25 inr rt it i.i TAXI Boston Grill and ', Ambulance Service) Anywhere at Anytime Stand: Exchange HuRdlng MATT VIDECK. V No r.:t. FOREST FIRE IN BABINE Only Conflagration of Any i it........ -.1 ti.:.. Rupert Forestry District HfillTINf. CREW SENT IN i ! l , I I ' : . 1 1 f inimiiT i.iiic ill t iiuiitj ui Prince George dre rtt any Importance r -ri district that hat been adquarters of the Forest :t :ty in one in the Bablne covering an area of fifty Y -'.erday a crew of some hirty men waa aent In v. matltute fighting oper- T .ice Oeoiitc region, which ' m thin district, oome . rr serious flrea close to " f-'.Ill UK IUIM. Hv WMJ . could toe made for the Pt 1,- Wa. . haa1a4nT ' - ii .lift. niKiM. im in.- s. t: ;m from the interior. IF IN STATE UNTILFUNERAL J a, ivillltl til tm .Jvs legislative Chamber: McI-can to lie Premier C: er will lie in atate In the Legls- - . ""ii ii me i-anxamriib uu- " i:: lie funeral which will take rn Saturday afternoon at 3 p-m 1 :i 'tike place lit Royal Oak fun i nx at Oovernment House ' of the Prince of Walea have relied -J Hi J d. M In will be aworn f pTmler in the course of the. next " t.; together with the membcra or .4ui...iQvtitviuii wuo are v iblne' member with him. A m WN -w m m w VsVss MA 1 A NEARCRESTON " viuniirooK .nan hiiieu anu Another Seriously Injured in vvrash over Precipice ,. - CRESTON. Aug 18. Blrt Slve. travel- " 3 talesman of Cranbrook. waf "killed ...iu3 oang or cranbrook, was l!y Injured When their oninmnhlle - iiunarea leet over mcknhank f Washout Creek, ten mt!, vest ' ' UUP other n-Ms... htr 'lapirj. a: ment occurred when Slve out " ' J mi nvviu m h n,ltJ 'alien on the road. Thla '-' he .:ar to kld over the bank. " The Dally News tauter In the province. Since the middle of July he had bren.relievevi of the Outlet of office following a caucus of the Liberal mem ben of the Legislature when Hon J. D. McLean waa named acting premier and leader of the party. It la assumed now that Dr. McLean will be asked by the Ueuteeunt-Oovernor (to take the prstnlecehip and reorganlrstlon of the eaMnet la very probable. MAN OK the people A BMn of the people bjr birth and ttnpemst. John Oliver waa pre ably more proficient In the rugged art At Mte pasoeef than any ether Caadkm atateaHMm. Miner, farmer, woodaman. engrnter and atone maaon. ha brought to the preen lerhlp of Brttlab OotumMa a tlrat-nand know ladge of the pioneer problem which greatly helped him In hU admlnlatra-Uon of that tak. Born In Hartlngton, Dcrbyahlre ( England ). on July 3 185fl, John Oliver waa the aecond aon of Robert and Emm Oliver. When John waa a amall boy. bH father deeerted the farm for the muting bualnean and operated, with Indifferent sueceaa. a lead and Iron mine on a property belonging to the late Duke of Devonshire. Ills aon'a schooling waa restricted to a few yeara in elementary school. Hla eleventh birthday found John Oliver working aa a donkay boy in hit father" mine "half time. under the arrangemenU which permitted atudenta to study halt of each day. At the age of twelve John left school altogether, combining nia mine work with a akleUne or selling eggs at Duxton market for farmer of his district. WAS l-AKMKK'S AUKNT With hta earnings at thla work. John bought a pony and cart and ior a couple of years drove a thriving trade sa firmer asent. He was rourwen when, the Devoiuhlre estate having closed out his fathers mining property. the Oliver family migrated to Canada. Robert Oliver nettled In Mayborough. In Wellington County. Ontario, with hla wife and eight of hla nine children. One aon remained In England. John waa the eldeat of the family and immediately he . took up hi strenuous duties on hla father's new farm. In the auecreding seven' yeara he became an ex- ln the winter he worxea t Wail Circuit Clouts Figured largely In Wins and Losses on Wednesday NEW YORK. Aug. 18. Babe Ruth woo yeslerday'a game for the New York Yankees fr.m Cntcatgo by poling out a hotne run In the eieaiith atanza. It waa bis thirty-eighth circuit clout of the raon and he la now tied for the years honor with hla tesviniuste. Lou Oehrig Trto Speaker led the Washington Senator to victory over St. Loula with a homer in the fourth frame but the Browns won the second game of the double-header Brooklyn Dodger ended the winning streak of the Chicago Cubs. Charlie Drame-rs home run In the eighth Inning broke a one-one tie. Cincinnati Red beating the Phlll e. Rcgera Homsby won on Tuesday with s homer but an error yesterday paved the way for Pittsburg to defeat the Olanu. NATIONAL I.KAOIK Pittsburg 4. New York 1. Chicago S. Brooklyn 6. St. Loula 7. Boston 3. Cincinnati 3. Pnlladelptua 1. AMMtU'AN IXAOti: New York S. Chicago 3. . Phnadelphls 4. Cleveland 1. Hoaton 3. Detroit 0. Washington 4-3. St. Loula 1-3. MORE RoTd" ASKED FOR Joint Committee Urging Itulld-ing of Ilridge and 15 More Miles For Next Year The Joint nwil t'fiiiimltlre, meet In6 Ut night with s. l IHrkrr prr-ldlnr, In fhr alM-nee of Aid. Jiikeph fireer. rhalrman. w-ed a reliilliin urging upon the pmtln-rial gntrriiiiient that the brldce be built arrow (ialltiway Kapld and another ten or tllteen mllen of the skeena Kler Highway toward Terrace he -ontrurted In 19'iH. Cnn-tldrrahle dlsciiwlon wan en-gn-;ed In by the meeting and a good drill of dlMpiNiintmrnl ex-prrxoed at the fart that there will be no airplane rrrnnal-wanre of the route leuriing Into the Interior, It w felt, that an aerial survey would he iiiuoli more rroiininlrl and kallkfartnry than pending In a land party. MOTIIER OF MRS MOXLEY DIED OTTAWA AGED 82 OTTAWA, Aug. 18. Mr. Johanna Sle- man.fia yeara of age. died today. She leaves a eon. Prank eieman: a daughter at Prince Rupert. Mrs. W. D. Moxley: a daughter at Smlthers. Mrs. R. J. Raabe. In all Mrs. Sleman la sur- vlvrd by five children, eighteen grand h"clren and two great-grand-chlldrcn and . Ontario woods with an axe In the graduated as an expert woodsman. He dug wella and went Into the quarrlea to blast stone. One of the crafts he learned at this period, and waa proud of to the day of his death, was that of the stone-mason. In 1877 John Oliver migrated to British Columbia, Journeying by easy stage through the United States. He worked axeman on the Canadian first as an pacific Railway Fraser Valley Branch. He took out a homestead ana oia ..j K.,iMin, bv the way. Then he bought a threshing outfit and operated It himself. He was among w.c engineer In British Columbia. ees as ateam . , IK1IIT WITH IT.OOIIS Uter he moved, to the Delta district nearby and began a P which had made fight with the floods Impossible to farmer. that district almost and drains and He dug dyke, finally reclaimed to agr culture area In the swamp awn.v-... H.hhled in lots! politics. big Meantime At a cam- - . - .n -v meeting in f palgn .neeeh which attracted atten T"T he was re- ,,n . few year, ".J7 .1 . debater, when as member Zr Z : DelU he took hi. pUc. In the ,r.M,Mi,Hecl on fwge threei She hsd lived in Ottawa for fifty years. BURNABY DEFEATED VICTORIA BASEBALL TEAM LAST NIGHT VANCOUVER. Aug. 18. Burnaby defeated Victoria Native Sons heer last night 11 to 4 In the provincial baseball playoffs. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE B.C. Silver Coast Copper . Dunwell ....... O lacier Oladstone Independence . '. Indian Silversmith . . . L. and L. Lead-Smith Lucky Jim Marmot Metals Porter Idaho Richmond .... 81Ivercrest .... I Surf Inlet ... Bid 1.3S 10.50 .90 .04 K .19 .07 M .19 .10 19V .34 .01 Asked 1.60 13.00 J8 M .07 .08 H .38 .07 S .06 4 .19V4 .13 say, JO -.06 h .03 I'KiNrr or walls pays TKini ti; TO PKI.MIIK OIIILK VICTORIA. Atsg II. The Prince of Wale sent the following telegram to- Uon. 1. D. Me-Lean, acting preenkrr. "I hare heard with great regret of Mr. Oliver's death wMch will be a real torn to your province.' Tlie preaalers of other pro-vlHors have et telegrama of confledenre. VANCOirVERAtaj! IS After a stand lag tribute 4y rneawfeere of Oarsadtan Oaub tcday the Prince of Wales sad: "Mr Oliver was premier during my visit stent year ao and It la naturally a matter of great regret to my brother and myw-rf thai we are to be met In Vaneesiver by she aad news of hla death Throughout hi long life he served the province loyally and with much distinction. .4 4 CONSERVATIVES CHOOSE WELSH Convention Nominates Him at New Westminster Last Night For Candidate NEW WESTMINSTER. Aug. 18 C. A. Welch la to carry the Conservative flag In the bv-4ectlon caused throuah the death of the late Dr. Rothwell . He will PRINCE RUPERT Northern anfJ Central British Columbia's Newspaper PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. TIItRSDAY. AUGUST 18, 1927 PREMIER AND B.C. SILVER Amalgamation Definitely Concluded Declares Financial Post TORONTO. Aug. II. The ITnan-rial I'o-t ); The Premier. II. C filler and National Slltrr amalgamation has drllnltrly gone through. The lalett adtke. while not official, are from source that figure ery strongly In the deal, and the new from them In that the deal 1 definitely rioted. Thu. the three big protjrn miner In the Salmon Kltrr section of Portland Canal come under one management. Jut how this will be handled. Is not yet known. Premier has a IM) mill, and this ran be easily enlarged. It has alM capable and rtpcrlcnrcd engineers, hut Mt hat the ll.f. filler. The management of the latter and National sllirr has teen the same fur some considerable time. The terms, as announred some time alio In The Post, are the correct ones, premier Increase Its capital to IMUKKI.IMM), or double the 'reent 1 1 r, ure. and pay bark the other two, all the money they hate expended, plus substantial blocks of tm k. NATIVE SONS WIN LACROSSE ' sppre the Liberal nominee. Mayor A. Well Oray who waa recently chosen as Edmonton Team Will Play New candidate. I We.stmin.iter For .Mann Cup The selection of Mr.i Welch by the1 - Conservative convention last night was EDMONTON, Aug. 18. The Native expected aa he was the outstanding Sons won the right to meet New West- man in the party. The official rtomln- minster for the Manr. Cup Lacrosse atlon take pi see Monday next and the series when they defeated Calgary last election a week from today. night by a score of ten to five. Two Planes Succeed in Flight Across Pacific and Other Two Missing WOOLAROS. WINNING $25,000 PRIZE, AND ALOHA REACH HONOLULU SAFELY .MISS DORAN AND GOLDEN GATE LOST HONOLULU, August 18. With the arrival of Wheeler Field here at 2.20 yesterday afternoon of the Alcha and at 12.23 of the Woolaros, two of the four planes to make a successful hop-off in the Dole flight for a prize of $23,000, arrived at their destination. The Woolaros was declared the winner. No reports had been received up to early this morning of the "Miss Doran" or the "Golden Eagle." EGANVILLE. Ont., August 13. Miss Mildred Doran, flying to Honolulu, was born here. She left when eleven years of age with her family for North Michigan. The "Miss Doran" carried Miss Mildred SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 18. Forty de- Doran, 31-year-old Canadian bora Mlehl- stroyers, merchant vessels and aircraft arc hunting for the airplane. "Oolden Eagle" and "Miss Doran" which are missing on the Oakland-Honolulu flight. They are now long past the tune that their gafollne aupply would keep them In the air. gan school teacher, with J. A. Pedlar, pilot, and V. R. Knope. navigator. The '"Oolden Eagle" Is piloted by Jack Frost and navigated by Oordon Scott. The "Oolden Eagle" la well equipped to float but there are serious fears as to the safety of the "Miss Doran." Government Leader MacLean (Eulogizes Premier Oliver and His Fidelity to Duty VICTORIA, August 18. "Public life has sustained irreparable loss in the passing of Premier Oliver," Hon, J. D. McLean, government leader,said this morning. "He was a man of splendid physique, brilliant intellect and remarkable power of analysis. During his public career he gave of his best to promote the welfare of his adopted province. I was Intimately associated with him since 1916 and learned to respect his abilities and to honor him for his fidelity to duty. No task was too arduous and no problem too intricate to daunt the powers of John Oliver. Often have I seen him wrestle with a problem and discuss It from every aiigle.jbut the acid, test he applied to all problems was, la this decision In the public Interest? or In other words, la this right. If convinced that It was, he unhesitatingly and fearlessly csn-ted It to a conclusion." St. Louis man has been arrested for selling a powder guaranteed to keep the aockeye pack 1 but five thousand eases hcrt of last year. S3 far this itason there nave been 195.000 cases of this variety put up whereas, at a corresponding date In 1926. the total was 200,000 cases. On the Skeena River thla years aockeye pack has been practically the same aa last year. Except for the first two weeks of toe season, weather conditions In the dis trict have been Ideal. Sockeye fishing, which conclwded In the Rivera Inlet and Smith's Inlet Weii on August s. Will rjftse IB 11 other parte of District No. 3 on Friday, Au gust 19. at 8 pm 6 1-3 inch mesh wUl be then prohibited but tha use of amall nets will again be allowed for echoes after August 28. It Is expected that a number of the canneries In the district will close at the end of this week. The great major Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the least. Phone 457. ity of the Indians and also many white toris tonight. men hare quit fishing. A large number of seine boats are still out but little fish Is being brought In by them while a good number of the boat, are tied up waiting for something to materialize. A change to rainy weather might re- ault In the coming on of chum and c&ho fishing but little hope Is held out for pinks. Fishing for this variety 1 usually most successful when the weather Is fine as It has been for the past several weeks. On the southeastern coast of the Queen Charlotte Island. It Is reported that there has been no appearance of fish at all. Usually, the run starts long before this and In average years a limited pack has been put up by this date. On the north end of the Islands, the situation Is reported to be little better. CHINAMAN DROWNED AT NORTH PACIFIC Deputy Coroner and Provincial Constable Leave to Investigate Fatality In Skeena Slough The provincial police received a report this morning that a Chinaman had been drowned at North Pacific cannery in the 8keena Slough. No details were given. James R. Tannock, deputy coroner, and Provincial Constable Geo. Clarve left by this mornlng'a train to Investigate the affair and expect to re turn to the city this afternoon. PRINCE OF WALES OPENED HIGHWAY AT REVELSTOKE PARK REVELSTOKE. Aug. 18. The Prince of Wales opened the Royal Highway through Mount Revelatoke National Park. The ceremony of cutting the ribbons at the entrance arch took place here last night. Smlthers husbands from going out. That's old 74. ' txilT Gunpowder Border Cities Star. Bnr'iP Lake WEATHER REPORT"!' Terrace. Clear, calm, temp. 65. Rosa wood. Clear, calm, temp. 64. Alyansh. Clear, calm, temp. 63. Alice Arm: Clear, calm. temp. 64. Anyox. Clear, calm, temp. 68. Stewart--Clear, calm. temp. 63. ' Hazelton. Smoky, calm. temp. 66. Telegraph Creek.--Clear .calm. temp. 60. Dense smoke, calm, temp. Pul! calm, temp 58. Price Five Cents dkmwd inuhi ntnVD daqqvq awav iuiiuLti jyjim jliiLi1 i fiuoiuO mini LYERS REACH HONOLULU AtlER r LIGHT ACROSS OCEAN yn m iui utiiiuir 0 nan Suddenly Last Night at His Victoria Home 41; iiiv tv Tim I't'mu v vn utii i ovr ztihwm i. iv EARLY DAYS Willi II FITTED HIM FOR LIFE WORK Mt TOUIA, August 18. Premier Oliver, who has been In poor "if - everal month, died at his residence here late last night. r Dr " ri of turns for the worse in his condition and even of his, been circulated at different time for some weeks but -ri . were met with the statements that he was making sat-rn u juration. : ti. lual end came with startling suddenness before' medical J be summoned. "i removes from the political life of Itritlsh Columbia one tot the Uron feat and most cherished MANYHOMERS BIG LEAGUES? With Season Hearing 'Close, Prospects Are Salmon Pack Will Be Record Light One That the 1927 salmon pack, not only in District No. 2 but along the entire British Columbia coast, will be one of the lightest on record, repeating the shortage of 1921, is the prospect today. Such is the opinion in official circles. For the season to date the pack of all varieties is but fifty per cent of last year at a similar date and, with little promise of an improvement at the present time, it is feared that the pack for the whole season will be less than half of that for 1926. Canning interests are facing large losses on the season's operations and, with many more fishermen in the field than In any previous year, the Individual earnings are very small. Some of the1 p. r!r a j a firpf 7 eannerle are preparing to close at the; UI 1 V I U A V I V end of the week and many fishermen lJ I tlLi I ill VI 1 are quitting. The big decrene thla year will be In pink aalmon. the run of which has 3 far proven ncgllg'.ble when it should. by this tin,, have bean at It height. It. la nernaas pecul.ar, however, that. with the run of other varieties falling. IN VANCOUVER Prince of Wales and Prince George Visiting Southern City Today HAS FULL PROGRAM VANCOUVER, Aug. 18. The Prince of Wale and his brother. Prince Oeorge. reached Vancouver today and were greeted at the atatlon by Mayor L. D. Taylcr and Capt. A. M. Lecky, commander of H.MJS. Colombo. The Prince of Wale guard-ot-hanor was from the warship and the First Battalion, Sea-forth Highlanders, followed. TEe party proceeded fc trie" Hotel Vancouver where the Prince of Walea The use of nets of . sddressed the Canadian Club at noon. After noon the schedule Includes a visit to the Exhibition and in the evening the Prince will attend a ball to be glvea in the Hotel Oeorgla by the Seaforth Highlanders. , The royal party will leave for Vic- CUTS TIE ON HARBOR SWIM Douglas Frizzell Negotiated Passage Today in 45Vz Minutes, Starting From Other Side Douglas Frizzell. who may lay pretty safe claim to the title of Prince Rupert's champion marathon swimmer, again swam the harbor today, cutting his time from 88ft minutes to 45', minutes. He started from McNlcboll Creek at 19 minutes to 13 and came out of the water at the Prince Rupert Boat House at 36 V4 murine after twelve. The swimmer was In good shape although be fcund the water rather cold. Ralph Smith acted as covoy. STATEFUNERAL IS REQUESTED British Columbia Government Plans to do F'ull Honor to Memory of Dead Premier VICTORIA. Aug. 18. It Is understood that the province will ask the family of Premier Oliver to consent to a state funeral. Of the members of the late premier's family the farthest from the city. Dr. Robert Oliver, of Hamilton) . Ontario, son. and Mrs. J. E. Savage pt Montreal, daughter, are on their way to Victoria- SIX INDIANS ARENOWDEAD Death List by .Poisoning From Eating Salmon Eggs at Ar-. randale Has Risen Canadian Press despatches received to-rtay state that the death list of Kln-collth Indians, who were poisoned through rating decayed salmon eggs from a galvanized pall, has now risen to six and that six more are critically 111 but may recover. Advertise m The DaUy News