AG2 FOUB COMMUNITY CHURCH AT USK IS PLANNED Hill be F.rerted on IOl Donated hv John Ulltnurt and U 111 be Named Memorial TERRACE. March 4. Rev. T. J Marsh, Rev. A. W. Robinson and Rev. Wm. Allan of Terrace went to Usk on Monday to attend a meeting called In connection with the proposed erection of a Community Church at that point. The meeting was held In Bethuren'a hall. W. J. WUlman was elected chair man and P. R. Skinner secretary. John wuiman osered to donate a building lot on which the church could be erected. This offer wa accepted by the meeting. In token of appreciation of the early work of Rev. and Mrs. T. J. Marsh In these part as pioneer missionaries, the 16t IKS presented to Mr. Marsh on behalf of the Communtly and he expressed his willingness to act as trustee until another trustee should be appointed. When erected the building will be known as the Marsh Memorial Community Church. It was then decided to Incorporate a local board of trustees, the following being elected: Messrs. WUlman, Skinner. Hell, Hurlburt Rev. T. J. Marsh, Rev. A. W. Robinson, Rev. Wm. Allan. Mrs. Whitlow. Mrs. Goodrich, Mrs. Bell and Mrs. Scully. The local ministers returned to Terrace on Tuesday. DR. WRMThP REACHES IN VICTORIA CHURCH lljrrllon M.P.P. Hill Talk Bml tier's Keeper" TERRACE FAIR BOARD CANADIAN LEGION WOMEN'S AUXILIARY SMITHERS -My VICTORIA. March 4. Dr. H. O Wrlncb, MX), UJJ. will be this spec-la; speaker In Contennlal Church here on Sunday night. Dr. Wrineh has been in the north country for many years and has done fine work. He is head of the hospital at Hazelion and his popularity has txiended Into pcllUes. He is now in attendance at the sessions of the House and exerts a wholesome influence there. He has chosen as his subject for Sunday night: "My Brother's Keeper." The choir has prepared a special musical program consisting of several anthems and solo. In the morning the pastor will speak, and take as his subject, "Seeing Jesus." How would we recognize Him if He were to walk the streets of Victoria? Would be be very, much different from the other men of the city? Has Ho com or is He yet to come to us? In the morning Mrs. S. M. Morton will be soloist. REVISES PRIZE LIST Held Merllng at Home of .Mrs. Mindal on Tuesday O. T. TERRACE, March 4. The Terrace Pall Fair Board held a meeting at the home of Mrs. O. T. Sundal on Tuesday on Tuesday evening when the prize list for the coming year was thoroughly revised. A number of additions have been made particularly in the stock and poultr sections. While no' official notification had been received by the secretary from the report of the annual meeting of the B.C. Fairs Association in the Vancouver MEETING AT TERRACE TERRACE, March 4. The annual I meeting of the Women's Auxiliary to I the Canadian Legion was held In Q.W. V.A. hall on Tuesday afternoon. Of ficers elected for the ensuing year as I follows: President Mrs. P. M. Monckton. Vice-president Mrs. Wm. Attwood. Secretary-Trtaa. Mrs. N. Sherwood. Plans were formulated for a social I evening to be held shortly when the! Canadian Legion and Its Women's! Auxiliary will entertain .the members of I the l.O O F. and Rebekah Lodges, the St Andrew's Society and the Native Sons. Work la being rushed by T. T. Harrer I on a new two storey building on Malni Street across from the Interior News of fice, With a frontage of 20 feet, the building will contain a store on the! floor and upstairs will be living quar ters. D. F. McKlnnon of Doughty; who had been a resident of this district for twenty years, succummed at the -end bf the week In the Smlthers hospital to pneumonia. He lived for many years on a pre-emption between Smlthers and Lake Kathlyn. Douglas Lnyr resident mining en gineer, will hold to meetings In Smlthers toward the end of this month I for the benefit of mining men and the) general public. Thsrs'wat UttU or no respone to tlil BRINGING UP FATHER MR-JlCGS-l HAVE BEEN SENT HERE &f THE PRESIDENT TQ INSTRUCT VoO IKJ RECARO TO TOO R. APPOINTMENT AS TRAVELING AMBA3ADOR-OT COURSE SlOU UNDERSTAND VQU ARE TO leameaSom AS POAieLE' 5? mmo I call for Conservatives to attend a re-i organization meeting here last week. ; Two or three of the faithful were on hand early but the great surge for bet ter government did not materialize. An attempt will be made to stage a meeting later. ; I Only two towns In British Columbia f have lower electric light rates than ; Smlthers It wa revealed at the annual ' meeting of the shareholders of the Smlthers Electric Ltd. held here this! week. The annual children's masquerade I ball was held here at the end of last j week. Prize winning costumes were I worn by William Messner, Patty Hether-1 lngton. Terry Beesley. Owennle Jenkins, I Mildred Rife. Vlmy Eindt, Douglas Bam- I ford. Margaret Panther. Jackie Chap-1 man and Melville Raymond. The event was conducted by the Women's Auxili ary to the Smlthers Hospital. The Eskimos are still at the top of the heap in the Smlthers Hockey League with 17 points. The Tigers have thirteen points and the Shlek. twelve. The ice has now been spoiled by a week of warm weather. There has been a big let-up in wheat shipments through Smlthers. The ele vator at Prince Rupert Is full and a number of cars of grain are in the yards all the way from Jasper to the coast. With no boats expected in Prince Rupert before March IS, it is not likely that grain will be moving In any great quantities again before April A large crowd attended the regular bridge and whist drive held on Tuesday night in their hall by the Catholic Women's League. Prize winners at whist were Mrs. R. Elliott. Mrs. J. P. Downey, Oeorge Carruthera and J. A. Macdonald while the bridge prizes were captured by Mrs. Oreenhalgh, Mrs. Wall. L. S. Mcdll! and Ernest Hann. George Wall's gang returned here at the first of the week after having filled the Canadian National ice houses at Prince George and Endako. The outfit has now been broken up, its season's work being finished. Dr. C. H. Hankinson is badly under the weather with an attack of Seasonable farm hauling weather Is papers September It and 15, the dates " n8 lnl 1'"- n '"er nas chosen by the Board at.a former meet- bfR verT favorable and ties and other Ing, have been approved and the fair hfVT products are being moved to th will be held on those dates. railway on good sleighing.- ' The secretary was instructed to write the provincial secretary asking for use- 8..H. Hosklns, government agent, has ful hints in the management of fairs sufficiently recovered from his recent ac- and any other Information which would cldent to take up his office duties. He be of assistance in Imnrovln the stand-1 has been off for about two months lng of the local exhibition. following Injuries sustained when he slipped and fell. L. I MV WlFE,-ttoLD ME THAT . 7M mm m have made Cough Caused Constant Coughing Mrs. D. M. Nolan, Dwrglastowx, NM.. writes: -"Two years ago I had a terrible Cold which Settled in IUT tnnliial tu and rauaed eomlsnt coughing, and I could nut tlrtp da or night I read about Jill Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup and thought I would git it a trial. Aftf r taking three buttlrs 1 was com-tlvtely rid of my cough, and hava never had a cold tinee." 'Dr. Wood's" has been on th mar ket for the past 33 years, and iti j nmtiy may mt you from raceriif from soma serious bronchial or long" trouble. Price 35e. a bottle, lirg famllr lit 60e.; put up only by Tea T. Uiibtirm Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont TERRACE A. S. Tordlffe of Cedarvale was a I Mock Flavor ' W ss&r v- t Baker's Breakfast Cocoa The Hotischold Choice f or many Generations A delicious, pure arid vholesome food beverage,, made only of high grade cocoa beans, carefully blended and prepared by a perfect mechanical - process, no chemicals being used WALTER BAKER 8C CO. Limited Esubliihed 1780 DORCHESTER, MASS. CanaJun Mills at Montreal Bookt of Choice Recipes sent free 7TT2 DAIL7 Se.ui' F'ay Mm AKIO "YOU ARC TO KEEP 0"S INTOrWtO WHERE VOO ARE ATALLTIMLVND OF C OORSE OU VJIL.L. HAVE TO CO INTO COUNTRIES WHERE IT WILL NOT 6E SAFE FOR VOU TO TAKE . r , J3: HUH? Terrace Hotel. Wm. Vanderllp ha taken possession of the building vacated by Mr. Burnett and which he recently purchased from It. Creelman. Oeorge Halllen and W. Royge of Prince Rupert were visitors here during the week. W. Alrd of Pacific was in town on Wednesday. Oeorge E. Powers left on Wednesday fur Prince Rupert with his little son. 3illy, who Is suffering with acute ear trouble. They were accompanied to !he city by Dr. W. N. Turpel. V. Williams and A. C Fowler of Ter-ace, A. S. Tordlffe of Cedamle. and B. Xxrper Of Francois Lake, took the ex-jnlnatlon for Forest Rangers held here on Thursday. LEADERSHIP IN MEN'S SECTION OF FRATERNAL WHIST LEAGUE IS TIED Moose and St. George's (Seal Cove), having both won their games last night, ure still tied for the championship in the Men's Section of the Fraternal E. T. Brooks returned to Prince Ru-1 Whist League necessitating a play-off. pert on Monday after spending the I the date for which has not yet been eek-end at his home here. ct. The winner In this play-off will jitet the champions of the Ladles' fiec- Mrs. W. II. McDonald and grand-1 .ion some .time alter March IS In th daughter. Miia Elliott Head, returned on I -it y finals, the winners taking the Dyb- Wednesday after having spent several I xavn cup and the losers, the Newton days In Prince Rupert. ?up. Last night's results were as follows: Mrs. Puckett of Whltehorse. visited a. St. George's (Sell Cove) . St. An- the homes of Mrs. A. E. Head and Mrs ldrew's 3. J. Wame during the week. She.' rt- I Elks 6, St. George's (city) 3. turned to Prince Rupert on Thursday I Sons of Canada 3, Moose 7. enroute to Vancouver. I I. O. O. F. 0 Knight of Pythias 3. visitor In town during the week. 1st. George's (Seal C.) J. week. ,M. A. McLeod, Prince Oeorge tailor here in the course of a business trip. Dan Mason of Copper City was ti town on Wednesday. N. A. Yack. mechanic at the Ter race Motors garage returned to Tti- rsce on Wednesday alter spending a month's holiday In Vancouver. i I. O. O. F. A. J. Oalland of the Customs and KUKhU of Pythias excise department, tnnce , Kupert, arrived In Terrace on Wednesday on official business. PAYNE WINS OVER ' W. L. Pt. 40 4 10 10 4 10 8 8 8 7 7 7 8 8 8 5 9 6 SOS 6 9.5 EASSONW BILLIARDS '.U: ISllllanl Champion Uln Onrnlnz (i4inr In dominion jTmirnry C, A. L Payne, B.C. amateur billiard champion, defeated A. A. Eaamon formerly of Prince Rupert on Saturday night at the O.W.V.A. dubrooms In Vancou ver. in the first of the provincial ellm- W. H. Burnett of the Terrace Motors I luatlon games In the Dominion amateur has moved his stock of cars. Ford parts I championship series by a score of 600 and garage equipment to his new standi points to 317. in the Luzclle building across from thel The winner was in front at all stage of the game and accounted for breaks I of SG, 62, 36, 33. 33 and 33 .unfinished. I while the tint the Frlrire Rupert cue- list could rinks was a pretty runtof 41 iciMNie Jm W !irfT.'.v jl SPORT CHAT The Commercial Grads of Edmonton, I ladles' world's basketball champions, de Ilea ted the central Grads of Calgary at Cnlgary last Saturday night by a score lot 23 to 10, and will, meet the aaine- lttam at Edmonton tomorrow night for the final game in the provincial cham Iploiuhlp. It la expected that Inter I provincial games will llwn be held wltli I the champions playing either In Ed monbm or Vancouver. At a meeting in Vancouver on Murch a new coast hockey league will be 111, formed. It Is expected that Vancouver, I Portland, Victoria and Seattle will en Iter the league with San Francisco and Los Angles as probable entrants for the I following season. No announceemnt made as to where and how teams will I be secured for the new league. The list of the 1027 challengers for I the Davit Cup, International tennis I trophy, were brought to eighteen by the entry of Japan and Canada In the Amtrlcau tone of competition, Canada I first competed for the cup In 1013 and after the lapse due to the World War Ire-entered In 1020. Japan gained the distinction of reaching the challeng AND ViHEN VOO ARE IN THI-a OKT OF 1 COUNTRY AND WE DO NOT MEAR FROM VOO WITHIN A MONTH-VJE KNOW THE worvt HA-s happened- o J vt Mr-lEDiATEL"T APPOirM t . A.vtaaY6LA..Y tAO " ant:: For Sale' ' For Rent FOUND FOR SALE. 87 FOUND. EIGHTEEN FOOT ROW BOAT below Claxton. Apply Ian O. Davit, Claxton. B.C. 63 their Intention of competing In the swim from Youngstown, N.Y- to To ronto next Labor Day, If the event is held. This time and place was stipulated In the condition on which C. J Brooks of Toronto, ha placed on de- poilti I2S.0U0 with which Wllllsm Wrlg- ley, Jr., ha backed! George Young, mliv ner of the CaUllna swim. In a mara- llton race against all comers, William Wrlgley Is 'now considering. Mr. Brooks' iropoHl -Hi- Michael Hambourg who 1 blind has announced hi Intention of challenging Gorge Young' swimming supremacy He will go Into Intensive training with the object of entering the proprwed ctoss-the-lake swim In the fall. He Is guided by a buzMr on a boat which precedes him. MANITOBA HAS SPENT MUCH ON GOOD ROADS WINNIPEG, March 4, (tiy CP.) The province of Manitoba has expended a7.C4S.S81 cm good roads since the Incorporation of the province, according to a return Ubled In the legislature by Hon. W. tl. Clubb, minister of public works. Maintenance or roods lias Increased from 1 10,11)4 in 19 jo to eyj80 in 1020. The large Incretu last year being due to Inauguration of the provincial trunk highway system. HOTEL AKKIV.U.ft. Prince lliiwrl J. F. MoMenden, Vancouver; W. It, Oirey. BeUlughaJii; Duncan Munro, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Dawson and P. M. Olsen, SmlUiers; Cooper Wrlnch, )layton; W, H. LHUe, Seattle; J, Swann, Terrace: Mrs. W. A. Puckett, Whltehorse; c. W. round against the United 8 lutes In lt;8inlth. Edmonton: John Well Ji..1m.. first attempt In 1921. Besides lAllt Derham Of Southend, England, James McCuster of lloolon, omnia Ron of Chicago and Tommy alker of Toronto, have all signified J Ha toy Mf. and Mrs. Dau Method, terrace. Central B. !tolrtn, C.N.R, Advertise In Th Dally flaws J 7vgr y (VTQ'.J " Inri. Fatw Smite, CraM Bin mill it , ! FOll HUNT By George McManns OMeYHlNGTBtLMt 1 THATTibJOtt IS NOT THE OWT ONE IN .r ' HI ii.. THE WOKLO! ''TO -1 M DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. .2c per word in No Advertisement taken lot leu than 50c WANTED WANTED. WOMAN TO COOK FOR about seven men, out of town. Good place and good wages. Phone Red 418. 63 WANTFD. SMART BOY TO WORK IN store. Apply Box 33, Dlly News Office. U WANTED. TO PURCHASE HALIBUT schooner. Apply Box 33, Dully News office. FOR SAI.K FURNITURE IOK SALE. OAK DININO table, oak library stand, gramophone with stand, full sire bed, complete. child's bed. linoleum rug III, fold ing bed couch. Apply Ml Bummlt Avenue. Si FOR SALE. TWENTY HORSEPOWER Kermaih marine engine In first tlvm running order. Price reasonable. Terms cash. Apply to Dr. Large. Port Simpson. 60 FOR 8ALE.--4 IIP. REGAL ENGINE with reverse lu good running order. Apply Prince Rupert Vscht Club, Cow Bay. 63 SNAP FOR CABlI.-SEVXNTEEN FOOT gasbutt, 4 h p. Fairbanks engine. Owner leaving1 city. Phone 4S3. 64 FOR 8ALE- OLDSMOD1LE SIX COACH; perfect condition. 124 model. Apply Box 14, Dully News office. 87 FOR SALE CHEAP, IN ONE LOT. ALL the household furniture of three roomed flat. Phone Red 78. 63 RESTAURANT FIXTURES FOR SALE cheap. Must be sold this wrrk. P.O. 378. ORANDVIEW HOTEL Make an offer I FOUND. TAKE NOTICE THAT I, U K Dutton, Intend to hold on mare and colt strayed to the farm, for feed costs. L. K. Dutton, Kltwanga, B.C. FOR RENT. 8TEAM HEATED APART-ments. Apply Smith Ac Msllett. Ltd. Telephone 174. FOR RENT. FURNISHED HOUSE; central: 130. Apply 316 Fourth Avenue East FOR RENT. PIANOS, PHONOOHAPIia and Singer Sewing Machine. Walker's Music Store. FURNISHED APARTMENTS FOR RENT by day, week or month. Phone Red 007. tf FURNISHED SUITES FOR RENT. Apply Miuuiallrm Grocery. Phone II. FOR RENT. MODERN HOUSE, room and bath. Munro Bros. ROOU8 TO HKNf. -PHONR tft. HOAHI) BOARD. THE INLANDER. Second Avenue. Phon 131. AUCTIONEER DOLLAR STORE He hate IHaronllnued I be Women" Etrhange VU will Hud vitiiimi ovrn for Kile In thl lip. IMHI.tlt t STORE. Exchanged. UI'IIOI.STERINC FlVtt tt tf e39 I AM NO NOVICE IN MY PROFESSION. A hew broom sweep clean. An old one finds the corners. Over twenty year at your servk. Nothing too Urge. Nothing too small. I buy, sell or exchange O, F. Brine. Auctioneer. Thone 774. uoMlMov rtitsirtitt: i:riitNfir lirwiiinty A (iagrmn. proprlrlara 144 Third Avenue Phone I Hark 411 Furniture of all sorts bought, sold or FURNlTUkR REPAIRING; UP1IOL- sterlng of all kinds. Chesterfields recovered and made to order. All work guaranteed. Phone Green 603. a. M. HUNT. WOOD A. IHIWSOM Heal Cove. Mixed Wood Rlocks per load 14 00. Kindling, per load 10 60 Furnace Wood, per load M00 Delivered. Bait Herring I'll.. lie Hlsrli in ' , R ETA UK A NTS ' (lOllll CUE Mrs. Ungrr. Proprietress Thirl Avenue. Next O. W. V. A. flood Home Cooked Meal. Phone Dlsrk 700 TAXI Phone 67 Tnxl (Call Oorjrc, Paul or Oust) Six and Seven Paant-nifer Stutle hnkrrn at your tllspnaal any time ROSS RROS. I'OOI. ROOM Meeker lilock. (Across from Empress Hotel) PIMVPI! IMIPRKT TfllPU v mm I ' III I StTI'ltlltV, MARCH High 2:37 a.m. 32.0 ft. 14:46 pjn. 22.1 ' kow 8:38 am. 3.J " M'MIW. M AIU'II l'Igl 3:18 mn. 22. ft. 15:33 pin. 31.3 " 9:22 tJn. 2.9 " 21:39 p.m. 2 9 M , MOlAV, MARCH 1 High 3:60 jn. 21 fl ft. 10:23 p.m. 19 9 " Uw ,;,,,,,, 10:0 ajn. 35" 22:22 pjn. 4.8 " Tl IIXIIAY. MARCH a "gn 4:38 a.m. 31.0 ft. 17:18 pm, 182 ,.. 11:01 jn. 4.1 " ' 23:08pln. B.fl " s Hi;itM:hiiv, MAiiCil b M'Kh o:24 .m, 19 9 tt. 18:20 pin. 10 6 M t 13:00 pin. hi" Article, i Loit and i Foundj MAIL SCHEDULE For I lie Ml niT-doiso Mondsy. Wednesdays sr4 closes , : to Vancou let Tuesdsyt Frldsys Saturdsy C.P.R Marrh 11 22 First elsas msll la alto set 4Ji lu 1 Vneourf on Motuixti. WeJ-.ti-ji Saturday by ON R. train. T Anyat, A I lee Arm, teirt m f miet Sundays t ,4 Wednesdays 1 a Ft. HlmMsi 4 Nbm Rimrai, bundtji To AUk rnlnls Msrrh 7. 18 and la ., To iurtri Charlotte March It and 28 IN.roMin rom 1 he r.t Tuetdsji, Thursday sad 8 tt at t From Varuirf I Sundays Wedeesdays .... a Frldsyi 1 CJJi. March 1, 13 in 1 Fvai Anyat. trv km. w 0 Preinlpf Tuesdays u Fridays . . torn Ft. nlmtAOn Ia4 Hsm tc ' Tuesday From AUk point March tt and 21 I Tom laee ChsrMIe Marrh 10 and 14 IMIX coilrTin4 .a Orsbam ft Atlln Ave. 1st Are. At 8th St 6tn Are. tt Fulton St ' 8th Ave. At Thompson 1 1th At Sherbrooit Ave. t 11th Ave. A Conrad 81. ' 8th Ave. At Hays Cove I 6th Hays Cove Circle I 1th Are. at Cotton St - I 3th Are. V McBrlds Si I Pro. Oort Bldg I Prov. Oov. Whsrf I O.T.P. Whsrf . OTJ Station A 3nd Ave. 2nd St (, 3rd Ave. St Fulton St 3rd Ave. Ai 6th St Sunday collection asc:e a r day only. STEAMSHIP MOYBlEffi For Vanromer- Tuesday. imuu... FrlCy-a Prince Or:" Saturdsy-as. Cardr .. a. Prince J IK Mirch 11- Priri' M Mareh 23- as I'm; " From Vaneouver Sunday CamoKun Wednesday . IT C Frtdjy-s Cardena SalurUiJ - a. Prin.f 1 March 7 -as. Princes M. " March 31. -a. f' u For Fori lmpon n - Bunday -ss. Camwun it .. i From Tort Mmpn & For iuo.-. nltwrt, Afiyox ami irtr' Sunday' Camoun ... . . . - ti., f wconewiay ..- (nr From Htewaii, Anyov and AIT Ttieaday- s. Camosun Fridy-a. Pr'nc' Of0 lor tjueen ChllflnIlf . M.reh 13-s. Prince tt!' . 1 March 28. s. Prince t-moi Oneen Chsrlntf" March IO-4.. Pr'n" Ji,: March 24,-ss, Prince TM AUl- .n March 7. Prince Match 18. Pflncw ' Mareh 38-. Mot From Alaka u ... fj h ii.-. rrlncr ni Prlnress Marvu C.N.RJAINS WM"f- For EasU-Mondayn. Saturday ln Thut(iv Ffom Jut-TUMdlI. ,i" Sunday ... AOvertTl- th.