25 TAXI unci Ambulance Srvic Anywhere at Anytime ' Stand Exchange Ilulldtnc MATT VIDKCK. Prop. wa.s one ot the first to congratulate his lifelong friend irtory. -. .n early in the evening that Gray would wrn and hit i n Mminary hear-in on a charge of selling opium, the :nr cunt. Premier Mac Loan expressed gratification at .aid: "I recognise It is a very heavy responsi- fAS BLINDED HANDFUL LIME West End Auk 36 While dflv- riti,h Newspapermen Will Tell Headers That Success and Prosperity Abound Here ' KH Aug 36 "We. as ':. nrr taking stock ot i : and ogsportunlUe ' ...r..iit and we will tM of c for success and prosperity ' ""'I J 8. King, president of r ' 0 Newspaper Society ol E ' a- u dinner tendered in "rc last night which wa '! enure parts;, civic of-r preeeiitativss of public '''Ab '"i who presided, spoke ""source 0f British Col PLANE REFUSED LEAVE WATER CaPtain Courtney Makes Unsuccessful Attempt to Take to Air r S?.TnAMPT0N- Au- 2 0ptsn ni,.a another iinaiamii'iisfel M-' ' t'"P off for the Aaores on hh ' TauMtiantic night last eren- . '"' "" wond sucresstve day latien itune refused to leave WER delayed in LEAVING FOR OTTAWA I'PAvniu . "- auk 26. Captain Hamll- 'num.virt .... M.,,N-,. rM:raay mat ait Air ....usea to give Mm a cert If I -" " worthiness for ve plane with o; lircpoHed to make the flight " "ii mi changes had been made ' ."'"licnl . bttlty to follow in the footstep, of Hon. I Jom Oliver and it la vary gratifying ! that the elector have given me a diaa-' date to carry on m soon after my tek- ing office. The quiet way In vhlch the people of New Westminster went about tola convert impressed sm very much It dataanrtrataa. I think, that the people are not interested ta Mtttieal. flre- r-T HolLnd of Vancouver Vic work. They want the wuMtc busi- ,im of Terrible Prank in sttaoded to eftieteartty and are not V) e it op pad or stampeded try the Ad'-nr talk about "Us, tat a mk u. the wat end. .true th. MASSETT ., INLET IS handful of llmr person and it probata) ) accompanied by ''tier and Fred Olllandert :.g hi car U a tjp m-! Ilicc prowler officer .'itn to tte hospital ..'V operaUon was pet w.. stated today . wa loat late of the other la ICRIBES ARE" VERY PLEASED DEVOID OF PINKS lew llh IVHti( Taken at North Island by Trotting llaU iota. Dybbavn, who returned Iran Queen Charlotte bland yesterday said v tat they had canned no pinks.' None had eoeae In that year up to the time he left The same condKtoa had exalted in Alaska where they had thought of poaalbty letting some flab The only canning they were doing wa a few aptlnga and cohoaa caught In the watera adjacent! to North lMand by trollera. Mr. Dybhavn alao aald he thought pos-athly there- might be im chumi. those flab not being yet due. FORGED TIME CHECK; 'DRAWS LONG SENTENCE Paddy Ryan of the Queen Charlotte lelanda waa sentenced to eighteen month' Imprisonment in County Court yesterday afternoon by Judge Young. The charge waa forgery and Ryan wa found guilty of fabricating a time check on the Baxter Pole Co. of Maaaet Inlet and obtaining 1131 in caah therefor from the purser of the steamer Prince Charles. OLD AGE PENSIONS PREPARATIONS ARE MADE IN VICTORIA VICTORIA. Aug. 26 A one of the first stem toward the distribution of old age pentlons through the Workmen's Oasapenaatlon Board, application forms are being sent to aaed persons throughout the province. W. O. Connelly. CJJ.R. etty passenger ant at VSadswiver, and Albert David son, assistant general freight agent for the company, arrived from the soutn the Prince George this morning They were both accompanied by their wreei. Mr. Davidson was formerly located here. WEATIIKK REPORT. Terrace light rata. temp. M. Rcwawood. Cloudy, calm, temp. 56. Aryansh Part cloudy. elm. temp. 57. Abce Arm - Clear, calm. temp. 68. Anyox Clear, calm. temp. 69. Stewart -Clear, calm, temp 57 Haxelion Cloudy, calm. temp. 03, Rain duni''- ills"' gmlthers -Okmdy. calm. temp. 61. e in The Daily N"W and are being prepared by the B.O. Undertake , for shipment tomorrow night by tbe steamer Prince George to Vancouver where Interment will take place. SIX LOST IN WORLD FLIGHT Pride of Detroit Keachcw liar- bor Grace on First Leg of Ixing Trip Ctaarlottetown. Aug. 36. The monoplane Pride of Detroit, flying from Old Orchard. Maine to Harbor Orace. Newfoundland, oomuenclng a world flight, pawed ever Prince Edward laland before noon fday beaded over the Oulf of St. Lawrence. Wildasn Brack, pilot and Edward achlee. accompanying him. hope to break the present round the world record of 28 day. 14 hours. SO minutes. HARBOR ORACK, Newfld. Aug. 36. The plane "pride of Detroit" arrived here this afternoon. FIRE SITUATION WELL IN HAND Only One Smouldering Forest Fire in Whole District Slates District Forester Only one forest fire Is now burning In the entire Prince Rupert district, states R. Z Allen, district forester, who Is back from a trip to the Interior on official duties, and that ta a smouldering blase betweeo Doughty and Evelyn stations which Is nearly out. The district forester report the situation in the district to be well In hand. RAIN DELAYS 4 CUTTING GRAIN WIHNIPEO. Aug. 36 Heavy rams in southern Manitoba and parts of 8as-katchesran held up grain cutting. Re- ports received today Indicate that grain auffnrd from lodging but damage from hall In the district.', where it fell was tltgtit. Further west the weather Is favorable and harvesting contmue. YOUNG CHINAMAN DIES IN SLEEP AT PT. EDWARD Jang Mbag. s 38-year-old Chinaman, "died la feus sleep during the night be tween Wednesday evening and Thursday morning at Port Edward where he was an employee of, the cannery. An Inquiry wa made by J. R. Tannock, deputy coroner, and It was found that death was due to natural causes. The re main have been brought to the city SWEDISH BOAT STOCKHOLM, Aug. 35. The sole survivor of the steamer Trygeve which left here on August 13 for Leningrad, was brought to Stockholm today In a Finnish vessel. He told of the wreck of the Trygeve the day after sailing, with the loss of tlx lives. The remaining five members of the crew and two passengers i escaped In a small boat. Their suffer Uig from exposure was so great that some perished In the craft and others became Insane and Jumped overboard. At a meeting of the Prlnse Rupert Conservative Ajotioti last night iwei.ty-otght delegates were named to represent the nwcUMsn at a convention tor Prince Rttfert rtdlng which wiH be held on Ssajtember 7 for the purpose of nomlnattjg a candidate to comest the riding at Ae next provincial electivn on behalf the party. The delegates were uiilastttted and wlU be joined at the convessHssi by other delegates representing vaeteau pans of the constituency. The degStas named were as follows: D. C Stuart. Mr. D. C. Stuart. J. A. Klrfcpatrk. C. H. 0ae. Janes II. Thompson. X. A. Musi w. W. Wright. C. J Orabam. J C. Brady. M.P.. Mrs J. C. Brady. Robert Btanee. H. A. Breen. R. W. Cameron. J. C. McLennan. Corge Hill. Mia E. M. Bsrle. J Laurer-sen. A. Beatty. A. W. Edge, R. E Benson. J. O. Williamson. A. PlncUsy. O Clarke. J. Talt. Jasne Sturgean and F. Aldrlch. Advertise in The D!ly New PRINCE RUPERT. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PRINC E ni'l'KUT. Il.C . FRIDAY. AUGUST 26. 1927 I'irit Division Teams Hunched Close Together in Scramble For Pennant " WaTW YORK. Aug 3S The flret -llv rton teams of the National League re bunrhed togetlwr tighter than aver V krtavb Chicago defied recorlj of -racklne by an -0 victory over lowly Pblladelrnla, gaining half a game ever e Pittslrarg Pirates who divided a ieobte header wtth Beetea St. Loute) Is thrfe and a haW games from tint -lace end New York, five and a half :ims Both the latter two teams vrre Idle yesterday. Criarl.e poot got his twenty-third vlct rry for Chlcgo and Lou Oehrlg hit his fortieth homer, tying Babe Puth. Ty Cobb made fire hits In five fine at bat tar Ute PHUadelnhla Air er .cans. VATIOVtl. IKKllE Cincinnati 1. Brooklyn a. ' Pit sbTirg 1-fl. Bost'io $-1. Chicago a, phllastelphla 0. AMUKIC.W IJ-.AIIIT. Nrw York 8. Detroit 3. W-hlr.-rn 8 Cleveland 7. Boston 6. Chicago 4. Ph.ladelphU 6. St. Loula 1. Storm Swept Atlantic and Drove -Vessels Ashore Nova Scotia Doing Much Damage Million Dollars Worth of Apples Destroyed, Ilridses Washed Out, and Highways Injured Thirteen People Killed HALIFAX. August 26. As a result of terrific storms which swept the Atlantic coast thirteen people are known to have lost their lives off Nova Scotia and Newfoundland. The complete story of wholesale devastation will not lie known for some time. Giant waves inundated the Newfoundland coast setting the fishing camps afloat and tearing the boats from their moorings. Communications and light facilities are being slowly restored to this province today. The gales swept the whole coast as far south as Cape Cod, Massachusetts. The loss to the Nova Scotia apple crop alone is estimated at more than a million dollars. Two small steamers, 27 sailing vessels and countless small craft were thrown high and dry on the shore or foundered. Many may be salvaged but the shipping loss will be enormous. As well as losing their boats the fishermen are dealt a severe blow in the destruction of their gear. Few parts of Nova Scotia escaped damage to gardens and small buildings. At least fifty highway bridges are known to have Ix-en washed out and miles of trunk highways are under water, interrupting the tourist traffic while the season was at its height. HIGHER PRICES AT EXCHANGE TODAY FOR HALIBUT WERE PAID Only three boats sold fish today on Exchange, the total amount being 58.-600 pounds, but the price was better, the American boat getting 11.60c for first class. Sale were: Amrriran Nltkof, 43.000 pounds, to Cold Storage at 13.60c and 6c. Canadian Fanny F.. 7,500 pound to Royal Fish Co. at 13.10c and 7c. Dolphin, 6,000 pounds, to Atlln Fisheries at 13.10c and 7c. W. W. Wright has Joined the staff of the Rupert Marino Product towboat flret and Is now a member of the crew of the PJtT. CANADIANS ARE INDICTED U.S. Members of Liquor Export Company Must Stand Trial in South SEATTLE, Aug 36. 8ix member of the Jos. H. Kennedy Co. of 'B.C. liquor exporters are under Indictment here charged with conspiracy to violate the Prohibition Act. This wa revealed last night when Federal Judge Neterer ordered the release of the secretary of the concern. The lndletanent was returned by the federal grand Jury In connection with the eeusure of the Canadian Launch Seev. The Indictment also accused several Americans. General Election in Irish Free ut. State)F6llowsk Announcement of " Yictory for President Cosgrave DUBLIN, August 26. There in to be another Irish general election. Governor General Healy last night issued a proclamation dissolving the Free State Legislature and ordering an election, the new House to meet on October 11. The action of the Governor followed the announcement that Gerald Sullivan, Government candidate in the by-election caused by the assassination of Kevin O'Higgins. had been elected, thus giving President Cosgrave a majority over all in the Dail. Boston Grill Large Upstair Dining- Halt, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the least Phone 457. P-iv-e Five- Cents govern: m candidate is elected RISH GENERAL SECTION ANNOUNCED TODAY AT DUBLIN Government Candidate Elected Yesterday at New Westminster When Grey Chosen Over Welsh Vernier Maclean takes it as mandate to carry on and commends people on quiet way of conducting campaign ,V W! STMINVTKK, AuKust 26. Mayor A. W. Gray de- Welsh in yesterday s provincial by-election by a major-the ligure being Gray 24fi and Welsh l.B3. DELEGATES FOR NATIONAL RACE RUPERT NAMED IS VERY CLOSE Local Conservative Association Choses Representatives For Convention on Sept. 7 Made Large Sum from Handling Opium When Market was Cornered VANCOUVER. Aujruat 20. With the apprehension of Gim Lee Yuen, a prominent Chinese merchant, who was arraigned yes-lead steadily increased as the count of the ballot proceeded. Royal Canadian Mounted Police believe they have unearthed operations of a continent wide narcotic ring. A. C. Lachenauer. a United States narcotic agent who had been engaged for the purpose of securing evidence, testified that he had secured the 'confidence of the accused. He sought to obtain opinm for his store but Gim said it was too difficult to get it off incoming liner. Many consignments - ! had been lost when dropped overboard. The Chinese also told the witness that fifteen year ago he. with three Jews, ears ursf. the op.um market at Canada and tave United States and whest they dsn deed partnership each bad am) I23JM0 profit. He assured Lack- i ensuer thai he had SOO tins of No. 2 - opium on Isand. Over Twenty Tourists Killed Re- . - - suit of Accident Near f'hnm. riUM"K KtPlKT MAY 4 ItC HCr.UKM) HERE 4 COST SET AT $ jO.IMM) 4. . 4 ' VANCOUVER, Aug. 34. Stated survey of the 14- Prises Rupert show damage af SM.OOO. Whether she kt.ta he repaired here or at Prince Ru- s pert will be decided next week. Masons, to Krreite Charter To- nliht from II.C. Head Henry Oelgerlcb of Kaslo, Orand First Principal of tbe Oread Chapter ot Royal Arch Mason of British Columbia, arrived from the sputh on the Prince George this morning and wUl proceed this afternoon to Anyox where te will present tbe charter to Observa tory Chapter. No. 35, the latest branch of Royal Arch Mason In British Col umbia. On hi trip north Mr. Gelgerton wlU be accompanied by a group of lorsl Arch Mason. They will return tc Lite city on the same steamer and I Kclen Chapter here will be facially; Isl'M by Mr. Oeteerteh next Monday evening. MAY PURCHSE OLD SEAPLANE HAZELTON! Major D. R. MacLarrn and Mechanic Leave Today to 1iihm t OKI Machine up the Line Major D. It. MacLaren. bead of the Pacific Airways, whOM H3SL flying boat If. engaged in fisheries patrol service, now being moored at Seal Core, and hi observer mechanic. H. Davenport, left this morning for Haaelton where they will make an examination of the old seaplane Haee'ton with a view to purchasing K. For several yean now the Hazelton has been on the beach of the Skeeoa River near Haeelton and. .though severe effort have been made. no one has been able to make It leave the water. Major MaoLaren wtfl make another such effort and expects to return to the city in s day or so. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE B.C. Sliver .. Coast Copper Cork Province Dunweil Olacter Gladstone Indian L. and L. Lucky Jim . Premier Porter Idaho Richmond SUvercrest Silversmith Dunlin ; i . Tortc Bid. 1JS 13-50 OSVx .74 .07 1, 19V. 231 20 V .18 'i .05 33 4.83 Advertise In To Dally News Asked 1J0 14.35 J06H JSQ .06 H .30 8 joav 2 339 23 .21 .06 M 5.10 TRASNPLUNGED IN MOUNTAINS 1 , , i onix. i .as i .Mgni CHAMONIX. Franca. Aug. 33. Flf-, teen people were killed outright and a, six died today as a result of Injuries 4. soatalned last night when a railway 4, train filled with tourists was wrecked in the mountains hUe descending 4 Irtfa Bant Blanc beam. Thirty of the 4. Sixty ofeeupaat of the cos eft plunged 4 Into a ravine and were eerlttusly In-4., Jured. 4- -fs l sVv The passenger were returning and I were looking at the aa-e Inspiring eight NEW MASONIC BODY L. t rZhZ.?l CADITCn AT AWViYJ00 1 uiiuiLis ni muuA Observatory Chapter. Royal Arrh f 1 cog slipped PP owing to the sinking sinking of of the the 1 track as a result of recent Incessant 1 rains. FISHING STOPS FOR ONE WEEK Major Motherwell Issues Order Regard to Salmon Fishermen and Others VANCOUVER. Aug. 36. According to Information received at the Dominion FleherMe office here from Major Motherwell, fisheries Inspector Investigating fisheries conditions In the north. It ha been definitely decided to prohibit all salmon flhing for one week In water north of Howe Sound. Major Motherwell is aboard tbe fisheries cruiser Malaspina and arrived at Smith Inlet last evening. FRENCH TENNIS PLAYERS WIN IJeat Japanese Decisively in Two Singles Yesterday Afternoon BROO KLINE, Mass.. Aug. 36. Henri Cocbet of France defeated Yoshh-o Ohta of Japan 6-0, 6-3. 6-3 at the opening of the single In the Davis Cup finals here yesterday afternoon, tbe second encounter being that In which Rene, La-' coste vanquished Takalchl Harada 6-1, 6-1. 6-3. LIABILITY FOR DAMAGE TO BOXER IN BOUT WATERTOWN. N Y . Aug. 36. When a boxer breaks his arm while punching bis opponent' bead. I the organization sponsoring the bout liable under the Workmen' Compensation Act That knotty question arose when William Simpson, who la a elerk In dally life, asked compensation for injury suffered in a boxing exhibition in the Knights of Columbus gymnasium. KILLED IV ElKliKJl AKE TOKIO. Aug 16 Forty people are reported to have been killed yesterday la an earthquake In the Island of Formosa. One hundred and forty-five houses were detrovd.