mm A GOOD Llvtr helps a lot to make life worth living. It is worth a mint of money to have one. A bad liver becomes a good liver when the liver serves are in good order. YOUR NERVES CONTROL YOUR HEALTH! For your health' sake- Consult d. a. McMillan Palmer Graduate CHIROPRACTOR Rooms C & 7, Exchange Block Phone C'Jl patho meurometer Service Easier Specials FOR THIS WEEK Easter Ejrjrs and Novelties at Lowest Prices D.C. Efrgs, Extra Large, 3 dozen for $1.25 B.C. Eggs, FirstST 3 dozen for $1.15 B.C. Eggs, Pullets, 3 dozen for $1.00 Trince Rupert Eggs, 3 dozen for $1.33 We guarantee these eggs to be strictly Al. Also all kinds of Cheese, Ham, Bacon, and Fresh Meats at lowest prices. MUSSALLEM'S 417-123 Fifth Ave. East Prince Rupert. Phone 18 Phone 81 A (iOOD INVESTMENT There is no safer investment and none that will pay larger dividends than accurately fitted glases. They'll stop you worrying and start you wondering how you ever got along without them. Our Optical Service is the best by test not the Lest because the busiest but the busiest because the best. Lowest Prices. Expert Service. A. E. IRELAND (raduatc Optometrist 319 Third Avenue. Opposite C.W.V.A. WOOD Dry Jack Pine, Cedar, Birch and Spruce Per double load $G.50 Per single load $3.50 Per sack 50c Firelighters, 18 for $1.00 delivered All classes of Coal at dealers' prices. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST watiuioo mmxit; to hi: svi:i M:v oi; at ciiVhino ciioss LONDON, April 14. (Canadian Press j Despatch). The government' proposals I for carrying out the report of the Royal Commission on London's cross-river traffic, outlined by the Prime Minister. Indicate that Waterloo Bridge will be saved. The present structure Is to be reconstructed and not demolished. The comml&sfon estimates the cost at 860,-000. A double-deck road-snd-rall bridge at Charing Cross is a probability, 'at an estimated cost of seven and a half millions, and the Victoria Dock road scheme costing three mUllons will be carried out. In addition the proposed Ludgate Bridge at a cost of three millions. Is a possibility. The government will give the city fi nancial aid to the extent of 75 per cent for the Charing Cross and Waterloo schemes, drawn from the road fund. Expenditure will be limited to an average of a million a year. The government, the.Rrlme minister. said Is inviting the London County Council and the; Southern Railway to I Join with them In appointing engineers to examine the scheme for a double decker road and railway bridge put forward by the commission. jJtl Housecleaning 3KJ Specials COMBINATION SPECIAL, . 4 tins Old Dutch Cleanser. 1 tin Gem Lye 1 only 5 string Uroom. dozen Combination Canned Fruit Specials 4 lins for . . 93c Your choice of any of the lowing: Malkin's Bartlett Pears, 2's King-P,each lied Plums, 2' OSt- Cold Dust Washing Powder, larj;c jtkjr., special 29c rveckitt's Dluc, ikjr 5c Wool Soap (it floats), special, 7 bars 50 c Sunny Monday Laundry Soap, special, 5 bars 25c Nabob Golden Uantam Corn-on- Cob, 3 large tins .. . $1.03 Van Camp's Tomato So.up, ii tins for 33c Libby's Asparagus Tips, square tins, 3 for $1.01) GOOD Fill DAY THIS WEEK We will be open Thursday evening until 10 o'clock and closed all day Friday. New Zealand Dutter. per lb. 33c Fresh Pullet Eggs, 3 dozen . . 93c (E;ery Egg guaranteed new laid i Sliced Streaky Bacon, machine sliced, per lb 39c Hot Cross Buns delivered Thurs day; book your order now. Per fol- Saanach Loganberries, IV, talis MalklnV Apricots, IV, talis Malkin's Sliced Peaches, IV, talis King-Beach Boyal Anne Cherrie', 2V Nabob Bed Pitted Cherries, 2V , Broken Shelled Walnuts, per lb. 42c Medium Shredded Cocoanut, per lb 19c Robertson's Fruit Cake, Cherry or Sultana, per lb 10c Chocolate Eclairs ier lb. . . 39c New Fig Bars, ier lb 19c Cowan's Milk Velvets, per lb. 39c Similar to Maple Buds Buckeye Cornmcal, 9 lb. sack. special 59c Aunt Dinah Molasses, 5 lb. tin 39c Terrace Potatoes, No. 1 stock, per sack $1.95 Fresh Meats and Fish Beef Sausage per lb 15c Fresh Cod Fillets, 2 lbs 35c Bed Spring Salmon, per Jb. . . 35c Freah Oolichans, 3 lbs 25c Fresh Crabs, 2 for 35c Fresh Shrimps, per lb 25c Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Large Bipe Bananas 2 lbs. . . 35c California Grape Fruit, 3 for 25c Sunkist Oranges, 3 dozen .. $1.00 bating Apples, 3 lbs. Z.c Fresh Rhubarb, per lb 20c New Potatoes, per lb. 25c Cauliflower ........ 35c and 40c Cucumbers ....... 35c and 40c Head Lettuce, straight 15c Fresh Tomatoes, per lb 35c Spinach, 2 lbs 25c Celery 20c, 25c and 35c Jams, Jellies and Marmalades in glass jars. Over 20 varieties. Your choice, each 29c Rupert Table Supply Co Phones: 210 and 211 I' m L m ill Imported? KOI It'e both older and better TEN YEARS OLD This advertisement is not published or displayed by thr Liquor Control Board or by the Government of Brilisli Columbia. i CARIBOU EATERS IN N.W. TERRITORIES STARVE TO DEATH FORT SMITH, N.W.T.. April 13. Peter Baker arrived here recently after making a trip to the Caribou Eaters, a hundred miles from Fitzgerald. Baker reported a scarcity of fura and stated that the Eaters were starving. However. Caribou made their appearance Just before he left. These people, he states,- have gone to the Great Slave Lake, and he doubts If they will ever return to Fitzgerald. When the Hudson's Bay Company house chimney caught on fire recently. It was the R.C.M.P. who went to the rescue and prevented any damage. NOTICE IN ' THE MATTER of an application for the Issue of a Provisional Certificate of Title for Block five (5). subdivision of the South half () of Lot three hundred and teventy-four (374). Range five (51. Coast District. Map 1137. Satisfactory proof of the loss of the Certificate of Title covering the above land having been produced to me. It Is my Intention to lue, after the expiration of one month from the first publication hereof, a Provisional Certificate cf Title to the above land In the name of Sidney Wlllmore. the original Certificate cf TlUe is dated 30th June. 1915. and ! numbered 78331. Land Registry Office. Prince Rupert. B.C., 6th April. 1927 H. F MacLEOD. Registrar of Titles. Cash and Carry Grocery Glh and Full on $3.00 Orders Delitercd C.O.D. Wc have just received a large shipment of our special Home-Cured B tcon, worth COc. This week's price, sliced ,. ,. . 50c in the piece, per lb 43c B.C. Fresh Pullett Eggs, 3 doz. for .4. . . 95c Strictly Local xFresH Eggs, per doz 45c A car load of Terrace Potatoes arrived this week. To move them quickly we will sell per 100 lb. sack $1.80 Shaker Salt, 2 for 25c Old Dutch Cleanser, per tin 10c Corn Flakes, any variety . . . .10c Sunkist Oranges, 3 doz. for $1.00 Toilet Bolls, 22 for $1.00 Cow Brand Soda, per pkg. ... 10c Special Line of Spices, per tin 5c t Pure Extracts, 50c bottles for 30c Boyal Crown Soap, G bars 22 '2c Seedless Baisins in bulk, regular price 17c; our price this week, per -lb 13c JAM! JAM I JAMS 2 tins Malkin's Best, 4V, for $1.35 Malkin's Best Tea 300 lbs. sell, r- , 1 lb. v.... 'M...,; Goc 2Vj lb. pkg. t, .......... $1.55 You save 13c per lb. We have one case, of Pink Salmon without labels. Every tin guaranteed and worth ISc. This week, to clear, G tins for 35c Just Arrived NTATKMUNT, THAT .lKKOI'UM..H lE-I.KSS X W.VU AlltMlirs COSTLY AMI IMItltlll s MCKTS t (ll.MKAL KM 1 TATION LONDON, April 14. (Canadian Press.! j No book In recent times has instantly I aroused greater controversy than "The :Oieat Delusion," In which an anony-' mous writer, "Neon." challenges the J j " "yit tiu:y ui air purer. awh traverses the claims of airships and aeroplanes Xhat they are comfortless for civil flying and useless -for war. Major-General- Sir r. 11. Sykcs. who was chief cf the air staff In 1918-1919,; and controller-general of civil aviation 1919-1922, says that while the author'' facts generally are accurate, the de ductions from those facts are open to' fundamental difference of opinion. j "What does demand an answer.i Major-Genera! Sykes says, "Is the author's thesis that airship navigation Is basically Impracticable and his criticism that official calculations as to the utility of the ships under construction are greatly axaggeratcd. the value of, . ... .... ,, ! ! to him, negligible. If these charges , of inability to navigate and to carry jnci load cannot be met we are wasting money and effort In developing airships. I think we are more than Justified In trying to ascertain their commercial and still more their Imperial value, and It this can be proved their possible use Is ocean reconnaissance," Air power( cannot win a war. he concluded, but It Is an essential In war. both tactically and strategically. The attack upon the usefulness of the two giant airships now being constructed for Imperial routes have raised particularly strong objection. It is recalled that Sir Samuel Hoare. air minister, speaking In the House of Commons, said: "The two airships that! we are building are very far In advance of any airships built during or since the war. The use of stainless steel, of heavy air engines, and of new methods of girder and bracing construction, all differentiate these airships most defin itely from any airships that have for merly been buliyjjj , i Concluding a lengthy and Intensive refutation of "Noort" statements, J. L. ... Oarvln In the ;ObseJyer says: "That we shall keep pace In the air with the best of the world's endeavor Is vital, whether for peace or war vital to the spirit. Intelligence, faculty of the nation, and to the needs of the empire In the coming time." IF ESKIMOS WIPED OUT miiiti: mi:n IX SET HACK NOUTII WOl'LIt III! IUTV VKAUS wv,u '"'fS rfcf v-v.., vminff too rRftV You save 0c. to WINNIPEO. April 14, .Major L. W. Burwash, F.R.O.3 . of Ottawa, but who really belongs to the Arctic Circle, stated at a meeting here recently ttiat If the Eskimos were wiped out. the white men in the north would be set back at least fifty years. Major Bur-wash, Is Dominion government exploratory engineer. To Investigate the condition of the Eskimos and report on the resources of Canada's farthest edge of mainland, he made a memorable trip along the Arctic coast In 1925-20. He reached the conclusion that the development of the vast territory -in the r.ortii depended upon the natives. The Eskimo are essential up there the mi Jot claims, as white men could not do the work, and the Eskimos, unlike the Indians, will wcrk. He urges csreJ ful sdbdy. and efforts to Improve them. They are living precarious lives, depending on hunting and fishing mostly. This he thought was bad for them, and suggested the establishment of some kind of Industry among them. Major Burwash further stated that the Eskimos were not as well off as they were before the white man went In among them. They were disorganised, not satisfied with the old life, and had not yet gathered Into the new yet Caribou, which Is an essential food for the Eskimo, was being slaughtered too " " v via m uivuti la a J stV4 v a . Market Prices 'Market prices prevailing here today are as follows: I.AKIJ Pure ... 25c Compound 20c mil Halibut, lb 20e Salmon, cohoe, frozen.;....'. 20o Smoked kippers, lb 15o Kippered ealmon, lb 3&c Smoked black cod, lb. 22 Vic Finnan h addles, lb. .,. 30c 25 boxes Northwest Sodas, $1.00 Salt mackerel, lb. size. This week, per box (5. lb.) 69c Last But Not Least Pure Lard, 5 lbs. for 95c LO(JS . B.C. fresh . pullets '... ... 35c B.C. fresh, firsts ' 0c B.C. fresh, extras .(,.M(,..r,,.ii 45c Local new laid .... . 50c 25c Eastern salt herring, 3 for 25c Salt codfish fillets, lb 30a Boneless salt cod bricks, MEATS Fowl, No. 1, lb Roasting chicken, lb Hum, t!I:ea fir- grade lb. 20c 350 45S lit whole, first grsde 42c Ham. picnic, lb 21c Cottage rolls, lb Sic Bacon, back, sliced 60c Bacon, side 40c to 55c j Pork, dry talt 35c i Ayrshire bacon, lb 35c eal, shoulder 25c ! Veal. loin 40c j Veal, leg 40o Pork, shoulder 28c Pork, loin 40c Pork, leg 40c Beef, pot roast a.... 12Vic to ISc Beef, boiling r. lOo to 12- Beef. steak 25c to 40c Beef .rout, prime rib 30c Lamb, chops 50c Lamb, shoulder 35c Mutton, leg 40c Imb, leg 43c Mutton, chops 40c Mutton shoulder SOe i nirrir.K ; Brookfleld. Shamrock and Woodland. ; lb 60c E.C.D, lb 60c j Capital. 2nd grade. 3 lbs 95.' Fraser Valley, lb 65c! New Zealand, lb 55e I ciiu;sr. i Ontario solids 30c i NAVKiABLE WATEIt PROTECTION act; lt.SC. Ill API tK 113. MASSLTT CANNER3. LIMITED, hereby give notice that it has. under Section Seven of said Act. deposited with the Minister of Public Works at Ottawa, and at the office of the District Registrar o: the Land Registry Dlitrlct of Prince Rupert, at Prince Rupert. B.C.. a description of the Mte and plans of the wharf and pier proposed to be built on the Msssett Indian Reserve. Number One. on Oraham Island. Province of British Columbia. AND take notice that after the ex piration of one month Irom date of the i first publication of this notice. Marsett Can tiers Limited will, unler Section Seven of wld Act. apply to the Mlnllet of Public Works si hit cUire m the City of Ottawa, for approval of ute ana plans, and tor leave to construct said harf and pier. DATED at PrUice Rupert this 26th oay of February. 1927. MASSETT CANNEKS. LIMITED. Williams. nv iu Billet tors. Ms inson tt Oonxalet 'PROVINCIAL ELECTIONS ACT" I'KIMK lit Pi: 1ST M.M'TIWAI IllMTKH'T MUKIAZIK t.l.M'TOIMI, lUMIllCT NOTICE Is hcteby given that I shall on Monday, the ISth day of May. 1927. at the hour of 10 o'clock In the forenoon, at the Courh-)u. Prinze Ruper hold a sitting of the Court of Revision for the purpose of revising the lists of voters for the said Electiral Districts and of hesrlng and determining anv and all objections to the retention of any name on the asld lists, or to the registration as a voter of any applicant Tor registration: and for the other pur-ponci set forth In the "Provincial Elections Act" Dited at Prince Rupert. B.C . thU Cth day of April, 1027. NORMAN A. WATT 114 Registrar of Voters. CANADIAN SERVICE From Halifax To Plj moulh-Haore-London Awsnla A,r From Montreal Te Pljmouth-Chirbouro-London Aluinilu . . Apr. v Auoiiiis . . .Mi) i, To Bslfait-LlMrpool-Oltigow HUH Ma .-, From New York To Qusenstown and Liverpool Set till At-r ir.. l.r..iiu .. ,c u To Cherbourg and Southampton AijiilUiils Air. Ill, Mi) II si liweiissria Apr. xJ. M.y 17, ju,iu M4itriUnlil May I. f&. Ju,,,. )6 To Londonderry and Glasgow Trmn) Ivams. .Apr. ti CaiiM-ronia . . Mat 1 To Plimouth-Havre-London Anemia .. Apr. 10 Muca.trii .. Apr. yj From Boston "To Queenetown and Liverpool Siylliltt Apr. 17 !iiliirU ... ,M,y i ' Cells at Plymouth, teittHiiiml TOUBIST THIRD CABIN Sailings from Montreal To Belfast-LIerpool-Qtaagow Hills May 0, Juiih 3, Juh i Attii-nlil . . May t, Jiiiip 17, July i; To Glasgow end Liverpool Auiaiila .. Jinir (I Ainlmils .. July To Plymouth-Cherbourg-London AllMllllS .. June III, July . Aur 111 .iiaunia .... duly i. amy yy. a nr. Mom-y orden, dririi end Travellers' ClieqiM.. it loweM rates. Full Inroimillnn from local sj-eni ur Cnniuaiiy's Orrirva "r" '" UMUiijp ., V,, Vu. u u, Thuraday, April U, iPAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS 1927 II . ;l! LONDON CROSS- REJECTION OF n r&rr CS33!i RIVER TRAFFIC .is AIR ATTACK! ItcHMun 2555 fs??i Keeps Perfectly in the Unopened Tin St. Charles Milk has two great advantages over the bottled kind. It is doubly rich, and so gives better results in all recipes, and then, it is so convenient! By ordering six or a dozen tins at a time you always have plenty of rich pure milk in the house. Order both sizes, Tall and small. . , 13mlvrCd ST. CHARLES ' Use it rrt Wicrcvcr Calls fir , MIL, FREE Recipe Book Jmt write to The Borden Co, Limit' ed, Vancouver, and your copy. will be mailed at once. 1 MILK Whether You Travel or Stay at Home This Easter , CANADIAN! iiliiauT You will feet at home in u NEW SUIT in one of these nwrt uiaririr Spring Model in l the spirit of today. They are xmartly tailorcif on In.' ilcase. If you like making' a xuit KeKttinn from a, wide r..' colom, patterns and fabrit n. you will do well to pl,ir our beautiful assortment. There hs.t undoubtedly nc i time when we were better Jirepared to meet every iiuirement on Prince Hubert's well-Uresnd men. Pn $35.00 Acme Importers Third Atenue. Phone I ) WESTHOLME THEATRE Tlll'ILSDAV ONLY. 7 and II p.m. Florenz Ziegfeld's 'KID BOOTS' A cyclone of comedy. Noted caul. EDDIE CANTOR, CLAltA HOW, I.AWKENCE (JHAY, MALCOLM WAITB. WILLIAM J. WOKTIIINCTON. HILLIE DOVE and other. "FH.'IITINC IIEAKTh- alwrln VauKhan in "ITS A HlOV TOPICS OF THE DAY. AESOP'S I'll.M 1'AIII.I-S Adminxinn 15c and 10c Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert lo rvririiiKuii, raii;rll, Juneau, Kkajuav tnrll IS !! Mav ' II U..,0urr. irtorln. KruUle-.M.r.l , j, ! Ma, S.'lXJI. ., , .. !:KIKN ' I'KUHH K. h mV.r: .r.'" . n'". m, . rrrr rtt naiuraa itaturdar, Aimcf lot all Hteamahlp l.lnM. 11 a.m. 1(1. 3. rull Infnriiialloll frOKI- W- ('' Hrilltl, (iMirrsI A tent Corner of th Mrret and Jrd A,""'!, V,uk Hurl. lit G. P. TINKER District Iteprehenliiliu' of the LuidlnL' Life AKurnme Company In Northern Urltlsh Columbia, can jrlve you real LIFE INSURANCE SERVICE Sovereign Life Policies cover any and all Life Insurance net Drop In sometime and talk It over with me. "INSURE IN AN ALLfANADIAN COMPANY."