pace two. z.7 THE DAIL! NEWS ,A . 0 dfiebest for mart ttian 50 years BUILT FOR SLEEP SIMMONS Costs less in the end than inferior mattresses- Z5 For Sale bv HARRIE'S HOME FURNISHINGS (JEO. I). TITE The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA. Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily. News, Limited,, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN - - Managing Editor. SUnSCKIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month $1.00 By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year ! j $G.U0 To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.50 Transient Display Advertising, per inch per insertion ...... $1.40 Transient Advertising tm Front Page, per inch $2.80 Local Readers, per insertion per line 25c Classified Advertising, per insertion per word 2c Legal Notices, each insertion per agate line . 15c ; Contract Rates on Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporter Telephone . ... 86 All advertising should be in The Daily' News Office before 2 p.m. on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. v Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILy EDITION. WILLINGDON OPENS Monday, April 11, 1927 VISITORS' SEASON. Prince Rupert should put on her best this week and wear it until the end of the season. There will'be many prominent visitors to the city this year and perhaps, most important of all, will be the Governor General.Lqrd WiUjngdon., statesman, scholar and gentleman, who, with Lady willingdon,- one of the Empire's most noted women, will be jhere on Saturday. It is important that a good impression should be macje on these noted guests and also those more or 'less important personages who will be here, daily now that the season for' visitors' is opening. MR. KOnil PUTS HIS FOOT DOWN. -Hon. J. A. Robb, custodian, of the public purse, put his foot down on changes in his civil service'superannuation bill,. He says that. the taxpayers have a say in the matter and he is quite right. It is gratifying to see him, at-least, take a strong hand in the face of the clamor of the federal civil servants, who, taken together. would form a large and powerful body of population, but at tthat are notf everything. , v THE HABIT OF THRIFT. Lots of people expect to acquire all their good 'habits in their second childhood. " One of the good habits long put off is thrift. " Often this habit does come in second childhood. With appe-titesrand passions burned out of the decaying mind and body, old .menymay find themselves freed from temptations and wrongly enn-sider their condition due to ripened virtue. ' -Hut thrift, like any other ''virtue" forced upon one by nature, is apt to find its environment unhealthy and to curdle into penurious .meanness. $j!If thrift 'Is to be wholesome.and sweet ahd fruitful it must be embraced iwjiile' the mind and body are healthy and vigorous. Thrift Is a composite quality. It embraces within itself nearly nil pf the great virtues. It implies industry! prudence, forethought, selfdenial. It certainly has no relation to (niggardliness or mean-ness. Some men would let their grandmothers starve to death for the sake of a few dollars. That cannot be called thrifty. And virtue carried to excess becomes a vice and is no longer virtue. Thrift that does not take into partnership honesty and charity sours into covetousness and avarice. True thrift is the opposite of thriftlessness, prodigality, improvidence and waste. Thrift means better homes an? better food, rrfore comfort and enjoyment, less waste and less anxiety. Out of It grow quickened energies, firmer courage, more stalwart thought and hope, more orderly citizenship, education and a good chance in life for the children, and the independence and self respect that life aimless, hopeless drudges up to true manhood. New Energy for lazy days SHREDDED WHEAT Tempts Springtime appetites uures vpring-ume laziness Ihe breaKfast-io-bedtime treat HYDER-STEWART JOINT MEETING PEACE RAILWAY (iKT-T(!KTIIi:U TAI.KK OK IMI'OUT. AXT I'liOJKCT SI'KAKKItS SAY LOCAL IKKNIIIT Is AssUtL'll (Portland Canal News) In compliance with an Invitation the Hyder Chamber of Commerce met in Stewart Tuesday evening with the Stewart Board of Trade, to discuss the question of a railway from the Peace River country to Portland Canal. A crowded hall was only one of the fea-ures of the event, and a lot of very Interesting data compiled by the two organizations was fully discussed. 'Hie local Board of Trade was 111 possession of the government report., recently published and used as the basis' of a debate on this question recently In the House of Commons. This report. 1 1 signed by leading engineers of the CNJEt. J and, CPU. Railways, dealt exhaustively 1 with every possible outlet from the ; Peace River, giving data as to mileage. tonnage, construction, maintenance and operating costs. Xn going over this It was found that the route to Stewart U no less than 300 miles shorter than any other available route, and presents I no engineering difficulties; that the Peace River country contains 8,500.000 t ceres of land that would become productive If given cheap transportation; that j Its estimated cost ,1s $30,000,000. I One objectlou taken to It In the east ! seems to be the Idea, as expressed by ' Mr. James of the C.P.R. before the se-: ltct committee of the House, that "no : freight would be available -west of the Rocky Mountains unless some one finds a mine." Thus no account Is ' taken of the wonderful resources In two anthracite coal field that would be on the route, large Iron deposits, two large mineral territories, timber and land. IKf.KIIIT AVAILAUl.l: The situation having been presented to the meeting by representatives ot the Stewart Board of Trade, the chair- , nan called on Ernest Blue, of the ! Hyder Chamber of Commerce, for facta as to the amount of freight that would 1 be immediately available for such a ; railway If a one-mile spur was con-: structed Into Ryder, Alaska, making a railhead therein. , Mr. Blue, In a very able and forceful I mariner gave a mass of Interesting data compiled from Alaskan government re ports, that should .go a long way to ward answering the objections df those in the east who support Mr. James' Idea that no freight would be Available. 'Taking official figures for exports and Imports from only that portion of Aiaska which would be reasonably tributary to Hyder, Mr. Blue showed that the exports In 1826 amounted to (80,-912.059. and the Imports to 30.114.000, .75 per cent of which comes from, or Is ' destined to. points east of .the Mlsslsa-, lppl River. It could hardly be expected 1 Mr. Blue said, that a railway Into Hyder could get all of this business, but It should get at least 50 per cent and possibly 75 per cent of It. During this time 30,000 tourists, "round-trlp-pert," visited Alaska, and a road to Hyder would handle a large proportion ot this traffic. This .is a business that Is rapidly expanding. He figured that in: ireigm irom Aiasxa payaoie 10 sucn a railway would amount to $4,000,000 a tear at the present time. lUKiVKss on miMi I Chas. P. Sandford, editor of the I Hyder Weekly Herald anu United States Commissioner, also produced a lot o; official data to show the amount ot , business that would at once 'offer, and J. A. Hall, president of the Bank o. 1 Hyder. made some valuable suggestions as to th course of procedure to produce results. SUCCESSFUL TEA AND SALE BY HOSPITAL LADIESONSATURDAY A successful tea and sale of home cooking was held on Saturday after- ; noon under the auspices of the Women's Auxiliary of the Prince Rupert Oeueral Hospital In the rooms of Bt. Andrew's esclety. The guests were received by Mrs. Fred Pyle, president of the auxiliary, who was general convener of the various committees, Mrs. C. H. Elklns was in charge of the tea room and was assisted by Mrs. Oiler Besner, Mrs. Prank Dlbb, Mrs. Ben Self, and Mr. 'A. J. Oalland, while the ( home cooking tables were in Charge .or , Mrs. Fred Stork. Mrs. D Jabour and Mrs Reddle. Mrs. T. Andrew acted as"cashler during tle afternoon. I The rooms were suitably decorated ! with seasonable flowers, (While the tea" tables looked very pretty with decora-, tlons of pussy willows and carnations. During the course of the afternoon many ladles took advantage of tAe opportunity to call and spend social i time over the teacup while the after noon's program or 'music by the ladles' I orchestra was much appreciated by the guests, The pair of bath towels which was raffled, was won by Mrs. W. E. Willis- croft with ticket number CO, Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert Mrs. J. C Oavlgan Is leaving for her old home In Manitoba. ! The home of C. C Brand, 69 Beach 'Place, was damaged by fire about 3 3 ir v V ' 1 V 1 ours to c isn't o easy to Micvc on mere TIAT "say-so", is it ? The only sure way to be convinced is to hear it and -soon! After a selection ly the great organ, a vivacious fox-trot. a magnificent symphony . to many first hearers make the remark: "Amazingl It hardly seems iKwisihlel" ommand o'clock this morning. Included in the'.NAVIfiAHLK WATKltS I'HOTKC-llst of furniture which was badly burn.i TION ACT. ed were two pianos. t - - I K.H.C. ( IIM'TLH US I William J. Crawford hereby gives no- Tiu- in citv council couneu last last nlaht a city night paMi a t(ce he has. under Section 7 of the naid i resolution asking the provincial gov- Act. denoslted with the Minister ol rnment to give the city certain water-rentage. far the .purpose. of, building a old storage planti ;! . ,j A resolution thV; the city council nrotest ltd, thr' ; imvrnunVitt ' imlnt I A fnmlly snylnjr jroodbyo to Vaneouvc'h and truing a long way Into the Interior of UrltiiOi Columl)Ja;i-e taking a case of Publlo Works at Ottawa, and In the office : Registry District of Prince Rupert 01 Prince Rupert. B.C., a description of the site ..and the plans of wharf proposed to be built In the Portland Canal on C07, District -f Cosslar, Ana tflxe notice insi.arier tne expirtx zrantlne' bermlsslon to the Q.T.P. to ' mnh 'r tl date of pi ",. , mention of this notice William J. craw- . . . . flU In Cow Bay -was passed last night !iord wiu unaer section 7 of the said Act. At the meeting of the council. i Apply, to the Minister of Public Works It Is said that 2,000 men have gone from the province to' the prairies for the purpone of assisting, the farmers in seeding. The outgoing train this morning included seven cars of halibut Far Inland at nis on ice in .ne ciiy 01 uitawa lor approval of the site and plans, and for leave to construct the said wharf. Dated at Stewart, B.C.. this 3rd day of March, 1937. i 7" W. J, CRAWFORD. NOTICK IN THE MATTER of an amplication for the Issue of a Provisional Certificate j line lor uu iwemy-ouc ana twenty-two (23), Block seventeen (17i. Section one (1). City of Prince Rupert. Map 033. Satisfactory proo roof of the loss of the i Certificate of Title covering the above' una naving oeen proaucea to me. It Is my Intention to Issue, after the expira-1 tion of one month from the first pub-! llcntlon hereof, a Provisional Certificate i of Title to the above land In the name or Muriand ue fjrMC Evans, thei original Certificate ot Title Is dated tho 19th October, 1014, and is num bered 0730 1. Land Registry Office, Prince Runer n.c. 6th April, 1927. 11. P MacLEOD. Rltrar of TIMos IN PHOHATi:. in Tin: Mt:i'iii:.Mi: rtli'RT op iikitisii ((ll.l.MllJt -4-- i .iciuc.imiK, ,wt! ru iiugrniL-ii. m the Matter of the Administration with their fnmJHes. jinve , In .Act;'d ... received three or four letterH ." D'ecea.Vd oM,e,nr,ch from pat rnna whD have said' take notice ihat by ordr of hih IVv krl l,nht,li njian nf thU i MC"Yo.un' tllA M". .9' jfood milk and naturally when we Kct such information it cauHen elntlon. PACIFIC MILK llcml orrit-r, Vnnvoutrr liiclorlm til Ijiriiier mill .tlilmUliiril. Maron AOJ. 1B37. I was anDolnted ai m n rator (w th Wilt annexed) of the! estate of Itelnrlch Perseh. Deceased, and1 all. parties having claims against the said I estate .are hereby requited to furnish I same, nropeTly Verified, to me on or I before the 30th day of April, A.D. 1BS7 I and all parties Indebted to the estate 1 ate required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT I Official Admlnlntrator Prince Itimert n.c Dated the 30th day of Mar;h. AD GranurU $200 ;,h . - : or I'JectrW Dnvsi l The new Orthophonic Victrola makes possible to have real music by real artists in the home at all times. Hear Jt. fiut it is! . and tltere' the wonder of .it all . . .due to the newly applied ictor controlled principle of matched impedance ,or "smexith llow of Kiund." It K-rforniance constantly imj)eU lUieners to nmtakc it lor the musician thcmselvw. Only Victor makw thtf new Orthophonic Victrola, in tcautifully dwigncd model Irom $430 down to $115, obtainable on cijnvcnicnt payments from any "Hi Matir Voice dealer. With electric motor to eliminate winding, if you wUi, at a mall additional charge. Orthophonic "Tro in Mf Sound . . . . ,A Victrola Victor Talking Machine Company of Canada, Limited uo- I'honc fi2 it i.Pjdfcy. April a J Made only by rictor I(M)k for this Trademark DENTISTRY j Dt.4 M. Maguire Over Ormes CROWN, BRIDGEfand PLATES EXTRACTION OF TEETH Ily nn Kxpcrt. 0tn HvcnlnRH. Sundny Appointments. Canadian National Cfhc Largefl Railway SySlcm in America Steamship and Train Service HAII.INOK from l-HINTH Hl'I'liltT for VA VCOUVKIt, IC10ltlA, XllAlTI-H. null TIIIJIlxiiAV mill hl'.l).V. IIjmi p.m. !'or iV.X!??.. 'WKNK8I.V. Hum ).m- l or H1KWAUT NAT! ltlAV, III.IHI p.m. s.s. I'lll.NCK JOHN for VANCOHVHIt U UIIKKM OIIAIll.OTTK I.AMtM, fort ulglitlv. pahsi:mii:h tkaini ixavh imiincU ittirnitT r:ch MONDAY. Vl;lNKMiV ami NATDIlliAV at IIJU a.m. for PIllNt f. tlliOIKii:. KD.MON'ION, UINMI'KO, ull pnlnls :ii.rrn CaiiRila, Ullllfrt Ntilles, hi:k c.s.n. in .c.ymv 4iihi.i:i: r..n ih iirjt. ADHNtlY AIX OC'KAN NTIJA.MNIIIC I.INE8. Use rminrtlnii Nutlonal fur Money lrdrr, loreltn Chenues. etc., nlMi for )imr nxt ililjinif nt, CITV TICKKT OFIH.'K, Bin Tlllllll AVI'.., I'lllNCK II 1 1 IT It T. Phone incl You . in ma