FACE TWO I Would Like To Be Forever FREE From ASTHMA Please tell me how Asthma-Sera, the wonderful new medicine softens and soothes the throat and bronchial passages, restores gland activity to normal and QUICKLY and FOREVER BANISHES Apthma, Hay Fever and Bronchial troubles. My Name My SiMf.. . City and t Mi' ieM" dT''",'ut. dy tm It. Mi ., I.khornUrtts 615 Vaurautrr lllork VAM'Ol'VKH, IJ. C. The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT" BRITISH COLUMBIA. Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert uauy Mews, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. PULLEN - - Managing Editor; Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - is very short-sighted. Victoria Times. 98 - 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION. gfjjS Tuesday, Feb, INSANE SPLENDOR AT JAP'S FUNERAL. was the most nretentinua in thi hiatnrv f th ririonf tu. k, ..:.. HONESTY IN ADVERTISING.'.- . r . . T ." T ? r r t . i unc imf iiuitra-uinuH newsnapert 01 itocnester.. 'JSti.. re fused to publish a certain adverti.oernent'from a firm with' which it had a contract, the firm sued for damages. ' The Times-Union argued that it believed the advertisement to oe untrue ana misleading. Upon that plea the damage suit dismissed yesterday In the Supreme Court of New York. by defence of the Kmpire in regard to the situation in China? This Serve them crisp and hoi SHREDDED WHEAT Pour hot milk over theirtor eat them as a porridge Delicious satisfying WILKINS WILL EXPLORE AGAIN ANOTIIKH ATTK.MI'T Tl) UK IAIK TO t'HAKT -lll.l.NU SPOT" IN rOLAK I CUV IT I DETROIT. Mich.. Feb. 8. Seeking the answer to the Arctic's last great riddle. Capt George H. Wllklns will tly this spring Into the "blind spot" of the polar cryp- Sometime In March he will turn the cose of his "flying gas tank" northward from Point Harrow. Alaska. In a second effort to find out whether land lies under the Ice-rapped waters In the vast region above the north Alaskan coast. The region has been designated the Arctic "blind spot" by explorers, for none knows for certain whether Its thousands of acres are land or sea. Byrd and Amundsen have conquered the north pole by air. but their exploits have not removed opportunity for further exploration in that clime. Captain Wllklns believes." Stt'OMI ATTKMIT He tried last summer to chsrt the "blind spot," but adverse conditions prevented achievement of some of his qb-Jectives. With the valuable data he cbtalned, be will try agsln, and even It he Is frustrated a second time he expects, to make Important meteorological and geopraphtc observations In the obscure area. The Wllklns flight Is sponsored by a Detroit newsDftner. and his shin will be 8 19-7 1 a stock aeroplane of Detroit manufac-- ture. Hla "flying gas tank" Is so called because it has a carrying cspaclty of 12.000 pounds, most of which will be gas-iollae In five tsnks. The plane wlU The funeral last night'of Voshlhito, the dead Japanese emperor. cruUe tor twenty hours without re- fll.ll.19 fueling. ....., ..... VU4U1C.,, W1,klns planst0 Und on tne ,ce ,nd were replete with gorgeous splendor, extravagant and intoxicating, to prove again that an aeroplane can Two and a half million dollars were spent to excite a million people be handled successfully in sny tempera-into a hysterical besotted mob, trampling each other, to death and ture injury. It was a ceremony remindful of heathen days with superstition-drunk peoplevorshippintf at the shrine of the dead, making a travestied pageant of the grave. Even in the most enlightened nations there is still something of the heathen instinct to overdo mourning for the dead. It is very well to lay the wornout frame to rest with care and solemnity but to make the funeral such a display as the Japanese did with their Emperor's body is an elaboration that might sicken or perhaps horrify the more enlightened. Bordering on the absurd are such obsequies to a mad king. His people obtusely celebrated the death of Yoshihito more than they did his life. They snent millions of dol. HOW MUSICIANS REACH TRIUMPH 1'KACTICAl.l.Y I X K X W X MAN IIKM'K.II TWELVE AltflsTS TO .TALK IIKICIIT. lars to stage an insanely elaborate funeral when .they might better EW yokk, Feb. 8. Twelve of the have given a simple prayer for- his soul. Too much of the material wor'ds greatest musicians were helped goods of this world are vainly wasted on the dead when they might to tneU" trlumPh bT mn ho far better and more practically be allied to the help of the living u irtusiiy unknown and who The money wasted in burying Yoshihito would have kept two hun- ???'ot J dred and fifty .Uning Japanese families in luxury for the rest of TcoS TiSL their days. Was the warranted? expense the ,naa0Wl of th0Be ne h ,Ml.d m gaining a plsce In the sun to give his formula for obtaining recognition for ', genius. It vas. he ssld. the formula used In .procuring puUlc acknowledgment; of the talents of such artists as Psderewskt, Melba. Pavlews, Elm an. Schumann-Helnk, Caruso, Vsayo. Jean snd brlouard watf ds fteszke. Richard Strauss, de Pach- mann. fnisollna nlannlnl. and minr Times have changed since newspapers would publish anv ad- others: ail of them for a lime under vertising copy that came into their offices.' It was upon the loose Msyer's management and aome of them newspaper ethics of this time that the professional prejudice wtwl by hlm from cmPsrative ob-against advertising was founded. scunty. Today the newspaper is as careful of its advertising columns' """" "'f " rotnger must as it is Of its news. resogntee artists snd not try to manu- . ... facture them. Secondly, there must be j .u i i. i And that change has not come about primarily because pub- no trickery in effort, to obtain publicity. Ushers have undergone any radical change of heart, but simply be- it sometimes happens thst a real ar-cause no newspaper can afford to trick the public . Wist is recognized in spite of an un- The modern newspaper is built, not on the profits it can ex- truthful mansger, but success m such tract from the community, but upon the honest service it can do the c,e u often tsmted with cheap baiiy-COmmunity. hoo. Matter submitted to editors of - newspapers and magazines must be MR. GUTHRIE ' truthful and not based upon vulgarities. NEEDS GLASSES. 'scsndsls and reeking of the tempera- . , . , ... . ment motif.'" At a meeting in Montreal Hon. Hugh Guthrie, leader of the opposition in the House of Commons at Ottawa, said that it was niTRff miminnn nPA not right for Canada to stand Idly by when British troopships were Kl iVI Kl NNf K III on their wav to China, and that this eniintrv mint An V. rrr ,. Itwlll SlUi 11 lXJaaky A J her ovn defence and for the defence of the Empire. j poes this, mean that Mr. Guthrie has discarded that cardinal! principle in the Conservative, party'jj policy which would not sanction' BE BUSY AGAIN the despatch of Canadian troops from these shores until after an election had been held and the instructions of the people obtained? M;u' kkstkictioxs Make it iiaiiii. Mr. Meighen enunciated that policy at Hamilton and repeated it in , K ,U T " NOT ,,,'T Tllt:M j Montreal and In the House of Commons. And it is quite clear thatj 01 T '"' "l s,xrsH- ! the present Consenatlve leader supported it, because he said only! Vancouver, Feb. s.-.By CP.i-m1 few weeks that one of the calamities ago greatest the public life,,Pite of new restrictions imposed on in uie dominion naa sunerea last year was the retirement from active politics of Mr. Meighen. How does he propose to reconcile his staunch belief in the platform upon which he stood with his leader during the last election with his declaration in Memtreal on Sunday? There is another point in Mr. Guthrie's speech which will be puzzling to the mind of the average Canadian. What does he mean the trade as a result-of the Inquiry on j this coast of the Royal Customs Com- ; mission, rum-runners here expect that I the barriers will not be Insurmountable snd thst the shipping of contra. ;band liquor to the United Ststes will jsoon be on its feet again. is surely the first time anybody has considered it nossihl, t d-f.nH '.. ..! iLp. '"'nB"u . - i imuuc ur Kwua unucr ouaa, ro proa; the Britannic Commonwealth on Chinese . soil. We fear Mr. Guthrie, ahiv however th. mi r Customs. In a communication to the : . j Collector of Customs for the port of Vsncouver, ststes that hereafter In. transitu liquor may not He in customs bond longer thsn thirty dsyi before It becomes liable to a bond of double the , value of the Import duty. This double i penalty will be enforced by the customs department when lntransltu liquor which has exceeded Its thirty-, jdsy welcome Is entered for export . I Interpretation placed here on this ' j lstest order is thst the exporting ot : liquor may continue without hindrance! with two exceptions thst bonding) , privileges will not be extended to In-; transitu shipments fpr more than thirty '. days without' penalty and Jhst cus toms collectors must be satisfied that foreign landing certificates Sre bona fide. Owners snd mssters of rum-runners, however, operating out of Vancouver are said to be accepting the new situ-stlon with good grsce. and while new regulstlons msy prove troublesome, they , blievei that they will not seriously Impede the traffic in liquor between J British Columbia snd the Coast states.' 1-nfi DAILY Nayvd Tuesday Ktlj jar j REAL PURPOSE OF EXHIBITION I'KKMItKNT OK I'AlltV AxMK'IATlOX, M'KAKINU TO fONVKN TIOX, I'lMlEK AOItlt l l.TI KAI. I't'UI'OSi: OK KAIKS VICTORIA. Feb. 7 Too many and too large aldeshowa, amusements andj sports carnivals are in some cases . tending to block out the true purpose i of agricultural fairs In ths Pacific Northwest, said Dr. Robert Prior. presl-. dent of the North Pacific Fairs Assocls-' tlon, In his address before -the twenty-sixth annual meeting of the association' st the Empress Hotel here. He urged1 the members to see thst the agrlcul-: tural fair be predominant In future. ' In his presidential speech. Dr. Prior i said: , j "Our objects are three fold In gath-J erlng nere today. "First To discuss general conditions' as they apply to sll our fslrs and from' psst experiences Iron out sny rough' ' spots that are for the good of the entire circuit, thereby endeavoring toj eliminate ' the tendency to gsln individual advantages at the expense of I the majority of the members by the j action of a few. This particularly ap-j plies to allotment of dstes tor the coming fair year. This aiTangement ment of dstes, hsving to retrsce ship menu at an sdded freight snd transportation cost, as well as loss of condition to their exhibits. Also, when prospestlve exhibitors, race horse owner or concessioner look over our dates snd make note of the poor circuit arrangement they consider exhibiting where shipping Is easier, less expensive THE DOCTOR ORDERED IT A mother writes : "At first I used-Lifebuoy Soap for Baby, by order of the Doctor .... a specialist .... Erominent low we all use it because we like it." Lifebuoy, the all-sufficient toilet soap provides a gentle, invisible protection against germs. MrjrvCtRM DISEASES I I mr be carried br " Uit hand.." Lift LxknstH ImlilM LB79 LIFEBUOY HEALTH SOAP Purifies andProtects ixm UIUUKZ3 UllUiW sub viiujy RRITISH COLUMBI A The Mineral Province of Western Canada TO THE END OF DECEMBER, 1025. l!ri produced Mlnernls ns follows: Placer Gold, 77,WI.V)1&; Lo.le Hold, i& iW Vi'.Silvcr, 71HI,:H7: Lead, H0.I8.907; Oopi.er. lVI0W: ,, MiT,.ai.eo.is Mineral, $,WM.:87; iim mid (.oko. J7.I. ISH.Iir.::; luiMir,K s. iri-k, lenient, 'lc., S ,t,or,8SO: mnkuiK .N Mniernl Prodnchon lo Mm- ;: , y show on Aggregate Value of $920,919,628 Production for Year Ending Dec. 1925, $61,492,242 Tlio Mining Laws of this Provtm p arc more liberal nml the ris i : PP v. hoo of nnv oilier Province in the Dominion, or any colony in the Hr.llf hm & Minernl locations arc grnnlcd lo discoverer for nnniinal fees. Alisolulo Titles are ohlalncd by developing Midi properlies, Ihe .e r,-, !ir w. A is gunranlced ly Crown (Irnnts. Full information. toRolher with MioiiiK Moporls nnd Mnp. may i,r ! Tf grnlis .v Mddressing THE HON. THE MINISTER OF MINE'S Victoria, British Columbia. y.i.rnclicnlly nil llritisli ColmiiMn Mineral Pmperlies upon .vh , lr incut work hn been done nre ieerilied in some one -nf Hie Antinnl It. Minister nf Mine. Thoe ronsideriiifr mining inve'tnienls should ref- ports. They nrn nvnilalde without ehnrire on upplierilioii lo tlC Deparlin. i , Vicloriii. H.tJ.. Deports eoveriiiff ench of the ix Mineral Snney Districts nf" r r epnrntely, nnd nre availnlile on .ippliraliiiii. Deport of the (ieologicid Hh. , mln. Winch Dnilding, Vnnconver. are reenm mended n vnlunhlc soor-T- r ' lion. "SSffv" should take Into conslderaton shipping .' schedules of exhibitors, concessioners. , . PPle ,ncI"ltd "n to ' w m,d amusement feature and race horses. shows but keep the attack w or T. There has been in the past a woeful ""tu ht Predominating testure of cooperation along these lines as evidenced by a few members Insist' lng on the allotment of given dates covering desirable weeks, holidays, etc. lUSAIlVAXTAOKOl'S "This !Tas been very disadvantageous to other members of the circuit, as well as amusement features and exhibitors. Any little advantsges gained st sll times. There Is one thing the miners In i England will probably be able to boast of having accomplished. They hate in-crsssed the taxes. LAND ACr by a few individuals has been at the OTICt; OK INTENTION TO AITLV TO; expense of the good will and conven-; Mil Mi KOIfLMIOKK lence of exhibitors and concessioners j a rah am Island,' 3uren Charlotte j Dates have been alloted in the past fit tslsnd Land Recording District of Prlncs : a week endtng on Saturd.y night and rWSJSnV"1 ' the member organization extending TAKE NOTICE that Powell River their meeting over Sunday to the very Company Limited of Vancouver. B.C.. Msnuf arturers. Intend to ap-g.eat -.t inv..nin. nf h. nnmher occupstion inoonvenienec of the number , fa ,Mie of ,nf followmg ar. opening on the following Monday. 'scribed lands: "Now do" not overlook these features, ' Commencing at a peat planted st the ., 1 nor'hesst corner of DL. 171: thence, ..., .,,. .t ki. m..inr ,h discuss them fully at this meeting and of ,.e,ter,y following northern boundary endeavor to come to a definite under- said Lot to the northwest corner ol said ' standing In order to eliminate grumh-,Ut; thence westerly, northerly andi ,. . , ! easterly, following the high tide mark of lings later on. I Ferguson Bsy to the extreme easterly "Second: Livestock and agricultural point of Echinus Point: thence south-exhibitors have hsd a very bad arrange- j sssterly to the point of commencement. I POWELL RIVEK COMPANY. LTD Agent. J. Douglss Wilson. Dated 4th November. IBM NOTICE LAND. ACT. OK INTENTION TO TO LEASE LANIl. APPLY ! t I In Prince Rupert Land Recording Dis- rlt nf Pplnr. Pinrt nrf lltllftt at or in other words where their Interests eit0 InJet Qun "cu.Ylotte islands, have been better taken care of In date TAKE NOTICE that John Djbhavn. of land circuit arrangement. 1 Prince Rupert. Be, occupation mansger. intends to apply for a lease of the lot- 1 It KM. PIKPOSK owmi lsnds: described cribed "I sm a firm believer in sll kinds; Commencing at a post punlfd on tne I . . ... vmU. side of Neato Inlet, about one of smusement festures; in fsct a some- ,, from lu nd; ihtnct MUth ! thing doing every minute fslr. with' mains: thence west 18 chains; thence1 ' north 8 chains to shore: thence esst 10 ! free acta races n,c', athletic "lc snorts carni. , 'j' cj shams, more or less, following ths shore. ,vsU and music, but nevertheless I do;!lne k, po,nt 0f commencement, and' not like the tendency in some quartrea' containing 7 acres, mors or leas. j to stray from the real purpose of our' J0HM DY?"A,X.!!! , , ....tZT. Applicant) - - -- wuv.Muu.i , us... u..wu win.- usTea wovemoer zs. iv2n. lng the result of better farming and breeding methods, and as a great ' I'ROHATE. laboratory to demonstrate the result of ,N Tn sl imieme'coTut Ol' IIUITIH ' these methods snd as an sdrerltslni ! medium and show window where ths; manufacturer and dealer can show the agriculturist in all its sub-dlvlslons tm- COM )1 lilt In the Uatter ot the Administration Art: and n the Matter of ths Estste of William 2 T. Mitchell, Deceased. Intestate. ' TAJU TAK5 NOTICE in" thst by 07 ,J order ...J of Jl" His 'provements in mschlnery. Isbor-ssvlng , ",.,. Honor. It. E. A. Robertson, the 18th day. , , 'devices for farm and home anrf vh,. . . . r.. .. . . f December. A D. 1038. I was appoint ed Administrator of the estate of Wll-llans T. Mitchell, deceased, snd all par tea hsving claims sgslnst the ssld estate sre hereby required to furnish same. , properly verided, to mi on or before the I :2nd dsy of January, AX). 1937, and all parties Indebted to tne estste sre required to pay the smouut ot their In-lebtedneas to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator. Prlncs ItnoerL TI.C I I'RORATE. In the Matter ot the Administration Act: and In the Matter of the Estste of Vsgn E. The I sen. Deceased; Intestate, TAKE NOTICE that by order of the District Registrar of the Supreme Court t British Columbls, the iath dsy of; .January. 1037. I was appointed Admlnls-1 irstcr of the estste of Vagn E. Thelsen, deceased, and sll psrtles hsving claims ngslnst the said estste sre hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, lo me on or before the 10th dsy of rebrusry. A.D. 1937. snd all parties indebted to the estate sre required to psy the amount of their indebtedness to me I forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator. I Prince Rupert. B C. i Dsted the 30th ds)r of January, 1037. I IN PROBATE ! in no: HiTitr.MErontT or nun mi! (Ol.lMllll In the Mstter of the Admlnlstrstlon ' Act: ana In the Matter of the Estate of Alberta Daniels. Deceased. Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor. Judge Robertson, the 1 5th dsy of December. A.D. 1928. I was spnolnted I Administrator of the estste of Alberts Daniels, deceased, snd sll parties I having claims sgslnst the ssld estste srs (hereby required to furnish aame. pro-'perly verified to me on or before the ' 18th day of January, AD. 1927, and sll j parties Indebted to the estste are re" Suwru vu me amount or their In. ebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Officisl Administrator. Prince Rupert, n o j(Ded the 14th dsy of December. A.D. NOTICE. secounts dus ths Pioneer Laundry Ltd. snd the Csnsdlan Steam Uuiidry. up to and including December 31. ib20 are payable to ths above firms. All lis. bllltles owing to the sUvs flrni" ari assumed and payable by the hew organ. dries Ltd. I ....-. " ea mm i iilVE 1LU IIP TV. I alln. (Signed) ' TIIINCE IlUi'EUT LAUNDRIES LTD. IN NERVOUS DISORDERS- Free The Nerves In raws of norvoim disorder It fit hut IorIi J fort xhould !. directed to necure n profwr co .ir i nervous nyitlfm. If you know of the clnci . i you will unhexltntlntrly add tht Chiropractic hv- u result. For the science of Chiropractic dffll dlrc th v. h voun yntem. The Chiropractor know that due to pressure upon nerve by spinal bone. .. J thl pressure by Chiropractic spinal adjustmen t- (health follows iKIROFKACTICCOsRECTS PR'-SSUPE CH SP1HAL MtRVtS IN MISUSES CF THErOlLOWINOORCAhS: R. ARMS M.V UVtR 14& I -a . V STOMACH U, PANCREAS SFLLIN RIONtYS BCWtLS APPfhDIlC 81ADCER Sfinsl TsltirlOWt IIMIJ The lower nerve UNDER THE MAGNIFY INS CLASS IS riMCMEO BAr.UUICStOJOlNT. PIKCHEO NERVES CANK0T TRANSMir hEALTKFUL IMPULSES. CMIR0PRAC-TICAOJUSTINO RC MOVES 1 HE PRESSURE. THE UPPER htRYE IS rREEAJKAfUltlNTtNOS. In the case of ,i adjustment K" l ource of the trouf ; rare case of this type cannot be .bent-fiUi: 1 ment. A case In poin "After the uddr" husband, I found rr, r vou wreck. For two jlil not slept more than "a hours out of eaib The loss of sleep hr indigestion and n ill. I could no; dr ness affairs with r without 'jroinjr l i could not attend ii I was deseratc whe . friend iurKeted ' After the first ad,u- rr ' I t hours without a'Ai took about forty ad u:-".; k before I finished I t woman, sleeping a! " " ' anythlnir I wanted a' l t' to my business affuir i v. ' least obstacle."- Mr' JL: Daker. Chlroprac ' 1 ISureau, Statement Na. 2 Your appolntmc1 f- ran be made by telerih D. A. McMillan I'almer (irndunle' ClllltOI'HACTOIt Ilooms and 7 Kxchange Illock. ' ratlio-Neurnmeter Service Open Evening S UNION STEAMSHIPS. LIMITED Killings from I'rlnre Kupert. lor VANCOI'Vr.ll. VICroillA. Man..n Itsy anil Alrrl Hay, (If 9 I':'"- .. ... ...rs tor V.N(di;Vi:it, VlCIOItlt, Alert Hsy snd Jmsnwin luy, el'- 3 a.m. r.,r Pfiiir MliiiwkV ivt'iiv inri' ut HTStvsiiT snJ SS tannines Humiay, S p.m. S IM Hid .ttenue. It. M. HMITII. Atent. frlnre KP"'. "TT A Nlf TO.MCHV GRANT; Best ProcuraMe isMik (THE ORIC1NAL) Pure Scotch Whisky RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT Crst.1 b $o( OolxUxS sm) ' BimwCIkli.l Dm4Ims. A M JP, ,,.!"" J This advertisement Is riot ntililinhrd or display6'1 M Liipior Control Hoard or by the novnimfii of ririlUh Columbia,