it .rr.lier 24. 1927 ; - to bring to you, the red and white t label, as fine he world produces, Ktantly introduc-L'b milk producing i:r tilue ribbon ' "ow-" into the la ly supply milk u.rri,;'uin Condcn-ii mu. one of the T - Holstein herd :r w is owned by "tnuon Milk Farms. I ' ? as in many other v insure the quality -in Milk. Insure It looks creamy It tastes creamy It is creamy cu'.' wui add nctj-- -1 fLvnr whenever you use it. For Carnation is just pure, b r x -evaporated to !ouWe richnm, "hamogeiUM)" so that r ''- ip ha its full share of cream. Diluted, it is ttsd in cooking ; s smoothnes and rktmeta. Undiluted, it take the - : ' rream at oneHhird the coat of cream. Order from your er several tins or a case of 48 tins. 3f rct copy f Utry BUkt't Caw Bock Aiirta Carnatlen Milk Products Company, LimU4, Aylmtr, OnUrio. V a r dverhss in "The Daily News' barren ssmote has bsen token from on part of the vein, the higher gold values will no doubt be found in depth. According to assays already received from various parts of the vein, there wUi be sufficient silver to pay the cost of mining, thus leav ing the gold values maexry proins. uciCTli null imi ma nipping vi v pay the capital expended many times oWer and place your Company In the Hat oi unnsn uoitunoias mamg dividend Davins mines. "It is conservatively estimated that lag uaiui ruEwa .. I oath and do an Injustice to the ac cused." ' Mr. Bird replied that he did not suggest such a thing.; Be was not trie Valparaso Lode alone contain! j acquainted, however, with the new jury OO0.OUU to 7UU.UUU ion? oi avauaois Danel ore Thla 1 ide occurs about znoo i s feet above the level of TCootenay Already, the judge JoTttted out. the Lake, experts agree that the ore I application for a change, of venue had JSft h'fS agfS: occasion.. Unless tremetidotu and wUl probably total : new matters were broujlit before the over 6 .000,000 tons." I court, he did not see why he should Resident Engineer's com-1 The said cbanae the decision More "w cnange tne a""""- ex-ment tx on the follows : "As regards the above quoted pub- J perlenced judges than himself had al-liahed statements as to the ore ton- ready dealt with the case. He sym-rin' mine. Tae ; PhUed, however, with Mr. Bird's con- that while assays can be obtained In tention that he should be given the plaoes on the surface no orof any ; opportunity of studying the new Jury IV'ini IJ6"- irsaisw assev mn--. jed in the underground work- s-asrs1 Pnei- iiTBs This stnteineut lis bAMd on ft l)U (m; KIEICOK ann nv knth nvorMirt Ihm rrVed TTIt i ther.fre imiSiri After further diecussieh. His Lordship to estimate any appreciable tonnage stated that It struck aim . that there of material of commercial value at the present time." (3) The tsid publications also set out the following: "A further Indication which bears on the success of the Company Is the fact that they are working In the greatest Qold producing formation the world has ever known. That Is the Pre-Cambrian formation. This formation 1 found in the worlds ampllil The was only .one error in the .paper. "Do you thtnK that' Is a very 'material error?" be Inquired. "Yes." replied Mr. Bird. "But I am sure a jury would give its verdict on the evidence and not on newspaper reports," His Lordship stated. "Sometimes, It Is diffleult to throw greatest gold iields which have off first impressions," replied Mr. Bird, proven it tc depths of many thous-; ia any ' community suob errors may ' anda.ojf feet. Examples of this are ., , ,,.h, .,. --.. -. " j the mine: said Resident Engineer's com-, ease you know it is my custom to warn ment on the foregoing follows: lllr,M w i onlv wltll th ,vMmF "TIm. t'.iiwrnin anri H&rah 2nd ' quarts veins occur In granitic rocks, nd put outside Impresatons from their oi trie Memoii Dainoii.n wnicn are minds. Xju,Lr ris "v"-' ur' Mr. Johnson referred to the principle ! that facts " lald aovn ,n a nd HONOURABLE WM. SLOAN. MlnlHter of Mine not opinions ruled such cases. Juror I "cfforeBrffidmidMerBimU" 1 I fJfie quality is always the same g PAGE FTVB E LABEL IS RED AND WHITE JL -ft- -n JU-.O.V JLJLJL-.JLX. - up? (.amiuon Milk, lew gram sK. 1 I among vanilla. I'lace in r :,t uiur. yrup, salt and butter. Stir until man Mb to clear, - '.er . thru add gradually so m not to Mo boiling, the Carnation a ' 4- drcrrfi F. or to firm ball stage, stirring const u.tty. Add 1 Phone 8 i Produced in Canada Way of Doing Washing r hock it any way you want to, and you will And that indry washing costs lew. Laundry waahed clothes are nor. It vnu won't bake your own bread, then why spend i it;: pasipr. more economical way. juveaiiKute. JOU Wiu :d lie laundry does it best. Call ua today. Canadian Laundry and Dry Cleaners Box 392 AN Ail AN NA UNAL f If min El j I - ' " : Largefl "Railway Syfltm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE from l-KINCE ItlTEIlT for VASCOfVEB, VICTOK1A, SEATTLE, intermediate point, each MtlliAV. 9.00 a.m. f-TEWAKT and ANVOX. each HEIINEMIAV. 10.00 p.m. OltTH nnd IstH Til (ll EES t llAIU.OTTE IUMs. Fortnlfhtly. IKEER TKAINS LEAVE I'KI.MX KITEKT !l MOXDAV. MEIJXESnAV and NATl ItllAY at 1130 ajn. lor PKINTE UKOIMIE, EDMONTON, WINNII'EO. all point Eatem Canada. Unltd h'.''.e. AGENCY ALL OCEAN 8TEAM8IHP LINES. Vnm r.n.i. .. .. . .... .1 n.,in. Fnrrlrn Cbranet. . national Mprtsi lur - ,or aut nfrt ihlpmfnt. i:ITV ft r..- 1 ...... niinrur Hnini 9 fill -- "nrr orricE. sza Tiuun avb ruiMt i""' THE ASSOCIATE!) MINING & SANKEV CASE IHSTUSSBD IN .Mii.w.Mi CUMI'ANY. LIMITED. COURT VIEW TO A TOSSIIiLH MOTICC IB IIMilOiY aivm Ut the RMKIrat Bnitinaar No &. KMtani Mrveji DUln : Br.t:-h Culuartota U4on '" notic at na aiHwrtaMtl and tattolUd at at HwMk t a rtain Compai'jr. vut rhe Aaaoclatad Hitting & M.!ling Ccii.iiany. I.lmlUd. upon alate-nu or vcrma uut in aeeoroajae with U actual iaru Knfwcur.drtlon. ba Tin piMU.uiY M rj'.MKl tlir Mil:- rrai burvr Dr'ataut Act." loo. KJSB.C UaCCda It tu-v'rl prv.ra tiijury to Mavaaton to K -f me II.j.)uj notlct: I hat :ii- ul Maa.daui K Irwor. under du'.r u; ui N.aajatai IjTl. has auksntt-t to .'.a .liniiWr al Mumi a drtiilad rc)tort nd c nutaMai an Kateanenu cou-talnvd in puDllnaUcjin iaMd under the uamc oi ur itfAvemeuttoaad Cam pan; aiHi oomptvei tn (cnaa wbu-h aoliclt the uf Mtarrv ir. the said Aaaoclated Mining Minim; Oompanjr.' buultea. 1 1 1 A teadiiiK pwiaraph of out oi the a.u pu d.. cul mil t rad Die pr ipart) laUr bought by Irjlil wli.cti id Mining Cumpauy' iped i. mpany amui coiii.d:r;.DIe (old .id ailvr or, the Conipanj .pom iur aums of money i. .u;u . war. iiif snipmeuu Doing mud Ir. ni the l fuot level. The v. iHM : that tunc arr tald to ha.e ln.ii ::mi jv ;. ralirjad eun tract in li.u. they w-;t interested anJ i hi 1'iii.puuy cca il operation on ih- 'Vaipraao1 mine during the spring ot uwa Tk . :d publlcut'on aet out fur-' her The properite.-, wee worked th . i jr-, ago ... KUd pr jpertlea h::-i u-ider c;osol't methods have been n. ide to pay Tin said Reiident Bn,.ne2rg ooin-"ii i.' i n the Isragjing followa 1 iif fail arr .an- tin-re la no r?-. i : uny prai iubie production h:..:.. been made bv Uie VaJparatj ciJid M.uini Comyauy. which develop- ; 'Vaiparaao' and 'Q3V eminent' ia: ..- tu IB-JO. 1B01 and 1909. It an;, .-i.ipuici.-.d had been made they "' .:c na'.v been recorded In the uu..:'erljr r?iuma r.-quired under the T..).. jh Act- ". Ti.i wiit: iub.:cat.oai further read: . i. pr.ipcaed to continue the us...'-' i. i.i ore ut.the L3St Mint ! :;o tue vein j;i the 736 loot !"..: in tut' Korth and uuder the u:paiaiio una Government tuuuela. 1 !.. will block out mi ore body 6000 It- : I ng and TJb Urt In depth, glv-u.g :n. apprciaimate tannage al 1.500.-000 toiM. "The ore blocked at the preeent time is aatlmated 00'j.oou to 700.000 tons The average eati mated protlt la about 17.00 per ton. A tentative contract Uj under review for the con-atructlon cat a mill for the raining of the Compaur'a ore with the United Lade Mlniii; Company. Limited, who arr opera Lit.- in the aaae dlatrlc;. Cinaioeraole amqunu of milling and shipping ore are already available from the present are blocked out and tousling on ore dumps at the portals oi tna varioui tunnejs. The tonnage blocked out by open I named cua Bau luuueih la eaiiuubru mi approatmately 000,000 to 7O0.0W) tons with a probable tannage ot jvr 1.-600.000 tons in the Vaiparaio Lode. The tonnage la only estimated to Use 7M toot level. Expert agree that the ore bsdles continue to be- CHANGE OF VENUE AND THEN IS ADJOURNED (ncftttmird rrom pat obt) been made tar M ew jurora who were bound to be (4as.rtl up traen Use streets of PriMeJtdpert without pre judice to'Sals MgginHMi lew a bang of venue. ir. BgM -facgautted afJssVlie wan entitled o Ma to investlgCgsflhi the new jury paiiet wacorr the cue proceed wJ Mr Bird eontlnsMct that he h.i.t very cogent material SO fassjuor in aupiiori of his appllcattasj fejr a change of venue One BMaJatptr report of a ie.teenent puq staHjig rto have beeei aude by Skf was "moat geoas and .nl:eadlng " t pWtt4 to amy that 3ankey at ease tko had told the police Mr. Johnson silgsjulsrl that Hut Lordship might read Uie affidavit in tins ' nutter ao tjavt undue publicity would not be Klrsn it. "Both papers have been equally guilty." continued Mr. Bird The Dull) 1 Kews. however, bod been more particularly in error. In the latur parx--banker hod been ate ted to have m:: .ijmething that wan m ubouid icnirthing that w mid nil I he wai- a liar. In tl-ia Jurisdletkm. In ve ol tk..a: ; r.'.d bee-.i puhllahed. Mr. Bird c intenderi : that to hold the trial would be ve- ' dangerous. 1 CIUVATIMI JI KY Mr. Justice W. A. Macdonald inquired j If Mr. Bird mifbt anafgy be engaged !n edueotmg sueh jMrymen aa might be present. Mr. Bird replied that the appearance of the miatatatnont mag-i:r;ed the fast i bat it had been pnkUalird at all. He ihen cited to the court rasea that he claimed narelleted tke preteut one and In which changes Of venue hn:l been made. His Lordship stated tfcat he had seen i o new evidence He pointed out that Mr. Bird's application had twice bee refused by Mr. Juatiee fclorrjioii Waa there any reason why he nhould change those decision!? Mr. Bird replied that the onus in the nutter now fell upon the trial Judge. He eutmitted that the weight to what had been suggested. There wao not even a doubt I that the line at deaaarttauon had beet He bold that even this juris diction hud not been com tied for jurors as far removed a possible from the city where the publication had At the suggestion of Mr Johnson. Mis OW the 2.000 foot level: the future l ,,ri.hli than narusad sffida.-IL whlrh babSy'tctal'm ere!oaotosU lmsih"tl subsequently bean tasen In cxui-tounage Is estimated on Use bails of j junction with the matter i? wtn 'of T f T&ve'm T.' Mr Blrt fBrth"r rSaurt vein tn gTaolte and OBtonds to newspaper srttds on October it when Stoat depth. The ore bodies are Sankey, wtthout quoUfteatstfi. bad been muraniirea .tansnnt ana l -feried to as "the murderer of Loretta Chlsnolm." That was In line with the oomplalnu he had to make. MAX IT HAKKANTEIlf "But would that warrant a change of venue?" inquired Ills Lordship. The Sarah Snd mine will also de- J indication or the tone velop enormous tonnage, the strike 1 prevailing" submitted Mr" Bird. fhft If tot WsrluJO "lmUr " "You m.u ne - 111. Lordshrp The Vatearaao Lode together with! stated, "as to what extent the people the Sarah and vein WlU develop SUf-. at Mnn ftunert would fnrst their from various electoral ridlnbs as Omin-eca. Skeeiia. Mackeme. Pritue Rupen and Atlm could be empi.uneled in Prince Itupcrt. Could It be said that a representative Jury had been em-panneled following the attack that had been made on the newspapers? It was unfortunate that there had been too much newspaper notoriety In connection with this caie. Whether it had affected prospective jurymen was a matter that must be proven by fact rather than opinion. He submitted that His Lordship should make his Judgment on the matter In the Ught of the circumstances which presented themselves today. It could be seen the position that he iMr. Johnson) was faced with. "Has the situation been altered?" Inquired His Lordship. All the material that Mr. Bird had produced had already been passed upon, replied Mr. Johnson. He pointed out hut the present Judge was not a court of appeal upon his brother judges unless new material were adduced. He i Mr. Johnson) was bound to assist the crown but he did not think he should ,bc asked to give his own personal views. It waa a matter of discretion. Tl'e facts werehfiCg. eth alb. .IL-itivas IL-waa not not him to Judee il5r fiiJUSHceStroul done the accused WOlLIl NOT filVE VIEW "What Is your view?" pressed Ills Lordship. Mr. Johnson admitted that there was new material which would undoubtedly have been considered at the hearing of the former application regarding effect upon Juries. Further pressed by His Lordship for a deMi.irr answer as to whether he felt a ':t" .riul could be given as a - -earttr..: of newspapers. .tniu.K s ated that his belief was Three generations of pipe smokers have found supreme contentment in Old Chum. Year after year, its circle of loyal friends has widened and widened, until today Old Chum is the favourite smoke of thousands of Canadians from coast to coast. Valuable "Poker Hands" in every package and tin. Topo "Poker Hands" in the large 25c package. THE DISPOSAL Geo U, 1 of Tites Stock IS Continuing Today Hundreds of Bargains Wood DRY BIRCH, CEDAR AND JACK FINE ,SingIe Load $3.50 Double Load $0.50 Large Sack 50f fl KUNDLES DRY KINDLING. $1.00 Phone 580 HydeTransfer AND COAL CO. 139 Second Avenue lot sufficient. Mr. Johnson cited cases to show that prejudice was considered no reason for a change of venue. "You do not seem prepared to take a stand." observed His Lordship to Mr. Johnson. only to point out J&lj was rat un un tdSkhlm Khini iitioould3t&fttK faqt: reiterated reiterated Mr. Johnson. lH could not say whether or not what had beeu. published In the newspapers would affect the Jury. "Will you admit then that a fair and proper trial Is impossible?" asked His Lordship. "I am not prepared to say," replied Mr. Johnson. "You are not prepared to take a stand." concluded His Lordship. "We will proceed with the other case Decision is reserved and the Sankev trial adJotr. iM "-'il the Whitewash case the conclusion of! Fishermen Before buyinrr your next engine, come and see us about The Gardner Semi-Diesel Engine the most satisfactory on the market. Governor has control at all speeds, making it most suitable for halibut boats. Sires 12 h.p. to 300 h.p. The Acadia Gas Engine jtie , mast modern designed , and Lest built 4 cycle engine in Canada. Sizes from C-8 j h.p. to 40 h.p. medium and I heavy duty. Ward Electric AND MARINE SUPPLY CO. Phone 680 Cow Bay Prince Rupert, B.C.