NOTICE OK INTENTION' TO APPLY TO LEASE rOKCSIIOKE. rciln $3.00 Orders Delivered The economical wife who pays cash buys where her dollars have the most purchasing power. Quality considered. Any brand Milk, per case . . $5.50 Any brand Flour, 49 lb. sack $2.75 Terrace Potatoes, per sack . . $1.95 14 lb. E.C.D. Butter 10 lb. Sugar 2 lb. Icintf Sugar, pkge 2 lb. Package Lump Sugar 3Vz lb. Brown Sugar Silver Leaf Pure Lard, lb. 25c 25c 20c High Grade Bulk Tea, per lb. 60c rresh Ground Coffee, per lb. 50c Malkin's Best Pure Jams, Plum 45c Malkin's Best Pure Jams, Strawberry, 4 lb. tin 70c Toilet Bolls 5c, or 22 for .. tlie successful. lompahy'i. : Log scalers of Prince .George district will hold an organization mcetln; In the city on July 1. A garden party was held at the home. of Mrs. H. G. Perry on Saturday after noon under the auspices of 8t. Michael's Church women's hospital auxiliary. The program Included songs pupils and Dibble. a violin solo by William noiaing nis ousmess interests nerc. Douglas A. Frascr. son of . John A Fraser, M.P., of Quesncl. was married recently In Vancouver to Miss Louise Cluness of Okanagan Landing. The LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEAKE LANIt. In Coast Range 4. Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Captain's Cove. Pitt Island. B.C. TAKE NOTICE that Oosse Packing i t,i,.. r r,- (company Limuea. 01 Vancouver, cu. ai oeweu iniei. island, queen - U " Moreaoy .t . 7L,7ri.;7Zi 77 Tk. Charlotte Islands. Commencing at a post planted at the ' nortnweat of 151 l2M. Range 4: corner TAKE NOTICE that Kellev Loezlnz Company iSSSS. ol Vacouerf8! c! ." futn 6 !al.nSi,itSnC? WMtv5 occupation Timber Merchants., lntendn ialns; thence north to high water mark; io appiy lor a lease or the following : ; I: ' described foreshore- " . 5 chains, . more or less, to point of com- Commenclng at a'post planted approx-1 mnpe "J"11- ,na containing 3 acres, hnately 8 chains south. 20 degrees east.more Vy from the northeast corner of Lot 47.1.1 GOSSE packino packing company company SeweU Inlet. Moresby Island; thence fol- i limited lowing the high water mark in an east- Applicant, ri niit.hri iiht.ri. Dau-d June n 13. iott 1927. tlon to Its Intersection with the easterlv : r xtV .Tr. " boundary of Lot 472; then southerly L.AISD ACI and easterly to the northwest corner of S.TX. 6215 P.: thence In a northwesterly : NOTICE OK INTENTION TO APPLY TO direction to the point of commencement. ana containing a acres, more or less. JOSEPH DOUGLAS WILSON. Agent for Kelley Logging Co. Ltd. Dated 29th April. 1927. LAND ACT NOTICE OK INTENTION" TO APPLY TO LEAKE LAND. In Ranee 4. Coast Land District. Land Recording District of Prince Rupert. ana situate m vicinity of Captain's Cove. Pitt Island. B.C. TAKE NOTICE that Oosse Tacklne Blon8 nre io point oi commencement. Co. Ltd.. of 325 Howe St, Vancouver. nd containing 5 acres, more or less. C occupation Fish Packers. Intends uuwsrAtMMU wi.Liu. to apply for a lease of the following I . . . Applicant, described lands: i Per -Chaa. L. Ro belts. Agent. Commencing at a post planted at uaiea April ivfi. me norwiwest corner or lt 1253. Range thence north 5 chains: thence east 15 chains: thence south to northeast comer Lot 1253; thence westerly alon? NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO snore to pom i oi commencement, and containing 7 acres, more or less. OOSSE PACKINO CO. LTD., Applicant Per Chas. L. Roberts, Agent. Dated April 1, 1927. Cash and Carry Grocery Sixth Ave. and Fultun Street Phone 30 1 LEASE LANII. In Range 3. Coast Land District. Land 'Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate on the south- shore of La-I Bouchers Channel, B.C. . TAKE NOTICE that Oosse Packing ! Co. Ltd., of 325 Howe St, Vancouver, i B.C., occupation Fish Packers. Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the southeast corner T.L. 10390. Range' 3, Coast Land District: thence south 5 chains: thence west 10 chains; thence north 5 chains to shore; thence easterly LAND ACT LEAKE LANII. In Range 4. Coast Land District. Land Recording District of Prince Rupert. and situate In vicinity of Captain's Cove, fitt island, b.u, I TAKE NOTICE thaf dost Packing Co. Ltd., of 325 Howe St, Vancouver, B.C.. occupation Fish Packers. Intends to apply for a lease of the following , aescrioea lands: i Commencing at a post planted about ' 1 mils ril.tnn) I n ..m,KI rflmMnn from Lot 1253, Ranee 4; thence north 5 chains; thence east 20 chains; thence south to shore; thence west along shore to point of commencement, and con taining 10 acre, more or leas. GOSSE PACKINO CO. LTD, Applicant. Per Chaa. L. Roberts, Agent. Dated April 7. 1927 MINERAL ACT (Form V) CKKTIHCATE OK IMPROVEMENTS NOTICE "WESTERN HOPE." TRIXIE." and "OLD KENTUCKY" Mineral Claims situate In the Skeena Mining Division of Prince Rupert District. Where Located On Porcher Island. TAKE NOT-tri! that I ..aI. Ml Pitmnra $6.25 Free Miner's Certificate No. 89151 C, the 14 lb ID. hnx DOX HatiltAl capital Prnnmprv Urcamery Tint UUt- duII authorized agent of Frank Patter-14 .on. Free Miner's Certificate No. 89137 C, ter SS.'JO intend, sixty days from the date hereof. Regular $1.00 boxes Soda Biscuits, Mffii0 mMrn cor?" 1Z 70c purpose of obtaining a Crown Grant of nw the above claims. i And further take notice that action. 20c under Section 83. must be commenced beiore the Issuance of such Certificate of Improvements. . Dated this 6th day of May. 1927. LEWIS W. PATMORE. LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND. In Prince Rupert Land . Recording Dls-trlct of Queen Charlotte Islands, and situate at Massett Indian Village No. 1. TAKE NnTTr-F that Th n.n. $1.00 ners. Ltd, of Prince Rupert, B.C.. occu- China nina Rolled noiiea flat uats, pnrh each .... ifl-IPatlon 4Uc feMe of Canners, the fonowlng intends described to apply lands for a VIVU11PVI till IVb INVESTIGATE MY PRICES Before you buy elsewhere. S. R. ADAMS, Manager Commencing at this nost nlanted at the northwest corner of our site at Massett, B.C.; thence southerly 3 chains thence easterly 3.25 chains, more or leas thence northerly 3 chains; thence westerly 3.25 chains, more or less, to point of commencement, and containing one .vi c mure ur lens. THE MASSETT CANNERS. LTD. Applicant, Per P, Lorenzen. Agent. Dated April SO, 1927, PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS Monday, Junt 2q. 192r Tlii I MM4-U- MB!! Our Glasses FIT and look well OUR REPAIR DEPARTMENT is equipped for accuracy and service A. E. IRELAND Graduate Optometrist 319 Third Avenue. Opposite G.W.V.A. SALE Everything for the Holidays Boys' Khaki Shirts .. $1.25 Boys' Khaki Pants .... $1.35 Childs' Playsuits 95c Childs' Cotton Hose .... 25c Men's Cotton Shirts .. $1.00 Men's Flannel Shirts . . $1.00 Ladies' . Bloomers, Dimity . . . . , 55c Ladies' Combinations. . $1.00. Pure Thread Silk Hose . . 95c Ladies' Bed Jackets . . $1.75 Baby's Coats $2.00 Girls' Comhbinations . . 75c Men's Cotton Sox . . 20c Mussallem Grocery COMPANY LTD. 417-423 Fifth Ave. East, Phone 18. Phone 8 I REMEMBER ! For Montreal prices on Clothing for Men & Boys Don't forget the Montreal Importers Third Avenue J. B. Miller Proprietor Canton Crepe DRESSES from $12.50 Smart little Wash Dresses sizes 7 to 1G From $1.50 to $2.25 BENT'S LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR Third Avenue For Ladysmith-Wellington COAL Phone 580 HydeTransier And Coal Co. 139 Second Avenue PRINCE GEORGE Chris Allen, who has prospected and mined throughout British Columbia I since boyhood, la here outfitting for a trip Into the Manson Creek country. During the past two seasons, he has spent his time on Mansdn River and) Gennanson Creek and he says that region' offers the most promising field I for the 'prospector In. the whole The party of United States capital ists, who were here recently In the course of a trip over the Pacific Oreat Eastern Railway, stated here that they were prepared to take the road over and extend It Into the Peace River country tut they were not willing to pay $15,000,000 for It. If they are to acquire it, better terms will have to be secured they said. V. A. James and H. I. Tyrell, who have been examining the Ferguson mine on the Inglncka River for an eastern Canadian development concern. returned here last week after an event ful trip of over three months Into the property. Miss UllUn Dorothy Henderson and Cordon Thomas Reed, both of Cls- come. were quietly married In Knox Church here last week by Rev. S. T. Galbralth. The contract has been let to the Prince George Construction Co., whose figure was $3,500, for the erection of priests' residence adjoining the local Catholic Church. They were five ten ders all of which were higher than m TIMBER SALE X8914 Sealed Tenders will be received by the' District Forester, not later than noon on tne 4th day of July. 1937. for the purchase of Licence X8914. situated in windy Bay, James Island. Sheen Passage. C.R. 3. to cut 1341 feet board measure of spruce, cedar, hemlock, and balsam sawlogs. two m years will be allowed for re moval of timber. Further particulars of the Chief For ester. Victoria, or the District Forester. Prince Rupert. B.C. LAND ACT. 8 s m t ismmoor WtBIWt BUILT FOR SLEEP SIMMONS brings healthful sleep. The cost is low because the Ostermoor lasts so long. '.. .For Sale by Barries Fujniture Store Geo. D. Tite bride was formerly a member of the nursing istaff at the Quesncl Hospital Rt. Rev. W. R. Adams, Bishop of Cariboo, visited the city at the weekend, preaching and holding confirma tion services In the local Anglican Church yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. William Gilford and Mrs. J. Allan of New Westminster, are by Miss Wllma Young and Miss Jean on a Tlslt to tnelr cniidren. Mr. and Robertson, dancing by Miss Anderson's Mrs. Herbert Allen of this city, having motored up from the south over the new highway. .r. b.iu ... . " Rev. Nelson A. Harkness. secretary of end of the week by motor for Courte-lhe Brltth aM, p, mWe g,, nay. Vancouver isiann. wnere wcy miprcacht, lt tH ,n tne local taie up residence. Mr. i-rimrosc is united' Church yesterday. SMITHERS A son was bora on Wednesday morn ing In the Smlthcra Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Dan Halg of Dutale Mine. St. Joseph's Church Sunday School picnic Is 'being held at Lake Kathlyn today. George Out ram, formerly of Vander- roof and now of Vancouver, was a business visitor to town this week. Mr. and Mrs. D. Malkow have left for Innlsfatl. Alberta, where they will spend two weeks visiting with friends. Maple trees planted by the Native Sons of Canada In the park plots near the station are making good progress. Adolphus St. Louis and Jack Rice, both suffering with appendicitis, are making satisfactory progress In the Smlthcra Hospital following operations. The flower gardens at the C.N.U. sta tion are now places, of great beauty with well laid out beds and whitened rock borders. A fountain has been added this year to lend to the cooling atmosphere In the vicinity. The Bulkley River has been running to the capacity of Its banks during the week and the bridge at Smitbers lias been the subject of some anxiety. Additional balla&t has been provided as protection against the settling of one pier. V. Crockett, principal of Smithers High School, will leave on Monday to spend the summer at his home on Prince Edward Island. ( R. II. Lelghton, forest supervisor, was here from Prince Rupert this week on official duties. He reported very little trouble with forest fires In the district so far this season. The muncllpal program of street Improvement Is now under way. Several streets are being rocked and graded. Angling la gaining In popularity in district lakea around which many cars are usually to be found parked. This S. A. Eby Is making extensive alterations and Improvements to his store. NEW HAZELTON - Last Sunday Rev. Father, Allard celebrated mass In the Roman Catholic Church at Hagwllget for the first time since his return from a year's trip to Europe. Dr. T. Fcrrler of Brandon has arrived to visit the Hazelton Hospital. One of the maid objects of his vUlt at this time Is to look over the heating sys tem of the hospital which It Is pro posed to convert from wood to coal burning. Dr. Fcrrler will spend the next few days here. l.'l WLTV .IVK. It . !'. .'' fi.tiuavi rVrVflir Is riiivtng'lhter-trlfilcjs4a hlstrljtijMnls- ' ' Mb m I ..Sk .ii . It tor's wife. She has now!. hftd'Sa1 try at buclcboard as well as dugout eano riding In the Kltwancool Valley where she had many a bout with mosquitoes while accompanying her husband at the first of the week. She also had the experience of eating bearateak. Miss Cummtngs of Evelyn visited last week-end with Mrs. F. A. Ooddard anM Miss Richardson. Klsplox to take a United Church pulpit 4n Vancouver, a 111 preach farewell services In New llazeltou and Hazclton churches this Sunday. Dr. II. C. Wrtnch, M.LtA, who visited Terrace last wtek, report good pro-. gresa on that .part of the projected transprovlnclat highway between Terrace and Copper City. Mrs. S.' J. Wmsby' entertained atrtea on Monday aftcoio6risteyholrof'iMrs ' McMillan. ' Miss Orrlce 'Sargent, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. S, Sargent, Is making satisfactory recovery in the Hazclton Hoopltal following a recent attack of pneumonia. Sammy Senkpkl was a patient In the Hazclton Hospital last week. Last Saturday evening.'' M?. and Mrs. George Bclrnes entertained a numoer of young peopte lu their home at Klsplox. " Dr. A. H. Bayne. coming down from Prince George by motor, was a visitor here last week-end. M. P. McCaSery and O. W. Nlckerson of Prince Rupert, after attending the Board of Trade convention In Smithers. spent last week-end here with W. S. Harris. MLs Bates of Colorado Is again a visitor in this district. Shehas rented one of George D. Parent's cabins for the summer Mrs. T. R. Tonilinmn. Is visiting al Cedarvale with lit. Tomlinson'a brother and family. R. J. Morrison has been laid up wtUi a bit of gravel In his eye. James Dyer of Smithers was here at the first of the week looking over his mining claims on Four Mile Mountain Miss Bird of the Hazclton Hospital nursing staff Is visiting for tin vacation with her brother at Burns Lake Jack Mullen, one of the originals In this district and more recently operat lug In the Stewart country. Is agalu here for a brief visit. Dr. A. S. Lamb, provincial Inspector of hospitals, visited the, Haeltoii Hospital on Tuesday and Wednesday and proceeded East. received. Rev. .Victor gansum, who it leaving t NOTICE. To whom It may concern: Take notice that after this date I wUl not be responsible for any debts contracted by any person other than myself, or without my written order. 143 O. H. UDD. year there has been little success with I acres, before a Crown Orant en be bait, the fish rising to flies almost from the outset. SYNOPSIS OF L.ND ACTAHENDMENTS PRE-EMPTIONS Vacant. unreserved, surveyed Crown limls nuy b pre-amptad by (trllioh Mtibjects over II years of . inJ by ulleni on declaring Intention to broma Hrillsh subjects, conditional upon residence, occupation, .nd linprovtmonl for aarlcultural urpoie. Full Information concerning r Tactions regarding pre-emptions la given In Hulletln No. 1. Land Srte, "How to Pre-empt Land," copies of vihich can be obtained fra of charge, ty addressing the Department of' Lands, Victoria, B.C.. or to any Government Agent Records will b granted covering only land sultabl tor agricultural purposes, and which la not timber-land. I.e. carrying ovr t.000 board feet per acre weat of tha Coast Rang and 6.000 feet per acre east of tbai Range. Applications for pre-emptions are to be addresssd to the Land Commissioner of the Land Recording Division, In which the land applied for Is situated, and are mane on printed forma, copies of which can be obtained from ths Land Commissioner. Pre-emptions must be occupied for five years and Improvements mads to value of 110 per acre. Including clearing and cultivating at Isast five For more detailed Information see the Hulletln "How te Pre-empt Land." a PURCHASE Applications are received for purchase of vacant and unreserved Crown landa. not being tlmberland. for agricultural purposes: minimum price for flrst-clasa (arable) land U U per acre, and second-class (erasing) land II. i0 per acre. Further Information regarding purchase or lease of Crown 'lands la given In Bulletin No. 10, Land Series. "Purchase and Lease of Crown Lands." Mill, factory, or Industrial sites o timber land, not exceeding 40 acyea, may be purchased or leased, the conditions Including peyrasnt o stumpage. HOMESITE LEASES tfnsurveyed areas, not exeesdlng N acres, may be leased ae homssltea, conditional upon a dwelling bslng ersoted In the first year, title beinc obtainable after resldenee anc Improvement oondlttons are fulfilled and land has bean surveyed. LEASES Per graslng aaa Industrial pw poeea area not exeeedlag lie aerea may be leased by ee aeree e s .ompanr. Under the Orsslng Act the Fre-Ince la divided Into graslng districts and the range administered uader a Graslng Commissioner. Annual grating permits are Issued based am aumbara ranged, priority belag give U eeUbllahed owner, toak-avaera aaar form ueiclalloas far raavg maaagsmtnl. Free, er eerily tree aermlta are available far aattlare tad travellers, a ae lest CAMP-FIRE PERMITS This year it is necessary to have a permit from some Forest Officer before any camp-fire may be set in any forest or woodland Be sure to get a permit for your camp-fire and follow the instructions printed on e) the back of it BRITISH v OLUMBIA FOREST SERVICE PREVENT FOREST FIRES YOU CAN HELP WESTHOLME THEATRE MONDAY ONLY, 7 nnd J p.m. Hoot Gibson in "The Prairie King" v Strung nupportiiiK cast TIIH COLLEGIANS" No. 7 fiKOIMiK LEWIS anil DOUOTHV (;ULLIVEK In "THE KELAY." INTERNATIONAL NEWS Admission 35c and 10c Trade In Sale of Watches Styles and models of watches arc changing all the -.i;:c just like autos. Many Prince Hubert people are canyinj: nlii style watches, because they have not been able to trade them In. Many of these old watches arc not only unslshtly but arc costing money for repairs, besides not beini? as reliable nv a modern watch. TRADE IN YOUR OLD WATCH! Wc have decided to make a liberal allowance for a shnf time on old watches as part payment on a new watch, o don miss this chance. All our watches are of well known makes nnd are nU !i regular prices. SALE STARTS MONDAY, JUNE 20 JOHN BULGER The Jeweller Canadian National Q7ic Largeft Kailway Sylcm in America STEAMSHIPMNDYTRAIN SERVICE SAII.IM1M from I'KINC K Itl'l'MlT f..r VAM'Ot VKK. VK'TOHIA, t JT'"' inm-Ii .MONDAY ii ml TII1KSIIAV, 1.00 p.m.. fATMHAV. , I';'"' lor ANVOX ami HTKWAHT MO.MIAY. I'R I I ' ' HKIlNKHhAV ' ' ' tor ALASKA ror MASSKTT IXI.KT MOV,.W. i t for SKIKKJATK IM.KT and SOUTH IJl KKX CIIAKUITTK lHMS '"" nightly. I'AMHKMIMl TKAINH I.KAVK I'KIM'K ""K",.. , m. IIAII.V KM'KIT Ni:.MAV Bt 1 1 .30 H.m. for PHI.NCK OHOKdK. I.IM TON. UIVMI'l ll. all points Kailcril fanadii. tnllnl '"'f' " JANI'KK I'A It K l-tl()K OI'KN MAY ti T SKITKMHIK HKE CANADA I.N CANADA'S JHHI.IK VKAK IH87lW" AOKNCY Al.l. OCKAN HTKAMSIW I.INKH. ,.,.,.. Vr CnniKlliin National Eprms lut Monr; Orders, lorrltn t n'M' flc, alM lor jour nett shlpmrnt. ,.. CITY TICKKT OFITCK. S2g TIIIIIH AYE, PKINCE KCIEKT. Ph" l"' ' " ' i1 Prince Rupert Auto Company Agents fcr Hudson and Essex Super-Six Cars Second Avenue, opposite Prince Rupert Hotel. Phones 75 and 275 0