PAGE SIX Our Glasses FIT and look well OUR KEI'AIR DEPARTMENT Is equipped for accuracy and service A. E. IRELAND Graduate Optometrist 319 Third Avenue. Opposite fi.W.V.A. Notice! STILL GOING STRONG Although a great number of our bargains have been snapped up we have many more. Knitted Shawls $2.65 Crib Blankets $1.23 Girls' Combinations .... 75c Ladies' Combinations $1.00 Men's Ilraces 25c Mufflers 95c Striped Flannelette, 3 yds. 85c Rayon, per yard . . . . . 55c Gingham, checked, 4 yds. 95c Crepe, 5 yards ....... $1.00 Mussallem Grocery COMPANY LTD. 417-423 Fifth Ave. East, Phone 18. Phone 81 REMEMBER ! For Montreal prices on Clothing for Men & Boys Don't forget the Montreal Importers Third Avenue J. II. Miller - Proprietor II. S. WALLACE CO, LTD. Bathing Suits Made from finest all wool yarns PENMAN and UNIVERSAL MAKES Prices 2.1)5 to $5.75 LADIES' and CHILDREN'S SIZES In all the wanted colors H.S.WaiaceCo.Ltd. Phone 9 3rd Ave. and Fulton St. For COAL Phone 580 HydeTransler And Coal Co. 139 Second Avenue ROBERT FORKE VISITS HOME OFHIS BIRTH LONDON, June 11 It Is Juit forty- fire years ago this spring since a yountr Scots lad left a farm in Berwickshire to srek his fortune In Canada, now he Is visiting his native isle as Hon. Robert Forke, minister of Immigration and colonisation in the government of Canada. His father wa a tenant-farmer on the estate of Latly John Scott, of Spottls wood, a celebrated character on the Borders, who was the authoress of number pf Scots songs, composed the air and Jast verse ; of "Annie Laurie,1 and remained an Inveterate Jacobite until her dying diy. Ycung Forke. who was born in 1860, get his education at the village school and went to w;rk at an early age on mt paternal larm. But farming on Berwickshire uplands soon lost its at tractions when he read of the wonder ful fertility of the Manitoba prairie. . then being opened up for settlement, and when he was twenty-years of age he Joined the annual heglra of young Scots I farmers who were heading for the new agricultural Eldorado. He secured a free homestead of splendid land on the banks of the Plpcstoae Crsek, In south western Manitoba, and forty odd years LAND ACT. NOTIti: Of INTENTION TO A 111. V TO LEASE LAN II KOK IXMSTK1AI, PUK POKES In Prince Rupert Land Record :ns District of Prince Rupert, and s'tuate at Sewell Inlet, Moreno; Island, Queen Chixlntte Island.?. TAKE NOTICE that Kelley Logelng Company Limited, of Vancouver, B.C.. occupation Timber Merchants, Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands:-- Commenclng at a post planted approx-Imatcly 8 chains routh VO degrees east of the northeast corner of Lot 472, Sewell Inlet. Moresby Inland; thence following the shore line In an easterly, south. erly and southwesterly direction to its intersection wnn me eastern boundary of Lot 472; thence north 10 chains, more or less, to the point of commencement, and containing 20 acres, more or less. JOSEPH DOUGLAS WILSON. Agent for Kelley Logglnj Co. Ltd. Dated 29th April. 1927. SAILINGS TO E0ROPE MAKE RESERVATION'S KOW IKOVI MOXTKK.IL To Liverpool June 24. July 22 Montrose July 1, July ,29 Montcalm July 1 a Marloch July 8. Aug. '5 Mlnnedcsa July 18, Aug. 12 MontcUre This sailing calling at Glasgow. To Ik-lfa-l-Oiasgow June 23. July 21 Mellta July 7, Aug. 4 Metagama To Antwerp July 20 Marbura H'O.M (l tr'llKC To Cherbourg-Southampton-Anttverp June 28, July 28 Montroyal July 13. Aug. 10 Montnalrn To Cherbourg-Southampton-Hamburg June 22, July 20. Empress of Scotland June 29, July 27. .(Empress of France July 8. Aug. 3. .Empress of Australia 1 To Cherbourg-Southampton only Apply ta Aeenti everywhere or J. J. FORSTER. m S.S. General Paia. Agent. M C.P.R. Station, Vancouver. 0 Teler-hone Seymour 2630 QUALITY is the Essence of cheapness PIERRE PARIS' LOGGERS. HOOTS DIAMOND SWEATERS PRIDE OF Till: WEST SWEATERS Rig Horn Itrand Shir Is Western King Shirts Mcllrine and Evcrleigh Wardrobe Trunks and Baggage HOOD RUBBERS CARSS MACKINAW'S All Guaranteed Goods PatPhillipson Conducted Tourist Third Cabin EXCURSION to GLASGOW AND LIVERPOOL "S.S. Andania" From Montreal, July 8 Ocean Fare, Single $93 Return (plus tax) $170 ja vlnir Vaiimiiier July 4. ir(.iully i'iiihIiii'IiiI by Mr. Frank I, ileum of our Yaiuniivrr office. Money orilr-rs, drafts and Travellers' l:lH'iiiea at luweat rates. Full Information from local aito'il 'ir Company's offices, G4S lla.tlnir Bl w.. Vaiwwiver H.n VELVET Ice Cream THE VERY REST! Take a brick home tonitrht t We cater for Parties, Picnics, Dances, etc. Prompt Delivery Velvet Ice Cream Co Corner Third Avenue and Second Street Phone 7.r8 THE DAILY NEWS Saturday, june n School Girl's Nerves Lost year's time from school with St. Vitus' Dance. Completely restored by Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. The anxiety and strain in connection with school life and examinations are too much for many girls who are naturally of a nervous temperament or have become ao as a result of anaemia or a run dovn physical condition. Nervous conditions are most difficult to overcome and there aeema to be no treatment to compare with Dr. Chase's tyerve Food to restore exhausted nerves. Children's health responds quickly to this well known restorative treatment. Mrs. George A. Moot, St, Anns, Lincoln Co., Ont., writes "Our daughter, who was never very strong- from birth, at nine years of age became all broken down, suffering from what the two doctors we consulted called "Midnight Walk," which was caused from overtax at school. She seemed to show of skilful and strenuous labor have transformed the raw prairie into a fine farm and brought its owner comfort able prosperity. The original home- tend of 160 acres is now only a small part cf Mr. Fcrke'a holdings, which embrace 1.280 acres. From his earliest days' In Canada Porke found time to take an active In terest in local administration, and served as Reeve of his local municipality for twenty years. He was one of the first' Liberals In Manitoba to renounce pub licly his allegiance to Laurlcr on the inscription issue, and strongly support-d the formation of a Coalition MlnLs- .ry In 1917. When It melted away, four years later. Forke threw in hlr lot with the new Progressive party, and at the election of 1921 was returned In its Interest as member for Brandon. At the iast election he stood and was elected is a Liberal-Progressive, and when Mr. LAND ACT. NOTICE OK INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE FOKEttllOKE. In Prince Rupert Land Recording District or Prince Rupert, and situate st Sewell Inlet. Moresby Island. Queen Charlotte Islands. TAKE NOTICE that Kelley Lozulng Company Limited, of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation Timber Merchants. Intends to apply for a lease of the following described foreshore: Commencing at a post planted approximately 8 chains south, 20 degrees east from the northeast corner- of Lot 472. Sewell Inlet, Moresby Island; thence following the high water mark In an easterly, southerly and southwesterly direction to Its intersection with the easterly boundary of Lot 472; then southerly and easterly to the northwest corner of 8.T.L. 6215 P . thence In a northwesterly direction to the point of commencement, and containing 45 acres, more or less. JOSEPH DOUGLAS WILSON. Agent for Kelley Logging Co. Ltd. Dated 29th April. 1927. CANADIAN SERVICE From Montreal To Plymouth-Cherbourg-London Aututils . Jump 17 AmtiU .. J iiik- t To Belfasl-Llverpool-Glaegow Allii'iila . June 17 MirnU Jiiihi jl From New York To Queenetown and Liverpool Srylhla .. June IK Samara .. Juw ti To Cherbourg and Southampton A(iiltaiit 'line Si. July ft. Alls. I llrrciurarla . . June V. July o, Auir. Ill Maiin-UnU July ft. tT. ug. 17 To Londonderry and Olaagow l.akilonU . . Jiiimt IS TraiiMlvanl.i. . June ii To PImouth-Havre-London Camilla .. June is carmanta .. June 45 From Boston To Queenatown and Liverpool Saiiiurln .. June f l.anmla .. July u 1Mkiu mill Liverpool only Call at I'ljinoulh, eatLxjuul. symptoms of St. Vitus' Danre and had queer spells, something like fits, at nights. She was out of school for a whole year, as her nerves were so bad. Acting on a friend's advice, we gave her Nerve Food and after a few months' time we began to see a noted change in her, so we kept on with the Nerve Food until she was completely relieved and for the last year she has been, absolutely free pf the old trouble, sleeps well and is doing, fine at school. Now we are never without Dr. Chase's Nerve Food in our house, as we owe our daughter's health to it." New rich blood, steady nerves, new energy and new vigor come with the use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 60 cts. a box, all dealers or The Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Co., Limited, Toronto. King reconstituted his cabinet he accepted an Invitation to enter it as minister of immigration and colonisation. So now the Immigrant youth of 1882 finds himself the responsible head of the whole Canadian machinery of Immigration, colonisation, and land settlement. He Is particularly concerned with the encouragement of British Ur.-j migration which, despite the gratllyltg 'increase visible this spring, is still too J thin a stream, and one of the objects i of his present mission is to confer wltn I the officials of the Overseas Setthment Board about Ircsh schemes for stimulat ing the transference cf Britain's surplus population to Canada. B.C. COUPLE CROSS CANADA UUItlS IKO.M UIIITK KOt'K, U.C., TO MO.NTKLAL OX WAY TO ISLK OP MAN MONTREAL. June 11. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Champion and two children drove an automobile from White Rock, B.C to Montreal, travelling 4,451 miles during the month of May. Their trip of adventure was undertaken to Join the Manxmen's Home-Corn In g Tour which left Montreal on June 3 on the White Star' liner Albertlc. direct to the Isle of Man. Their trip waa the direct outcome of a legacy recently left to Mr. Champion, by his father. For seven years they had travelled a rough road and when the legacy came Mr, Campbell decided 'to buy a car, motor to Montreal, and loin the Manx men's Tour here. They travelled by way of Seattle, Portland, Salt Lake City, cast to Detroit, then to Chatham. Ont.. Toronto, and on to' Montreal. They had only three blowouts on the 'road but these were unimportant compared to a mishap In the American west when they collided with another car, an accident which nearly cost the party of four their lives. Fortunately the car was not damaged and they were able to continue on their way. At Salt Lake City they were delayed for two days by a snowstorm but this was the only severe, weather they encountered and as they, proceeded east they found the Journey 'enjoyable. The running expense of the trip, outside of food, amounted to (30.96, which included 17614 gallons of gasolene, cost- lng 136.31 and expenses for oil, grease ana repair of blowouts amounting to 114 65. On some parts of the trip they had to carry drinking water with them as, Mr. onamplon said. In some parts of the American west they drove for at least 100 miles through sage brush where there was a shortage of drlnklrw water. The party will stay in the Isle of Man until beptember 0 when they will em bark on the White Star liner Albertlc lor Montreal Irom where they will drive home to White Rock, B.C.. through the Canadian west. Waterfront Whiffs (continued from page live) W. Allan and Lance Styles. Course Dr. II, u Alexander. Claude Klrkendall, It. E. Benson and J. D. Lawrence. Timers- George Itorle, C. E. Starr, O. Jl. Elklns and Dr. J, It. Oosse. Entertainment.-Alex . Mcllac. C. Minns, H. F. Pullcn and Fred Bcaddcn. CANADIAN FISH AIIKAI) Canadian halibut landings at Prince Rupert for the season are now In excess of the total at a similar date last jyenr. The 1927 total ,now stands at 2,. 721,200 pounds as compared with 2,-710,500 pounds at a similar date In 1826. American landings are also coming up well and now total 7,152.600 pounds as compared 'with 7,903,200 pounds last year. The grand total to date U 8,873,800 pounds as compared with last year's 10,613,700 pounds. With the promise of good weather for awhile and weekly records of late showing general Increases from corresponding J periods last year, there Is reason to hope that the present season, even though It did have a bad start, may yet get ahead of last year. I During the paat week (Saturday and Friday Inclusive) a total of 692,700 pounds was tandea here- -American vci The Essex Seda The finest, roomiest, most beautiful ever built the acme of lu- ury with tin- n-r .feet ion of Super-Six performance. Its new and original type of body const-truction adapts the best practice of air, lane fabrication, combining the strength of slcel with the ll-jhtnej of aluminum. R makes p's;. hie the roominess of the light ear without the penalty of weight or tacrificc of nimblcness nnd economy. And with its superb and luxurious body, remember. ESSEX IS A SUPER-SIX. n differ from all other sixes not by little marflns but bold, yitiil advantagr that in itantlv stand out from all comparison. No car of nny price excels Its easy rid n; qualities. Here is economy, engineered not only to savings In fuel audi oil, but particularly to freedom from early depreciation, and to low;-3t maintenance costs. This Sedan satisfies every requirement of mclorMs accustomed to hi; car p'ominc-is and comfort, and Is u revelation to thoe who have beretofoie measured luxury only by price. THE SUPER-SIX PRINCIPLE AM AZ1NCLY REVEALED PRICES Five Passenger Essex Super-Six Sedan, complete, fully equipped .. SI.'MO.OI) Five Passenger Es-ex Super-Six Coach, complete, fully equipped .. yi.UfiO.OO Five Passenger Essex Super-Six Coupe, complete, fully equipped, . . !j? 1 ,'JGo.OO Second Avenue. Prince Rupert Auto Co. Spring Time Is CELERY KING Time ?fTr ,?ip ( tiAt fine "feuM tonic It if all tht iptlag mediant yoa neeA It dris-ei out wincer't poifonf. Improve the tppetite and mtkei you (eel better riihtaway. CELERY KING it food ht to whole family. At drufit. JtOc Jl fjQc Cash and Carry Grocery Fulton and Sixth Street $5.00 Orders Delivered C.O.D. JUST ARRIVED 100 Wood Iloxes Dollar Sodas. 5 lb. on sale, per box 70c Same Sodas in cartons . . . 25c Sweet lliscuits, fresh stock, from per lb., up 25c .Mai kin's Rest Pure Strawberry Jam (one scribbler free with each tin) 70c Out RestBulk Tea, per lb. . . GOe Fresh Ground Coffee, per lb. .r0c Cornflakes, any variety .... 10c Capitol Creamery Butter, per lb. 15c 14 lb. box $0.00 Shredded Wheat and Rran Flakes, 2 for 25c PURE LARD Ruy it in bulk, per lb 20c Sterling Catsup, in bottles, D for , . 'J.'c Premium Bologna, per lb 25c Premium Luncheon Loaf, per lb. 35c Liver Sausage, Fresh Pork Sausage, all at Cash and Carry Prices. Swift's Back Bacon, in the piece, per lb .J7c Swift's Picnic Hams, C. and C. price, per lb , ... 21 c Sunkist Oranges, sweet and juicy, i cloz. for 35t White Swan Soap Laundry, C bars for 25c Fels Naptha Soap, 10 bars for 80c Toilet Rolls, 22 for $1.00 Terrace Spuds, a few sacks left $1.95 Milk, per case, -irrt.v........ $5.50 Flour, 49 lb'.lfack .... . .'. $2.75 Order your Chicken and Fowl from us. Cash and Carry Prices. Granulated Sugar, 10 lbs. for 75c Our Fresh Fruit and Vegetables are the best at the lowest price in town. S. R. Adams Manager Opposite Rupert Hotel Phones 75 and 2Vo 1927 JJJBBJeIWyaMraMaM!aMaBBrMa I jcls bringing 533.000 pounds and Canadian, 159.700 pounds, Prices showed comparatively little variation. The high American bid of the week was 143c and 7c received on Monday by HI: GUI and Chum for catches of 14,000 and 5.500 pounds respectively. The' ' high Canadian price was 13. Cc and 7c paid the Tramp on Tuesday (or a record catcher 24.000 pounds. Ijw bids were 12.4c and Cc and 12c and 7c j paid respectively to American and1 Canadian boats on Saturday and WESTHOLME THEATRE TONIGHT ONLY at 7 and 9 "THE FLAMING FOREST 99 A dramatic story of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Magnificent Canadian Scenery ANTONIO MORENO, KENEE ADOREE, GARDNER JAMES CHARLES OGLE. CLARENCE GELDERT, FRANK LEIGH, HEKT ROACH, CLAIRE McDOWELL and many others. CHRISTIE COMEDY "SHORE SHY." PATHE REVIEW Admission 50c and 25c Canadian "Pacific Railway ICAMADIANJ o r r ;...,:,.. f-fe Swe UUaOl kU vewa Sailings from Prince Rupert Tn Ketchikan, Wruncrll, Juiiriiii. ami Mkuguiiy lime I.I, 17, 21, To Vaiuotiter, Vlitorla and Siatllr June II, IK, Ti. 2!i. I'HINCKNS Ill.ATIllCK. tor lltilrdHle, F.BUt lirlla llella, Orenn trail. Nanm, Alert Hay. Campbell lllvrr, and Vancouver every Saturday, II Agency for all Hteainahlp Llnet. full lnfornill" ""'" W, C mtCIUKIi, (Irnrral Agent. Corner of 4th Btreet and Ird Avenue. Print ltiirl, lt ..ilmi'l,.'?' Some Summer Season Suggestions Window Screens, Door Screens Rubber Hose, Ice Crennt Freezers, Sprinklers, Sprayers, Hose Nozzels, Fly Swatters, Waterless Cookers. Easy Vacuum Electric Washing Mnchines Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. 255 Third Ave. Prince Rupert, IU.