TAG! FOUR Neglected Eyes NEGLECT Is doubtless the eause of most of the illsjthaV afflict hnmityATUiSjsVj elf evident thJJteerat1 hardly nwessarylwjtl rfjreuv. If your eyes regvfnp; trouble, have them attended to and at once. OP ALL absurdities In the kingdom of foolishness surely the lou of eyesight through neglect is the most Inexcusable. DONT lose health and efficiency through neglect Come and see! Fred Joudry Registered Optometrist and Optician Room 3 Smith Block Phone 763 Indian I SUMMER YctT IN YOUn iWHL SOON BE COAL FOB THE 1 COLD GREY DAWN FJ i The Fall months are fall-in? behind and you'll hare Winter on before you know it. Join the "don't worry" club today and get your bin filled right away. Our slate-free coal will give you a care-free- Winter. NANAIMO - WELLINGTON COAL and ALBERTA BOOTLESS COAL Albert & McCaffery Phones 116 and 117 Prince Rupert BOAT HOUSE Phone 381 lr.O. Box 1565 LAUNCHES, SCOWS, ROW-BOATS AND CANOES SAND AND GRAVEL Equipment for Diving and Salvage- Work Agents for Easthope Engines and Stump Pullers NORWEGIAN IIAL1RUT GEAR IN STOCK Compass Adjusting MILK -:- PRICE Reduced to 12 pints for $1.00 7 quarts for $1.00 12 pints for $1.00 Cash price tickets. Meliride Street store now closed Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy - lllh SL Telephone C57. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST ANGERMILQR Fine Imported, fierge and Scotch Tweed Suits made to order in our shop in Prince Rupert as low CCC Art as L ANGER, Cutter and Designer 223 Sixth Street BRINGING UP THE 'DAILY I cot-toot )mmmmmit & to tWr.w.r Ml ,; ilv II ,5S5?a5S 1 AWAV FROM 6WlPMf3HP ll VlBSSiU;, ON,tJL? I I CMsiDEO i HEIK OUT THtRt'. "" O 1927 lnr F.rot Scmvwi. Inc " GIRLS' DRILL TEAM DANCE v'cry Enjoyable Affair In Moose Hall Last Night Attended by 220 Persons A large crowd numbering tome 220 person turned out to honor the Prince Rupert dixit" Drill Team at the rim annual dance held by the organisation last night in the Moose Hall. The hall sraa tastefully decorated In the blue and white color of the team, splendid music was dispensed by the orchestra led by Miss Irene Morrison and the whole event, lasting from 9 la the evening until 2:30 In the morning, was one of great pleasure and success, not a dull moment prevailing during the whole flve-and-a-balf hours, the featured moonlight waltte being par- L'rularty enjoyed. Douglas FrlKell. who wftb Alex Mit chell, now absent from the dtv. organlred the team and coached It. was master of ceremonies and all the girls Misses Cathie Irvine, Laura Frizzell. Ada Mlnrgohr. Julia Walters. Edna linger. ' Evelyn Dalby, May Thompson. Chrlssie Mcleod and Dorothy Edgsr were active In making the arrange ments and conducting the affair. The tenth member of the team Is Miss Irene Morrison who had charge of the music. Refreshments were served to three tlttlngs at midnight, the cakes having been made by the girls themselves. Assisting with the serving were" Mike Budenich. Ray James. Sam 'Joy. Clarence Thomson and Alvln Johnson Flowers for the tables werepresented by Mrs. R. A. "Mc'tebd, ""Mrs. Joseph INaylor and Mrs. Frank Deny. I Bert Walters presided at the door. - I Man in the Moon ON the Prairies they have been hav ing Indian summer. Here we are ex pecting It. IT was a local young lady who went hunting with a young man and complained on her return that she would never go out hunting with him again because he did nothing but hunt. CONTRARY to popular opinion flan-' pert know what needles are for. They are perfectly ware they are for use In phonograph. THE way to find out what Is the population of Prince Rupert Is to tejjd In the postofflce after Church on Sunday night and. count them. THOSE hunters who- have so Xar been unsuccessful In bagging a deer are planning to go dut once more and get some more exercise' for the same pur pose as before and lnost of them will have the- Bame- resSt: folfoMisW ACCORDING to local report Dido Ourvlch is a pretty good little fiehter. At anyrate he got away with the goods on Thursday night. HE can land some heavy punches. He can swat "em on the bean. He can swing a pretty uppercut And land some punches mean. He can carry home the bacon. For he goes right In to win. His opponents mostly take the count oo he comes out with a grin. SOCIAL LAST NIGHT AT RUPERT EAST GYMNASIUM Muh Music and Singing and Enjoyable Time Spent with Ross Markay Presiding There was an Interesting Sunday school social at the Rurart East Gvm- naslum last night with T. Ross Mackay, superintendent of the school, presiding An orchestra consisting of Messrs Peachy, Moorenouse. Woods and Mac. donald gave a number of selections which were well received. Others; tak ing part in the program were I Will Murdnrh with ri fatten. uriifvt Thompson 'with a whistlinz solo! Mr. wooas with a violin selection; Walter Howarth and Metb Davles with soncs Mrs. R. Wilson played the piano for the community singing. Refreshments were served by the ladles and a most enjoyable time was spent. Advertise In The DaUy Ntws FATHER Used after Shaving Dr. Chase's OINTMENT Keeps the Skin Soft, Smooth and Velvety TELEGRAPH CHIEF IS VISITOR HERE Major J. E. nolilrl, General Superin tendent of (internment Telegraph, on Trip of Inspection Major J. E. Oobell. general superintendent of the Government Telegraph Service with headquarters In Ottawa, arrived In the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from Vancouver on a visit of Inspection to the lines In this district, it being his first trip here for several years. Major Coble! vas accompanied north by J. T. Phelan f Vancouver, superintendent for Bri-.Ish Columbia and the Yukon, and fill remain here until the first of next eek when they will proceed to the In-eiior. Mrs. Oobell Is also a member f the party which Is registered at the rlnce Rupert Hotel. INSPECTOR SANDYS-WUNSCH HERE FOR TEMPORARY DUTY For the purpose of taking charge .emporarily of the local detachment of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police In place of Inspector S. T. Wood, who lief ill In hospital In Regina, Inspector T S. Sandys-Wunsch of Vancouver arrived :n the city from the south on the Prince Rupert this morning. Inspector Sandys-Wunsch is one of the best known officers of the entire force of "red coats" and has seen con siderable service in the north. He was last here In his official capacity some two years ago for the trial of Llard River Indians who were brought out of the northern- country by him and his detachment on charges of witchcraft murder. During the last summer he was age in in the Casslar country to establish a new police post. Inspector Sandys-Wunsch Is also a crack revolver shot and Is a former world champion. Advertise In The Daily News The Racer When I'm burning up the miles every cylinderwork ing overtime at tremendous temperatures there's at least one thinglknowwon't go wrong and that's spark plugs. I insist onChampions! Champis if tkt incur plug bacaust of U$ rrk bli - ribbed tiUkmm nil catc its fava-pifcc (.-futniftion mnitis p dal nalyti$ cleclroae. CHamblos X for Fordg 80 CKamfrfM Cart other than Forda 90- Champion SparlPhigs WINDSOR, ONT. A CANADIAN-MADE PRODUCT PRINCE GEORGE The city of Prince Oeorge will probably close the current year with credit balance of 89.000 or 83.000 It is announced by Aid. MoSatt. chairman of the finance committee. Ei penal -tures for the fire department, Including the purchase of a $4X100 Ore track, have been taken eare of out of the current year's revenue. A successful basaar was held by the Catholic Women's League. Raffle winners included Mrs. O. Mealing. Mr. Fot-tln, Mrs. Hedlusd. H. Kennedy (Me-Bride). Mrs. A. M. Patterson, Mr. Rothls Mrs. Al Johnson. Mrs. P. W. Laatfon. Mrs. Robertson and Miss Florence Lambert. Major W. L. Carrutbers of Wrsagell, llvlslonal commander of the Salvation rmy. has been In Prince George dur- ng the past week assisting Oapt Lyons n her effort to rsise money to cover he cost of the new hall being erected ere. The ccst of the building will be 2.000. half of which money la re-ulred to be raised by local subscrip-lon. the balance being loaned by rmy headquarters. Judge Robertson. In. County Court -ere, sustained the conviction by Stl-endlary Magistrate Charleeon at Van-erhoof of Charles Niehol on the charge f having In his possession mash ult-ble for the manufacture of spirits, us Honor, however, remitted a sentence f thirty days' imprisonment which had een Imposed In addition toU fine of 200. Fishing In the vicinity of Prince leorge. In the opinion of R. W. Me- eod, fisheries guardian, la good and here exists no immediate necessity for estocklng. With one or two exception. he lakes on the Fraser River watershed lave as much fish In them as the food fill carry. Six-mile Lake. In which here has been a marked Improvement n fishing. Is named by Mr. MacLeod as be most Important lake 'for Prince Jeorge residents as it can be reached n less than an hour. Mrs. F. A. Matheson, who has been dentifled with the Women's Institute novement at eastern points, read an nterestlng paper at a meeting of the ocal institute this week In the City Tall on the alms and object of the nstltute which has become Interna-tonal in growth, having attained a urge membership In Canada, the United States and England. Messrs. McMonlgle and Walklns will st out the commercial fishing In Francois Lake this fall, having laid in large supply of nets. Grey trout tsve been observed in the lake which -save been said to weigh around forty- five pounds and the ferryman reports having passed through a large school of: fish from six to eight feet long. These are believed to be sturgeon al though such fish have not yet been Ukenln the lake. The log scale for Prince George dis trict made a large gain during the month of September when a total scale if 15,591,392 feet was recorded, the 'arge majority of it being spruce. This was a gain of three million feet over September 1928 but, ' for the nine months of the year, the 1027 scale is ighteen million feet short of that tc the corresponding months In 1B26. The members of the Eastern Star Auxiliary met yesterday at the home of Mrs. W. K. Nicholls. F. J. Shearer addressed the Prince Oeorge Retail Merchants' Association this week on fire insurance. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Renwlck an nounce the engagement of their second daughter, Miss Kate Kelman Renwlck, to C. 8. Foot of this city. The wed ding will take place early In November. A strong delegation consisting of C. A. Payne. H. O. Parry, Mir. A., R. W. Alaard, W. K. Nicholls, W. L. Arm strong and J. H. Johnson will be sent by the Prince Oeorge Board of Trade to Edmonton to support General F. A. Sutton in the representations he will make to the Alberta Government In the matter of building a direct) line of railway from the ePace River to Van couver via Prince Oeorge. The local Elks' Lodge will again hold a series of monthly socials during the winter months. The local school board has decided to Impose a fee of 12.50 per month uncri sll nur.ii ittendlns the public schools who belong to outside school For anted Sale DAILY For Rent 2c per word in WANTED WANTED. WEN MECHANICALLY IN-diced who would like to work at the world's grestett paying industry. Auto mechanic, garage work, electrical expert, wetdtng. battery and vulcanising. We guarantee to qualify you for Mg paying posttlons. Only a abort time required. Write or call llemphitl'i Auto Engineering Behoof 10 Hastings st, E.. Vancouver. B.O. WANTED. RELIABLE PERSON TO Use eare of baby, six months old Apply P.O. Box laoa. city. 147 WAITED. GIRL FOR OCXERAL housework. Apply Mr. W. II. Tobey Phone No. 263. tf AGENTS WANTED. 1100.00 WEEKLY EASY EITHER SEX setting our deanee and eJotbe pin bag. Real seller. Unusual high commission. Free sample. Lefebrve Mfg. Gotnpaay. Alexandria. Ont. 14.00 A DAY PAID MEN OR WOMEN far distributing religious literature until CbrUtsoas, spare or full time. For particulars write Mr. Oonrad. Spadtna Building. Toronto. MS PERSONAL QREETXNO OARDS Agents wanted to take orders for the finest line ever shown in Canada. Regal Art Co.. 310 Spadrna Avenue. Toronto. FOK RENT FOR RENT. FOUR ROOMED FDR-nlshed modern1 house, five minutes from Oity HaU. Apply H. a. Helger-son, 218 Sixth Street. 248 "OR RENT. FURNISHED FLAT IN Clapp Block from November 1 to February 1. Phone Red 2S1. 250 FOR RENT. FOUR ROOMED FUR-nlshed apartment with bath and water paid. Phone 547. tf FOR RENT. Pianos, phonogrsphs and Singer sewing mscblne. Walker's Music Store. FOR RENT. FURNISHED HEATED Room. Apply 833 Borden Street. 251 HOUSE FOR RENT. 6 ROOMS AND BATH. Apply Munro Bros. tf HOUSES FOR RENT. 420.00 UP. AP ply 215, 4th Ave. E. tf AUCTIONEER TO BE SOLD AS A QOINO CONCERN to the highest bidder by public auction on November 16, store with four roomed ysjiile or two year ,Js tnom Ap'rtl 1. 1927 to April" l.'itfw rent 30 per month for flrat year and 185 per month second, year, together with a Brine' Auctioneering and Second hand business, together with all stock, fixtures and effects. For further Information, see Brine, Auction eer. Phone 774. No reasonable offer refused up to day of sale. LIKE POLITICIANS AND SOME REAL estate agent, my stock and prices are liable to change without notice, I buy, sell or exchange, a. F. Brine Auctioneer. Phone 774. districts. A fee of $5 per month for sutelde High School student 1 already In effect The Lelrscb Logging Co. ha about fifty men in its bush camps, about one mile from Aleza Lake, under the tort- manship of Alex McDonald. The mill at Aleza Lake is running steadily and also employ about fifty men. Miss Myrtle May Kimball end Harold Slmpnon Ritchie were united In mar riage on Monday at Knox United Church parsonage. Rev. s. T. Oalbralth officiating. TO MEET PKINCE. Andy Akerberg dropped In this mom ing to explain tnat it was not the King of Sweden that Mr. and Mrs. Olof Hanson had gone aouth to meet but, raiK vvuneun, second son of the King of 8weden. an author of note, nunier, collector and lecturer. He 1 also a naval officer. For assaulting Mrs. Ethel Coombs. Joseph Rose was fined 810 and 82.50 costs by Stipendiary Magistrate H. F. McLeod in city police court yesterday afternoon. "By George McMaai-i NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. r; advnnce. No Advertisement taken'for less than 50c FOR SALE ItOOSBHOLD PTJRNrrVRE FOR SALE, also wicker baby carriage. 1069 Third Avenue. Phone Red 6)6 347 1 OHESN SHINOLB8 ARK BEST. MXX a thousand. Seal Cove Lumber Oo. LAND FOK SALE THE Q TP DCVXLOPUKNT CO.. LTD. will now eosaaider applications for purchase of It holdings in toe Town site of Prince Rupert and also adjoining serfage. For particulars apply to fl. P. TINKER CO- ITIj Agents. M01.EU BEAUTY COLLEGE Mt PureeMfHl Cell fie on the Continent Bspert Instructors In aU branches of beauty culture. Including water waving and permanent waving. Terms: Motor, 10 H set tags, St. E. Vancouver. B.C. SCIIOQliy AND COLLEGES UBN AND WOMEN LEARN BARBER ING Expert instructors In one of the beat paying businesses. Ears while you learn and keocane Independent. Oatl or write Moler Barber College. 10 Hasting St I . Vanoouver. BC. DANCING MISS MVFANVVY CAMPBELL Teacher of classical, operatic and toe dancing. Children's class or private tuition. riione mark CIS. EXCHANGE EW AND "SECONDHAND FURNITURE bought, sold and exchanged, and restaurant fixture In Papadopulo and Mara, 89 Thrtd Ave. Phone 646. tf PIANO Tir.MVO NOW HERE. LOV1S F. COLE for many years with Brlnatnead. Los-don. Eng.. Martln-Orme. Ottawa and Mason St Risen. Toronto'. Repair and adjustment -of Player Piano sad Grand a specialty. Phone Ited I0J. CHIMNEY SWEEP II. 1. ZrMKFIIK General Handy Man Furnace and Stove Cleaned and Re paired. Ohlmnie Swept. ' Cemetery Plot Cared For. Phone Red 243. Prince Rupert. B.C. KAIEN OAKAOE , TntTiirrt rehi ctions In CHEVROLCT PRICES Commercial Chassis. Vi-ton delivery mar60 Touring 8811.00 Roaajjr 8811.60 Roadster Delivery 8811.60 Sport Roadster 8880.00 Coach 8B49XX) Oowpe 8964.00 Bedan 81,052.00 Cabriolet 81,086.00 Landau Sedan 81.119.00 Imperial Landau Sedan 81.168.00 UUIlty Express, 1 ton truck.. 8792.60 Disc wheels 825.00 extra In all models A complete line of 1928 models on hand at present. Phone or call for demonstration and learn about our, easy payment plan. Guaranteed Used Oars on Hand Ford Coupe, 1925. 8100 cash, balance 825 per month. Ford Sedan. 1928, 8100 cash, balance 825 per month. KAIEN OAKAOE, Have Ross Dealters In sll General Motor Producets Goodvesr anri PitAitAfu TIpm PlresJ i Wrecking Service Day and Phone 5? TAXI Phone G7 Tast (Call Georj?e, Paul or Gust) Six and Seven Passenger Stude-bakers at your disposal any time. ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block. (Across from Empress Hotel) ArntU Lost 11 STEAMSHIP MOVEM For Vanrotti Sunday ss. Prince R per Tuesdsy s. Catala Thursday- Pr;i e Uc Saturday. Cardc: a 'J " . Princess Ec: Oct. 38 s. Princess t. 5 Nov. 2 s. Princess A From Vancouver Sunday s. Catala Wednesday awJMncs Saturday, as. Carde: Saturday as. Pnn e;i r ' 8aurdav a. Prlru o n Oct. 19 as. Princess . Oct 29 . Princes For rort Klmpmn and Nasi IJisw Sunday ss. Catala, from Port Simpson and Sim Hm- Tuesday ss. Cataia L or Anjoj Sunday ss. Oatala 4 Wednesday a. Prin -e Or rooi Anjox Tuesday ss. Catala , Thursday . Prim e r. j Fr Ktrwsrt Suadsy m. Catala Satnrdsy a. Prince It t I ram Mrwart Sunday ss. Prince R x Tuesday. Catala lor queen Charlotte Oct. 28aa. Prince C , . . Nov. 5 s. Prince C one iroid (J Mi-en Charlotte Oct 20. as. Prince C! ... Us ' Nov. S, . prince C! u :r- for Alaska- Wednesday as. Prince Qcrj Oct. 19 as. Princes A Oct. 29 ss princess A; : From Alaska Thuradiyi si Prince Crc ' Oct. 23 a princes A Nov. 2 ss. Princes A, MAIL SCHEDULE OCTOIIEU, I9T1 For the Est Mondays, Wednesdsys, Ss' close rrom the Esst Tuesday. Thursday and ? due l Ml To Vancouver Sundays i:ii Tuesdays .4 U HI Thursdays i: MI Saturdays . . CPJlXoct 23. Nov 2. From Vancouver Sundays Wednesdays l1! . I Saturdays Saturdays C PR-Oct. 19 and 29, To Anyov and Alice Arm Sundays . .mall tfaf 'Ml Wednesdays IP'l From Anyo and Alice Arm Tuesdays ' Thursdays mail p To Stewart and Premier-Sundays Saturdays From Mrwart and Premier-Sundays I T 0 Tuesdays 1 To Naas River Points 'l Sundays From Naas River Points-Tuesday ma due s To Alaska Points Oct. 19 ar-' 29. From Alaskn Point Oct. 23. 7 ov. 2. To Queen Charlotte Island Polnts- Oct. 22. Nov. 5 From Queen Charlotte I'lan p"1 , Oct. 20. Nov. 3 C.N.R. TRAINS For the East Dally Excent Bundavs ... H"'! From 'hr .. Dallv , eirrnt vaA.kA.,m '30 01 " a V .. ", t ! " PRINHE.PIIPPftT TIDES M f") (' ilaitalali A A a ' I KirVti k V jVknr-il? 11 Hleh .ni -m U1'" 12:16 pjn. 6:18 ajn. 18:44 vxn- lnVt. V f rt r 11 f It 91 "'B" 0:38 ajn. 12:46 p.m. L" tf 6:43 ajn. ,J 19:14 pja.