26, lfrT Wen's $5 Oxfords $2-K THE PIONEER LAUNDRY KIDS House-Hold linens aaaalaBsa--a-! i Vrf LAUNDER L1KEN-S I IN VAV That rrinv us Compliments each day. i THE manner in which we "do up" household linens meets with he hostess' approval. The manner in which we launder her table cloths, bed spreads and pillow cases appeals to her ense of politeness. Pioneer Laundry 1'hone 118 their intention of competing. a many had probably mailed their entries In time to have them accepted. , The Toronto marathon will certainly TcKtablish many records. Never In the '.. history of long distance swimming have ' there been so many entries: so many "stars;" so many "dark norses. cnam-plons and near-ehamplons. And certainly there has never before been offered such cash prizes. The winner of the swim, if masculine, will collect 30.000. while If a woman should do the unexpected and defeat all swim mers of both sexes she will have 3S,- 000 to spend on "pin money. ni:oit(iK voi mi Many of the swimmers are training around Toronto. Oeorge Young, whose great achievement tn the catatina Channel swim, when he finished alone of 103 swimmers, has made him internationally famous, had been training near Plcton, Ont. Recently, however, he moved his training quarters to Oak-vllle, where, it is said, the water is colder. He Is favored to win the marathon, but a glance at the entry list shows that all will not be easy for the local lad. His chances are more than odds will without but these 300 to one. doubt decern" as the race progresses the mediocre swimmers drop out. That many will drop out is a fore-ecne conclusion. Lake Ontario at no warm, and even now the time is very cold. Many of the water Is getting better-known swimmers freely predict that tbt. end of tb Xlr.t .svsn mll.i $7J)0 Values $1.85 S2.85 S3.85 ' eral cases, the more temperamental "fish" will have orchestras accompany them, while some will rely on the THE DAILY NEtTS page Frvr Saturday Bros. Whole Store Ablaze with Bargains! f New Dresess Many very smart effects will be shown tomorrow. Fall Styles that are now being offered in the larger cities at $20 to $23 you can buy here Saturday at $10-85 and It Is anticipated that there will be a decided spurt a,! the start. The spurt wtu not last long, however, since the distance of 21 miles wiU require . a slow, steady stroke.' The fact" that, the1 course is. 'laid o"lIt, arid that., there ,1s while much-abused ukeleie to wile away theiual. brushes between swimmers who hours. Every companled by swimmer will be ac a boat containing his handlers and an offloial. The race will start at nine o'clock In the morning, but the finish will be problematical. It may be over at nine o'clock on the same night; It may be considerably later before the first swimmer completes the course. Every- have the perfectly natural human trait O rina ana evep uiejua-e tifurges mar a-1 thons. .have not been laid outj In regular courses, and it Is a decided Innovation In long distance swimming. It will also lead to the Inevitable Individ- or dislike of being passed by others. As to "feature entries" In addition now to George Coombs, of Sudbury, Ont., who Is legless: Michael Ham-hourg, Toronto, who Is blind, and Arthur Compton. of California, 14 years old, are the entries of Bert Rovere of Lcs Angeles, a former grand thing hinges on the weather. Should 'opera singer, who even now entertains the natators have to buck heads to (visitors to his training camp, and WU-wlnds on one "leg" of the course, as' Ham Cornwcll. Toronto street car con-it seems almo6t certain they will, theiductor, who has 14 children. Is six time will be lowered considerably. It : feet tall and weight 245 pounds. At seems too good to expect absolutely , present William la the "largest" en-calm waters and clear skies. trant In the swim. The original starting point was in- side the breakwater which runs along Advertise In The Dally News So Coolso Delicious! aiiiiiia TTtsm-ila-ft-l it Iced 1 1 1 Uy It Greatest Sale TO FORCE OUT THOUSANDS OF DO LARS WORTH OF THIS BIG STOCK BEFORE SATURDAY NIGHT I'VE MADE FURTHUR DEEP CUTS IN PRICES. DRY GOODS SHOES READY TO - WEAR HOSIERY AND MEN'S FURNISHINGS A BIG SAVING FOR ALL. MEAD THIS If SHOES AT BIG REDUCTIONS No shoe values for women equal these. AH short linos have been taken out of stock and grouped at these prices. All children's shoos reduced. .$5.00 Values &.ro Values $G.50 Values Here Is hoping that the rain clouds will blow over this evening and favor the return football match of HALS. Colombo and Prince Rupert. The first match Wednesday night was a great game, one of the finest that has been seen here this season, all the two hundred and fifty fans who attended will agree. There Is general anticipation for this second 'match between the visiting sailor lads and the locals. The teams prove themselves so closely matched In the first match that It may only need the breaks of luck to decide the winner In this. At leect 400 swimmers, among them the world's greatest, will slowly move forward at 9 o'clock . next Wednesday rnsrning to plunge ftfo . the? 'waters of Lale- Ohtrl6 at Toronto iri tht great est competitive swim- the world 'has tVf r ',knowli,-; . About, itdplght. or pert 4,U: . V. . fen 1 kalnn f.nnK:! wiouia emerge irom " the) water alter covering 21 miles to be crowned monarch of all, the golden 'bait of 3000 safely In his grasp; If the winner be a woman, of 35,000. The remainder of a total prize of 50.000 will be divided up among any of the other contestants who may finish. CAPT.LECKIE CLUB GUEST Address Given to Kotarians at Their Luncheon Yesterday There "was a good attendance at the Rotary Club luncheon yesterday which was addressed by Commander Lecky. other naval men present being Lieut. Commander Weeks. Dr. Cousins, surgeon. and Lieut. -Commander Ponder of the local naval reserve. Captain Leckie explained that the Colombo was one unit of a very small squadron making Its base at the Bermudas and they aimed! to vUlt the coast with. one of thelrPvessela once a year. The idea was tp show the flag here and let the people know what they looked like In time of peace. The presence of the British Navy tended to foster the Empire spirit. The visit here thW trip, Capt. Lecky explained, was shortened by the tof-off in Seattle. The Captain told of the various badges of the ships, that of the Colombo being the elephant. The crests and mittoa were alloted to the ships by the curator of the British Museum who was an Men's $5 Hats a ) $2-95 HEM this!! $1-95 MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS 147 Fine Imported Broadcloth Shirts in all the new novelty Check and Stripe Patterns and White. Soft collars of same material with each shirt. Values to $4.50 in all sizes to IV on Sale tomorrow at $1.95 114 Fine Madras and Broadcloth Shirts in Stripes and Checks. These are fine high-grade Shirts. All sizes. Values to $3.00. Your choice at $1.35. Icakadian Vacific $135 MEN'S OVERALLS wojie.vs coats "HOT spots" underwear One lot Men's Work Shirts 29c H. avv Ulue Dennim with White A large Kfoup Gf heavy and me- n i . M , ftn m. " " j o 36 inch White Cotton 15c Penman's famous "95", all wool in lull cut and guaranteed dium weight Coats, plain or fur- UIie 101 Juens1!w 1,eS &Peciai iOC 30 inch Gray Cotton 17'xr Men's Combination!." : i To rip. Sizes 38 to 44. Special trimmed. Values to $37.60. 90 inch Gray Cotton (Kit Q QC CI QQ C-f O OC 81 inch White Cotton t ' &6VO il,0d ALL SALES CASH. ' NO CHARGES 61 inch Gray Cotton (Of. " . 9 oz. Duck 'M)t - "Pride' ofSthe3veit"'Imade of ,, , HKDDIXfi I A Dill ID DDAl UllDC 81 nch SheTs ".T.'. i.lls SPORT SHIRTS heaw dennim, Khaki color only. Blankets. Comforters, Sheets I IA W 1 1 I llEir.lil Good Flannelette II? One lot of Men Sport Shirts- rully reinforced. Larger eizes and Pillow Cases greatly reduced. OlLIJJl 1llU 1 11U1IU high colored plaids. Regular $7.50. niv etn ni- Flannelette Blankets. Q-fJ QQ Shop Here Saturday tj- ?4.7t) extra quality, pair .. VX.OU Al. White selling this stock for SEE THE WINDOWS t.OD The EASY Electric Vacuum Washer la Thompson Hardware Go. CO. LTD. Prince Rupert, H.C. MOST ENTRIES j IN ANY SWIM ' Dig Marathon at Toronto Attract I all Important Marathon Stars t ! WATER VERY COLD j Biggest Event of Modern Times Expected to be Staged Next j Wednesday TORONTO. Aug. 26. (Canadian ' Press). -When tile 150,000 swimming .naratbon, scheduled for August 31, was first proposed, It was estimated that accommodation for at least QO ' natators would,' have ' ta ,t 'found, j locally. A Mt eatlraate oj 200 was. regarded as a- fbt $f .lfpf, Carina rW ,1 'fllisirj. brosjJit .rot ' wfiav W4W, jip-U!,:iiat tee, .'grHV .est ciUectjibn of slars 'that' -haVi everj i competed and total starters In that 'rvent were 103. However, when en-' tries closed for the local marathon on : August IS, 371 .swimmers had signified I of the 31 mile course the field will be Toronto's waterfront. The breakwater " i irruwed down considerably, while not was only 300 feet from the shoreline. j mure tnun ta win iinisn. ana a siring oi Barges were to oe useo ! i TKHTII (IIATTKIUXO from which to start the swimmers. Edward Keating, winner of the Lake However, since the distance to the George Marathon, on his arrival here j concrete wall la so short the entries so from New York, Immediately went Into many, officials of the event have de- the water. "That's colder than Lake George," he said, a he' came out with tils teeth chattering. Harry Erlckaon. who stayed In the water of that lake for more than 24 hours, and who Is training with Keating, laughed as be too emerged from Lake Ontario's chilly water. "Oh Boy I that's oold stuff 1 You can tell the world for me that there'll be no IS finish tn this swim tvn If there are 300 to (tart. It will freeze them out if it Is as cold as ttila." cided to start the "flying fish" from outside the breakwall. Rules will be laid down governing fouling and other contingencies, and these are at present under consideration. jotKK.viMi roi: POSITION No doubt there will be much jockeying for various positions tn the race, and to get away' from this the positions wUl be drawn for by the authorities. Those drawing a position on the outside will have a decided early advantage In the;, race If they can get However, the direction of the rwlnd to tlie first turn ahead of the others. usually bu considerable bearing on the temperature of the water around Toronto. An onshore wind from the (?utji blowing '-Jhe -warm water in, will make It 'comfortable; an off-shore wind, from the north will make it Vercold.' vyV,i oKriieTia no .u.om1 V arrangements iraYbjy farknlf swimmers,.; trainers ; Sid managers':' ha'vef aroused considerable Interest. In sev SPORT CHAT Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Ketililkan, IVrangell, Juneau and Skagway August I. 5, 8, 15. 19, .. 29. To Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle August 3. C, 10, 13, 10, 24, 31. I'KINCKMH IIKAJKM'E. for isuteditle. Cast Bella Bella, Ocean Kails. Nainu, Alert Ifcij. Camplx-ll Klver, and Vaneuuer every Haturd.iy, II ajn. Agency for all Hteanuhlp Lines. Full information frum W. C. ORC1URH. fleneral Agrnt. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue. Prlnre Kuuert, H.C UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT CENTRAL HOTEL The place"cailed "Ilome" 120 Rooms, American, and European Plan. Hot and Cold WateV. Bus-meets all trains, an&iboats. - ' Sample Room Phone 51. L. Martin, Manager. ex-naval man. The visitor spoke of the beautiful and spaciout harbor here and said he only wished they could come more often and stay longer. The port had wonderful possibilities. He said he was particularly glad to see the children aboard as it gave them an idea what a warship was like. At the conclusion the commander was thanked for his addresi by Colonel NicholU, who also welcomed the other visitors. TAKEN IN TOW FOR QUART OF MOONSHINE KETCHIKAN. Aug. 26. With a pint of moonshine and two quarts of homebrew on his person. Charles Johnson, recent arrival from Juneau, was arrested by Police Officer "Casey" WUllams and turned over to federal authorities. Johnson pleaded guilty to possession before United States Commissioner J. W. Kehoe and sentence was reserved. According to federal officers Johnson admitted having been arrested four times In five months on similar charges In Juneau. LONDON, Aug. 26. Betty Nuthall, England's attractlje slx'teenyear-old tennis star, has been honored by having a beautiful new rose named after her. Tlie new rose la of a cerise -crimson shade and has a dsllcat petfuma. Wood DRY BIRCH, CEDAR AND JACK PINE Large sack, HOt BUNDLES DRY KINDLING, $1.00 Phone 580 HydeTransfer AND COAL CO. 139 Second Avenue Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 675 DENTIST