PAliE nvu The Daily News PKINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA - -in 1 VTWf I W IS BSB Published livery Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert T 1 1 V I . rx 1 i . 1 k t, i-rfliiy .news, LJiniiea, intra iTenue. H. P. PULLEN' - - Managing Editor. SUIISCKHTIOX' RATES: City Delivery, by mall or carrier, per month- 75 By mail to all part of the Brftixh Empire and the United States, in advance, per yar $5.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year $7X0 6 Transient Display Advirtiwnjr, per inch per insertion $1.-10 Transient Advertising on Front Page, per inch $2.80 Local Readers, per insertion per line 25 Classified Advertising, per insertion per word .2 Legal Notices, each insertion per agate line ' Contract Rat on Application Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone ". Member of Audit Hurcau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION WHY KEEP UP THIS TALK? 9S 86 15 Thursday, Aug. 18, 1927 There are three things of which Canadian orators should be punished by either fine or imprisonment. One of them is to make a reference to "the three thousand mile border without a soldier or a cannon." . The second ia that terrible bore of all proportions of our "boundless natural resources." And the thjrd rapidly becoming the worst is that persistant protestation about our "loyalty to the Empire and the Throne. Why on earth should it be necessary to keep eternally protesting about our loyalty? Englishmen don't do it. They sensibly regard their loyalty as something to be taken for granted, as it should be taken for granted. But let a Canadian get on his feet. whether he be an alderman or a prime minister, and immediately he .begins to protest that he isn't a Guy Fawkes. The practice has- got t6 be an infernal nuisance. It's about as appropriate as if men were constantly getting up to protest the vir tue of their wives. GENERAL CONDITIONS IN CANADA With the advancement of a season that, speaking generally, has been favorable for agriculture, there are further reassuring indi cations of -satisfactory business conditions in most sections of the country, says the Bank of Commerce monthly business letter. The upward trend noticeable a month agp in wholesale and retail trade has continued, and there are reports' of an early revival of activity in industrial centres where the usual summer dullne; has prevailed, This is also the case at some points where, twp months ago, at what Is usually a busy period, production had to be curtailed as a result of disappointingly small sales which followed the inclement weather. The improvement is fairly general, but some outstanding instances .might be mentioned. The steel mills, the output of which in June was less than that of the previous month and of June 1926, have secured new business which seems to ensure operations on a higher scale for some time. The boot and shoe industry also has a larger volume of orders on hand. Some of these probably represent purchases above the normal level, in anticipation of higher prices which would be expected to follow the rise in quotations for leather, but even allowing for this, and for the fact that the industry as a whole is being operated far below capacity, many of the manufacturers regard the outlook with more confidence than at any time since the first of the year. The value of construction contracts awarded during the past month amounted to over $50,000,000, including $15,-000,000 for the Windsor-Detroit bridge, but even disregarding the latter, the new contracts were sufficient to bring the total for the past seven months close to that for the corresponding period of 1926, when building operations were the largest since pre-war days. CROPS IN GOOD SHAPE Practically the entire country has been favored with the weather required to promote a healthy growth of field crops. The .grain crops in the West have progressed rapidly, and for the most pan met nave escaped damage from insects and several other dangers to which the plants are subjected in the early growing , season. There have, however, been severe hail storms in certain "sections of Alberta and Saskatchewan which have taken a heavy toll in scattered districts, though the loss is not so great-as was first reported and, at this date, it is not sufficient to cause any material reduction in the total out-turn. A number of farmers who suffered in this way will obtain at least partial compensation from insurance, Jiie supply of moisture has beeji amnle. indeed, the rain 'fall In some localities has been excessive, causing a rank erowth of weeds and tending to spread rust, traces of which are apparent ai a lew points. Wheat reached the shot-blade stage about mid-July and has since headed out over a large part of the prairies. Bright and warm weather is now required to prevent the development of rust, and to bring all crops quickly to maturity before frosts are encountered. Ttfyit JsL" Sold eterjidlmre V 1 ' Kl TROUT FISHING GRANBYMAKES i MUDDY CREEK GOOD SHOWING Editor Takes a itrlrf Holiday and; Hour With Trout he ys was Wonderful : By H F. PuUeni I Any outdoor matartne ' win trout are caught by Ml snj least iportiwii uch m Oeore Bryant. Jarvls McLrod. Charlie Starr., Dave Stnart or ball a hundred other; oX the city (oik who go to the streams of the neighborhood to cast a fly a i featd Owl the fish with the iM the humble worm or Hiatal salmon aw! lee gtva food adrKe on bow. when or where to Hab. the kind of bait to use, Ml th alar at baa; they usually get. There to no Heed ot instruction a kmc these Unas. Drop Into any local caper tre a ixl listen to the tall ones or' ree Ben Srtf at bla pool room and yon are aura to get the vary latest. Haw- era It might interest a lew of the elect among the great outdoor dan to hear ol as hour I spent tola meek at Muddy Creek. I ahU ix Ml bow the big osea got away or why tery taw of the speckled bceuUe neighed a pound but let me relate my own little tale la my own way and If It dor not .n-tereat you. target It. VUMllMl STREAM It wm Saturday morning that we two left tor Muddy Oreek and It waa Mon day afternoon before we got there, be-eaoc we peJd a brief rtatt to Brown- Rfver and a longer one at Falls River, i betes, enchanted by the scenery there and determined to en)ey It. Well. s I waa an ring. It was Monday afternoon, wfctn we drifted In oa the high tide! after apendtng a wonderful hour wind-; lag up one of the most beautiful streams In the world although bearing i the cognomen "Muddy" creek. Near the foot of the first falls at the old camping ground we tied our launch, stepped off with our blanket and decided to spend night beneath the trees and stars and steep to the music of the jflrgllng stream and not far distant (site. There w ere a couple of hours to rapper time so we thought trout would He a pood change. That la why we set out for toe upper falla with one rod and line It took about half an hour to reach the pool at the foot of the fall and that left us Just an hour to get our fish and half that time to return to camp. We did It. HMiKii with ii.iks I am not trying to belittle the sports manship of those who angle with sal mon eggs but when I fish I like to use a fly. I tied on a March Brown. a Cowtohan Ooachmaa and tome other black and white affair and started to east. Then cny companion suggested a willow twig far herself which I pro vided, hut baring no lfse I tied on part of an old gut cast and attached couple of flies. After the first few minutes the trout lost Interest In files. 'We landed only one and that not a very large one. Both got bites but It would seem as If the flab had been fooled that way before and were shy. Our hopes of a trout supper seemed to go a glimmering and we were seriously considering fir ing up feeding the files with our good red blood and returning to camp to tup on canned sardines. But trout tastes good out In the open snd we could see them in the pool. I took a Tacoma spinner from my book and attached a rooreel of trout to the hock at the end and I gave my com panion a baited hook of the same sec tion of trout and each was attached to the lne beyond the flies, leaving the Dies on the cast. No sooner did the bait touch the water than there was a mad rush for It. In about ten minutes we had seven fine trout and strange to say they were all but one caught with the files and not with the "bait. The spinner and the bait seemed to attract the fish and gtre them con-. ridence to take the files. The on taken by the bait on the spinner was a Urge one but the others were, nice l!Qlf Usn .lor fhe-ifrylng 'psni about right to ten Inches long. me one iisn isnded by my com panion was taken on a fly. A number of others were hooked tout they all got away in landing, owing to inexperience and poor tackle. .ILL TIIK MMI KKIM It is my confident opinion that two people experienced in the art could have filled almost any sized basket ' with fish that evening and without walking many rods, but it would have been poor sportsmanship to have caught more than we did because we had all we could eat and if we had caught mote they would have been spoiled before we got home. That one hour was all the fishing we did except to cast a fly a few times at Falls River without success. It was the best bit of fishing I ever had but It was the method I used that perhaps might Interest others. I am wondering If that Is often done as I have never heard of it. I returned home last even ing and we are still talking .of, that hour of real fishing when there was at least, a nibble for almost every thro-ir. The Muddy Creek and EcataJ?Rlvef trtjl li the most wonderful in the world and the fishing -at the end of ft" would be hard to beat. Ask Joe Greer or Jlmmle Donaldson or any of the hoys who go there. They know. But If anyone Is timid of sand bars and shallows, of nags or of bears, better stay at home or try McMchol Creek of a Sunday ifternoon. Many a man sits around all day wondering why he doesn't get his pay raised when that it the reason. Kingston Whig Standard. NEW YORK. Au 1 lri" CVn-miMatrd opera rn( Any "d A!lenb mine in Urtttsa 4(N4iu !-r',:c,:: BuinUI&edJEA WWrw months of' this yearh rfsfcta increase in taminas toatW in lugs lor the seoond quarter ol the year. ameunted taiUSJl. batore depseata-t.oa wMth fnfr with M fur the Sreordixtg jrtr An eetriectrei-oi the traag ptaittoa into whlek-iffec siim Liinn statm rewtag i, the fact that all the 1 per mm debentures, tetalthag ttJutOG base bee converted and the funOad' eM now taad st IWCN. per reat bonds, doe Mir l. IBM Bond interest Is UMU cut frcm SS1JV in IMS to tm IMT ntf will be ellaajnai raNreiy to lftt. Working capital at SJ39A0O. Proftt for first half of 1M1 S07J40 before depreetatMst and pletton. against wi 411 In first months at previous year. Oranbr Consolidated In the quarter of itn produced 14 300.1 n paundi of eopprr. monthly average at 4 S3S.STI pounds compared with tv tUMl. average 0( 4J1.17 pounds a month, in flmt quarter. Weighted average cost of producing copper at both Anyox and Ailenby before depreciation but including all operating and general expense, with precious jnetala and aaks-ceUaneoua Income credited to copper, was 9.113 cents s pound compared with 10.374 rents in preceding quarter. Man in the Moon - BREVITY to ibe soul of wit. I wonder if Usat Is why people aomethnea laugh at the girls' ores as. MEN Ukc to put an Item In the when their wives go away for a hnlstuy so that then- friends will not think these la trouble In the family when they eat at the restaurant atone. I HAVE Otten wondered why toota- rcea never laugh lend and tong and lull heart like a btoasRh Now I bare an wplanatton I told that laughter tehft to Itscraaae the appetite, so the ScMan hart (towers at the head of the table when he boa guests. The Englishman laughs, and just look at ha paunch. THE gap ' betweenj frank friend and a rank nemiria .tetry harrow snd la easily crowd. Jnst one letter separates them. THERE la risk in evrrytmng. if you steal to .second you can't keep your loot on first base. THE pessimist sees the foggy nights but the optimist keeps his eyas on the sunny days. THE other day I was walking up the street and a remark was made about the wonderful Prince Rupert weather. Ah. but you just wait. We shall pay up for this." waa the cheering greeting of the member of the grouch era dub. IF R Is true we beedme like whit we think, the wonder is there are not more monsters th the world. I'm say- mg tins just tar let the editor know that I'm not an much an optimist as be la. HE made a speech Twm full of wit Now I'm wondering what There was to It. Just one remark My memory finds me Anddy VsaUhl ji,-. , . "That Just r5llfi me ' v' ' -r- -; JAKE says the telephone department ought to be a paying concern with a new directory about once a year. IIV: private company was running the in atltution he thinks they would be bombarded with Indignant protest and remarks about "the grasping hand of monopolies." Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert Twenty new members were added to the Sons of Canada at the regular meeting of the Society in the St. Andrew's Hsll last evening. At a Joint meeting of the Hospital Board and Trades and tabor Council representat:7es,' JconUMng of R. 3. T. "ill I he CtoA Kitchns Help YovT Clark's Strarly hetrt ' Serve Th elsrtlen of Clark Soon. '. Cortoomrns and Chick n. ( . V-, -nw Approved en Ubd 11 meat soups, a" j V. CLARK LUll MONTREAL McClary's are the only Canadian members of the NjlionJ Warm Air I leafing and Ventilating Assorution a body ol leading manufacturers who have adopted this scientific code for installing warm air furnaces. To be sure of geiting a "Code Installed" job, fill in and rruil attached coupon. We will send you name and address of the nearest MrQiry's dealer, who will guarantee a "Code I rut ailed heating system which will give life-long sMUsfaction. TIMHEK SALE X1297 Sealed Tenders will be received by the MlnhJer of Lands, at Victoria, 11 C. not l&tr tiMn nrn im th 1K Haw a Oetober, 1927, for the purchase of pulp Spruce. Hemlock and Cedar on an area rvftuated on Copper Bar. Moresby Island. Queen Charlotte Islands District . .Thlrty(30 years will be allowed lor ranoral of timber. Further parttculara of the Chief For-aste, Victoria. BC. or District Forester, Prince Rupert, B.C. TIMI1EKSALK X1298 Sealed Tenders will be received by the Minuter of Lands, at Victoria. B.C.. not liter than noon on the 18th day of October, 1927, for the purchase ot Pulp Licence X4298. to cut 1 2,092.000 f.bjn Spruce. Hemlock and Cedar on an area situated on Orey Bay. Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands District Thirty (30) years will be allowed for removal of timber. Further particulars of the Chief Forest. Victoria. B.C.. or District Forester. Prince Rupert. BC. TIMHEK SALE X1303 wS!aI'd Tenders will be received by the Minuter of Lands, at Victoria. BC not . . " . . later than nrwin rn .v.. ------ jjiji osv ol Spruce. Hemlock and Cedar on an area situated on Copper Bay, Moresbv Islsnd. Queen Charfette Islands District Thirty (30) years will be allowed for removal of timber. further partsculars of the chief For-este. Victoria. BC.. or District Forester, Prince Rupert, B.C. LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTFATION' TO AITI.V TO I.KASK LAM) Queen Chsrlotte Islands Land District . n . i ii i, y rriatx HU. pert, and situate north of Lota 1658 and TAKE NOTICE that The Laneara FUh- j cupatlon Canners. Intends to anplv f or a j lease ot the following descrtbedYand--i Commencing at a post planted tweritv ichalna north of Tan Indian Rewrve and on the shore of Mclntyre BaTnen4 ! north 3 chains to the low war mark thence westerly following said low water 1 160 chains; thence soufherlf 5 chllru of commencement, and containing eS acres, more or le. 8 7 LnANOARA FI8HINO tc PACKINO CO. LTD, Dated June 27. 1827. ' g ut MAIL THIS . COUPON -jr. a scientific method bJklv 7 e y rrr , . wnicn maRes warm Air Canada9 s most satisfactory heating system SCIIlNCn hat applied to warm air heating that final touch vklj makes it vastly superior to any other fwn of linatinj. 1 Lpb-j installation the defect vhicli lias long liflif hack the warm mi ixt Is now rcmovtd. No longer nerd we rrly on guesswork to supply our home .:arr't Today, the correct metlxMh of installation have lern rr Jnrta .T arientim to an exact formula known at the SuniLnd Code ' . t McOars Sunshine rurnare, installed according lo Siambtd t ojf, guarantee to the home an unfailing ahuniLuirr of wann, in , lating, healthful heat "seventy degrees in every room m j vi eat her". , The Ventiblast is sn exclusive feature of McCbry's Sunshine I'unuce, which burns soft coj equally as will as hard coal or wood. It mists re-healed air with soft coal gasrs and converts them into flame thus eliminating soot, waste And dust. This rematk-able feature ensures you an ample fuel supply evrry winter, rrgsrdless of a possible hard coal scarcity. DEMAND TIIH M.XAY MANWACTUItlNG CO, London, uanaua. Piaw wad sm mIJioi ( iwarmi MtCItt " aVtUt U iaualU SuMtkiM Iiduiu mmlimg Ut saajnl (.oj. McCIary& SUNSHINE FURNACE ! Can Also be Fitted With Miles Automatic Furnace Fan Where Required Oore and George Waddell. It waa decided laet evening that Chinese help would not be engaged at the Prince Rupert General Hospital. Lieut. Theo. Oollart. who waa wounded aome months ago has returned to doty in Flanders where be Is serving :a the Belgian array. Mrs. Alex, dapperton has left to join her husband in Telkwa. "Rupert Brand - Kippers THE DAINTIEST MtEAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Dally lr Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co- W Prince lluperf. DENTIST Dr. J. R. Gosse Helgerson Block X-RAY SERVICE - Phone 686 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. ' Evening Appointment UNION, STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Halllnti from Prince Itutert. etc Ta' For VANCODVKR. VICTORIA, Bwsnton Hay, Alert luy, For VANCOUVKIt. VICTORIA. Iluted ale. Alert Hay. etc - "",ttiBd. For POUT SIMPSON, ALICE ARM, .IN VOX. STEWART, Malf" For ias8 w'ver poInU and Port BlmpMin, Friday pan. uVurAr. 113 2nd Avenue. , B. M. SMITH, Agent. JTi",fd rsM Through tlekets sold to Victoria and Seallle at a feuro osggate ciirtkml through to destination.