Auut 26, 1927 Delightful summer nourishment SHREDDED WHEAT Tleacii without cooking Tempting" crisply Havorsomc with cold milk and berries, WATCH! for our Genuine Price - cutting Acme Importers Third Avenue P.O. Hot CGT SCHOOL D AYS ARE COMING Ea h year on the day school opens the stores are rrowded R'h i hildren buying- things needed for school and a number children are unable to get what they need owing to the msb in the stores. The wise parents will see that what is needed is bought rf"re .he rush commence. We have Iluled Scribblers Wotting Papers Kraxrs Ink Lead Pencils Ten Holders 1'en Points Note Hooks Scissors Writing Tablets Fountain Pens Eversharp Pencils A spec ial pencil for the school is the SCRIPTO pencil. It hi? an extra long lead, is light to handle and cannot get out vt order rOp each. Ormes ltd. ytc Pioneer Druqrisls THIRD AVE. t, SIXTH ST. TELEPHONES 826200 DEMAND "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST HHHAKI AST FOOD." , Smoked Dally by ' '" Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., W- Prince Hupert. B.C. Hoover Suction Sweepers Kaien Hardware Co. Telephone 3 T Local and Personal i, - Animr tii pbont erg. BO. Undertaker, men 1. Dttt. Dr. J. R. ou. Phone 666 OH toe im fctbtM When thtnttng f Tan pbom 4. tf H. J Bradbury rrtinM to tht etty m u oorg thic tneralng 'ram whiihi trip to Vi Vlotoru Or.i.d Masters official vlt. AH Oddh::ui pirate attend Lodsjs. Tues day. August M at a p.n KrUMh at pa. R. M. Stewart of VletorU of the DunweU Mlnea Ltd of k a pajaaanr bound north on steamer Prince Otorge today. MM. AIM Mackaas u. m ed to the cltT on Uvc Peine thl mornlni after a oosnblBerf neae and holiday trip to Vancouver. Suet Leigh ton. Indian, for drunken- naaa. wai fined 1S. with the option of IS days' Imprisonment, by lleglatntte McClymont in city police morning. Mr. and Mra. Joseoh Manor and tan returned to the otty on Mfce Prlae Oeorge thla morning after i HoUday trip to Vancouver and ether peinta in the aouth. Bverytwdy U lnrited to Clrle Dane Mr. and Mra J. Mobart and eon. Johnny, arrived on the Prince Oeorg is to be represented by W. .Nelson. W. H. long. J. Andrew. J. Hamilton, F. Zleman and W. WUUscroft. The visitors Include Witch. Parker. Mitts. McKay. Matthews and BeUerby. IIKill xniooi. NOTICE. The Examination In all subject tor those who have supplemental In Orades 0 and 10 of the High School alll be held In King Edward School on Tuesday and Wednesday. August 30 and 31 respectively from D:S0 to 110 and from 1?S0 to 3:30 p.m. These Examinations must be taken before promotion can be considered. 201 (Signed! PRINCIPAL ANNOUNCEMENTS St. Andrew's Society Concert and Vaudeville ahow, Wednesday. September 31. Established 1923. Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Any evening by appointment DafP Kenny DENTIST Krhnnifp Work. Phone 10!) MILK -:- PRICE Reduced to 12 pints for SI. 00 7 quarts for .$1.00 12 pints for S 1 .00 Cash price tickets. MrUride Street store now closed Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy - 11th St. Telephone 657. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE J .J.. ,.11.LLL1 H Weetholmt toalght. "Mou" tht pic U ture all the world wu to ste. 300 WMM-rtfh ro I pi BO I .neat on J. M. Hear. & ta Interested Is la. Uftar ataiM operatic, sailed vriter- day ttutmxm o fct Prtec Orurln OHMjM th rWwtal tennis toutWattfgV aetieduled for last Bight, have Wa postponed until jher U an iMfmintot Ul i weather. DnUl rectalr at the PreeJnetsl Oov- wharf bar been completed. CP. eMeri vW Mke landtag at Mo. 3 0i O.TJ. wharf. , tf tMlcM between HMS. aad rrtot Rupert. Kkk-od at 1M. Aetaalseten ate. Proceeds for HIM Improvement League. Bay' Bead Is attendant. Mr. and Mn. M. B. Pointer arj facolr of Ketchikan, who bare bn vttUag la Terrace, arrived In the city on teat atgafa train and will proceed on the Prime 0orge tbla after On aeeouat of the unfavorable weather, the football gam to hare been played last ntght between young tmmim of 11MB. Oolorabo and a Prince Hupert Intermediate League team called off. tonight In IzhkMUon Building, ka JWO to mtt. honor men and officers of HMM. Colombo Oood muatc l.OStM. are looking after the refraahanenta. Week End Spectala. house dresee. siaea 36 to 41. age ular 1 75 Also ladles flat crepe at M.7. regular 175 to S9J0. Ooods and Novetqr Shop. I'hone log! Oerntegt Walt! ! Be sure and e4t for Mn. FYtezell'i Big Sale to. at sit In a few day. ShlpmenU of new! fat) pood are arriTfBg daUy. Dressei, bats et&. at prate that will pay the city for a day or so. U Sergeent W. J. Serrare. chief of the detMhmen4.'f the prorlnelat arrived on the Prince Oeorge crepe this morning from -Vancouver, whence Bag-! be went on 'escort duty, and proceeded reaaoa by train to the interior. Drei TM. Mis Cttre M. Tervo, who teaches school In the Interior, arrived on the R. R. Nlchol of Winnipeg, assistant ' Prtncaa Charlotte this morning from taiaiton commlaatnner for the Cans- Victoria, when ah ha been spending dlan National Rail war, arrfted from' the holiday, and will be a visitor In Vancouver on the Prince Oeorge thla morning and will be here for a day or so on company business. Miss Agnes Mather of Sandsplt who 1 In the city todsj, hss taken the school at Pour Mile, kltploi. and she wUl t leaving for. that place next this morning from Wanalmo and wtU week. She Is secom pa riled by ber sister , be guest at the Salvation Army bar- Mary who will stir wUh ber. racks for a month. Mr. and Mrs. )to- J) bart are the parent of the local earn-1 Rider Ahrlerma. ensrged with Tg-mandsnt. Capt. Stobart. 1 rancy. was dtemtshed Hrith a warning j 'bj Maglatrate McClymont In city police VI si Anna Lorenwi arrived cn the court Un momlng. It was Anderson I Prince George this morning from her no ccllapsed with a fit on the corner home at Sidney. Vancouver, where she at Third Avenue, and Seventh Street has been spending the rammer holl-, last week. ' ' dark and wiu remain here for a tew! 1 1 daya before proceeding to the Interior 1 S. Icho of the Japanese government whan ha i nraaMd in vhnai tmnti. i deoartinent of forestrT and agriculture ln. Miss Lorenzen la a niece of Petei after apendlng a few days In the city. Lorenren or this city. sailed yesterday afternoon on the Prince Charles for Vancouver whence A billiard match ha been arranged he wUl embark on his return to head- tor tnts evening oetween a team oi six . quarters in loiyo. t from the cruiser Cotombo and a local team of the same number at theOrand Engineer Alex Forbe of the steamer Billiard Hall. Prince Rupert Pr'nce George, which jarrlved in port tbla morning from the aouth, la receiving congratulations on the arrival of a son and heir. He was advised of the event while coming up the coast on this trip. Mother and baby are both doing well. Sir Godfrey Dalrymple White, M.P., of London, England, who arrived In the city yesterday afternoon from the East in the course of a tour of Canada on which he Is- being accompanied by Lady White, his son and daughter and their maid. Mile. Fanconnet, sailed this morning on the Princess Charlotte for AUk. CN.H. steamer Prince Oeorge, Capt. Harry Nedden, arrived in port at 8:30 thla morning from Vancouver, Powell River and Ocean Falls and will sail at 4 o'clock this afternoon for Anyox. Stewart and Ketchikan. The vesxel It due back to sail for the south at midnight tomorrow night with a bumper crowd of passengers. Miss Ruth Stewart, B.A, who former ly taught In Prince Rupert city schools and who for the past year has been on the stall of the Klmberley High School in the Crow's Nest Pass country, arrived on the Prince George this morning from the south and will leave tomorrow for Pioneer Farm, North Bulk- ley, where she will spend a brief holl-; day. A. F. Priestly, Alyansh merchant, and Mr. Priestly and family were passengers on the Cardena this morning returning to their home up the Naas River after a holiday trip to Vancouver which, as it turned out, proved very profitable for them. Mr. Priestly bought a raffle ticket In connection with the Vancouver Exhibition and won a Pontlac Six automobile which he sold to good advantage before departing from the southern metropolis. ALTERATIONS-COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE Canadian National Coast Steamships announce re-adjustment of schedule. Effective Immediately, new tailings from Prince Rupert will be a follows: For Vancouver. Aug. 37, 39, Sept. 3, S then change to fall schedule, leaving Prince, Rupert each Thursday and Sunday. Sailings for Anyox and Stewart, Sept. 3: for Alaska, Wednesday, Aug. 31. For Queen Charlotte Islands service and additional Information re other puiu t0. 20J l: - t I A harvest of happiness There's a whole harvest of pipe-happiness to be reaped from Old Chum ! Experienced smokers know that the famous Old Chum qualky never varies and many have smoked it 4 daily for over forty years, it is Canada's most popular tobacco. Valuable presents are offered in exchange for the "Poker Hands" in every package and tin.t The large 25c. paclutgc contains two "Policr Hands' I This afternoons train, due from the East at 3 30. is reported to be on time Capt. B. C. Marsh, formerly harbor master at this port, arrived in the city from Vancouver on the, Cardena this morning. Dr. Oliver Darwin, superintendent oi United Church missions In British Columbia, arrived front Vancouver yester day afternoon to attend the presbytery which was being held here. He came by train owing to the fact that no steamer would get him here on time for the meeting. LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND Queen Charlotte Islands Land District. Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate north of Lot 1658 and 1037. TAKE NOTICE that The Lanzara Fish ing and Packing Co. Ltd. of Mauett. oc cupation Canners, Intends to apply for a leate of the following described lands: commencing at a post planted twenty chains north of Tan Indian Reserve and on the shore of Mclntrre Bay: thence nortn o cnaina to me low water mark: thence westerly following said low water 160 chains; thence southerly S chains: thence easterlv 160 chains to the nolnt of commencement, and containing eighty acres, more or les. LnANOAKA FISHING fc PACKING CO. LTD, Applicant. Fred Nash, Agent. Dated June 37. 1037 IN PROBATE IN THE SlTKEME ( OTUT OF IIKITISH C'OI.l'.MIllA In the Matter of the Administration Act: and In the Matter of the Estate of Joe Elman (otherwise) Joe Herman, Deceased, Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor F. McB. Young, the 11th day of August. AO. 1937. I was appointed Administrator of the estate of Joe Elman (otherwise) Joe Herman, deceased, ' and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 31st day of September. A.D. 1937. and aU parties Indebted to the ettste are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator, Prince Rupert. B.C. 1937. Doted the 34th day of August. A.D. IN ntOHATE. IX THE SI THEME COI'KT OF IIKITISH COl.l MH1A In the Matter of the Administration Act: and In the Matter of the Estate of John Caddy. Deceased, Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor F. McB. Young, the 30th dav of July, A D. 1927. I was appointed Administrator of the estate of John Caddy. ; deceased, and all parties having claims, against the said estate are hereby re- J quired to furnish same, properly verified. I to me on or before the 30th day of August. AD. 1927. and all parties In-. debted to the eatate. are required to pay ', me iraouut ui uicji luucoirauess to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator, Prtnc Rupert. BC. Dated the 25th day of July, AJ3. 1827. OLD CHUM Y1FJ.INVOIW C17 SmOKlHG 6 T0BAGC0 Ktusiua. COME NOW AND GET YOUR CHOICE while the choice is good ! Great Bargains at McARTHUR'S SUMMER SALE of high grade Boots & Shoes McArthur's Shoes arc known for quality. Every pair in the store at Sale Prices. DENT Dr. J. R. Gosse Helgerson Block X-RAY SERVICE ill w Phone 686 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Evening Appointments