Retair Merchant' Awoetatlon. ' D. H. Hartnes principal of Booth Memorial school leave on the steamer Prince Rupert tonight to ajMod Raster in Vancouver. Motoratup Belllngham, Oapteln J. E. Anderson, brought in another carload of halibut from Ketchikan this morning for rail shipment to New York. MIm Blanch Msodonald of the high Williams, arrived In port thl moral nx fur dtwbargtng freight at vwilou canneries en route from Vaneouvtr and cleared for Vancouver. Mr. and Mr Alex McRae. 411 Green! Street, are sailing tonight on the Prtnee Rupert for the south and will be away for a couple of weeks or to visiting In Vancouver and Powell fUvtr. j The hours between S JO am and 1 jpjn. on Saturday will be considered a holiday period to eV all to have -an j opportunity of being present upon toe j arrival of the OovemorOcneral. 6. M. Newton. Mayor. 88 lt ynr nur lint (to. II.ii. wrre proimunred to lie I be bel h. the dl.lrlel. He are eixlramrisg In thl. 'reitJtli l thU lewr. tinier earl) tn atoM dt4-pnlntwenl. Klrelrlr lUVrr). SB DatloUt) Ball Easter Monday. Aiigltoan April 19. Tee, aud Sale of Work, St. Clew-go's LUy Celebration. April 31. Lutheran Tea and Bale of Worst. April 21 at Good EaU Cafe. Elks' Balloon Dance, April 32. j Tennis Club Ball. Friday, April 3U. Ivstablished 1U23. V. mi si Office Hours: n.m. to G p.m. Snturtlny: a.m. to 1 p.m. Any evening by appointmutit DrEPRenny DENTIST Exchange Mock. Phone 109 Got Relief. From Dyspepsia Mr. Clarenee Bealy, BaUiorst, N.B., writ: f'l suffered a, long- tiro from drurvnaia. I od tablets and medi cines, of al) kinds, bat got no tXm flntu x tuxusa uuxi After tail of two bottles I ran gladly say that I became math better, and can now eat most any kind of food without having to suffer fur it after." For the past 48 rears B.B.H. has been put up ostr by The T. ILUburn Co, Limited, Toronto. Oat school teaching tuff In tearing on the i (njjt to steamer tonigni tor victoria vrnere ane will attend a meeting of the B.C. Potter-Alton of Teacher Ml Nora Rivet of the local school tCMMac staff is leaving for toe south give ten per cent the Easter holiday. SPECIAL for Uaia week only. i.nt on all new I Spring Coats, Dreeaos aiul liau (Includ Captain llu pattern haU). Oar hats are worth while. Mr. S. Fftzzell. 89 title IUnuet to the i;eriir lieiierul nil Sit.inlji. April I6w Ticket. may be had from the Major ami Alilermeii vt Imin OrniM Limited. Laiile Intltetl. Infnrnul. . 89 i OTTAWA. AprU 14 - Estunates for the Prtnee.. Beatrice U " CP steamer .ffsir. the Dep.rtment o( lluUn passed from the south on Saturday morning , Houjr Qf q Iut night. Tliey and will clear from here for Vancouver and way potnu. The next C.P.R. boat for Alaska will be the Princess Alice which is due from Vancouver early .. ... i T. k. , lu Ant trip of the Princes Alice since undergoing a complete overhaul and renovation. The steamer ha had several tin- j urovementi. sdded for the summer tour-; lit rearon. including the addition of a ' hardwood dancing floor aud lml and 'rold miming water in each stateroom tttf ttttttf tf tttv NtiTin: to Members of Canadian Legion and other ex-Service men are Invited to meet at the Club Rooms at 9.30 ajn. on Saturday. April l. to form Ouard of Honor for III EJceUency. Vks-rount WUllugdou. ! .... ' ANNOUNO'KMKNTS tKud Friday evening. Musical inooo-loaue. "An Evening of Dlla," at the I Baptist Church. ft a.m. DIOBY ISLAND, Rain, fresh southeast wind; barometer. 39.64: temperature. 41; moderate swell; 8 pm. motor-ship Oitnda. left Prince Rupert for Vancouver; 11:15 pari, spoke tug Cape Scott at Klevtaugjet. aoutlroound. DEAD TStSE PDINT.-Itatn. fresh southeon wind: barometer 398; temperature. 31; sea choppy. BULL HARBOR. - Overcast, stron; south wind: barometer. 39.64; tempera- turr'. 48: sea rough: ?;4&. pm. spoke steomer Prlnreas Ena. abeam Pine Island, south bound: 7115 pm. spoke eteauner Oardena. at Hardy Biy. north bound: 7 pm. spoke steamer Catala. left Alert Bay. southbound; 8 , pjn. poke steamer Alameda. Seattle for Ketchikan. 878 mile from Seattle; 8 pjn. poke motorahtp Sundard 'Service. Ketchikan for Port Wells. 340 miles from Seattle; 8 pm. spoke steamer Canadian Coaster. Ocean Palls for Los Angeles. 13S3 miles from Los Angeles; 8 pm. spoke steamer Amur. Anyox for Seattle, 330 miles from Seattle; 8 pm. spoke motcrahlp Apex. Ketchikan for Anacor-tea. 131 rutles from Anacortes; 8 RJn. spoke tug St Palth. In Br6wnlng en-tranoe. bound for Captain' Cove; 8 ajn. schooner raullne ahelterlng at Bull Harbor, ,uo DIOBY - .ISLAND Orcraastt strong aouthenst wind: barometer 39.60; tertxr ' Ferature 47; sea rough. DEAD TREE POINT Rain, light S.E. wind: barometer 39.58; temperature 47; light swell. BULL HARBOR. - Overcast, strong south wind; barometer 39.63; temperature 43; sea rough. IHITIX AltltlV.ll.s. I'rlnee ltiirt E. S. Wadsworth. Montreal: C, L. Burtth, J. Clarke. J. A. Riggs and T. J. Stephens, Vancouver; J C. Lnsh, Toronto; M. E. Newmsn.'Queen Charlotte. " ' Central J.aioArthur, C. Ecklaridlj" Craig and Patrick O'Hsra, Vancouver! W. Bailey, Nanafmo; A. Parker. Vlctorlal J. Peter- son. New Westminster. savoy K. E. Deulsou and r, ratterson. Porcher Island; P Sheehan, city; E. Church. Hajsport; Bennie iWiUe, Jap Inlet, Wonder whst a child thinks about while an angry parent whips It for los- DETERMINED TO FLYATLANTIC FRENCH AVIATORS riU.I'AlllMl TO JIAKi; TIIK vNONjHTOr CKOSHlXU PARIS, April 14, Captain Charles Nungesecr. one cf Prance' best known aviators, and Captain Francis Coll are determined to be the first flyer to try la non-stop flight from Paris to New York In the hope of winning the $25,. prize offered for the feat by Raymond 1000 Orteig, of New York. They hive decided to start some time during the I first two weeks of May. While their plane Is being perfected I the two airmen have gone Into training I with all the thoroughness of boxers be- Ifore a championship bout. They will a Le Vasseur plane with a 450 Iuse horsepower Torralne engine fitted with a kind of change speed gear which. It lis claimed, facilitates taking off and I makes It possible to get all available del the Big 4 habltl When thinking power out of the engine with the last of a Taxi, phone 4. tf I consumption or gasoline. The body of the machine Is con Reserve neat for Elk Minstrel show structcd In such a way that It will at Orm Drug Stort. tfl float long enough to await help should modal just unpacked at Wallace'. Elk' Minstrel coming to the West holm Theatre on April 13. New song. joke an' everything. tf It fall into the aea. It will carry gas. For your new .Easter coal see the new olule gnd M enougb for a flight of 45 hours, which I more than adequate for the task even against head winds. Captain Nungesccr had a distinguish ed aviation career In the world war, when he brought down about forty German planes, lie began planning a Paris-New York flight i fas back as 1922. Captain Cell has cherished trans atlantic flight ambition for several w. I cri. In ecpicawer iia. ni piane which was Intended for a flight to New . I York was demolished in an acciaeni LIBRARY BOARD HAS REGULAR MEETING; Routine I8iilne Truinartrd at Hirer- liatlierln; l-.-t Mjrit The regular monthly meeting' of the Roy Lancaster t Having on thelprmce Rupert public library board was steamer Prtnee Rupert tonight to spend .teid last night. Those present were the a vacation of tmt or three weeks in president. O. V. Wilkinson. James Black Vancouver following a recent serious l Georze Sutherland and Rev. O. O. Utoeat from which he Is now aatlsfac-1 Hacker, secreury. tortly recovering. I The librarian's report showed sixty ESTIMATES PASSED kln hand the n of sswol-r"lirMl.h Inelmle.1 In Vote Mide at llttawa jt Mflit Included SJ50.000 for British Columbia. k untr.i.i-:ss itKi'oiiT. two new borrowers enrolled during the INniAN nFPARTMFNT f Mrch lth 72 wat eDCtV 11 ILf II 111 vui llltlli.1.111 i, . . ,,. nl fnrtv Rooks ivu, v aav " - - - - j received by gift totalled 24 and by purebsse. 43. Eleven books were a- end oi me monm o.w. mere wuc 4.752 books circulated during the month, classified as follows: fiction 1303; non-flctlon. 520; Juvenile 929. The library vas open twenty-two days ind the average daily circulation of books was 21A. A set of Books of Knowledge Is now being supplied to replace Hie that was worn out. ! A great need Is felt for new books but. until the city estimates are passed, the board must proceed slowly. (JUKKN CHAHI.OTTE LAND DIVISION TAKE NOTICE that II. F. Leonsrd, of Portland. Ore., physician. Intends to! apply to the Minister of Lands for .. licence to prospect for coal, petroleum : and natural gas over and under the fol-1 lowing described landv situate on Sklde-gate Inlet. Oraham Island: I Commencing at a post planted at the northwest corner of Section 30. Town-, ship 1; thence' 80 chains east; thenco SO cnains soma; wicnw ou ciiuu . thence 80 chains norm, to poini oi commencement. Located March II, 1927. H. P. LEONARD. A. J. GORDON. Agetl'. UUEKN CI1A1H.OTTE LAND DIVISION TAKE NOTICE that II. P. Leonard, of , Portland, Ore., physician. Intend to . apply to the Minister of Lands for a. licence to prospect, for coal, petroleum) and natural gas over and under the fol-, lowing described land, situate on Sktdc-1 gate Inlet. Oraham Island ; Commencing at a post planted at thej northeast corner of Section 23. Town-. shin S: thence 80 chains west; thence1 80 chains south: thence 80 chain exist; thence 80 chains north, to paint of commencement. Located March 14, 1337. H. F. LEONARD, AJOORDONAgetU. UUEEN CHA1M.OTTE LAND DIVISION TAKE NOTICE that It. F. Leonard, of Portland, Ore., physician. Intends to apply to the Minister of Lands for a licence to prcspect for coal, petroleum and natural gas over and under the following described landi, situate on Sklde-gate Inlet. Or rum Island: Commencing at a post planted at the MiithwcH corner of Section 31. Township 1: thence 80 chalna east; thence R0 ehalns north: thence 80 chains west, thence 80 chains south, to point of commencement. Located March 14. 1927. 11. F. LEONARD. A. J. OORDON. Agent. IN PHOIIATE. ix Tin; siTui'Mi: roritr ok iihitimi lOI.l.MIUV In the Matter of the Administration Act: and . . In the Matter of the Estate of August B. Norlln. deceased. Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of Ilia Honor F. McB. Young, the 28th day of March, A.D. 1927. I was appointed ad. mmtstrator of the estate of August B. Nnrlln rirreased. and all DarttCS having claim sgalnsl the said estate are hereby required to luruisn same, .uj.ij verified, to me on or before tlie I8th dsv of April. A.D. 1927. and all partlei hiriehted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A, WATT. Official Admlntatrator. Prlr.ce Rupert. B.C D.UJ til J'.1 d. 0 Mar.h. A.U. la? THE LABEL RED AND WHITE Its Uniformity Makes It Good for Baby ONE of the great advantages of Carnation Milk as a baby food is that its goodness never varies. No matter where you buy it or when you use it, baby's delicate digestion is never upset by a change in quality or purity. Another advantage Carnation offers the Carnation procesj of "homogenization" breaks up the fit globules and makes Carnation very easy to digest All the food value of milk is in Carnation, for Carnation is just pure, fresh milk evaporated to double richness and kept safe by sterilization. Consult your physician regarding a feeding formula for your baby. Also write us for baby feeding chart. Order several tins or a case of 4$ tins from your grocer. Send for a free copy of Mary BIMi Cook Book. Address Carnation ililk Products Company, Limited, Aylmer, Oni. Carnation Milk 'From Contented Cows' T v o SIZES Produced in Canada TALL AND SMALL Get a NEW SUIT I for; Easter Your choice of 300 Suits by the best makers. All the latest models. Priced from $12 .95 up YOU SAVE MONEY I5Y HUYINC HERE. We also have a large stock of SHOES l'OK MEN, WOMEN and CHILDREN at Montreal Prices. MONTREAL IMPORTERS Third Avenue. J. IJ. Miller, Proprietor. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED!. Sail! net from Prime ltuert. lor VANCOl'VLK, VICTORIA, Swanton Itay. Alert Hay, etc, Tuesday, 3 11.111. , lor VANCOI'VKK. VICTORIA, Hutclale, Alert IU)'. etc., Saturday 9 a.m. lor POUT SIMPSON. ALICE ARM, ANVOX, STrAVAKT. Males Island, bun- day. 8 mii. lor Nan Points and Port Kliniwon. Thursday pin. 123 2ml Avenue. It. M. M.MITIL AgenL Prince Ituprrl. 1I.U. "TRY A NIP TONIGHT BEST PROCURABLE JlSvia A ', BOTTUO fiUSRANTUOJtf j, '. Moeuet oe scoriAso tist.Mtc.o mwiwi S4.istiv hi" scon. Th. Original Label look for it at Ihe Vendor's and insist on GRANTS "BEST PROCURABLE" This adverlisenient is not published or tliiplayed by Ihe Liquor Control Uoard or by the Government oX Urltlsh Coluoibia, , . .-