I HE PIONEER LAUNDRY KIDS VV DO HIS C6U.ARS UP SO FINE TH&R WORK FOR MINE B ' 'old him about thin she told him that we 1 t hirtwaint and her thiiiK in a delightful . I t,-n he went us a ti i f u dozen collars. I -he ajfree that thin is .iifidry. Pioneer Laundry Phone 118 Ladies Hose si Mi TO TUB TOP i r Silk, in all colors 3 TO THE PAIR Special $2.50 The Louvre 31 C Third Avenue Next Itnynl Hank REMEMBER For Muntreal prices on Clothing for Men & Boys Don't forjet the Montreal Importers Third Avenue J. H. Miller - Proprietor Canton Crepe DRESSES from $12,50 Smart little WashD resses sizes 7 to 16 From $1.50 to $2.25 BENT'S 'A DIES READY-TO-WEAR Third Avenue MILK PRICE Reduced to 12 pints for S1.00 7 quarts for $1.00 12 pints for $1.00 Cash price tickets. McBride Street store now closed Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy - 11th St. Telephone 657. WORLD PEACE -j BY EDUCATION ' AIM MEETING Crrat Object of Educatlonf,! (atherins nt Tnronlu U World Brotherhood TORONTO. July aV- (By OaJaadlan Press) A great nUMTteg i. salons! laud point to Um Ltal wilwurt of Um World pro-1 sssksjsd oasti- i filiation i ut niwbo Aaa:laliuii. WWM WUI ! bring to Toruuiu about g.ooo ssneatlon- , 4 iron alt over the world Mm August 7 Mid 13 But the aunt Impor tant aspect of the bug coaferwwa i. it uuofftcimi aim lb lurlswranc of world peace through education wiu practically every nation In the world fepraaen-uL the Importance of the meeting m Um quest for universal peace to ofcotous A aoMBrtbenslv prugram of ubjcu nr dtoeuaaton baa osen prepared, but dues Uou 1st of ail the natioua that will be represented an- looklufl beyond Um iftaaajy professional aspect of the conference to tb InSusnce of eduoa-tton an tbt aftaira of the world. "I look on thla federation aa a uiesaa of prssaottng world peace through education." aaya P W Uoidstone. gea-eial secrvtsry of the Brr.ish National Union of Taachera. "and the fact that the ida bad lu birth in the United States to. I think, particularly slgnlfl-cant when It la remembered that toe United States to not a member of the league of Natlom." The program for the conference lnc-cludea dftnuaHona on the training of teacher, oare of the young, illiteracy, and the ralationahlpa of education to International peace In vartoua aspects. Bry phaae of education wiu be dto-cuased. including pre-school. elementary, secondary, higher, adoleacent and adult education. "World brotherhood through education'' to. in fact, the keynote of the contentions la the worda of Augustus O. TIMBER SALE X83I7 6ealed Tender will be revived by the MUi later of Lands at Victoria. BO, not later than noon on the lit day of August, ism. for the purebaaa of Usenet XMil, to cut 630 496 lineal fewt of Oedar Pole and Piling on an area an Ferguson Day. Muarit Inlet, Owen Charlotte Islands. Three 3 jreere wUl be allowed for removal of timber. Further particular of the Chief Por-eater, Victoria, DC. or Dkrtrlet Forester. Prince Rupert. BXj. TENDERS WANTKI) Sealed Tenders addressed to the Secretary and marked "T&ider for OH Burner" will be received by the Beard of School Trustees, covering OH Burner, and -task with capacity ol 3.000 tlsllons. Inetalled In the Booth Memorial School. untU t o'clock p-m. of Wednesday. July 37th. i en The lowest or any tender not neess-rurlly accepted. J. L. CHRISTIE. Secretary. LAND ACT. notick or intkntion to .tri'LY to l.iasi; ..Mt In Queen Charlotte Island Land Re- eordln Dlatrlat of Prince Rupert, and situate at the bead of the south arm of De La Heche Inlet. Moreabv Island. ! TAKE NOTICE that Brltlah Columbia 'Fishing & Packing Co. Ltd. of Van couver. B.C.. occupation Parkers, Intends to apply for a lease of the foUowInf aeacrioea isnas: Mi head of tbe aouth arm of De La Doc tie Inlet. Moresby Island; thence wxith 3 chains; thence eaat 30 chains: thence north S chains, more or leas, to high water mark; thence west along high water mark to point of commencement, and containing 10 irm. more or less. BRITISH COLUMBIA FISHINO & PACKINO CO. LTD.. Applicant. Dated June 10. 1927. v REDUCTION in Prices 15 per cent off for two weeks only Come in and inspect our stock . T. LEE LADIES' & GENTLEMEN'S TA1L0K Third Avenue P.O. Dox 977 Prince Rupert Supply Co. 214 Fourth Street Stocks kept of Belting, all sizes Electric Umps Babbit Metals Solder Rubber Hose Rubber Heels at wholesale prices Phone C8. P.O. Ho 772 scrvlccl 1 y" " ' 'Hi "v mm Repeat Orders The but evidence of satisfactory arrvke is the number of enpanie who. after using one iairtianki Morse Diesel Engine, nave sent us repeat order. Fairbanks-Morse Dlciel Engines ore noted for their re-taWity. economy and long life Two stroke simplicity with airless injection of fuel. Novalvei to grind; no complicstrd valve rockers, to keep in adjustment. Uets low grades of fuel oO. Excellent rnantruvrring quail ties cat light loads and alow preds. Fairbanks Morse Diesel Entuies are made in the following sites: 20 h-p. 2cyL 40h.p. -4cjl. 60h.p. 3 cyL 80 h p. 4 cyL 120 hp. 4cyL 120 h. p. -ficjL 180 h p. 6 eyU 240 h-p. 4 cyL 360 h p. 6 cyL 480 h.p. 4 cyl. 600 h p. 5 cyl. 720 hp. o cyL r2ht CANADIAN Faiibanks 'Morse, COiPAtiYllUUt 7M B.ally St., VanoMiMe, B.C. CW. JoKsmmi A Broad SU., Vic tar la, B.C. 7l Wfc. , j . M . 1 THE DAILY NZW3 OPERATION OF EIGHT HOURS DAY SUCCESS Hoard Male Second Annual Re port on Operations in Urili.h Columbia MANY WOKKEILS AFFECTED Act N Flexible Hut Few Com-plaint.H Have iUen Hcjard to ItH Application In revlewteg tbe second year of the cperaUaa of U Hours of Work AM la tbe Province Of British fM taw Board admtslsterini; the Act. which constats of J. D UcNiven. ehalroMa. T. P. Patersan and F V Foster, states that the Act bis been of cnetUMt bfe-fK to many thousands of worker whose hours of labor it has matenaUy reduced, aad Us it has been, gesxeslay apvaklng. Wry loyally cbaarved by Ukoas In eootrol of industrial oparatsons throughout the Province. The report of the Board, which has been preaeated to the Hon. A. U. Man-son, mlnlattr of labor, reaalla how. al tbe tfane of tbe pauing of tbe act. It was pointed out that rirrimnlcam wluas workers ware able to build up strong organisations of their own were not likely to be affected greatly by Its provisions, as they had. for the most part, secured an eight hours' working day by their own effort In some of the leading industrial however, the case wss different, and li.ng working bouts sere extremely prevalent with large twvtlA A HttAmnlMH T applicable, and Its administration during the past two tlon. The Droirram Includes addreaaes bv I . . hours, , . . lJCIr iKwrs ox la Dor reprcMntatlves of all the leading nations, among the speakers being Dr. E. W. Kuo of China, vice-president of tbe Federation and president cf southeastern University, Shanghai; Frank W. Ooldstone and E J. Salnabury, England, and many others of tbe delegates pqrtant degree. COMPLAINTS In a very lm- IXIV ConrplalaU of non-observance of the Act hare readied the Board from time to time, slthougfa. taking Into account the diversified nature of our industries. n1 the very wide area over which they The World Federation of Eduction Zr Z sld ?T .W' rJT Associations was organlaed at Sn Fran- ln1' IOT 01 th,t tllth 1 wn ' t rm fpe. " ?Z ! the Act has meant a real reduction in ctooo in 19M the first biennial confer- . i. eiaoo in trte iirst oienniai comer- ; quent than might have bean expected. ... . . , , enca being held at Edinburgh. Scotland, investigation Into their csum. ha. been 7f m julv Much of Dractleal value T7.v v , , .w. w .' r from the ,,mhi lumbering Industry there to an average reduction of 3.15 was aceamnltohed at that rneetln. which v.- .k- . LnANOAICA FISHINO It PACKINO CO. LTD, Applicant. Fred Naah. Agent. Dated June 27. 1927. LAND ACT NOTICE Ol' INTKNTION TO APPLY TO LKASU LANH In Rang 5, Coast Land District, Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate on Lot 102 Humpback Bay, Portlier IslanrL H C. TAKE HnfcE -that F. H. Cunningham. Hourd of, Trade Building, ol. Vancouver. B.C.. occupation Salmon Broker intends to apply for a lease of the following ' 4-srrlbed landl: - ' . Commencing at a post planted 150 yards south-southeast of northeast cor ner pent 01 ixi luz, luage o; uiencc uu (south 11 chains; thence south-southeast 19 chains: thence due north 6 chains: thence 1 west-northwest alone shore to point of commencement and containing 14 acres, mores or less. FRANCIS HENRY CUNNINOHAM, Applicant. Dated 25th June, 1927. IN PRORATE. IN' THE SI I'll KM K COI KT OF HKITISI! COLUMBIA In the Matter of the Administration Act; and In the Matter of the Estate of Harry Charles Campbell Black, Deceased. TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor, F. McB. Young, the 16th day of July. A.D.. 1927, I was appointed Admin latrator of the estate of -Harry Charles Campbell Black, deceased, and all parties Having claims against tne said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 16th day of August. A D. 1937. and all parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. B.C. Dated the 16th day of July, 1927. LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LKASF. LAND, t In Coast Range 4, Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Captaln'a Cov. Pitt Island. B.C. TAKB NOTICE that Ooase Packing Company Limited, of Vancouver, B.C occupation Packers,, intend, to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the northwest corner of Lot 1253. Range 4; thence south 5 chains: thence west 5 chains; thence north to high water mark; thence easterly along high water mark S chains, more or less, to point of commence ment. and containing 3 acres, more or lew. OOSSE PACKINO COMPANY LIMITED, Applicant, Dated June 13, 1827. ' V Statu W WZ W t VJ -Sl . (H tk. --i,. a-.... rt-AM af 1a.ruu ana skau atavtsssula ' 8" nations and WO associations. OI comnlamt were " found to aalst there r' 71 , . Builders- Matertols. The other changes has been little difficulty In having mat- , , " ,-., ,v,. f Vtoltor-Wno Is the responsible m.n'ter. put ' right. Tbe amount of friction "" !f T , ,., i . . to m incrtase of 8.49 hours weekly to in tots firm? Jor misunderstanding in the working of .., ., . ,, Beflnlng it ahouW be noted . . group, An. rvt rtant knn. who th. r-'.v w w pon,e party to but I ,m & one ml Z W whTal;,. ' get. the blame.-Strsy, ' " ll.i:.CTllll.lTV region pf.ftls. wl the operation. , sr in the nature of things both eeason- LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND ' r,U",TO""'1 u .1 .nrt Int.m.tM.nl .nd In wtaleh It hour, working day for all worker. In mt to tu(t upon , 1 .11 Industries st all times, was clearly 'not contemplated by the Legislature, i which expressly permitted s large I amount of flexibility In bringing the Queen Charlotte Islands Land Dlatrlet. principle of the- legal limitation of Land Heeordlng District of Prirtoe Bu- . ,,., Trkln hcu" ,nto oon8n: M. tn pert, and situate north of Lots 1658 and 1687. TAKE NOTICE that The Langara Flah .a a-s. t n tl.s.slt ns. changing needs of Industry. Tbe Act Itself contained qualifying clauses with Mon'r. in.V.'n.VVor. J In view, and also empowered rtrlct interpretation of the Act. SADDLE MINE HASTINGS ARM lease of the following described lands: the Board of Adjustment to frame uch . . . . , Commencing at a post planted twenty exemptions to the operation of the Act. Property Being Developed by hil- north of Yan Indian Reserve and . . . . phalns , . Cmi Mlnpa I fit nml th and ter Cresl L O. ana as permanent temporary, -"nes on tbe shore cf Mclntyre Bay: Uience north 5 chains to the low water mark, might be found necessary. Permanent Showing wood thence westerly following said low water exemptions have been provided for to ' lnc?ir?rTw ""K which The .haft being sunk on the Saddle the mi regul.tlon. Issued by the board, cfcmence'. Prty at Hasting. Arm continues In a more or less general application acres, more or lews. in the Industrie, to which they relate. 8"" "rc r- "u Temporary exemptions are those al- ,n chr of. operations say. the Alice lowed by the Board from time to time. Arm Herald. ' At tbt where the shaft was Pnt to meet the requirements of Individual enployer. in period, of unusual .treos commenced, the ore on the .urf.ee was ' 18 tncne Th shaft Is now down or emergency. been'20 the veln vrl ln wWtn During the year 1926 there have feet- and trcIa 13 lncn ntlr dlg-granted. " 176 of these temporary exemptions the majority having been In tDce- the interest of those engaged In one' character of fee ore Is a high branch or another of the lumbering 8Jna carrying solver, gold and Industry. i copper values. . The quarts on both '.Where the ground, upon which ap-!1. Jso 08 "7 food value., filiations for exemDtions were made' The ore vein ha. been exposed on tne appeared to be unreasonable of InnitA. , tt,rWe 300 clent. such appliAflons hate riot been acceded to. DurlnJilA--paslieSBy' deflued tria numerous two application, were refused by the " """" nx..,. Board. ' .1 i . " ! The high Dlgu grade, grauc, which Is IS on oil SIIOHTENED WOKKDtY That the Act has resulted ln a con slderable shortening of the working day for those who formerly used to be employed for an excessive number of hours, appears to admit of doubt. tllic hanging wall side of the velli i varteg WW m width from 3 feet to a few Inches, the average width of what has been exposed is about 14 Inches. It presents every Indication of going to a great depth, and development work will be Mmc.iitA with all nstaslHfo wuwH Th. Abundant proof of this Is to be found - ' 'u. vein Is on the contact of the granite In the details ,.n.. a. to working w hours . . ... 1. . ,,,. . .J and greenstone, with " greenstone form- which went collected by the Depart- , . , . , , "C" . ' .I.!: . 6 granite forming the footwall. I the past year. This ha. permitted of a . , . , . . . v. . The Saddle property " la at an eleva- compa risen beln gmade between 1924,' . . . , ..... ! .? . . ,Mon of 4,000 ' feet, ' right above Hasting, i itJ the year before the Act became oper- . . . . .B. ., . , . ... . 'Arm. ' and a tramline can be constructed' atlve. and last year. In nineteen of the .t . . ... ...... . to tidewater, when ore shipments com-1 twenty-five - Industrial groups .t there to a . J , . .. , , meace at a small cost. It 1. ideally . V a 7 loctted for civtp mining and shipping 1 vyHr" ore. f sxrvtswf sltW mntatn a wnMaMhla " J.. " lnr ",rZZ " The Saddle Is being developed by the r;:: ;h:,r;,:.;';. ; ,,rs;r' " Silver Crest Mine. Ltd. of Vancouver, r. .v " who have tn option on It. They also therr normal working hours, both be-' JT th. - fore and since the passing of the Act,1 have been fewer than forty-eight a i - .:,rv"i There will be ortered for alatJPubllc Auction at tbe Provincial OovernmentJ Court House. Prince Ropert, B.C.. on Thursday. August nth. 1937, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, tbe following lots: Lots 9 and 10. Block 1, Section 5. Lots 9 and 10. Block 23. Section 1. Lot 7. Block 3. Section 2. Lot 1. Block 8. Section 7. all ln the City of Prince Rupert. B.C. Terms: Cash payment at time of sale, or one-quarter cash and the balance ln three equal annual Instalments, with Interest on the deferred payments at the rate of 6" per annum, the Crown Orant fee to be 110.00 additional. Plan, showing the lota offered for .ale may be seen at the office of tha Government Agent, Prince Rupert. B.C. NORMAN A. WATT. Oovernment Agent Dated at Prince Rupert. B.C. July 4th, 1927. USIC saaa mwuas was was - ws V " O roup at Stewart which Joins the Big Missouri on tbe north. Mr. Peterson who Is ln ciarge of operaUoos .fit both properties, U well acquainted trtth the north. He was In charge of the pilot concentrating mill at Anyox three year, and during that time the successful solution of treating the Hidden Creek ores was worked out, which resulted ln tbe construction of the present huge mill He later held the position of super intendent at the Big -Missouri, and was successful ln locating tbe ore bodies that placed the company in such a favorable position. Before coming to British Columbia eleven years ago. Mr. Peterson held responsible positions with the Anaconda Copper Co the W A, Clarke Interests, and the Butte and Superior Mining Co. PACE FIVE BRITISH COLUMBIA The Mineral Province of Western Canada To the end or December. 1926. Has produced Mineral as follows: Placer Gold. $78,018,548; Lod Gold, $12fjv97aU18: Silver, $8O.787008j Lead. $10CJ7C,112; Copper., $200.9C7.0C8; Zinc. $501SUWiT7 Cestl and Coke, $U!f'J.lSS; Ftruetural Materials and Miscellaneous Minerals, $60,176,407 ; rrukinf its mineral preductivB to the end of 192C show an AGGHEGATE VALUE OF $9S8.108.170. PHODUCT10N FOR YEAR ENDING DECEMHElt, 192G, $07,183,812 The Mining Laws of this Province are more liberal and the fees lower than those of any other Province in the Dominion, or any colony In the British Empire. Mineral locations are granted to discoverers for nominal fees. Absolute Titles are obtained by dereloj inR such properties, the security of which is euarnnteed by Crown grants. Full information, together with Mining Reports and Maps, may be obtained gratis by addressing THE HONORAHLE THE MINISTER OF MINES. victoria. imrnsH colu.mhia. N. It. Practically all Hritith Columbia Mineral Properties upon which development work has been done 'are described in some one of the Annual Reports of the Minister of Mines. These considering mining investments should refer to such reports. They are amil-able without charge on appfication to the Department of Mines, Victoria, B.C. Reports of tbe Geological Survey of Canada, Winch Building, Vancouver, are recommended as valuable sources of information. Reports covering of the Six Mineral Survey Districts are published separately, and are available on application. week. I.l.MIIIU lMllXTKY It to In tbe luoabertng group of Industries, etnfdoying aMosjetber something ltk 40,000 persona, that tbe effect ct the Hours of Work Act has Chiefly been felt. In tbe logging branch the average hours have been reduced "ana nw wMb (Uuttillli luu j- - 1 t!r;J,?...P"rt'?,Uj"' hAT n sve reduction of 4.82 hotu, a act ha teea found week, sntoagls mi Us 741 anurs, planing jillls 5.10 hours, logging railways 1A5 bog faoioriea, aaah and door plants, etc.. 33 hours. Mixed plants 4.M hours, and pulp and paper mSla &.01 hours. In tha lumbering group there are stUl ctlons with sn average slightly over forty-eight hours. which Is explslned by the permanent I and temporary exemptions already re- Backward : Season IVI Ssilc SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK ens Suits in Blue and Fawn French Worsteds with extra pants, double breasted only, sizes from !iH to 42. Regular $37.50 value. Special Backward Season Sale Price $24-95 Acme Importers Third Avenue DEMAND P.O. Box 6G7 "Rupert Brand" Jvippe rs ... "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD.' Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. (CANADIAN PACIFIC Prince Rupert. B.C. Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Ketchikan, Wranrell, Juneau, anil Skngway July 4, 8, II, 15. 18, ii, 23. V. To Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle Julv 2. G. 9, 13, 16, 20, 23, 27, 30. I'ltlNCESS BEATRICE. Tor Rutedale. East Bella Bella. Ocean Kalln. Namu. Alert Bay. Campbell Klvrr, and Vancouver every Naturd.iy, 11 a.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full Information from W. C. OltClURIi. Oeneral A rent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prlac Rupert, U.C. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT CENTRAL HOTEL The place called "Home" 120 Rooms, American and European Plan. Hot and Cold Water. Bus meets all trains and boats. Sample Room Phone 51. L. Martin, Manager.