main ,- .J PogtonGrill 5 TAXI Ambulance and large Upstair Dining Hall, Servics with newly laid d.mcing Anywhere at Anytime floor, for hire. i Stnn: Exchange Uuilding NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. MATT VI DECK, Prop. PRINCE RUPERT The latest and Lest for the least. Phone 457. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper ,OL. XVII., No. 18, j PRINCE RUPERT, D.C., SATURDAY, JANUARY 22, 1027 Circulation 1J78 Sales 47) Price Five Cents SUFFERS ITS BIGGEST FIRE 01. PECK DELIVERS PURIST ADDRESS 'ix Buildings With $111,000 Damage in Old Southern Camp lUnMiAM), January 22. It in the basement of T. II. llrown's dry toods and ladies' read v-to-1 iar promises last night resulted in nan had in twenty-five years. st-oyed and tho furnishings of trambinetl efforts of th Rnaiiliiml on.! Trail fin. ,ln-.-a-.! th the aid of Htizens of both places two hours to get the confla. Ition under control. The loss is 1ITAIN STILL ' CONCILIATORY: EUEMEXT l'l I II IIY lOIIUOlN III - hn: i:xi'i(i:f!i;i hope that out kiltie MKiiir in: , amicably xettleh NDON, Jan 33 Ortat BrlUin haa iSllfled ;-4 av..tude of conciliation nu - :a leg..:mat atptralton of C :se Nati inaltaU aald a tttHOMl ' arc by F ireign Offlec laat night. ,mr.' depreciated the "ia-; i '.tmeii'-a regarding pre-: a' a. a: d military action -c : by .im Brltlah In re- :t C .iea situation. Hope, vtcd .a' ' i negotiations now C :,;-.a ii..;rt succeed. EEMIER COATES S IN VANCOUVER or m; ziai.iMi oom.kv MINT Tlltlti: Tlllt MOIl.MXO AMI Ulll. STAY TIM. M MlAV HAMl l.T I OK HIM VANCOUVER. Jan. 33.- -Rt. Han. J. O. iter premier of New Zealand, arrived hu m rnlng and will remain la c y ,.if ii i morrow afternoon when ; will . -,j-;:'.'io hia Journey to Ban im.ifo I.- .n which poM be will em- rk f :r home The dMUntulahed vial- .io aUcnded the Imperial Confer ee .3 Linden will be the gueat of nor at a c."Ip banquet to be held to- Iht ENRYSERETH UNDER ARREST C All Ol HCI IMT MM TIIKUN II.- imuTA t o. to i ci; niiitdi; or i ai.m: iMti:Ti:M i:s in nmv ouk and VANCOUVER Jan. 33. -Henry Sereth. c ident of the bankrupt (southern Al- Irta Lumber Co. was arrested here ye- rday on a warrant charging him with btalnlng approximately 110.000 from the lamlltun National Bank of New Ybrk.amooth: 8 p.m. spoke tug Lome lu false pretencea. 6ereth will be rought before County Court Judge Irani who Issued '.he warrant, for ex- fadltlon hearing, -ABARBAIS WORLD CHAMP I i:lllll I I, KV ( I.AIIK OF (1I.AMIO-V flX OXK-MIDKII TVM.Yi: IICM'.MI KMT AT NKW YOUK LAST MOIIT EW YORK, Jan. 31 -Fidel La Barba. Angeles flyweight, clinched the forlu title last night when he defeated uxy dark of Olaagow, tho European nampion, ln' one-aided twelve round put here. Clark ue.therwl five ckdowna to stay the limit. Muasoltnl must have been reading the lory of Cromwell's dismissal of tha Pg Parliament and has decided to n better than the Purltitn general, i Burned Frozen hydrants when fire broke in the worst conflagration thls!lh -h9iute necessity of a new buiiet-i Six lanre frnme huilrilntra ur three others, were ruined. It took estimated at SI 11.000. 1 ' ' ! M OLLAUIfs HEI'OMT HOl t'Ol'Ml F.MPTV . VANCOUVER. Jan. 33 Forced open on authority of the Su- wtul- oepoi T boxea. rented In two local bank. by Otorge Bcollard. aocuaed of contertlng 1800.000 of hla wife a fundi to hla own uae. were ; found empty yeaterday. ; OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL i exolimi iLtrur. IHtloiun I, I Arsenal I. Bhemeld United 1 Birmingham 1. HiKtdeMfteM Town 3. I Burnley 6. Alton Villa 1. Bury-Suuderiand. pottpootd. I Lwda UnlUd 3.. Manchester UutuutJ uverpool 1. Derby County 3. Newcastle United 1. Bolton Wand a Wednesday 3. Lttsoster City 3. Tolieuham Haupursl, Blackburn R. I, West Bromwleh Albfon-Cardltf Oily postponed. Westluun United 3 .Krerton 1. HIiMon II. BanuJey 0. Blackpool 1. Bradford City 3. Southampton 0. Chelaea-Portrale postponed. Darlington 3, ruUtam 0. Hull City 3. NotU. County 0. Manchester City 3. Ortmaby Town 0.; Nottingham Forest a. Rrwdlng 1. Portamounth 1, Oldham Athletic 3. Preston Northend 3. Mlddleboro 1. South Shield! 1. Clapton Orient 1. Swansea Town 4. Wolverhamton Wan derers 1. ELEVEN BASKETBALL PLAYERS ARE KILLED I'liltrrMly Minimis l.hpi nnd Ue- The lnjurlm In CiilltoUm llelnrrn Auto and Train AUSTIN. Texas. Jan. 33. Eleven member of Baylor University basketball team were killed, five wete fatally Injured and alx others were hurt in a collision between an automobllo bus a passenger train 'near here today. X U.lll. DIODY ISLAND. Cloudy, calm: barometer. 30.01: temperature, 38; lea Maasett Inlet bound tor Awun Bay. BULL HARBOR. Overcast, strong southeast wind: barometer. 30.03; temperature. 33: aea rough; 8 p.m. spoke steamer Prince Rupert in MUbank Sound bound for Ocean Falls southbound; 8 p.m. apoke iteamer Phlloctetei I Yokohama for Victoria. 1139 miles from 1 .1jkNit 1 ft a vm rv.-iV at alaamAr Print John abeam Cape Mudge southbound. DEAD TREE POINT. Barometer, 39.-58; temperature, 33. Minx DIOBY ISLAND, - Overcast, calm; barometer. 30.04; temperature. 34; sea smooth; 0:33 ajn. spoke steamer Catala out southboutuf; 10:30' a.m. spoke steamer Princess Beatrice' abeam Klew Nugget northbound. HULL HARBOR. Snowing, strong 8.E. wind; barometer, 30.04; temperature 33; sea moderate. DEAD TREE POINT. Barometer, 39.-60; temperature, 37. If the Antl-Plllory aoclety of Pari succeeds tn abolishing the still collar, the rising generation will have one misery lf to become arcuitomed to. VICTORIA WANTS NEW COURTHOUSE lltll ASSOCIATION PIIEsKNT ItESO-I.ITIOX TO COl'XCIL VICTORIA. Jen. 2J2. Members of the I city council stressed the Importance of lh. ..... f nn .1 m.b. ..A..nM.a In Victoria when a resolution from the Victoria Bar Association. Dointin out tc- presented to the council for' ndmsmnt Karinue sponsorea a mo "f" l' ."t 111 !! Z . J ".r..r " 'L" rvV4 tea amahVUi MMb ' mm jop?;d bjr Alderman Woodward, who expressed the opinion that the city had aulhritv to make u-h an mdaru. jment affecting property that did not be- long to the city. Alderman Mator IfAlme In tunnnrl. Ing Alderman Clearthue'a motion, pointed out that In tha land reslatr offlri? .lone adf-nwt pmtrtkn from detruo tton by fln WM uo, gr(n t, the tnou. ndt of title deeda. The prent build- lng WM antuatd and not fireproof. Alderman Oearthue pointed out that there were title left on the deT of the land rrrialrr office almDlr becauae there wai not room In tlw vault for In support of endartlng the resolution, jbut In deference to Alderman Wood-! ward's wlshea the matter waa referred to the public works eommlttre. which will mjkke an tnTeattgatlon aul bring back la rsport to the ceuetl. A14erman Oearthue aald that ..the jbuttdlng of a new courthouse might no. only spur on eonttructlon her?, but might alo bring abut a.rtae in real estate values. SIX MILLION BOND ISSUE MIOIIT TI KM LOAN I Olt I'ltO-OF VIXCT li MiLH TO HAXK MOXTItl.tL AT US ICTOItlt. Jan. St. The lr of Hip new M.Imhi.oou ohort term bund lMie to the lUnV of Montrrul wUh a jleld if l.3 wr rent l an-tiuiinrrd h) Unit. Dr. J. I. Miliin, inlnller of llnai-r. The goirriiiurnt reiiulrri SI.imhi.-oih) It rrlundlug r,hv- and IHMI.IMKI u rmrr rxjiriKlllure on the t nhrrlt) liullillngi anil other piiti-He uorko. The prrent Iihiii l Koued In ilace if a 'rMiM-d liun r ii.ouii.ihmi fur thirty )rir and another two million for forty rar for which no NilNfar-lory bid wrrr offered. $25,000 FIRE AT WHITE ROCK POST linil't;, IOIK TIIK.VTIIK AMI VI, OTIItlt III II.DINOS WKKK llt lt.NKO NO PANIC IX MIOW WHITE ROCK. B.C.. Jan. 33. The post office, a movie theatre and aeversl Other buildings were destroyed by fire last night, the loan being ettlmated at I33.O00. Several hundred persons, who were In the theatre, -filed out quietly. SEINE 1URU wluT START LOADING AT ELEVATOR MONDAY The Surukl Line freighter Seine Maru, which arrived from the Orient during the week, will go ou berth at the elevator on Monday to start loading a cargo or about 0.000 tons of grain for Shanghai, The vessel la at present undergoing lining at the ocean dock. Other boats now due to load grain are the lunerton. coming on January 33 from England to load for the United Kingdom or continent; Yrgen Maru, on January 37 for Orient; and King James on February 1 for United Kingdom of continent. Advertise In the Dally News. COUNT DE SAINT-AU-LAIRE. former French ambaasador tn London, who ,1a suing the French Ministry for Foreign Affairs for his salary. The age limit for diplomats Is Si. and aa he has cot reached that age he claims full aalary l'.utead of the pension he was given. EIGHT PERSONS ARE KILLED IN FACTORY EXPLOSION, TOLEDO tweea Washlnjtan and Ottawa. It is TOLEDO. Ohio. Jan. 33. Eight per- even reported that the Canadian gjvem-sons are betlccd to have been burned meiu hts altered the offending rejula-to, death thia afternoon following two tin. but the Canadian authorities In explosions in a manuia-turtng plant London have not been thus advised. American Officer Tells How Liquor Was Smuggled Under Very Nose, VANCOUVER. January 22. United States internal revenue department, yesterday described to the customs commission a seizure he made at Black River Junction, Washington, on December 13, while the commission was sitting in Vancouver. The car in which the liquor was hidden contained shingles and was consigned, according to the bill of lading, from the Westminster Mills Co., Vancouver, to the Eclipse Lumber Co. at Monticello, Washington. Herrick identified a number of bottle? of liquor produced as parf of the seizure and expressed the opinion that revenue stamps thereon were for-a gerles. Ocorge Morris, assistant Inspector of the customs and excise preventative service. Victoria, Mid there was much liquor smuggling around the Island. More patrol boats were urgently needed Including a thoroughly seaworthy' boat for the west coast and one capable of thirty knots per hour for the Oulf of Oeorgla. j ono iu; i: cotvAXdx staxii Oeorge H. Cowan appeared before the, commlsslou aa representative of shlp-j ping agents. . He protested against the Imposition' of dutlca on Canadian goods moving from one part of Canada to another via the Panama Canal. He told the commission that Canadian goods shipped from Eastern Canada to British Columbia by way of New York had to pay duty before they could enter the Pacific coast province. Conversely, goods shipped from British Columbia through the Panama Canal and New York were required to pay Dominion customs dues before re-entering Canada. "We're compelling each end of Canada to trade with the outer (world," Mr. Cowan declared. SIR CHARLES WARREN IS DEAD IN ENGLAND Was Yrtrran of Indian, Egyptian ami youth Afrlrun ('uniuilxn WESTON-SUPER-MARE, EngUnd, Jau. 33. Oeneral Sir Charles Warren, veteran of the Indian, Egyptian and South African) campaign, la dead. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Bid, Asked. Wheat U8Vi Dunwell ,1.43 1.43 Otacler .UN .13 Oladstone ,17 .38 V, Independence .12), ,12; Indian 03! .0314 Marmot .' .ll .13 Premier 1.03 1.93 Porter Idaho IS .13); Silver Crest 06?; .08 Richmond M ,134 ls tj RULING AROUSES UNITED STATES r.tNAIMAX IKKIOI1T Ml HT UK .Sllll'-rKII IMKKIT TO V tN'AIIIAN TORTS IX ItTUti; LONDON, Jan. 32. United 3.ates business inlcretts are ar&u eJ cver-wha' iv atated o be a d acr m!nat .ry O:oad:ii hip; ing regulation wMch be-ame ef-ertiv January :. and which It U reared tray matert-illy af'eit '-he eartern Amer-irao v rt oi New Ycrk. Bost.a. Portland. Baltimore and others by the loei cf valuable Canadian transit trade. The se Canadian order la the outcome of the laiperial cjnfereace achem: and adpulates that all freight to Canadian porta must be ahlp-ed direct. Uu'.ed of employirg the former trani-ahlpnunt prlrlleges thrsugh the United State. It is undtrsto-.d that the United 8tatei Is bltg urjed to take rerai measures agaimt the great volusc o. European Irelgh: which reaches tte mld-T-eitern states by wsy cf Canadian ports unle the discrirainaliry regula-, tlon la removed. The whole situation, which Involrej the qucsilcn of arrangsotents for free transit betveen the United Statev and Canada, It the subject of nejtlatlou be- of Customs Probe II. E. Herrick, officer of the IS SCUTTLED MAIlf. MX.sAltY OX AfCOl.NT Of lllti: U 111(11 MAI) ALKEAIIY HONE .MILLION IIOII.IICS IIAMAtii: TO YESKKI. AT MT.TE. lit. NEW YORK, Jan. 33. After fire had damaged the cargo of the British freighter Karroo to the extent of a million dollars at Staten Island pier yesterday afternoon, the vessel was scuttled to prevent further sprtad of the flames. MOUNT VERNON MAN IS FROZEN COLO UI.ATIIKU CLAIMED IIKNKY riMH.UMAKK. INMATE OF COl'XTY t:ni MOUNT VERNON, WasM.. Jan. 33. The cold spell claimed one life here when Henry Plndrrmark, aged 70, wat frozen to death. He waa an Inmate of the county farm from which he wandered on Monday. The body' was found five miles from the farm. SKEENA RIVER LIKE ARCTIC FAIRYLAND HEAVY SXOW t.U.I.IMI AMI ILOES OF ICE COMIXO IIOW.X M AUK M'KXK Jl .NT I.IKE FAIt XOUTII The mouth of the Skeena River presented the appearance of a veritable Arctic fairyland according to passengers j coming in on ine airsmcr i,iaia yes terday atiernoou. witn neavy snow falling; the scene was further enhanced with many Ice floes coming down the river. On account, of the Ice. the Catala waa unable to effect a lauding, at Bal moral Cannery. BEFORE Tories Arent Tangled Up with Liquor People, Cy Informs Legislature VICTORIA, January 22. Expressing his "regret that the government has not up to the present time announced any intention on its part to secure unbiased searching and complete inquiry into gations reported to have been made before the royal customs commission regarding the improper use of campaign funds' for the purpose of securing protection and assurance for certain interests," Col. C. W. Peck. V.C., member for the Islands, moved an amendment in the Legislature yesterday to throne. Introducing the matter. Col. Peck said ' there were campaign funds and everyone 1 knew there were aucb. Money was given very often generously by people who wtre supporters of a party. When, however, they expected to get something tack IV became corruption no matter wht rum might be given, he declared. The csUnel said that he knew of no undertaking by the Conservatives to support the liquor Interests. He did not blame any party because some "busybody" In that party tried to gst some! campaign funds frcm the liquor Inter- ets but the public wanted to know whether the party was entangled with I them in any way. The Conservative party was not entangled with the liquor Interests. He wanted to make it clear that hla party wai fearless in the matter. The debate waa adjourned by D. Mc- Pherson. Liberal member for Grand I j Forks -Oreenwood. 1 Hon. Dr. r. W. . H. Sutherland, minister "'L inj policy of the government. He .aid touncnior) James Urls, Jabn NeIson-that the interest, of the province erej4C0D sha VtRIJ jimw looked to at all time. lm wulUn4 UwU. EVIDENCE IS HEARD IN PORT CLEMENTS CASE I'ollre Court Was In Selun La.t Mght In Connection With II. Huberts' Case Evidence In the case of H. Roberts of Pert Clements charged with concealing $1,300 from his creditors was heard last evening In the police court. A. H. Car- michel of the Bank of Commerce. H. F McLeod. county court registrar, Alex. A. Connon. custodian for the creditors. Mtltcn Gonzales and C. C. Mills testified concerning the assignment of Roberts for the benefit of his creditor end the withdrawal of aiJOO from the Bank of Commerce by the accused. Fur ther evidence, tt Is understood, will be submitted as soon as It is possible far certain witnesses, not now in the city, to arrive here. In the meantime the accused Is remanded for a period of eight days. EIGHT DEATHS IN EAST FROM COLD I kid I'lre Also In Eastern Mules Caused by dales NEW YORK. Jan. 33. Shivering resident of the northeastern states today greeted with Joy weather bureau predictions of warmer temperatures after the coldest week of the season. Six deaths, due directly or Indirectly to the cold, occurred In New York, while Boston and Philadelphia reported one each. A whirling driving snow accompanied the cold wave. Disastrous fires occurred tn several cities as a result of flames being fanned by high winds. A new cold wave Is reported to be proceeding towards the middle western states from Manitoba, but weather prophets predict temperatures will not reach the sub-zero marks that accompanied the cold of last week. peddlerTiounddead in gas-filled room VANCOUVER. Jan. 33. With gas pouring from the Jets of a nearby stove, the body of J. E. W. Watson was found In his room here yesterday. The authorltlea aald that he had been engaged as a produce peddler for some time. He Is believed to have a family In England. No motive was suggested fir etitiia n! nfe HOUSE the reply to the speech from the NEW COUNCIL AT KITKATLA lVAItI CAMItLE IS CHIEF OYER liOUY OF SEVEN EI.F.CTEII THIS WEEK Indian Agent V7. E. Collison returned :o the city on the power boat Pachena sat evening frcm Kltkatla where he con-iucted the election cf councillors for he ensuing year. There was the usual : on test for position on the council baard which Is composed cf alx councilors and a chief councillor who pre-idea. At the present time many of the -csidenta of the Indian village are busy getting ready for trapping and hunting which la very popular at thia season oi the year. The eIectlDjt4ted.lathe.f0UowiOg Alter tne election the council pro-I ceeded to appoint committees for tho year and make arrangements for tha various services of the community. THOUGHT GAS WAS KEROSENE THREE PEOPLE IIEAO IX NORTHERN AI.ISEKTA FOLLDYt 1N(I EXPLOSION AXI FIRE TIH'KMIAY MOIIT EDMONTON, Jan. 23. Lou Muncey, aged 31. Fay Bean, aged 33, and Mrs. H. Raddla lost their lives when fire de- troytd the home of Howard Muncey, .irteen miles north of Halkirk on Thurs-Jay night. They filled the lamp with vhat they thought waa kerosene but ;vhat in reality was gasoline. An explo-tlon and fire' followed. SOLDIERS TO GO TO CHINA llKITIMI IllKil.MENTS OUDHISEII TO I'KEPAKE t()K E.MIIARKATION IHSOKIIEK IX MIAXOIIAI SHANGHAI. Jan. 32. Rioting broko out here Saturday night following a parade of tramway employees. In a clash with the police, a acore of the paraders were Injured. LONDON. Jan. 33. The first battalion : Middlesex Keglmsnt and Cameron Highlanders have been ordered to prepare to ! embark for China. SHIP FOUNDERS ' OFF CAPE COD TWENTY-KIUIIT MEMUERS OF CUKW OF JOHN TKACY I'KOIIAIILY WENT TO WATKKY OUAVE OX JAXIMUV 11 BOSTON. Jan. 33. Fears that the steamer John Tracy foundered off Capo Cod In the blizzard of January 11 were changed to grim certainty when wreckage of the vessel was picked up off the coast. The vessel, which was laden with a cargo of coal, carried a crew of 37 men. A.l"ertie in the Dally News. 13