PAOE TWO r 3 i nn: r 4 1 not like it, suggest a better method. THE DAILY NEW 3 Thurdii, MUSICAL TREAT NOW ON SALE I Hi. M net 1 in the AT CATHEDRAL Endish & BEST. Caddy TEA A beautiful you will ure somcly finished jneen and jrold. ten container that for years, Hand- In blade, red, Tiitht fitting cover preserves tea at furl strength. The number ia limited. Dont delay! (let Your Caddy Now From Your (Irocer The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA ' Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing Editor. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION 9S S6 Thursday, Nor. 24, 1927 GRAND STAND NEEDED HERE A grand stand is needed at Acropolis Hill grounds and it la to be hoped that the efforts of thomj backing the scheme to hav one erected will be successful. They have one at Ketchikan, in fact have had one there for several years, even though the city is considerably smaller than Prince Rupert. Those who are in the habit of attending the games at the hill will doubtless be glad to contribute to a fund for its erection. If every dollar paid for admission to all games next year is set aside for the grand stand, it seem as If it might easily be financed. CONSERVATION OF SALMON The alternative scheme for the conservation of salmon proposed by . A. Found at the fisheries meeting has elicited considerable discussion. The idea was new and needed careful thought. Jt is easy enough to suggest cutting down the number of licenses but no fishermen wants to be the one to be cut. Then there is the law which may not allow restriction of licenses. The sea belongs to everyone and it is an artitrary move to try to prevent any one person from catching fish In it while some other with greater privileges can do so at will. Restrictions that are general do not result in injustice. ,Ve are not advocating the new method. It is difficult to say how It would work out in actual practice. All we wish to do is to .., COMMON' RIGHTS There are such things in the world as common rights. We all have a right'to live. We have a right to breathe. We have a right to food and drink, if we can get enough money to pay for them. We have a right to travel on the high road. We -have a right to navigate the ocean. Nature has provided fish in the sea and they belong to all the people. No one has any corner on them. That is why it may be wrong to try to say that newcomers shall not fish, that yellow men shall not fhlh, or that any other class or uroup shall not fish. Just now the matter is before the courts in the appeal of Orientals for equal rights with others. Much will depend upon the decision. If it Is decided that Orientals have the same rights as others In the sea", then we might as well adopt some system which does not try to differentiate between one group of people and another. BREACH OF PROMISE CASES Just recently in Entrland a iirnrh nf nrnmlu rain -ia t, -i.rrV, -W I -' ' 'au..HW VMCV O UIUUUI by a girl and she succeeded in getting $100 as a salve to her injured affections. In commenting on the case, the judge remarked that the law on the subject was a survival of the time when a woman was an economic 'slave. In this country a breach of nromUe ran u n mritv u'mo no longer look on a man as a fit subject for extortion, once they are tired of each other. The whole idea is repugnant. ' . The reason for an engagement is so that the ypung people may have an opppr-tanity of, deciding definitely whether or not they are suited to each' other. Thj- promise to mnrryvbut if In ' the meantime It is found that Wy are not cfingerialf if tit W too tare to break the contract. It has not yet been sealed. Canada and the United States have pretty much outgrown the breach of promise law and England will follow soon. It Is a .survival of the dark ag-s and women should be the ones to discourage it. Prince Rupert Music Club (lives Mendelssohn' "Midsummer 'tNlghf Dream-,'. Members of the Prior Rupert Unstt Qtoi and tbetr eM ataVti hMnI Steal yesterday afternoon i Uke Oats. fetal Hall when m luteal numtxo frasal "Utesumaar KlghtV Dream" by -fhsahn were given The mu wat Ckajptrul but Its eflMt waa fUf I al)l I I by the drasaattc raaittng af tsXaaa aad connecUnc aaartat bast Of sassier writer or un J. u. many, wtajao by Ua ttttgbtful salting. ilia. Brady was in (cod voice and ber tajajirpretauoaa ware really wanaarfuL 3J tMd something of the atory at tee musical tetunc and mentioned ttat Hie Tarry, the faauu actran. when only a Ctrl, had taken the part of "Pock la lag, ovaruiM when it waa nut ea U London The putfom waa beautifully dial a ted with lattice work and frcanary i off in bright colored flower candles and j suitable furnishings. The Infers ware In good vole, the! accompanists being Mrs. MoU and Ulst! Lancaster. The program, which was tat. charge of Mrs. Brady and Mats Dw! Verne t. was as follow: Pianoforte dtavt "Ovafture." Miss L. Tit and Miss M. Lancaster. Vocal duet "I Knew a Bank" (C E. Horn). Mrs r. W. Allan aatf Mrs. Brockleeb). accompanied by Mrs. Blot. Song with chorus "You Spotted Snakes." Mrs. J. J. Mttktosn. Mas. P. W Allen. Mrs. P. An a an an. Ulaa Befit well. Mre. M. H. Blott and Mrs. O. . Cullln. Pianoforte solo 'Necturne," Miss M. Lancaster. Pianoforte solo "Wedding March." Mrs. R. P. Ponder. Finale, sons with (konsU.Tlimrii I the Howe." Miss Jackson. Mbm R. Blanoe. Mr. Jamas La. Ura. S. Dartoa. and Mrs. O. A. Woodland. It being guest day and an unusual ocaalon. members of the Book Club and Reading club were invited and also ?sch member . was entitled to take a suett. The result was ttat the avail was well fined. Attar the music, tea was aarved Mcintosh -and ilrs, Darton. pouring aad Mra. Oullln serving, assisted by Mrs. Praatr. Maw Molly Jackson. Mrs. Jarvls McLead. Mia. Muldeoa. Mlas Lornsv Tlte. Mrs. Anderson, Mat. Woodland and Mia. Blanc. The tea table was prettily decorated with marigolds and lighted with candles. The affair was ofxmd bv thai crest. Mrs. R. L. Mcintosh, who rank given-Dpportnnlti- for everybody to think about and If they drf the of the dub. .ndTiutnk" Archdeacon Rlx tor the ue of the room. At closing she moved a vote of thanks to Mrs. Brady for the splendid service she had given. Man in the Moon NO matter how f?3Z53 xSSBf bbBWWsMI -K many radio seta there are. the supply of static seems ud. Keeps Perfectly in the Unopened Tin St. Charles Milk has two great advantages over the bottled kind. It is doubly rich, and so gives better results in all recipes, and then, it is so convenient! By ordering six or a dozen tins at a time you always have plenty of rich pure milk in the house. Order both sizes, Tall and small. ST. CHARLES t Site it wherever thzcwt I Milk J FREE Recipe Book Just writ to Th Borden Co. Limit--d, Vancouver, and yoar copy will bt mailed at one. MILK l7 to keep SOME men have two seta of friends, the ordinary friends and the alcoholic friends they pick up when they are drunk. JIM Oorbett had sorce alcoholic friends sometimes. One dav corhett met his friend Bill oa the street generally pteeyed. With him was a down-at-the-heel, stew bum who looked a If he had not bathed In weeks. BUI I sighted Oorbett and Immediately went jut a teucn. "Sh 'old frlen' Jim." he burbled. "Jim. len" me an' my frlen" Ethelbert I pointing to the tramp) a dollar to go buy 111 drink!" "Jim refused, pointing out with Irrefutable logie that ha . and Ethelbert Lhadrrafljt-hsd plenty ,t yrinki; "Wooden refyh 'ol frlen' gargled mil. "Jim. Just len1 me an' my frlen' Ethel ben halla dollar to go buy lU ' drink." "Wo, Bill. I won't lend you anything." litis. , insisted' Cortwtt. 9heGiftf that f keeps on 1 f CiiVing 13 'nrglye you ioneimore: diansh, Jim." warne4 'the drunt- "Len' me an. Ethel-bert a quarter to go buy a 111 drink." : But;Jlm'WSJi adamant. "VerfweU." said Bill sadly, "Be It oil your owta head. Ethelbert. throw a cootie on Mr. Corbett!" WRIOLEY U said to be proposing to supply fast ragtime for theatres order to speed up the gum chewing. in WHEN a bee stings you It dies but when the badminton-bug starts business, It Just gets more active each day. I PLAYED a game called badminton: I slammed the tiny bird: But when I'd struck It twenty times. It struck me as absurd. ENGAGEMENT OF LOCAL MAN TO VANCOUVER GIRL lloth Were Prominent In Little Theatre .UMM'fatlnii in southern City The .Vancouver Province publishes a picture of John V. Clyne and Mlis Betty Somerset who are to be married In December and will live here. ' "H.iyne Is with the firm of, Wll-tlmj,.Msnon ii Oanzsles la Prince' Rupert,! bating come here7 quite recently. The Province says: "Of Interest to a wide circle of friend Is the engagement announced Thursday of Miss Ventrts Ann (Betty) Somerset and John V. Clyne. Followers of the University Plsyers' Club, In which both took an active part in their undergraduate yean, will recall having seen them play leading roles, first In "Mr. Plm Passes By" In 1923. and In Shaw'e "You Never Can Tell" in the Allowing year. In 1B24 Mlas Somerset occupied the position of preside:- of the Women Undergraduate Society since graduating from ' 17 oes L-Jverything the University both MUs Somerset and Mr. Clyne have been prominent mem-bers of the Little Theatre Aswistion. in i ne Letter Box lOlt OltK.lTKU CWAIM. Editor, Dally Newa. Reading a speech by Hon. T. D. Pst-ullo st the Native Sons banquet In Ictorla, I agree with the speaker to a ertaln extent that there Is too much alk of nationalities. I have been a Canadian all my life but I recognize hat the only thing that Is going to uild up Canada is Immigration. Why Jo we want native sons and native laughters. For Ood's sake let us have ne big organization called "Canada'a Togress" and all that come to Canada oln In and make It one big nation, regardless of nationality or creed. It would be a good thing to do away with all other organizations and trouble breeders In their organization. Let tis have the same system as our Government railway, everything run under the seniority system. Then we will have a country fit to live In. I suggest that all new immigrants cither take up farms or work for a farmer for a' term of years to find out their fitness" for Jhis country. If they are not then fit subjects, deport them. 1 do not approve of new comers to the country getting Into offlce and driving out Canadians born as seems to be done at the present time all over the Dominion. When newcomers land In Canada give them a hearty welcome and let them know they belong to a great na-tlon under the Canadian flag and British subject. Thanking you Mr Editor. I am For a greater Canada, O, P BRINE, - v for I I. , t- f 1, Automatic , Jj Elcctrola ' 10-51 $1400 Complete - Newest and most amazing instrument gives you music electrically from whisper to full orchestra volume and changes its own records! 4 Another grta. scientific invention comes straight from the laboratorta of the creators of the new Orthtprronic Victrola. This latest development is truly ftafscring In the naming miracle it tranmutu into glorious reality. Music magically am-trolled from a mere whisper to tremendous resonance, to full orchestra, organ and chorus volume. This new wonder instrument is Elttfrtcal, Orlhnphonic and Automatic 'no f north to changcl You comfortably choim; twtlve 0 htu sJi election" you like, and jri"e them to thW insirununt, which in a manner nothing short of intelligent plays them 'all for you one by one, while you simply sit, listen, and marvel. All the volume flexibility of the likctrola, all the purity which the principle of "Matched" ImiH.-dance" gives you through the Orthophonic horn, and no records W (hantl :. ,. ... I, J And remember "Matched Impedance"'' is Victor controlled, "Orthophonic" is a registered trademark, ami "Automatic" means, tho only self- record-changing home instrument in the world: On amvcniint terms at all "His Master's Voice" Dealersl Electrical, Orthophonk and Automatic I omc Trade Mark Reft'd Victrola Victor;. Talking Machine Company of Canada, Limited, Montrrjl Elcctrola-only if it bears the dog Trademark 5 .BaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVSHSBSSSSBBWS li m iu draw " ,. DEMAND "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - THE DAINTIEST BKEAKPAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage C- L1 Prince Kupert. B.C. FORCED TO SLEEP IN CHAIR-GAS SO BAD "Nights I at up m a chair. I had such stomach gas. I took Adlerlka and no thing I eat hurts me now. I sleen tint." Mrs. Glenn Even the FIRST sronnful of Adlerlka relieves gas on th tnm.-H'lnrt rvmnves astonishing amounts of old waste mat- r irom the system. Makes you enjoy your meals and iiMn htr Nn mat ter what you have tried for your stomach na Dowels. Adlerlka will surprise you. -urines Limited, Druggists, MILK -:- PRICE Reduced to 12 pints for 7 quarts for . 12 pints for . . .fl.OO $1.00 $1.00 Cash price tickets. McBrlde Street store now closed Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy HthS)l' Telephone 63