b ggggbagggggggggF BL' l I J faK'": Pi laJimi At Confederation in 187 you couldn't get VELVET ICE CKEAM but you can today TAKE A NEAPOLITAN RRICK HOME ami enjoy seeing them enjoy il! Get Velvet Ice Cr earn for the Celehrntlon Holidays We cater for Parties, Picnics, Dances, etc. l'KOMlT DELIVERY Out of -town OrrJrs shipped promptly. Corner of Third Avenue and Second St. P.O. Uox f.82 FOK KENT Johnson's Electric Floor Polisher $2.00 per day Let us know the day you want it! Kaien Hardware Co. . Phne-3. Prince Rupert Auto . Company Agents fcr Hudson and Essex Super-Six Cars Second Avenue, opposite Prince Rupert Hotel. Phones 75 and 275 Sovereign Lite Assurance Conpij of Canada Head Office - - Winnipeg, Man. The SECURITY afforded by this Company to its policy holders is not exceeded by any other tympany in Canada. The high rate of interest earned on our investments, coupled with favorable dividend rate to our careful management, assures a, pt.l,. yholders. This is just ONE of the advantages of insuring with "The Sovereign." G. P. TINKER, District Representative. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Halllnii from Prince Kupert. for VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, Swanson Bay, Alert luty. etc, Tuesday, m s rr I'TnCOI VER. VICTORIA. Butedale r.hlr' Wa!".' ninSua-I'or W. Iland. un POUT KFMI'SON. ALICE ARM. AM OX. 8TEH AKT, Hales Koreas' iRm PoInU and Port, Slmpn Fr,d.y p.rn lU?&niato"& A redired rate and harraite rlierkrd lhrtiugh Hi destination. LAND ACT. THE DAILY NTSTTS Waterfront Whiffs Improvement In Salmon Fishing Record Number Of Hon is Engaged In Industry Thin Season Halibut Still t.'aining There has been a flirty food appearance ot salmon Ih th Sk 'C-na PJver and along the coast during the nasi week bflt, so far. ht f ia hurdly enough to jro around what with a greatly Increased Triitr of ImatH, particularly seining vessels, in operation on account :) 'Ik demand !r every fish that can be caught. The past week raw art.h iiiex generally started at the canneries far the season and a . M-dinjf to reports, every cannery to be operated on the mainland th ' reason has started tacking. The high boat of the week took jrt.v i ish and the average was about nine. r . ap acUvttlea in tbe central ! D. strut No 2 arc ttM to o. ..Irr..u ... tu.ub. oonnaterstrtn. to be petcl never a anything list n oe- lM.lp prlhet Robert, re Will) 10 intti.y boat lu operation. ae quetuon u W.ll nj all be able WrU! DQlf BMtett and Frank Fer- rr..ke it stick- mra arc eprM-d tun did et to Khfada after aU sad. n: some of them wUI ot be able to wh(t OTOP Iot , nbt 2:..Ke a living j.,h Tb! MM who km slana tk Ai.nouncemeut wu made during the rtIwt alMl j, up the wwt k,,,! 1 tut tlie aerial patrol of the nrTrr dM aay thine stralcnt bt -.!: w to be resumed this antbt WkUrfrcmt Whiff man MM Di-trict No. a DetaUe are Wt wta martakea. In fact, he kM to r t.. hand but it i "upponed that the coroe hoo( and str.tlchtn thlna out r,.-r(,i will be eurrk-d on this year by .u urm. JMubdi about to imnicrrikl aviation concern. Co- to bw. . mem plunes uok care ol this work, A, b,, BulT Blsaett and the past season but it la under- FTnk fortune dM art to Khta. i that there ure neither the rjhDes ,,. tlan MlltH not wltbout tin: met. at Jericho Beach station futaemtf and tf It could all he told If .uidenafce th aernce aain. ' jwwrid make a goad atory. They act out PtKtof RftjM and sot a Tar M AJihomsii il aUU u early In the aum- Ht1tpat wbwl uy had a Ureas-down. cr -veral yachting partlea hare gone tbey ,rtrd ln to dmt vhi(! rp. ., ...u . naira were twine made and when they raw of eeaatderaMe 1t. othera dof)( drtiUnf where had they drift-on Jess pretenttou boata - yet they M to, BW, drlfM to Kenntly av. come And when they return to IUmkj but ef thla fact the two Intrepid their hoinea It win be to adverthe the of tte w Ilot ,WMe ,B ovanugea of audi eruuea-wai mey iMet whwi tfl,y ,tirt(1 ,4n do it la aetf-e1oent One beeawie it would be a diatasetly attjnH as tatr- ithey dM not knaw where they were inei P.re. iw Pa ln Tbey were undeniably lost.' .wandered alone tbe aoaat-atopj.ed FtnMj they rah aeron a flalUnc boat and there for fMUnc and htmUhf. tatj wcre Md ,here thfJ. we tn(1 lahnoat gferally aeeru to hare atayed :MrtHl Wythely on their way afalh. " channela and rteamer I atH, KtrtaH wa reaebed and tbe 'Mlttea. ' flah were aot but that'n mrt half ik Why eaaaot Prince Rupert derUie,,, seine meani far telling the yachting j wb dld Bm, tDd mnk da entbualaata of Amerte-and of aU the tartd home but break down worid. for that matter - what thlal.j., , B drenchlQg rMn)rtorm u ;laitr onera in w way u. nKa Ure-ome to be contlnutllv break- : grandeur, or la the way of tuning and ( (ne dawn m n, open boat on the bwanff What of tbe thousand ndjSkeena River. No wonder Billy got ao ! ! Hr aeteaalble. that would ;m(kd tore 4 (WntU.r eend the travellera away een morejaw, thw tt at tbo bllnkln4 gjj, enthutiaaue of its poMibllltle. thanwhlcn luddmly ttxnm up again only they otherwtoe would bet 'to .trln the seara and an DermanentlT Automobile wurlata ln the atatea are!out 0j (MiatheM jmrt on every hand by Information i Tb,y wnt word lnto town and aoon agenetea. entnuataitic cnamDera oi com- Ooot errtred bn the scene with bnerce with their wUUngnea. to aasl.t Joy Blrd to tow thfm But m making the traveler a way nreirr,Bk WM lo9 ,n tne ousn tnd tuesMitt. There aeema no reawn why Bajy f,,, K WM no time to waate Htece Rupert cannot do similarly tor precWus moment searching for him. tbe yachting tourlat. Billy came borne by water and -Frank. As far aa eta be learned. Prince Ru- nnatnt WrnaeU thua rudely deserted, pert took the rtott ct Stewart Edward good okl Canadian National White and Robert Plnkerton on their tfawefUtr tr,in Intf back Wednea- enflaera tbe other day with an Interest day artetnoon fully reaolred that, whflej aetata or everytntng save curiosity. , good Ume waa bad by all he waal snd they are men of great personality. to thati tht nfJtt trlp to lorce and atoodlng. So It la with other KhUaa u Under Bomewhat more Iavor- PtVi. iaDi condltlona. I Prince Rupert well can afford to and to benefit thee travelers, first vht sro.4 no.iT The laat boat of the season to be completed at the Suga establishment. - . . . . . . i ilk.M. n ta I mithe cir imimiu. Tti ais"l iUi'' oci.reuuak nuda. u.. nuui iw i talla and halves, with uiim; iuklmiuhu jo. Johnston, left on Tuesday alternoon Recording!1" K,CTn,u cannery, out o: which she In Prince Rupert Land District of Prince Rupert, and situate ; will be operated. The vessel Is 50 feet at Moresby Island. Queen Charlotte on8i wm, beam of 13)4 fet and depth .1NIUIH. at 11 5 ta- and ' POrred with 30 L0 ot finished Wal- TAKE NOTICE that Kelley Logging tne etorage product. Company Limited, of Vancouver, ii.u.. h p. Union engine. occupation TimDer Mercnanta, mtenas to apply for a lease of the following , ... . . ... v, t 11 clneh that derVted foreshore: , nobody can kefP Commencing at a post planted approx- away from the police or the income unately one-half mile south SOdeg east u xconector very Icng. even the marine ol the mouth of the Taasoo River. Mores-! T . by Island. Queen Charlotte Islands; j community. Sergeant Alex McNeil of tnence loiiowing tne nign water mar id trie provincial ponce, wnpjis also pro- a northwesterly, westerly and south wraterlyt.dlrecOOn Tor .a distance of one and one-half .miles thence ln an easterly direction to the point ot corrunencemenw and conuirxng ihu acres,' oiots oriieas.v Sifin Ttu'Aotmt fnr Kelley Logging Co. Ltd !dXV - vlnclal 'fisheries overseer In Ihese parts, be glad to have those who Intend to purse seine arrange wlh hlin for their JoKrobAS Wtt , PAdanaelU-have IVND ACT. U . mane a Jiru- jaunt -one-, oi . tnese Capt. Harold Nesland. well known 'ownprnf the American halrbut schooner NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APl'I.V TO ! . OM,. h. .fh hl. f.m,, f. 1 8"tUe. has left with his family for a LEASE LAN 11 I'OR IMU'STKIAL Pl'RI'OMES five months' visit to his old home ln 1 ! Mnvurnv T It t rt VM tim 6huinu t ha Coat. DioflnKnewj " nellu- st Bewell Inlet, Moresby Island, Queen I sen. an experienced halibut fisher-Charlotte Islands. L.. TAKE NOTICE that Kelley Logins' , Company Limited, of Vancouver, B.C., ,. occupation Timber Merchants, Intends The halibut schooner Franklin, which to apply xor a lease oi tne loiiowing was DuUt to Seattle during the winter, described lands: , ! 4 A , f .... .M Commencing at a pst planted at """""- lu the southeast corner oi Lot 471, Sewell vovaee with a 17.000-Ib. rallbut fare Inlet. Island, Charlotte . Moresby Queen owner are A1Irea Alfr. "rson. p,lf,rM)n fv,ri Carl eastl"er Island, north. 31.43 chains; thence 81.17 chains: thence ln a southwesterly ' Bather and Olaf Swanson. The vessel direction, folowlng the shore line to.ls ca xeet long with a 15H foot beam the point of commencement, and coh tainiria ao cri. more or leas. a,lt , ' Ivrt a 9 ln- drPth, and la powered rm,. JOSEPH OOTJOLAS WILSON, Agent for Kelley Logging Co. Ltd. Dated 29th April. 1937. LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLV TO LEASE LANK FOR INIIL'STKIAL PURPOSES In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and Bituate at Sswell Inlet. Morenbj Island, 'Queen Charlotte Islands. ' TAKE NOTICE that Kelley Logging Company Limited, ot Vancouver, B.C.. occupation Timber Merchants, Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted approximately S chains south 20 degrees east of the northeast corner of Lot 472, Sewell Inlet, Moresby Island; thence following the shore line In an easterly, southerly and southwesterly direction to Its Intersection with the eastern boundary of Lot 472; thence north 10 chains, more or less, to the point of Commencement, and containing 20 acres, more or l8' JOSEPH DOUGLAS WILSON, Agent for KeUey Logging Co. Ltd. Dated aetn April, 1827. t FINE NEW CAANERV The new Walker Lake plant of ! the British Columbia Fishing & Packing Company. Ltd.. on Johnson Channel, hear Bella Bella, which has Just started operation. Is considered the most com plete and up-to-date salmon cannery In the province, embodying the most modern Ideas in equipment and general layout with a flew to quality of products aa well as efficiency and economy of operation. It Is a four-line plant, packing both PAIN from Bladder Irritation to eased ky "SANTA L MIDY aware ef Imitations Leak fer tr. word "MIDr gold by all druggnu fttllavsd ay capacity oi 3.000 cases per day. The arrangement la such as to maintain a continuous movement of fish, cans, etc. without loss of motion from the receiving end ker Lake, situated about half a mile from the cannery, affords an abundance of water power by which all machinery la driven. , The fish-house Is equipped with two of the new Model O. "Iron Chinks," the - latest development ln machine butchering: while the can, department contains a double refoftnlhg; line for tails, making Up. thfc cans, simultaneously with pacUngperatdOns, a,hd feeding .direct to tbe Tillers. Exhaust oxea 'are dispensed with, tbe product being vacuum-packed by four high-speed vacuum closing machines. The British Columbia Pishing & Packing Company, Ltd.. is operating 31 plants this year. Including those of its subsidiary, the Wallace Flsberlaa, Ltd. the only cannery closed which operated last year being that on Mas-sea Inlet IIAI IIU'T STILL C.AIMM1 Halibut landings during the past week totalling 822300 pounds again showed a big fain over tbe corresponding week last year when but 545.200 pounds were landed. Thla year's landings for the season to date are now with a 90 hp. Washlngton-Estep dlesel less than 100,000 pounds behind last year and wUI probably 00 over the top next week to start this port on Its record halibut year. Of the past week's landings (Saturday to Thursday Inclusive). 554,000 pounds was American and 268300 pounds Canadian. Totals for the season to date are as follows: American. 8,824.600; Canadian. 3.661.700; total, 12,485.900. Last year's totals at a similar date were: American. 9,040.700: Canadian, S.-530.700; tatal,12.071.40O. Prices during this week have been on the low side, this condition being due no doubt Jo the greatly Increased supply. The American high bid was 12.5c and 6c paid on Tuesday tnd Wednesday with a low of 11c and 6c on Saturday and Monday. Tbe Canadian high was 12 4c and 6.3c on Saturday and the low 10.5c and 6c the same day. Advtrtlst Is The Daily News Ten Day V'.; of PACE FIVT. TEN DAY SALE TEN DAY SALE Seasonable Merchandise Starts on Wedne-day, June 29 These items have been carefully selected from our stock at this time to help you choose Jour holiday requirements at a big Having. FOK LADIES Ladies' Cotton Combinations, ltecsiar $1.36 value. Ten Day Cflp Sale Price UUl, Ladies' Cotton Vest. Regular 40c value. Ten Day Sale Q-f Aft Price, 4 for OXaUU Ladies' Cotton Iiloomers. Regular &5c value. Ten Day Sale Price, QQ Ladles' Art Silk VestB. Regular $1.45 value. Ten Day Of Art Sale Price Ol.UU Ladies' Art Silk Bloomers. Regular $1.75 value. Ten Day Q1 OC 3.3 Sale Price Ladies Art Silk Hosiery. Regular 75c value. TZ??'.... $1.00 Ladies' Jenny Lind Hose. Ten Day 1 Sale Price Ladies' Silk Holeproof Hosiery, black and brown only. The $1.75 line to clear at Ten Day lf Sale Price Ladies White Panama Hats. Great for picnics. To clear at Ten Day 9?f Sale Price DISTINCTLY SPECIAL! 15 pair of Running Shoe assorted, including a few palm of men's. Regular $1J0 an4 $1.72 value. Ten Day QO Sale Price 75 pairs ef Ladies' White Canvas Slippers. ?clt"r 50c . SHOE DEPARTMENT x SPECIALS Children's white and brows Fleet Foot Slippers. Sines 4 to lOVi-Ten Day Sale Price iOX Sizes 11 to 2. . Ten Day OP Sate Price ,OK' Ladles' Tennis Oxfords. Ten Day Q AC Sale Price V&D Men's White Tennis Shoes. Regular $1.85 value. Ten Day Q-f QC Sale Price SPECIAL DISCOUNTS ON RUNNINt; SHOES for Men and Women 20 per cent For Children 15 per cent FOR CHILDREN Children's Socks. Colors castor, brown aod fawn. Re-K'Ur -&c and 40 value. Ten Day Sale Q ft A Price. 4 pairs for VXaUV Children's White Buster Brown Stockings. Regular 7.6c value. Ten Day Sale 7P 1 0 Price, 2 pairs for.. Children's Woollen Hath-ing Suits. Sites 22 to 26. Regular $2.75 value. Ten Day Q-l CA Bale Price Children's Cotton lUthing Baits. All sices. Regular 8&c and tivk value. Ten Day TCIn Sale Price Boys' Cotton Jerseys, khaki and blue. Sixes 21 to 84. Regular 7Cc value. Ten Day Sale Q1 A A OXeUU Price, 2 for Boys Calbriggan Shirts and Drawers. Regular C5c value. Ten Day JAp Sale Price lut Men's Balbriggen Shirtp and Drawers. Regular"$U00 value. Ten Day UU ftflp Sale Price Jabour Bros., Ltd. Canadian National Steamships Co. Limited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating G.T.P. 20,000 Ton Flouting Dry Diwrk Engineers, Machinists, Roilermakers, Blacksmiths, Patternmakers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE VELI)IN(J. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385 BETTER DENTISTRY PLATES that gives you a natural appearance and lend beauty (o the contour of the face. Always Dr. MAGUIRE Upen Over Ormes Phone 525