1 1 n 5 TAXI Boston Grill and' Ambulance Service Anywhere at Anytime Slirnd Kxchangc Uulldlnir MATT VIDKCK. Prop. ni. XVII.. No. 88. w - - - ' to TAKt; m:w rtixTw OS Jl l.V I r. liaoker. who haa been r t United Church here : x yean. wW be leartng about Jul I to take a - tch he IU be aaatgaed ice tn Uajr wfien hU be named. He. Evan been paator ot Rupert .'. for two yeara. wiu -Kfcd :n eogrftMa ot t egret eieetdrnglf the f .i; alao the community ' ' have been very active rm their atay here. Mr. &cl a particular intereat 'lra work and. in aueh sell as hu family, will be SS fflpPHA . IS NOT WANTED lAitio m'iiimii, Ti:niiUH ttitn- I'UAtV INtlTATION TO Vi OMAN ii;mhi;u or commons 10 .miiiuis tiii:m ' TO Annl M- An Invitation to ' MiPlinll wnman Ihrwraaelve vjtv. ouuwiirav 111 ntnwv Women Taaehera' Awoclatlon of it: April 30 tn connection with it Educational Ajwoclatlon hu .idraTi The decision to with- i! invitation la attributed to -hat the teacher do not up a ir ular letter written by MIm kiivv irrv rimiiLV huiiuui i hlldrtn ortticlzlus Omit I)rttaln' IP f tl W-CM. I i ii I h 1 1 i liu A filial, lalf 1111 SOUTHERN ROAD Hh 1'iMlrr Ihrrlumlns Tnnk Af I AAhB it a a m .a a ai'i -m, Nt vi.va " " vi vv tl IV VICI kUllKU va ""hi uiiurr rniiiriiff inn ulwfcii aa tat UVIkbti At fcliV liwK-i ill v m imi liniini lit nil i hi i wHhra -aiaiMMUV II I1U11 NITRO GLYCERINE EXPLODES, TEXAS "nea men were blown to bit ana fMI n( 1 . . . . . .... . hut aviiuuiir iujuicu wen near here was aluttered by 1" :itt UK Hi r of nif.. 1 e:'ln .. Hi, lit ''it ""'"v.? i Hon. Charle Stewart. mlMater of the Interior, aald that. In hU oplnttM. the rrace tai waa the only outlet Moept-able to the wbo) oauntrjr. lie we willing to aupport an Immediate aurvey with a view to taking action at the next teuton. J. A. rtaaer. 0snerratle member for Cariboo. aaM that the aettkea of the Peaoe River valley were not aaklag for anflhlng unreaaonable. The Ilawe divided' In the afternoon and defeated an amendment to the motion to concur In the raHway committee's report. Tlx amendment, which waa Introduced by D. M. Kennedy. United Maimer member fgt Pee niter, would have referred the report back to the committee for rehearing. IIOtU AT OTTAWA I'IKIIKMll l: TODAY OTTAWA. AprU 14 After alt- ting until 330 thla morning, the Hnuae of Commona met again at 11 o'clock It la expected that tlie aemlon will prorogue late thl afternoon. HALIBUT ARRIVALS - TODAY ARE HIGHER AND PRICES DROP Halibut offerings at the Flah Exchanee totalling 123.500 pounds, were heavier todav than for a few dayi past and there was a consequent drop in prlcea which, however, were atlll satisfactory, ranging from 16.6c and Be to 17.5c and of American fish 10c for 90.000 pounds and from 14.7c and 7c to 15.1c and 7c for 33,500 pounds of Canadian. Arrival and sales were as louowa; AUKKICAN v.ivnn. 10.000 pounds, to Canadian Co.. 10.0c and 9c. Fish i Cold Btorsgc Fremont. H.000 ounus. to iwyal run Co., 17Jo and c. , Teddy J.. 19.000 pounds, to Atun Fisheries. 17.5c and 10c. to Booth FHh- Inner, 10.000 pounds, cries. 17.1c and 10c. Marmot. 28,000 pounds, to uoomrisn- cries, 18.0c and o. TANAI'IAN Dolphin. 4.000 pounds: W. ma anno uound. Canadian Fish : Cold 3,000 pounds, to Storage Co.. M-7c ana is. P Dorreen, 7.000 pounds, to Canadian 13.1c and 7c Ftali Co.. &.C3old Storage llrant. 10 ROyl UU 4.500 po- Co., 14.8c and 7c. to Atl.n Fish- pounds, Mulrneag, 5,000 erles, 15c and 7c. pounds, to Atlln Ringleader. 3.000 Fisheries, 14.80 and 7c with 1.000 pound, of red The Taplow. Jmon of lullbut had and 70 pound,, not wld up to a00" ' . ' iiiiii i mil mil i of RailwaysStewart favors Peace Pass i i lllLAUtLr HIA "TUVA, April II. During a debate in the House of Com- erday on the matter of a Pacific 'Coast outlet for the Peace Wiitv, Hon. Charles A. Dunning, minister of railways, cati-: ost of such an outlet with the taking over of the Pacific I ; ;c : n and- Kdmontoti, Dunvegan and British Columbia nearly $86,000,000 and intimated that the federal govern-tti' prepared at the present time to take over any of this He said that the impremtions left in Ottawa by Premier L, inn Columbia and Premier Iirownlcc of Albqrta were ,nut m much that they desired to be ARE LEAVING ki:h ami ki:v. i: av of assistance to the Dominion aa to be , rid of two "whit elephants" themaetva. Mr Dunning added that the government a prepared to ak the Canadian National Rail ays to determine aa early as poMlble which pass ihould be ued for the outlet to the coast o that the Information might be available whan It might be decided to construe, aueh aa icuUet. ii m i or Mt'iir.ni i.n i,ii in inn ix.Mii r.H vTKiti.v imsti-om:i .td'Ol NT Of UAIN NEW YORK. April M. The New York Vankeen pelted four Philadelphia pttehera for alxWn hlu yealenlay. Babe Rath ecatlng through wttfi two alnglea. Routher waa batted hard by the Athiettca. SUnmona col looting a homer, a two-basher and two etngtea. In the only other American League game jea-terday Chicago defeated Cleveland by vtagtng a terrific batting raUy. In the National League. Jee Halnea held Chicago to two htta. the world champlona wtnntitg eaUy. Do ton de- J feated Drooklyn In the only other game played lu the National. Biarea were aa folloaa: ' - t.tii:iiir.tv Lmiit r Obloaga) 7. OteeUnd 2. PhlhKiWphta 4. New York 10. Othera poatponrd. NATIONAL l.iaiH t BrooUyn 2. Ronton 4. St. Louis I. Chicago 0. Othera poatponed. - Boston St. Lou. Cincinnati Philadelphia i.r.Aiui: t.uilkx National Lni-ur W. Htttabuag 1 New York 1 Brooklyn Amrrlian l.rHiue W. New York 2 Washington 1 Cleveland 1 Chicago 1 Boston 0 Philadelphia 0 Detroit 8t Lou la Pet. 1000 HXX 500 , 500 j 500 soc 000 000 Pet 1000 1000 500 600 000 000 OCEAN FALLS ; AND RUPERT iidmi: ani limit: m;i:iks or iiski:t-, ham. oa.mi: is ritoroM'.o in trO.MMI NU ATION I'ltOM i. S. D. Macdonald. president of the Prince, Rupert Basketball Association, Is In receipt ot a communication from Jack Mcflwnn of Occau Falls suggesting a home and home basketball aeries be tween senior teamv The proposal Is that Prince Rupert would guarantee the expenses of a team of six players coming from Ocean Falls, the paper town ' making a similar guarantee for a return visit of Prince Rupert at the Falls. There will be an early meeting of the local Basketball Association to deal with the matter. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Wheat B.C. Silver .... Dunwcll Glacier Gladstone .... Oranby Howe Sound ,. Independence . Indian L. ti L Premier Porter Idaho , Silver Crest .. Surf Inlet Coast Copper . Terminus' 8uiUoch Oedrge Copper Bid ' J.MJ4 1JD3 1.42 -.00 .27 34.00 38.75 .00 H .00 .07), 2.14 .15U 00 VI .01 H 13.00 .70 Askrl 1.85 1.431 .101, .28 38.00 30.25 .10 .07 .07 2.16 -.lV4 ' .07 .00 13.50 .15 .80 70 .JSC Moreover he thought, a permanent building '.tu.uk! be secured. Han. R. B. Bennett. Conservative member f cr West Calgary, declared that the legation was part of a doctrine of e; arai on irjm the E.Tiplre fostered by the prcie::; g- vernment. He waa op posed "... the pla taB IWW4a;Tacw sasa aMfAiasBR., sasasasasasasasasasasasa3 Laf LLbbbbwb' ' ' aLLLLBBBBas BBS SBBaRroi aVaVaVaVBBBv' IvBBBBBBBBBBajHUjgaVBBBak ''A t FIFTY VOLUMES have been published by the German Foreign Oluce to prove ttiat they did not go to war, and the workers' committee of German unions and the woman's committee for combating war-guilt lies celebrated the event. "Methtnks she doth protest too much." 4 OTTAWA SENATORS ,KK WOIU.ll HOCKEY CHAMPS. 4 OTTAWA, April 14-The Ot- tawa Scuators last night won tlie Stanley Cup, emblematic ot the world's professional hockey cham- s Tlonshlp, by defeating .'kthe' Boa- 4 ton Bruins with score of 3 to 4 .1. The Senators went through the series ot four games un- beaten the first being a score- 1m tie. the second 3 to 1 In 4 their favor and the third, a 1 ? to 1 tie. Some people get ahead, and some can't resist the temptation to buy a thing that Is only one dollar down. PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British. Columbia's Newspaper WINCE RUPERT. B.C.. THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 1927 niifc DIUTISH DESTROYER D!)5 p.assinjj through Aden on the way to China. Half Million Dollars Vohd at Ottawa for Purchase of Canadian Legation Building OTTAWA, April 14. For the purchase of a buildinjr for the Canadian legation at Washington, $500,000 was voted by the House of Commons early this morning after brisk oppo.'i'.ion. Hon. Hugh Guthrie, Conservative house leader, moved to have the amount reduced to $25,000 but, on a division, the motion was lost 51 to 19. Mr. Guthrie argued that $25,000 was sufficient to secure adequate rented quarters for the legation, quite as good as the newly appointed minister from United States to Canada could secure in Ottawa. Premier King aald n would be more eeooomici.l io purchase than to rent. CLAIMS ARE THROWN OUT INDIANS Ol' I IX. HAM: NO ItHiilTS TO LANI, OTTAWA COMMITTEE HAS rOI'.NH OTTAWA, April 1 1. The I ml la in if llrltlxli Columbia hate not rotub-IMml any claims to lands In that prmlnre upon aboriginal or oilier titles, the uirllJiiiriilr loitiuiltUe, vihlrh IntrMlzutcd the matter, ha. found. The reMrt of the romnilttre. which tva rtiiisidrrrd In the Semite rlrrUy. cllr an order-ln-uiin-rll lulled In 1911 protlillng refer-rme ti the elaliu". of the nutlr to flie KMlinpirr Court ot Cunucla nlth the rl;lt tn apiieal to the ITlvj Couiirll. Ai the Indians have dretlnrd to put tlielr rial ins In this test.' the reMrt nivs. "It Is tlie further opinion if jour mm ml tire that the matter should mm lie regarded us finally rlosetl." SIDNEYBIRD IS VET HEAD ki.ixtkd ritr.siiiUNT or LOCAL CANAKIAN I.EHION IttaNCH AT MKETINU LAST N'HIHT At a well attended meeting last night In the club rooms the local branch ot the Canadian Legion, British Empire League, elected officers for the ensuing six months as follows: Honorary President Col. C. W. Peck, V.C. Honorary Vice-President Major J. McGregor, V.C. President S. Bird. First Vice-President Malcolm Lamb. Second Vice-President W. Brass. Executive-"- F. Hardy. J. May. H, Thrupp, W. Murray aud J. Parks. On Saturday morning at 8.30 all ex-service men wlU parade at the club rooms and proceed to the dock to welcome Viscount and Lady Willingdon and party. BRITISH SHIP PILES ON MOROCCAN COAST Crew f I r el liter Collhigdalr are UrM'ued by ltruirr Vlsrnuut vt Ulbrultur GIBRALTAR, April 14. Tlie crew ot the British steamer Colllngdale. which was stranded near Mrlltlla In a great storm sweeping the Moroccan coast, was Nerve Is a funny thing. You never rescued by the British destroyer Vlacouut I lose if except when Sou. heed (t most ' this morning Large Upstair Dining JImII, with newly laid dancing floor, fqr hire. NKW SODA FOUNTAIN. The lateBt and best for the least I'hune 45T. Price Five Onte U ALLIUM UN FLAIL KIVLK UUILLI 111 READY W RECEIVE LORD WILLINGDON SATURDAY m m i m m m overnment iVof rrenared tn i Take Over Liabilities Though Will Seek More Information I ' . ..- D P n 1 F n inn T7 1 mrnnn ri-i m King uici j j,Li, unu l..u. una d.u. com YalYHHNKHAI ..III.. Oor nnn nnn nr . . 1 illmLiLJ ULttll nwiin na wy-a iiiiii in ill nnnniinnr ivifmnf it, uuiu tt uuviuiv.vvv uiiiiuuiilco irjiiiiici .... . ... . Program Covering Visit of Governor General to Prince ! Rupert Announced by Mayor 1 The program in connection with the visit to Prince Rupen on j Saturday and Sunday of Viscount Willingdon, Governor General of Canada, Lady Willingdon and the vice-regal suite is officially announced today by Mayor S. M. Newton. The party is .due to arrive by the steamer Prince George at 1 10.30 Saturday morning from Vancouver. Shortly after arrival, the Governor General will inspect a Guard of Honor, consisting of naval, militia and Canadian Legion units, on the Canadian National Railway tennis courts near the station. The band of the First North B.C. Regiment and school children wlllaj . be In attendance In a body. FoUowlng the Inspection, the mayor will read an address of welcome to which Ills Excellency will reply. An Informal reception will then be held when citizens will be presented to Lord and Lady Willingdon. At I o'clock, the Women's Canadian Club will tender a luncheon to Lady Wlllirgdon in the Hctel Prtace Rupert. ; On the conclusion of this function, the ' party will motor about the city and. j arriving at the plant of the Canadian rush & Cold Storage Co, His Excel- company's new .100.000 electric equipment. The for the East on their special train at 1 J3 In the afternoon. X'KOLL Or WELCOME The scroll cf welcome, which wlU be presented to His Excellency at the banquet Saturday n'ght. was completed to-sy by Morte Craig to fill the city's order. A typical example ot Mr. Craig's lnlni!t:.ule handiwork. It Is a memento wlii.lt the Governor Oencral will, no doubt, prlve greatly. Local c.TTChints and others In the dowr t n sict.'cn are toeing urged to decorate their premises with flags, etc. far the occasion of the governor's visit. The city has set a good example, and the City Hall was yesterday gaUy tlltEAT lllttTAIN MAY APPOINT .MINISTER TO THIS HOMINION OTTAWA, AprU 14. Orcat Britain may appoint a representative to Canada to act In almost the same capacity as the minister who was appointed from the United States, Premier King stated In the House ot Commons Jast night. .The premier said that the British representative would 4 probably be a "high commls- 4 sloner to Canada." EATIir.lt REPORT. Prince Rupert. Rain, fresh southeast wind: temperature. 43. Terrame. Rain, calm, temp. 43. Rosswood. Rain. calm. temp. 42. Alyanah. Rain, calm. temp. 40. Alice Arm. Rain. calm. temp. 44. Anyox Rain, calm, temp. 43, Stewart. Cloudy, calm. temp. 41. Hatelton. cfoudy. calm. temp. 45. Telegraph Creek. Cloudy, calm, temp. 35. Smlthers.1 Cloudy, calm. temp. 42. DurUs Lake. Rain, calm, temp. 40. Whltehorse. Clear, calm, temp. 33. Dawson. Snowing, north wing, temp. 27. Three Inches of new snow at Dawson. Advertise In the Dally News. OTTERPOOLIS lUUTIMl SHIP LEFT AT I O'CLOCK THIS AITEKN'OON WITH FILL CAKOO FOU L'NITEl) KINGDOM OK CONTNENT Having completed the loading of bulk lency will touch the button on the j grain yesterday afternoon and finishing power Up -uh sacked stuff this morning, the I tiriuan ireignier vsuer rooi, Vapi. About 4 JO. the party wUl make a call (Oliver. saUed at I o'clock this afternoon at the hall of the Daughters of thejfcc the TJnlted or CQnUnent Empire on Fifth Avenue East where tea,w.th bUsheljl a-itl W. ii-. I mfa win tSA f r11fNmH Vtajr 1 0 n .t Stoseph'SXithdlt? Academy. ef She "wlst .pE dots itana wut serenaae iucu : i out to Triple Island by harbor ma4ter Canadian National vards between 6 antfl Cap. J. Tl1 ntxl ship coming here to load 0 45 pjn At 7 o'clock, the civic banquet to the th Brttlh steamer 8ed3e PooL party will open, the place to be an- ' nw reported due on Sunday. She nounced on Saturday. After the banquet will be followed toward the end of the spread has been disposed of. there will month by the Japanese freighter Kof-be a program of music, scngs and uku Maru. speeches In the course of which the mayor will present an Illuminated me mento to His Excellency. There wlU be a brief address by Archdeacon O. A. Rlx on the possibilities and needs of Central and Northern British Columbia. , On Sunday morning, Their Excellencies wUl attend the 11 o'clock service at St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral, leaving KING SHATTERS R. OLD PRECENDENT DOES NOT TAKE HIS OWX WINE WITH HIM WHEN ItlMNO OCT LONDON. AprU 14. The King has chattered another ancient precedent by abolishing the custom of taking his own wlces when dining out. He decided to leave his wine stewards at Bucking ham Palace taking chances which many cf his predecessors .would never have drearced of In the days when plots made the throne rather a risky job. The practice of memoir hs drinking liquors only frcm the Royal cellars goes back even farther than the time of Henry V.. when rulers feared being poisoned. It had always been adhered to by one king after another until King Oeorge decided to disregard It. The King and Queen Mary have been guest of friends on numerous oc casions recently, attending Tour dinner, at private houses tn one week alone. 'QUAKE KILLS MANY PERSONS TE.MIII.OIt KOE.H CONSlHEICAHI.E HA.MAtlE IN' SOCTII AMERICA-MANY .MOKE PEOPLE IN41KEII SANTIAGO, Chile. April 14. At least six persons were killed and many were injured when an earthquake shook the city early this morning. The business district was littered with debris. At Mendosa. Argentine, ten persons were killed and fifty Injured, considerable property damage being caused by the 'quake. entombedbywaTer but still safe in mine in oklahoma HENRYETTA, Oklahoma, April 14. Twenty-three .miners were caught lu a coal mine near here this morning wlsju flood water poured Into1 the worklngv Latest reports state that the men are safe on a level above the water. Todsy'e train from the east will on time at 3.30 pm,