nnbcr 21, 1927 s.. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE; THREE a -n rt in ww f jut m a Local and Personal m nuw pa R BC Uooertakera. Fnon l. Plain Mr. York makes a hole in one ! Dentist. Dr. J. R. Oo. Phone 6M Automobile meeting Thursday Oh ill . IK, UOt Doll ar w y- go the jglnsbul When Uilottm ( a Tail, snone 4. j tf Buy Ttlfcw Gael ftd Me deeap 53 cztn m'rim'KJ ' in a central B.C. If tetter eoet U Modern : Ford Service Station !v s, clean carbon, clean upark plug', install new install commutator cae and brush, clean gas lim--a bulb, $3.50. (Tart extra). t'nint end, tlKh'f" steering, line front w!i. !. i rods ami sieci in n roils, oil and grease allai ounl h i s and adjust band.t, $4M. (Parts extra), i ' t i i' ihunKi- li.intis. replace emergency brake i;.wl, -hoes, g-ea-- differential, fXM. (Parta extra-. ,ai. k chii;iK- transmission bands, ISJO. (.'art- : iiuiik change bands, SL3S. (Parts included). ,.ir. overhaul i if nit ion, repair lights, repfawe wir-: .in oil and clean generator commntator, advance :.-t I'ssary. oil fan, $2.06. (Parts e4ra). d iolinh cur. tighten all around, oil and grease. . ! and chanyo grease in differential, SIM. (In- u j . lulx? oil mid grease). )0N T SPOIL YOUU CLOTI1KR AND TEiiPER OaTlTItNa UNDER YOUU CAR, ' your FORD amongst friends; that's the FOKD DEALER S. E. Parker, Limited i FORD SALES AND SERVICE. BAD M NTON Supplies waB(llBBIMBmswswmsmww Kaien Hardware Co. i Telephone 3 I'hone 83 CHRISTMAS Greeting Cards ARE ON DISPLAY nrvviunvc ni'iikVivll cmv ATIIIIH PAIHW r.mre intimate and wanner greeting than the usual J ) d. and you will find here just the card yok wt ' and deiKn. F i se persons who prefer their Personal Greeting u Muted we have a book of sample carda in the store a dtlitfhtfu! variety of styles. These are ordered a iy and can be delivered within two weeks. 'lii.iy prefer to choose individual cards that convey the ' nt? most appropriate to the one receiving It To these offer the greatest variety ever displayed in the city at - from 5l to $2.00 each! V ,u'vc -t that you call in and nick out vour cards now u do not want to take Uiem away immediately. urines mci. yfic Pioneer Druppisls n m M r r civ i m s i - i r rwiniKr n sr. sim iTa ilirTtfaflTT Ti I'm Ym irarrnrr I r i - 1 tt fin ir' I WILL YOU He1 a MembeV?' of our "HOME LOVERS CLUB" TILS CHRISTMAS Join now wiiiia mir eoioriinn of House Furnishings is at lte beat. Barrie's Home Furnishings iu (venue i none uj i Thry cunt aeem to keep on their feet! That aeema to be the only trouble with John Bull' heavywetgnt boxers. Moat of them aeem te be aX-Ricted th atatplag atcknea Just as soon as an opponent starts Uckllng thsuc jm with a, alee. mfce Jet Becxet ior'tnataaee. - probably Set a record for belog flattened. Be went down so often and to quick) that 'it got to be a atahdlne. joke. Mow eoiue PhU Scott, another British "hope." He looked like a million doUare In traln- ng Out when he got It the ring igmlnst Knute Hansen reoenUy in New York he looked like thirty cents. PhU was knocked dawn eta times in the lrat round and nan led out to hear the blrdtea atng. All Knglacd la getUng bet up" and a sporting weekly tn Lon don has started an agitation to ptevent the big xspes" from erasing the At lantic until they have been O.K'd by competent judges. Eugene Corrt noted British referee, declares ."Brlttaa heavy-weights have no brains." The same ring Ur whksh the late Tiger Flowers made Ms Bew York debut alao was the scene of ttte last ftght in his colorful baaing career during which the Georgia deacon, former middleweight champion of the world, earned around half million dollaie. In his flnt Ootham fight. Flowers started againit Uc Anderson, a light heavyweight, and knocked him out In the fifth round. His last fight was against Leo Oatcs. s eeyyweight from whom, he wen by the taMfftaftlt route m .Bwiopth round tit the same-; ring It Is estimated that Ftowess warned half a mUton dollars during erven fears In the ring, not deducting expenses and other details In volved In about 300 matches Since losing his title to Walker last December. Flowers hd compalgned against 18 opponents. Flowers was the , only negro who held the middleweight champ km-ahtp. He was very religious and a deacon of the Baptist Church in his heme town Before the operation. Flower made a will bequeathing property valued at S100.0O9 to his wife and a att-year old daughter. PaU-er la-ray returned to Stewart on the Prince Bupert last night. ANNOUNCEMENTS First United Church Bazaar December 1. "Adam St Eva." Westhotme Theatre, December and 7. Adair Carts I OJJJI. StoveMy Bazaar December S.; ' Play by United Church Ladle December IS. SALT RHEUM All Over Her Hands and Between Fingers Mr. Walter Misner, Midvillr Branch, writes: "I had salt rheum all over my hand, and (wperially between my fingers. It was impossible for me to put them in water, or do my house roik. "After tryinir' medicines and naive, wliich did me no good, I heard of x'n.'fi no uuniierlui. hihI alter taking mi liiMlcs I ant iiitirrl rtliovod uf 11 V f I'l'lilllo. " 'M.v. 'if.i. !ur. .l 1., Tli- T. Milium v., Luuit .df 'iuruulU Out. Fur mck and satfsgi Story wort bring X.... tMiuatitdtlK te Doiter State, u Moose Whist XMte Td Deae TjMU- auy ii.gbi Cam sad few a fewest time. Rtn.emcer the St. Andrew's Bocmy Annual Ball. Novwabcr SO. Phooe 437. W. Barton. Should doc ton hat their paUeate 3-e "Adam and B" 4 the WeeSfcelme 1 hi a ire. Deranber 6 and V. Women of Hoo hurt Lsglou meeting Friday. November SB. Nomina Uoo ol officer, all maiMrrj art' requested ta wq sttend. This ;iiiertien;i- I : not publish' i or display. '1 by the LiU' Control board or by the Government of British Columbia SPORT CHAT T. B. UstKay. ehKf accountant at the Premier mine, aftaf shaving speat a lew days In Um sttl, tt turned on the Prince Rupert feet MSB? to Stewart. Oaear Ot on, attpawr or the Irish Belle. Oona River, has gape to Surf Inlet lor the winter la the employ of the J. B. Morgan Logging Oo on their boat. Hyde Transfer new agents for Al- Alberta Booties and Pembloa Peerieu. These coals are under cover, don't buy water, buy ooal. 12 a ton oan you beat ft? tt The Klks are running a series of dancea In their new borne, the Iletftr- son Block, every Saturday night, from to 12. Snappy music. AdrnMston vk. Axe you with usT Ivor rougher. Indian Agent for Bells Cool district, and his son. MUo Foug-ner. arrived In the city yesterday from down the coast. Beth are wltnesMs In the Whiuwaah attempted murder case at the Assises. Joseph C. AraeaaU and son. James, returned 'on the Prince Bupert last night to Premier after having come here to attend the wedding this week of the former's son, O. C. Artenau. to Miss Agnes Orattoo. Mrs. Doherty. manager of Demen store, was out for the first time y ester- dcy after being oonfliied to the houee for the past two weeks by illness. It , win be several weeks more before she Is able to resume her position and In the meantime Mrs. D. Thomson Is In charge of the store. CANNOT RECOVER A DEBT ON FUR COAT SOLD TO THE WIFE MONTREAL, Nov 21. A judgment of jv irirah1 ImmrLaiiNi mc-rrhanta ! who sell fur coats to women on the Instalment plan has been rendered by Mx. Justice Albert de Lorlmler who, In dismissing sn action tsken by Cohen's. Limited, against Dame Charlotte Tessler et vlr. made It clear that unless the httaband signs the contract, a purchase of this kind made by the wife Is not valid and no action can be taken tc recover the balance of the purchase price after failure of the purchaser to pay Instalments. A wife, the judge pointed out. may contribute her share to a household, but she has no assets which can te liquidated. And even If sbe had liquid assets. His Lordship added, they must be placed as her contribution In the hands of her husband and she cannot assume an obligation on the strength of them. The action wa therefore dismissed, with costs. FORMER STUDENTS AT NANAIMO DO HONOR TO MISS MACDONALD NANAIMO. Nov 24. -Miss Blanche Mac Donald who has returned to the staff of the Nanslmo High School after an absence of eight yesra was the gu.-.it of honor at a reception and banquet in the Hotel Malasplna'on Friday evening. Seventy-five student of the 1909. 1919 classes of the school assembled In the foyer to greet their popular teacher. The guest of honor, escorted by J. F. de Maoedo. Principal of the Nanalmo High School, picceded the merry throng down the banquet hall. ' The program opened with the singing of "O Canada." Miss MacDonald was then presented with a beautiful baaket of flowers, followed by an addles of welcome read by "PhU who made an excellent chairman. Miss Mac-Donald, in her bright, genial manner, ttumked the students for their warm giaetfr.jls and expressed her delight tn rising Sac- ! deer old Nanalmo. The o.,:iquet Wat then served to the jolly gathering. I:i the toast list. Murray Martlndale proposed the toast to the King. Miss 8bll Rosy. In a toast to Miss MacDonald very fittingly expressed the spprec-lr: i- :i uf the students for an excellent .( .r and friend. Ml Helen Dalley p;; .""J ;he toaat to the "Absent Onn. Mrs. Maud Sandland to the Old Activities" and Mr. Olive Sand-ford. "Old Reminiscences" l.i ..-l lliu-i. i .: (. e-.euius Ml r ! Soys Plain Mr. York: "To acam- I III ruM, , JSLV I; 1) itsnUdoun in oni j (tWT-' I You'll at least have the fun j I find it a treat." fOv ! Plain York adds to anyone'i 1 . N V (&L I enjoyment of life-for it is the 1 J iWy i i too Diticr, nor too sweet, inc r t ; mumpli ot ?cp yean ot nru. I I I CllOCOUlC IUUKlUKr lummitsi IS i-VW I Plain .ork chocolate i, . tvay, : Ki.tr.nan par. t33J?JSi5 S smootli truly cliocoiate taste win i Crat v- I nrove a reallv delicious treat 2 tSSiS S everywhere )C 706 Xl)"! AUointarser.lrc " " I MscDMisld was present fd with three volumes of Klplfng as a token of esteem ftom her ex-pupil, a reelings sent front all parta of B.C.. Alberta and California from absent pupils were read to Miss MacDonald. Then amid much laughter Mr. de Macedo called the roll, each student arising to respond. The following ex-students also took part in the proaram, Miss D. Fisher, violin solos; Mrs. K. Berry, solo; Mis Nellie Rogers, piano solo: and Mrs. Ethel Hltchen, recitation. Reminiscence of the old High School the adventures the former teachers, especially "Bob" Areher awoke memories of the good old times and strengthened the bond of friendship and the desire that this re-unlon be an annual event. The happy evening wa brought to a close by singing "Shea a Jolly Good Fellow." "Auld Lang Syne" and some .'.irrlng High School yells. NEXT GRAIN VESSEL IS EXPECTED HERE WITHIN DAY OR SO Though up to this morning no definite time of arrival had been set. the elevator management Is expecting the third grain ship of the season, the "K" Line Japanese freighter Ban Francisco Maru. to arrive tomorrow or Saturday The vessel, which left Muroran. Japan, on November 10, will have to be lined after which loading will commence. The movement of grain from the prairies to Prince Rupert li steadily Increasing. Railway offices this morning reported 289 cars on the division west I Jasper bound here. A train of thirty-iive cars arrived early this afternoon. THROUGHTRAINS CONNECTION WITH OLD COUNTRY SAILINGS The Canadian National Railways have made arrangements to operate spVcial train with sleeping ears through to ship' side at Montreal and Halifax. In connection with Old Country sailings during November and December. Secure full information regarding rates, reservation, passports, etc.. from City Ticket Office. 528 Third Avenue: phone 260.J 278 Spasmodic Croup . VitVil WWVn -- HIM throat and chest Yet VapoR us Oylm l?MiiuoNjAsUsaYtAKcr I-m ------ WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED in a shipment of in 12 frocks in the newest styles, including the "Pompadour" and in the latest pastel shades, prices ranging from $18.75 to $45.00 You are cordially invited to come in and examine them for yourself. JABOUR BROS., LTD. I'hone 645. I'hone 525. IcANADIlfjf AUWaVy Office Hours 9 to 9 3rd Ave. and 7th Street Dr. MAGUIRE Dentist Over Orme's Drug Store Lady Assistant Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Ketchikan, Wraiifrll. Juneau and Skagway November It, 26: December IT. 31. To Vancouver. Victoria and Seattle November 2, 1G, 30; December 21, and January 4. PKINCESS BEATRICE, for llutedxle. Ea.it Hrlla Dells. Orean t'alt. Name. Alert Bay. Campbell Klvrr, and Vancouver every rlaturdtr. U -m. ateney tor all steamship Lines. Fall Information from W. C. OKCIMRI). Onrral Aernt Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 31 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Hailing from Prlnt-e Knpm. tor VANCOUVER, VICTOKI t. Swanson Bay. Alert Bay. etc, Tuesday, t p.m. Tor VANTOrVF.U. V1CTOHIA, Riirrrtale. Urn llav. efr.. Hatnrrtar n s m For PORT SIMPSON, NAAS RIVER POINTS, ALICE ARM, ANVOX, STEWART, Wales Island, Sunday. 8 p.m. 123 2nd Atrnu. R M. SMITH. Arent. Prince Rupert, B.C. Throuth ticket sold lo Victoria and Heatll at a reduced rate and b'Ktage checked through to destination.