v March i, 1027 JohUJJimer JNEMVWITH OUD DOiirv'O rCVERY MANV BUILTONTHE af H 1 M erything lazy! Kver hear pnoplo nay it?' Maybe you have expert rnrptl th sensation yournelf, 'hai'fl nature' warning. Havfl your eyes examined . Those eyes need help and m can Kct that help. We are graduate optician? and we can tell by examination which gives you no din-rnmfort, Ju.t the proper glarics to give you. We can pu.ih those clouds away and let in the sunshine and you need not he afraid you are going to lose your tight. Our prices are 'moderate. Jewellers no THE STOHE Willi THE CLOCN rDemecs" Phone 27. P.O. Box 327- lomeandSee our $22.50 Georgette and Silk resses 1 SOUAPP DFA! i . -u V J mi . , . mini juu wiirit lull UIIU - I ; . Ill ware cn:ri -irrvirc you wm the right thing by In coming round to us. I' iiiiiiurv ill uur triiiti Hiifi r rrinsilnntimm nnrvlrp give you a cheerful heat- II inmif nun muter. ANAI.MU - WI-:i.l.lMilii. and rl.EOI) RIVER SOOTLESS Lump, Egg, Sieve and Nut Ihprf & Mrraffprv Phones 11(5 and 117 J.R.Gosse DENTIST llelgcr?nn lllock Kay Service. Open Even Ings Phone CM. LINDSAY'S tirfarrn onrl tnrnrro Phone 6.1 .nfn 1 1 ' . t .1 Distributing, Team or. Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. k ft Snnflln Ua I 111.. I'viiuill.v a fUlIU (1 1114 rurniturc Moving. NCFR ilia T AH OR - - . a mm mg w m Suits made to or. "v in uur HIHHl $50 223 Sixth Street Eastern Member of Parliament j Rises to Defence of Stork as Brady Attacks Him in Commons My honorable friend, Mr. Rrady ," has stated that his nrede-! censor fell down in his duty as a representative because he failed to present the facts as they existed," stated A. JS. McLean, M.I fdr ' I'rince County, Prince Edward Island, In the House of Commons at i Ottawa after the local member had spoken In the budget debate. ' 'The late member for Skeena was a very highly respected member'of .this House and we should like to hear the particular matters which he failed to present to the House." After explaining to the House how the word budget was derived snd Indulging in other Mr. preliminaries, , . , , . , Brady spoke In part aa follow; It msy Ktra strange to the Prime Minister (Mr. Mackenzie King) and to the government aa a body that although lt year's budget waa pronounced, to be a treat success, althoagh Canada had enjoyed a year of great prosperity and substantial reductions were made In taxation, although an elevator waa built by the government In the city of Prince P.upert and by all common logic It would seem that the constituency of ikna should have returned to thla House a government supporter, yet It did not do so. It may seem Ingratitude on the part of the electors not to return to parliament a ' Liberal member NOTICE Under und by virtue of the provisions of Section 28 of the "Mineral Act." no; tlce Is hereby given Messra. Malcolm Smyth. Edmund Langls. Harold Hansen and Albert Moore, that there li owing o the undersigned for Assessment Work performed on the Cordllla Oroup of Mineral Claims. Princess Royal Island. Skeena Mining Division, the aura of $393.88, and that unless said persons pay their proportionate share of the cost of alien Assessment, together with all costs of advertising, etc lo the undersigned . Butedsle. D.C, oa or before May 12, 1037. application will be made to the Oold Commlss loner, Prince Rupert, PC., to have their respective Interests In the herein mentioned Mining Oroup ot Mineral Claims vested In the under-siRnwi. pAVJtj C0KDJLLA I JACOB KOSKI. the government today that I was sent j htre to do what he failed to do, to pre- 1 snt facta, not Uncles, to the government i for their consideration.. I thlpk It la the duty of a member of parliament, l Mr. Speaker, to represent, not a section 1 of the people, but all the people: to be honest ami straightforward In his presentation of matters political, and .neither to. exaggerate nor to minimize, condition. a theystxjst In his constltu-ency. My predecessor did not present to j the government the facts a they exist- I ed. According to him. everything waa j well In the land of 8kena. Everything was flourishing, and the people,were basking under the beneficent Influence because Prince Rupert waa held In such', the gov,rnment. Alllu , the Mir.. rrg.ru uj m o.r "u- 0cean Falu , lhe Muth frld Laurler, who looked with fond eye. w , according to him, its birth and almost Wa upon pledged where eVrrytnlng wa, we, ,t u a gMat political destiny that that port ahould be developed. My predecessor. I am sorry to say. Is more to blame for my presence here than perhaps any act of mine land, Mr. Speaker. It Is rich beyond the bounds of Imagination, but I ay to thla House tonight that the aiplra-tlona of Its people, their wants and during the last federal campaign. I tell ttelr ,nlUmtU aemtnaii vtTt not pre. jaented to the government In order that DEPARTMENT OF LANDS 'the conditions under which they were NOTU'K suffering might be ameliorated. When Application for tJrarlng permit for the men come trm contact with reality, nd sean of lJ7. : very often tragic reality, they are apt . 10 ,m with the ordln- nTrmiU Pence live-! Aoollcatlon for to craze -tock on the Crown ranges within any ary conventions of speech which are Kraxing oiainci of me I'rovince ol Bm- nometlmes used to conceal the truth. h Columbia, must be filed with the i. . .v,.,,, . Ulsirkt roreater at Fort Oeorge. Kam- nt foP' representative ahould be a loopa. Kelson, Prince Hupert, Vancouver, I representative of aU classes, of all oc-or Wllllsms Lake on or before March I cupatlons and of all lateresU, and he sult of the federal campaign, the right hon. Prime Minister aald to see British Columbia come gradually into line." It I now read ft quotation from the Dally News of Prince Rupert of the tenth of this month, I think the House ' will agree with me that the hopes of th government idwit to b bright and iTiiTiiiniTinpniPRnvRMCXTii twir The tau m;mbcr for 6ktena on , Jtnls particular occasion. In addressing a Juanlta. Anyox. Orsnbr. Alamo. Rodeo. puhllc meeting, aald: Pinto, Wann Fractional No. 2, and Montt r " , Fractional Mineral Claims, situate In the i here la no doubt tn my mind that : Atlin Mining Division of Cassiar Dia-,J .m still the member for Skeeua. Tlie 'Taku Ta?lihdLaln W,n" RIV"' Hrence U that I draw no .alary Am of TAKE NOTICE that I. Charles V.jand am prlvUlged to stay at home and i Bob, Free Miner's Certificate No. 89788, enjoy my family." inienn. my tisys irum inr a.i nrreQi, i to apply to the Mining Recorder for ai ' Certificate of Improvements, for the pur. I ' pose of obtaining a Crown Orant of the . anove claim. And further take notice that action, under section 80, must be commenced bcJHre the Issue of such Certificate of Improvements. NOT KNVItM'k Is there any other constituency In Canada today that has the great privilege of being represented by two members, one In (he House on the opposition aide, pleading the cause of that con- Dated thla 1st day of January, AD. ' stltuency. and one at home, the real member, who has the Interests ct the 1927 LAND ACT. vorici: or ivtkxtiox to apply to pi IM'IIW: LAXH TAKE NOTICE THAT I. Arthur Robert-son. Massett. B.C., occupation Mlllman, Intend tn apply for permission to pur-rhase the following described land: Commencing at northeast corner ot . lot 1 905, Q.C.I District; thence south , fifty chains: thence east forty clnlni; iherre north to shore: thence following hlshwater mark to pslnt of commencs consiituency ai nearw i give to mm whatever honor he deserves, and I add thla, that If through his Instrumentality the 'dream of Sir Wilfrid Laurler com1 (true and the port of Prince. Rupert d LAND ACT MITIPK OF IXTKXTiON TO APPLY. TO Tl I I 11(11 tM: LAM) In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Runert. and situate on lh. nnrth itinra rt th. Ksiith Arm nf meni. coniammg one huhuicu "-'". Tasoo Harbor, Moresby Island, Queen I more or less. charlotte Islands. Province of British lAcnU-d this 30th day of December, Columbia. ,03fl' TAKE NOTICE that James Field, of , . ARJtHJR JtOBERTSON. Ptlnee Ruperti BJj occtipaUon Marine LAND ACT Skeena Und District. District of Queen Charlotte Islands. TAKE NOTICE that sixty days after (Idle. I Intend to apply to the Chief Commissioner ot Lands tor a licence to prospect for coal and petroleum over 640 acres of land bounded as follows: Commencing at a post planted at the Kouthwcat corner of Section 38, Town-Khlp 3, Oraham Island, and marked "AJ.O.'a southwest corner": thence east 80 chains: thence north 80 chains: thence i west 80 chains: thence south 80 chains ' to point of commencement, being Section 30, Township 3, Oraham Island, B.C. ! A. J. GORDON. I Locator. I Dated December 17. 1928. Broker, Intends to .apply for permission to purchase the following described Lands: Commencing at a post planted on the north shore ot South Arm ot Taaoo Harbor, Moresby bland, Queen Charlotte Inlands, In the Province ot British Columbia, about S chains from the end of the Government trail; thence 10 chains northeasterly; thence 10 chains northwesterly; thence 10 chains soulhweaUr ly; thence 10 chains southeasterly, and containing twenty (20) acres, more or lews. JAMES FIELD. Applicant. Dsted November 39. 192(1. LAND ACT NOTICE or intention to apply to LKASK lOKESIIOKF. In Oraham Island, 3ueen Charlotte Island Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Ferguson Bay, Msssett lulot, Oraham Island. TAKE NOTICE that Powell River Company Limited of Vancouver, DC, nnr.lii.tlnn KTiimif.rtlir.F. Int.nH . r .n. 732 1TAILT HHVT3 PAOKFIVB 3ake UNION friC Direct at an arrow $peed that great aZ-sf ' trainn to the Mid- Wt$t, South and East. Union , Pacific is your logical route to Salt Lake City, Denver, Kansas City, St. Louis, Omaha and Chicago. Iaf orsnatloa and Ressrrstlona I'nlon Motion, Seattle. HttS Fourth Ate. "Blank forma upon which to submit I ould voice the aspirations of the velops Into one of the great ocean porta applications may h obtained from the people before the tribunal of parliament. the world, I ahall not feel in the District Forester, at the above named . the Dtxhe,t and the greatest tribunal least envious. If my predecessor Is still Pf-wf'rtmentofUnds mfxr But. Mr, the member i0r Skeena, then aurely this O. It. NADEN, I Speaker, when we see In that land, en- House as well as myself can aupport DeDUtv Minister of Lands. ! ,.w ., .w. , ! him In his demsnds fcr better trans- . . uwwvu Nu mi . iv , w .m..w., Victoria" DC. whole countryside In a atagnant and I portation and greater development. And January . 1927. moribund condition, when we ace meni". the Prime Minister (Mr Mackenzie LAND ACT and women struggling for a living un- King) declare, sxeena is to come mm Ider conditions that are perhaps tool the fwd. supposing that thereby the de- mil i; or INTI:xtiox Til APPLY TO we are looking at sights that I velopment of Skeena and the happiness TO LK.W: LIMi ishould not be seen In Canada today. of the people who live there will be In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and altuate on the -north shore of Crescent Inlet. Morent y Island. Queen Charlotte Islands. :n the Province of British Columbia, and being about on and a half miles from he head of the Inlet. TAKE NOTICE that James Field, of Prince Rupert. DC. occupation Uarlne Broker, intends to apply for a lease of ttiA fnllnwln lMUrlKl lanrla-. . nnrtli shore of Crescent Inlet, about one and a half miles from the head of the Inlet: thence northwesterly 30 chains; '.hence southwesterly 20 chains; thence outheasteriy 30 chains: thence north-easterly 20 chains, and containing forty 1 401 aares. more or lexs. JAMES FIELD. Applicant. Dated November 27. 192A. MINERAL ACT UIIY IICS TIIKIti: Coming to my own constltluency. by way of supplement to what I atd re garding the reason for my being here. the Province of September 17. 1928. i of the world, are suffering untold hard- Tlila la a telegram sent by the Prime hip through lack ofthe things they Minister of Canada to tlx Premier of Commen-lng at a poU planted on the British Columbia. After thanking Mr. Oliver for hi congratulations on the re furthered. I offer no objection. I am. not here tonight to advance any adverse criticism. I do not blame the government for the' fact that set- let m trad a very ahort extract from I tiers today. In the most fertile valleys Deed. It Is an old grievance. I do at firm, however, that It Is the duty of the government to listen to the voice of a ! representative who submits to them "I will look matter for thought, and who states tne tacts, which they -can easily verify as It Is their duty to do. I come now to the constituency which I represent. An hon. member asked me why It was that my predecessor was not here today. I can reply to him convincingly: the electorate of that con- eiuuency oy meir vote va ocjcuiua It gave the answer, namely, that Tie waa not satisfactory to them because he was not placing their needs as they ought to be placed before the govern ment of the country. You need go no further than that. It I thought tor one moment that tn coming to this House I might In any way interfere with the laud able ambitions and the future prosperity of Skeena I would not be here. I feel that the government of the country Is endowed with a wisdom, or at least a Judgment sufficiently grounded, to en able It to Vise above party politics and to view Canada's needs In a non-partisan, national Spirit. I want to bring to the. attention of the government now a ' few points In connection, with the harbor of Prince Hupert ah4L generally o tiie riding I iepre.ent. as mi nouse snows, in ivii Sir Wilfrid Laurler visited that port. taking a deep Interest in Its develop ment. He prophesied that one day Prtnce Rupert would become one of the ocean ports of the world. Tonight, It seems to me. this prophecy la well on the roud to being fulfilled. Today the port of Rupert Is an ocean port, and before the next few months will have passed, over fifty tramp steamers from Britain and the Orient will have loaded grain for every port tn Europe, and for the Orient as well, at the local elevator. This, Mr. Speaker. Is the thing I would like to dwell on for a few minutes. I believe there were many members in thla House who did not believe It waa advisable that an elevator ahould be built In Prince Rupert. No one ahould find fault with a man It his convictions are honest and It he believes that it Is not advisable to put a large sum ot money into an elevator or into a new railway line. But now that tho elevator Is a success, now that it Is functioning to the extent of one hundred per cent, now that wheat from Alberta 1 flowing Into It ateadlly, the government must undertake to see tq It that that port continues to function and to develop, not for the aake of Rupert but for the sake ot Canada and the development ot Cnn- ply for a lease of the 'following de-1 Milan porta. In that port wejiave won-crlbed lands: Iderful facilities of all descriptions for Commencing at a post planted at thai... . ,v- L. northeast corner ot DU 1571; thence - " westerly, followlm northern boundary of aald Lot to the northwest corner of said Lot: thence westerly, northerly and easterly, following the high tide mark ot Ferguson Buy to the extreme easterly point of Echinus Point; thence southeasterly to the trolnt of comnieucement, and containing 150 acres, more or less. POWELL RIVER COMPANY, LTD. Agent, J, Douglas Wilson. Datsd ttb November, mi. ot Montreal and the great lakes were frozen up unf scores ot steamers were tor-locked round the Chrlatmas leaaon, there were at the port of Prince Rupert 'which never In Uie memory of man has been Ice-bound, and I believe never will-five or six vessels ready to take grain to the Orient or the Old Country. 4 1 would atk the coverumvnt tu remem The Well-Managed Home THE manager of a household is the purchasing agent for a large proportion of the family needs. In order to do a good job she must know what, when and where to buy. She-must study goods and the concerns which make goods and havethem to sell. She must put her home' on a business basis and run it on business principles in order to make the most of the family income. Information is the only basis for intelligent purchr sing. And the right way to get the greatest amount of necessary information is to read the advertisements. Advertisements tell you what is netf and good in merchandise. They reveal improvements and inventions to mate your home life easier, more comfortable and more convenient. They give you information about a thousand and one things that are usejul. Every manager of a householdevery member of the household who shares the responsibility for the family's welfare should make a habit of reading the ads. Read the advertisements in order to buy wisely ber that It la their duty now to In terest capital In continuing the work that they commenced, and that other elevators should be buUt as well as the present one. For Prince Rupert Isj the natural outlet to the Peace River i country. Rupert la 480 miles nearer the Orient than any other port of Canada, 1 and aa the Orient Is annually Increasing Its Imports of wheat, the evidence la i conclusive that that port will become ' a great ocean port. But there la onej thing, Mr. Speaker, I would urge the government to consider It Is this: ' The development of the hinterland of Prince Rupert has been sadly neglected. .The transportation facilities are of the very worst. The great Bulkley Valley, which produced that timothy aeed that woa, .X believe, -.tlve.lrst; prize at the; Chicago exhibition, lies In the very place where today people find access to the market for their products very difficult. I shall read a few words from a statement by the Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia regarding the hinterland of Prince Rupert, to which I am going to refer for a few minutes: "A domlnlou within British Columbia," is how the Hon. Randolph Bruce, Lieutenant Oovemor of British Columbia, described the Interior of central British Columbia after taking a trip through It In the tall of this year. His words were: "I was amazed at the vastnesa ot the rolling country. It 4s wonderful mixed farming country, and the settlers are of the type that go to make a wonderful land." lit AXCOIS .ht WQuld you; oclleve that for five years the people of Francois Lake and the Ootsa Lake country, one of the most fertile, one ot the most beautiful and one of the richest both In Its soil and In Its mineral production, have asked this government to put In a little spur line of eight miles that would open up two thousand miles of country where a thousand British families could live In peace and comfort? The people of this country consider, perhaps unjustly, that the government ot Canada are more concerned. In building up hotels for the tourist trade than providing the neces sary facilities to get their goods cheaper to market. I do not believe the government are aa hard-hearted aa that. I believe that the government, when these matters are placed before them, will be willing to do what Is right, namely, give those people these facilities which will permit of the development ot a Ituetype ot settler. In the north Canadian National Steamships Co. Limited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating G.T.P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists Boilermakers Blacksmiths I'attern-makers Founders Woodworkers Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDINfi. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385 country ot Atlln. where we have thirty- two producing mines, what do I flndf An Immense area, rich in Its soil and In Its mineral production, with thirty-two placer properties. Including hydraulics, and a great prospect of further development. What assistance has this country received, from, the, federal government tor the last twelve months? None, except an Increase In the post-master's salary, although Its people have for years asked federal aid through the provincial members and their federal member that they might get a very necessary thing aimply a road that would enable them to bring in their goods and not have to pay a rate of 165 a ton as they are paying today. It U no wonder that .men turn aside and lose faith In government when govern ments seem to be heedless , ot their wants. We have likewise In the south of that constituency a great valley rich' In resources and In population; but what do we flndf The same thing pre vails, there. The people there. Just becalm there la no road, pay aco a ton to bring their food supplies Into the valley. Therefore1 I would urge the government to cottMder the advisability (continued voh page eix) NewSupplies of Mens Clothing arriving regularly For Prices and Quality Don't Forget Montreal Importers Third Avenue J. It. Miller Proprietor : .ml m AH