BLd.r July T 1927 1 THE LABEL IS RED AND WHITE ts Goodness NEVER Varies "From Contmtti Covet" C CARNATION MILK it not only J the finest, most completely useful milk you can buy but its high quality b always the same. You can depend on it day after day, year after year. Always, every time, it adds the same wonderful flavor, smoothness, richness, whenever you use it. For Carnation quality and uniformity is protected right from the source to you. We maintain the Carnation Field Force whose sole job la to watch the production of the milk on the farm. The freshest, richest milk only Is accepted at the condenseries whisked rapidly through cooling rooms, evaporators, humogenizers and Into the tins, there to be hermetically sealed fsr deliver to you, fresh and pure as when it left the condensery. Order Carnation Milk from your grocer several tins or a case of 48 tins. Send for a free copy of Mary Bkkt'i L ook Book. Address Carnation Milk Products Comf jny, Limited, Aylmer, Ontario. Carnation Milk Produced in Canada TWO SIZES TALL AND SMALL BARGAINS BARGAINS ut the FORCED of THOR JOHNSON'S ' larp2 tttock of GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING AND FURNISHINGS (JET YOUlt SHAKE OF THE BARGAINS . BARGAINS Very few could afford to do it Only n dru atore with n very lartfo iuritiuti business could afford to maintain our staff of graduate iiharmacists. Our prescription service is simply the result of public appreciation of our endeavor to givv unusual attention to this work. Naturally, those who use this service remember us when making their purchases of perfumes nd toilet ancesories. Ormes IM. Z7hc Pioneer Drtipfisls THIRD AVE. f IXTH ST. TELEPHONES 82200 UcanadianJT 'jnuv Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Kfldilkan, Wrangfll, Juneau, nl SkiiBny July 4. . Ij- To Vanrmnn, Victoria tuitl Knittle Inly . 6' 20' 23, 30-PRINCESS IIKATKICE. Tor nutrdale. East IXIIa ltslla. Ocean Fall. Namii, Alert iwy. Campbell Hirer, and Vancoiner every Saturday, Full ,' Information ";"',,,, from- lrom, Utency for all Ht-an.hlp Line. , . W. C. OIICHAUK. tleneral Aicent. Corner of 4th Street and Srd Avenue. Prlnoe Kupert. Local and Personal BO. Undertakers. Pbane 41. Oet the Wg 4 baMtl When tbtnklDg of a Ttxl. phone 4. U Short rrbuHt H-ke new t Me-Art bur's Kline Store. tf MMa TrcUe- la offering n.ti for WlltMsi Be msw to hare your boat det-uratwa! tor tc Yaeut Club Regatta and win tlim or 10. or (SIM on July 10. j 1M Tht aouiat 1.1 aet lor the Yacht Club All mesnbsta muat run tt? .and buiid In their time on or before July B 150 Onion fresjliier OhUkoat. Capt. J. L 'llHasm was in port late laat nigtn enroute from Btaasait to Vancouver via the Mrawns River wttere ahe la today ns,n saillnc yesterday after uson on the Pttnna Alto tor Vancouver in cluded Mto Maloaejr. I. Oden. E H 0ml Ui. Oapt. Henderson and J. Tupling.) lintriirtlwti In the new Art Craft, "(tew mmI ltalrn llaqHe work. .Aim tttlna atlntlHt. .Art MiHlki. .MS llontftt. Phone IUr4 1M. lot) C. W. Homer, ywwlmlal Meesor. returned to the ettf on the Prlncr tbla morntnc alter a three weeks' trip to varloua Queen Charlotte laland point on ofltctal duties. J. Mctlugb. couetructlon engloeer for the fwhertw department with heed-qua rten at Vaooouwr. la a vial tor in the city, having arrived on yeeterday afternoan'a train from Xakelee Matehery. The finance committee of the Pair Board had a muting laat night, oual-neaa being to make arrangementa for the annual canvaea for subecrtptMma. In thla matter. It haa been decided to eeek the co-operatton of put proaldento of the board. Oeorge E Buchanan. Detroit capital-lat. and party of bout forty have will be bare tomorrow atomlna aboard the Princess Louise enroute to Alaaka. It ts the annual excursion witrch Mr. Buchanan for some years now haa assisted In financing. The araaid oppose the First chosen Iron I ii atrnzies. team to Term! mnljjViotbi jotball lent wUl be rnvthe (Allowing: 6. Ourvlch tirr rtjden. B. Hunt. J 8hns. JBtrschap, D. Ourvlch, J. IjamllUjfAvTHckens. V. Meaghars. Oeo. D4k Howe TV iT CaffrntU. chief forester -for the province of BrtUah Columbia, arrived In the city from the interior on jeator-day afteriicon'a train and will be here for a day or so on official duties. He was accompanied In from the Interior by 8. E. Allen, district forester. Mies Rale)' and Miss Harvey, who accompanied Indian children returning to their homes In Maaaett after atpdliw the Ooqualeetsa Institute at Bard Is returned to the city from the Islands on the Prince Charles this morning and will visit for a week In Port Simpson before returning south. TOO LATE TO CI.ASSIFY HOUSE FOR 8ALE BUILT LAST 885P-tenrtHtr Price 81.400. Cash 8000.00: ialance a .nged Apply 343 Seventh Avsmie West 183 FOR BALE BABY CARRIAGE IN eocd condition. Prone Black 830. ANNOUNCEMENTS Presbyterian Sunday School Picnic to Dlgby. July 7. Prince Hupeet Yacht CBub Regatta, July 10. CN R. Bmpioesxrtcnic Jul 17. BopUat Plcnle to Dlgby, Jul 21. Bt. Andrew's Ptanio, July S4. K.C. Picnic, July 31. Canadian Legion Picnic August 31. ItOUCJH LUMHEH FOK SALE TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up to 20t:i July for 'the lumber piled In yards at Uik. B.C . e-longing to the Skeena Lumber Company Ltd There are about 315.000 feet, con flating chiefly of No 2 Clear Spruce (eo.oooi. No. 2 Clear HcmlocK (3o.ouoi. No. 1 Common Hemlock 1 145.0001. No. 2 Common Hemlock (65,000). Excepting 30 000 feet the lumber Is all rough. Trrnv- Cash Offers to tx- f o.b. yards. Detailed Inventory on anpllcallon to GEORGE RORIE. C.A., 159 Pr.n -t- Rupert. B.C. mm Ifll Makes Delicious Sandwiches Very Nourishing Too . R! mi hiiiisip mima" 'ilium sirl THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE Its bite e a .a.w Danger ie not only throufh tranami. sionolaWaaeeerro. Lut alao by inieo-tion caused by scratching the itch-inf spot. Fly-Tox killa mosquitoes. Wulnotstaia. A Jorthieet Product QUITW vwoutn M e twmnft MK tUl Hut m inaurl SIB SBB SBM asm Mcioa hutntt tf Ra JUiMfta t !' iha 1UA Arthur's TaxL Phone 87J. St Dtatlat. Dr. J. R. Ooaa Phone 688 thy Birch & Oedar. Cameron Tranaler. Thla aftemooae ttatn wUl from the eoet on time at S.M. 1B3 arrive Hyde Tranefer nw agenU for Udy-amttb-WaUuujtoa Coal. Phone 680. tf Free for ail Bweepatake Race win- cere take the potl Yacht Club Regatta. July 10. 139 Mr. L. W. Waugh and daughter. Oencvleve. have left the cttg ter a two months' holiday In Vancouver. Ail accounts agabMt the Diamond Jubilee Oedefcratton Committee should be rendered to the Secretary. P.O. Box XI. before Monday. July u. 1S7 Semi-annual meeting of St. Andrew's Society will be held In the rooms on Friday event n. July 8. at 8 o'clock prompt. Election of officers All mem-fbera are requested to attend. Jack Paulson and Otirls FertUnd were each fined 12. wtth the option of thirty days' imprisonment, by Magistrate aeeOlyrnottt la City police court this anorntasg ter drunkenness. Unfavorable weather conditions caused the postponement" of the Pres byterian Church 8unday school picnic whloh was to have been held this afternoon. The event will probably take place neat Thutaday. J. E. Merryfleld. one of the early business men or this city, who recently relinquished the post of Conservative organliwr for the province of British Columbia to go Into the Insurance bu'ineiw. arrived In the city from Vancouver yesterday. He la on hla way to Stewart for which place he will leave tomorrow night on the Prince Rupert. i FUNERAL TODAY OF LATE GEORGE WILSON l(lli"t In ('hiipel or II.C. t'liilertakers I'ollotveil liy Interment In 1'alrvlew t'emetery With a gathering of relatives and friends In attendance. v funeral rites for jjtbe lata Oeorge Wilson were performed I In the chapel of the .B.C. Undertakers 'at 2.30 thla afternoon after which In- Jterment took place In Palrvlew Ceme-Itsry. The service was conducted by I Rev. J. R. Frhwell. pastor of First Pres-J bytsnan Church, and S. C. Thomson acted as organ accompanist for- the hymns. Pallbearers were Jack Nelson, Oordon Moore, .11. B. Eastman, Oscar Bather, Alex McLrod and George Scott. There were many floral tributes Including wreaths from Mr. and Mrs. A. jOomes. Mr. and Mrs. P. Martin. Prince j Rupert Boat House. Mr. and Mrs. N. ' Missaallem. Red's Transfer. Tom Watts, Mr. and Mrs. Fred RlfToil, Mr. and Mrs. R. Halcrow and Mr. and Mrs. R. Gam mon. WIKELESH ItEPOKT 8 a.m. DIQBY ISLAND. Raining, light southeast wind;" barometer. 30.08; temperature, 56; sea smooth. ' DEAD TREE POINT. Raining, calm; barometer 39.74; temperature, 52; sea smooth. BULL HARBOR. Cloudy, light south east, wind; barometer. 30.08; temper-lature. 64; sea smooth. NOON' DIQBY ISLAND. Raining, calm: barometer, 30.12; temperature. 54; sea smooth; 10 ajn. steamer Prince Charles, pasted In. 'southbound, r- - DEAD TREE POINT Raining, calm: barometer, 29.74; temperature, 60; sea smooth. BULL HARBOR Raining; light west wind: barometer. 30.10; temperature, 55: light swell: 9.20 ajn.ispoke steamer Cardena In Seaforth Channel northbound: M im spoke .steamer Mlna Brea. abeam Namu. northbound; 10 a.m. spoke steamer Prince TJohn leaving Rose Harbor. Advertise In the Dally News ELECTION IN NORTH HURONTO BE SOON OTTAWA July 7 - -WrtU lor the Worth Huron election will probably be laaued vtthln two weeka Hon J C Kllvt' bat left Ottawa on a mlaaion aald to be connected with the forthcoming con teat. chop etrawfeerrica are ripening well atj' " Terrace aceordfc to J, C. UcRae who' mb' hI0U,der has wrrttan friends 1ft the city Inviting them to some up to bis place there for' a feed of therji. Market-prices J ReUB prtcea on tkie iocaj tnarktt to day are as followa- LAKll Pure 26c Compound 30c cans BC fresh pulleU Sic B.C. fresh, tints 40c B.C. fresh, extras 4Sc Local new laid 60s Hsllbut. lb 2t Salmon, red spring Me Salmon, white spring, lb 16a Smoked kippers, lb lie Kippered salmon, lb 25c Smoked black cod. lb 30o rtnnan baddies, lb. 30c Salt mackerel, lb 35c Vatteni salt herring. 3 for 35o Salt codfish fillets, lb 36c Done leas salt cod bricks, lb. . 30r e MEATS Fowl, No. 1. lb 36c Roasting chicken, lb 46e Ham. sliced, first grade 66c Ham. whole, first ,Vade 43o Ham. picnic, lb 23 Cottage rolls, lb 30o Bacon, back, sliced 6Uc Bacon, aide 40c to 66c Pork, dry alt 36c Ayrshire bacon, lb 36c Veal, shoulder 35c Veal, loin 40c Veal, lett 40c Pork, shoulder 33c Pork, loin 40c Pork, leg 40e Beef, pot matt ttftc to 18? Beef, boiling 13c to 15c Beef, steak 30c to 45c Beef .roast, prime rib 10c TIMBER SALE X8947 60c S6c Mutton, leg 40e lamb, leg 48a Mutton, chops 40c Mutton shoulder 80c BITTER Brookfleld. 8hsmrock and Woodland, lb 80c E.CJD.. lb 60c Capital. 2nd grade, lb 46c Fraser Valley, lb r 65c New Zealand, lb 1.., 66c CHttSL , Ontario solids , .... 36c Stilton, lb 85c Kraft 45c Norwegian Ooat 65c Napoleon Llmberger 70c Sealed Tenders will be received by the Minister of Lands at Victoria, B.C., not later than noon on the 1st day of August, 1927, for the purchase of Licence X8947. to cut 630.450 lineal feet of Cedar Poles and Piling on an area on Ferguson Bay. Massett Inlet, Queen Charlotte Islands. Three (3) years will be allowed for removal of timber. Further particulars of the Chief For ester. Victoria. B.C., or District Forester. Prince Rupert, B.C. LAND ACT NOTICE Of INTENTION' TO APPLY TO LEASE L.IN1I In Range 5. Coajt Isnd District. Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate on Lot 103 Humpback Bay. Por-Cher Island. B.C. TAKE NOTICE that F. H. Cunningham. Board of Trade Building, of Vancouver. 'B.C.. occupation ftelmon Broker. Intends ! to apply for a lease of the following de-I scribed lands: I Commencing at a post planted 150 I yards south-southeast of -northeast cor- ner pent of Lot 102. Range 5; thence due south o chains; tnence souw-souineasi lu chains; thence due north 6 chains; thence west-northwest along shore to point of commencement and containing 14 acre, mores or less. FRANCIS HENRY CUNNINGHAM, Applicant. Dated 25th June, 1927. LAND ACT. NOTICE OK INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEA8E LANIl- t'OIt INUIHTHIAL PURPOSES In PrUcc Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Sewell Inlet, Moresby Island, queen Charlotte Islands. TAKE NOTICE that Kelley Lognlng Company limited, of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation Timber Merchants. Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the southeast corner of Lot 471. Sewell Inlet, Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Island, north, 31.43 chains; thence eaat 61.17 chains; thence In a southwesterly direction, folowlng the shore line to the point of commencement, ana con-talnlng 30 acres, more or less. JOSEPH DOUOLAS WIL30N. Agent for Kelley Logging Co. Ltd Dated 29th April. 1927. LAND ACT NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND. In Range 3. Coos Land District. Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate on the south shore of Evans Arm. B.C. TAKE NOTICE that Oosse Packing Co. Ltd.. of 325 Howe St., Vancouver. B.C.. occupation Fnh Packers, Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: CommenclnE at a post planted about 3 chains distant tn an easterly direction from northeast corner Lot 740, Range 3: thence south 10 :halns; thence west 16 chains: thence north to shore; thence easterly alonz shore to point of commencement, and containing 7 acres. more or les OOSSE PACK1NO CO. LTD.. Applicant. Per Chaa. L. Roberts. Agent. Dated April 7. 1927. Victor Process Foi Trot Fox Trot Vocal Walts Records The More We Are Together (Tht Grrnt "Cef Togtthtr Song". Official Anthem of the "Froth Blownf) Nat. Shllkret and The Victor Orchestra Hallelujah! (ram Hit the Deck") Nat. Shllkret and The Victor Orchestra The Revelers Honolulu Moon llllo Hawaiian Orchestra 2 6414 MS ItSH Fifty Million Frenchmen Can't Be Wrong r'n Trot Nat. Shllkret und jlfcM The Victor Orchestra Russian Lullaby (Irving Berlin' Manterpiece) Wslti Roger Wolfe Kahn and His Orchestra Piano Solo r'rank Ranta Vocal (Tenor) t'ranklyn liaut ti-.i; DEMAND 20611 201J Alto the latest lied Seal recordg by (ammi Victor artiitt Victor Talking Machine Co. ! I L-lf tti -L J !V 11' WAYS 1 JP ,w.njma t'Ta. a l i i t Tssssaliiarfa-i af nil i i " Rupert Brand" Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST HKEAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. I'rince Kupert, II.C. DENTIST Dr. J. R. Gosse Helgerson Block X-RAY SERVICE Phone 686 I 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Evening Appointments UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT CENTRAL HOTEL The place called "Home" 120 Rooms, American and European Plan. Hot and Cold Water. Bus meets all trains and boats. Sample Room Phone 51. L. Martin, Manager.'