f AGE SIX PAIN from Bladder Irritation Soon ssssS kf SANTAL IWIDY wars f Imltallsss ls rr lh ar4 "MIDY" SUd bv ill drarri'tl NsllSfsS kf i Fishermen Before buying your next engine, come and see us about The Gardner Semi-Diesel Engine the most satisfactory on the market. Governor has control at all speeds, making it most suitable for halibut boats. Sizes 12 li.p. to 300 h.p. The Acadia Gas Engine the most modern designed and best built 4 cycle engine in Canada. Sizes from G-8 h.p. to 40 h.p. medium and heavy duty. Ward Electric AND MARINE SUPPLY CO. Phone 680 Cow Bay Prince Rupert, B.C. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Specials at MUSSALLEM MEAT DEPARTMENT Choice Lean Corned Beef, lb 17? Milk-fed Chicken, lb. . . !."( Home-made Head Cheese, lb. Round Steak, lb. Sirloin Steak, lb. . 27? Veal Steak, lb -7c Mussaliem Grocery COMPANY, LTD. 417-423 Fifth Avenue East. Phone 18 and Phone 84 Prince Rupert, B.C. Oh! Men, Listen to This The six luckiest men in town will be in here tomorrow morning right after breakfast. If you are still listening, here is the reason. I have just this minute bought six only, Traveller's Sample Overcoats at a ridiculously low price. They are of pure Scottish Tweed, sturdily built and beautifully-interlined with soft warm English Flannel and fine Wool Serge. Easily worth $40.00. While they are here -n,y $24.75 "OBEY THAT IMPULSE" Thor Johnson OUR GREAT CLOSING out SALE of MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING AND FURNISHINGS is still on Montreal Importers Third Avenue J. B. Miller, Proprietor SIGNALLERS MADE RECORD First North ILC. Regiment Proud of Winnings in Competition It Yt fttrt yisfclrTsMe -ftrliar f pride thai odcet of tbe trt North B.C. Regiment hate Just Tecereed nott- tieauon thai the signal teetton of Um total battalion came second In BmaB Columbia in general competition fee s.gnaUlng sections. The local section aa defeated only by tbe Seafbfta Hi Wander of Vancouver and lost out solely by the fact that it haa a membership. While eight of members of the local secuoa eamlnattona with 1A standing, only three out of the 6 forth Highland ta-enlj-ooe passed with such ranking. The examinations were held recently by Capt. Frsncts. Lieut O. V. WUainson Is oAeer In charge of the toaal signal aeettoaother members of whld) are SgL. A. Squire and Signallers F. RusseU. A. N. Smith. W Ollchrlat. D. Miller. J Uuaaallem. W J. Davie. W Oolllaon. E. Smith. J. Stewart and B. Wilson. ADAIR CARSS BAZAARTODAY Annual Event of I.O.D.E. Chapter Taking Place in Fifth Avenue Hall Today Adair Caraa Chapter. Imperial Order. Daughter! of the Empire, is holding It annual novelty bazaar In the baU on Fifth Arenue tola afternoon. An abund ance of articles, useful and ornamental. la being offered for sale. Mrs. W. Orcbard-lZcLeod. recent of the chapter, is In general charge with convener as follows: Tea Tables Mrs. Thor Johnson, as- slated by Mrs. W. W. C. O'Neill and Mrs. II. L. Landry. Fancy work and sewing. Mrs. Ben Self Novelties. Mrs. H. J. Bradbury. Home cooking. Mr. S. V. Cox. Cashier Mrs. Bert West. During the afternoon there will be vocal solos by Mats E. Duties ad Mrs. H. L. Landry and paano and violin TIMBER SALE XU390 Sealed Tenders will be received by tbe District Forester not later than noon on the 18th day of December. 1977, for tbe purchase of Licence X9W0. south ihim H-iiur InUI Ct It 1 tn ml BTS OfM . feet board measure'of spruce, cedar, hem-, lock and Balsam sswIors. Two (21 years wUl be allowed for re-I moval of timber. Further particulars of the Chief For ester. Vlrtorla. or the District Forestr Prince Rupert. B.C I Circle S. Picnic Bams THIS WEEK ONLY 28c Per lb. Thin is Swiff Premium Cure and is not salty. We have only a limited supply to sell so get yours early. They average from three to five pounds each. Eggs Pullet Extras, per doz. .VJf1 3 doz. for $1.(10 Fresh G round Coffee None bet ter for the money, 3 lb. for 81. 15 B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited Phone 15 and 571 MILK -:- PRICE Reduced to 12 pints for 81.00 7 quarts for $1.00 12 pints for $1.00 Cash price tickets. McBride Street store now closed Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy 11th SL Telephone SS7. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST THE DAILX, NEWS ' ' Fiida o RAST, West, North and South in every country of the world you will find connoisseurs of good whisky, demanding fXADuv0o"- To have achieyed such . world-wide f a.mc, is indeed striking tribute to the exceptional quality of this fine old whisky. HIRAM WA'-KER & SONS LIMITED Dwraxuv amo mcas orves ; uiinui.cwAW ESTABLISHED 1118 WRITE TO OUR MONTREAL OFFICE. $17 PHILLIPS SQUIRE. FOR FREE COCKTAIL BOOKLET Whisky. This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia duets by Misses Molly and Nellie Law AMUNDSEN PEEYED ' AT LORD CURZON Klplorrr ltr-lr,i Membership In Ko)l (irorahiral Nielrtjr LONDON. Dec. 9. Captain Rsold Amundsen b las resigned ss honorary earMtanouiinr member of the Royal Geographical Society. The resignation fellows Amundien't refusel to with' . .,.,. ,. ,,. . rw n allegation i, that the late Lord Curzcn had "grossly Insulted" him at a society dinner in London. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Cash and Carry Grocery . Cor. Fulton St. and Sixth Ave. BUY YOUR GROCERIES HERE AND SAVE YOUR CENTS FOR XMAS We can give you still lower-prices by using coppers Granulated Sugar, 10 lb. for 7:ir Canned Milk, tails, per tin. .11c Rolled Oats, in bulk, per lb.. . Of Pastry Flour, 10's ."7- Llbby's Sauerkrout, large tins tUf Hienz Tomato Soup, large tins 10? Hienz Tomato Soup, small tins l-f Sliced Pineapple, 2s, tin lilf Local Fresh Eggs, per doz.. . tiUf Fresh Firsts, per doz O0c Pullets, per doz ."Of Salt Pork Racks, pet lb iKlf bacon, sliced .Vf In piece iHf l icnic nams, urcle & cure, per lb Ulf Old Ginger Wine, 50c bottle for 0p Fancy Biscuits, from U:tf to I Op Royal Crown Soap, carton . . ll.'e Sunlight Soap, carton Ulp Salted Sodas, in bulk, per lb. 2lp Swansdown Cake Flour, pkge. I."p Puffed Wheat He Puffed Rice lop Tillson's Health Bran lilp China Oats, any kind :Wp Orange and Lemon Peel, per lb. : nop" Sterling Catsup, per bottle . . lip Cowan's Cocoa, . .' 21c Brunswick Sardines, 3 tins for loc Capitol Butter EricksV. l:5p 14 lb. box for . . . ! $5"0 E.C.D. Butter Bricks I7p 14 lb. box for $((.:( THE PRICES ON THE LAST LIST STILL APPLY All our Groceries are Cheap, ask us. I OrderH up to $3.00 Delivered Free Phone 301 frim 99 SPECIAL CHRISTMAS SAILING FOR SOUTH In order to accommodate those deslr lng to go south for Christmas. Can dian National steamships announce that the ss. "Prince Rupert" will sail southbound Thursday. December 23. at 10X10 p m. Instead of on the regular schedule Friday morning. This boat will arrive Vancouver 9 00 ajn. Satur day. December 2. making connections with hosts and' trains for Victoria and Seattle. In order to perform this service, this ttearoer wlU sail for Anyoz and Stewart at 4.00 pm. Wednesday. December 31. instead of tbe usual sailing hour of 10.00 pm.. returning from the North, arriving here 7.00 pm. Thursday, December 23. . Accommodation" on southbound sailing la fatt being' taken up. and It Is suggested those"-going South, make reservations early.. at City Ticket Office. Third Avenue. Phone 260. 398 Owen Fisher sailed this morning on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver and other points ln-the south on a vacation trip. NAVIGABLE WATERS' PROTEC TION ACT. It'tl-ed statute of Canada, Chapter 113 BRITISH COLUMBIA FI8HINO it PACKINO COMPANY LIMITED, HERE BY GIVES NOTICE that It has under Section 7 of the said Act deposited with the Minister of Public Works at Ottawa ana in tne otnee of the Registrar of Land Titles at Vancouver. British Columbia, a description of the site and plans of a cannery, cannery wharf and perquisites thereto, proposed to be built on the lands covered with water front ing on Lot 1295 and Lot 148S. Ranee 3. Coast District, in the Province of British Columbia, which said Lots sre situate a' Johnson Channel In the said Province. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the ex-ilratlon of one month from tbe date Of he first publication of this notice. Brit ish Columbia Fluhlng St Packing Corn- pany Limited will, under Section 7 of the said Act. apply to the Minister of Public Works at his office In the City of Ottawa for approval of the said site and plant and lor leave to construct the ssld cannery, cannery wharf and perquisites thereto DATED at Vancouver, B.C.. this 15th day of November. 1927. JAMES H. LAWSON. 1318 Standard Bank B!dg.. 610 Hastings St. W , Vancouver. B.C. Solicitor for the said Company. HER LITTLE GIRL CAUGHT COLD PLAYING IN THE SHOW Mm. A. Coalley. 29 Tals St, Ball-fai, N.8., writes: "My little girl eauifht a terrible cold through getting wet while playing in the mow. Everything I did for her did not seem to give hr any relief. "I then went to the drug store and asked the clerk if he knew of some- tning good he could give me; lis ttold Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup so I decided to try it "After the bottle was nearly used I noticed that the cough was gone, and by the time the second bottle was used the cold had rose. Now I will never be without it la the house." Pries 35e. a bottle, large family size 0cj put up eny by The T. Milbura Co, Limikd, Toronto, Oat. WELL PLEASED I WITH REGIMENT Large Muster of Local Battalion Turns Out for Annual Inspection bv Officer Command-ins of District Tbe Isrgest muster ever recorded In the history of the First North BC. Reglaeent turned out last night oa the occasion of the annual Inspection by Brigadier General J U. Rota. OMO. D SO. of Victor .a. general officer com-mantling Military Dtotrtot No. 11. Addressing the meu. Oeneral Ross its- ted that be was highly pleased with tbe showing that had been made. He wai fully realising of the difficulties that attended the carrying out of the work here through the fact that there was no. proper armory In tbe city but he held out the assurance that next yesr there would probaMy be an improvement in conditions. Oeneral Ross, who was accompanied north by Uajor O. Douglas Eda-ards of the paymaster's department, returned wuth on the Prince Rupert this morn lr.g. CHAMPION STEER AT VANCOUVER SOLD FOR 55 CENTS A POUND VANCOUVER. Dec. 9. The grand champion steer at. the BC. winter fair here was sold by auction last night at So cents a pound to a Vancouver firm. The animal weighed more than 1200 pounds. MIL TO NOMK NOME. Dee. 9. A plan has been com pie ted for a Christmas mall to Nome from Fairbanks. The mall will reach Nome from Seattle In ten or twelve days. mnio l.l(i.i:s OTTAWA. Dec. 8. Domlnlon-wtde proneeution of all owners of radio re ceiving sets functioning without a license Is being launched. KIIJ.Ml T VANCOUVER VANCOUVER. Dee. 9r-K. I. Ferguson. Eighth Avenue, died yesterday from Injuries received Tuesdsy when struck by an automobile. AVI TOIt Kll.l.lll TOKIO, Dec. 9 Four Japanese avla tors were killed last night when two plsnes collided while flying over Omura airdrome. Market Prices Today' prices on the local market are as follows: I.AItl) Pure 35c1 Compound . . '. 20c- Kims B.C. fresh pullets die D.C. fresh, firsts 70c B.C. freeti, extras - 75oi Local new laid 80c B.C. storage, firsts 50c risii Halibut, lb 25? Salmon, red spring 35c Salmon, white spring, lb lie Smoked kippers, lb 15c Kippered salmon, lb 25c Smoked black cod. lb 20c Finnan haddles, lb 25c Mt:T& Fowl. No. 1. lb 33c and 40c Roasting chicken, lb tit-Ham, sliced, first grade 85c Ham, whole, first grade 42c Ham, picnic, lb 25c Cottage rolls, lb 32e Bacon, back, sliced &OC Bacon, slue 50c to 60c Pork, dry salt ' 35c Aynhlre bacon, lb it Veal, ahoulder 25c Veal, loin 40e Veal, leg , 3jr Pork, ahoulder 28c Pork, loin 40c Pork, leg 35c Beef, pot roast 13Vac to 16c Beef, boiling 10c to 15c Beef, steak 25c to 40c Beef roast, prune rib 80o Lamb, chops joo Lamb, shoulder 35c Mutton, leg 40c Iamb, leg 48o Mutton, chops ".I..,. 40c Mutton shoulder joc Brookfield, Shamrock and Woodland. ,n 80u EC.D.. lb 80c; Capitol. 2nd grade, lb 4jc Fraser Valley, lb 60c New Zealand, In bulk 47c Pints BOc Roiiedale Creamery 4 Alberta Creamery 42!4c: No.il Dalryon n-.... 37' CIIECMK- . 1 Camembert cheese, 8 oz. pkg " ' eSe Kraft Llmberger, '" 35c Ontario solids 35c Stilton, lb V.r.'.V 45c 40, Norwegian Ooat e5c " " Napoleon Llmberger 79,, Roflu'ort -..'.'.'.'.'.'.V. 75s Swifts' Brookfield. lb lOorgonzola. Ib 76c j McLaren's Cream. Jars .... 'isc',rid 85o Brookfield Swiss cheese, lb. v, pkg. 30c Brookfield Canadian cheese. lb. pkg. 250 l Weekend 1 11 1J-1 L-l 111 I . . HOCKEY STICKS at IW? Each He. will 8U one of these splendid Itak. , .ivb8WfcEr'ce t0 v.ry customer who purchases ,,,,, Coffee this week. This applies to any line in th,? GROCERIES Pure Maple Syrup. Eastern Township, a new -line at new low prices. Quart tins JMc if all. tins !?1.7." Gall, tins The quality is equal to the test obtainable in Quebec. Fijr Bars, per lb lf Ginger Snaps, per lb.. . !!)( Peerless and Hovis Cookies, 2 pkjrs. for U."r Chocolate Eclaires, per lb. Jlf Glace Cherries, per lb.. . Johnson's Fluid Beef, res. $1.26. special !!0 Christmas Plum Puddings made by Christie Drown Co. We have two sizes arriving in a few days. Union Hand Cleanser, the biggest value ever. 2 tins for' nrtt Pels Naptha Soap, per carton 71f Cowan's Unsweetened Chocolate, Vi Ib. cake il."c Cowan's Sweetened Chocolate, Vj lb. cake i!Of New Dates In bulk, 2 lbs. 2.V TOMIIINATION SPECIAL 1 only Dath Mat :t!)r with any of the following; Assortment A 3 tins Malkin's Peas 3 tins Malkin's Corn 't tins Refugee Deans 3 tins Tomatoes, Per doz., Assortment D .1 tins Quaker Peas, No. S .1 tins Quaker Corn 3 tins Refugee Deans .1 tins Tomatoes, 2's Per doz., $1.7." Assortment C 2 tins Pumpkin, 2Vi's a tins Spinach, 2's tins Tomatoes, 2H' 2 tins Asparagus, 2Vz' 2 tins Malkin's Refugee Deans 1 Per doz., JfS'J.T.I Assortment I) 2 tins Sliced Peaches, l's, tails 2 tins Rosedale Pears, l's, talis 2 tins Apricots, l's, talis 2 tins Sliced Pineapple, l's, tails 2 tins Fruit Salad, l's, talis 2 tins Royal Anne Cherries, l's. tails Per doz., $2.85 Rupert Table Supply :i Phones: WESTHOLME THEATRE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, 7 and J p.m. Saturday .Matinee, 3 p.m. LON CHANEY "HE WHO GETS SLAPPED" A stirring tale of circus life. ,.,, NORMA SHEARER, JOHN GILDERT, TULLY JIAIIS I AM. FORI) STERLING, CLYDE COOK, MARC MACDLRMOH. RUTH KING and many others. COMEDY "HEDEE JEDEES" P ATI IE REVIEW Admission . - - 50c and 23c -rr. - Winter Weather Wants COAL HODS STOVE FIFE OIL STOVES WEATHER ST " STOVE HOARDS FURNACE btopj h HEATING STOVES ELECTRIC RAM'La SNOW SHOVELS, 75 EACH Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. KSThw a!!... Prince Rupert " M d w VllUC Specials AN APPLE It. if, N 100 boxes V ,, than, quali! , Packed 15( box. Extra - . box H beat $i.r, ifiw is me 1 w ' tbU season, and w. fidwMt will n..; i; gain. JAP 0RANU s Per bos ... . si.on This is the : . on Jps this v. consider it a : which w shall laainUin. Rmperor Grapes ; Special -It: We have 25 i, , at above. D'Anjou Pear v and wonderful : basket ; jr Celry, per h-ad Cauliflower. Qr Lettuce, per hi .. ;it Tomatoe.4, irr li-, ;i-,f Hubbard Squash. I; S( Genuine Spanish n lb. Choice D.C. ,.' ., sir Pareley, per Lu r.. mf ltruasel Sprout- ;i-,f MEAT DEPT. We bought No l at very low pri . end. Vlalt our n.. . meat tbia week money. Iliad Done Pt I; lb. li r Roond Done Pt :: Ib. I!r Round, Steak. ii t Sirloin Steak. i 27 f Liberty Steak. , l't Rump Roasts, p. ; Veal Steaks. r Leg Veal Roast- 2S Shoulder Veai. i c '--if Pork Sausage, i o Uf Loin Pork RoasV :Bc Fresh Side Pork i 'if 1 PROVISIONS Maid of Clov. i i 1 Dutter, in bulk , SI 13 D.C. Egg. Aim : everj- egg a k i doi. for . . -SI l Finest Neav Zcaia . j 1 ' per lb :W 210 21 1 - 212 In