IIBilFHMff-F' IVI. ll Mil ISBBBerVS that Hit the Spot Jus add a dash of Column's Mustard, freshly mixed td the sandwich fillings, and you'll be well repaid by an appreciative " These sandwiches certainly are delicious I" fobnan'sM tiias A, J. ustard digestion. ... The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. PULLEN - - - Managing Editor. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION itt Saturday, July 2, 1927 POSSIBILITIES OF THE ISLANDS There are great possibilities for development on the islands which form the outer fringe of the British Columbia coast. We have often 9po.n,of the Queen Charlotte Islands but refer more particularly, ,on tnts occasion to the smaller group nearer the coast. One' of these la Porcher Island. ;V Just"Yiow there is a gold mine being developed there on what is known as the Patterson property and the new owners expect to ship from 20 to 25 tons of ore a day from it. This is no experiment, because already shipments from the mine have brought food returns. Tfiere are other prospects on the island that may prove valuable and there are agricultural prospects in the valleys. One possibility that has been overlooked is that of raising cattle on the island. There is plenty of good feed there in the summer and even in the winter the deer thrive and keep fat. It is suggested that cattle in large numbers could be raised there and this industry might prove to be a good one on other islands on the coast. There would have to be a sufficient number to make it worth while looking after them and if possible sufficient hay lands should be secured; to raise most of the feed necessary to keep them during the ..short cold snaps in the winter. Possibly the screenings from the elevator might be utilized for the purpose. . . . s ' Working for the purpose of acquiring is ethically incorrect. The true man is he who Works to become. You do not mind the sting of a bee because the insect earns its living and benefits mankind but the bedbug is beyond the pale. It gets in its dirty work at night and Its -habits are disgusting. ROAD CONTRACT LET '' The road contract is leUand the firm is one that is fully quail f fied to carry it through to completion. It is satisfactory to know I thatlt has been taken at a low figure so that the province will get a good deal and it will not be so difficult to get more work done in futUre, It is to be hoped that the work will be proceeding within a Very short tfme and that before long it will be possible to drive, not only to the narrows, but to Port Edward. God established a kindergarten and .he called it The Earth and all the inhabitants take part iqthe games. In a few million years the inhabitants may have developed to the adult stage. When hate ruled the world, it was personified and called The Devil. With the passing of hate The Devil is losing his tail, his cloven hoofs and his brimstone and some day he will disappear altogether. DON'T FOIWSET PEACE RIVER Prince Rupert people must never forget the Peace River and its possibilities. We get very enthusiastic over a proposal and then tire of it and allow our interest to lapse. That seems to be the case now in connection with the Peace River. The interests of thjs port are tied up with that northern agricultural district and we must in sist that the route for the western outlet shall.be one in which Prince Rupert will share equally at least with the cities to the sbuth. Every man is a tyrant if he can only find someone to tyrannize. , SITE FOR A SMELTER Just now there is a committee of the Board of Trade busily at work gatheling data on the mines which would be available to supply a smelter if )t were established in this neighborhood. At least it is supposed it is wOrRirtg, frr it was recently appointed for that purpose. With the recent impetus given to mining and the possibility of a great many properties becoming shipping mines it seems as if this is the right time to prepare and not after the ore has been diverted elsewhere. ' There is no place so well suited for a smelter as is this. It could not he nn the townsite, of course, but at Port Edward or Tuck's Inlet or some other suitable location on deep water and also on the railway so that it could receive ores from all the mines in the district without entailing heavy expense. rr A Nlf 70.SICHT" FGRANTS Best Procurable tax mruuaf (THE ORIGINAL) Pure Scotch Whisky RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT BoMUd uJ fartr4 kjr WiTiiaai Cram b Son! United. GMkUicb mmi BImM.CIcnlint DxJUn. Dull-wB--Clfm. ScstW. .tdfiaW This Advertisement ij not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. LUNCHEON FOR j NAVAL GUESTS Commander of U.H.S. Reno Officers Entertained and . Th entertainment committee of th M who occupied th chair. Consul Wakefield. Hon T. O. Pattulto. minister of land. J. C. Brady. MP.. Mayor Newton. Ueift. R. P. Ponder. A. J. Prudxm!rie and F. J. Futlei. After an excellent luncheon. Aid. Stephen, on behalf of the committee Mayor Newton wm particularly pleased that the visit of the battleship -was possible as neither the Japanese nor the British government had been able to tend a ehlp. He assured his listeners that the whole cl:uenhlp was never more pleased than when they were Informed of the arrival of the Rtfio and of the deatre of the Ameri can government to be represented la the celebration. They would be able to parry back very vivid and sincere quest adding that Prince Rupert wa now recognized as a great ocean port snd hoped that It would get the same consideration as ports to the, south. As a result we had the Reno here and he wa very sd for he knew that the people of Rupeft would Justify them-eclves In welcoming their guests. The singing of the National Anthem brought the luncheon to a close. During the forenoon, as the guests of the celebration committee, the of ficers were taken round the city and shown over the Drydock and the Can adian Fish and Cold Storage plant. I t DUmood Jubilee Celebration were boat, to the omrers of the Uulted State dt at rover Reno at toe Commotio r Cafe, on Tnursday afternoiuv uotrananaer Comn. Commander E. R. Root. LieutJ A. M. Bledsoe. Ueut. R. S. Fvrwellj - memories cf the kindly feelings of alH to the republic to the south. Mr. Pattullo wa glad to have the opportunity to Join in the welcome of the visitors. Though they came in a destroyed, an emblem of destruction. jet they came as harbingers of peace and only of destroyers of thoe who would wish for the destruction of the goodwill between the nations. Mr. Brady congratulated Consul Wakefield on his success In getting the Reno here and congratulated Prince Rupert on Its guests. Only recently were the people of the world thrilled by the exploits of Capt. Llnd-berg. He rejoiced that Canada was a young country and assured his listeners that they had much to see here In Prince Rupert. The commercial world was swinging westward and Rupert was certain to be a port of great Importance. Commander Coman said, they felt CABARET DANCE FORROTARIANS Ketchikan Visitors Entertained by Local Club on Thursday Night The Prince Rupert Rotary Club was host' to Ketchikan members of the organization at a cabaret dance In the Commodore Cafe Thursday night. There were between 80 and 90 person in attendance and the function wa In progress from 9.30 to 1.30 o'clock. Principal speakers were Col. J. W. Nlcholls. president of the local club, who presided; Dr. W. E. retersoa, president of the Ketchikan Rotary Club, and J. Becgle, also of Ketchikan. There wa a fine musical program which included vocal and Instrumental numbers and a, feature was the playing ot the Ketchikan Rotary Club orchestra. The presentation to Mr. and Mrs, H. B. Rochester. AM a werlrilnir fflft. rt a was one of the happy events of the evening. Miss Irene Morrison's orchestra . furnished music for dancing. The Ketchikan visitors returned home on the Princess Alice yesterday STEWART The 8tewart Tennis Club will open two new court on .Eighth Street, West, now nearlng compl'etlorT, next Sunday. The occasion will be marked with the playing of a tournament, participants In which will be three teams each from the local club and one each from the Premier. Dunwell and B.C. Sliver. The only reason for the 'report In southern papers that the Premier mine has struck new and phenomenal ore bodies Is attributed by the management to the fact that for some months past the company has been mining high grade ore In one or two of tbe (topes Nerves on Edge? "f Mnfiwwt eemJfJ 1 ewe bu (iM i4 kfltk I frun-e-tvesV lit. J. O. Kisf hti. WrJa.d.L B.C. "Fruit-a-tive" soothes th digestive tract, peally energim srusgfch organs makes you fc-l mat. Male Itrm l-trnifirJ frrh fruit juim romt. nr.1 withtonn ?rorSOtov Know riHxl health again Ensign Nlrkerson and Ensign 0rdnrl hicb ore bodies :.,ve bern kn of ... .. S I" . . I -1 . M. . .1 I.. . V. were pfMent a wn as Alderman hi' " SttfUens Sttfifcens. are conceded to be particularly iua;ni grade, they are uoining out of the ordinary for the Premier. The wedding took ple in Slit Lake nty. titan, last Friday at Mlaa Agncss Pitt atetef of Dale L Pitt, manager i welcomed the guest stressing the fact of the Premier mil, and Sebaatin Em-hat their pre-ieae In Prince Rupert ! oleton of the Premier mine aUS. Both wa an Indication of the general friend- nd apeem haw many frleude in thlD exUUSK between the people of Canada and the SMMa. this district. J. N. Tttrtey ot Vancouver ! tlMMUg his cousin. Dr. J. 11 Carson, at Pre mier. Charles O'Neill, former foreman at the Indian mine, ha returned to Stewart after an absence of three yean. One ot the moat toitsrk4e f retail' moving ffclts" ever utrdertafcen in this dfettfet ha been fSmtateted by Jack Rennie in taking flity ton of freight lhto the Profpetlty Bfperty. on the north fork ot the MarttJot Rim. for the Premier Gold Mfittltt Co. With a crew of fouV men. itr. Itertnle toot in I the supphes and machinery over .one of the most preetpltous (Nits of tbe' north coast, climbing along the Moon-! tarn side to an elevation of over 3,(K feet In le than five miles. Sam Deschamps received word laet week of the death of his youngest brother. Louis, In Walkervllle. Ont.. whom he had not seen since he left horn; forty years ago. R. M. Jackson of the B.C. SUver staff returned from Vancouver recently with hU bride, formerly Mla Hutchinson of Vancouver. TERRACE F. De Kerg'ammaeux of Pari. France, that they were not visitors so much aswho has tpent the pt nt weeks they were one of the Canadians them telves. He thanked the people of Prince Rupert for their very generous hospitality and hoped that the citizens would feel that the Reno was thelr's while In port. . Mr. Wakefield explained that when In -etponse to hi request, to the Ameri can naval authorities to send a battle' ship, he was Informed that manoeuvres mde It Impossible, he reiterated his re visiting with relatives Monday for Montreal. here left on Miss Oracfe Andrews arrived from Anyox on Monday to spend a few diys at the home' of Mrs. E. T. Kenney, en route to her home in Vancouver. Sbe continued her Journey on Wednesday afternoon going via Jasper Park. St. John and Dorlnda Golthurtt returned on Monday from the south where they have been attending school. J. R. Smith, Smlthers, was a business visitor to Terrace on Monday. N. A. Watt, returned to Prince Ru pert on Monday night after spending the week end aa the guest of Mr. and Mrs. George Little. W. Sanson, R. Beecher, R. McRae, and P. Stratton of tbe Lakelse Hatcbetu staff left on Monday for Prince Rupert to take the Dominion Government Fishery examination. N. Thomas, acting road master of the C.N.R. wa in town on Tuesday. 8. C. Gordon and T. H.JIoadley, who acme In over the trail from Alyansh on Sunday, left on Monday for Francois Lake. BUSTER KEATON HERE TONIGHT Comes in "The fieneral" and Takes Part in American Civil War Since the announcement Monday of the movie program for the week a change has taken place and It is a change for the better. Buster Keaton Is coming In "The General." Here Is what one reviewer says ot the picture: "Not so many moons ago, Buster kea ton offered a comedy In which he p!.y h.tift .n... -t,, ..h ' f around with an antiquated train. It luimsnea bo raucn laugnicr mat tne stone-face comedian cannot be censured for doubling In his tracks. 'The General,' hi first opus under the United Artist banner, places him In tbe cab of an old-style-blg-smoke-stac2ed engine from which the film gets Its title and he proceeds to measure out a fair amount of fun. "Buster visualizes an actual detail ot th Civil War the Andrew railroad raid at Big Shanty, Oa in 1882. Unable to get Into the Confederate army, he uses his engine to pilot the boys in gray. Natur.lly It becomes more melodramatic than humorous, though the piece 1 lightened with timely gags here end there." ME.VS TWEED SLITS i"rT,.Sa,e.... S14.95 SillRTS FOR MEN Fine Dress Shirts in English Rroadcloth, Ilohitiay Cords and all wool Flannel. Regular $:l.25 value. Forced Sule 1,95 MEN'S KNITTED TIES A fine assortment in all patterns and plain colors. Regular 75c value. An Forced Sale Price .. OXj BLANKETS Fancy wool and cotton mixed lilankets in all colors. 70x80. Regular $7.50 value. Forced Sale OS yfff, Price OU.IO NOTICE OF INTENTION' TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND, In Coast Range 4, Land Recordlni trlct of Prince Rupert, and sltua1 at uaptam-s uove, rut Uiana, B.C. TAKES NOTICE that Oosse Packing Company Limited, of Vancouver, B.C., occupation Packers,, Intends to apply for a lease 01 tne lonowing aescrioea lands: Commencing at a post planted at the northwest corner of Lot 1233. Range 4; thence south S chains; thence west S chains; thence north to high water mark; thence easterly along high water mirk 9 chains, more or less, to point of commence ment, and containing 3 acres, more or leas. GOSSE PACKINO COMPANY LIMITED, Applicant. Dated June 13, 1927, LAND ACT NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND. In Range 3, Coast Land District. Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate on the south shore of La-Bouchers Channel, B.C. TAKE NOTICE thai Oosse Packing Co. Ltd., of 325 Howe St., Vancouver. B.C., occupation FHh Packers, Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: i Commencing at a post planted at the southeast corner T.L. 103KO, Range ' 3, Coast Land District; thence south 6 chsUi:. thence west 10 chains; thence north 8 chain to shore; thence easterly along shore to point of commencement, and containing 6 acres, more or less. OOSSE PACKING CO. LTD.. Applicant. Per Chas. L. Robeits. Agent. Dated AprU 7, 1927, of ME.VS SEKfiE SUITS !':rd.Sale....s3i85 A Bihmore Straw Hat Is the thing for warm days. Keep cool and be comfortable. Regular $3.50 value for $2.05. Regular $2.25 value for tin UNDERWEAR FOR MEN "ROBIN HOOD" BRAND Light weight all wool, English Make Underwear In two piece suits. M st comfortable for the warmer weather. Regular price $2.75 per garment. Q4 Qfl Forced Sale Price, per garment . . vi STRICTLY CASH AT THESE PRICES. District of Prince Rupert, snd Kuate at Sewell Inlet, Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte laland TAKE NOTICE that Kelley Logging Company Limited, cf Vtneouvar, B.C.. occupation Timber Merchant, intendi to apply for a lease of the following uim.1 iucu iijvsnure;' Commencing at a post planted appro .,,, u uiisuia auum. w degrees ess from the northeast corner of Lot 472. Sewell Inlet, Moresby Island; thence fo. lowing the hlgl, water mark In an east-1 erly, southerly and southwesterly dlrec-1 tion to Its Intersection with the easterly , boundary Of Lot 472: then southerly and easterly to the northwest corner ol S.T.L. 6218 P.; thence lh t northwesterly direction to the point of commencement, and containing 48 acres, more or less. JOSEPH DOUOLAS WIlfiON, Agent for Kelley Logging Co. Ltd. Dated 29th April. 1927, LAND ACT NOTICE Of INTENTION TO APPlA To Lease i.Axr In Range 4, Land Recording District ot Prince Rupert, and situate at Barnard Cove. Princess Royal Island. TAKE NOTICE that the MUlerd Packing Company Limited of Vancouver, B.C., occupation Salmon Cannsn, intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a Dost Dlanted alone. side post marked N.W. L2573; thence southerly along high water mark 20 cnains, more or less, to a post marked S.W. L2573; thence west to low water mark: thence northerl t alon? inw at. mark 20 chains, more or less, to a point ui uic puuit oi commencement: thence east &o Hnk mnr. P iu ... point of commencement and containing pne-quarter acre, more or less. MlbLEHD PACKINO COMPANY LIMITED, . . Applicant Dated June 18, 1927, Mens Furnishings and Clothing :: '3S3SS3 i'II.13 tllR STONR WITil i:.(iKR RI YEIK. JI.UMiAlN PRICKS ATTRACT (iREAT ATTENTION. SUITS FOR MEN We have a groat assortment of Men's Suits in Tweeds, Serges and Worsted and in all sites. Our clothing -me from the best tuiluis in ( unuda and every garment i tin-bfgfest alUe,ever offered for the money. Most men can be doing with a it pure sui;, if you can, selle this opportunity to get a good suit at a bargain price. These prices make ir worth your while. MEN'S WORSTED SUITS r'r!.8al.e... $29.75 sinirrs for men Work Shirts, in khaki and blue colors. Cood hin d wu n -ing material. Regular $1.25 value. Qff0 Forced Sale Price .. 00 MEN'S WORK SOCKS Guaranteed all wool. Code's 3 lb. Regular fific value. ffAp Forced Sale Price .. OXJ MK.VS WOUK 1 ) RLOVES f . Nit ft... I Li. If! . - t . nccory nogs, ine kiv kind that last and arc i-aa.1 on the hands. Regular value. -Jit? Forced Sale Price VXaAtJ SWBATKRS FOR MKN "DIAMOND" IIRAND Guaranteed genuine all wool .Sweaters, made In Scotland and worn the world over. Characteristic hard wearing quality. Regular $5.00 value, fljl Off Forced Sale Price O1 O These are only a few of the many bargains thai nwalt you here as every garment In the Store is included In this sale. Nothing reserved. TH0R JOHNSON Second Avenue, Prince Rupert. C.P.R. steamer Princes Alice. Capt LAND ACT Thomas Cliff, arrived tn port from -- - - Vancouver at 8 o'clock yesterday morn- M,rl( K ()F I-N'TE.NIIOX TO .IPItV Td lag and sailed at 10 for Alaska porU LEASE rofcEIIOKE. The vessel had 200 passengers for the in prince Rupert Lnd Recording norm, uu 01 wnicn were rouna-inpj tourist. LAND ACT. STRICTLY CASH AT THESE PRICES. Canton Crepe DRESSES from $12.50 Smart little WashD resses sizes 7 to 1G From $1.50 to $2.23 BENT'S LADIF.S' RKADY-TO-WEAR Third Avenue ANGER, the TAILOR We carry a fine stock of imported Scotch Tweeds, Fancy Worsteds and Serge, Every garment tried on before finishing, 223 Sixth Street