PAGE FOLR i iitt. t'.vn ,tn. BRINGING UP FATHER Bv George JVlcivJanus Neglected ET.' .WE. You I No, 0uT I Saw An Altai DtNTY MOOR.E ) Ivan SncKoVrrcH. PLANE Qoinc In That HAT uto HO Wf I -KBlACKSirH. j TlAf 15 A Nty NAM", a I KAV I I Ml. di K a CTlOM Tv 015 A TXT AVf STEfVt 7. Am Asm IV X 'A HAT FtlL On U.t MACrl fiAHt with . y. , UJ r- Eyes cause of most of the ills that afflict humanity. This Is so self evident that It flccma hardly necessary to tell you. If your eyes are giving trouble, have them attended to nd si once. OP ALL absurdities In the kingdom of foolishness, Rlirtlv ttlA Inaa nf - -www v r through neglect Is the most inexcusable. DON'T lose health and efficiency through neglect Come and seel Fred Joudry Registered Optometrist and Optician Room 3 Smith Block Phone 7C3 ttW BWVCtW THAT VOU cAECT1 SAfisov.'si.wptH cah ee beat? Ask the master builders of this town where to, to for lumber and they will turn your footsteps in this direction. They maintain that the kind of woods we sell is the sort that should be put into a building that is expected to live to a ripe old age. Albert & McCaffcry Phones 116 and 117 VELVET Ice Cream THE VERY BESTI Take a brick home tonight! We cater for Parties, Picnics, Dances, etc. Prompt Delivery Velvet Ice Cream Co Corner Third Avenue and Second Street Phone 758 Prince Rupert BOAT HOUSE Phone 381 P.O. Box 15G5 LAUNCHES, SCOWS, BOW-BOATS AND CANOES SAND AND GIIAVEL Equipment for Diving and Salvage Work Agents for Easthope Engines and Stump Pullers NORWEGIAN HALIBUT GEAR IN STOCK Compass Adjusting LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal. Sand and Gravel. We Specialize in Piano and Furnitun; Moving. NATIVE SONS SELECT WOMEN FOR OLYMPICS Lisf'of Trials Set for Canadians Who Wish to Enter i . I TORONTO, June 7. (Canadian Press) -Arrangements are being completed lor the Women's CanadUn track and field championships, ami official Olympic trials which are to be staged at Vanity ! Stadium under the auspices of the Canadian Ladles' Athletic- dub, on Aug. 13. No Individual champion will be ! declared The official list of events for Uh meet Is as follows: (IROl'V 1. Baseball Throw Regulation Ontario softball. Shot Put Best hand, official lakels 8 pounds. j Javelin Best hand, official ladles' jeoo grs. and 8 feet 11 In. In length, j Discuss Best hand official ladles. 7 'in. discuss 1 In. thick, weight 3 lbs. 3 1-5 oz. r.Korr s. CO yards dash. 100 yards dash. . 220 yards (long distance.) tlKOll 3 Running broad Jump. Running high Jump. (iitorr 4. , 60 yard low hurdles (height 2H feet and 4 hurdles.) 100 yard low hurdles (height 2ft feet and 8 hurdles.) Club relay 440 yards (110 yards each.) Open relay 440 yards (1 10 yards oW. In view of the late decision regarding the age limit ruling permission is given to the Canadian Ladles' Club to hold the following special events: 75 yurds dash, 15 years and i. under. 75 yards dash under 15,;' Relay race for registered baseball players. I Junior relay 15 years-and under 300 yards, 75 yards each, f The entry forms for the Champion ship meet are being sent out fcy the Canadian Ladles' Cluh, special secretary! of the meet. Miss Babel Beech, ' IS Orchard Park Building, Toronto. Tfce rulings are: (1) A competitor may enter In three only of the throwing events: (These Include the shot put) le.. Group 1, 2, dashes or long distance, not one each. I.e. Group 2, one Jump, Oroup 3. one hurdle. (2) The maximum number of events In which any competitor may compete shall be 5. In case of a competitor entering five events, one of these must be a throwing event. (3) In Canadian champlonsrllp meets for women, girls under 16 years of age are not Included In the word "women" (baeed on British and International rulings.) (4) No post entries shall be accepted after closing date save In very exceptional cases . (due to distance con flicting meets, etc.) these to be decided by special committee of club holding meet. (5) The International ruling ;haU hold; starter shall give warning only at first false start but shall disqualify at second '() The Interna tional system of scoring shall be used, 5. 3. 2, and 1 points. In ease of a tie see "Handbook of the International A A. ederatlon" page 82. (7) No In dividual championship cup shall be given and no individual champion de clared. A prize shall be given to the championship club. FIRST WIN Last Night's. Was One of Interme diate League's Dest Games In one of the best Intermediate League baseball games played so far this season, the Native Sons of Canada last night got their tint mark on the winning side of the standing sheet by defeating the Elks 7-3. There was a fair attendance to witness a match which was characterized by good tight play. The Elks Introduced a new pitcher, Eddie Raabe. and Alex Sloeomb huled, good ball for the Sons. Fielding and batting was good, a feature of the game being a three-bagger In the second inning by Vincent Meagher for the Sons with one man on bases. Will Lamble umpired balls and strikes and W. E. Wllllscroft, bases. The league standing Is as follows: Vf. L. Pet. Grotto 4 0 1000 Elks 3 3 f .600 Native Bans 1 4 .200 i Qqod eat Clark's Pork & Beans with their excellent sauce are really good. Young and old alike relish this nourishing, strengthening dish Clark's PorlLdBeans Simply heat and serve; save time and money. Said rttrywktrt W. CLARK Limited, Montreal saWBaBMBBMH JO-26 SPORT CHAT The league football situation is shaping up a good deal differently than in cither thtuart Shield or Dominion Day cup series. With two league games so far played, the Qrand Terminals, who seemed unable to get In the money In either of the previous two series, are at the top with a victory, over .the Moose, who were Invincible before,' and a draw with the Regiment The Regiment are second with the draw but all the Moose have been able so far to do has been to drop one game to tfce-. Terminals. Particular Interest will attach Itself to the match tonight between the, Regiment and the Terminals for It will probably decide which team is to be in the running for league honors. While New York Yankees, even this early In the season which Is now Just half over, are practically sure of th American League baaebah pennant, a much more Interesting situation exists In the National League. Pittsburg Pirates' frail hold on the supremacy may be -broken at any time and the it it will be a battle between at least four teams, Chicago Cubs, St. Louis Cardinals and New York Giants with them, for the title. There Is a possibility even of Brooklyn or Boston as- ending to the top of the class. The National League presents a real knotty problem for the dopes ters few of whom seem willing to hazard opinions on the outcome. T The finals of the Tennis Tourna ments run by the Prince Rupert Tennis Cluh provided some of the brat ten-tils that has been had in the dty. In the ladles' finals Mrs. MeMordle was always too strong and steady for Mrs.' Crewe and while the latter always kept trying and at times winning points the result was never In doubt. The men's final was of a high stan dard. In the first competition of the reason and after three or four days inactivity owing to showers the players were not right up to the end of the eeaiion form, but the games were al ways Interesting, with several sparkling " ' D rallies full of good placements, sharp volleys and clever net play. Ryall was alwaya steadier and though hi service I had not the possibilities of OtoeWu s jet he served no double faults. In general court play Ryall 'aa the better, his control was good, his paaal&g shots iii nts optxineui icit Ute net wre Kood that Cubeldu early decided that in play wtu the backliue But Catoi clu's lobs were always too good for It) all. Mid his forearm drive to Ryall 'a buckhand won him many points. Ihe players are to be congratulated on the sporting spirit of the series and j future meeMnga between these two 1!t draw big crowds and provide splendid entertainment and instruction for ine I spectators. INTERIOR CROP OUTLOOK GOOD W eai her lla lleen Very CimhI of Lale and Agricultural (Viitlillon Are I'rumlklng Weather has been fine and crop eoa-Jltlona In the central interior look very promising' states Olot Hanson who oame in from Smlthers on yesterday after-toon's train. Though IU start was later than usual, the season in not very far behind normal now as far as agriculture 'is cviwtroecl. Mr. Hanson, is. as usual, making hi rummer headquarters at Sralthers and Mrs. Hanson and family are In residence at their summer borne at Lake Kathlyn. TERRACE Word wafureoeivcd. in town this week jl the deatfy in Los Angeles. California, if H. M. LazeUe, father of Frank Lazelle. former hardware merchant here, Mr. Lazelle will be remembered by .nany people here, tie and Mrs. Lazelle having spent the summer In Terrace nine years ago. He was eighty-nine rears of age. Mrs. Annie Ross, left on Tuesday rooming for Rons wood. Kalum Lake. She was accompanied by Veiuia OrHj Ruby Downing, and Edna and Jean Dover, who will spend a week at the ike with her. Mrs. T. Souce returned pn Monday ifter having , spent several days holiday n Prince Rupert. Rev. Prof. W. F. Barfoot of the An glican Church, Prince Rupert, Is spending this week in Terrace as the guest of Rev. and' Mrs. T. J. Marsh. Prof. Barfoot will occupy the pulpit in the Terrace Anglican church on Sunday next. Holy communion will be administered at the morning' service. Un. Allen of Honolulu, guest ot Mrs. George Little will be a vocal soloist. ajt tiU-. evening-' service. " , the hospital- WA. held ls -semi monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Von Hees on Tuesday afternoon. The date of the lawn sbotal arranged for at the last meeting was changed to Wednesday evening, August 10, and will be held on Mrs. Oeorge Little's lawn. Work was contnlued lr. pre paratlon for the sale of work being held in connection with the lawn social, A number of local people are preparing camps at Lakelse Lake with the intention ol ependlng as much of the next few week5 as possible at the lake convenience economy; - richness 0 t SliTil! ".""-mil SwttTCNtD UN9WICTCNCO Made in Canada by Ihe makers of Netlli't Baby Food V anted ForJSale For Rent VUH SAl.Z suite; steam heated. Apply Smith it Mallett. LUL tf FOR RENT. PLASTERED HOUSE, SIX rooms and bath. Apply 21S Fourth Avenue East. FURNISHED SU1TE3 FOR RENT. Apply Mussallem Grocery. Phone 18. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET. APPLY Hyde Transfer, Second Avenue. l7 ROOMS FOR RENT. BOARD IF desired. Phone Black 120. tf A'no for." RErfr'.t'.ob'v'Ai: ikmot. walker's Music Store. ROOMS TO RENT. PHONE B78. tt shore. J. B. Colthurst and A. H. Barker And their families are already In camp. E. T. Kenhey and W. II. Bu'Hiett Sre preparing camps. W. C. Bparkea already has a neat little summer home by the lake and M. Monckton's house boat it nearlng completion. With the Improvement gradually being made to the road this lake will undoubtedly attract many more campers each year. Plcknlckers at the lake on Sunday were treated to a very enjoyable boat trip on the lake In a new boat driven by a four horse power Fastwln Evln-rude out-board motor. This was taken to the lake by Messrs. J. McLaren and Couture and on Monday was con veyed to Kltsumkalum lake for forestry patrol work. BARNARDO CHILDREN AMONG IMMIGRANTS QUEBEC, July 7. The first consignment of children In ceiriy two years from, Dr, Barnardos Homes In London reached Quebec aboard the Canadian PiMflcinnefMrtagarhafrorri Liverpool. There were 87 s'ouli 'in the party, comprising 46 boys and H girls, all of them destined for Toronto, from which point they will be spread throughout, the country. The Barnardo Homes last year decided that they would send no more of their children to Canada, but their delion has now been changed and regular parties of children will be sent over here at regular Intervals for the remainder of the year. Advertise in The Daily News i WANTED I WILL SELL AS A OOINQ CONCERN WANTBD- HOUHBWUttK OK NVKsHMCi my sesKllaa4 bualneaa, and rent ofj of any dsaerlpUon cry thoroughly ex-sell partly furnished four loaned tirrlsand eoswesat wwaan. Asci flat with toilet and bath. Medsra Itat over store. A good propoelUoa. Pfcone 714. a r. BrtM. FOR 8 A LII FOUR CYLINDER, 4- Dd M. Daily New Of. CHESTERFIELD. SUITES. DINING room suites.' Bedroom suites. Reat-more1 and Wayaagless bed springs. Axmlnater and Wilton carpet. Dom inion Linoleum. Everything for the window Be surt and call at our store. A. MacKenzle, Furniture, Phone 775. EXCHANGE NEW AND SECONDHAND FURNITURE bought, sold and exchanged. Papa-dopulos and Marrta, 839 Third Ave. Phone 646. tf UKST.U KANT noon kats cwrc Mrs. Unger. Proprietress again personally In charge. xThlrd venue, Neat G, W. V, A. flood Home Conked Meals, . Phone Black 700. KAIEV (nitWIF. Agents for all nr.NKK.u. motors rimnrcTs Another carload of Chevrolet! just In I Prices: Roadster 825O0 Roadster Delivery $825.00 Touring $825.00 uPe S985O0 0oach 965 00 Brttn SI. 075 no Landau Sedan 11,120.00 ' Cabriolet 1,1 00.00 Commercial Chassis $645.00 Delivery Expn-g Chassis $805.00 20 x 4.40 Balloon Tires standard etfulpmen on all models except Delivery Express chassis. Call or phone for demonstration. KA1KN (l.KA(IK Tlilril Avenue rhone S3 TAXI Phone 67 Tuxl '(Call, George,' Paul or Gust) Six and Seven Passenger Stude-ba'kerfl at your dl.iposal any time. KOSS HUOS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block. (Across from Hotel) CN.R. TRAINS , lor the K;it Daily Except Sundays. .10:30 a Jn. From 'he Eatt Dally excep. Tueidtyp 8.80 pan. DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for lest than 50c Articlei Lost and Found, Ac - STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS ltt WANTBD. WOMAN FOR HOOSSWORK few hour each day saeapt Sunday. One msstl to cook. Apply Bus 99, Cycle 90-34 hp. Falsa sssfKM, with Dally News sosii ana prapeuer. hwjw. t Eighteen font copper fastened launch.; cheap. M. M. Stephens, FOR SALE OR R BUT. LOTS 11. 12 and' 13 with store buUdtnga, wanhouses start St ockee. to-Wear Bents LasW FOUND T T'.'TLT0 "iiOUHU. - BABY SlUC KNITTED p;rTp. ABr FOR SALE OR RENT. HOUSE ON FOR SALE. BABVBfJOaY. Fourth Avenue, fAsf. Phone Blue 06. RdWBOATS ,fpil SALE. PHONE RED 33S. 't tt VOl KENT FOR RENT. FURNISHED APART ment by the day, week or month. favi R1 607. tf rOR RENT FOUR ROOM FURNISHED A AUNTS WANTKI) 17 Graham Avenue. Section a. Pre-'AGENTS WANTED TO TAKE ORDSKS ferenee given returned sold leu. Ap ply to O. J. Matheson. City Treasurer FOR SALE. LAUNCH "NANCY," 29 icei. in mat. cuss condition. Bast-hpe engine: 16 h p. 4 cylinders, a. Rorte. Phone 387 or Red SI. If FOR BALE OR CHARTER. 48 FOOT combined fish carrier and tow boat. S7 HP."'A'tias Engine. Handles 7,000 humps. M'"M. Stephens. fOR SALE. ONE O.KRFORD TRUCK motor; One Hiidsea..' mirtor. 176.00 each. Parker's darlger '" tf ! ,1 4. FOR SALE. FIRST CLAB6 v..UE$TATJ. rant. Do not lose your occailcnvf Apply PJ). Box 7JS. tf ff the finest line of Personal Oreet-tag Cards ever shown In Canada. 1 Vagal Art Co.. Manufacturers, 910 Spadlna Avenue. Toronto. AUCTIONEER a. P. BRINE. AUCTIONEER. RESULTS. Pace value Oood Judgment. I buy, seil' or exchange. Phone 774. I'LASTEIMNG ItfcW WORK FROM 65c to 75c a square yard. All material supplied. Repair plaster erk by day or Job. Phone W. Q. Smith. Red 603. 100 uphoi-steium; FURNITURE REPAtRINO; CPIIOL- tterlng of all kinds Chesterfields recovered and nude to order. All work guaranteed. Phone Oreen 60S. ' O. M. HUNT. t'UKXITUKH or Vanroutr Monday s.a. Prince Occi Tusaday -as. Oatala Ttanrxlay as prince Ci, Saturday- a. Cardeua " as. Princean Bea" i a. Prince hupeu July -s Prtnreas Chan. " 13- as. Prlstress Louts " 18- Prlnceas Alice " 90- as. Princess Chari. ".a " 93- as Princess Louise M 97- as Prlnceas Alice " 30 as. pTUweaa Ciiatii j J'ritni Va ni outer Sunday- as Calais . 4 Monday a. prince Charles , Wednesday aprlrtce Oeorce I Friday -as. Prince Rupert lias. Cardena Saturday ss. Prlnfeas Beatj 1. July S- as. IMnosss Louise " II as Prtnreas Alice " 15- aa Prtnreas Charlo " 18 -em. Prtneeas Louise " 99 -as. Prinreaa Alice " 9 as. Prtneeas Chark.i .e ' as. Printess Loulae lor Port lmpMn and Nass Rltrr- Frtday as. Oardens Irom fiirt Hlmpann anil Nsas Kim Saturday aa. Cardena . I'nr AiiTiiVi rlewart, etc. Sunday ss. Cntala s Monday. '.. Prince Charles 4 Friday aa. Prince Rupert 4 i'roni Anyot, Hlraart, tic. Tuesday as. Oatala Princess Charlci 10 :J Saturday aa. Prince Rupert 1'itr Xiirth 0.nren Cliarlnlte Monday as. Princes Charles 4 rriim North (ueen Charlullra Thursday ss. Prince Chsrles 10JC For Sou Hi C(ueen f'liarloltea July 18- ss. Prince John rr, I'roni Smith Queen (hsrlul Ira-July 18 ss. Prince John " 97 ss Prince John . For .llatka Wedneday-as. Prince George 4 July 8 as. Princess Louise " 11 ss. Prtneeas Alice " IS ss. Prtnreas Chsrlotte " 18. as. Princess Loulae " 23 ss. Princess Alice . " 25 as. Prlnceas Charlotte " a sal PrinctMi law I rom Alaoka Woodsy -aa. Prince Oeorge 10.30 tt July 0 ss. Princess Charlotte " 13 ss, Princess Louise i' " 16 ss. Prlnceas Alice A r " 20 ss. Princess CharMte ; " 33ss. Princess Louise i " 27-hui. Prlnceas Alice . " 30 as. Princess Charlotte MAIL SCHEDULE JII.V 1937 For the Kjit (.' I r Mondays, Wednesdays, Saturday? w closes 10.30 I - From the i:nt . Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays. n. due 3.30IJ To I'anrouver Mondays fj S Tuesdays 4.15 j.ft Thursdays y y- Saturdays 8.1.. 1. : C.P.R. Jul; 0, 13. 16, 20. 23, 2 1 From Vnnroirr Mpndayt -. . . Mall due $ Wednesdays .,..... 10 JO Fridays 10.30 C.PJt.yJuIy 8, 11, 15. 18, 22. 25, 39- To Anyot, Alice Arm, Premier ' . .Slmarl Bl""lays mall closes 7 p Friday s pjt From 'Anyot, Allee Arm, Premier Slewnrt-. f Saturdays mail due P 1 Tuesdays' To Nnas Itlver Points-Thursdays man doses p From 'Nana Itlver Points- Saturdays man due To . l.i ska Point July 8, 11, 15, 18, 22. 25, 29. From Al.11.ka Pulnla July 9. 13. 16. 20, J3, 27, 30. To Queen Charlotte Man, I points Lower Islands. Monday. Julv 18. From ((iiren Chnrlolle Itlnnd Point I Lower Islands, Wednesdsys 13, 27. advertise In Ths Daily News