PAGE FOUR Neglected Eyes NEGLECT is doubtless thY cause of most of the Ills that afflict humanity. This is so self evident that it seems hardly necessary to tell you. If your eyes are giving trouble, have them attended to and at once. OF ALL absurdities in ihe kingdom of foolishness, surely the loss of eyesight through neglect is the most inexcusable. DONT lose health and efficiency through neglect. Come and seel Fred Joudry Registered Optometrist and Optician Room 3 Smith Block Phone 7G3 SANS 0VJM.W3W CANT BC BEAT! Ask the master builders of this town where to go for lumber and they will turn your footsteps in this direction. They maintain that the kind of woods we sell is the sort that should be put into a building that is expected to live to a ripe old age. Albert & McCaffery Phones 116 and 117 VELVET Ice Cream THE VERY REST! Take a brick home tonight I We cater for Parties, Picnics, Dances, etc. Prompt Delivery Velvet Ice Cream Co Corner Third Avenue and Second Street Phone 758 Prince Rupert BOAT HOUSE Phone 381 P.O. Box 15G5 LAUNCHES, SCOWS, ROW RO ATS AND CANOES SAND AND GRAVEL Equipment for Diving and Salvage Work Agents for East hope Engines and Stump Pullers NORWEGIAN HALIBUT GEAR IN STOCK Compass Adjusting LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone C3 Ca'rtage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize in I'iano and Furnltum Moving. '1A AMES BRINGING UP FATHER i WOWDER. IP THERE OMTIL.HE. CAPTURE A FC,H? D. L PtS. 0 0 10 1 3 3 13 1 LADIES' TENNIS CHAMPIONSHIPS TO HE PLYEI AT FOREST HILLS, NEW VOKK. IN AHU'ST PROMINENT CONTENDERS NEW YORK. June 20. The Wight- man Cup tennis matches of 1S27, to decld the -women's team championship annually contested between Oreat Britain and the United 8tatea win be played at the West Side Tennis CHrti Forest Hills, N.Y., on Friday and Sat uraay, August 12 and 13, it is an nounced by the International play committee of the United States Lawn Tennis Association. All matches since the cup was placed In com petition In 1923 have been play ed either at Forest Hills or at Wimble don In England. The United SUtes won the 1923 seriea at Forest Hills and Oreat Britain reverted the tables In 1924 at Wimbledon. In 1925 and 1920 each team won in Its opponents coun try, the United States now holding the cup. Tear by year the competition has grown closer and a well-fought duel ii foreseen this summer when the contest will be the "rubber of the five years of play. At pie-tent the United SUtes leads In matches IS to 13, and In sets 36 to 32. while Oreat Britain won more tames with 322 to 315. The United SUtes' cup defenders, the association's announcement said win be chosen from a squad including Miss Helen WlUs, Mrs. George W Wightmsn, Mr. Molla B. Mallory. Miss Elizabeth Ryan, Mrs. Marlon Z. Jessup Mil Eleanor Ooss, Miss Martha Bayard Mrs. A. II, Crispin, Jr.. Mrs. J, D. Cor bltr. Ulss Martant Blake, U1m Pens IF HE COULD OMLt Could err out or HERE'. HERE! GEE'. GEE. THl'o THla it A A PIMP FIME PLAP PLACE. P TO TO - - - - - - w mite. Itlli MOTHS .MusgimroFi ItlUruca lit 1 HOME WE'LL FOLLOW HIM'. nit UU in-f f4 lepe Anderson and Miss Helen Jacobs. Oreat Britain's leading contenders for places In her team are Mrs. Kitty Mc-Kane Oodfree. Mss Joan Fry, Miss Evelyn Colyer and Miss Betty Nuthall, sensational young player. SPORT CHAT B ii K1' ' 1 a With the Regiment sure of a place In the, final on .July 2, Moose and Grand Terminals will stage a football battle tonight to decide which wlU qualify to meet the soldiers for the Dominion Day cup. This should be one of the very best soccer tussles of the season judging from the fine quality of play which featured the two other games played In the series last week. Foot-Dallers have Indeed struck their stride and ever Increasing crowds of supporters are amply demonstrating their appreciation and enthusiasm. Apparently It Is only the league management that this season knows a day beforehand when the next baseball fixtures are to be played. No schedule has been Issued, despite some Impor tuning for one, and it seems to be pretty much a matter of by-guess and by-gosh. That Is not as It should be. In Justice to the players, who are ever improving, and the fans, whose Interest wculd reward them, things should be put on a definite basis with the Issuance of a time table. It Is to be hoped the league executive -will attend to this before the second part of the sea son opens after the Dominion Day fes tivities. . THE uhlL? WKa IT. ""'nay .1 gutt TriAMK GOODNEVo? I . I . , t.irii ' i . - - -v, 1 OF THtoE WOODS: . 1 1 3 v , . ' V J I I I SLS 7 - r if I I BE BE LOST LOST INJ1 INiy .V. )l I I ftflH!l ' - if'' 1 1 ot B,.u, n.i. n . y BOOTH WINNERS IN HARD MATCH: Jl'XIOK LEAfilE I.CtDKKS DEFEATED U'.WEKS-M IIV SCORE OK 2-U OX SATI KDAY With two changes from Its usual line up. Borden Street School gave Booth a very hard game In the regular Junior football fixture on Saturday, which Booth won 2-0. For Borden, Harry Wilson In goat gave a good display and T. Wilson, at hair, showed up to advantage. Booth had Houston Johnston, a 'new-comer, and he also showed signs of 'football ability. I Exchanges in the first half were very even. Lee missed From Wicks' fine i centre, while Cameron lifted the ball 'over the bar from point-blank range I for Booth. Dickens was dangerous at all times and Stiles was glad to head away from him at the expense of a corner. Harry Wilson fisted away safely iand Kelsey scored an off-side goal for Booth. j Borden playing down hill made tracks for Booth goal and Lee missed two good chances. Cameron failed at the Borden goal, but Booth was doing the major part of the pressing. Finally Bussanlch converted Kelsey's centre, giving Wilson no chance at all. Larkln cleared well and then Wilson fielded and cleared Cameron's good shot. Colllsoh hit the upright with Wilson at the other end of the goal, but still It was any-1 body's game. Kelsey threaded his way through the Borden team to put Booth two goals up. Just after be narrowly missed. The result of a finely-contested game was Booth 2 to 0. I For Borden, Stiles was always In the thick of the game with N. Ourvlch, Larkln and Wicks doing well. Kelsey. 'Dickens and Bussanlch were noticeable' on the Booth team for good football. Teams: Borden H. Wilson, J. Ourvlch. M. Larkln. R. Fong, A. Stiles. M. Ourvlch. R. Wicks, E. Batt. J. Lee. T. Wilson, K. Nakamoto. Booth D. Scott. T. Kelsey. R, Kelson. R. Morrison, F. Cameron. R. Colllson, A. Walters, H. Dickens, T. Bussanlch, B. Thurber, C. Johnston. Referee Jack Campbell. Linesmen W. "W. C. OTJelll. D. H. Hartness. It was the final match of the first half of the Junior League schedule. The sec ond half will start after the school holidays. In the meantime, the stand ing of teams Is as follows: W. Booth 5 Borden 1 High 0 ANTS come and come ITTV.'TAV them Once they get into your house ants get into e v er y t h i n r . FLY-TOX kills ants. Easy to use. Fragrant. A AWfnrest Product TENNIS CLUB TOURNAMENT OI'KNElt VESTEKUtT ANf IVII.L lf. COXTlXt r.l TIIH WEEK INT1L FINALS The Prince Rupert Tennis Club started its annual tournament at the Acropolis 11111 courts yesterday and will Continue this week till the finals are reached In men's and women's singles. men's and women's doubles and mixed doubles. Scores yesterdsy were as follows: MEN'S MXOl.ES Black beat Connan. 6-2. 6-4. Robertso nbeat Smith. 6-4, 6-8, 6-4. Cabeldu beat Crulckahank, 6-3, 6-0. Carmlchael beat Walters. 6-2. 6-2. Marantette beat Thompson. 6-1, 6-1. Joslln beat Mortimer. 6-4, 3-6, 6-2. Ryall beat Crew. 6-1. 6-2. .MEN'S DOl ltl.ES Smith and Walters beat Murray and Phillips, 6-4. 6-4. Mortimer and Thompson beat Farqu- har and Palmer. 6-3, 6-3. Sll.Mli IMUIlLKs Cabeldu and Miss PalmeV beat Black and Miss RleL 4-6, 6-3. 6-4. ' Ryall and Miss Curtln beat Marentette land Miss Mitchell, 3-6, 7-5. 6-4. NATIVE SONS DEFEAT GYROS TWO FATAL" IXNIXIl CAt'SED SEK VICT. I'H'H'M LOSS VESTEKDW AITEKXOOX The Sons of Canada evened matters up In the Senior Baseball League by defeating the Oyro Club 13-5 lri a largely attended nlne-lnnlng game yesterdsy afternoon. Two faul Innings the second -.and the third spelt ruin for the servic club. Otherwise. It was a good, tight game with honors well divided. The Oyros surted the scoring with three runs tnr the first Inning, Have-land, trie service club s hurler. sending out a good home run which scored Mitchell and Moran. In their half of the second, the Sons started a batting bee off Haveland and, with an error or so to help them, took the lead with a batch of seven runs. The Oyros came back and made It two more in the third. Haveland making a double, but the Sons were even stronger and, with Lobllc's two bagger, made It four more. The game then settled down to tight baseball and there was no more scoring except two runs by the Sons In the seventh on Wendell's two sacker. Robertson and Smith were umpires Snowy Whitened Ml mm W4 You're sure of snowy- whiteness always in the children's garments in your own pretty things in all your dainty linens and cottons if you always use Reckitts Bag Blue Jri the handy bag with the Blue and White stripes ef coluy. HE MUVT BE A CLOSE . TKOTTE.R.'. V anted For Sale For Rent WE'RE MO BETTER OFF tham Before. y George McMaim8 Hfb HOME AW" WER.K. TILL LOST J I ' 'J i I DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c- per word. in advance. No Advertisement taken for lest than 50c FOR SALE FOR SALE. 8 HP. PERFECTION EN-glne. complete with Baldridge clutch. S125O0; one-elgth hp. motor S8 00: one tube radio set with two ear phones. S9.00. Apply launch "Ows gord," Cow Bay. J45 VOR SAI. OASBOAT 8KIFF.SPRINO net. sockeye net, trolling gear, two skates dogfish gear, buoy keg. Appl) E. Tarigedal, Inverness Cannery. Friday afternoon, Saturday or Sunday. 145 FOR 8 ALE. EASTMAN KODAK ORTH- ogrsphli camera, postcard size. R.R. lens, portrait atUchment, solid leather fae; practically new outfit 13.00. Phone Black 393. tl FOR SALE AT TERRACE NEW HOUSE with modern plumbing and several acres under cultivation. Oood location. Also cottage. Cheap and good terms. Phone Red 283. 146 FOR SALE. BEDDINO OUT PLANTS. all varieties, raised In our own greenhouse. Prince Rupert Floral Shop Brighten up your home wrth flowers FOR SALE OR CHARTER. 48 FOOT combined fish carrier and tow boat 27 HP. Atlas Engine. Handles 1XKK. humps. M. M. Stephens. FOR SALE. FIRST CLASS BUSINESS block; easy terms; or will lease cbesp to right party. Call owner. 225 Second Avenue. Phone 767. 147 -OR SALE. ONE OArFORD TRUCK motor; One Hudson motor. 175 00 esch. Parker's Oarage. FOR SALEv FIRST CLASS RESTAU- rant. Do not lose your occasion! Apply PX. Box 725. tt FOR SALE. BED. SPRINO AND kitchen Uble: practically new. Appl Hyde Transfer. 142 FOR SALE. 26 FOOT CRUISER. SNAP for cash. Phone Red fill. tf ROWBOATS FOR BALE, PHONE RED 335. tt and the field took the field as follows: Oyro Club Hurley. 3b Mlnnehan. ; George Mitchell. 2b.: Moran. as: Havelsnd, p.: McKeown. rt.; Hill, If.; TiU. cf.; Stork, lb. Native Sons of Canada Farauhar. 3b.: Balfour, c; - Lamble. If.: Wendell, as.; Alex MlUheU, 3b.; V. Menzles. H.. Sloan, cf.: II. Menzlea, rf.; Lobllc. p. ' ' ' RIFLERANGE ". lira Winner at Spoon at Regimental Mimtt YeMrrday Scores were made as follows at the shoot of the North B.C. Regiment Rifle Association on the McNIeholl Creek ranges yesterday, the spoon for the day being won by W. Brass: 200 500 BOO Ttle. M.M.Lamb..... 30 31 30 SI W. Brass 25 33 30 88 R. Wilson 26 .29 27 83 B. Wilson 30 23 34 79 O. V. Wilkinson . . 20 20 22 71 F. Russell 22 21 19 62 A. Palmer 19 20 22 61 MANY ENJOYED THE SALT LAKE SWIMMING Hundreds of men, women and children. especially children, enjoyed the swim imlng at the Salt Lakes yesterdsy. Msny i went over In the ferry and private jlaunches carried others. There was s consunt coming and going from morn lng to night and there was not a time when the swimming pool was not In U 4 J, The Orand Terminals will field the lol lowing team In the Dominion Day Cup football game tonight with the Moose: jS. Ourvlch; D. Howe and II. Menzlea; o. Hill, V. Henries and J. Sims; J Hamilton. George Howe. A. Dickens, T. iisooon ana j. rarqunsr: spares. 8trschan and Hunt. ( The Moose football team for the match tonight follows: Lobllc. Skinner and T. Blacks Mitchell, Currle and Kopprrs: Hodgklnson, J. Murray. Era sine, eye and Hodgklnson. Sparet: ourvlch, Peacock and W. Muuriy. WANTED WANTED. BUSINESS MAN WITH capital to take half Interest In my business. O. F. Brine, Austloneer. P.O. Box 303, Prince Rupert. B.C. WANTED EXPERIENCED SALESLADY. Phone 651 or Green 218, Bent's Ladles' Ready-to-Wear. tf SITUATIONS WANTED QUALIFIED SINGLE MAN, TWELVE years general store owner. Canada; trained accountant and typist; all round office man; fair shorthand: Scotch; desires position anywhere. Free early June. P.O. Bor 100, Mer-rlU. BC. FOR RENT FOR RENT. NEWLY DECORATED modern house: also small furnished house. Apply 213 Fourth Avenue East. 'OR RENT SEVEN ROOM MODERN house: also four roomed flat fur nlshed. Phone Oreen 715. 144 FOR RENT. FURNISHED APART- ment by the dsy, week or month. Fhont Red 607. tf FURNISHED SUITES FOR RENT. Apply MusssUem Oroeery. Phone 18. tOOMS FOR RENT. BOARD IF desired. Phone Black 129. PIANO FOR RENT. 15 00 A MONTH. Walker's Music Store. ROOMS TO RENT. PHONE 678. HOARD tf lOARD. THE INLANDER. 830 Second Avenue. PhOn 1J7. AUCTIONEER tP THERE IS ANYTHINO YOU WANT and cannot fled, look m up. I buy. sell or exchange anything of value. Face value and resulu my aim. All auction sales guaranteed. Phone 774. O. F. Brine. Auctioneer. PLASTERINC SEW WORK FROM 65c to 75c a square yard. All material supplied. Repair plaster work by day or Job. Phone W. O. Smith, Red 603. 160 EXCHANGE SEW AND SECONDHAND FURNITURE bought, sold and exchanged. Papa dopuloa and Marrls, 839 Third Ave. Phone 648. tf UPHOLSTERING FURNITURE REPA1RINQ; UPHOL- sterlng of all kinds. ChesterfUlds recovered and made to order. All work guaranteed. Phone Oreen 0u3, O. M. HUNT. FURNITURE 100 LINOLEUM MATS 25e. ALL FELT Mattresses from 810.00. Dining room suites from 1130 00. Wicker and Cane chalra from 18 00. Child's Cribs, complete, from l&0. Towels, each 25. Cretonnea. per yard from 25c to tlM. 200 Blinds from tl 00. A. MacKENZIE. FURNITURE. HKine 71$. TAXI Thone 67 Taxi (Call Georire. Paul or Gust) Six and Seven Passenger Htude- bakers at your disposal any time. ROSS HROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block. (Across from Emnr Hoioli PRINCE RUPERT TIDES MOMUV. Jl'XE to '"h 4:30 ajn. 10.1 ft. 17:46 p.m. 17.8 Low 11:09 Sin. 30 " 2339 p m. 8.5 " TfESIMY, JINK J ,nn 5:29 ajn. 17.9 ft. 18:44 pin. 17.9 tow 12:03 pin. 4.7 " tvr.iiNr.MMY, Jt'.xi: si '"Sh 6:40 ajn. 18 9 ft. 19:441. 183 " lw 0:37 a Jit. 8 3 " 13:03 pin. 5.3 " Articles Lost and Found, 4c 1 MAIL SCHEDULE OL'T-GOlNO For the East-Mondays, Wednesdays and Batardt, cl?! lOJOaa. To Vancouver uta, Tuesday. iu Thursdays ' Saturday I 14. June 11. 18. 22. 29 9tL iHrst class mall Is also dMpsteU tt Vsneouver on Mondays. WMnnlin IM Ssturdsy by OJJ.R, trsini. To Anyox and Alice Arm Sundays ............ ........ v jA Wednesdays til p Ts Mewsrt and rrrmlr Sundsys jp Saturdays pm. To rt. Klmpwa and .Van Ritrtpauu. Thursdays p.. To Alaska Points-June 13. 34. 27 is. To Queen Charlottes-June is 7 pa I.N-COMINU torn the ts.t Mondays, Wednesdsys. Fndiri 330 pa From Vancouver Sunday. ,. ., pa Wednesdays 10JO ta Thursdsyt , pa. Saturdays 1130 aa June 13. 34, 37. Fram Anyai and Alke Arts Tuesday ta. Thursday I fa. rrom StevUrt and rf'Wf Tuesdays Sunday I sa- rrsm Ft. lmpon and .aa Sn. r-stau- Saturdays From Alaska Points June 11. 18. 22. 29 P- From Queen Charlottes June 16. 80 - BOX COLLECTIONS AM. M Oraham Atlm Ate. 100 I 1st Ave. A 8th 8t " 6th Ave. 81 Fulton St. ' Sth Ave. A Thompson . ,u 11th 81 Sherbrook Aves. Uth Ave. A Conrsd St. I 1 eth Avs. & Itsy Cot 1 i 6th A .Hsy Oov Ctrcl 'M ia 8th Avi Cotton 8L M3 Sth Av. A MetWdf It .... 1 W Prov. Oovt. Bldga. ., Prov, do. Whsrf ........ O.TJ. Wharf BUU a tj. Station . - . M 2nd Ave. tad 8t ...i. " 3rd Av. A PulUin 8t ... J" " 3rd AfS. A 8th St ... 10 STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS For Taheonief Sunday 1. FTince ueori ... Tueday;Aa..CaU!a P Thursday-. Pride Rupert II SstunHy-s. Cardena si. Prlnceu Bestrlee 11 Jun II- , Prlnceaa Louis P June 18V-: Princess Chsrlott P Jun 22- as. pnntes Louis P June J9t-"- Princess Charlotte P rrom vsnft'Over t Sunday-. CaUla Wedn.iday-s. fT B"Prt 1030 ' Thursday-s. Cardtna ' 8aturdst-M. Princes. Saturday-. Prlne Oeorje 1W t June 13 ss. Prince Chsrlotu June 20 m. Princess Louise June 27--s. Princess Chsrlotu For Port Jlmpon snd s. W"- . . - rMrns ' rrom Feet tni J,,I ,a Baturaay . For Anyot . - Sunday-. Catl ' Wednelay-. Prince Rupert P From Any Tuesday. Ctla - .t Thursdsy-. Prince Rupert r Tor Htewart .n Cauls -Saturday-. Sundsys. - Prince Oeorte r Tiom Mewsrt . fM. Bunday-. Prince Osxf Tuesdsy-. Catala Fst Queen Charlotle -June IS-. Prince John Finm Queen Cnsrlolles June I6-s. Prlne John Jun 30 m. Prlnc John For Alka , . Jun IS-. Prlncas Chsrlott June 24-. Princes Ahc June 27-. Prince Charlotte From AU ... ' Jun. ll-s. PrtncM. UuW ChrkM r June 18-. Princes June 32-.. Princess touls ' Jun 29-4i. Pilnci Cbri '