PACF FOI R ihh mail t .tta BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManns I 7 ' l . M 1 1 I ! 1 1 CREAT HUUtNV L f IP VDO DftlMK. TT Neglected TXIIS SOME DRINK I D GIVE A LOT I LOOK JV 14 AM , (t , ' II I wtvfi PICKED UP , MiUK' Ou Kfl I OF VJATER WfVE I TOEE AN V 7 V: , ' 1 I ' THEuruTHOUeL OUT OF LOCK " j i GEJLNl FCM" OVtR-TT ABOUT TIME we land'. Eyes v NEGLECT is doubtloa..lhi . cause of most of the UUTnat h afflict humanity. This is a self evident that It eem hardly necessary to tell you. If your eye are rlvtaR trouble, have them attended to and at once. OF ALL absurdities in the kingdom of foolishness, surely the lmw of eyesight through neglect it tl moat inexcusable. DONT lose health an,d effl ciency through neglect Come and seel Fred Joudry Registered Optometrist and Optician Room 3 Smith HWk Phone 7f3 tJtRM BUu,ttWTHM YOU nEtT- IWWHl CAN'T Be SCAT! ' i. icr.. . Ask the master builders of tnis town where to go for lumber and they will turn your footsteps in this direction. They maintain that the kind of woods we sell is the sort that should be put into a building that is expected to live to a ripe old age. Albert & McCaffery Phones 1IC and 117 VELVET Cream THE VERY REST! Take a brick home tonight! We cater for Parties, Picnics, Danees, etc. Prompt Delivery Velvet Ice Cream Co Corner Third Avenue and. Second Street Phone 758 Prince Rupert BOAT HOUSE Thone 381 P.O. Rox 1565 LAUNCHES. SCOWS, ROW'. ROATS AND CANOES SAND AND GRAVEL Equipment for Diving and Salvage Work Agents for Easthope Engines and Stump Pullers NORWEGIAN HALIRUT GEAR IN STOCK Compass Adjusting JSWsV'isiir LINDSAY'S" Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specinlize in Piano and Furnitun Moving. HONORS EVEN ! IN BASEBALL Ketchikan Won First Game of Series! and Prince Rupert Second Ketchikan asm Pitoer Rupert shared honar In the Dliunond Jubilee baseball Thusday evening, the visitor won 6 o 4 In a fan that vu featured by couple of fatal fielding breakdown m ihe part of the laeals. Oood tight basettaU vi placed Mr tbe ftrst three frames and. In tbe fourth, Ketchikan took the lead with four run though there were only two hit. Rupert wa from then on ptajrtng behind although j '.III iiupe m im ihh Imc jugu iu nn fifth when the leoals made seven hlta with, however, only three rum. In the e enth, Ketchikan got two more run ucroa but Rupert wa not able to overcome tbe Jead, their only further wore being one run In the nisth Prince Rupert excelled In bating and pitching honrg were fairly even but It wa in field work where the locals fell down. Play by play, the flnt game was a follow: First Inning. Ketchikan Mills hit to Moran. out at first, Moran to Dawnley Hagel was walked by Lamble. Harris sacrificed, Moran to Downle. Hagel ad vanced to second on Harris' sacrifice. Oarn filed out to Wendell. No runs, no hits, no errors. Rupert Hurley made three pasxes and retired to the bench. Moran filed out to Harris at second. Wendell followed Hurley's example and also struck jut. No runs, no hits, no errors. Second Inning, Ketchikan Wiggins hit to Balfour In right field, who wa playing too deep to make an easy out. Higganson sacrificed advancing Wig gins to second. Hoban struck. Kubley up, Wiggins advances to third on a wild throw of Lamble's. Kuble hit to Hur ley, out Hurley to Downle. No run, one hit, one error. Rupert Downle hit to Oarn at short. out Oarn to Kubley. Balfour hit a scorcher to Oarn who handled It with ease, and threw him out, Oarn to Kub ley. Haveland bit to second making the third out. Harris to Kubley. No runs, no hits no errors. Third, Ketchikan DuCey hit to slow grounder to Lamble making an easy out, Lamble to Downle. Mills filed out to WendeU. Hagel hit to Downle who made the third out unassisted. No runs no hits, no error. Rupert Farquhar struck out. Mlna-han out at first, Oarn to Kubley. Lam ble Hied out to Mill in left field. Np runs, no hits no errors. FATAL I'OrUTH Fourth ;nnlng, Ketchikan. Harris up, walked by pitcher. Lamble seemed to laae control and also walked Oarn tbe next man up. Wiggins hit a nice liner to deep right field for two bases, scoring Harris' and Gam. Lobllc replaced Lamble In the' box. Lobllc leaving been sent In without warming up, felt the effect and walked th first two men Higganson and Hoban. filling the bases. Kubley makes a nice hit to right Held scoring Wiggins and Hlggan- tit Dufley and Mills. Hagel. the ninth man up in this Inning, hit to Lobllc who threw to Downle making the third out. 4 runs, 2 hits, no errors. Rupert 'Hurley filed out to Wiggins In centre field. Moran hit to short Wendell up, Moran stole second, Wen dell filed otit to Wiggins. Downle filed cut to Oarn at short. Three down No runs, one hit, no errors. Fifth Inning, Ketchikan Harris hit to Hurley who fielded weU, throwing nice to Dowule making the first out Oarn hit lo first, Downle making the second out unassisted. Wiggins struck out. No ruiis, no hits, no errors. Rupert. Balfour made a nice hit to centre field. Haveland hit to Harris who threw So Garn -forcing Balfour at second. Farquhar hit to centre field scoring HavUand. Mlnahan followed with a nlcv. two base hit to left field. Lobllc tip. Farquhar out trying to steal home. Hagel to Hoban. Lobllc followed with another two base hit to right field. Hurley placed a little hit be tween second and short, scoring Lobllc Moran hit to Harris, forcing Hurley at second. 3 runs, 7 hits, no errors. Sixth Inning, Ketchikan. Higganson out. Hurley to Downle. Hoban hit to centre field. Kubley hit to short ad vanclng Hoaan to second. Dutfey up. Hoban out trying to steal third, Mlna. turn to Hurley. Dulfey out, Mlneban to Downle. No runs, no errors, two hit. The Mailman Nothing halts His Majesty's Mail. That's why we mailmen like to see Champions in stalled in our delivery cars we know they're dependable always. CKamfan It ttu bntr Surlt plut WcaiM. at Ut baDU-tlMml tilUm cur iu tuxt-pfct emwructUn and iu tp cIa! analytU tUamd, for tMM ' Ckmmpion Can other thn ford 90 ; i Champion SparJPlugs WINDSOR. ONT. A. CANADIAN-MADE PRODUCT Rupert WendeU hit a screaming liner to Oarn miking the first out Downle out Garn to Kubley. Balfour struck out. No runs, no hits no errors. VISITOKS sCOItt: AOAIN Seventh. Ketchikan. Mills out to Lobllc to Downle. Hagel hit to Hurley j moundsmen could make but one strike-who threw wild to first. Hagel going ; out while Loblic, pitching fine game to second. Harris bit to Wendell, Hagel going to third. Wendell threw wild to first. Harris going to second and Hagel scoring. Wiggins hit to right field icorlng Harris. Higganson filed out to Downle who went into the grand stand to retrieve the ball. Two runs, one hit, two errors. Rupert. Haveland out, Hagel to Kubley. Farquhar walked by the pitcher. Mlnahan filed out to Harris. Lobllc struck out. No runs, no hits, no errors. Eighth. Ketchikan. Lobllc hJU his stride and strikes out three In succession. Hoban being the first victim followed by Kubley and Duffey. No runs, no hits, no errors. Rupert Hurley hit to Harris, out Harris to Kubley. Moran knocked a' high Toul ball that Hoban gathered In. Wcndetl filed out to Wiggins. No runs, no hits, no errors. Ninth, Ketchikan. Mills made first on Moran'a error. Hagel sacrificed Lobllc to Downle,. Mills going to second. Harris reaches first on Lobltc's error. Oarn hit by pitched ball, buses full and only one down. Loblic looks around and sizes the situation up then set- ties down to strike out Witnun-- Hie- Eastern CENTRAL & EASTERN STATES EDMONTON JASPER TicketB on sale to Sept. 30th. Final return limit Oct. 31st. Choice of routes Stopovers. Full information from CITY TICKET "OFFICE 528 Third Avenue. Fhone 2C0 ::::nmnniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiniiiiiiiliiMiiim;iiii;;;;ill":v Canadian 'SEE CANADA IN CANADA'S aansca fUed out to Moran. No rhm. m hits, two terara. Rupert Downie UU to eeatre field. Hallour walked advancing Downle to second. Haveland hit to centre field soaring Downle. The Rupert team tries hard for a ninth lnntag rally, but Far-qufcar Wed out to W toxin in centre fieM. Mlnahan tUrd out to Harrta at seoond Lobllc hit to Hagel making the third and last out Hagel to Kubley. One rua. two hits, no errors. Two base hits were aaade by Wlf- l-lna (Kttchlkan): Farquhar. Lobtle iKupertt. Churn and Wiggins starred for Kft- efcffean tm$ MUslbaa and Havetand for Hagel had t atrtke-oats. Lamble had one and Lobllc eveti. Hsfei walked two men. Lamble three, and Lobtle two. T1IK TKAMH Ketchikan MM. If.. Hagel, p.. Harris fb.. Oarn as.. Wiggins, c. Higganson, Sb- HOban catcher, Kubley lb, Duffey, Prince Rupert Hurley, 1).,. Meran 2b., Wendell m.. Downle. lb.. Balfour rt.. ilaveUuid ef.. Farquhar If. Mlnahan. catcher. Lamble. p. lt-4th, Lobllc p. 4th-th. Harry Mende umpired balls and strikes: Smith bases and Doug Frlzzell wa scorer. hi:r(IM CiAME In the second game yesterday after' noon, which finally got going after a record sized crowd bad waited fully half an hour after the scheduled time for startbig, Ketchikan was entirely out 'of form. While tbe locals were playing airtight ball, the visitor could neither hit or field. Three Ketchikan pitcher were used nd the only tune the visitor got to-bases was In the fifth on a walk. The game was called on account of rain at the end of the fifth Inntne with the score 10 to nil In ..-, of p-.. nunert. The home team scored In all but one Inning, the second. Taylor started In the box for Ketch! kaa and was replaced by Harris who gave way to Wiggins. Tbe three with splendid support, fanned eight batters. Harry Menzies and Brick Skinner were umpires. MOOSEWlNNERS DOMINION CUP Final Yesterday Was Fiercely Fought Rattle 2-1 Score The final for the Dominion Day foot ball cup between the Regiment and Moose yesterday was a typical trophy game, Jt was not sa much football of passing game as a naro-iougnt uust- ling match. All .through, play was even and though th.'Iteglment claimed a goal early. It was Moose who got the first and, as It turned out, the only one of the match when Bye beat Corbett after Black had missed. The second half wa hard-fought game with the Regiment auarlcing fiercely and Moose always dan us m heir breakaway. The last gV JZs ri Canada - CALGARY imillllllirnninrmmnmD.'nmimnimmTnnnrTTnTi National DIAMOND JUBILEE YEAR- . 167-1927 A anted For Sale For Rent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for lets than 50c FOH SAl.K I WILL SELL AS A OOINO CONCERN my secondhand business, and rent or sell partly furnished four roomed flat with toilet and bath. Modern flat over store. A good proposition. Phone 774. O. F. Brine. TOR SALE. FOUR CYLINDER. 4- Oyele 20-24 h.p. Palmer engine, with abaft and propeller. tSSO.OO. Eighteen foot copper fastened launeh. Cheap. M. M. Stephen. FOR BALE.- EQUITY IN RETURN SOL- dler'a house, five room and bath, Atlln Avenue. Or would rent. Preference given to Returned Soldier. Phone Red 713. 154 FOR SALE OR RENT HOUSE ON 1037 Oraham Avenue. Section 2. Preference given returned soldiers. Apply to D. J. Matheson. City Treasurer FOR SALE OR CHARTER. 48 FOOT combined fish carrier and tow boat. 27 HP AUas Engine. Handles 7.000 humps. M. M. Stephens, FOR SALE. FIRST CLASS BUSINESS block; easy terms; or will lease cheap to right party. Call owner, 223 Second Avenue. Phone 787. J47 FOR SALE. ONE OARFORD TRUCK motor: One Hudson motor. I7S.0O each. Parker's Oarage. tf FOR SALE. FIRST CLASS RESTAU- rant. Do not lose your occasion I Apply PX. Box 72S. tf FOR SALE. BACK BAR AND BAR: solid oak: cheap. Apply 723 Second Ave. 154 FOR SALE, t- BABY BUOOY. 330 Fourth 'Avenue East. Phone Blue 508. DAVENPORT FOR SALE IN OOOD condition. Phono Red 713. 154 ROWBOATS FOR SALE. PHONE RED 83S. tf EXCHANGE NEW AND SECONDHAND FURNITURE bought, sold and exchanged. Papa-dopulo and Marrls, 839 Third Ave Phone 640. tf RENTAt'llANT flOOll EATS CAFE Mrs. Unger. Proprietress again personally In charge. Third Avenue. Next O. W. V. A. iiMMl Home Cooked Meal. Phone Black 700. twenty minutes Was a steady "bombard ment of the Moose goal but the defence held out and' the Moose idded their name Jot the 'second time' to' the list of the winners of th$ cup. For Moose, Sam Currle. Sam Erskln and Brick Skinner were sound, and for the Regiment Hunter. Norrlngton and MaeDonald were In the limelight. -The team! were: Moose Lamble; Skinner and Ersktne; Mitchell, Currle and Koppers; W. Murray, J. Murrsy, T. Black, Bye and Hodgklnaon. Regiment Corbett; MacKay and Hun ter; Wallace, Harris and Tinker; Wilson Russell, MaeDonald, Doherty and Nor rlngton. Referee Oeo. Russell. Linesmen A. Clapperton and J. Ross. After tbe game the Moose were hosts at the Moose Hall informally to the Moose team and captain and member of the Regiment. J. S. Wilson, on behalf of the Regi ment, congratulated the Moose on their victory and expressed the hope that. In the next competition, the Regiment would have the pleasure of entertaining the Moose. Sam Currle "for the Moose said It was anybody's game till the final whistle went. He was proud to be captain of the winning team and said they were always ready to accommodate the Regi ment at any time. Other speakers were T. Black, Major Arnold, A. Murray and L. R. Parry. Raymond A. Fisher arrived on the Prince George yesterday morning from Victoria and Is spending a few day here with hi parents, Mr. and Mr. W. S. Fisher, Fourth Avenue East, before proceeding to tbe interior to take up work in his capacity as agronomist for the provincial department of land. Advert! In th Dally Nwa AGENTS WANTED AGENTS EARNINO 10 TO 120 DAILY selling new book "Life story Lrnd-brrgh snd New York to Paris Flight." Liberal terms. Write for free outfit at one. Winston Oo , Toronto. AOENTS. EITHER 6EX 7f A WEEK easy selling Palco Cleaners. Sella oa sight. Cleans everything like magic. Free samples. P. A. Leftbvre and Co.. Alexandria, Ont FOR RENT FOR RENT. NEWLY DECORATED modern house: also small furnished house. Apply 316 Fourth Avenue Esst. FOR RENT. FURNISHED APART-ment by the day. week or moeth. Phone Red 607. tf FOR RENT FOUR ROOM FURNISHED suite: steam heated. Apply tenltta Si Mallett, Ltd. tf FURNISHED SUITES FOR RENT. Apply Mussallem Grocery. Phone 18. ROOMS FOR RENT. BOARD IF desired. Phone Black 12S. PIANO FOR RENT. 85.00 A MONTH. Walker's Music Store. ROOMS TO RENT. PHONE 078. tf AUCTIONEER AM CONTINUING IN BUSINESS. UP to the time of retiring, on business principles. This Is fair, I buy fr cash, sell at your own figure, sell on commission or by auction. My stock 1 locally handled and by the beet people. No reasonable offer refused. Oolng out of business sale Phone 774. O. F. Brine. Auctioneer. PLASTERING I NEW WORK FROM 54c to 75c a square yard. All material supplied. Repslr plaster work by dy or job. Phone W. O. Smith. Red 60S. 160 UPHOLSTERING FURNITURE REPAIRINO: UPHOLr tterlng of all kind. Cbeiterfleld recovered and made to order. All work guaranteed. Phone Oreen 603. O. M. HUNT. FURNITURE 100 LINOLEUM MATS 25c. ALL FELT Mattresses from 110.00. Dining room suites from 1130.00. Wicker and Cane chairs from 88.00. Child's Cribs.' , complete, from 813.50. Towel, each 25. Cretonnes, per yard from 2hir tr 81.00. 2od Blinds from 81.00. ' A. MacKENZIE. FURNITURE. I'lione 773. K.tlEX ClAKAfii; Agents for all, MOTORS I'ISOKICTH Another carload of Ohevrolets Just In I Prices: Roadster 882500 Roadster Delivery 8823.00 T6urtng , 88250 Coupe 8985.00 Coach 8903.00 Sedan 81.075.00 Landau Sedan 11,120.00 Cabriolet 81.100.00 Commercial Chassis ........ 8045.00 Delivery Express Chassis .... 8805.00 29 x 4.40 Balloon Tire standard equipment on all model except De livery Express chassis. Call or phone for dtmonitratlon, KAIEN GAB. (IE Third Avenue Phone .13 TAXI Phone 67 Taxi (Cull George, T&ul or Gust) Six and Seven Passenger Stude- bakers at your disposal any time ROSS RROS. POOL ROOM Meeker I Hock. (Across from Empress Hotel) C.N.R. TRAINS I'or the Rant-Dally Except Sunday 10:30 am From the Enht Dally except Tueidty 8.30 pjn. Articlet Lost and Found, &c STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS I'or Vanruutrr-MotMlay s Prtnoe Oeontc 4 Tvetday s Cauls . Thursday as Prtnoe Cliailr. ; Osrrlen ... i Print as Beatrin 1 1 t - u Dm . . . July J -a. Prttmsa Loulxe " ft as. PtlBMwa Allor " a- as. Prttxtsa Charlotte " 13 ss. Princess Louise " 16- Prlne Alice , " 27- -ss. Princes Alice . , im IW VaniiMner Sunday- as. Oatals 4 p : Monday as. Prince Charles U30 a i Wednesday- -tPrlnce Oeonri, 0.M i Friday ss. Prtnoe Rupert 10 so a Saturday-as. Prtnoe ss Beatiice a " 4- as. ri'lnws Chariot e . 8 sa. Princess Louise . . t, " II ss. Prtnosss Alice . " 18 Prtneaas Louise " 23 ss. Princess Alice " 28 ss. rrlmtss Charlotte - td mm. TMm !,! I fur Port Mmpmn and Naa IlUrr fTldj" . Gardens . .(..pi I'rnm Purt Mmpw'ti mid Naa Itlirr Vnr Aii)i. Mrrt. He. SttBdsy sa. OMala . 8 i Monday... Prince chu le I i Frtdaf . Prince Rupri 4 j : I'rom Arrynx, Htensrt. rir. Twwday sa Cataia Thursday, .ss. Princess Charles 10 30 .. Saturday a. Prince Rupert .a , or North iuren (iiarlolte Monday ss Princes Charles 4 -From North ueen fliarlotles Thursday . Prince Charles Hi :tu I'or holllli liiern Charlotte July 4--sa Prlnee John. tnuit. " 18- . prince John undi. From Mutli Queen f'harlulles July 18 a. Prince John " 21 sa. Prince John I'or Alakks Wednesday. Prince Oeoiye 4 ; July 1 as. Princess Alice " 4 m. Princess Chariot te 8 ss. Princess Louise 11 s. Princess Alice II ss. princess Charlotte 18.. Princess Louise 224;. Princess Alice From AUhka Monday-- Prince George 1030 July 2 ss. Princess Louise . . 6 as. Princess Alice " ' 8 m. Princess Charlotte . " 18 ss. Princes Louise " 16 as. Princess Alice 20 s. Princess Charlotte - 23 -sa. Princess Louise MAIL SCHEDULE Jt I.V l!27 For the East Mondays. Wednesdays. Saturday- m eloses 10 30 From the East Monday. Wednesdays. Frltliiys due a 10 To Vanoouver Mondays : j Tuesday 4,i I Tbursdayr Diturdjy & :i OJPJl. 2 b. 0, IS. 16. 20 23 27 From Vanciiiiver Mondays Mall due Wednesday 1030 Friday 1030 J O.P.R. 1, 4, 8, 11. 15. 18. 22. 25 To Anyox, Alice Ann, Premier ..Stewart- Sunday mall close '' I Friday :t From An.vo, Alice Ann, I'remlrr Mfwart Saturdays mall duel Tueadays To Nan Klrrr Points 1.1 U 1, IVJ.Ti 1 From Naa River Points-Saturday mall dur To Alaska Points- July 1, 4, B, 11. 15. 18. 22. 25. 29 From Alaska Points- July 2, 6, 0. 13. 10. 20. 23 27 S Lower Island Mondays 4, 18. From Queen Charlotte Island Pln Lower Ilnd, Wednedy 13. X