turday, March 19, 1927. Waterfront Whiffs Halibut JjindinjCH of Week Unusually LiKht Activity Continues In Itoat JJuildlnKI'oH on Kinahan Island Sheep Ranching Inaugurated Halibut landings at lhi f - - ""' kuicn uunnK me past feek have been exceedingly light due no doubt to the rough weather mi. un m u lew uuvs aifo. nau iiepn nvn n n 4V, riut i i most of the catches h.iv nlnn Loan ,.!,.. i i " mere are many E iries . of , various . difficulties .,., ... outside although, fortunately, there . .. . ...w- wmuun.i, nunocr, were improvea aurjng K, fi last lew davs and a short tlmn nnur ihmiU i..l i .iwuiM cc vuiuic.i turning in eadily ... and . business . . back . to normal. What few boats have sold Cuiie uun.iK me weeK nave rereivea good prices which Is some olttlon. Amrlcn boats yesterdav iched at 16c and 8c and told the to Keep their money, Eere allbut arrivala thla week totalled jp.SSO pounds, of which 106.000 -pounds American run and 64.150 Canadian, Inglng the total landing tor th year ;date to 1,573 J 50 pound 1 .330,500 nnda American and 242330 pound. nadlan, pu. . , . . , . . , ,.v. 5.000; Jack. ca, tw 600: Tahoma. xanoma he highest price for American flsh' lixm. Qnah BfiQn t A 7 .JT . Canadian - Unome. 4.500 pound.: fc Onah k for 800 pound. while the,Br,nt aooo. Mu, C1 be f ? T "7.C. Whlt "T. ' 3.500? Spindrift. ' 1.000: paid on Saturday to the Unom. p.w.. lt0 rt l 4.500 pound. The toUl halibut ip.. p; 4j000. Jj000. M M 'Christopher. 3,000; Johanna, 15.000- ir A itwSS a I pladder Irritation I toon satsd br 1 SANTAL MIDY Btwara of Imitation. ' Look foe ths word "WIOV Sold by all iriifrit sialiatad k L Special furses' Watch We have just Imported these watches for nurses. All the steel parts are made of stainless steel so that water will not rust them In case they get wet. They have a seconds hand for counting the pulse and the movement will run forty hours, so that If winding Is s forgotten for a few hours, the watch will still be running, Prices from $18 to $200. JOHgULCE (LJEwELLEKp lilt STORE WITH THE CtOCN kTHF. PlftNFFR LAUNDRY KIDS LAUNDER SHIHTS i AHOiHIRTWAliTi TOO- R roTriPjTrteystiiifvi a JITE FkCSHAWD McW.-b OVll shirt waist and his Hhirt inuld take a trip to this lnun- ry and return, They will de monstrate to you our expert illlty, our polite manner of srving and our moderate rices, Wo invito you to do this. loneer Laundry Phone 118 DrJ.R.Gosse DENTIST Heljrerson Rlock X-Rny Service. Open Even ings J'hone C8G. ANGER, the TAILOR Suits mnde to or-i.dcr. In our -hop (aa low as , $50 22.1 Sixth Street landing at this port up to the aame date last year wa 3,408.205 pound of which 14)19,700 pound wa from Amir. (can boat and 488.550 from Canadian. Boats landing: catche here during the part week have been a follow: American Wabash, 2,5t0 pound: Akutan. 35.000; Tatooah, 300; Eureka, 10000: N,n. V A IN frnm !"" v.. 4,000; scrub. 2.500; c. & t " ' " 1.400; Point May. JW; Wf, 4, 00. The keel I being laid thl week at the Suga boatbuilding yard for a forty foot seine boat for Capt. Henry Eden, shew of Maasett. The atyle of engine for the boat, which wlU be operated on the Queen Charlotte Islands, ha not yet been decided upon. A soon, a thl vessel I flnlihed the Suga establishment will atart the building of a .seineboat for a dlitrlet nery concern. I Word wa brought In thla week by 1 ipi. Doit prince of the Scrub that th IN THE SUPREME COURT OF IIRITISH COI.UMIMA. Ite l'ltlr: IM IIIUT IIVIIKO-niCTIlIC ( OMIMSV I.IMITI K sale nv oKiTifii" Inr tiii: rot itT TAXE NOTICE that pursuant to the order of Mr. Justices D. A. McDonald dated the 18th day of February. 127. In a bondholders' action Intituled In the Supreme Court or British Columbia between The Royal Trust Company and Prince Rupert Hydro-Electric Company Limited and other, being R.10O2 lttc. brought to enforce the trust of an indenture dated the 30th day of June 1911. tender are Invited by Oeorge Edward Winter the Receiver appointed by an order of this Court dated the 15th day of September. IBIS, and the decree In the said action dated the 31st cay of November. 1916, for the purchase of all the remaining properties and asaets of the aald Company. The said proper- irr urscriDra as loiiows: I. That certain parcel of land and premises altuate in the Province of llrltMh Columbia more particularly described as Lot 635. Range 5. Coast District, containing ICO acre more or less. 3. That certain parcel of land and premises altuate in the Province of British Columbia more particularly de-icrltxd a Lot 1336, Range 5, Coast District, containing 37 8I1IOO acre more 'T less, excepting thereout a imp of land on chain In width measured from hithwater mark. 3. That rertsln nsreel of lsr.d ami Ipremlsea situate In the Coast District Province of British Columbia, and more particularly described as Lot 695. Range ! 5. containing 32 50 100 acre more or ka. 4. Maps dealing with surrey ol drainage areas rainfall and runoff data. deMgna of dams, power plants, trans-(mission lines and receiving station for ;KalU and Khatada Rivers development, and plans of works. ins Receiver is informed that the above lands parcels 1, 2 and 3 were selected bv the engineer of the Prince Rupert Hydro-Electric Company Limited aa being suitable sites for the construction of water power plant. Tenders may be made for all the said parcels together or for one or more separately, Particulars and conditions of aale msv be had upon application st the office of Meters. Riddell, Stead, Hodges & Winter. Bank of Nova Scotia Building. Vancouver, or at the Office of the undersigned. DATED the 2nd day of March. 1927, WILSON. WHEALLER Is 8YMES Solicitor for the Plaintiff, 040 fender Street Weat. Vancouver. B.C. 71 GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT" .(ITK'i: Ml' .UTIJTATiON Voit 111:1:11 Lit i:ti NOTICE 13 HEREBY OIVEN that on he 0th day of April next the underlined ulend to apply to the Liquor Control oard for a licence in repect to premise elng part of the building known as tassett Inlet Hotel, altuate at Port lemrnU, Queen Charlotte Iland. Pro-I nee of British Columbia, -upon the and devrlbed as Lot Five (5), Block orty-four (44), Subdivision of Lot Seven undrrd and forty-Vix (740), Port Clements Townstte, leu Thirty-three (33) ;lret from front to rear on west side of 1 aid Lot. aa shown .on a registered map .or plan deposited In the Land Registry umre at me t-uy 01 i'rince unpen, in ine rrovince 01 urn is n coiumoia. and numbered 1079, for the aale of beer by he glas or by the' open bottle for con-umptlon on the premises. DATT.D at Prince Rupert, B.C., this 1th dny of March. 1027. WARREN SCOTT, B. L. TINOLEY, Applicants. I "GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT." NOTICB Ol AITMCATIOV TOR COS- I NOTICE IS 'HEREBY OIVEN that,, on the 10th day or Aprtrnext, the under-I signed Intends to apply to the Liquor 'Control Board for consent to transfer of : Beer Licence Number 073 arid Issued In respect of premtea being part of a building known as "Central Hotel." altuate at the comer of First Avenue and Seventh Street. City of Prince Rupert, In the Province of British Columbia, upon the land described as Lota Eleven (ll), Twelve (131, Thirteen f IS), and Fourteen (141. Block Ten J10), Section One tl), Map No. 02.1. Prince Rupert Land Registration District, In the Province of British Columbia, from Peter Black to Central Hotel. Limited, of the City of lrlnie Rupert, Province of British Columbia, the transferee. DATED at Prince Rupert, B5 thla IRth day of March. 1927. CENTRAL HOTEL, LIMITED. Applicant and Transferee. Doug. Stork on Thursday afternoon brought his cruiser. Sunbeam II., out of the dry dock where she had been sintering and the anappy vessel Is again back at the Yacht Club floats. She ha had a'tho rough drying out and cleaning and painting which, together with the new engine that has been Installed, sauld well fit her for her arduous duties. XEW Iltl.llll'T !H)T Under command of Captain Andrew Olson, the halibut achooner Electra, newest acquisition to the Alaska fleet. Is now on her first trip to the halibut grounds and will probably be In Prince MJt ML Mill iL W'i n it wmtwBBViri 32 TJXEGY HEWU PAGE FIVB 3 New Slidincf Seats Give AddedCbmfort to NEW LOWER PRICES local halibut boat Ii.ez H. has had b hard time of It outside, losing practically all her gear. The Scrub, being inward bound, lent gear to the Iner H. which. Un in VHtfntav tia1 rnt .rv In port. cpt. Edfkogmo is now In .orumand of the Inez H. which formerly belonged to the Nee brother. Work of resurfacing the Cow Bay road Is proceeding much to the satis faction of the vehicle operators. Aid. Oscar Lanen la foreman of the work on which half a dozen men are em ployed. The city's street roller If being used on the Job. The local halibut boat Eastern Point cleared on Thursday afternoon for her .'irst trip of the season to the grounds, Capt. Bteve Sheen, having been called to Seattle on account of the serious Ill ness of his wife. Chief Officer Jack Olllls sailed aa aklpper oX the boaU est taSM2 Ttie power boat Shams Hans left her berth at the Tacht Club floats on Wednesday In tow of the J. R. Morgan logging boat Mary Roberts for Rivers Bight where she will be engaged In service at the logging camp for the summer. The Mary Robert also had !n tow a scow of lumber from the Georgetown mills which will be used In ramp construction. Dr. R. Oeddes Large waa a business visitor In port on Tuesday, making the (rip on hla cruiser. Sunbeam III. &msBBm TIIC armting amr of frftifmrsti IssorrMratrd h th Mart fcwaiitiful thrtfiulrl la Carvrulrt Kktorjr it oettiaf u wlt-sprtaJ ialrrctt as Uc (It. bc Uauly of Ux tar. Our A Ibe nuat rrnurlaUf tnnutjtioas k the arm ilidir.i watt, is lbs ("krvToirt Coaca t Irsiiue Ikuad ia so U-tf iuur-cyliaier suWwul-ie. TVw tlkliri srsu opnuinf so smootfalr at the uses of s Um Himiiott CbOipirtd tk mily diudaaU(e trrriudn sawciktnl wilh twrh mirli, anrv Xv '' acdaa " tmt vf stun aa9 eiari at "coaJi" 1. Tbr seau alkie fucwaid aod baitvard r s pviallr cunktuct-d nciutsiam and eaaUc pAeoicrs tu eater leive the rear otmmtuuK wnavut frvsl4et puaratm leaving Fostiser uaru.g uupi 65J.O0 655X0 "80.00 Coach Cabriolet Sedan 760.00 8V0.00 465.00 lupert before long. The new vessel Is declared by veteran seamen to be the1 most modemly equipped halibut schooner in the entire fleet. Built with all the convenience of a pleasure yacht, the vessel has the appearance of a neat cruiser. A spacious engine room quarters a three-cylinder 135 horse-power Washing- ton-Estep delsel engine to which Is at- ached an extra large, generator. The boat was built at the Olson and Sunde ahlpyarda at total cost of (30.000. With a 75.000-pound capacity, the vessel Is 73 feet long and has an 18-oot beam. Each of the nine crew members has ample locker space allotment while other minor bunkroom conveniences Include tiut clocks, npalng water and oertect lighting facilities. Capt. Olson, a prominent member ol ' the fishing fleet, waa for the post 10 years captain of the h&llbwter Vansee, which he still owns. The Vansee, at the present time, is ; on the fishing grounds under the command of Capt Chris. Pederson. Members of the Electra crew, well known In the Industry, Include C. P. Drumm, chief engineer, Carl Iverson. assistant, Ole Wahler, mate. Oscar Hult- man, cook, and Kels Brastad. Martin Anderson, Martin Dumphy. Nela Olson and Joe Moss. The halibut boat Caygeon, former!) the property of Capt. Jim Morrison, has been practically rebuilt during the winter at Lewis Island by her new owner. Capt John Wick, and 1 now at the Ward ways for finishing touches, in about a week'a time she will be leavin for her first trip to the halibut banks Halibut boats Selma. Ringleader. Bingo, Jack, Viola and M. M. Christopher have been on the Ward ways during the week for minor work or various kind. lU ll.niMl TWO SKJXE BOATS Two seine boats for the Oosse-Packlng Co. are now In process of construction at the McLean boatbuilding shop. The hull of one haa been completed and the fceel of the other ha. Just been laid. Travel Thrift -w .... - , EVER enquire into the cojt of a trip to Europe? Your own Jiazy estimate is probably an ex-ag.eration. It deters you. To-day on Canadian Service Cabin Class ships the exjn,e ,of thc voyage comes well within the scope of modest incomes. For a surprisingly reasonable sum you can cross the Atlantic, enjoying cosy accommo-dations, delicious meals and attentive personal service the while. If you wish to exercise even more economy, there is also Touriil rAiri Cobtn aipecial das very comfortable, congenial. These bit ihipa a ail regularly down the smooth St. Lawrence to Europe: Athenia", Alaunla, Atcania, Auranla. Antonia. Ausonla. ' Andania, Letltia. CANADIAN SERVICE M ' ftMit and LINES 22 Hasting- Street, W- Vnncouver, R.C. Taa avut cofranirst reWiant b wm indselej af MsvJW lff-meni os the Chevrolet Coac logeiaef oa tae mauneratae other (eatiiras i tlx Mt Beaotiisl Oevruiet ia OrvrUet H-l"y rw, beaatiid fabm Maes milk eauUe beadis; sew, siodiah Uoco cdon; aew radiaur deaifs; arv bail flt -type Itti-lan; and onlJimn: aew, fullrowa iandert; arw cancidealal ir,aioa and sweriaf loU; sew guetm Uak uk suae; aea-A C sir cleaner; sew AC o3 filter, and a aat ol atnrrv. Viwt oar sbowraueia and kvject the car Wa kas revavd sB standards ol valoe la I be low-price field tbe Moat BeaMaal Cbewalet is Cbevraiet Hirtcrv, aeilici at New and Lower f rices uk 1 wweai tur waica uaevroict a ever bam aald Landau Sedan, Roadster Delivery Commercial Qiaasi 930.00 655DO 490.00 Both will be 44 feet by II feet, powered with 20 h.p. Standard gas engines, and are to be ready by the opening of this year's salmon season. The power cruiser, Leila, recently bought by Capt. Jack Cook from Dr. R. O. Large of Port Simpson, Is now at the Cow Bay floats. The veswl 1s being fitted out for general work here. The 32-foot gill netter J. I. has been sold by Jack Ivarson to J. Pendereast and Is now being refitted here for use on the Skeena river this season. The halibut boat P. Doreen. whose owner and skipper. Leo Sandvar, re turned recently from Norway where he :pent the winter, la now being prepared or the first trip of the season to the lialfbut backs. Capt Sandvar, who la mt of Prince Rupert most successful fishermen, brought a bride with him .rorn the Old Country. HI many friends along the water- ront win regret to learn that Mike Mc-CatTery has been confined to his bomt ihls week with a bad attack of ln- luenza. He waa not permitted to receive visitors the past few days. Jack McGregor, who haa been driver :or Albert & McCaffery for the cast three year, left today, accompanied by Mr. McGregor and famllv for Australia They are going to travel via England ana tne Suez canal, having gone out on thla morning, train. Mr. McOregor will remain In Australia which Is hi old home. Another victim of the flu. who has been confined to hi home thl week Is Harry Daggett. Everyone Join in wishing him a speedy recovery. D. B. Finn, director of the Prince Rupert fisheries experiment station, and N. L. Freeman, local rmrewntativ rr he International Fisheries Commission. vere up the Skeena River on the power '"-oat Surveyor Thursday afternoon, tak ing water temperatures, which Information will be used In conneetlnn with ;helr research work. Prince Rupert Boat House mraerWt rachena was down .to Klemtu thl week. bringing' back the Currle phedrlver whlca wai used to dfl,ve the pUes tor tne new cannery ,jhere. v Capt.' Harvey Duma, well known In local nautical circles, has succeeded Paul Armour, who recently resigned as skipper of the mchena. KIM! OF 7.AYAX ISLAND I am monarch of all I survey, My right there Is none to dispute From the centre all round to the sea I am lord of the fowl and the brute. Introducing George Kerr. Klmr of toyas Island and sheep rancher. How do you dot George can tell you that transporUna one nundred and ten head of sheen who, at best, are poor travler. ashore in a dinghy, is a job for a real he-man. in fact, two of them, It la a Job that, as lt turned out, require several day time. converted Into a stock shin, the power tug Vlner, Capt. Jlmmv Thomas. undertook to carry the wooly animals out to Zayas Island. With fenced on her deck and over the pilot house and barbed wire In the ngiu room to prevent them becoming too friendly with tne ganglia, the alieep were flnoJlv loaded aboard and away they went. Sa far so good, but the, dory broke aarirt leaving nothing but sold dinghy. On arrival at Zayaa Island, the sheen showed , distinct llklnz to stav on board and we will say thre was no time for any political argument during the three daya it took to gt those bleaker bleater ashore. However, it wa finally don and the aheen sr. now permanently established In their 1 lew oome. George Is satisfied that he will hava auccess In getting aheep to thrive there out ne is not o optimUtlc about the Utility Express Chassis 645.00 All PrUimat Factfr.Othmm CaeoraaMaf fa aslra Jot Economical Transportation J difficulties that will hare to be over-! come In transporting them hither una thither. In the meantime, George la doing the Roblnsoa Crusoe stunt on Zayas Island. The foxes on the Kinahan Island farm established last fall are doing well says Capt. Alfred l-wanson who Is one of the principals In the new renture. Five acres of land have now been cleared and a seven room dwelling as well a warehouse have been built. Five men have been employed and they are now devoting their efforts to clearing more land. When all plans have materialized, It will be one of the finest fox farms on the coast. It Is proposed to put pigs and poultry on the Island and plum. apple, cherry and pear trees as well aa small fruit Is being planted. The principals in the undertaking are Capt. Swanson, Oiler Besner. Barney Lund and Emil Bostrom, the last men tioned two being actively In charge of the farm and present operations there' on. NAVIGABLE WATER PROTECTION ACT, R.S.C, CHAPTER IIS. MASSETT CANNERsTuMTTED. hereby give notice that it haa. under Section Seven of aald Act. denoslteri with t Minister of Public Works at Ottawa, and ai me oixice or the District Registrar of the Land Registry District of Prince Rupert, at Prince Rurjert. B.c a de scription of the site and plans of the wharf and pier proposed to be built on jib niasseii inaian Reserve, Number One, on Graham Island, Province of unusn uoiumoia. AND take notice that after the ex. plratlon of one month from date of the first publication of this notice, Massett Canners Limited will, under Section Seven of aald Act. apply to the Minister 01 ruoiw woraa at nis oillce in the City of Ottawa, for approval of site and plana, and for leave to construct said harf and pier. DATED 1 Prince Rupert this 2Cth day of February. 1927. MASSETT CANNERS. LIMITED, By tts Solicitors. Williams. Man.ton & Gonzales. NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTEC-t TION ACT. : It.S.C. CHAPTER 11.1 William J. Crawford hereby glyen notice be haa, under 6ect)on T of the aald Act. denoslted wrtH tha Vf inter t Public Works at. Ottawa.', and In the office 01 ine. yuincv jtegistrar -01 the Land Registry District of Prince Rune it nt Prince Rupert, B.C, a deecrtption of the I site and the plana of wharf proposed! to be built In the Portland Canal on: Lot 4607. District of Casslar. And take notice that after the expiration of one month from the date of publication of thla notice William J. Crawford will' under Section 7 of the said Act, apply to the Minister of Public Works at his Office la the city of Ottawa for approval of the alte and plans, and for leave to construct the aald whart. Dated at Stewart. B.C. this ant riav nf March 1927. 77 W. J. CRAWFORD. NOTICE Under and hw wiettia , '(h. riMwuiA. Of Section 28 of the "Min.ral ir-t - nn. tlce Is hereby given Messrs. Malcolm Smyth. Edmund Langla, Harold' Haasen ana Albert Moore, that there U owing u wie unacraignea xor Assessment Work Iperformed on the Cordllla Group of Mineral Clnlma vrtnM.. nmi i.i.h .Skeena Mining Division, the aunt of 1139338. and that unless said persons pay j their proportionate share of the cost of -mv nNmuicitt, hugvinvr wnn an. costs of advertlalng. etc, to the undersigned a Butedale. BO. on or before 1 May 12. 1027. nnnllratinn tvlll h. k- Gold Commissioner. Prlnee Rupert.! B.O., o have tbelr respective interests in the herein mentlemad utntn n.nn a -..' U1UUU v. I- Mineral Claims vested In the under signed. DAVID OORDILLA. JACOB KOSKI. Children's Golds Art test tmlwt ss tamallr. Ckack Ihsm ayarnlftit wlikaat 4aas" t rakktna VKIS avat Ikfwatast (heat at kilma. 'i4aUlfntknll aff crtoio KAIEN GARAGE (Dave Rosh) Third Avenue?, I'rince Rupert, R. C. WHY SPEND ALL DAY . DOING YOUR FAMILY WASHING when it can be done better with an "Easy" in an hour or so. Two sizes. SI -10.00 and $IS0.00 each Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. 255 Third Avenue hones wmOfoup. policv's) tvtKV nANl BUILT ON THEl -su- - SQUARE DEAL 4 When you want fair and square coal service you will do the rijrht thiriir by yourr self in cominit round "lo us." The quality of our coal and our conscientious; service' will give you a cheerful heat-full home this winter. NANAIMO - WELLINGTON and McLEOD RIVER SOOTLESS In Lump, Err. Stove and Nut Albert & McCaffery Phones 116 and 117 "Doners" Phone 27. P.O. Box 327. Come and See our $22.50 Georgette and Silk Dresses 1