Fhone 51. ' "assv av wm v ( ft. Jtvar' u- r m-.i a m ji : v - u 'jy Firestone Dips the Cords of the Carcass in a Kubber Solution ths old Fabric Tire, internal friction was exceaaive, and mileage ;. the eauare-woven construction of the fabric being impossible . ,i tt. I ir.:aie wrui ruuucr. tn came the Cord tire, with cord in each ply laid parallel no erwsvcn cross-threads permitting greater insulation of the f!i, one from another, but the cords were not insulated with ibtr. rr much research. Firestone chemists found a method of inul- r.2 every fibra of every cord with rubber and called it "Gum- pping. i ms process reauces internal met ion ana gives usonds ol extra mucs. or local Firestone Dealer will gladly explain the many advant- . . . T- . c t es tnat oruy r ireswne urea can ivc. occ nun today. FIRESTONE TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY OF CANADA, Limited 'I Wiru HAMILTON, CANADA MOST MILE3 PER DOLLAR IREGTONE BUILDS THE ONLY GUM-DIPPED TIRES Firestone Agents in Prince Rupert, B.C. Kaien Hardware Co. Telephone 3 Something Unusua Decorated Candle x given free with a box of i'uwdar and a jar of Jonteel Cream. IIEHB IS THE OFFKK V 11)e one box of Jonteel Face Powder (any l :i jar of Jonteel Face Cream (either Cold or the regular price of $1.00 for the two and you ' "l Candles Free. Jonteel Face Powder Jonteel Face Cream One Fair Candle All for One Dollar 7v sTVs Jfic Pioneer Druofi'jsls jT HIRD AVE t, SIXTH ST. - - TELEPHONES 82f,200 DEMAND "Rupert Brand" "THE DAINTIEST HKEAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & oA Storage (X Dd. Prince Uupcrt. B.C. u . r- . . UNDEtt,NEY MANAGEMENT N ' I . jltJJi. . 30TEL Thc'place called "Home" 120 Rooms, American and European Plan. Hot and Cold Water. Busm.eets all trains and boats. Sample Room U Martin, Manager. Local and Personal Arthurs Tut pnons 78 BC Undertaken Pkoce ti. Dentist. Dr J. R. O ju. PboneSde Nstlve sons of Canasta whist drive and dance in Uetropole Hall on Monday. Octobtr M. 3 Mrs. D. W. 0tsel and daunMen of Terrace ntclml the 'city on .yesterday afternoon's tram to make i' 6rlf stay her. , Mi. H. JS. Creelman of Usk la a visitor tn the city for a few days, huv ing intfri flam the interior on yester day afternoon's train. C. H. Bawls, publisher of tlx Omi-neca Herald, arrived in the city on yesterday afteraoonl traui from New Haswltoo for a brief business visit here Hyda Transfer now agent, for Al-Alberta tooth and Pembln Peerless Thaee ceala art under cover, don't buy wets, buy aoaL an t ton can you lt tf Ura. W. B. Morgan, lot Haya Oove Clrelo. who baa Data apendlng the lummar rial ting with ratatlvw in Uont-raaL rtturnad to toe otty an yaaUrday tftarnoon'a train. Iythku Witm aala of work, home cooking and ta. Monday. Movambar 14. froat to m Boston Hall. Whlat drive at 840 foUovMd by a dance. Un. Poodatfi orchaatra. ' FIT tawd cash ragtatara traded in on DaKonat tor BaK. Wa now bar nlna-tan Oalton Adding and Caah Ragiater maehiao-uam la Priaea Rupert. A. K. Kalaoord. Prince Rupert Hotel. 349 C.P.R. steamer Prlnceea Beatrice. Capt. 8. K. Oray. arrived In port at oclock thla morning from Vancouver and way-porta, aalllng at 11 on her return aouth. The BaatrlcV landed frw flrat-claaa paa-aengan here. Saturday Specials. Dry Ooods and Novelty Shop Ladtes.wJ.it flannelette Nightgowns in all slaas. regular 1.48 for 96c. Also aU kinds of fancy Cretonnes, regular 4sc per yard: special 8 rarda for 11 00. Phone 776. 248 L. . Coles, piano tuner, la leaving Prince Rupert at the end of this month 'or Vancouver. Those requiring pianos -.uned will kindly send their orders :arly. as Mr. . Cotes will not be here igala until April. Phone Bed 108. OJiJL steanntv Prlnoe Rupert, Cap. D. Donald, arrived on ttme at. 1040 this morning from Vancouver, Powell River i Ooesui Palls. The 'vessel will sail st 16 ewak tonight for Stewart, rs- urntof here to sail south at 11 o'clock tomorrow night. Mrs. Lance Potterton. formerly Prince Rupert and now residing Stewart where her husband la the pro vincial police constable, la expected m the city very soon on her way home following a holiday visit to her former home In England. - ANNOUNCEMENTS Rupert Bast October 27. Loyal Order of Dance, October 27. Orange Lodge October 27. Hospital Auxiliary October 38. United Church Bazaar Moose Anniversary Concert and Dance, Halloween Ball Hill 60 Halloween Batautr. October W Kalen dar Kabaret I.O.DI. lowe'en. Hall, Hal- Knights of Pythias Whlat Drive and dance, October 11. ' Presbyterian Church ber 3. Bptiat Sale, November s. Movem- Presbyterian Church Choir Concert, November' (T. Canadian Legion Armistice Day Ban quet. November 11, In the Boston Hall. Pythian Sisters Sale of Work Novem ber 14. Anglican Baaaar, Tuesday, Nov. IS. Mooee Bazaar, Nov. 16 and 17. Established 1923. Office Hours: a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday: a.m. to 1 p.m. Any evening by appointment DENTIST Exchange Block. I'hone I OK THE DAILY NEWS .Make This Your Last Day of Constipation "Fruit-a-tive" give Sure, Positive Relief MRS. H. CODIN "After suffering many yean from conU-paiion, I vu adxiied to try 'Fruit-a-threi'. Alt ray ills are gone now. I am fleaey and in good health. I tried all Linda of remedies, but only 'Fruit-i-tive' l.rought back my health. In appreciation I am ready to certify that Truit-a-tivei" lives up to every claim." Such is the sincere testimony of Mrs. Henri Codin, 34 McGuIre St., Montreal. If your body is handicapped by weak intestines if you have headaches, diiiy spells, feel despondent, unable to enjoy work or play, by all means try "Fruit-a-Urt". It is the ideal tonic-laxative the meet natural medicine to restore you to health, because it is made from pure, fresh fruit juices intensified and blended with tonics; nothing else. Natural, gentle, safe. Step into your druggist's. Buy a 25c or 50c box. Make Mrs. Godin's happy experience come true for you, also. Norsk audetjeneete 1 Metropole Hall.i unorgenkveld 750. Utt th Big 4 babltl 4 a Taxi, pbsne 4. When thinking tf Celebrate your btttbday at the Kabaret tn I OD E. Hall on Hallowe'en. Admission Oc. Merrttt to Prince Rupert In the service i of the Bank of Montreal, arrived In the city from Vancouver on the Princess Boa trios this morning. Mr. Leigh's home Is in New Westminster. Mrs. Faony Cumberland of Merrttt. grand chief for British Columbia of the Pythian Sisters. Is expected in the city within a day or so to pay an official visit to the local lodge. Much en tertainment Is being planned for Mrs. Cumberland during her stay here. Archdeacon O. A. Rlx, administrator of the. Anglican dloceee of Caledonia, who has been In the East for several months arranging for finances to reestablish the diocese with a bishop, will return to the city next Saturday or 8unday, accompanied by Mrs. Rlx, who has been visiting In Ontario. After spending a two weeks' honey moon which took them as far south as California, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Stork. the bride having formerly been Miss Orace Curtln of this city, returned home on the Prince Rupert this morn ing and will take up residence In their new home on Atlln Avenue, Westview. ORCHARD-ROBBING BEARS NUMEROUS ROUND UCLUELET UeHJELET. Oct. 20. Black bears, usually ptentlful around Ucluelet. are very numerous this year. A number have been seen In and about the settlement and have created quite a dlstur- IbaiiiHve oreWdsJOne war shot rrreA-iawfcr apple' tree vln Oeorze Fraserls famcnV garden within fifty yardK of his house after having been tr.vi away several times previously. end several trees In orchards nearby have been destroyed. The scarcity ofj wild small fruits thus autumn la sug-: Kestrd :l a probable reason for the bUdm.--. ol lha bears. I Church Notices T. AMIKEW C.lTlltDIUL (Churcn of England) Rector. Archdeacon Q. A. Rot. Aaalatant. Rev. O. R. Proctor. Morning service at 11 oWajk Evening service at 7.M. Baerameatt of the ixrds Supper will be sitnUataXrtvl on itrst Sunday ot month at It am.; UMid Sunday of month at S a m. Sundwy cbool at aJO. UUTMT. ( III K( II Ulimter. Re. W. T. Prlee. Womiug worahln at II o'clock. 8er- acn topic: "Olvlng the Bible to the c:;a ' Sunday school at 239. Even-.ig ae:-rice at 7JS. Subject of sermon; Toe lame take the pref. Ood'a healing for life's crlpol..- Bok by R. W. Howard. Bright oonfregatlonal singing. t'llKISTlAV HCIfcMK hOCICTY Senice every Sunday morning In the Hays' Block. M Second Avenue. Subject on Sunday "Probation after Death " Testimony meeting on Wed- .teaday evening at 8 o'clock. I'KKSIlVTtKIAN t ill Kt II. Minister. Rev. J. R. rrleell. Bit., LL.B. Residence, the Msnse. Telephone 403 Morning worship at 11 o'clock. BlMe Society Service. Subject: The Bail'a Beacon God's sacred oracle.' Sonday school at 12.13. Evening service at 7 JO. Subject: "Uncle Tom's Text." A nugget from Harriet Beecher Stowc's ?ret boos the words on which the HA slave pUsowed his dying head. Anthem by the tMtr "Lkght at eveniag time." I'MTEIl CIU'KCII. Rev. A. Wilson, pastor. Mis. I. Had dock, deaconess. Morning service st U o'clock. Evening st 7.30. Sunday school at 2J0. Meeting of Young People's Society on Mod Jay at 730. GYROS WIN EASILY IN BILLIARD LEAGUE Defeated hrots Luxt Mjlit In Regular 1'Uture by fxore of 983 to 81U The Ojro Otub Increased Its supremacy In the Billiard League last night by completely outclassing the Soots tn a regular league fixture, the aggregate Hospital Auxiliary Hallo e'en Ball f which was 983 to 810 in favor will be held at the Auditorium on Prt-' of the service, club. The only Soot Tie- day. October 26. Dancing will com-! ' Marcus Andrews who won over mence at o'clock sharp and continue : Percy Tinker by a score of 200 to 183. until L ajn. Tickets 11.00. The high break ol the evening was I mads by Col. MoMordle who defeated W. H. Smeetoo. Fred Roberts and 1 Fred Pyte 200 to 178. Jack Oerdlner returned to the city onj Individual scores were as follow : yesterday afternoon's train after hav- Col. 8. P. McMordie (Gyro Club). 200- tng spent a day In the vicinity of Fred Pyle (Scots!, 178. Socheye trip. on an unsuccessful hunting PK H. E. Tremayner and Dr. J. A. West left on this morning's train for Queanei where they will spend the lows: week-end on a hunting trip. They ex-1 peot to return to the. city next Tuesday I ajro afternoon. Following the destruction of the for merly occupied premises by fire. L. R. Parry, local commissary superintendent for the Canadian National Railways, is making temporary headquarters in the baggage room. John Horn, pioneer resident of the Yukon country and other parts of the north and extensive property owner in the city, left by the Oardena this morning to visit a brother in California. He bad spent the summer here. J. U Leigh, who Is transferred from C. Balagno. 200; J. Hamilton, 120. W. J. Nelson. 200; J. Andrew.. 160. O. P. Tinier. 183: M. Andrews. 200. O. A. Woodland. 200: Joe Broqrn. I5t The league standing to date Is as fol- Scots Club I Grand Terminals Oamet. Total. . . 3 2844 . . 3 2660 . . 2 1732 Aver. 948 887 876 GIANT STING-RAY IS IN AQUARIUM IN NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK. Oct. 21 A giant stingray, nine and One-half feet long. Is now ice chief attraction at the New York Aquarium. The fish, .which has a body about two and one-half feet In diameter, and a tall seven feet long. Is described as a distant relative of the shark and Is one of the largest fish of Its kind ever lodged In the aquarium. The fish was badly Injured when it was captured tn the ocean off Sandy Hook, and aquarium workers fear It may die In Its new surroundings, however. The fish derives Its name from the sharp spinal appendage at the end of its long tall, with which It cuts at an assailant. The stlng-ray never grows longer than twelve feet, and rarely In excess of nine, authorities say. C.N.R. TICKET OFFICE CLOSED TEMPORARILY Owing to repairs being made, the Canadian National Ticket Office. Third Avenue, will be closed for the next few days. During that period, tickets may be fiecured and all Information obtain ed at the Ticket Office in the depot Phone 3(9. tf Harry Dal ton of Edmonton, Inspector of dining cars for the Canadian National Railways. Is a visitor In the district on offlclal duties. He Is expected to arrive in the city on tomorrow afternoon's train from the interior, returning East Monday morning. C. H. Allan of Uak was a passenger leaving on the Cardena this morning for Vancouver. TOO I.ATE TO CLASSIFY FLAT AND ROOM TO RENT - -Wallace Block. tf PAIN from Bladder Irritation toon aaatd by SANTAL P.1IDY Beware of Imltatlona Look for th word -MIOV-Sold by all lrtiir-iiia Rallavatf tl PAGE TUBES Victor Orthcrftonie AWA WJ. w Charmaine ... Wafti B. F. Goodrich Sllvertown 20892 Con! Orchestra' Vocal Lewis James 20590 The "Big Hit" from Xeic York's latest Musical Success "Good iVeirs Varsity Drag Fox Trot Georjjc Olscn and His Music 20875 On a Dew, Dew, Dewy Day Fox Trot Nat Shllkrct and The Victor Orchestra 20819 Duet with guitar Jim Miller-Charlie Farrell 2090 Cest Vous (It's You) Walt Jacques Renard and 20716 Ills Orchestra Golden Slippers Old Time Southern Song Big hit I Duet with violin, banjo, Yernbn Dalhart and guitar and harmonica Carson Roblson 21539 Also the latest lied Seal records by famous Victor artists Victor Talking Machine Co. No Coal! No Ashes! No Soot! r P.O. llox 772. . . , ; ; More Comfort and Clean 1 mi 1 liness when you have a Westing-house Electric Range Cheaper in the long run! For particulars, phone 68. Prince Rupert Supply Co. J. A. Hlnton, Manager Canadian National Steamships Co. Limited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operatliij; U.T.I 20.000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Iloilcrmakers, Blacksmiths, Patternmakers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTIUC AND ACETYLENE WELDING,?'. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of .7' MAKINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385 Dr. MAGipE Dentist Over Ormc's Drug Store Phone 525. Office Hours 9 to 9 Lady Assistant