PAGE SIX m Tins advertisement is not published rr displayed by the I.njuor Conl col Hoard or by (lie uovcrhitieril of British Columbia. WEEK-END SPECIALS T-Eone Roast, per lb. . . 23c Sirloin Steak, 2 lbs 53c Round Steak. 2 lbs 45c Veal Chops, 2 lbs 43c Leg Veal, per lb 20c Rump Roast Veal, per lb. 20c Shoulder Roast Veal, per lb. 15c Stewing Veal, 3 lbs. .... 25c Rump Roast Beef, per lb. 18c Shoulder Pork, per lb. . . 25c Loin Pork Chops, per lb. 35c Sausage, 2 lbs. 33c Halibut, per lb 20c Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. t Phone 18 Phone 81 Have Your Eyes Examined Poor eyes and poor glances are a pitiful combination. Good glasses will make good eyes of poor eyes. If your present glasses do not suit your eyes for any reason, you are criminally negligent of your future if you do not secure the proper glasses at once. Lowest .prices. Exjiert sei - A. E. IRELAND Graduate Optometrist 319 Third Avenue. Opposite G.W.V.A. WOOD Dry Jack Pine, Cedar, Hirch and Spruce Per load $6.50 Per half load $3.50 Per sack 50c Firelighters, 48 for $1.00 delivered. HydeTranster 131) Second Avenue Phone C80 Night or Day WE BUY DOTTLES. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST CALIFORNIA IS WETTEST PLACE STEVE JONES HAH KAMI" MX WEEKS MOTOIt Tltll SOITII VICTORIA. March 4. When It comes to rain, the wettest place -4 n British Columbia 1 tn thc drr belt, compared with California at this time of the year, according to Stephen Jones, who returned this week from a six weeks' holl 'day trip In the south. ) Mr. Jones took his car down Trom : her with htm. One day he and a Victoria trlend went out on the street to where It was parked, expecting to be able to step la and drive off. They lound the street was a river and they had to wade to the car. Fields ot parked oars I were stranded, as the rain came down so fast and hard that the water could not be carried off. Stores were flooded and highways made Impassable. He Returned horns, with his car on the boat. In San Diego the deluges hare been tropical. Mr. Jones was one of the prominent Canadians taking part In 'the Canadian picnic at Los Angeles In which 30.000 Canadians in California this winter PACIFIC CHEAT EASTERN-RAILWAY COMPANY TEMIEK Scaled Tenders endorsed "Tender for Steamers" will be received by the undersigned up to noon Thursday. March 31. 1327. at the orriees of the Company. 579 Dunsmulr Street, Vancouver. B.C for TIRED EYES START the week right, have your eyea attended to. Nothing is such a handicap to pffifiptlfV HQ nr'Mnf voo VKWOW OA J,i nv i vVinrM I i YoO K.M0W HOW A FE.U.OW rAO-LVS' SMHtN K LeVUNORV ?0tUS HIS CO-UARS . B WELL, he won't holler with anything but praise when his collars are returned from this laundry. There'B a feeling of comfort and newness when he puts it on and he smiles again when he sees it in the mirror. When you have your collars laundered our way just once, you'll wonder why you hadn't enjoyed real comfort bebore. Pioneer Laundry Phone 118 GEORGE RORIE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR Phone 387 Z13 Second Avenue West, Prince ltupert British Columbia, passed on to the "nappy hunting grounds" here recently For more than twenty years "Old s I Mack" had been blind and members of IUS.V. CHAITEK 113. MASSETT CANNERS. LIMITED, hereby slve notice that it has. under Section Seven of said Act.- deposited with the Minister of Public Works at Ottawa, and at the office of the District Registrar of me ina Rejutry District of Prince Rupert, at Prince Rupert. B.C.. a description of the site and plans of the wharf and pier proposed to be built on the r Massett Indian Reserve. Number One. on Graham British Columbia. Mulkin's Best tins for Island. Province of AND take notice that after the ex-ptratlon ot one month from date of the first publication of this notice. Maraett Canners - Limited wUl, under Section " Canned Fruits, 3 J3c Heinz Catsup, 3 bottles for $1.00 If you could save 30c on a five pound pail of pure 'lard by buying it in bulk, you would do it. We are selling 5 lb. Pure Lard for . . 93c us deliver you a quart dally 20c SATURDAY SPECIAL. 4 Kellog Corn Flakes for 50c 1 PEP FREE Take as many an you like so long as you buy 4 Corn Flakes' with each free Pep. B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited Phones 45 and 574 THE DAILY NEwfc " u Mars. A New An J Better Porridge Simmer and serve with hot milk and butter took part and at which W. J. Dowser of loualy Inconvenienced this city was oiv of the feature speak era. Dr. Kerr of Duncan, who went south with Mr. Jones. Is staying a while longer. GREATEST OF INDIAN MEDICINE MEN DIES "Old Mark" Siierumho on f'hrlialK Ite- M-ne al Over l(M Year of Age CHEHAJJS RESERVE, B.C.. March 4.-Old Mack," more than one hundred years old. and reputed to be one of the the purchase of the hulR machinery 1 greatest ot all Indian medicine men tn ua equipment 01 me two steamers Operator" and "Conveyor." lruw on the south side of the Nechako River a' Prince Georse O.fem should be for the vessels they stand, romnletr. To arranze for Inspection, communicate with Mr. A. A. Belbeck. Prince Oeorpe. B.C. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. ROBT. VILSON. ""AHt General Mnnuger. Vancouver, ou.. reoruary S, iwn. All his life, even in the coldest winter months. "Old Mack' bathed dally In the glacial maters of the Harrison river, or in any other river or lake he happened to be. He was renowned hunter in his youth and in bis later years often served as a guide to big game expeditions. HOW SHE GOT RID OF RHEUMATISM Knowing from terrible experience the suffering caurcd by rheumatism. Mrs. j.l E. Hurst, who lives at 204 Davis Avenue. I IT! 07 Blocmlngton. 111.. Is so thankful a: having healed herself that out of pur yratlfude she Is anxious to tell all other sufferers Juet how to get rid of their torture by a simple way at home. Mrs. Hurst has nothing to seU. Merely his tribe hint that his blindness waaicut out this notice . mail It to her with caused by another Indian doctor who, J jour own ' name and address, and ahc to anger, struck him with a "bad spirit" will gladly send you this valuable infor-fcelwcea the eyes; but although the eyes I matlon entirely free. Write her at once lost their power his mental vision was J before you forget so well developed that he was not ser- NAVIGABLE WATER PROTECTION ACT, EASTERN MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT RISES TO DE FENCE OF STORK BRADY ATTACKS HIM COMMONS. .(-tintliiuetl from wse fltr) AS IN of re-establishing federal aid for high-J ways. I believe that British Columbia exhausted Its quota, but last year the federal government spent &tct than I18.000XIO0 in the upkeep of our highways. Another matter that has caused annoyance and disappointment to the people cf est constituency is the fact that frcm the port of Prince Rnpert to Oan- j -"--i .Jl . . adl outside thers 1 not a nor v.r i U MU AVI, JJyi MJ UIC iUUl'-T IUT , cs- tt Public Works at his nttrr in th a nathwav Vou ma th SUITABLE Glasses stop eye troubles as if by magic and their cost is insignificant. THE excellent results we obtain in our work are admitted by all. WE devote our energies t.) one ideal perfection in glasses, MAYwe expect you to eon-suit us today. Fred Joudry Registered Optometrist and uVald fo7 eonstr, .n!"Pn " " " jwhurf and pier. iina a port as important as Prtnot u.trfcu at wince Rupert this 20th! Rupert that nat-not a hichnv leadlnc J from It I knnv th. .nMrnmt MASSETT CANNERS LIMITED, i " By its Solicitors. aot dJ everything, but I do know that Williams. Manson li Oonzales. ! unless federal aid for highways Is re- - j established, the port of Prince Rupert eHPW'LJXWTU'lMJXiZrVI wll tU1 -lt l. V years before ; MJBaamafiXXXXi troge ninety miles of road are bum Optician ! 1Iave arrived, per pkg Room 3, Smith Block. Prince Rupert - - - B.C UW-Ui UJsVBUisBSHaRjHsnLBbSSK THE PIONEER LAUNDRY KIDS Garden & Flower SEEDS Yellow Newton and Red Davis Apples, good stock 10c to connect with the great Canadian highway. iK( ini.n iji iri( : It is aU very wall for hon. membon i trom highly organism and artificial city life to look askance at pleas made by representatives from rural district, but the happiness at those people, ye, their very future, depends upjn things of this .nature. When the Hudson Bay railway problem comes before this House It may Ben! give me far more thought and doubt per than I had before to dtdde the auos- box , . . . . $2.23 tlon: Is the government doing right when ! . !o much necessary work Is required in Perrin Sodas..! lb. tiki?. 2.ic ' cU11 P1" nd districts where the people are waiting for that UtUe help? The port of Prince Rupert is the Sunkist Omnw special value .2;" aaTaT d"ry, UOZ. lor 7.Cji notice that last week when member spcaxing began to cite figure, many 93c j took no notice But nevertheless no on Sterling Catsup, a few dozen left. !c,n realize the wonders While they last. 3 bottles for 63c FISH FOR THE SEASON Smoked Cod, Haddie. Kilmers. Acadia Salt Cod. Our home-cured Bacon is in great demand, tour or five lb. in the slab, per lb 47c Large tin Aunt Dinah Molasses 23c Fresh Pullet EggM, 3 doz. for $1.23 Royal Crown Soap, 24 bars for J3c White Swan Soap, 22 bars for of Canadian commerce if he does not take an Inter' est lu figures. In the season of 1820 just closed, what do I find as regards the port of Prince Uupcrt, which la district No. 2 of the three gTeat fishing districts of British Columbia? I find that the whole salmon pack for British Columbia In 1820 was 3.005.000 cases of salmon, and of that the Prince Rupert district alone produced 1376J00 cases In other words, nearly 60 per cent of the total export of salmon. We have a great fishing industry: we have in the port of Prince ltupert alone nearly I2.CO0.- 000 invested in salmon boaU and hall but boats. We have contiguous to Prince Rupert a district so in Its mineral wealth that one mine fifty mile from Prince Rupert In the last six years paid In dividends alone the sum of 18.800.000. We had a new mine opened up a few months ago called the Topley mine It is bonded tor 1200,000 cash, and It is the belief of those who W. C. Little, of Woodcock, ships ,few years it will be a second Premier us iresn miik every train. Let: mine, and probably a rival of the great 7 Trail smelter. Then we have within sixty miles of Prince Rupert the great Anyox Copper Smelting Company. We have everything jn that district that the people of Panada should be proud of. h4Vet the people are disappointed at thf wa they have, been treated. What they meed Israruportatlon. That la the outstanding need in central British Columbia today, and If the Canadian National management, who are ao anxious to make their line successful, would only realize that an expenditure in this territory would bring them a good return on their capital Investment. I am sure they would not delay in coming to the aid of these people. I Have little further to sy. 1 uu have erred somewhat in my presentation ( oi uiec mailers, out i am a new mcrn- ber and perhaps I am not advanced , enough to be able to cloak my thoughts. I say with Shakespeare in "Macbeth" that "Security Is man's chlefest enemy " There la no government, X care not where they are or how strongly entrench- j ed they may be, that can continue to I turn a deaf ear to the aspirations of the iople: for if thry do the day wUl ! surely come for them, as It came for Macbeth, when the hopes thry built upon will dwindle away. I am not aaying this in any personal way. but it dors seem to me that the hour has come. Mr. Speaker, when at least the two great parties in this House, though they may choose to differ on major ques tions, should at least agree ou minor ones and unite tn putting through good tagtelattoa and in giving fxxl progressive government for the good ot the people as a whole. Mr. Ilpeaker. the peonl ar thinking today, and they are wandering why It la that In an era of such great prsopertty for Cansda. many sections of this country are not participating in that prosperity. May I exprun the hopes that 1927 wUl be for Canada a year of progress and prosperity In which every part of the country will share. May we see In our Damlnlon a great and a happy people witbou; many problsmj. and leading the way iu good, sane and progriMlve government .The catalog price ens ties you to es timate the cost of keeping daughter in college Just multiply by three. When cne of these old boy gets the tapper crajsf. it seem peculiarly fitting call him a sexagenarian. Week-end Specials Fresh Pullet Eggs, jter dozen 10c 3 dozen $1,10 Sugar Cured Streaky Bacon, ma chine sliced, tier lb 39c Capitol Creamery Butter. jer lb. Combination Special 4jc Nu-Jell Jelly Powders, assorted. iir dozetr HOc Aluminum Jelly Mould free with each dozen. Combination Special 4 for 23c 1 bottle 2-in-l Shoe Polish, regular lGc I tin Gold Dust Scouring Powder. regular 16c 1 Fairy Soap, regular 10c 1 Classic Soap, regular 10c. Combination Special 4 for 23c 2 Iwrs Wool Soap 2 bars Sunny Monday Soap. Combination Special 3 for 50c 1 jar Orange Marmalade 1 boUle Mixed Pickles 1 bottle S.B. Sauoe. Combination Special 3 for 50c 1 boUle Chow Pickles 1 bottle Tomato- Catsup 1 bottle Worcester Sauce. Albcj-'n Buckwheat Flour, self-raising, large tube, iccial 3Dc Combination Special 2 lbs. 'Soap Flakes 35c 1 only Earthenware Bowl free Weston's Cream Sodas, regular GOc tin, special 3)i White Cooking Figs, sjieeial 4 II 33c Jutland Sardines, key opener, special, 3 tins for 23c Combination Canned Fruit Special 4 tins for U.'tc Your choice of the following: Malkln's Bartlett Pears, 2's Quaker Red-Pitted Cherries, 2's Aylmer Greengage Plums, 2's Knslgn Red Plums, 2's Malkin's Sliced Peaches, talis, l's Malkin's Apricots, tails, l's Standard Empire Loganberries. 2's Sunkist Oranges We have a Tew more left, 13 for 23c Florida Grape Fruit, each 122c and 15c Khutjuru, per lb 20c Head Lettuce 20c Celery 15c, 20c, 25c MEAT DEPT. Try our home-made Beef Sausage. Regular price per lb 15c We are making an average of 50 pounds a day. Eastern Herrings, 3 for 23c Dry Salt Cod, 2 lb. bricks, special 33c Rupert Table Supply Co Phone 210, 211 and 212 A New and Belter Optical Service C. R. .Mutrir, late of Toronto, ha , Optical Department. Mr. Mulrle is an ixperien,,i "f Optometrist with 2S years' practical cxpri-irnie prvc,i(Jl close and Intimate knowledge of practical fittim? ,,, , ' and give pedal attention to children. ,t,lil1: We have cne of the flm-M and nnt un-io-dii. (l Parlor in Canada, with all the latent appliance vUm We keep faith with the public. Remcmlx-r that guarantee 1 nnl as g(d U!l u)jl , ' resource wale It. We make good! Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist. -2' Th. j v WESTHOLME THEATRE FRIDAY AND SATl RDAY. 7 and U ,,.m. Saturcay Matinee t 3 p.m. V anety An intrtise dramatic story of the world .. ubsorbs and griui. with cxcbtUtil scctK-r tinguished all-star cast. EM1L JANNINtIS, LYA DE PUTTI, WAI any many otbvra. COMEDY PATHE REVIEW Admission The 'FAIR Birr FOO" AESOP' MM i 50c and -jc So Brushes at Cost We are overstocked with Brunhtw.und them, we will sell any Hair Brush in the store e" Ladles' Hairbrushes ivory backs, ebor. natural wood back. Military Brushes, Nuii i. Brushes. OSBORN BRUSHES The Utility Brush with the blo hmoiU;. Bi ljld in a twisted wire frame and then is a i )urrose. ORMES LTD. The Pioneer Druggists Three Registered Pharmacist 3rd Ave. and 6th St. Phone: Prince Rupert Coal Co. Ltd Phone 1" Agents for Ladysmith - Wellington and Peerless Bootless Coa Coal to suit every love or heater unci prices to rV pocket. Phone your next order to us. Prince Rupert Coal Co. Ltd- MOPS AND BRUSHES Dry Dusting Mops. No oil to O-Ccdar Ti .. soil. Muke to nick un and Muke it eay hold up the dust. $1.7' each Paint Brushes, each ."(i get-at plai-es I $l!.0( c . Kalsomlne Bi'u ;' Whitewash Brushes, each Varnish Bruhlic Floor Brushes, Brooms, Scrub Brushes, J()r S3""0 ThompsSon Hardware Co., Ltd. E UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED NuIIIiiks from ITImr lliiH-rl. . jUfiV tut VAM.OUVfclt. VICTOKIA, dHaiisitn llujr and Alert W, p i". suluriW)' r'ur VANCO()Vi:i(, VICTOKIA, Alert llsy and Bwanson IW)'. "l l a.m. . ran HI,(T For TOUT HlMI'NOV. AN VOX. AMCB A KM, HTi:'AUT " " (!annirliH kunil., urn uirf, lvL 1Z3 Una Avrnue. It.' M, SMITH, A)rnt ihrlnce