Rep GENEVA, June 20. The reduction in the size of battleships of the future from the present limit of 155.000 tons to under ttO.000 tons is recommended by First Lord of the Admiralty Bridirman.: TORNADO NEAR SASKATOON, ONE LIKE LOST AMI NtMllKK IN-JIKMI WIIILK TKKKH AMI HILLS BLOWN IIOWN 8A5KATOON, June 20. Cutting a quarter of a mile swath through Elfros District east of here a tornado wrecked the farmhouse of O. F. Oudmundson. Injuring eight of the residents. Mrs. Oudmundson later dying. An overturned stove, started a flrt but Ingl Oud mundson. despite a broken leg, succeeded I In getting the other Inmates of the house, all unconscious, to safety. Many trees and telephone polei were blown down. Hall In other sections caused heavy damage. MURDER LAID TO STRANGLER III I I'AI.O I'OI.ICL IDENTIFY NLLMIN AH M,U;it Or' MRS. KANTlOLI'll Of THAT CITY BUFFALO, June 30. Earl Nelson, charged with the murder of Mrs. Patterson and Lola Cowan of Winnipeg, has been Identified by the police here as the man who on May 30 murdered Mrs, Jennie Randolph, a rooming-house keeper He was known here as Charles Harrison and In other places as Adrtau Harris. Identification was made upon receipt of Nelson's photo and Dcrtlllon measurements from Winnipeg. ARMS SEIZED SAN FRANCISCO TIIOK1HT TO HAVE BEEN PA KT Ol LAIUIE MIIPMKNTN TO TO MMTIIKUN POUT BAN rEDRO. June 20. It U rumored that a plot to ship millions of dollar of war nrVinltlons to some southern roiintrv hm, Iwra frustrated by the HEIR TO MILLIONS MARRIES CANADIAN SEATTLE. June 20. Adolph Sprecklcs, lielr to the sugar millions, was married Buturday to rlss Esme Jones, a former Vancouver girl, R. a, Cunningham of Port Essltvgton "a; a wseh.end vUltor In the city. MH KLYL HSIIIMI OI'LNKII Bockeye fishing started In District No. 2 at midnight last night and a season, which Is DROWNED WHILE IN SWIMMING IN SOUTH VICTORIA, June 20. MIIIMOIIT expected to be as Intensive a t one as the Industry has ever ex- perienced. Is now well under ! way. Practically every cannery ; on the Naas and Skeena Rivera j Is In operation the number on s4 the Mainland toeing' 38' In addl- tlon to six on the Queen Char- lotte Islands which will start on fall fish. Reports on Initial fishing today will not be avail j able for a day or so. , MAN, WHO WAS BURNED AT KETCHIKAN IN GAS EXPLOSION, IS HOME Charles M. Nlckerson, well known lo cal fisherman, who sustained burns about the face, neck and chest In an explosion aboard the American halibut boat, Wabash while that vessel was tak ing on gasoline at the Standard Oil Co.'s fuel station in Ketchikan last week, returned to the city aboard the Princess Charlotte Saturday afternoon. Mr. Nlckerson had his neck and chest ...l.t. V. .......... a.. V. 1 1 . V. a u'n. mViIh to walk off the steamer and greet his wife and friends. He Is now at his home at 105 Fifth Avenue West where the burns arc rapidly healing. The other man who was Injured .In Vnttr TKxtmn 10 years of age. was drowned BOG-OTA, Columbia, June 20. hundred textile workers were Baturday when a plant collapsed Roaellon near Mcdellln. It Is reported that many were killed and other Injured. 3-30. UT.ATIIKU KLI'OItT Terrace Clear, calm, temperature 55. Rosswood Clear, calm, temp. 64, Alyansh Clear, calm, temp. 68. Alice Arm Clear, calm. temp. 57. llazelton Part cloudy, calm, temp. 70. Telegraph Creek Clear, calm. temp. 88. Bmlthers-Clear, calm, temp. 65. Burns Lake Clear, calm. temp. 58. Whltehorso Cloudy, south wind temp. 60. Dawson Cloudy, calm, temp. 55. This afternoon's train from the East, .rrvma mall, will arrive on time at CHICAGO NEAR Great Kritain's representative at the tripartite naval conference,; TAD CTi T I A fill? which opened here today, at which Great Britain, United States andj J )l UF liUijLjUij Japan are represented. Mr. llridgman also proposed a reduction in the main armament cm still thkkatkntno mtkk-cruisers from sixteen inch to 13.G guns and a reduction in the size n;v or pjuaii; in national of aircraft carriers from 27,000 tons to 25,000 tons and their arma-j . -tment from eight Inrti to six Inch gun. NEW YORK, June 20. Though they I Finally the British minister proposed lost on Saturday to Philadelphia, the I reductions In future cruisers from 10,000 Chicago Cubs are pressing forward more !kms to 7.500 tons with armament of iconfldently today In the duel with six Inch Instead of eight inch guns. 'Pittsburg , Pirates for the National i League supremacy. The standing Is un- ' Ichangcd, as each team suffered a victory and a defeat at the week-end. In 1 winning the opening game of a series on Sunday, the Cubs oulhlt the Pirates and arc now only the fraction of more than one game behind the Pirates. Results of week-end games were as follows: Snliiril)'N S-oret NATIONAL LEA U IE New York. 4, St. Louis 6. Philadelphia 7. Chicago 2. Boston 4. Pittsburg 7. ' . Clnclnnatl-Brogklynjrahi amljcIOan ll.mji i; Detroit 4, Washington 6. St. Louis 4, New York 8. Chicago 2, Philadelphia 6. Cleveland 0, Boston S. Sunday's More NATIONAL LK.W11K Philadelphia 3-0, Cincinnati 1-3. New York 4, St. Louis 3. Pittsburg 7, Chicago 14. A.MEItlCAN LEAUIK Detroit 5. Washington 1. Chicago 2, Cleveland 3. Others, rain. the explosion, Reg Webber, Is remaining CIeyelan(j a7 In Ketchikan to complete his recovery . LquU J4 in the hospital there. . Boston ! IS ine waoasn is pencm-u ai rwvbbmhnii -pending Insurance adjustment on the lAlTV n. ..,--, nilDI vessel. She was rather badly damaged RAILWAY I UdLIUIi but can be repaired. I.K.WIIK STANIHMIS National League W. Pittsburg 33' Chicago 33 St. Louis 30 New York 28 Brooklyn 27 Boston 27 Philadelphia 22 Cincinnati 21 Amrrlemi League New York 39 Chicago 35 Philadelphia 31 Washington 28 Detroit 23 L. 10 21 22 27 32 33 32 37 17 25 25 27 28 32 30 38 Pet. .648 .625 .577 .507 .456; .450 .407 262 .697 .583 .554 .491 .473 .458 .278 MAN PREDICTS MUCH TRAVEL THIS ROUTE when the service was first Inaugurated. FIRST MAYOR OF . NOMEJiLASKA, DIES SAN FRANCISCO, June 20. Julius Frederick Olese, 64 years of age, the first mayor of Nome, Alaska, la dead here. He was famous throughout the Yukon. t'LANII IN MKXICO MEXICO CITY, June 20. Fourtecu rebels and thn-e soldiers were killed In a clash between presidential troops and in'iirgents In Jalisco state. TAXI Boston Grill 25 andJX Ambulance f'm II ILL j Large Upstair Dining Hall, Service J4hl: with newly laid dancing Anywhere nt Anytime floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. Stand: Exchange Hulldlng PRINCE RUPERT The latest and best for the MATT VIDECK. Prop. least. Phone 457. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper VOL. XVII., No. 143. PRINCE RUPEKTj B.C., MONDAY, JUNE 20, 1927 Price Five tnt ARMAMENT REDUCTION IS PROPOSED MARSHALL CHANG TO FIGHT UNTIL REDS EXTERMINATED Reduction in Size of Ships and Armament Proposed by British resentative at Conference MUS. DULL CHILI) and her papoose of the Glacier National Park Reservation ride comfortably all day long in this fashion. Her leg dress does not consist of knickers, but blanket bloomers, an army blanket being dropped across the pommel and down around her calico dress to the stirrup, both sides. Marshall Chang Will Fight Reds Ui.t I They Are All Exterminated LAST MI1IIT AT llltVKOCK ;Th .,,. jh a.idn of the erles- 1240 ancl 6c' Woman Professes to be Wife of Strangler Held in Prison at Winnipeg MAN INOI KST OKDKUKIi !, hM f n, . ,ii.m(rf I Scrub. 11.000 pounds, ESCAPED FROM ASYLUM FOR INSANE FOLLOWING ATTACK ON WOMAN IN 1923 PALO, Alto, June 20. Mrs. Mary Ferrell, employed in a private school here, identified herself as the wife of Earle Nelson, the man who is held at Winnipeg as the "dark strangler." The iwoman identified the accused man from photographs, asserting she had not been living with him for six years and had not seem him since last October. i Mrs. Ferrell said the idea of publicly acknowledging him as her husband was for the purpose of aiding the defense. She stated: "Not all these horrible crimes they are laying up agains Earlecan be true. I can prove that on dates on- wblch he Is charged with killing two people he was with me." Investigation has not determined how Mrs. Farrell obtained her present name while claiming to be married to Nelson. ! The strangler, It la said', escaped from' the Nana state hospital for the Insane where he was ent following arrest In : San Francisco for attacking a woman; """"""" ui.iu.iav iuuw here In 1923. ' Iow; COAST, TlKNEIi ui LK FISH ARRIVALS TODAY TftTAI '1 fiC CM PfiilNiK jrx I . rt t . t? I IV MU 1Ui,uu iuumuu ueciares in opeecn ai onangnait SHANGHAI, June 20 Marshal Chang Tso-lin, who is installed at Peking as dictator of Northern China, made a speech in which he Ameriruii and sl Canadian seN Sold llaliliut ut Exrluingt This .Morning urieni, wnere ne was rignt nanu man iu me oihiicsu war loru, uiuiik Canadians sold sa.uuu pounas ai irom Tso-Lin for the past five years, and is going gold hunting In nor- H3c and 7c to 1 2.8c and 6c. them B.C., is of the opinion that the essential western powers should be aroused to the scrlousneas of the red manace In China and the necessity of making a definite stand. "The next five years In China,' said, "will be momentous and powers In general should be behind Chang In his fight with Bolshevism. OLD TIMER OF CITY DROWNED 'WILLIAM KOTIIWKLL LOST HIS I.IlK FOUR CASES IN THE thM CITY POLICE COURT the Other Was Dismissed There were four cases In the city police court this morning. Richard Mulligan urn MntilntArl rt lnrnrlatlnri enrl M aenco - penalty. Peter Bruno for having In toxicants on premises other than a private house was fined $100 or 30 days. Arrivals and sales were as foUows: AmerU'Uii Arrow, 52.000 pounds Booth Fisheries, 13.8c and 6c. Sumner, 45,000 pounds. Pacific Fish eries. 13.8c and 6c. Eureka, 12,000 pounds, and Westfjord, . 11.000 pounds. Atlln Fisheries, 14 3e and Convictions Were Olitalnril In Three and ic. Jack, 7.503 pounds, Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., 14.6c and 7c. CaiKiillan 6c. Viking I.. 7.000 pounds, and Nautilus, 4'500 Pounds' Bo'al Flsh Co" 12'77 ttnd ed 25 or thirty days; Eugenlo Nedetto for a similar offense was given a similar Pair of Jack, 19,000 pounds, Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., 12.8e and 6c. : Joe Baker, 11,500 pounds, Atlln Fish- Canadian Fish ! defenaani CoId Co lUc and 7c In the case against Bruno, 8?"e William Rothwell, aged 70. father ot Nuba. 5.000 pounds, Booth Fisheries, ei M he ,wd on the place wim.m nnthwnll lrwMil transfrmAn. lost ... 12 tic and 6c. , . where ne am Dusincss ne was anowea, a me u, .s 1 j,, have be,,,, there for his own use.' last night when he fell overboard fm maglstrale t0 allow tnls M , lUflOD RETURNS HOME in ftnararnw iioDDiinK. on wmcu irc . . . . i which will be held at 3 o'clock this afternoon. It was at 10.10 last night that the Mr. and Mrs. Harry Unney of Toronto. "elVfd , rTthnnk .taon. m-ter of the lboltak. in the course of a tour of the west. ar-.D rli-Art nn vnttrHav Dftxrnrmn'K in Beaver," " . .71 1, iwwiwcu u vvi- train and nlfi and he was convicted. was employed, when that vessel was( moored at the drydock. Coroner Nor-j . asiii CCDUIPC man A. Watt has ordered an Inquest 1K 111 AIL OLlwllL MANITOBA PROVINCE WINNIPEG, June 20. For the first time In the history of Manitoba the province has entered the ranks of those The son was also notified and have alr service will sail this afternoon on the Prince-board' ea8 whlcn an ma seizure at Han Francisco of 50,000 worth, Iinkc near here yesterday and Lawrence! ,..,. Mr m,,.v for he and Constable Keiich arrived at the The st, office department at Ottawa ,.f mnnltlnni I I - I In ., Tttatl. Thctla I Lake, a V A whllo Uhtlfl fnltl. .IwMlt .iwMit th, Vl t t,i m m A H flma rP . Xlipv XllPV till niillpfi ! Pfi 1 1 . . . . . . . . ... ... . . 1 . . MILE OF FLOATS AND DECORATED CARS AT JUBILEE CELEBRATION VirrmriTA .tuna an.A Dnrade of floats and decofatcd cars over a mile In length Is to be a part of- the big Jubilee celebration here on July 1. Beacon Hill Park Is to be kept free ol private cars for the occasion as It Is expected those taking part In the par-ado will fin all the available spnee on their arrival, Plaxton jiantons were unable to assist In time. TEXTILE WORKERS KILLED IN COLLAPSE over twenty years has been associated""'""' " ' J nas granveo im nr v,uua leed out of the water where he w to malta Llmltd the rlght with the publicity department of the way. Caivadlan National Railways, giving par- ,n CTi JnJ 10 lh Manltba 8CCtln f th' the back of ' Rnd aen air mall and tlcular attention to summer tourist ,hea,d Lake Winnipeg mining area, face lower' FROM PHILIPPINES VICTORIA, June 20. Major Oeneral who was summoned to Washington to .Wood, governor of the Phllllplnes, .1 1 . , . e. m.HAn In vin n t Inn with the far east, passed through here this morning atoard the steamer President Madison. WIULLKSS ItKI'OllT 8 a.m. BULL HARBOR. Part cloudy; light out of watr and his and , carrlcd on all passenKcr airplane, "".Z'I ' 8 U"d f, Ke ' Artificial operating Ung out of Lac du Bonnet this Pm' a Seat i... x .. i,viu thi t.,m. Prt part of of his his body body submerged. submerged. W the largest patronage from Ontario f-P'- Z? ,TTLtL'- . .i,,,. l h. It hp, .vir."- " U1W ... ... ...v .... . deceased first fell from had. for this particular burlfri Enquiries tour, , fhA ,M , ,he hnilt at indicate wide Interest. j " Tnpre Mr. Llnney was here some years ago;" M " . ... . Deceased was an old timer of the city and a member of the Prince Rupert Pioneer's' Association, Funeral .arrange ments are In the hands -of the .B.C. Undertakers. The Jury summoned if consists .of, William Sherman, sr., Joe Brown, John Bulger, Jack Keith, Bert Morgan, John McRae. . . MANY IIIVOKCK St'lIS, LONDON, June 20. During the six weeks' law sittings Just ended, London Judges dealt with more than 700 divorce cases. The term started with ,a list of 731 cases, Of these, 628 were undefended and 103 defendM. summer. NURSES PASS Misses Her n Ice Clay nnd nliigluim Siiccif sful In ll.url fun-U.N1 Tests Word has been received of the success of Miss Bernlce Clay and Miss Hazel CunnWgliam of the Vrjnce Ruper); Gen eral Hospital training school In passing their, Registered Nurses examinations. Each are now entitled to use the letters "R.N." after their names and enjoy the privileges associated therewith. J. E. Umbach of Victoria, surveyor general for the provincial department of lands. Is a visitor In the city. He arrived from the Interior on yesterday afternoon's train and will sail this afternoon on the Prince Rupert for the south. SM. wind; bar. 29.86; therm. 55; light chlkan to Seattle 3S trilles; front , tie; 8 pjn. motorshlp Oregon bound HOPE TO FLOAT VESSEL SUNDAY TO TUINCE KITEHT 110 AT IIOl'SE I The American motorshlp Challamba, fast on the rocks of White Cliff Island. ' J some, twenty, miles south , of here, has t'es- been turned over by the master, Capt. J. B. Edwards, to the Prince Rupert Boat House for salvage and Capt. Al- xred swanson. head of that concern, A total of 185.500 pounds of halibut stated this morning that he hoped to i. i j i iiii. j ti was sold at the Fish Exchange this morn-if. v, ne vessel off on the hlih tide and men determined to fight against the reds until they had ex-w Flve ABeric.n vesgeli dlsposed termlliatea tnem. H7000 nounds At bids ranzlnz Irom. t. v. . . , VANCOUVEa, June 20. General Frank Sutton, here from the 13.bc and 6c to 14. 6c and 7c. while six,i- . . , . ... 1 ...Li 1 J 1 1L. (.L! 1 J r . v ......w... Since. Saturday the powerboat Azurlte, "28" and Anna S. have been engaged In lightering the vessel and yesterday two scowload of perishable goods such as fruit and vegetables were brought Into port and disposed of to local deal ers at a salvage sale held by the cus toms. The vessel, wh'lch was bound from Seattle to Ketchikan at the time of the accident, had a large cargo of provisions on board as well as twenty- six '4. COO gallon oil tanks on deck. Capt. Swanson stated that the ves sel had been strained as she lay on the rocks 'but hull damage. It Is hoped. will not be extensive, . The Challamba Is a wooden , twin screw motcrahlp which was built by the Sloan Shipyards Corporation, Olym-pla, for the Pacific Motorshtp Co. Inc. Registered In Seattle, she .Is 262 feet long with 46'4" beam and 21T depth. ALICE LEAVES FOR RUPERT OVKU IH NDUEII VAXCOl'VKirS I.KAII- ino in sinkssmen; on way TO THIS I'OKT VANCOUVER. June 20. With more than one hundred leading Vancouver businessmen aboard the CJ.R. steamer Princess Alice left here last night and will make a number of calls beforr reaching Prince Rupert Wednesday morning. On Wednesday night, after the ball in their honor, they leave for Portland Canal points making calls at Anyox, Alice Arm and Stewart, from Ketchikan to Seattle 310 mllc.s!nntini n ri fCV All from Seattle: 6 pjn. Alaska bound from dlHUULj CLujfc UN Seattle to Ketchikan 212 miles from Ketchikan; 7 p.m. Prince Oeorge abeam Scarlet Point southbound; 8 pjn. tug St. Faith abeam Cape Mudge bound for Logan Inlet; 8 pjn. Orlffco .towing barge Lord Tcmpleton 332 miles from Tacoma; Oar.aca from Stewart to Vancouver anchored off Lowe Inlet. DEAD TREE. Overcast; bar. 29.68; sea smooth, DIOBY. Part cloudy; calm; bar. 30.02; temp. 56; sea smooth. NOON BULL HARBOR. Part cloudy; light northwesterly wind; bar. 20.88; temp. 60; sea smooth. ; . . DEAD TREE. Overcast, calm; bar. 20.68; temp. 59; sea smooth. DIOBY.Part cloudy, calm; bar. 30; 1 temp. 67: sea smooth; 8 p.m. FRIDAY FOR LONG SUMMER VACATION City school will close on Friday of this weekr for the long summer vacation which will give teachers and pupils respite . from their tasks until Tuesday. September 6. High School examinations are in progress this week and the Entrance examinations will start tomorrow. Class examinations are now pretty well concluded. liK.MON'NTKATION' IN CHINA CANTON, June 20. Protesting against the landing of Japanese troops la North China the police started a demonstration here Sunday, 4.