JPAGE BIX THE DAILY NEWS Suturda FISH ARRIVALS DO YOU LACK VIM, 'EGGS CHEAP guarantees Canada m HEAVIER TODAY PEP, SNAP? FOOD TODAY its Age MW j (Kl'AT BILK OF HALIBUT SOLO THIS "FRUIT-A-T1VES" WILL KEEP tmi. vmvkh hike today ien DENTIST SIOKMXO AT EXniWOE rtlt CENT LOU I K THAN LAST YOU 100 FIT f I WAS i'UOM CANADIAN BOATS YE Alt, 10 YEARS OLD 77gtg i Canada 95 years This advertisement is not fiulilistied or difiplayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of British Columbia. DRYGOQDS Specials Ladies' Pyjamas, per suit $1.30 Ladies' Cotton Night Gowns $1.00 Ladies Cotton Night Gowns , $1.13 Ladies' Flannelette Night Gowns $1.83 Ladies' Flannelette Night Gowns $2.23 Ladies' Flannelette Night Gowns $1.30 Ladies' Pyjamas, per suit $123 MUSSALLEM'S Phone 18 Phone 81 Have Your Eyes Examined Poor eyes and poor glasses are a pitiful combination. Good glasses will make good eyes of poor eyes. If your present glasses do not suit your eyes for any reason, you are criminally negligent of your future if you do not secure the proper glasses at once. Lowest prices. Expert service. A. E. IRELAND Graduate Optometrist 219 Third Avenue. Opposite G.W.V.A. WOOD Dry Jack Pine, Cedar, Kirch nnd Spruce Per load $0.50 Per half load $3.50 Per sack 50c Firelighter 48 for $1.00 delivered. HydeTransfer 131) Seconcj Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE BUY DOTTLES. Dr. Alexander Smith lilock I'honc 57S DENTIST Halibut, arrivals sold through the Fish Exchange this morning totalled 119.800 pounds. Canadian landings being heavy at 80,400 pounds, while American boats sold 23,400 pounds. Prices were fairly high. Americans having a two cent advantage over Canadian vessels. The day's arrivals were as follows: AMERICAN Sumner, 16.000 pounds, to Booth Fisheries, 15S and 7c Star. 8.400 pounds, to Canadian Fish t Cold Storage Co.. 16.7c and 9c. Actor, 3.500 pounds, to Booth Fisheries. 16.6c and 9c. Norma, 4.500 pounds, to Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co.. 16.5c arid 10c Inger, 6,000 pounds, to Booth Fisheries. 17.1c and 6c. CANADIAN Atll. 5.000 pounds, to Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co.. 14.3c and 8c. Ingred H.. U.000 pounds, to Royal Fish Co.. 14.6c and 8c. - Edward Llpsett, 6.500 pounds, to Atlln Fisheries, 14.4c and 8c. Pair . of JacSv 13,000 pounds, to Bocth Fisheries, I5.1e audDe. Cape Spencer, 8.500 pounds, to Cana dian Fish & Cold Storaje Co.. 15.1c and 9c. Zeballos, 4,000 pounds, to Royal Fish Co.. 142c and 8c. D.S.T., 4,000 pounds, to Royal Fish Co.. 14.5c and 8c. Inez H 7X00 pounds, to Atlln Fish eries, 14.3c and 8c. Mayflower, 4.700 pounds, to Royal Fish Co.. 14.4c and 9c. Ternen. 8.000 pounds,' to Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co.. 14.6c and Sc. Tramp. 7.000 pounds, to Atlln Fisheries. 14.6c and 9c. Helen. 4.000 pounds, to Atlln Fisheries, 143c and 8c. Cape Swain, 7.000 pounds, to Booth mmmmt i.-j, ,i- f TO ECIIQ1e OPE I MAKE MAKE RESERVATION'S RESERVATION'S NOW NOW j 1 KOM SAINT JOHN To l.lM-rpool Apl. 2 Montrose APw 8 Montcalm Apl. 15 Minn-dosa To I'licrlMiiirg-Miutliampton-Antwerp Apl. 14 Montnairn To ;iagtu' Mar. 31 Meilta Apl. 13 Metagama To Antwerp March 29 Montreal Apl. 7 ... Marburn FltOM NE1V YOKK Ti Clirrliourg-.Soutlianiiitnii-Aiittrerii "arch 31 Montroyai To Clirrkimrg-sttutltuniptoii Ap. 15 Em?re5s of Scotland Via Belfast. Apply to Annn everywhere or J. J. FORSIEk S.S. Centrel Pm. Ai?tnt C.P.K. Eution. Vancouver, Seymour 2630 RAMSAYS PAINTS VARNISHES For Sale by SILVEKSIDES HKOS. r- I of questions. NOT THAT. " MR. A. COTE. "I will never be without 'Fruit-a-tive', for personally I consider it my family doctor" writes Mr. Adclard Cote gratefully from Aibcstos Mines, Quebec " Fruit-a-tivesV Mr. Cote goes on, "really are a wonderful remedy. I had always been severely constipated, and at a result felt generally miserable. After taking six boxes of 'r'ruit-a-tives' I felt 100 better, and in fact not the same person." "Fruit-a-lives" is nature's own remedy a combination of intensified fresh fruit juices and tonics. That is wby it is so universally beneficial. It pentry and correctly stimulates the sluegish organs, purifies the blood and improves the general health. Why not try "Fruit-a-tives" yourself. Buy a box, to-day. 25c sad 50c everywhere. Fisheries. 14.4c and Sc. Marguerite. 900 pounds, and Taplow. 2.300 pounds, to Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. 14.5c and 8c H. and R.. 3.500 pounds, to Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co.. 14 Gc and 8c. A ScoUman was being shown over a hattlcthlp for the first time In his life, and. being keenly Interested In all he The marines seemed to Interest htm. end going up to one he pointed to the grenade in the marine cap and asked what It was. The marine looked at him In surprise. Don't you know what that Is?" he ssked. "Why that's a turnip, of course.'. "Ach, mon," replied the Scotsman. Impatiently. "I was no' axing aboot yer head.' -Edinburgh Scotsman. Advertise In the Daily News. ! CANADIAN SERVICE From Halifax To Plrmouth-Hr-London v . Sinn.. Mai . . - anut Apr. Ic To Londandsrry and Qltsgow l.' lllu . Mar. 1 To Quesnstown and Llftrpool uruiila Apr. 1 1 From New York To Qutsnstown snd Liverpool v Until ... Mar. in i.a.iiiita ... Apr. To Cherbourg snd Southampton n. ri'iijraria pr. J. 7. Way 17 Msiireunla Apr. la. Mrfy 4, S Miuitatiin A-,i. tu. May II. ai To Londonderry snd Glasgow i.i'iitia . . .Mar. r. i ;.-(innM . . Apr. i To PImouth-Hre-London Miminls . . Mar. If. Cariimnu . . Apr. i From Iionton To Queenstown snd Liverpool l.amiilu .. Apr. i '.miiiilo Atr. II .ll- al I'lviimuiti. caitliuiniil lliiiM'5 "iril'i-. ili-ars.- ami Trsvi'llerx' Jii-nui'" .11 l .w-i rsi l ull Inr iriiidtloti imai nifiii ui i .iiiipii - orticus, as lU'line- til. AV. Vim invi-r. II. C Saturday Specials ONE DAY ONLY. Slerlin Catup, 25c bottlen, C bottles for , 93c This Catsup is new titock and every bottle Is guaranteed. FKESII EG (iS Large size and strictly local 2 dozen for 85c Vancouver Fresh Firsts, 3 dozen for $1.00 CANNED TOMATOES Nabob and Malkin's Iiest. Highest grade pack Tomatoes on the murket, 7 tins for 95c Fresh Milk every train B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited l'honeri 45 and 574 j Tlie market price of eggs has shown a considerable decline and today the-housewife will be well advised to use' I more egga aa the cheapest article of ; I food on the1 market. The tremendous pioductlon of eggs In the province to- da; Is too great for ordinary coiuunip- Hon so Ue price has gone down to a1 place where t Is good household econ-1 omy to Use more eggs. Fresh pullet . eggs are selling at three dozen for u dollar. i j For those 'who are Interested in the general trend of market prices It win oe interesting to know that prices of foodstuffs are about 10 per cent lower today than a year ago. Looking over some Invoices of a year ago when fish-: jcrmen were purchasing their food up-j items were lower in price this spring. Vegetables show a slight increase' due' to the heavy shipments which have' been made recently to China. This, is considered only temporary and the market should adjust Itself before very long. Market prices prevailing here toda are as follows: UKli Pure ... 25c 1 Compound 20c B.C. fresh pullets 35c B.C. fresh, firsts 40c B.C. fresh, extras 45c Local new laid 50s 1 111 HtUlbut. lb aoi Salmon, cohoe, frozen 25c Smoked kippers, lb 16c Kippered salmon, lb. 35c Smoked black cod. lb 23e Flunau handles. Ib 30c Salt mackerel, lb. . 25c ...( Eastern salt herring. 3 for 25c Salt codfish fillet, lb. Stic 1 Boneless salt cod brtekii. Ib. 30c ,mi;ai Fowl, No. 1. lb 35-- rtoasttng chicken, lb 45c Hm, sliced,, first grade Hz Ham, whole, first grade 42t Ham. picnic, lb 31c Cottage rolls, lb 3Sc Bacon, back, sliced 50c Bacon, side 40c to Me he hla with all sorts saw. plied guide flry Mll 3Sc Ayrshire bacon, lb Me Veal, shoulder 2Sc Veal, loin 40c Veal, leg 40c Pork, shoulder 28c Pork, loin 40c Pork, leg 40c Beef, pot roast 12 Kc to 18c Beef, boiling 10c to 123 Beef, steak 25c to 40c Beef .roast, prime rib 30c Lamb, chop .... 60c Lamb, shoulder 35c Mutton, leg 40c Lamb, leg 48c Mutton, chops 40c Mutton shoulder . . 30c Brookfleld, 6hamrock and Woodland. Ib ooci E.CD., lb ,, 60c Capital. 2nd grade. 2 lbs. 85c Praser Valley, lb 65o New Zealand, lb 6Je UILKSL' , Ontario solids 30c StUton. lb 36c Kraft 45c Norwegian Ooat 05c Napoleon Llmberger 70c Roquefort 73c, Swifts' Buttercup, lb 4Sc Oorgonzola. Ib. 76c McLaren's Cream. Jars .... 45c and 860 Oruyere 45c Oolden Loaf, Ib 45c hlUAK White, per 100 I7.7J Yellow, per 100 17.35 It.OL'K Flour. 49's. No. 1 bard wheat .... t2S Pastry flour. 10's , 66c Pastry flouf. 49's t2D0 VtaiJTAIII.IJI Beets. 0 lbs 25e luO lbs. 82.75 B.C. Carrots, lb ie 100 lbs .1333 Rutcbagas, 6 lbs. 25c 100 lbs 12.76 Potatoes. 100 lbs 2M Potatoes, 8 lbs 24c Green Peppers, lb 76e Parsley, bunch 15; Rhubarb, Ib 20c Cauliflower, B.C.. heiid ...35c-40c California head lettuce 15c Garlic, Imported, per lb 40c Cooking onions. 3 lbs 25c Celery " 20c. 25c and 35c Dr. Jos. M Ourranb 20c rrune 10c to 23c Apple 2oc Pecbe, peotMl 30c Apricots, lb 40c Almorxle, shatlMl VWMias 76c Brasdls and fUbWU 29c Walnuts, brokao abetled bOr Walnuts, shttltd halves 64c Almonds jsc Peanuta 20c Uaaehurlan walnuts 2Se Oallfornla walmits 40e No. 1 mixed nuts 3io I I.LI) 100 lbs. Wbasrt. N. S 11.4 Osta 2.ft0 Dea aijo Ohort eaao Middlings' Brlef tljt Poultry immi . tZJK SpectaJ eggnutah 13 40 Oyster shell 12,80 Seratch food tliu Keef aerap 153s Oround oil caks 14.75 Baby chick feed H2S Pine oat chopii 12,70 Crushed oata 2.7o inne barley chop 24 Whole earn 13 j Oraeked corn t3!H Ftne oornrrMal t32i jumping at conclusions is uM to be bad eneretiie. Sweet potatoes, lb. 10c ' 'Ir- M Oiurnon, Donatyllle, Alta., Mexican tomatoea th fiAn ' writes: -"Borne time ago I was err Spinach, lb l5o I rvous, could not sleep at night, oftn New California cabbage, lb lOo TIMHEH SALE XB3II. . There will be offered for sale at Public Auction, at 1 p.m. on the 28th day of March. 1827. In the District Forester's office. Prince Rupert, the Licence X8344. ti cut 1.700,000 l.bjn or Spruce, Hemlock and Cedar on an area situated on False pay. Darwin Sound, Queen Charlotte Islands District. One (1) year will be allowed for removal of timber. "Provided any one unable to attend the auction In person may submit tender to be opened at the hour of auction and treated as one bid." further particulars of the Chief Forwt-ter. Victoria. B.C.. or District forester Prince Rupert. Heart Palpitation Dizzy. Sinking Spells palpita- nau ouzy- sinaing spoils and palpi lion or tne iiearc, r aou waa ay run i down u n a . . r'ltt 1T j I 1 could not do my housework, but 1 Just Oranges, , Navels, , dozen v.u 25c to 85c -v . iM mhin InA .it a.,-L Flnrlrfa nnu f.,i. n t m nu I Lemons. Bunklst. dot. 36o' and 85c AlZ, e1 liuib, 0 IVS SVM i Bananas. Ib 20c! Extracted honey, lb.' .... 26c and 36c Apples, 8tayman Wlncsaps 3.0o' Cooking apples 12.50 ! Apples, Yellow Newtons J3.00 IIUICII MtL'ITS Dates, bulk, 2 lb. 25c Dates, Dromedary 25c Raisins, bulk Ib 18 Raisins, package 20o Cluster raisins, lb. ., 25o Lemon and orange peel 30o Citron peel ...... , , 60c Black cooking figs. 2 lb 35c White figs, 3 lb 35e Table figs lb. 25fl do me any good. At last ft friend told ma to dm and after using a couple of boxes I wbj not the same woman. I lgan to ImI so much batter, ftnd aJter a few mora boxes I ,wm in perfect health. I always rwom. mend thnm in alt ,1 r . . - r- " uinse i Know who are suffering fr0m heart trouble." f Priee 80a. a box at all dragglsU or dealeri, or mailed direct on rtompt of Price by The T. MUburn Co.. LboltwJ. Toronto, Oat affuire f v M .... 1 told jou I. would tome hack after a year. 1 have kept my piomine. IIONESTV, THUTH AND JUSTICE IN AM. .MY DEALINGS llXs l.ETAI.NED FHIENDS AND PATIENTS HEKE. I have tested this friendship anil my patient hate tltl mv kilL cure urrd t ment in all their dental work. I deserve your patronajje. m' While In the south and eaht, I have taken many pef graduate fourw and I am Ltt prepared to take care of your dental needs. Ut? Infected teeth have caused no end of Buffering and decline In fcsallh. Various I hill hllVP til rlfl U'ith lliwir hlnllll run lu Irnniil In Ilia nf4 f ....J L .. ,i " Phcnv 325. ... - ...... a .,..,.... . . imn hi inc inuiti i v ....jn ...w j ,,m U VUiK. I 11V l.ilUT IIIUAk II ltI1IUril III J H IHHj V to come use, to normal. DENTiST Alder Klock. Oter Orme. guire a ihanrt I AM IIEKE TO SEHVE YOU AGAIN. YOUK AI'I'OINT.MENT SHOULD HE M iv ONCE. Y MAIL OK I'HOMi. TWO-DAY SEKVICE FOH OUT-OF-TOWN I'ATIIiVrs. Anesthetics given under the HupervlMon of the phykfrian of Prince Kupe-t n h in the Dominion of Canada. Kemcmber we hate two hcholar.h! here in a tnn of ' Dr. J COME TODAi. os. lYia I'hw.r WESTHOLME MATS TONIGHT ONLY at 7 and 9 Thomas MEIGHAN In TIN The rood link htar in n i rctT iirc.teni.v i"1 UiKe HUcceM, "Six Cylinder Love." WILLIAM POWELU HALE HAMILTON. JOHN II TON, AILEEN IMUNd'Li; HEN EE ADOKLL utid all otur cast. PAcinc lii Krtthl 111 t'ttlK'OI COM El) V 'TONKJirrS THE NKillT" 1'ATIIE HE VIEW. AdmitiHliin SOc nnd 25c Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services from Prince Rupert Ikim, M'rniigrM, Jiiiii-hii. Kkudwii) IH.rimry l. M""" ' ner. Vlelorlu, hrutlle reliniary Martli ll, .I'HIM'KMH .li;ATItlt;l.. .. . liir IliilpH.ilr I, il iina iiiin llt-rnn I a It-. Nil mil. n,r,k f 'iIii.hI.mII I , I p ..! ...... a.u. aiar, Kjtiirilar. II Agrnry fur all Mtruiiinlilu l.liim. l I'1 w. I' niii'ii tun. (Irnrrul tlfiit Corner of 4th turret and 3rd entie, I'rlme ull nrrttiutt"1 Itiirrrl. I-C Iroi"' UNIONjSTEAMSHIPS limited tor ASCOtVi;u, VICIOKIA, bwansoit Ihiy, lJ. etc. upmIs' l or VANCttl Vi:it. VICTtllllA. IliitixUI. Alert. IW?'. f.S'Kii. IhI". lor I'OUT KIMI'MON,'K A KM, ANVUX, HTI.W A ""' ... lnv tl l iir Niii'in lu'ier I'iiIiiU unit Tort HI miimiii, TliurMluy I'-"1.' iiuiiert, 13.1 Xml Atentie. u, M, HMITII. Asent.