(hv 1. 1027 3 eautiful l '?" Too ust Arrived ottui! we have one . t hand-engraved all , ,-h-h make at 980.00, ,i beauty; also an-! Mulish Set, 4 pieces, , at $25.00. Other ., $l.V0O t $76.00 the v , art' fflad to how our . .'. .lin k. 9 V. r-..-' mi) lLivL X Jewellers LItke stoke with the clock DryC! eamng at Vancouver Prices 11 a nl .1 .n d' i li (uinrn 1 1 rvp i m ninrr ri.ini in City Phone 118 Pioneer Laundry Ltd. Third A and McHride Street YOU ARE INVITED to see Ladies' Coats Hats ' and Dresses at The Louvre 310 Third Avenue Next Itoyal JJank Thor Johnson for Mens' Clothing and Furnishings The home of "SOCIETY IHIAND"1 CLOTHES FIRE CHIEF ! MAKES APPEAL' Auk for ('operation of Citizens In Hi Work When Addre-inir llotary Club An address written by Fire Chief ! nald and read for him by Pin- u Murtiion at the Rotary Club uiuueon yesterday, dealt with the work lirv protection In a general way and il'u in connection with the local aim. uon He asked fur en agnation of' Hi members of the dun and citssens generally in hia work colon! NtckoUa presided and at tha conclusion thanked the chief for hla excellent and timely address The ehiefa address said: IIHKI" .MlllUKXK With real pleasure and In sincere an. li WATBIl NOTICE. i.'ie mouth and will Iw used for commee- :! purpoaea upon the lands d ascribed a- !,') 3790 Range 4. Coast District This notice wan posted on the ground on the 2th day of July. 1931. A copy of thia notice and an aaplltatlon pursuant thereto and to the "Water Act" wUI be filed in tbe office of the Water Recorder at Prince nupert, B.C. Objections to the application may be filed with the said Water Recorder or with the CoBtttraUer of Water Rights. Parliament NOTIti: Or INTENTinN TO 11) LUtSK L.M Dated October 6. 1937. .tl'PI.V In Prince Rupert Land Recording Dla-trtet aad situate on tn southwaat of an unnamed bay on the south bank of Port Ghana 1. Oraham Island. Applicant. LAND ACT. NOTICE OP INTENTION TO .trPLY TO LSi: I.INU In Queen Charlotte Islands Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and altuate at Jedway Harbor. Moresby Island. Q.O.I. TAKE NOTICE that Millerd Packing Company. Limited, of Vancouver, D.OL, occupation Packers, Intends to spply for a lease of tne following described tanas: Commencing at a post planted at the 50 37' E. from the N.E corner Lot 140: thence north 86 37' E. 1-5 chains, more or less, to low water mark; thence southeasterly along low water mark to a point N. 66 37 E. from the location post: tbence 2.2 chains, more or less, to the point of commencement, and containing & acres, more or leas. MILLERD PACKINO COMPANT. LIMITED. Applicant, Dated September 7. 1937. NOTICE IN THE MATTER of an application : for the issue of a Provisional Certificate ' - . mtl. . V. . half nt T v OMT LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize in Pinna and Furniture? Mnviwr. Skin Sufferers Try This 1 Minute Test Art too tormented wWj the amy of a borstal itcluog tkm which aarma to defy ntxit Do you sufler from ecsems. ptmpte. uksra. and MiT form of akin trouble? At no rak to jm, w tavit yoa to try rah cm i'?,tttA,T?: Coras to our store aad let a buu of U U L on tnaL Gentiy wirt) xht fcchaut portion ol your tkm with fib It. pmmptno. UMUtiarpticheakiislotkn. Tken watch for result. If you do not exaerienc that caha. cool sensation. It that itch la not tkfd io mt munmlt, tint brm t th bonis back aixl rgux Booty will be refunded ml tmtt. EL lotion lor SMn Disease W. 4. OIOIF.S. I.TII. Mr( l TI III ON lilll ll HTOKE. da aad the United ateles through the courtesy of the Canadian Outdoor Advertising Asaociauou and the National preclauen of the boner that you hae Outdoor Advertising Aasociatfcati. Then conferred upon me today. I wish to (too number of drivca have been bring to you a very important msssags i planned tncswsnng the spring ctaan-up from the International AaaotiaUon allot premises, fumacaa. cataaawp. etc.. Plre Chiefs, of which I am a member . ;Mrl. took pUce about the tbtt of Aa you are probably aware, the As-I April, the July drive, the fall estan-up acta Uon haa designated IWT aa Firejdnv on October 1. and the Chrtaunaa Proveniton Year aad tne month of jseanou dtlve on December 10. You can May aa Rotary Interna Uona) Vire pre- readily aec that we hare our work cut veatlon Month In apptaetaUon and in (or us uud we earnestly solieu ywur recognition of the endorsement at thlal(l aad co-operation tn anker to make very Important work, by your excellent ! this campaign a real success. ortr I iii m: riioi'KKTV los Co-operating with ua In thU work, ! Whan w are informed that the pro-the Metro-Ooldwln-sUver Moving Pic- pertjr toaa in thin ppbylraw at eppreal-ture Corpora tied boa reieaeed "The , Bute ty t3.8O0.0o,. anally tbe tre-Fire Brtssde" and I earnestly urge aU , mendeba importance of combating toll of you hete aoday to are thia moving ! evil forctably brouglu. aoaw ta ua. picture when It comas to Prtace Rupert iTho fire drpartment la aWag Ua aware, aa a rneans of familiarizing youreelvee ) Art you doing youra? We need your wltn the work that your fire depart-; help tn reducing these figure. HetB ment la doing: 13JO0 Plre Prevention us to cut them in half at least this pollers are on display throughout Can- year. i Follow the advice of tne fire Inspec-i tor Remove all rubbiah from butldinaw MVEKMOX .txii use i wnr Pti. gome careless person I may cause a fire. TAKE NOTICE that g Ilouawau, wboae i can you turn ' in an alarm in the addrea. is 410 Seymour Street. Vancou- J". ver. ac. wtll apsly for t lac to ,vnt " are? nearest take and use 1 cubic foot of water out 1 "re box located? Correct knevrladgs of nt unnanmed stream which flows south- nil thia i nrM. n tuntoi i,. I rrj and drains into Port Stephena Bar. nr- 'r 18 , mmm ,, nM4h ciatck K. by tn .k. i ab(,in one mile east ol Bluff Point. eponae The wster will be diverted from the j "re department stream at a point tut 600 feet from Oily waste and rags are dangerous, Always place them In metal cans or containers Be careful of overheated stove. Keep inflammable material away from thssn. The use of coal oil is dangerous. Ashes thought to be cold are often put tn wooden imsbwjcIm and fre quently cause ftros. Electric Irons are a convenience; but 5SIL YiC-to.r. J".)""1 rou ai! to sum oar tbe current notice in a local newspaper The date of the first publication of thU notice Is August 20. in ETJOKNE ROUSSEAU, Applicant. LAND ACT. they become dangerous Don't struts matches in closets, a fire can easily start tn this way. iiRWAKi: in' o.vmm.im: Hemember that gsaoilne explodes and L mere dangiraos tban dynamite Those utlag aat. fox rlasnsng pmieare courting Injury and Basslbte death Crooked and broken flues and and especially those surrounded by woodwork arc dangerous. Don't neglect your chlmaey: we are called out Q,T!.F!!0?U i?,1,nU '" lh ProTlnoe to answer a large number of alarms! VI ttaanns vvimmwsw TAKE NOTICE that Arthur Robertson. of Uassett. B.C.. occupation a lumber-man. intendn to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted about one cbaln westerly from the mouth of an unnamed creek flowing into an unnamed bay ou the south bank of Port Chanal. Oraham Island. Queen Charlotte Islands. Province of British Columbia; thence 4 chains southerly: thence 10 efastna easterly; thence 4 chains northerly to the sWeHee: thence following the shoreline to point of commencement, and containing 3 acres, more or leas (Signed) A. ROBERTSON. for chimney fires every year. Dont build bon-flres promiscuously: be extremely careful of all explosives; the borne la no place for them. Be particularly careful during the holiday and ptonic raatgn, Be Careful of an gswettne connections. Never look for a leak In them with a lighted match or candle If there la a fire haastvj near your home or place of business, notify the fire department so that it may be eliminated liANifirtpprn nv citizens Thus, you can readily see that In spite of everything that your Fire Department may do. it Is heavily handicapped in its work unless the cltteens as a whole lend It their fullest co-operation. Many fires are absolutely unnecessary and would never have occurred If carelessness and Inattention were not responsible. Don't try to fight a fire yourself. Notify the department at once. All fires are small In starting but ofteattsnes delay and neglect are Inong.tilghiwater.mark.re Jsoteta tn irewuHingaerioiis northwestsrjy and 18 chains, more or less, to a point N. Casslar District said to contain 320 L, omnettd gye,, overheated furnace, scree, more ui icj Satisfactory prooi oi tne ioss or me Certificate of Title covering the above land having been produced to me, It is my intention to Issue, after the expiration of one month frcoi the first publication hereof, a Provisional Certl-llcat of Title to the above land, In the name of MADELINE MINTON. The original Certificate of Title is dated the 30th September, 1913, andls numbered 4170 1. Land Registry Office. Prince Rupert, 11.0. I7tb October. 1927, II. F. MacLEOD, Registrar of Tit lea. conflagrations with ktaa of life, serious Injury and large property damage. During the year 1924, the Prince Ru-j pert Fire Department answered 50 alarms of fire, two of which were false! alarms. Tbe total amount of damage j frem Are and water was 160,745.S8. The ; value of the property Involved was $7,000,00000. , The causes of the diflerent fires are, as enumerated hcrwlth: 11 chimney, fires: 3 sparks from chimney falling on ( roof, 2 defective chimneys, 3 smoke , scares. 3 cigarette stubs. 1 hot ashes, i 1 test alarm, 1 overheated fire-place. 1 jet in furnace corroded, 1 children playing with matches, 1 still alarm, 1 lighted candles. 5 bush fires, 4 bonfires. 1 arease Igniting on stove. 1 ! grease Igniting m oven, three unknown j cause. During the year there were two deaths in the etty caused by fire. sirs. A. Daniels (overheated stove) and Captain M. Fetlsnd (gasoline explosion on LAND ACT NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND In Queen Charlotte Islands Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Ferguson Bay. Oraham bland, QC.I TAKE NOTICE that SomervUle Cannery Company. Limited. Vancouver. B.C., occupation Packers. Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the northwest corner of Lot 1571, Q.C.I.: thence east 30 chains: thence north 3 chains, more or less, to low water mark; thence west following low water mark, 30 chains: thence outh 3 chains, more or leas, to pain' of commencement, and coatalninii alx ' - ' mire or onM''"' TANNERY OOMI'ANT LIMITED. Apptltant Dated August 31. 1927. YHE DAILT KET7S PAGIE FIVS DRAPERIES Cretonnes-Reg. 40c per yard . . 23c Reg. G5c per yard . . '10c Madras Marquisette White" or ; Oream, at per yard , . 10c i Nets At cost and lose y Silk Side Curtains At cost and less Silk PanelsAt cost and less . KEDR00M FURNITURE Genuine Walnut Dressers Value $50 to $C0. for $39.75 Walnut Finished Dressers Reg. $45.00, for . . $33.00 Hardwood Dressers Cream finish. Reg. $62.00, for $38.00 Hardwood Cheffrobes Cream finish. Reg. $50, for $28.00 Sanitaiy, Bed Couches Values to $26, for $15.00 Vanity Dressers Walnut finish. Value $68.00, for $47.50 Cotton Comforters Fancy cover, Blue or Rose band. Value$6.50, for ... . $-1.35 SILVERWARE Cream and Sugars, Comports, Toast Holders, Trays, Wire Baskets with glass fillers. All at cost or less. ALUMINUNWARE Teapots Regular $2.00, for $1.25 PerculatorSr Regular $1.75, ifor ...uX.l $1.00 Tea Kettles--Regular $3.50,-for $2.25 Lemonade Shakers Regular $1.65,.for . . $1.00 Regular $1.00, for . . . 65c fish boat). ASKS FOR AIII It Is to be hoped in the work we re doing you will lend us your aid. Put your shoulder to the wheel, be observing and where you see a prac tice that is dangerous try to stop It or eall our attention thereto. We need your help. In conclusion Just a word aa to tbe Prince Rupert Fire department. In order that you may be Informed as to your own department I wish to Inform you that the personnel numbers seven. We have three fire trucks and a good repair shop. The department I equipped with 7,000 feet of 2(4 Inch bese and three chemteals. We have 100 fire hydrants and 39 fire boxes. It Is with real pride that I can point to the record of the Prince Rupert fire department which Is very efficient and capable when duty calls. It Is our In- vestment, your are contributing to Its support. Help us to make It pay : dividends by having a lower fire loss jand fewer Injuries snd fatalities from fire Can we count on you? vjsuui' ui U.- city iur tne luuAt o '19 TOYS. of the whole of at Cost or Less WICKER FURNITURE mm airiifci; r- - inn 4mm TOYS. CHAIRS AND ROCKERS $6.15 Value to $8.85 GUARANTEED ROLLER BLINDS 90c 36" x 6'. Usual $1.25 5 only to a customer This is not the cheap kind made to sell at 90c, but genuine value at $1.25. PICTURES 'A'. . ;! week, will return to Alice Arm by the Catala Sunday night. ST. ANDREW'S AND GROTTO LEADING IN WHIST LEAGUE NOW St. Andrew's Society and Orotto now lead In the men's section of the Fraternal Whist League with two victories and no losses to their credit. Last nlght5's games resulted as follows: dretto 7. Knights of Pythias 2. St. Oeorge's Society 3, St. Andrew's society e. Oddfellows 5. Native Sons of Canada 4. Seal Cove 3. Moose 8. ' nam i: stammnos W. L. Pts. St. Andrew's a 0 3 (Grotto 3 0 3 Knights of Pythias ..1 1 1 Sons of Canada 1 1 1 Oddfellows 1 1 1 Moose 1 1 1 St. Oeorge's 0 3 0 6eal Cove 0 3 0 'ceitwr An Endless Variety at Cost and Less CRYSTAL CUT GLASS Water Glasses, Jugs, Cocktail Glasses, Wine Glasses At Give-away Prices MIRRORS Polychrome Mirrors, British Plate Mirrors', All sizes, unframed va.., ... M Cost ,x . . TOYS CASH ONLY TOYS an A Genuine Sale i tm Man r. i ING CHINA & CROCKERY Fancy Cups and Saucers-Values to $1.00. Beautiful quality and pattern . 25c Very Best English China Cups and Saucers Values $1.10 to $1.50 .... 60c Odd Dishes in Fancy China 52-piece Dinner Sets Value $35, for .". . $23.00 97-piece Dinner Sets Value $42, for $29.50 Mixing and Pudding Bowls Set of 6. Value $1.55, for $1.05 Fancy Bowls Set of 5. Value $1.30, for .... 95c High Class Fancy Bowls Suitable for Salads or ornamental purposes. Value $2.75, for $1.60 Plain Cups and Saucers Value 35c, for 15c BRASSWAKE & DUTCH SILVER j Candlesticks, Trays, Ash Trays. BLANKETS White, 7 lb. Regular $10.50, for ........ $7.83 Grey, 7 lb. Regular $8.00, for . '. $5.65 All Pure Wool Three 1-2 Point Red, Grey and Brown. Regular $15.50 to $17.50, for $12.75 to $1 1.75 BEDDING Bed Spreads, Sheets, Pillow Slips, Pillow Cotton, Sheeting by the yard, at .equally low price's. PICTURES i Paintings, Pastels, Chro- mos, Prints, all at cost or less. Boudoir Lamps, etc., all at cost or less. Christian Science Monitor August, 192G "During the past ten years, tremendous improvements have been made in machine laundries, and notwithstanding all that may be said to the contrary, the household linen and even fine fabrics, are safer in the hands of a modern laundry than they are in the family washtub. "From the facts established along this line, it seems to be pretty clearly established that a wife and mother, or any woman who works in the home, may bj better employed than working at a tub or supervising an electric washing machine." ' 'With Wet Wash Service only 75c for 15 lbs. a service at least equal to the best home equipment, the logical conclusion 13 SEND IT TO Canadian Laundry P.O. Hox 392. and Dry Cleaners Phone 8