Irday, March 19, 1927. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE C-Ti '- 1 T' J -ili Local and Personal SAVEMONEYBY 'y That the Uti pipeful A Little SPENDING NOW r j Arthurs Taxi. Phone 078. cveevek had" DO. Undertaker. Phone 41. fllfJENT NECESSITY I OK .MOVE! 'ICAISES SlilN'TKEAL, IMPOKTEI1S Mocwe whist dri"e'nd iahec; Friday; , . TO OIIEK .OUEAf I1AIU1AINS ' v 11 I 111 rZ-A March 23. IX .MEN'S AND BOYS' Shoe rebuilt like new at McArthur's CLOTIIINO Prince Rupert. ILC P? k f I Uk Cuiiadun National lUprrHt 1 im tor jour tft unipntrni. Y TICKET OFI ICi:, 828 Tllllll) i, ServinguRiithililly mo xorjviariyieais Ili "BREAKFAST" in 3 baker s breakfast Cocoa Means Sor,iclhing The United Stttei rooJ Standard; dcine " Breakfast" cocoa u cocoa containing net leu than 22 per cent of -r cocoa butter. M,rv tna .ncnu fwwJi cannrit N ir ! l 1 1 . n.-Li-... . '.. .1 'i.ViS'V cent or 15 per cent of bw:r. Baler's l'reakut ('0:0a OTi-iin.' ; Ics than 2S per cent of C Ti huitrr i.,nu t wtitli ir-.rc th.n '. ovcrranent requirement. Th? piir:c rklerj flrcji!,' omb tneant 1 pure, de hcois cocoa of high quality pcaaeasurj a cortiJerUe Utouot of nourukntnt. WALTER BAKER & CO. Limited Ej, I ; 1 tuaeluneu I7J UOKUHEi ftK, MAiS. 1 I I - ill Canadian Mills at Montreal W! J t BwJUrt of Owice Rmhe i.-nt e DEMAND "Rupert Brand" ppers THE DAINTIEST UKEAKFAST lOOD. Smoki'd Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Sge Co., The TreytoiJk Store - VV -IT-- w larger jr Ijv - "'jr. ITtSg- We are the Sole Agents for the ORIGINAL TOILET LUXURIES l?y MOHNY 201 Regent Street, London. TIIAMINADE" "JUNE HOSES" M YSTERI EUSK" "VIOLETTE .MOKNY" "HOSE VERVEINE" The " fumous Perfumes and Powders are used in every Court and capital of EurojK!. Their rare quality and enchant ing t'rufrancc have won them the approval of aoriety women liotii Europe and America. We hav the Perfume, Toilet Water, Face Powder, Lip Halve LVh Salts. Bath Dusting Powder, Soap for the bath, ind Mi 1; g Soap in wooden bowls. ORMES LTD. it Tlie Pioneer Druggists Three Registered Pharmacists Jrd Avenue and Cth Street Plumes 82 and 200 hi lr..r lor U.K. :anadian National he Largeft Kailivay Syflcm in America Steamsh'p and Train Service I.IMls from I'lllNCE Itl'I'KKT for rmh TIII KSDAY ami KIMU. ANVO STMVAIIT IMIINfE JdllN for VAM'OIH LANDS, forlnlclillv. TitAivs 1.1: ll SIOMIAV. Hi:iNKSIAY and S n:on(;i; i:i.M()Nio, uinmi NlHlr. M'-K CANADA IX CANADA'S AflEXCV AM. OCKAN vANcorvi:it. vicTottiA. m:atti.i:. 1 1 .1X1 II. III. WCIINKSDAY, I (I .HI) S A1 1 It ISA V. p.m. IK U iill.h.S CIIAULOTII. Is- AXK I'lllNCK Itl'ITItT ATl'ltDAV ut ll .tik a.m. for I'ltlNCK 1.(1. all MilnU kaotrrii Cn.uU, I nltrd 4nin.i;i: ykaii min - isjt. STKAMSIIIC LINES. fur Mtnev Orderx. I'orrltn CIifijum, UK I'HINl E HI I KItT. I'lione 2C0 SAVAGE ELECT1UC WASII17K AND DUYEK. Washes, lilues. Rinses and Dries without a wringer or having to put your hands In the water. Cash Price $HK Also Easy Terms KAIEN HARDWARE CO. Shoe 8tore. '' ' tf Oct the Bt 4 habit I of a Taxi, phone 4. When thinking U Our shingles cost less and lwt longer. Seal Cove Lumber Co. tf Mrs. Dupuir of JUysport was ias- aenger for Vancouver on this morning's eattbound train. Mr. and Mrs. L. w Jatmore were pasnengers for Vancouver on the steam er Cardena this morning. Special music by Mrs. P. W. Allen. male quartette and choir at the Luth eran Church tomorrow evening. .cod out for this! Musical mono logue entitled "An Evening of Bliss" by Rev. W. P. Price and choir on Oood Friday evening. Ttee condition of Frank St. Amour, who baa been seriously 111, is reported to have shown considerable Improve ment during the past day or so. C.P.H. steamer Princess Beatrice, Capt 8. K. Orsy. arlved In port at 7J0 this morning from 'he south and sailed at A. J. Prudhomme left for the east on this mornleg'a train for an extended points before returning to the city. D. S. Cameron, fisheries overseer for the central division, has returned to the city after having spent the winter In Vancouver. Mrs. Cameron and daughter will be arriving ntxt week to take up residence here. On business m connection with boats of his company's fleet coming to Prtnoi erlntendent of the "K" line. In the city from Seattle on the Catala tomorrow arternoon. He will remain here for a few days In conference with the Northern 8hlpplng Co.. Ltd.. locai agents for the line. 4E.M S CIIIIKT iID OXI.V MANf Olt This question will be dlsrutacd and answered at the Illl'TlsT ( III Ki ll 011 Sunday Evening, March M. It Is the third of a series of addrrsnes being given by Rev. W. F. Price on Foundations of Faith. The series will be continued as follows: March 27. "What Is meant by The Holy Trinity.'" April 3 "Is Man Immortal?" April 10. "Why did Jesut Christ die." ' April 17. "Did Jesus 'really rise from the dead?" The addresses will state In plain language the solid substantial reasons we have for believing the great truths of the Christian religion. In these days of doubt and questioning, we all want to know what foundation there Is for faith. Come and heart SrrtlifHi iiiiiiiriiiT at Jlil p.m. Office Hours: a.m. to G p.m. Saturday: a.m. to 1 p.m. Any evening by appointment I)iT.pP Kenny DENTIST Exchange Ulock. Phone 10i) It will be worth your while to stop In at the Montreal Importers on Third Avenue. They nave a sale on for a few days In order; to convert their stock quickly Into ready cash. They've got bills' that must be met right away and to get the money, prices have been slashed properly' They don't need such an awful lot of money but they do need It quick and this Is your There's suits and overcoats, shirts and underwear lor men and boys being offered at prices that make It worth while buying them now. And everything else that a man or boy needs. For the household, now Is the chance to get some real Hudson's Bay blankets. You know the Hudson's Bay quality and the usual price. Just you enquire what these are selling fori Any thrifty housewife will find It pays to look over the Montreal Importers' stock both for household goods and clothing Tor the family. For the Montreal Importers stand behlcd the quality of every ar 11 o'clock on her return to Vancouver i" woacy- and wayporta. Elnar Anderson waa fined $50. with' the option of sixty dsys to lall. and1 Huh McDonald 2 or thirty days JU. in the police court this morning on charges of Intoxication. Mrs. Frlzrell announces her millinery 1 opening on Friday and Saturday, show- tide tbey sell. See their advertisement In this Issue. This Is your chance to help the Mont- teal Importers out of a hole by sav lng money for yourself. You want to Of course you do. And you can do It now by spending It at the Montreal Importers. advt : ANNUAL MEETING lng new Dresses and Coats. Spring Hats and Pattern Hats no two alike. Your . riEEslliEN'T Inspection la cordially Invited. ttTTtttt 4t H ANNOUNCEMENTS St Andrew's Society Ladles Auxiliary Eaatrr Sale. April 0. Hospital Auxiliary Tea In St. Audrew's Rooms, -April 0. Anglican April 10. Tea and Sale of Work. Established 1923. OF TENNIS CLUB W. ( Itl ICKSlltNK ANI 6 OTIIEK OUICEKH ItE-EI.ECTED I'UVNS 11)11 YEA It DISCISMD visit to his old home In Quebec He! The annual meeting of the Prince will a loo vlalt other eastern Caaadlaa ! Rupert Tennis Club was held yesterday afternoon with a good attendance of members present. W. Cruiefcahank. E. WMarentette and F. H. Smith we-e re-elected to the posi tions of president, vice-president and; secretary trasurer. respectively. These ot&oera. with F. E. Robertson and H. R)U. will constitute the executive for the year. In discussing plana 'tor the year ( It was ok Java to noia me usual uuo Rupert to load wheat. Capt. luna. sup- tournament tbis season and. If possible. ww arrive j mother city tournament. The courts as soon as weather permits, be renovated and put in shape for the aesrson and it is possible that this year the club may build a new club house. The club decided to hold Its annual ball on April 29, ANOTHER WAY CATCHING FISH tVAs IINE I'OK EVEKYItODY HIT TELEI'IIONE COMPANY AND ' si K( Kli; NELSON, March 19. Fish have been caught In many ways in British Cslum-bit, but It remained for a Koo'.cnay Lake angler to devise a means oi catching fish by telephone. Officials of the British Columbia Telephone Company reported a case of Intermittent trouble on a rural telephone line running along the shore of Kootenay Lake. Efforts to locate the cause of the trouble were unavailing for quite a time. Finally an Investigator discovered two wires attached to the telephone fuses on the outside of the houses on the lake front. Following these wires, the plant man found that they ran down to a float leading on to small boathause. A steel fishing rod projected out over the edge of the float, and one wire was attached to the rod. while the other was attached to a spring that would be released whenever the reel on the rod turned. Inside the house was a set of batteries and a ucl. connected to the protector of the telephone system. The theory of the layout worked this way: ItlMI THE 11EI.I. . When the man of the house wanted trical circuit with the reiult that the bell In the house would announce that a fish was waiting to be gathered to hla doom. To reduce hi difficulties to the minimum, the owner; of the fishing outrtt "had used, the telephone circuit In order, to carry huf beirWrcult' into the hoUse. fastening his wires to the telephone fuses on the outside of the house to the protector Inside The plan wat a fine one for everyone but the fish, the telephone company and the other subscribers on the line. IJ-L.B.J..L LV.U! He's not the sort of man that says everything is "jolly good". It must be really good to win his praise. Ogden's Cut Plug did the trick he couldn't help saying it beat all the other tobaccos he'd ever tried. ni 1 mi . I hnrrh Nntirac w""v" 41 u II 1! OGDEN'S CUT PLUG Save the valuable "Poker Hands" III ' 1 PERSONALLY CONDUCTED EUROPEAN TOURS Personally Conducted Tours have been ST. ANDKEWs CATHEDRAL arranged this Summer, under the joint (Church of England! ! upervlslon of the Canadian National Riytor: Archdnfon n a. Rn 1 Railways and the cunard Bteamsnip Sunday services at 11 am. and at Company to areat Britain ana turope; 720 pjn. Sunday school at 2.30. Holy-',na rcturn- All transportation, hotel Communion first Sunday of month at nd sight-seeing expenses included In 11 ajn third Sunday of mouth at B Call at City Ticket Office, Third ajri. Avenue, or puuue ou, lur ptubituiiuB uu IUptl-t Churrli Rev. W. F. Price, minister. Morning worship at II am. Sunday School at 2.30. Music and song at 7J5. Evening worship at 7 JO. Subect: "Is Jesus Christ God or only man?" This question Is at the heart of the Christian religion. Thoughtful people must face It. Come and bear It disctuscd and answered. CIIIIISTIAX SCIENCE SOCIETY Service every Sunday morning In the Hays' Block, 245 Second Avenue. Subect on Sunday "Matter." Testimony meeting on Wednesday evening at 8 I'ltESIIYTEIMAX (III '15011 Rcr. J. R. Frlzrell, BA., LL.B Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Sub ect: "My Mother's Psalm." Sunday School at 12.15. Evening service at 7.30. Subject: "The Trembling Judge." Special music by the choir. Everybody wel come. SAI..T10X AUMY. Sunday Services. Morning at 11.00. Holiness. Sunday school at 220. Evening at 7.30. Salvation. Adjutant Kerr of Wrangell will conduct these ser vices. Women's Home League meets on Wednesday at 2.30. I'MTED CIHDCII The Church of Service. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Sermon topic: "Be- HOTEL AKKIVALS. . lie raaae me necessary arrange-1 Prime ltuiert im-ms concerning tne red. over the edje Wallace Hamilton and A. Sabler, Ed-1 uoav ana men went on with hU monton: C. A. Roger. C. R. MacMtllan. Winnipeg; W. Smith. Anyox: George Rlngstad, Port Edward: Mrs. O. A. Taylor. Peggy and John Taylor. -Port Es-slngton. i Savoy Miss Smith and Miss Bradshaw. Any-, ox; R. Kelday, Dlgby Island; Frank; Johnson, Port Edward. Central John Garland, Terrace. Captain B. C. Marsh, former harbor master here, returned south on the Car dena this .morning after having spent several days In the city on business, i It Is a little early for carrots audi other vegetables to look well on the' hats of women. 1 No guaranty on a car covers the race tt - -he, . i r ;lc- descriptive literature. Miss Doreen Bishop-and Miss Mary MacFle sailed for Vancouver on the Cardena this morning. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY . FOUND. PAIR OF GLASSSES, GOLD rimmed. Apply Dally News office. DEPARTMENT OF LANDS NOTICE Application for Grazing Permits for the Season pf 1927. Application for permits to graze livestock on the Crown ranges within any grazing district of the Province of Brit- Uh Columbia.' must be filed with the. District Forester at Fort George. Kam- loops. Nelson, Prince Rupert. Vancouver, i or Williams Lake on or before March 31st. 1927. ! Blank forms upon which to- submit applications may he obtained from the District Foresters at the above named places, or from the Department of Lands at Victoria, B.C. O. R. NADEN. Deputy Minister of Lands. Department of Lands, Victoria, B.C.. January 4. 1927 t I1ANKRUPTCY ACT. ESTATE OF HMIOK()AV. LOCKE-POUT, H.O.. AlTIIOKIED ASSUINOIt Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to and Including April 1st on the stock of Will (am Monran. Assigned. In store at Lockeport, B.C.. constating of Oroctrlei. Hardware. Drugs and Drygoods. Inventory of Stock tniy be obtained from ttie understated or seen at ttie said Store or at the Office j lng superior to our superior.." Sunday aoclt.oru b" 'nigeSt or, school at 2.30. Evening service at 7.30. any tender not nesesMrllY acrepted. ' Rencon topic: "Living up to our repu-i ALEX. A. CONNON, Trustee 1 Prince m.nert. s c. tatlon." Preacher. Rev. Geo. a. Was Nearly Crazy With Boils All Over His Body ww around tne premises. When a W. R. Mlnnls. W. Ford.! L. Dobson. O. E. Mr, S. L. Burke, BarroBpfleld; fish took the hook, the reel on the rod h. m. McLcod. R, d: Purvis and W. C, writes!-" For some tfttt F was near! r would turn. Thla would close the elec- with bolls all iMalnwartng. Vancouver: Harvey Brooks. 7 oter my body. I tried everything I could think of to get nd of them, but to no avail, for as soon as one was beakd up another would appear to take its place, I was advised to take mm, and after I had used two bottles th boils had all disappeared and I have net been troubled with 'them alsm." Pnt up only by Ths T. Uilbura Co., ; CONSULT US about Your Eyes DO not hesitate to consult us about your eyes. Our experience will be of real value to you. Not a day passes that we do not hear gratifying reports from those we have fitted with glasses. WE request your patronage with confidence secure in the f belief that nowhere will you obtain better service or more conscientious treatment. IF you require glasses a thorough scientific examination will reveal the fact If you do not require them, we will candidly tell you so. Fred Joudry KegUtcred Optometrist and Optician Room 3 Smith lllock Phone 763 Spring Coats Suits and Dresses Suits that are In the fore front of fashion for present wear beautifully made garments revealing the popular box style Coat and wrap-round Skirt. See the three-piece TOM' HOY SUITS from 1 0.5M BENT'S LADIES READY-TO-WEAR Third Avenue LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone C3 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize in Piano and Furnltunj Moving.