Thursday. April 14, 1927 Button! Button! Who gets the Button? To ee how many people read our ads, w will give u radium headed push button free . to every one who answers this ad. These little buttons are half an inch wide and are umc I uI to locate anything in the dark, such as the electric light switrh, the keyhole or u tep in the stairs, etc. A Jewellers !1HE STOHE With IKE CLUCK THE PIONEER LAUNDRY KIDS low PRICES THrVV I YOU CAN USVOUR- AFFORD -BamG TRADE. Ad CUILRtWARDji i hurai ter of our work cut low prices have com- bring us our business -.,fj Folks know that our t. i. first (lass and that we '; DrouRhly dependable. Pioneer Laundry Phone 118 Neglected Eyes NEfiLKCT is doubtless the i .suho of most of the ills that ti'llct humanity. This is so rc'f evident that It seem hardly necessary to tell you. If your eyes are jriving f able, have them attended and at once. 01 ALL absurdities in the k "j'dom of foolishness, surely the loss of eyesinht Miroujtb neglect Is the most nexi usable. DON'T lose health and cffl-lent v through neglect. Com' see! Fred Joudry KoRistered OptometrNt and Optician Room Smith Ulock I'hone 763 rJACK PR0ST. HERE'S rtXJRiAT 'OUrt COAUWILLTELL Min-i Two's company threo's a rowd. When you aro enter-talnlnir Sllsa Sprint; you don't want to havo Jack Krost hanuliii? around. Wo'll send you around a ton of our coal that will slum tho old rascal the way out Call us. Albert & McCaffery NANAIMO WELLINGTON and McLKOI) HIVEU SOOTLESS In Lump, lew, Slovo-nnd Nut Phones 11 G and 117. NEW ENGLAND PLANTBEING constructed! XKtV THO-IIM. ( XXKUV T KKT CHIKAN lll'MIMl KETCHIKAN, April 13.Work U pro- M the bulldinx will be one rtwy. there will be a new one-ttorr con crwte hotter houae to replace the preeeat cme. which will be torn down. The new teller houae will be 34 by 40 feet. Thr contract for the construction of the ne cannery has been let to Own and Okrrlund whrv are rusMns the eon-Mruction with all possible speed In or-der to permit time for the Installation of machinery before the opening of '.tie canning itaaciti. The fanner cannery biiiiUiiiK will be used u a warehouse to nous the canned salmon pack. The beat cure for sensitive feellnga Is la little lea petting and a Utile mora 'spanking COVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT."1 .'ohm: or applicho I II IA( I, I on NOTICE 18 HEREBY OtVEN that on he 0th day of April neat the underaicned Mend to toplr to the Liquor Control ard for a licence In respect to premise lag part of the balkHng known as tssartt Inlet Hotel situate at Port lemenu. Queen Charlotte lalands. 1TO- j luce of Urltlsh Columbia, upon tbe and described a lv Pive (5. Ulock orty-lour f 44 1 . Subdivision of Uot Seven i undred and lorty-lx 17491. Port ' lemems Townslte. leas Thirty-three 1)31 J cet from front to rear on west aide ef aid Lot. as shown on a registered map ' r plan depoaltal In the Land Reftxtry I iftlce at the City of Prince Itwpert. In he Province of British Columbia, and : Umbered 1079. for the sate of brer by I be ulaas or by the open bottle for can-' umption on tbe premises uateu at ranee Rupert, n.c. tnu 1th day of March. HIT WARREN SCOTT. B L nNCJIJIT. Applicants. "flOVERNMENT I.K.UOK ACT." Nrirtfi: or Arri.icAtiov Mm cov- m;T to iittwnt or iu:i:k I.ICKMt: ' NOTICE IS MKREBT GIVEN that, on .the ICth day of April neat, tbe under- aumed mtewl to apply to tbe Liquor ContiM Board for consent to transfer of i Beer Licence Number 873 and Issued In t respect of premises being part of a build In known ai the corner "central Hotel. situate of Mrvt Avenue and BeventH Street. Clt (vf Prtnee Runert. In BENTS Great SALE The Inst few days of this tremendous selling event. DON'T MISS THIS OlM'OIt' TUNITY To Save Money Kverythlnjr in the store at cost or less. BENT'S LADIES' ItEADV-TO-WEAIt Third Avenue I MINSTREL SHOW BY ELKS LODGE ENJOVAISI.K kntkhtainment in HKMTIIOI.MH TIIKATKE LAST Muiir i i;k ai m'Ii b or i.t:o i iii:ic mi.i.s Combining hsrminy nd uproariou-' new in a mirth-proroltlni manner, the 1 greaslng rapidly on the ntw cannerv EIk minstrel show in the Westholme building being constructed lor the n,w Theatre UM night provided entertain-Fn gland Fiah Co. on the land )ut pur.ment 61 substantial and adequate quan chased Irom tfc ftdalfa Iiland Packing Uly nd ,W'Uy far gj-large audlenc Company, north of tbe pretenl cannery wnlc4 amended the Westhelmt Theatre building. far the occasion. There were few If any The new eannery will home two llnea 'wU nd an acceptable evenlng'a machinery anu wilt bt 370 fett long ProEri"n from the group of blackface by AO feet in width. The central part comlians went over well. The event the tmtidlqg will be two stsrtes high i quite In keeping with previous at-for a stretch of 100 feet and the reat i 'lr r (U(n nature under the auaptoes of the Brother Bills. The curuin went up aborlly after eight o'clock and thef pregram openwT ' with the slaving of p Canada." Titer i wa an opening ch'orus ' of campus! longs by the company and trie entertain-1 ment was then given over to a typical 1 mtnsuel depletion. At 10 JO, the event was over, the auejseaee baying been provided with a concert that waa long eneugh to eattoif y yet not drawn out j enough to tire. j W. 8. Fisher made a capable Interim, cuur and. most prjaninent Id tbe clrets, of course, were tfej four gaudily garbed end men- Pst Downey, who had the heaviest role of antics and conversation; Jack Cobb, in second part, and Joe Ratchford and Mike Budlnlch as tambas. There were ample choruses and patter and solo paru were as follows: Take In the Sun. Ilang cut the Moon." Ralph Smith. "Because I Love You." A. Robertson. .k.ln. .... .nHkral 11 K ll.t... ' . r ?E2 Z21EY HZW3 PAGE FIVH 'TV a "Jflake a change for the better. Fill your . case with Winchesters "I'm Looking for a Pour Leaf Clover." tClapp. Gunnar Anderson George Mitchell. , Qualg and 8. J. Evans Kenny lie- "It Made You Happy. When You Made j After the show the minstrel trou;. Me Cry." Mac Smith. j was entertained at a dinner and danc "Don't Sing Aloha When I Oo." John ( in the Commodore Cafe by the Elks SUns. i Lodge Music wa provided by the sbpw : "Lonesome, mat's AU." E. saoounn. : orchestra and, artordmg to those pre- ; "A Little Bird TdM M 8a." II. Walters. sent, tbe event broke up all too soon "The Hod Dm." J. 8. Wilson. "I'm Oonna Let the Bum Wee Bee." Jack Cobb Completing the circle jere Bert Morgan. W E. Wttttaerofi. Cliff Cameron. Bartlett Wakefield. Leo Con toll and Poll Howard. AlfiMKMMi OUTIIKSTItA Music was furnished by an orchestra constat! n of Charles Balagno. dteectofn W Balagno. W. F. Browse. Kenny Rood, R. Arthur Jr. and R. OreenfleKl. The members of Ue orchestra were also also gsudUy dressed and wore black face The program waa under the direction of Ohartes Balagno and Eugene Ssbourtn. Tbe comealttee In charge ef arrangements constated of Bert Morgan; Frank Dlbb. W. D. Vance and W. E. W. D. Vance and Frank Dlbb were In ;EVERYONEIN FRANCE LIABLE XI IT ONLY IMIItllllAI IUT COM- PAXIK" AXI OltlAXIZ.TIONS may i:t: r.u.i.Ei i pox i:x-ikk HF.riAci: scheme PARIS. April 14. (Canadian Press. I The most elaborate and logically complete scheme of national defence designed by any country since the war. Is that formulated and already passing through the French Chamber of Deputies. The first ot a series of; measures constituting cnains essi oi noriowBi vo oo, muji , . 1. Coast District; thence north & chains isonal and material. Industrial and com- to low water mark: thence east 10 mercll. so that GOSSE PACKINO COMPANY LIMITED. Dated 2nd April. 1937. Applicant. Per 11. Moureliouae NOTICE Under and by virtue ot the provisions cf Section 33 of the "Mineral Act," no- llttle at possible will west 10 chslns. to DOlnt of commence- " to wartime Improvisation ment. and containing 6 arrea, more or same measure authorizes the conatru-1 Itlon of frontier defences. Including the building of llpht railways and preparations against air attacks. In completion of the scheme of na Clonal defence three other bills provide for the reopranu Hon of the French Army system from top to bottom. These three Bills a Bill for the General Organisation of imh SMmntM i .ni. ti.roM n.nn .ibe Armt: a 'BUI". far Cadres and Ef and Albert Moore, that there it owing i fecUves, and a "..Recruiting Bltf--are o the undersigned for Assessment work I , . , .... Wf,' P.V,,m.t performed on the cordllia oroup of Mineral Claims. Princess Royal Island. The Bill drrinesithe respective powers Skeena Mining Division, the sum oi L. (i,.,nmrniiit uniiiihi." mititjirv the miMtry 393.88. and that unless aald peisons pay !of f Oovcrnmeflt )andthe their proportionate share of th coit of commander!, leaving 'to (thatforrner the such Assessment together with all coats cholrc of general alms and to the latter st Butedaie. B.C.. on or before May H,nn auuiurujr. 1927. application will be made to thet vii pkokit.MAKIVG Gold Commissioner, Prince B.C.,' Rupert, , , nmrt n. th- d have their respective interests in the " rrein mentioned Mining Oroup ot , Bin is the nower given to the Govern- atiwd1 CU'm mte(1 m underment In war time to requisition not UAVlu uuKUIIOiA. iomy worss, nuiiuiup, una miF"" MCOH KOSX1 ! the aervlces of persons, corporations. IN PROBATE. and and trede unions, - all other groupings. If supplies or properties are bought out- I ' IN Till: SI PKEMK COI ItT OF BRITISH nght. only the cost price is to he paid fill I'UIII v SOMETHING'S WRONG FAMOUS BOW BELLS Fit. Thmisnml Pound Needed Before (lirmiolile t liurih Will Toll Again LONDON, April 13. Something has gone wrong with the bst tenor among the famous Dow Bella, at Cheapslde. Consequently the bells are now silent awaltlmt the time when 3.000 can be SAVE THE POKER HANDS POLICE MEETING IN NELSON SOON: INTEKIOIt TOWN' TO HE HOHT IN JI M: TO XOKTHtVKST MIKItlllS AMI roLif't: NELSON. April 14. Plans for the furtherance ol lnternattanal co-operation in ibe detection of crtmlnais will be dis cussed at a convention to be held here June 16. 17 and 18. under the auspice of the Northwest Association of Sheriffs and Police. Expedition of criminal trials is another objective of the conference. which wUl be attended by expert crira inologists from the provinces of Alberta and British - Columbia and from nine western states and Alaska. The organization Is the first International crime-fighting body of its kind in the world and has a present member- snip of more Utan 500 law enforcement officers. From its inception several years ago new ways and means of co circumvention. ine rrovjnce oi oriusa uoiumow. upon ith , h.' operative cperanee invesugauon Investigation, circi whole n "M been P'n- "ready psa. the lands described a Lou Eleven ill), charge of the ticket office and ushers j Twelve 1 13i. Thirteen (IS), and Fourteen ,. w ,t,.t nrt niaasav. Eddie The main prtndple of the bUl Is that ; prevention a and prow nrD.,itio.n cutlon of of (It i. in Block Tea 1 101. Section One ill. Map No 913. Prince Rupert Land HrKitMaiicii District, in the Province of British Columbia, from Peter Black to 1 Central Hotel Limited, of tbe City Df IPrtnec Rupert. Province of British Ool-i until, the trunaferee. DATED at Prince Rupert. BC this 18th dav of March. IS37 i CENTRAL HOTEL. LIMITED. Applicant and jrTanaieree. LAND ACT. MITH'K or IXTKVilOX TO AfPI-V TO : rrict-ii.w: In Prince Rupert Land Recording Di-ttrlct ef Prince Rupert, and situate SO .chain east of northwest corner of Lot .68. Hinge 3. Coast District i TAKE NOTICE thst Oosee Packing lOomniav Limited, of Vancouver, occu pation Fish Cannrrs. Intend to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a pot plsnted 30 chain estt of northwest Lot 68. lunge 3. Coast DlsUlct: thence south S chaUu; thence eaat 10 chains: thence north 3 chains; thence west 10 chain to point :f commencement, and containing S acres, raore or less. U03BG PACKINO COMPANY LIMITED. Applicant. Ter II. Moo rehouse Dated April 3, 1027. WATKK NOTICE NOTICE 13 HEREBY OIVEN that Hi Honour the Lieutenant-Governor of Brltlah Columbia, by and with the ad-vie of Ilia Executive Council, has been order. ' ..ta-etl ui THAT the reservation of the unrecorded waters nf Browns River and Mc-Kiimh' Creek, tributaries of Ecstsll to Order In Hivrr i- ubli'hed puraunnt I Couii. il Number 808 approved the 13th .day t June. 1921. be cancelled. . TUB riMKiMiniuHl OI mmu ""'" ion will b' infective on Anni imn, ivai. nATEIJ till- lltn UT OI juarcii. imi T D. PATTULLO. Minister of Ijind. LAND ACT. MITK i: or IXTExTlOX TO APPLY TO ri Kdiwi; laxii. In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate SO In time of war every individual, every company and every organisation is liable to take a share in defence of the country or In malntalnenance of lb material and moral life. Every part ot the scheme has been chain east of nertbweet comer of I"1 ( planned by the political and military TAKEO-nCE ttaOoaM Packing ;PtU of France to Uke full account Company, Limited, of Vancouver, occu- rf the lessons of the war. nation FUh Canners. Intends to apply Dra.Uc "rasuc .nd ana cieany -i-grir defined aeunea power Dowers s are are for permission to purchsse the following described lands. (given to the Government to mobilize all Commencing at a post planted 30 ,k. crime and I law breakers bare been brought about. By carrying the co-operation and i knowledge of officers In large cities to small towns, the association has begun to build up a more eipert crime-fighting force wherever Its members reside. Cooperation' lr Its work baa been given by jurtspi udeuce lu Canada and the United States and the 1 leant Crime Commission wUl participate actively In tbe association's deliberations. "What." asks a reader of a household editor, "is a good way to eat pmach?" WeU. tbe inquirer might try The!'' ting around the sand IN PUOIJATE. IN Till: SI PKKMK roi'KT OF UK1TISII OI.I'MIIll In the Mstter of the Administration Act: and In the Matter ot the Estate ot Joseph F. Bowman. Deceased, Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor. F. McR. Young, the 24th day of February. A.D. 1927, I was appointed Administrator of the estate of JoFeoh F. Bowman, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the U4 ih day of March, A.D. 1937. and all parties indebted to the estate are rc-'Mfcrrd o pay .the amount Ot their In-Jebtedness to me forthwith. XORMAN A. WATT. nrftnlal Irimlnlilnln. Prince Rupert. B.C. ' Dated the 24th day of February. A.D. 1927 IN l'HOIIATE IX THE Sl PltEMK COI'KT OF BRITISH 1 1)1.1 mi;i In the Matter of the "Administration Act"; and In the Matter of the Estate ot William Oeorae Hushes, Deceased, Intestate. " for them. If works are taken under TAKE TAKE NOTICE NOTICE that that by by order of Hi I In the Matter of the Administration 'control but not bought, the indemnity j Hso ,MSB- ?u?' Tj1. 10 the owncrs U onSy 10 orwuilam PaW '-rator of the estate Oeorge I In the Matter ot the Estate of Hclnrlch Krsih Deceased I Interest on the capital, plus an allow-1 Hughe., deceased, and all parties having TAKE NOTICE that by order of His fo- ,ar .nd tesr. The most An'A.r.:?Jr: the the 28th 28th day day of of ...... . ku ' ul fvi.j Honor. F. McB. Young, March A.D. 1927, I was appointed Administrator (with Will annexed) of the estate of Helnrlch Fersch. Deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 30th day ot April, A.D. 1927, and all parties Indebted to the estate are required to psy the amount ot their indebtedness to me forthwith. . NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. Dated the 30th day ot March, AH. 1927. HANKHUI'TCY ACT. ESTATE or WM. MOUGAV. LOCKE. pout, iu:., asskinoh Tenders will berecelved by the under, signed tip to and Including Aurll lit on the stock ot William Morgan, Assigned. In store it tickeport, B.C., consisting ot Groceries, Hardware, Drugs and Drygoods. Inventory of Stock nuy bo obtained from the undersigned or keen at the said Store or at the Office ot the Canadian Credit Men's Trust Association, Vancouver. B.C Highest or any tender not neceasarllv accepted. ALEX A. CONNON, TnAtee. Prlncs Rupert, B.C tic provision oi su, no ever, is iiie u- iieu. to mc uii vr urtujc uc xiiviiui iijiii solute nM,i.itinn prohibition nf of proflt-maklng.j nfu.m.nni this .date, and all parties indebted to uf t0 paT Xne Thts rule applies whether the things ; amollni 0f their Indebtedness to me necessary tor the national defence are 'ttnw'OJlMAN allen watt obtainea oy voiumnry contraci or ujr requSsltlon. Offlclsl Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. Dated the sth day of April AD. in27 IN I'KOBATE. IX THE SI PKEME roi'KT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA In the Matter ot the "Administration Act": and In the Matter of the Estate of Taul Qrrhard LudwlK, Deceased. Intestate. accumulated to repair them. The rector thts date and all parties indebted to the of St. Mary-le-Bow. Rev. 8. O, ronsonby.l'toPm. forS"'. a i -a a w t fm a. W at. .nHisi a st sss.r a sum is Birnia mm- sankijh win nut- near ui jNuitMnrt au.cii iyai celebrated chimes again money is forthcoming. unless the TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor F. mcb. vmmg. the tn day of April. 1B2T. I waa appointed Administrator of the estate of Paul Gerhard Lucl-wis. deceased, and all partle having claims against tlia said Estate are hereby reuulrrd t furnish same, properly veri fied, to me on or before one month from Official Administrator Prince Rupert. B.C Dated th 8th day of April, , AX. 1937. Winchester aWld- Wended Gzqarette for7$ nl -mv must Prince Rupert Coal Co. L td. Phone 15 Apents for Lady smith - Wellington and Peerless Coal Main Office now at 311 Second Avenue (between 2nd ani 3rd Streets) Phone your orders to Phone 15 Canadian National Steamships Co. Limited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Optrntinj; O.T.I'. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists Hoilerniakers, lllacksmiths, Patternmakers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. Et.ECTMC ANI) ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 383 Canadian National Qjc Largcfl "Railway SySltm in America Steamship and Train Service .SAILINGS from PRIM K KITEKT for VAXtOtVKU. VICTORIA, SF-iTTLK. null Till KNOW nml Sl'MIAY. 11.00 p.m. fur AN VOX HKHNKSHW. 10.00 p.m. For STF.tVAKT StTl KHAV. IIMW p.m. .s. PKINCK JOHN tor VANCOUVCK U OIIKHX I'll till. OT1 K l.s- UVMis, fortnlchtlr. PASSIAOKK TRAINS LK VK PKINCK Itt'PKKT fMrlt MOVKAY. WKIINKSIIAV and HTCKIY at II JO a.m. for PKINCK UMlKOr., KII.MONTON, WI.MI'i:). all points teslrrn ('aimdu, tHillril Males. SKK CANADA IN CANADA'S JITIIUT. VKAK IM.T -1?7. AGKNCV A IX OCEAN STKV.MSIIIP LINES. Use Canadian National Eipress for ney Orders, I'nrrlgn Clieues, etc., also for your next shipment, CITY TICKET OFFICE, 528 Tlllltn WE.. PKINCK KVI'EKT. Phone IBM HE'S HERE Having arranged with the Hoover Co. to send us a demonstrator, we are now in a position to show you tho difference betwren the Hoover and an ordinary vacuum clearer. Demonstration will be made right in your own home, for the asking, starting Monday, March 2 1st. Just phone 3, and wo will do the rest The Hoover is sold on very easy terms, Kaien Hardware Co.