Wednesday, JjJne 29, 1927 Velvet mm immhei mmm Wllt, timwA Ik pee cream K 'PHONE; 758 aaaaaaVv VI f'l 1 I I 9 If A PRINCE RUPERT At Confederation in 1867 you couldn't get VELVET ICE CItEAM 6uf jou can iWtry TAKE A NEAPOLITAN BRICK HOME and enjoy seeing them enjoy it I Get Velvet Ice Cream for the Celehrntion Holidays We cater for Parties, Picnics, Dances, etc. PROMPT DELIVERY Out-of-town Orders shipped promptly. Corner of Third Avenue and Second St. P.O. Hox G82 DEMAND "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Dally by Canadian pish & CW Storage Co., Ui- Prlhcf Rupert, IL(i Help the Fair! In . order to liquidate last year's indebtedness, the Fair Hoard is conducting a membership drive. Membership Ticket $1.00 On or before the opening of the Fair In September, a draw-lng will bo held, and the holder of the winning number will be presented with Lot 7, Mock 18, Section 1, on Second Avenue, near Mcllridc Street. Assessed value, $2,070.00. BUY YOUR TICKET NOW (CANADIAN! Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert T KrtrlUkn,,. wranpll. ';,? Jn8nVWu.lT l?' "' ' To Vamomer, Vlr.rl and Peutlla Jim 11, IS. 21. M. HllNCESN IlKATHH E. r Kant lu-lla iiutrdle. ,,' t'amiibfll Klvrr, aiiU Vncoyrr every Haturday, 11 a.iu. " l-'form.tlon from- .7 for all mea.nshlp Un . . Agency iv r nitCIMKU. (leneral Agent, th iftert HIrret and In" 3rd Ari.ue. Prince Kupert. B.O. Corner of 4th WESTERN ROUTE i PRAIRIE WHEAT Edmonton Paper Sees Increase in Amount Shipped to Pacific , Coast I ' (Edmonton Bulletin) uruuucauon is being freely -pressed j by Vancouver newspaper over the fact that the Wheat Poo!' is to build a large ' i terminal elevator at that port this year, j M that Implies a largo Increase In the export of wheat through Vancouver next I winter 1ind In season following. ) i Edmonton may also find cause, for en couragement in the announcement. Of the wheat wnich p. out through Vancouver, the gjeater part goes there by way of Edmonton. Thin city Is to alt-uated that It must be the great collect-' Ing centre for grain from the western prairie country which goes to the Pa cific port. Railways radiate from Edmonton Into the great wheat belt, south, east and north, like spokes from the hub of a wheel, while the easy grades on the National through Jasper Pass make that ah almost Ideal trunk road for the handling of the traffic to the ocean terminals. The Wheat Pool recently took under lease one of the large elevators at Vancouver, and has alao the elevator at Prince Rupert under lease. Next era- tnn 1f 1 t..f,. 4Ua it. i by Island, Queen Charlotte Islands; thence following the high water mark In a northwesterly, westerly and southwesterly direction for a distance of one I and one-half miles; thence In an easterly j direction to the point of commencement. ana containing iso acres, more or less. JOSEPH DOUGLAS WILSON, Acting as Agent for Kelley Logging Co. Ltd. Dated 30th April. 1927. LAND ACT. NOTICE OP INTENTION TO .tri'l.Y TO I.E.tSE LtM KOK INDl .MIKIU. I'lKI'OSES In Prince Rupert Land Record In if DUtrlct of Prince Rupert, and situate 1 at Sewell Inlet, Moresby Island, Queen narinrra itianni . ment, and containing 20 acres. Inu. Improvements. LAND ACT. NOTICK OF I.TF.XTION TO APPLY TO I.KASK LAND KOK INDl'STKlAb riKPOSES V O.T I V K WESTERN HOPE," "TRIXIE," and "OLD KENTUCKY" Mineral Claims elt- Dated this 6th day of May, .1927. LEWIS W. PATMORE. CERTIFICATE OF C IRON DUKE FRACTION, , Mineral claim. Lot No. 2340. altuate in Queen Charlotte Mining Division, Prince Rupert district, located on Louise Island. TAKE NOTICE that I. Alex Roeers. of Lockeport, B.C., Free Miner'. Certificate No. 27018 C, Intend to apply to the Mining Recorder tor a Certificate o( Improvements for the purpose of obtain ing viuwn Kiaiii. di uiv iuuvb claim. And further take notice that action. under section 89 of the "Mineral Act" must be commenced before the issu ance of such certificate of improve ments." Dated this Uth day of February. 1627. ALEX ROGERS. I THE DAILY NEWS PAGE FIVE While are enjoying Wrigle, you are getting benefit at welL I 1 Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert JJ'NE 29, 1917 , " , A telegram was received by the se- Urmlnals on h Pacific through which retary the Prjie . LtaUhen Sir Robert' J P": PrmlCr that; Rental, and intent ch ,h. , . - ne uncier&tooa negotiations wre under r?hTwhy '"7? Wnt"n,K between thebrank Tnmk Pacific hat the Pool expect, to ship twice or Sa mncUeo w a L, "7?,"vTI We8tWard "'"'I dock being JeaScd by the latter winter as it last. .hipped Advertise In The Dally New. LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY. TO I.EAMK f'OKKSIIOHE. In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands. TAKE NOTICE that Kelley Logging Company Limited, of Vancouver, B.C.. occupation Timber Merchant., intend to apply fcr a lease of the following described foreshore:- Commencing at a post planted approximately one-halt mile south 30deg. east of the mouth of the Tassoo River. Mores- flim for the purpose of shipbuilding, Jack Lindsay end C. E. Balnter returned to town today after a trip to Khtada Lake. They caught a fine Firing of rainbow trout. A longshoremen's strike In Vancouver Is hampering .hipping on the coast. BANK PRESIDENTS OF JAPAN TO SELL PERSONAL PROPERTY TOKYO, June '29. To aid In the restoration of the Japanese hanks which were obliged to close as a result of the recent financial crisis In Japan, the pieldtnts of the afflicted Institutions In cluding Prince Matsukata of the Fifteenth Bank, have decided to sell all their personal property and residences I Several of Japans leading merchant princes will be voluntarily Impoverished by this action. VANDERHOOF Everything Is in readiness for Logging' the TAKE NOTICE that Kelley Company Limited, of Vancouver, B.C., Diamond Jubilee of Confederation cele-J occupation Timber Merchants. Intends oration In Vanderhool. There will be to apply for a lease of the following .,.,.,. . . . , described lands: a Patr:"C parade, and pageant, child! Commencing at a post planted aonrox- ren'a sports. Indian baseball match. In-: of the northeast comer of Lot 472, Sewell . - ... . . i Inlet. Moresby Island; thence follow- events, white baseball game, stampede, lng the shore line In an easterly, south- horse racing, boxing fn er.rc?.0rw?trt,Tesa.,0b'L d " tournament. In- of Lot 472; thence north 10 chains, the town have been- generous in donat- pert. more or less, to tne Doini or commence- r,ri. opened following renovation. Merchants oft JOSEPH DOUOLAS WILSON. I Grain Is making good growth in this Agent for 'district and grass and clover is in. good Dated 39th April' l""1 C0' U ,hP- "y alfalfa suffered frum irusi m -nny spring dui tne mixed crop of oats, peas and sunflowers looks promising. Mr. and. Mrs. Harry Ingham and . , " I . 'John Ingham have come up H 4 from " Seat- In Prince Rupert Land Recording ,, . District of Prince Rupert, and situate " y. motor for few .-weeks' visit. at Sewell Inlet. Moresby Island, Queen They were among- the jearlfest settlers &ct iU&rll, J"1 strict ; -ad Company Limited., of Vancpuvenv B.Ci pioneers in "juslness at Vanderhopf; otcupatloii Timber , MorchaAta,.,tlntehds4', . !-. ..!,;,'.. ' h$& va4 "e Wllowlhgj, . R McCorkel! hasurcha boat wommentvug av 'a posi piantea at " uwip r irriguiiug un nor- the sbutheast corner of Lot 471; Sewell thern . water. The trip from Port Iirtet. Moresby Island. Queen Charlotte . r . . . island, north; 31.43 chains: thence east """P1 i" ron .James was made in SI. 17 chains; thence In a southwesterly thirty hours, running time. The boat direction, lolowing the snore line to ' s 45 t(t ionl " 8 wlth , tea d the point of commencement, and con- . . talnlng 30 acri, more or less. .has two ,0 18 hp. engines. JOSEPH DOUOLAS WILSON, ' : Krni lor Mr Kelley Logging Co. Ltd. Dated 23th April. 1927. MINERAL ACT (I'orm K) (T.KTiriCATK OF IMI'ltO KMKNTS and Mrs. W. D. Fraser, who have , been stationed at Port St. James for , about eight years, left last week for Hudson, Ontario, where Mr. Fraser has Mrs. J. H. F. Icey of Vanderhoof left last week (or an extended trip to her old home In England. She was accompanied by her daughter and sister, Mr.. Harold Brown ol Vancouver. " - -v i George and Phyllis Oray have return. d to their home at the rectory, Chilco, after attending school In prince Ru- PAIN in BLADDER Promptly Ciittf by 8ANTAL JHiDY It sur u gst tht Qsnulns Loo foe th word "MIDV ld"i" U Jruiu" ' TEN DAY SALE FreC Burden, who was here last week, said that, as far as he knew, there was no change In the pulp mill program. . James Orahara Is In charge of a crew of men working on the Blackwater toad, between Vanderhoof and the Mud River district. . Hon. Dr. Tolmle, provincial leader of the Conservative party, spoke In the poinmunlty Hail here . last evening . . Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Anderson have started 'the construction of a residence on "lots near .the Burns Lake -public school. P. Brunell Is doubling the capacity of his general store, A. R. Brown and Taylor Jensen having the contract for the work. . Alex. J. D. MacDoueall of Blnta Lake been transferred In the service of the jcft last week for a trip to Voncouver. Hudson Bay Co. p uate In the Skeena Mining Division of j Vanderhoof on July 9. Prof. Hare of Prince Rupert District. the niversltv of n.itih oninmw. .,111 where Located un Former jsiana. . . ' TAKE NOTICE that Lewis V. Patjnore, be the chief speaker and R. Q. Sutton, Free Miner's Certificate No. B015I C, the 1 district hortlmltuVallst. and A. E. duly authorized aijent of Frank Patter- Di-j. ... son! Free Miner' Certificate No. 89137 C, I ""-""'ui'- "vi.r 01 iiiusirauon sta- lntend, sixty days rrom tne date nereoi. 1 nuns, wju aiso ne in Attendance. to apply to tne Mining jtecoraer ior - Certificates of Improvements, for the ,. mrpose of obtaining a Crown Orant of "c "uuwu now, ownra oy Mr. he above claims. and Mrs. J. W. II. Day, has been re- Ana luriucr ibkc notice mai action, under Section 83, must be commenced before the issuance of such Certificate of Uev. W. R. Ashcroft and John Yonl The annual field day will be held at urt f, . . v.,,v. the Imilnlon Illustration station ln'.rt ,h.r' ,itj, in h. ,ti. J. A. Wiggins and J. Norton Fit-chett of Forestdale have left for a motor trip to Vancouver. D. Cochrane has resigned his position as principal of the Burns Lake school and leavea this week for Vancouver by auto. Mr. Cochrane has 'been located here for two years and haa taken an active part In all community undertakings. His decision to leave la generally egretted. Word Jias been received' in town of the marriage on MayViin England of F. C. H, Ramsden, who -was In business In Burns Lake for over six years, and Miss Llla McKenrle. Jack Roberts Is busy making an to his hotel here. Burns Lake will hold a celebration on July 18. Committees for the event have been named m follows: finance and advertising, Dr. J..T, Steele and Sidney Godwin; aporU, R. love, W. N. Camp- bill, C. Hartley, A. E. Klasock and A. Ten Dav SPECIAL DISCOUNTS ON RUNNING SHOES for Men and Women 20 per cent For Children 15 per cent TEtf DAY SALE SALE of V Seasonable Merchandise Starts on Wednesday, June 29 These Hems have been carefully selected from our stock. at this time to help you choose your holiday re(uirenicnts at a . liijj saving. FOR LADIES Ladies' Cotton Combinations. IJegular $1.35 value. Ten Day CAp Sale Price 0V Ladies' Cotton Vests. Regular 40c value. Ten Day Sale fl-l A A Price, 4 for tJlUU Ladies' Cotton Bloomers. Regular 55c value. Ten rs:!:.. $1.00 Ladies' Art Silk Vests. Regular $1.45 value. Ten Day Q4 Aft Sale Price -P.UU Ladies' Art Silk Bloomers. Regular $1.75 value. Ten Day 'Cf nff J.t Sale Price " Ladies' Art Silk Hosiery. Regular 75c value. Ten Day Sale B1 AH Price. 4 for OX.UU Ladies' .Jenny Lind Hose. Ten Day rS0 Sale Price 1 ' Ladies' Silk Holeproof Hosiery, black and brown only. The $1.75 line to clear at Ten Day 7P Sale Price 1 Ladies' White Panama I fats. Great for picnics. To clear at Ten Day 90' Sale Price DISTINCTLY SPECIAL! 15 pairs of Running Shoes assorted, including a few pairs of men's. Regular $1.50 and $1.75 value. Ten Day Qn Sale Price ...... . UOXj 75 pairs of Ladies' White Canvas Slippers. Hr. 50c SHOE DEPARTMENT SPECIALS Children's white and brovrn Fleet Foot Slippers. Sizes 4 to ioy2. Ten Day Sale Price Sizes 11 Ten Day Sate Price to 2. 75c 95c Ladies' Tennis Oxfords. Ten Day CI OC Sale Price ...... Men's White Tennis Shoes. Regular $1.85 value. Ten Day flj-f QC Sale Price iU FOR CHILDREN Children's Socks. Colors' castor, brown and fawn. Regular 35c and 40 value. Ten Day Sale Q-f ft A Price, 4 pairs for vliUW Children's White Buster Brown Stockings. Regular 75c value. Ten Day Sale Price, 2 pairs for.. iOX Children's Woollen Bathing Suits. Sizes 22 to 2G. Regular $2.75 value. Ten Day fl CA Sale Price Children's Cotton Bathing Suits. All sizes. Regular 85c and 90c value. Ten Day ' Sale Price. 55c Boys' Cotton Jerseys, khaki and blue. Sizes 24 to 34. Regular 75c value. Ten Day Sale G1 AA Price, 2 for ..... Boys' Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers. Regular" 65c value. Ten Day dftp Sale Price A, Men's Balbriggen Shirts and Drawers. Regular $1.00 value, Ten Day' , Ap Sale Price ......... Jabour Bros., Ltd. BETTER DENTISTRY ' Vv j . W I I . Ia W. McKenna. Weather during the past few weeks has toeen Just right for hay and grain. Prospect, for the hay crop are the best In years and. if there are a few more rains, .there will tie a bumper crop of wheat In the Lakes District. Optimistic reports are received re-gardlng the ore bodies discovered In stripping operation, carried on by the Sliver Island Mining & Developing Co. on their claims In the Bablne country, The manager. II. J, Mocdonald, Is very enthuced over the prospects. (Ml PLATES that ' - . " gives you a natural appearance and lend beauty to the contour of the face; ; I .; Afeys Dr. MAGUIRE Over Ormes R. Brown; grounds, P. Brunell, A. M. Ruddy, T. Jensen and M. F. Nourse; re freshments and dance, Mrs. II. D. McNeill. Mrs. A. E. Klssock, Mrs. A. Anderson. Mrs. C. Hartley, A. M. Ruddy and Phone 525 Ladies Hose SILK TO THE TOP Chlf fonS'or Silk, in all color? . 3TO'THE-!AIRv $2.50 The Louvre 31G Third Avenue; Next Koynl Rank ti