PAGE SIX Great : Bargains Our ulc will soon be over Why not avail yourself of the wonderful bargains at the last moment! A chance of a lifetime!! Ladies' Silk Vest - r. Mc Ladies' Silk Bloomers. . . . 51.25 to $1.75 Ladies' Silk Cloves .. $1.25 Ladies' Princess Slips 85c to $1.25 Stamped Pillow Cases . $1.25 Stamped Dresner Scarfs 65c Stamped Linen Centres $1.35 Stamped Li'iu heon Sets $1.10 A visit will convince you MUSSALLEM'S 417-12.1 Fifth Ave. East Phone IK and Phone 81 Prince Rupert, ILC. Our Glasses FIT uml look well OUK REPAIR DEPART-MENT is equipped for accuracy and service A. E. IRELAND Graduate Optometrist 319 Third Avenue. Opposite G.W.V.A. REMEMBER ! For Montreal prices on Clothing for Men & Boys Don't forget the Montreal Importers Third Avenue J. Ii. Miller - Proprietor For COAL Phone 580 HydeTransfer And Coal Co. 139 Second Avenue Dr. Alexander Smith Mock Phone 75 DENTIST MILK -:- PRICE Reduced to 12 pints for $1.00 7 quarts for $1.00 12 pints for $1.00 . Cash price tickets. McBride Street store now closed Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy - 11th St, Telephone C37. MONSTER CELEBRATION OF CANADA'S JUBILEE OPENED BY MINISTER continued from page on) !le (or Canada. Canada la our home. . there u nothing nearer or clearer than I our home, sad what eeuM be nearer or i dearer than Canada? I We all nope that never again will It be necessary tor any of ua to die (or our country except In peaceful! .rrloe Nevertheless, we know not what the morrow may bring forta. Let ua aa uatlon so comport ounetTee aa to gain the respect and admiration of other na tlona. Aa no man ean lire to himself lone, ao no nation ean live to tUelf alone. We muit think internationally. The progress that baa been acquired In knowledge and Information, and the development which haa taken place aa consequence thereof, would have as-tounded the people of a generation ago. We are becoming ao accustomed to new discoveries that we are no longer astounded at anything. How Important is it. therefore, in a world that Ja becoming ao closely Interwoven, that we should establish friendly and understanding relationships between nation snd nation. WELCOMES DISTItOVI K "We are grateful today that we have LAND ACT. NOTICE OK INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE l..NI. tn Prince Rupert Lind Recording District of Queen Charlotte Islands, and situate at Mawett Indian Village Nj i , TAKE NOTICE that The Mawett Can-iters. Ltd.. of prince Rupert. B.C.. occupation Canners. Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands;-- Commencing at this post planted at the northwest corner of our site at Massett. B.C.; thence southerly 3 chains: thence easterly 3.2.1 chains, more or less, thence northerly 3 chains; thence westerly 3 25 chains, more or lew. to point -if commencement, and containing one acre, mure or lest. THE MASSETT CANNERS. LTD. Applicant Per r. Lorenzen. Agent. DkIihI Anrll an 1(137 CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS c IRON DUKE FRACTION. Miners' claim, Lot No. 2340. situate tn Queew Chsrlotte Mining Division. Prince Rupert district, located on Louise Island. TAKE NOTICE that I. Alex Rogers, o.' Lockeport. B.C.. Free Miner's Certificate No. 27948 C. Intend to apply to the Mining Recorder for a Certificate of Improvements for the purpose of obtaining a crown grant of the above claim. And further take notice that action, under section 89 of the "Mineral Act' must be commenced before the Issuance of such certificate of Improvements. Dated this 11th dav of February. 1027 M.KX ROOERS IANIJ ACT. NOTICE OP INTENTION TO APPLY TO I.LANE LINO In Queen Charlotte Island Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at the head of the south arm of ue ml uecne iniet, Moresoy island. TAKE NOTICE that British Columbia Fishing & Packing Co. Ltd.. of Van couver. B.C.. occupation Packers, intend to apply for a lease of the following described Unas: Commencing at a nest Dlanted at the head of the south arm of De La Beche Inlet. Moresby Islsnd; thence south 3 chains; thence east 20 chains; thence north S chains, more or leas, to hUh water mark; thence west along high water marx 10 point oi commencement, ana containing 10 acres, more or less. BRITISH COLUMBIA FISHINO & PACKINO CO. LTD.. Applicant. Dated June 10. 1027. H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD. LADIES' HIKING KNICKERS A new shipment just arrived Well cut and made in Tweeds or Drill. Sizes 24 to 32 waists Priced from $3.23 to $6.50 H-S-WaiTaceCo-LtfJ. 3rd Ave. and Fulton Phone 9 Ladie Hose SILK TO THE TOP Chiffons or Silk, in all colors 3 TO THE PAIR Special $2.50 The Louvre 316 Third Avenue Next Royal Rank rT-d? and situate tn vicinity of Captain's Cove, Pitt Island. B C. TAKE NOTICE that Oosse Packing Co. Ltd.. ot 326 Howe St., Vancouver, B.C., occupation Fish Packers, Intends to apply for s leuie ot the following described lands: . Commencing at a post planted about , mile distant In a northerly-direction from Lot 1293, Range 4; thence north S liMlna. Mil 91 ph9tnl' ttwt.irit Saturday. July 2, THE DAILY NEWS a SummerDeliglitf AY ATI A AlUlllfl Iced 1 1 I Try It with us tlx.- officers and mm ol Uie United State destroyer Reno." a destroyer cunlK not an Instrument of destruction, but a a message of pesce and goodwill. We appreciate very much trial endeavor or the thousand and one svjcutu it which we are following, all that 1 necessary for us to do. Is for each one- of us each uy to give of the best ttiHt u in him. lit ills own par tus court as v of the peoDle of the United i ticulsr sphere. Let us remember thtt States m Joining with us on the annl- i the material and moral worth of our veraary of our birth as a nation, and : country. Is the sum total of our lndl-we trust that the officers and men of vldusl worth. Let us see Xp it. there to Mod ahlD Reno wilt thoroughly en-! fore, that we make a fair contribution Joy their stay among us. '"The teat service that we can render to other nations. Is to properly develop aur own. Whcle-heartedly and without reservation let ua resolve this day. to consecrate our lives to the upbuilding of our country. This dees not Involve the making of martyrs of 'ourselves. It does not require any miracle. It te all very simple. Whether we are engaged tn af fairs of state, scientific research, lndus- MINERAL ACT (liinii 1) CEItrillCATK Of IMI'liOVEMKNTS NOT I OK to the national welfare In order that Canada may be honored by all nations." OlliKK hPt'AKKKS Other speakers at the opening ceremonies, over which A. 3. Prudhomme presided. Included Mayor Newton, who welcomed the visitors to the city and read Diamond Jubilee mesaogcj from the Governor General, the Parliament of Canada, and Prenver Matkeime King 'Ills Worship especially welcomed the of- t flMira .lul IMn tf T T U U.nn ' J. C. Brady, MP., paid tribute to the Fathers of Confederation and referred "WDtmatN HOPE," TRIXIE." ai.d ..,. , r.J.rtl1,ltam . . Ol.n KRtfTtlf'KY to the fact that pioneering conditions of sixty years ago were rapidly passing. There still remained, however, the great KY" Mineral Claim sit- . ' " " :iate In the Skeena Mlnlnc Division ot Canada, the weaker asserted. Vere de .Tinoc Rupert District. maadtag Irom those at the head of ef- Wbere Located On t'oreher Island. i fllr ,., , ,n ,h. the ,, - ,, or . TAKE NOTICE that lewis W. Patmore. wunfj n Free Miner's Certificate No. 1)9151 C. the I development so that the Dominion might duly authorised agent ot Frank Patter- take Its proper place among the people son. Free Miners Certificate No. 8U13IC I. .w .1 . hereof. ui M" "u"u- "c mn w intend, sixty days from the date to apply to the Mining Recorder for 'the' part being played by the province Certificates of Improvements, for the ' purpose of obtaining a Crown Grant of . . . . me aoove ciauna. i """'- And further take notice that action, which took placo on the Native Sons of under Section 6a. must be commenced before the Issuance of such Certificate ot Improvements. Dated this 0th day or May. 1S27. LEWIS W. PATMORE. LAND ACT NOTICE Of INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE I. A Ml. In Rauge 4, Coast Land District. Recording District of Prince Rupert. Csnada "Fathers of Confederation" float concluded, Mr. Prudhomme called for three cheers for the commander, officers and crew of USB. Reno. These were heartily given by the huge crowd which was gathered. The ceremonies opened with the slng- i Ing of "O Canada" and closed with Land "God Save tne King." MAIDENS BAR MEN WHO HAYE NOT HAD MILITARY TRAINING TOKYO. July 2 i Young women tn south to shore: thence west along shore other parts of the world msy be to point or commencement, ana con- BdTocatea of peace rand frown rs mine in anrM rTirkM nr lissM I L staunch staunch severely OOSSE PACKING CO. LTD.. upon the military ipirit. But not so in Applicant. japan, where members of the Maidens' Duted AprrlC7"l827 RObelJ,, Aget- Association of Ishltawa Prefecture have LAND ACT NOTICE Or INTENTION TO APPLY TO l.i;.VSK LA Nil. In Range 4. Coast Land District. Land Recording District of Prlnre Rupert, and situate In vicinity ot Captain's Cove. Pitt Island. B.C. TAKE NOTICE that Oosse Packing Co. Ltd.. of 325 Howe St., Vancouver. . B.C., occupation Fish Packers, Intends . ' to apply for a lease of the following ; described lands: Commencing at a post planted at I the northwest corner of Lot 1253, Range 4; thence north . 5 chains; thence east 15 chains; thence south to northeast corner Lot 1253: thence westerly along shore to point ot commencement, and i I containing 7 acres, more or less. i uuasc fAC&inu tu. liu Applies nt. Per Chas. L. Roberts, Agent. Dated April 7. 1927. jRose, jJatra PRINTING Stationery Office Supplies School Supplies Kodaks Films Phonographs Records Novelties Dennison Goods Birthday and Every Day Cards Third Avenue (Opposite Third Street) Phone 231 announcca uui la me future mey win not marry young men who have not had military training. The maidens' association adopted ft resolution to this effect, and the ver nacular newspapers state that other associations throughout the empire are considering similar action. The reason given for barring unsoldlerly swains is that young men without military training usually are Inferior, mentally and physically, to th ie who have "gone through the mill." CRAZE FOR DANCING IN IRELAND TODAY DUBLIN, July 2. The craze for dancing bus extended all over Ireland even to remote rural districts. Imported dances have largely displaced the old traditional Irish rlnnce fa1a. In Cork complaint la made that the Irish dances are treated as a Joke, and one member of the Borough Technical Com mlttee desired to make Irish dancing I as compulsory as the Irish language while another suggested that at .dances 'every third dance at least should be Irish. THE SPIRIT OF CANADA (continued from page one) years, a work to be proud of, a work to cherish, a work to complete. POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT In political development the experi ment of Confederation was a bold one During 100 years various forms of got- crnment had been tried In 'the four original provinces, but none had fulfilled the aspirations of the people, already conscious of the glorious destiny await ing them. It Is true that In the con federation of the provinces a panacea for- all ills, social and political, has not been found, but from north and south. east and west, as a result of union and expansion, the chonen representalves ot the people now assemble In one Parlla mcnt to carry out the pacific struggle of parties for the greatest good of the greatest number. Half a century ago the vast distances separating the present provinces of the Dominion seemed to'offer a permanent obstacle to that freedom of intercourse so necessary to the development of national spirit. Today, from sea to sea In comfort and ease, the whole contln ent may be traversed tn a few days. In expanse the Dominion of Canada Is equal to the area of the continent of Europe; It is diversified In natural re sources and climate. Since the confederation of the provinces, however, the Canadian people have demonstrated that under freedom of government It Is po i stole to establish national unity In di versity. NATIONIIOOO The last 90 years have beeo years of, evolution end of nstlooal preparation From a state of colonial dependence Canada has eaaerged Into nationhood. Economic interests may differ In widely separated communities throughout Canada, but it is the stimulating difference of diversified Industrial enterprise. From tne beginning of Confederation, there hive bren differences of race. language, and creed, but with tolerance prevailing they are hoaltby dliierences. Throughout the picturesque pattern 04 a young Canadian nation, running through wsrp and woof Is the goJdec thread of allegiance to the Crown, tha symbol of united Canada, even m It h the bond of union between sit the self-governing communities within the commonwealth of British nations. This Diamond Jubilee year of Con federation is the occasion of nsUousl I thanksgiving for the wonderful pros- j perlty of Canada in re-urn (fit years of; self-reliant labor tn harmony with n-ture. It Is equally the occasion for tele ; bratlag with gratitude the heritage (, freedom which has come through the gradual unfolding of government under the British Constitution. LAND ACT. NOTICE or INTENTION TO APPLY i.eam: mmu.mioiu:. TO In Prince Rupert Land Recording D strict uf Prince Rupert, sod situate st Sewell Inlet. Moresby Islsnd. Queen Thar'cl'e Islands. TAKS NOTICE that Kelley Lodging Jompany Liut ted. of Vancouver. bC . jccupatkiii Timber Merchants, iutendt to apply for a lease uf the following aeacm-ea rores nore ; Commencing at the southeast corner er a post planted at ot Lot 471 Sewell Inlet. Moresby UlanJ, Queen Charlotte Islands; thence In a northeasterly direction, following the high water mark to the southeast corner ot Lot 459; theuce i In i southwesterly direction tu the point i of commeneement, aod conts'nlng itO acres, more or lees ' JOSEPH DOUGLAS WILSON. Agent tor 1 Kelley Legging Co. Ltd Dated -JOth April IM27 LAND ACT. NOTICE or INTENTION TO, APPLY TO LEASE LtNIl tn Queen Chsrlotte Island Land Re cording District of Prince Rupert, and ! ituate on tne west coast of Burnaby sland. TAKE NOTICE that British Columbia Fishing It Packing Co. Ltd.. of Vancouver. B.C., occupation Packers, lfttrnd to apply for a lease of the following escribed lands: Commencing at a post planted on the went coast of Burnaby Islsnd, Q.C.I.; thence east 3 chains, thence south 45 chains; thence west 3 chains, more or leas, to high water mark; thence north along high water mark to point of commencement, and containing It acres, more or lea. BRITISH COLUMBIA FISHINO & PACKING CO. LTD.. Applicant. Dated June 10, 1927. LAND ACT. notkt; or intention to apply to LE.tKL' LAM) lOlt INItlSTKIU. Pl'KPOSEH In Prince Rupert Land Recording District ot Prince Rupert, and situate at Sewell Inlet, Moresby Iiland, Queen I Chsr!ntte Island. I TAKE NOTICE that Kelley Logging) Company Limited, of Vancouver, B.C.. occupation Timber Merchants. Intends I to apply for a lease of the following ; Cesrrlbed lands: Commencing at a post planted at the southeast corner of Lot 470 Sewell Inlet. Queen Charlotte Islands; thence north 80 chains; thence east 90 chain, more nr less, to shore; thenre following the shore line in a southwesterly direc tion to the point of commencement, aotf containing 190 sores, more or less J03EI-H DOUGLAS WUJ3UN. Agent for Kelley Logging Co. Ltd Dated 29th April 1927 Cash and Carry Grocery Sixth Ave. and Fulton Street THE PLACE WHERE CASH HUYS THE MOST. PRICES ARE REGULAR AND NOT SPECIALS Libby's Asparagus Tips, large tins 30c Tomatoes, large 15c Medium 12'2c Corn or Peas, per tin 15c Royal City Pork & Deans, large 12 Vic Royal City Pork & Beans, small, 3 for 25c Heinz Pork & Deans, medium, 2 for 35c Heinz Pork & Deans, small, 2 for 25c Heinz Spaghetti, medium .... 20c Heinz Spaghetti, small 15c Sterling Catsup 20c 5 for 95c Heinz Catsup, Jarge bottles . . 30c Corn Beef, per tin 25c Nabob or Malkin's Coffee, per tin 65c Frash Ground Coffee, per lb. 50c Dran Flakes or Shredded Wheat, 2 for 25c Corn Flakes, any kind 10c China Rolled Oats, package . . 40c Swift's Silver Leaf Lard, lb.. . 20c FRESH FRUIT, AND VEGETABLES arriving every boat at prices you can afford For any other information Phone 301 $5.00 Orders Delivered Free S. II. Adams, Manager WESTHOLME THEATRE ' TONIGHT ONLY at 7 and 9 SPECIAL HOLIDAY ATTRACTION United Artists Cororatloh presents Buster eaton in "The General" Eight big rei'l.t of uproarious fun. Strong supporting cast. , MARIAN MACK. MIKE DUNLIN. FREDERICK VROOM. TOM NAWN and many others CAMEO COMEDY "dUlirr. PLEASE T PATIIE REVIEW Admiitaion 50c and 25c Canadian National c7hc Largcft Kailway Syflcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE KAH.INOH from pKIM'i; HI PItllT Inr VAM Ot IKK, UC TOHIA. SKATTl.t:. raih MOMI.W and Till IIMIAV. I.IH p.m.. MATl HhtY, H.00 p.m. lor ANVOX anil NTKVVAIIT MOMAV, IIMIIAY. 4 (Ml p.m. Ir ALASKA Vlt:iKMAV. 4.IHI p.m. liir MASSKTT IM.:T MOMMY, 4.11 p.m. lor KKIDMIATK IM.LT ami SOI Til 1(1 KKX ( II AHI.OTTK ISLAM), fortnightly. TKAINH l.V.Wt. rKIMT HI'PEKT IIAII.V KXCLPT SIMMY at 1 1 JO a.m. Inr I'HIMT. (IKOKIIK. EDMONTON, UIWII'KO, all point Katlern Canada. I nlted States JASPKK PAKK I.OIH1L' OI'LN MAY Zt TO SKPTKMIIKIC 30. SI K CANADA IN CANADA'S JI'IIILKK YKAK 187 . 1M7. AflKNCY ALL OCEAN NTKAMSIIIP I INKS. Doe Canadian National Ktprrss fnr Moiirj Order, foreign Cheue fir.. alo for rour next shipment CITY TICKET OUTCK. 528 TIIIIID AVE I'HINCE KCI'EUT. Phnne tW- Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. 235 Third Avenue Prince Rupert Dish Pans, from !." to ftl.'Si Sauce Pans, from f Of1 to $2.00 Tea Kettles, from ."Of to $1.00 Roasting Pans, from to $:J.."0 'Preserving Kettles, from ."Of to $:l.00 Bread Boxes, from $-.00 to $'J."5 Easy Vacuum Electric Washers, from $1 10.00 to $180.00 CAM P-FIRE PERMIT This year it is necessary to have a permit from some Forest Officer before any camp-fire may be set in any forest or woodland 'Be sure to gctjja permit for your camp-fire and follow the instructions printed on the back of it BRITISH COLUMBIA FC)REST SERVICE PREVENT FOREST FIRES YOU CAN HELP