-OUND GUILTY STOLEN BOOZE SENTENCED AT VANCOI't Elt ! Attorney for the Consolidated Ei portion h,PP ' cargo. were mtiMi hums moee- I i ll 1.1(11 Oil -VICTOR" M.rih 4 -Aogek) Bpoalto kd j t ' W.inu:: were found gulltjr the 8-.ip.eu.! Court mux here of Balnlm .n '.rteir nowtskon two ea rwh.akc knowing" the aame to hare been a . n. The chane aroee out of ITt-hetj of ;uor from the adtoomr Chria Melltr by C.jn Perelral Warrington. ''nrW.ma wiij w recently aentenosd ito all m: -fia :n police court. The ea- at J was belt. heM at tlw tder of -.a :uyal oomsiivtMt tnvtatl- ltng .m (Mr and Mi Bpotito will be sentenced "Monday by Mr Justice Morrison. lRKETBILL IS AMENDED UDMUMi DAIUV SECTION IS UK- MOtEO I ROM ,MEAM ItE 11V l.l (ilI.ATl III. AT tlCTOUIA VICTORIA March 4. -The dairy aee- diii of he provincial government's nm Pr.due Cuntrol and Marketing fill were eliminated by the Leglalalure tsrduy , t-.jium:iue of the whole. In amended form, the Rill applle only fruit and vegetable fcr the benefit h: it i- wja originally designed. IHon E D. Barrow, mlnltter of agrl- ur made a l;ut minute atand to 'c the dairy section ol the bill, of :h he wai the faiaer. but waa u. Ie 43 do so MAIN LOGAN DIES IN SOUTH M-VIV AdUNT AT VHTOItIA ,s IIIMI ll)i;MII II I) WITH .AI.. VA11K WOltK ON THIS COAST VANCOUVER. March 4.- Oapt. . W. II, f ir many yeara Uoyda' agent at lcto:i and long Identified with aal ai;e wurk on the Brltlah Columbia died in hoapltal here today after MMja of -wo days. 1KINS' PLANE IS GIVEN TESTS ""NOH.ANK ALASKAN' IIKIIAVKl U.L MHKN IT TOOK Till: ,IU at i aikiianks vi:sri:uiAY FAIRBANKS. t monoplane, which wtlt be xxttd ICapt Ooorirji wniri. u vi. - 'ulna, in nig. gt b vTlalfw w Inftrate the Arctlo "blind apot." north rj.- waa given Ita flrat trUI flight I ou Thuraday Lieut. Elelacn, who piloted rlbc rilnm. ...j ..... ... - . .. h - rv jiuu vuai u penormpa wen rt.'ukcd parauailan today to Interview arolrni of tba Feitnl Shtp'a crew. Tte owntra of the ahlfi art now on their way bora tram Vancouver to figh: the 1 HOIV SKI.KN' t MLMIli lt imim;ii;s ottawa "Still another wa Mr. Brady, of Sktena. new member who apaaka on evarythlng and. aa far. la bora under no handicap' of eioeaUvt modeaty." aaya O.B. the pariumentary obaerver of the Ottawa Cttrren in 1U laave of February 23 "lie claimed for Prince Rupert a place on the map " SAN FRAt.'CiaCO. March 4 ram ataaner Federal Ship L. D. McCartney. VAN'COUVKK KXCHANCI) Wheat r.uuwell . . M . fndependence' Marmot Premier Porter Idaho Silver Croat . Surf Inlet . . . Richmond Conat Copper Bid. !.44ri 1.47 .1014 .mi 2,33 .14 .07 ' .01 ft .13 ' 750 ! 4 I 4 ALLEGED KILLER WAS NOT ABOARD VESSEL Uiim rvl Mil Not ll.ur Wlllluni lUtw- dm a .MrmLrr f t'rrw After ull II l HlMinrrrU When the waa towed into San Franclaco Bay yeaterday. It ii Uud that William Bowdcn. wanted on a oharga of murder In connection with a fight two years ago between bojtlmer and dry officer, wa not on board aa originally reported. AVIATORS UNHURT IN SETTLE CRASH SrnrLiiip fujiip down on lkilulirlil;r l- I.IIUI ir-Mrriuv Aliprnwin wiiii i.. I'.. Dllil unl I.. I. Mit arlne) Altitunl SEATTLE. March 4. Two naval avla Uon reecrvHU were Injured, neither of them aerloutty, when a aeaplane. In whieh they were flying, crwahed on Dalnbrldge Iiland. near the cltyt late vtwterday. They were E. E. Dlld and Atked 150 .101; .12ft 2.21 .IS .07 U .00 .18 8.00 The "lean and bound" by which au tomobllei are aald to be Increaaing are nothlna to the leaping and bounding done by pedeatrlana In getting out of the way. Some men remind u of poatage itamps. They mtut be licked before thoy will Mrk to o thlrr 1 10 UN AT YALE Many friwsda and acquaintances in GOLD RUSH IN NEVADA DOWNA IN rilOM'IXiT rnu LotviNo Hiscotr.itv or tuo M-..MIS AllUIMVU AT TONOI'AII TOMir.lll, Maftli I. Willi a ruh arnm I lip ileert In vnrrh of a bonanza In rtrrt, rrlilrnt of TunNill anil nurrnuiidlng illtrlrt are anlonl ualtlnc In he Hut Iwo Iwr wlm mi Id the j hail made a ll lrlke would nuke public the ItK-utlon. Plan for the ruli tut under way jc-tenlay when the two JoiiIIk fcliistereil Into Tnnuiali with Ian jiik nf gold ore which onij eil SiS.llCM a ton. Tliej refueil In ilhuljce the Im-allon. .Milling engineer Mill lliat. If the ore tlien the oajer wai of Hie free milling tarlety. It innt have come from Unit li Valley faiiinu In Die liMnry nf gold In the tVe-t. ctiy and dUtrtct will learn with ahock of the death which occurred In Vancouver law night of Arthur Bailey, a native aon of Brltlah Columbia- and pioneer reaWent of the Skeei:a River dlatrict. Hla dcmlae came at' a happy reieoes to Illneaa which overtook hlui aotn after he ard hla family moved south from Prince Rupert leca than a year ago. The lata Mr. Bailey waa born one of twtna lorty-tlght yeara ago at Tale In the Fraaer Valley. He had plcneered I. in almost every part of the province and wa an authority on mattera Pertaining to the early hlatory of Brltlah Columbia. Per many yeara he wai Identified with tnverneM cannery in the Skeena alough. not far from Prince Rupert, and for aome time waa on the I ataft of Lipitctt-Cunnlngham in the city. which poatilon be rellnqulahed about a year ago. moving In the aprtng to Victoria. 1 BeaMe hla widow and daughter. Lola, to whom the ayrnpathy of many local ; frlendj wUl he extended, the late Mr.: Bailey la aurvlved by five brother and (our a'ltera realdent in various parta of the province 'S DAY OF PRAYER IS HELD LUIIES Of A 1.1. DENOMINATIONS (lATHKHED I Oil SEItVH E Tills AI TEItNOON I'KESIDED OVEIt II V Mlts, l, A. Complying with a cuatom that la ob served on the First Friday of Lent throughout the Christian world by women of the various Protectant denominations, "Women's Day of Prayer" was being observed In St. Andrew'a Anglican Cathedral, Prince Rupert, this afternoon with ladle of varloua local churches In attendance. The object waa more especially to pray for foreign missionary work. Mr. Q. A. Rlx presided. Miss Marjorle Lancaster acted aa organ aceompanlat for the hymns which were "Spirit Divine, Attend Our Prayer," "Jesu Snail Reign Where'er the Sun." "The Churcha One Foundation," and "Ood Save The King," The scripture lessen was read by Mr. J. it. Frlzelt of the Presbyterian Church. while Mr. McCotkrle (Anglican) guvt the devotional address and Mra. W. Fi Price ( Uaptlat). the missionary address. Various prayers were taken as follows: "Canada." Mra. F W. Hart (Lutheran): "China," Ml. Isabel Haddock (United): "Moslem World," Mrs. Mastln (Baptist): "Japan," Mlsa Eleanor Lenox, MX). (Japaneie Anglican Mission); "India Mrs. Stobbart (Salvation Army); "Leagus of Nation," Mra. a. Q. Hacker (United); and "Alt Other Fields." Mrs, J. W. Led- lie iBuptlut). TWO CHINESE IjELLKS of the younger generation of Chinese life in San Francisco, well versed in their own national Ito-, diiions in spite of their modern appearance. They have fashioned lanterns to be displayed during the Fah Dang V.'ui, the "Feast of Lanterns" OKIKNTAL H EMI'l.tlV.MENT TO liE liKSTKIt"Ti:i VICTORIA, March 4. j AfUr Hjn. A. M. Manaon, attorney general, ha'd assured the tests-lature yesterday that he would seek to frame a measure to curb the employment of Orientals In various Industries In the province, the bill of C. P. Davis. Conservative member for New-castle-Cowlehan. which would have established strict examinations ffr Asiatic engaged In hazardous occupations was rejected by the House. 1 ' :j . i ; i : it III be Nrl Verl lo !-o:id lira III Hrre I Elrlutor I- lull anil !'ohc.rtloii I Again l:eHirteil The "K" Line steamer Yaye Maru, which will be the next vessel to lead grain here, left Mure ran. Japan, on March 1 and should be here about March 17 according to word received by the agents, the Northern Shipping Co The ihlp will take on a full cargo of wheat here for the United Kingdom or continent. Nrfthern Shipping Co, reports the steamer Kofuku Maru, also of the "K" Line, ccmlng here for April grain loading. The Prince Rupert elevator is again full of wheat end there has been a noticeable falling oft In shipment here, cars reported to be tied up at various yard between here and Jasper. HIT ON HEAD; LEFT TO BURN JOHN lOE OK t)UI)OVA TO BE CIIAItlil-.l) WITH MIKIIEK OK IIII.LIAIII) HAIL Kttl'KK COKIiOVA, Marrli I A roroner's Jury here Ut nlsht rrMirtrd I hat Nick SathK. Hhoe body a fcund on Hrilnrilj) In the smouldering rulno nf M blllluril lull, had leen -Irmk oirr the head and left to die In the lUnilns building. The Jury recommended that (hargev of in tinier, robbery uiul arMin be filed ugulnot John Doe. YAYF. MARU EXPECTED 77 HERE ON MARCH 17 ..rn KERGIN NAMED or NEW PRESIDENT TOUT Sl.MI'sON IIOAKD IHUEC toks rou vi:.u elected (Speclsl to'Dally New) PORT SIMPSON. March 4. Dr. W. T. Kergln of Prince Rupert has been elected president of the Port Simpson hospital board. At the annual meeting held recently director fo? the year were elected as follows: R.. Boyd. Young. A. J. Wat-klnson. Dr. W. T. Kergln. Miss L. M. Deacon, Miss A. McKay, Rev. T. Fer-rler. Rev. William Allan, Rev. Mauley, P. Eby. Mra. Margaret Kergln. W. E. Col-llson, George McAfee,. Mlsa Pierce, R.N.. lady superintendent, and Dr. Large, medical superintendent. Massett Canners Company is IS TAXI Boston Grill 2o and Ambulance Large Upstair Dinlnjr Hall, Service with newly laid .dancing Anywhere at Anytime floor, for hire. NEW FOUNTAIN. SODA Stand: K.ehanjrc HuildiriK PRINCE RUPERT The latest and beat for the MATl' VIMXK. Prop. least. Phone 457. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper VOL. XVII.. No. G3. l'KINCE KUI'EItT, B.C., FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 1927 Circulation 1480 Sale 473 Price Five Omb If lATTIF THE US. COURTS WW CANNERY TO BE BUILT ON THE QUEEN CHARLOTTES Great Possibilities for Trouble Seen in Federal Ship Matter LM'TAIN SAYS SIIKI.I.IM; IJOAT WAS AN ACT OF WAIt r . (ltlliJltl UIUHilW W Mali I il.VUU) liU i TO FKilIT CASK -'AN 1KANUSCO. March 4. There will be a battle in the l(ur' beiwcen the United bin ten government and the Canadian iUor exporter ; over the steamer Federal Ship and her million tilhir carjro of whiskey which was seized under coastguard fire i: week on the hih seas and which is now swinirinj? at anchor in tiin 1 ra . i.-i o liav under iruard. That it will be an unusual ffirht by the fact that Capt. S. S. Stone, the rum ship's skipper, Epromiseu id the or member of the crew arrested, insists that the coast-i:.r J ship onimiitcd an act of war by shelling his vessel five times wiih ix -pound atolls, taking effect on the main deck and splintering the rail and cutting awajr the hatch. Capt. Sloe my that he wlU ask the Panama government, under the flag of which the ; Federal Ship wai tailing and In which , ' country the vjjii la rtglatered. to de-! dare war afaimt tba Un.ted States un- - teas MMAda an mad for the uae of the t. AMI Mlt M'0IIO MILL HE suaa. DIES IN SOUTH deuii comes as iiM'i'Y release TO St I'l'LlllNtl Ol' I1.C. NATIVE so ami noi:i u or this DISTRICT Royal Marines Given Great Welcome at Shanghai Where They Arrived on Thursday SHANGHAI, March 4. Shanghai's international settlement yesterJay welcomed a thousand Royal Marines from the Britlnh troopship Minnesota who were landed to strengthen the force which have already taken up their positions for the defence of the distmt against the oncoming Cantone3c hordes. A great crowd of foreigners and Chinese gathered outside the British consulate in the course of the day to welcome the newly-arrived tioops which i marched with gleaming bayonets and trench helmets along the IJund to their billets in the eastern part of the settlement. , insane minx i KiiiTKii roi.riiniA MAV lit: STEKILIZLU VICTORIA. March 4. Better I methods for handling the prob-I i lems of carlzg for the Insane ! than new employed in British v Columbia and the sterilization of the lnrane under certain J- condlticna w:re recommended by the royal commission on in- canity whose rtport waa filed in the legislature yesterday after more than a year of lnvestlga- tion. i H ifflANY CANADIAN l AUOCST AMOI NT 1)1" II Vl.llll T SINCE i SEASON Ot'KNEI) IS .MAI1KETEU Halibut landings were heavier today with the price slightly lower than yesterday. American boat landed 204.000 pounds and a large number of Canadians 52.900 pounds, the total for trie AMERICAN Helgeland. 55.000 pounds, to Canadian Fish it Cold Storage Co, 1130c and 6c. Pclarls. 45.000 pounds, to Royal Fish Co.. 10.50c and 6c Plcneer. 45.000 pounds, to Royal Fish Co., 11-30C and 6c. Brisk, 35.000 pounds, to Booth Fisheries. 10.70e and 6c. Alwatros. 24.000 pounds, to Atlln ruatrlcs. 11 JOc and 6c. CANADIAN Cape Spencer. 5.000 pounds, to Canadian Ilih w Cold Storage Co.. 12.70c and 8c. Sea Maid. 8.000 pounds, to Atlln Fish-erlea, 12.20c and 8c. . ' Kalen. 4,500 pounds, to Atlln Fisheries. 1 12.20c and 8c. I Morris H.. 5,000 pounds, to Canadian 1 Fish & Cold Storage Co.. 12.70c and I Be. Atll, 6.000 pounds, to Atlln Fisheries. ! at 12.70c and 8c. ! Bayvlew, 1,400 pounds, to Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co.. 12c and 8c Ringleader. 3.000 pounds, to Canadian j Fish & Cold Storage Co.. 12c and 8c i Mab. 1.000 pounds, to Canadian Fish ti Cold Storage Co.. 12c and 8c. Margallce. 5.000 pounds, to Booth Fisheries, 12.10c and 8c. Point May. 1,200 pounds, to Canadian Fish Si Cold Storage Co., 12c and Be. Ten-ten, 4.000 pounds, to Atlln Fisheries, 12,20c and Sc. Cape Swan, 5.500 pounds, to Booth t Fisheries, 12.10c and 8c. Mayflower. 1300 pounds, to Canadian Fish Si Cold Storage Co.. 12c and 8c. Brant. 4.000 pounds, to Royal Pish Co.. R. o. U.20C and 8c. Incorporated by Local Men; i 4, Erect Graham Island Plant The D.C. Gaiette of this week announces the incorporation of the Massett Canners Ltd. with capitalitation of $50,000 and head office at Prince Rupert. The principals of the concern are John Dybhavn and Olof Hanson and their object Is to erect and operate a cannery on Massett Island upon land which they have recently acquired. It will be a one-line plant and construction is to start at once with a view to have. it running during the coming season. The site Is close to Massett. The nlant will specialize" In nuttlnir un of 1 f nil varieties " IAIIRFI WHA1FM K 4Ua ft WtlaUaU IlllllUaUll IU ON HER WAY HERE Mlllerd Caiinlng Co.N Floating Cannery Will Engage In Suiting Herring Now Kim I Commenced The Mlllerd Canning Co.'a floating cannery Laurel Whalen la coming up the coast to Prince, Rupert In tow of the tug St. Faith. The outfit, which will probably arrive tomorrow or the day after, will be outfitted here and wilt engage In aattlng herring now that the run 1 commenced. That school-girl complexion la great (tuff It you get It on both sides of the ihceks at 'he nme ele'-itton DOUBLE SERVICE STARTING SOON STEA.MI.lt l'KINCE (iKOUOC CONSIO-EUAU1.Y IMI'ItOVEl) WITH ALTERATIONS MADE The Prince Decree, which' mode her first trip north this season on Wednesday and aalled again this morning tor the south looks spick and span after a general overhaul. Several minor alter atlens have been made to the Interior which include a new hardwood flojr xzm the head oi the stairs leading to the dining saloon to the room used as the ladles' sitting room. The newa .iaad at the head of the italrway has been removed as well as the bar In the smoking room thus providing more i rscm. New carpets, and tapestries hare -also been added, this year and the whrle Interior has been redecorated and the palatial coaster will present an attractive appearance for the tourist trade this summer. The spring schedule of the Canadian National boats will commence out of Vancouver on March 21 and the Thursday sailing from Prince Rupert wilt start on March S4 and on March 27 the day being 25G.900 pounds. Arrivals and !flrst Sunday saillnj from Prince Rupert sales were as follows: I Icr cne utn W'H be made by the Prince i Charles. NORTHERN ROAD BEING SOUGHT rStOMlNENT EDMONTON. JAMT.lt AND KA.MLOOPS MEN SEEKINO COMPLETION OF EDMONTON-VANCOl VEIt IIHimVAY VANCOUVER, March 4. Seeking the construction of a road to complete th automobile highway between Vancouver and Edmonton, a delegation, including sereral prominent citizens of Edmonton, Jasper and Kamloops, arrived here yesterday enroute to Victoria where they will confer tomorrow with Hon. W. II. Sutherland", minister of public works for British Cclumbla, While In Vancouver, the delegation Is soliciting the support, of the Automobile Club-of British Columbia for the project and It 1 expected that a number of Vancouver men will alao attend the conference In Victoria, The government will be requested to build forty-two miles of road In British Columbia to join tha Jasper Park highway at the lnter-provlnclal border. JACKSHARKEY WINS BATTLE SCOKED OVEIt TECHNICAL KNOCK-OCT MrTIOlE IN ELIMINATION DOIT AT NEW YORK LAST .NltlllT ' NEW YORK. March 4. Jack Sharkey, Boston i heavyweight, scored a technical knockout last night ovtr Mlke 'Mc- Tigue of New York In the twelfth of a fifteen-round heavyweight elimination bout. Tii referee stopped the fight with McTigue attll on hla feet but battered and bleeding. Sharkey was leading by a decisive margin of points when the ' engagement came to a close, r HOCKEY, Ottwa,2,'rittburg 1. Ovidlenv 7 Chlettjo 1.