I t PAGE TWO The Daily News -PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited. Third Avenue. H. P. PULI.EN - - - JlnnaidflK Editor. SF Sunsmuprrio.v-KATESrrf F 7 U takes longer to wear out than to rust out. why married people live longer than single. HEAUTY IN A SEASIDE POOL That is It Is wonderful how beautiful nature is if we only take the trouble to look for it. Take as an example a pool among the rocks at the seaside. The variety of colors there and their blending is wonderful. The varied seaweeds and live creatures tune in with the surroundings, making the most delightful harmony of coloring. Even, the crabs, the sea anemones, the littlcflsh .and pther small creatures all have their part in addiri&to tbt general effect. Yet how many people pass through life blind to these beauties and never caring whether there was anything to see there or not. Some of our figures of speech need to be revised. It is out of date to say a person works like a dog, unless i is to indicate that his scratching is only spasmodic. ALL INTERESTED IN DIG FlfiHT While so few people are interested in the really beautiful and wonderful things there are millions of people who take an intense active interest in the big fight between the former fistic champion of the world and an aspirant for the championship. Also there are millions, possibly the same millions, who are interested in the atrocious colored supplements of newspapers, in street parades with decorated cars and other spectacular affairs of a most crude kind which are the poorest imitations of real art. True, there are fights in nature, plenty of them, and they have an important effect on the lives of the creatures that are supposed not to have within them the power to reason. There is plenty of tragedy there and there are creatures that follow each other blindly just as do thousands of human beings. But from an artistic point of view the results obtained by the so-called higher creatures as the result of what we designate reason are crude abortions compared with the finished results of blind Instinct. No girl can quite understand why her chum married the kjnd of man she did. It was not the kind she would have chosen if she had been the chooser, but she wasn't. STAYING IN DEI) IN THE MORNING How, curious it ls that -so many people do not like, to get up . in the morning. Most people would like to lie for another hour" It does not matter what time they are in the habit of retiring or of rising, more time in the morning seems to be what the average person craves. There are exceptions to the rule but they are few, and usually are found among the older persons. Young people almost invariably crave more rest in the morning, and less at night. That is, they are seldom ready to retire and never ready to get up. And the queer thing is that it is just as easy to rise at six as at eight as long as one takes a proper length of time for sleep, say seven hours each night. Ten hours is much too long for an adult. Henry L. Doherty says: "If we could have one com-, munity that did not have any critics, that is destructive crjtics, it would grow like a weed in the tropics and prosper like a Scotch merchant in a new mining camp." The whole femily enjoys SHREDDED WHEAT Crisp and tasty for any meal A real treat quickly prepared With milk or cream or fruits production. The Oaucho." One of Fairbanks' leading ladlea of the pro STREET SCENES IN NEW YORK People Taken Unconsciously In "Orchids and Ermine, a Story of Telephone Girl Scores of exterior scenes were taken In New York, streets for Colleen Moore's new picture "Orchids and Ermine'' which Is coming here at the week-end. Masked cameras operated from the screened windows ot bakery wagons, taxi- cabs and store windows aided In captur ing the acenes in which thousands of rehearsed the scenes before going to the various busy Broadway and Fifth Ave. centres where the actual filming took place. While the "shooting" waa going on. there was no sign of director, megaphone, cameras, reflectors or other para phernalia that usually adorn the spot Where motion pictures are being, made. As'tne script required, the various players craned to be a part ot the crowds with iftbich. they mingled. .MrCOUVIU K I'l-KASKII "It la the most successful feat of Its kind I've seen" said Mcpormlck, general manager of west coast production tor First National and producer of the Qolletn Moore starring picture. "A great deal of credit belongs to Direcor San-tell and Cameraman Van Enger and their assistants." "Orchids and Ermine" Is the story of a little telephone operator's experiences at the switchboard of a huge New York hotel. TOSS OF COIN DECIDES WHAT IS TO BE DONE Oiid Have Me 2r Is Story of New Orleans Mardl "Cras" New Orleans during the Mardl Qraal ! Crowds run riot. Street parades. Beau-i tiful floats. Grotesque figures. Confetti. I juuk, isaucing. faugncr. .jmngua. Noue. Gaiety. Mardl Orasl, There you have Ihezjbac k ifptf n 4 against which HerberBrenbbsii Mi faithfully transcribed 'a story of fhebew Orfeans Mardl Or as, "Ood Qave Me Twenty Cents." A ship has docked and the men have joined the merry-makers. Up the street, laughing, singing, shout. j Ing. They pause before a restaurant. iSeelng a shy little girl waiting on table, j the mob'a leader runs In, takes her In j his arms, enthrones her on a float and 1 they continue through the town, j It Is late when be leaves the child , at her door and It Is the first time either of them have ever known what It is to love. Five days pass, six and they are married. She. of the pensive look; THE DAILY NtVVA I ..Jggfe;' Movie News Notes Devoted to the doings and uyingt of those who entertiinthe public caawdyV'"' he. ot the roistering !uior"crJw City DeHvery, by mail or carrier, per month 75 constructors m -My Best ow." bar I The seventh uy By mail to all part of the British Empire and the .United Stales, In advance, per year To all other country, in advance, per year Insw torn. Transient' Display Advertising, inch Insertion per per H-MJthat -sj. 0iri- in iu Transient Advertiiui onjFront Patre, per.Jnch r ' fcnSOWon rP contrast with u Loral Readers, ner Insertion nr Hnp r.. : A. .. . : S !?R.mu Sparrow.' her hr it teat oictui picture. Classified Advertising, per insertion pf C.winli .; . ' .2 Legal Notices, each insertion per agate line ".15 Contract Rates on Application Member of Audit llurcau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Monday, July 25, 1927 VKJOROUS ACTION IN 1RKIAND The Irish. Free State Government is taking vigorous action for the purpose of protecting the present constitution and preventing the efforts of the republican minority to force a form of government on the country which the people by their votes have declared that they do not want just now. The powers being taken by the govern-men through the Dail are very similar to those taken by the government of Great Britain when Ireland was a part of the United Kingdom, but the great difference today is that the country is now wholly self-governing and independent except that they acknowledge the same King as Canada and Australia, South Africa and Great Britain. No reasonable person could think well of a government that insists that girls wear dresses down to -their, shoetops. That is what the Mussolini administration orders. ..'"'' CONGRATULATIONS TO MEDAL WINNER Congratulations are in order to 'Archie Thompson, the winner of the Governor-General's bronze medal for being the best student in District Ten in the High School entrance classes, to Mr. and Mrs. James Thompson on having such a son and training him, to the teachers vho have all the way through the grades been responsible vforhis preparation for the examinations, to the school which is hon ored by him and to the city in which he was born and reared. It is to be hoped that the winning of this medal will be but the beginning of a famous career that will extend throughout his life. be revived. unsuspecting New Yorkers took part. Not .shouldn't even the policemen "shot" knew It I Miss Moore, Mulhall and the others The boat la i Timothy Wtulttt and Allan I about to ltav harbor lie aces to a The dlrectcr of "My But cat to say goodbye wforr returning i Bim Taylor, who mad tour fcr a laat word wish hla waft. Cassfc' Harold Uoyd comedies. Miaa Ptckford j enters. She la hard, hard aa eei; tin herself la authority tor the statement j steel bends, 'and ha U the oaly otr hlhuity wllvr te enter her neeri. ie nwn the natttoa ot I married, and folnf away. 8hr wants. ' . mw. Dr to o nw nan. j nally. before all hu fellow, ahe darea Douglas Fairbanks acted aa beat man him to match hla luck against nan. at the wedding ot an Indian at tne . Shell toaa two dunes in um air. saowa United Artists Studio during the paat both show beads. Cassle goes. If not. week. The groom waa Crla Martin, a . the stays. Yjiqvl. and the bride waa Julia Rod-! rlgues. Aa a wedding present. Fair banks gar Msrtln a role In hla new THE POTTERS COMING WESTHOLME TONIGHT duction. Lupe Velea, acted aa Maid of Honor. Martin l an educated Indian "The Potters." those comic atrip char- nd baa planned to make pictures actera of J. p McEvoy. have finally among the YaquU. lie baa already made reached the a liver acrten. W. C. Fieids' one or two ainall film with Indiana new and extremely amusing Paramount aa aotoea. , comedy cornea to the Westholme to- , night. It la the consenaua of opinion It develops that John Barrytnores that this picture carrlea Fields another new picture will be released under the run; higher an the ladder of fame, title of "Tempest." la a modern story Opening In a typical American home, of Russia at the time of the Revoul- are met Ma! Pa. BUI and Mamie Potter tlon. It la expected to furnleh Barry-1 One Immediately knows who Bosa a more with an exceptionally strong andl p& merery "reads th motto on the colorful role. wall "Ood Blesa Our Home." and ' 1 sighs. Complications arUe when It la M ri'Oltr lU sl l lt KILtTON i disclosed that Pa dlsapprovea of Mamie's Ernest Torreuce baa just been signed friendship with Red Miller but aa time n the chief supporting role for Buster jjces by discovered that Pa lsnt nearly fCeaton't next comedy. "Steamboat Bill." i j atnuentlal aa he'd have us believe pad which w ill follow the comedian's I instead, he's merely a hard working OoUege." Torrance, perhaps the stenographer. Suddenly. Pa determines scrteo'a most versatile character player, will play a straight comedy role. WKEK tT TIIKtTKK. Monday and Tuesday "The Potters." Comedy: "A Second Hand cuae." International News. vvnlnexld) anil ThurMluy "Qod Dave Me 20c." Juvenile Comedy: "My Kid." Aesop's Film Fables. Ex- Friday anil Saturday Colleen Moore In "Orchids and Ermine." Christie Comedy "Cool off." Pa the Review. I ;i 1 to step out of the rut by plunging aU his mortgage money in oU stocks. How he sinks deeper and deeper, only to atagger out and finally find himself going , around In circles, provides a satisfying 1 climax and one which contains a superfluity of laughs. Man in the Moon THE neanest man I know la the on who tries to "roast" a neighbor by sending an unsigned tetter to the editor. SOME one wants to know If when rabbit skin skirts become fashionable thla coming whiter, the bunny hug wdl IT'S pretty hard to be religious in this weather. Jake says he's saving up his dimes for the church collection in the fall and he hopes he don't have to spend them before the time comes. i ' . THERE were false prophets who said there would not be any summer this year. ONE thing that won't get you any where Is selling your car and buying a house. ITS too .bad to think we now are to have another selge of Dempeey-Tunney propaganda In the sports columns of the newspapers. ARCHIE Is all right, even If I do say it myself, being a neighbor of his and I WISH my name was Archie And I could work and play And sometimes win a medal bronze And then a hero stay. GREAT NUMBER CEDAR POLES CEDArvale. July 2S. Driving cedar poles on the Skeena to the loading slip has been commenced and a boom has been strung across the river here tc catch them as they come down. The Hanson Timber Lumber Co. have the neatest lot of cedar poles on the banks of the rivers this year that has ever been cut in this district. There are three driving crews this season and at Cedar-Tale there wUl be two loading crews. Orders hsve been placed with the railway for at least thirty flat cars a week for '.he entire shipping season. In addition to more than a million lineal feet that will be shipped from the Cedarvale yards there are many carloads to go out from other points along the line with New Hazelton as the biggest contributor. At that point several cars a week hsve been going forward since the winter and there are many more car loads to be brought In and loaded. , NEW HAZELTON 41 . Iff A new church Is being erected at Old Fort Bablne by the natives and will be ready by the fall. Locating Engineer Whittaker of the Provincial Public Works ' department Is endeavoring to locate a new site for the new bridge over the Bulkley River to replace the high level bridge at Louis Hanson, an old timer of the district died In the Hazelton Hospital on Friday morning. At the Hazelton Public School meet- Riding is Like Flying You can never forget hU thrilling difference from all other transportation' s, indifference to road condition. Silky mthne. In nil performnncc. Hiding in lne t Super-Six is actually like flying. The dramatic appeal of a single ride U the bnl or the greatest Rales in our h, tor You try thin totally new experience In motoi lng. ; TIIKUE AHE FIVE IlEAnHUL NEW MODELS IN THE ILSSIIX SUPEU-SIX CHA t THE (JKBATEST VALUES IN ESSEX HISTORY. ing Improvements to the school bouse were authorised. The trustees are Mrs. Anderson, R. 8. Sargent and Wm. Grant. Miss Hilda Spooner of Bmlthers waa home for a couple ot days during Jt week. j Mrs. Oharles Bunn of Prince Rupert la enjoying a holiday at Vanaradal. Mrs. Reld of Prince Rupert Is a guest r of Mrs. O. T. Sundal. ALICE ARM The Board of Trade has decided to make a good exhibit or ore at the Van .ouver exhibition. The Keystone mine has commenced .vorklng two shifts dally. J. Nick Is back from the Atlln coun-ry where he trapped and provided ."or fsdd. Advertise In The Dally News CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS TKXDKKS t'OK TKAOK TIES Sealed Tenders addressed to the undersigned and endorsed "Tender for Track Ties" will be received at the office of the Oeneral Tie and Timber Agent Canadian National Express Building. Montreal, until twelve o'clock noon. August 1st, 1327, for Railway Ties to be manufactured from douglas fir, hemlock. Jaek-plne, tamarack and cedar timber cut between September 1st. 1927. and May 1st. 1S28, and delivered between January 1st, 1928 and August 15th. 1928, f.o.b. cars Canadian National Railways, In accordance with Specifications S-3W-U revised July 15th, 1S26. Tender forms may be obtained at the office of the Tie Agent at Winnipeg, and from the Purchasing Agent,' Vancouver, or Oeneral Tie jnd Timber Agent. Montreal. Tenders will not be considered unless made out on form supplied by the Railway Company. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. a. P. MacLAREN, Oeneral Tie and Timber Agent Montreal, Que.. July oth. 1927. LAND ACT. S)TirK OF INTENTION' TO AITI.Y T I.KASK UM), In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Coast District, Range 4, and situate on and being all of Bonllla Island except that portion occupied by Indian Reserve Number 18. TAKE NOTICE that I, Ole C. Austad. of Prince Rupert. B.C.. occuDatlon rancher, Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: ! Commencing at a post planted at the' southeasterly point of Bonllla Island: i thence northerly, westerly, southerly and I easterly, following the sinuosities of the , ohore line, to point of commencement, 1 excepting therefrom that portion of the' island occupied by Indian Reserve No. 18, and containing one thousand acres, more or less. OLE C. AUSTAD. Appticant. Dated July 15. 1927. NOTICE LAND ACT OK INTENTION TO APPLY I 4 .,.S1t. In Range 4, Land Recording District of Prtnoej Rupert, and situate at Barnard Cove. Princess Royal Island. TAKE NOTICE that the Mlllerd Packing Company Limited of Vancouver, B.C.. occupation Salmon Canners. Intends to apply for a lease ot the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted alongside post marked N.W. L2573; thence southerly along high water mark 20 chains, more or less, to a post marked S.W. L2573; thenea west to low water mark; thence northerly along low water mark 20 chains, more or less, to a point west of the point of commencement-thence east 50 links, more or less, to point of commencement, and containing cne-quarter acre, more or less. MILLERD PACKINO COMPANY LIMITED, Dated June' 16. 1927, ApP"C,nt EX Super-Six THE SUI'EU SIX I'lMNCHM E AMAZINGLY HEVEALEI) . - 1'IUCKS Five Passenger Essex Super-Six Sedan, complete, fully equipped .. SI.HGO Five Passenger Essex Super-Six Coach, complete, fully equipped .. .SI,Uf. Five Passenger Esex Super-Six Coupe, complete, fully equipped 81 ,.! Hudson llrougham. complete, fully equipped $-,(U." Prince Rupert Auto Co. Second Avenue. Opposite Itupert Hotel 00 (Ml (Ml .00 Phones I ; end CAMP -FIR! PERMIT This year it is necesjary to have a permit from some Forest Officer before any camp-fire may be set in any forest or woodland Be sure to gt a pernrt for your camp-fire and follow the instructions printed on the back of it BRITISH COLUMBIA FOREST SERVICE PREVENT FOREST FIRES YOU CAN HELP DENTIST Dr. J. R. Gosse Helgerson Block X-RAY SERVICE Phone 686 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Evening Appointment' FOIl KENT Johnson's Electric Floor Polisher $'2.00 per day Let us know the day you want it' Kaien Hardware Co. I'hone 3